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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fotografisk diagnostik av Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: Test av validitet och reliabilitet

Kacaniku, Sihana, Crncalo, Lejla January 2012 (has links)
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization definieras som ett specifikt tillstånd orsakat av störningar i den tidiga fasen av emaljbildning av en eller flera permanenta första molarer med eller utan involvering av permanenta incisiver. Tidigare studier har visat att standardiserad intraoral fotograferingsteknik kan vara användbar för epidemiologiska studier av emaljdefekter. Denna studies syfte var att utveckla och utvärdera en fotografisk klassificering av allvarlighetsgraden av Molar Incisor Hypomineralization genom att studera metodens validitet och reliabilitet. 164, 10-12 åriga svenska barn granskades fotografiskt avseende prevalensen av Molar Incisor Hypomineralization. Först granskades endast första molarens ocklusalyta, därefter ocklusal- och buckalyta. Granskningarna jämfördes sedan med en tidigare utförd klinisk registrering, baserad på etablerade kriterier. Den fotografiska metodens validitet och reliabilitet beräknades. Vid beräkning av validiteten framgick att överensstämmelsen mellan den fotografiska och kliniska registreringen låg mellan 82-84 % på individnivå. Sensitiviteten för den fotografiska diagnostiken av ocklusalytorna var 48 % och specificiteten 95 %. Motsvarande siffror då buckalytorna inkluderades var 73 % och 88 %. Metodens reliabilitet resulterade i Cohens Kappa koefficienter som motsvarade ”moderat” och ”good” inom Kappa statistiken. Fotografisk klassificering bedöms användbar för diagnostisering av molar incisor hypomineralization, förutsatt att registreringen föregås av noggrann diagnostisk träning och kalibrering. / Molar Incisor Hypomineralization is defined as a specific condition caused by disturbance in the early phase of enamel formation in one or more of the permanent first molars, with or without the involvement of permanent incisors. Previous studies have shown that standardized intraoral photographic technique can be useful in epidemiological studies of enamel defects. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a photographic classification of the severity of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization by studying the validity and reliability of the methods. 164, 10 – 12 year old Swedish children were examined photographically for Molar Incisor Hypomineralization prevalence. The first examination only included the occlusal surface of the first molars, thereafter the occlusal and the buccal surfaces were examined. The findings from the photographical examinations were compared to a previously performed clinical registration, based on recognized criteria. The photographical method´s validity and reliability was calculated. The agreement between the photographic and the clinical examinations varied between 82-84 % on individual level. The sensitivity for the photographic examination of the occlusal surface only, was 48% and the specificity 95%. Corresponding results for occlusal and buccal surface were 73% and 88%. The reliability of the method, calculated using the Cohens Kappa coefficient, was judged as “moderate” to “good”. The photographic diagnostic method seems to be useful for diagnosis of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization. However, careful diagnostic training and calibration prior to registration is necessary.

Zum Zusammenhang von Malokklusion und intraoraler Kompartimentbildung in Ruhelage / Interaction between deglutition, tongue posture, and malocclusion: A comparison of intraoral compartment formation in subjects with neutral occlusion or different types of malocclusion

Nüser, Carolin 25 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Normativa data för samband mellan subglottalt tryck och ljudtrycksnivå

Björklund, Staffan January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan subglottalt tryck och ljudtrycksnivå, och undersöka inverkan av kön och tonhöjd. Röststyrkan är starkt beroende av subglottalt tryck och sambandet har analyserats i ett flertal studier, som alla visar på ett linjärt förhållande mellan logaritmen av subglottala trycket och ljudtrycksnivån (SPL). Schutte (1980) analyserade sambandet för 21 kvinnor och  24 män som producerade ett stort antal mätdata med olika SPL och tonhöjd. Tryck mättes med ballong i esofagus. Tanaka & Gould (1982) analyserade 4 kvinnor och 6 män på tre ljudnivåer på bekväm tonhöjd; svag, normal och stark ljudstyrka. Subglottalt tryck uppmättes med pletysmograf, med försökspersonen sittandes i lufttät box. Pressad fonation karaktäriseras av ett högt subglottalt tryck och en förhållandevis låg SPL, så sambandet mellan tryck och SPL torde påverkas av glottal adduktion och troligen också av tonhöjd. Därför borde normativa data från röstfriska personer vara av intresse. I denna studie producerade 16 kvinnor och 15 män sekvenser av stavelsen [pæ] på fyra tonhöjder, jämnt fördelade över en oktav. Regressionsanalys användes för att approximera sambandet mellan SPL och logaritmen av subglottalt tryck samt för att beräkna genomsnittlig SPL-ökning för dubblat subglottalt tryck och beräknad SPL vid 10 cm H2O. Resultatet visar som väntat ett mycket starkt samband mellan subglottalt tryck och ljudtrycksnivån, med en korrelationskoefficient på 0.835 respektive 0.826 för kvinnor respektive män. En fördubbling av subglottalt tryck gav en genomsnittlig SPL-ökning av 11,5 dB (SD 3.8) för kvinnor och 10,0 dB (SD 2,7) för män. Skillnaden mellan kvinnor och män var här signifikant, vilket ger stöd för att använda separativa normativa värden för kvinnor och män. Genomsnittlig beräknad nivå vid 10 cm H2O var 83,6 dB (SD 3,9) för kvinnor och 82,2 dB (SD 4,6) för män beräknat till 15 cm mikrofonavstånd. Sambandet mellan subglottalt tryck och SPL skiljde sig en aning beroende på tonhöjd, men skillnaden var ej signifikant. Trots de relativt höga standardavvikelserna tyder resultatet på att det vore värt att studera i vad mån avvikelser från de potentiellt normativa värdena skulle kunna vara tecken på någon slags fonatorisk dysfunktion. / The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between subglottal pressure and sound pressure level (SPL), and to study the importance of gender and fundamental frequency in this relationship. Vocal loudness is strongly dependent on subglottal pressure. The relation between them has been analyzed in several investigations, all showing a linear relationship between the SPL and the log of the pressure. For example, Schutte (1980) analyzed the relation in 21 female and 24 male subjects who produced a great number of samples at different degrees of vocal loudness and at the subjects’ preferred pitch. Pressure was measured by means of an esophageal balloon. Tanaka and Gould (1982) analyzed 10 subjects each producing vowels at three loudness levels at comfortable pitch. Pressure data were obtained from a plethysmograph, with the subject sitting in an airtight box. Pressed phonation is characterized by a high subglottal pressure producing a comparatively low SPL, so hence the pressure – SPL relationship would be affected by glottal adduction and possibly also by F0. Therefore normative data from healthy voices should be of interest. In the present study 16 female and 15 male normal voices were asked to produce diminuendo and crescendo sequences of the syllable [pæ] at four pitches, equidistantly spaced within an octave. Trendlines were used to approximate the relation between SPL and the log of subglottal pressure. The resulting regression equations were used to calculate the average SPL increase for doubling of pressure and the SPL produced by a pressure of 10 cm H2O. The results showed an average correlation coefficient of 0.835 and 0.826 for female and male subjects. A doubled pressure produced an SPL increase of 11.5 dB (SD 3.8) and 10.0 dB (SD 2.7) for the female and the male voices. The difference between female and male voices was significant, which supports use of separate normative values for female and male voices. On average, a subglottal pressure of 10 cm H2O produced an SPL @ 0.15 m of 83.6 dB (SD 3.9) and 82.2 dB (SD 4.6) for the female and the male voices. The relationship between subglottal pressure and SPL depended somewhat on fundamental frequency, but the difference was not significant. In spite of the relatively high standard errors the results indicate that it would be worth to study in what extent differences from the potentially normative values of this study may be a sign of some sort of phonatory dysfunction.

An evaluation of gingival recession and orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. - A pilot study, on the prevalence of recession and diagnostic validity of intra oral photos

Håkansson, Dan January 2015 (has links)
Introduktion: Ungefär en fjärdedel av alla barn och ungdomar födda under samma år genomgår någon form av behandling som innefattar förflyttning av tänder. Syfte: Primär fokus med denna studie är att undersöka om ett samband finns mellan gingival retraktion och användning av fast apparatur på avdelningen för Ortodonti, Malmö Högskola.Metod: Studiemodeller, intraorala bilder och klinisk undersökning (återbesök 2014) användes för att identifiera gingival retraktion med ja eller nej. Om det fanns gjordes en mätning. Försöksobjekt valdes från patienter som blivit färdigbehandlade 2008/2009. Resultat: Studiemodeller för 2008 visade färre gingivala retraktioner efter behandling p-värde, (p=0,0034 som är statistiskt signifikant). För lite data fanns från klinisk undersökning och intraorala bilder för att göra analays. Slutsats: Gingivala retraktioner verkar inte ha någon koppling med ortodontisk behandling på avdelningen för Ortodonti, Malmö Högskola. Kliniska intraorala foton är ett grovt mått diagnostiskt verktyg för att bedöma gingivala retraktioner. Det är baserat på begränsad data och inte slutgiltigt. Studie med större grupp av patienter behövs

Orthodontic diagnostics and measurements on digital study models made with an intraoral scanner

Konakovic, Damir January 2013 (has links)
Introduktion:Modellanalys har traditionellt gjorts på fysiska gipsmodeller. Idag finns ny teknik som möjliggör framställning av digitala modeller utan behov av konventionella avtryck. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka tillförlitligheten hos digitala modeller framställda med en intraoral scanner, patientupplevelsen och olika tidsaspekter förenade med tekniken.Metod:På ett urval av 20 vuxna personer gjordes både konventionell avtryckstagning och en intraoral scanning (TRIOS, 3Shape) av bettet för framställning av gipsmodeller och digitala modeller. Den kliniska tidsåtgången mättes och personerna besvarade ett frågeformulär gällande sin upplevelse av metoderna. Fyra observatörer diagnostiserade bettrelationer och utförde ortodontiska mätningar på gipsmodeller med ett skjutmått och digitala modeller med OrthoAnalyzer Orthodontics (3Shape, Danmark). Tidsåtgången mättes för digital- respektive konventionell modellanalys. Statistiska analyser gjordes utifrån Paired samples t test, korstabeller och frekvensanalys.Resultat:Diagnostik av horisontella-, vertikala- och transversella bettrelationer på digitala modeller har hög tillförlitlighet. Få statistiskt signifikanta skillnader fanns för linjära mätningar på digitala modeller jämfört med gipsmodeller. För majoriteten av observatörerna tog digital modellanalys längre tid än konventionell modellanalys. Likaså var den kliniska tidsåtgången för intraoral scanning signifikant längre än för konventionell avtryckstagning och metoden prioriterades lägre av försökspersonerna.Konklusion:Digitala modeller framställda med en intraoral scanner är en tillförlitlig metod för ortodontisk diagnostik och terapiplanering. Tekniken har en rad fördelar och förbättras ständigt men dess acceptans för den enskilde klinikern blir i slutändan en kostnadsfråga. / Introduction:Model analysis has traditionally been carried out on physical plaster models. New technology allows the production of digital models without the need for conventional impressions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of digital models made with an intraoral scanner, patient experience and different time aspects associated with this technology.Methods:A sample of 20 adults was selected. Plaster models and digital models were obtained from conventional impressions and an intraoral scanning (TRIOS, 3Shape) respectively. The clinical time required for impression taking and intraoral scanning was recorded and the subjects were asked to answer a questionnaire regarding their experience of both methods. Four independent examiners diagnosed malocclusions and performed measurements with a digital caliper on plaster models and by using OrthoAnalyzer Orthodontics (3Shape, Denmark) for digital models. Time required for digital- and conventional model analysis respectively, was recorded. Statistical analysis was performed by using Paired samples t test, crosstabs and frequency analysis.Results:Diagnostics of horizontal-, vertical- and transversal malocclusions with digital models showed high validity. Few statistically significant differences were found for measurements made on digital models compared to direct measurements on plaster models. For a majority of the examiners, digital model analysis was more time consuming than conventional model analysis. Also, clinical time required for intraoral scanning was significantly greater than for conventional impression taking. The subjects preferred conventional impression taking.Conclusions:Digital models made with an intraoral scanner are a reliable method for orthodontic diagnostics and treatment planning. The technique has a number of advantages and is constantly improving but its acceptance depends ultimately on the cost-effectiveness ratio to the individual practitioner.

Intraoral Pressure and Sound Pressure During Woodwind Performance

Bowling, Micah 05 1900 (has links)
For woodwind and brass performers, intraoral pressure is the measure of force exerted on the surface area of the oral cavity by the air transmitted from the lungs. This pressure is the combined effect of the volume of air forced into the oral cavity by the breathing apparatus and the resistance of the embouchure, reed opening, and instrument’s back pressure. Recent research by Michael Adduci shows that intraoral pressures during oboe performance can exceed capabilities for corresponding increases in sound output, suggesting a potentially hazardous situation for the development of soft tissue disorders in the throat and velopharyngeal insufficiencies. However, considering that oboe back pressure is perhaps the highest among the woodwind instruments, this problem may or may not occur in other woodwinds. There has been no research of this type for the other woodwind instruments. My study was completed to expand the current research by comparing intraoral pressure (IOP) and sound pressure when performing with a characteristic tone on oboe, clarinet, flute, bassoon, and saxophone. The expected results should show that, as sound pressure levels increase, intraoral pressure will also increase. The subjects, undergraduate and graduate music majors at the University of North Texas, performed a series of musical tasks on bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, and alto saxophone. The musical tasks cover the standard ranges of each instrument, differences between vibrato and straight-tone, and a variety of musical dynamics. The data was collected and examined for trends. The specific aims of this study are to (1) determine whether there is a correlation between IOP and sound pressure, (2) shed light on how well each instrument responds to rapid fluctuation, and (3) determine which instruments are most efficient when converting air pressure into sound output. Results of this study raised concerns shared by previous studies – that woodwind players are potentially causing harm to their oropharynx by inaccurately perceiving intraoral pressure needed to achieve a characteristic sound. Evidence found by this study suggests that while oboists generate high intraoral pressure for relatively little sound output (a fact corroborated by past studies), the same cannot be said for all of the woodwind instruments, particularly the flute.

A Comparison of five radiographic systems to D-speed film in the detection of artificial bone lesions

Hadley, David Lloyd 01 January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare three direct digital sensors (Kodak 6100, Schick CDR, and Dexis PerfectSize), a phosphor plate system (OpTime), and F-speed film to standard D-speed film in the detection of artificial bone lesions prepared in mandible bone sections. Multiple artificial bone lesions were prepared at varying depths in the cortical bone. Specimens were imaged with six different radiographic systems. Radiographs were randomly presented to nine different observers. A logistic regression analysis indicated that the ability of the different radiographic systems to detect the bone lesions was significantly different at the mean percentage of cortical bone remaining. The Kodak filtered, Schick filtered, OpTime unfiltered, Schick unfiltered, and Dexis filtered images were significantly better at lesion detection compared to D-speed film. Also, all filtered digital images were significantly better at lesion detection than D-speed film.

Validité, fiabilité et reproductibilité des modèles digitaux obtenus avec iTero (Align Technology) et Unitek TMP Digital (3M) en comparaison avec les modèles de plâtre

Péloquin, Vincent-Claude 06 1900 (has links)
Objectif: L'objectif primaire de cette étude était d'évaluer la validité, la fiabilité et la reproductibilité des mesures dentaires obtenues sur les modèles digitaux iTero (Align Technology, San Jose, Californie) et Unitek TMP Digital (3M, Monrovia, Californie) en comparaison avec celles obtenues sur les modèles de plâtre (gold standard). L'objectif secondaire était de comparer les deux différents matériaux à empreinte (l'alginate et le polyvinylsiloxane-PVS) afin de déterminer si le choix du matériau affectait la précision des mesures. Méthodes: Le premier volet de l'étude impliquait les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero, obtenus à partir de 25 paires de modèles de plâtre choisis de façon randomisée et provenant de la pratique privée d'un des co-auteurs. Des empreintes d'alginate et de PVS ont été prises sur les modèles de plâtre et numérisées par le scanner Unitek. Les modèles ont ensuite été numérisés avec le scanner iTero. Le deuxième volet de l'étude cherchait à comparer les modèles digitaux iTero (numérisation intra-orale) avec les modèles de plâtre (empreintes d'alginate et de PVS) obtenus à partir de 25 patients de la clinique d'orthodontie de l'Université de Montréal ayant besoin d'un traitement orthodontique. Dans les deux volets de l'étude, deux auteurs ont pris les mesures suivantes sur les différents modèles: largeur mésio-distale de chaque dent de la première molaire à l'autre première molaire, le périmètre d'arcade, les distances intermolaire et intercanine, le surplomb vertical et le surplomb horizontal. Les ratios et excès Bolton 6 et 12, l'espace requis et les différentiels d'espace au maxillaire et à la mandibule, ont été calculés. Résultats: La fiabilité (ICC) entre les modèles digitaux (Unitek et iTero) et les modèles de plâtre était bonne à excellente pour toutes les mesures [ICC=0,762–0,998], et la fiabilité entre les deux matériaux à empreinte était excellente [ICC=0,947–0,996]. Dans les deux volets de l'étude, les mesures faites sur les modèles iTero étaient généralement plus grandes que celles faites sur les modèles de plâtre. Les plus grandes différences moyennes pour la comparaison iTero-plâtre étaient trouvées au niveau de l'espace disponible au maxillaire et à la mandibule (systématiquement plus grande pour cette variable), soit 2,24 mm et 2,02 mm respectivement dans le premier volet, et 1,17 mm et 1,39 mm respectivement dans le deuxième volet. Les différences étaient considérées cliniquement non significatives pour toutes les variables. La reproductibilité intra-examinateur était bonne à excellente pour les modèles de plâtre et les modèles digitaux, à l'exception du différentiel d'espace à la mandibule pour les modèles Unitek [ICC=0,690-0,692]. La reproductibilité inter-examinateur était bonne à excellente pour les modèles de plâtre et les modèles digitaux dans les deux volets de l'étude, mais acceptable à modérée pour les modèles Unitek au niveau des analyses Bolton 6 et 12, et des différentiels d'espace au maxillaire et à la mandibule [ICC=0,362-0,548]. Conclusions: La précision et la fiabilité des mesures dentaires faites sur les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero étaient cliniquement acceptables et reproductibles en comparaison avec les celles faites sur les modèles de plâtre. Le choix de matériel à empreinte entre l'alginate et le PVS n'affectait pas la précision des mesures. Cette étude semble démontrer que les modèles digitaux Unitek et iTero, utilisés avec leur logiciel respectif, sont une alternative fiable et reproductible aux modèles de plâtre pour le diagnostic et l’analyse des modèles orthodontiques. / Objective: The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the validity, reliability and reproducibility of dental measurements obtained on digital models produced by iTero (Align Technology, San Jose, California) and by Unitek TMP Digital (3M, Monrovia, California) in comparison with those obtained on plaster models (gold standard). The secondary objective was to compare two different impression materials (alginate and polyvinylsiloxane-PVS) to determine whether the material used affects accuracy of the measurements. Methods: The first part of the study involved Unitek and iTero digital models, which were all obtained from 25 pairs of plaster models randomly selected from one of the co-author's private practice. Alginate and PVS impressions were taken on plaster models and were scanned by the Unitek scanner. The same models were then scanned with the iTero scanner. The second part of the study sought to compare iTero digital models (intraoral scans) with plaster models (alginate and PVS impressions) taken on 25 patients requiring treatment from the Orthodontic clinic of the University of Montreal. In both parts of the study, two authors took the following measurements on the different models: mesio-distal width of each tooth from first molar to the other first molar, intermolar and intercanine distances, overbite and overjet. Bolton 6 and 12 ratios and excesses, maxillary and mandibular space available and required were also calculated in order to determine space differentials. Results: A good to excellent reliability (ICC) was found for all measurements when comparing digital (Unitek and iTero) and plaster models [ICC=0.762–0.998], and excellent reliability when comparing both impression materials [ICC=0.947–0.996]. In the two parts of the study, measurements on iTero models were generally larger than on plaster models. Highest mean differences for iTero-plaster were found for maxillary space available and mandibular space available (systematically larger for that variable): 2.24 mm and 2.02 mm respectively in the first part of the study, 1.17 mm and 1.39 mm respectively in the second part. Differences were considered clinically insignificant for all variables. Intraexaminer reproducibility was good to excellent for plaster and digital models, except for mandibular space differential on Unitek models [ICC=0.690-0.692]. Interexaminer reproducibility was good to excellent for plaster and digital models in both parts of study, but fair to moderate for Unitek models regarding Bolton 6 and 12, and maxillary and mandibular space differentials [ICC=0.362-0.548]. Conclusions: The accuracy and reliability of dental measurements done on Unitek and iTero digital models were clinically acceptable and reproducible when compared with measurements done on traditional plaster models. The choice of impression material between alginate and PVS did not affect accuracy of the measurements. This study tends to indicate that Unitek and iTero digital models examined with their associated software can be reliably used for orthodontic cast analysis and diagnosis.

Darstellbarkeit von Knochenstrukturen und enossalen Implantaten mit der digitalen Volumentomographie und zweidimensionalem Zahnfilmverfahren / Visibility of bone structures and dental implants using CBCT and two dimensional intraoral radiography

Steinbacher, Isabel 25 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

"Avaliação da densidade ótica perimplantar cervical em controle longitudinal de implantes com função oclusal imediata em maxila" / Evaluation of the cervical perimplantar optical density in a longitudinal control of implants with immediate occlusion function in maxilla

Hayek, Jorge Elie 11 October 2005 (has links)
A proposta neste estudo foi avaliar as alterações da densidade ótica do osso alveolar perimplantar cervical em controle longitudinal, por meio de radiografias periapicais digitalizadas de dez pacientes, nos quais foram instalados seis implantes na maxila submetidos à função oclusal imediata, mediante a instalação de uma prótese fixa 24 horas após a cirurgia. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente, com exames da análise da freqüência de ressonância, além de controle radiográfico. Foi utilizada a técnica radiográfica intrabucal do parale lismo, com cone longo, sendo que o feixe de raios X incidiu perpendicularmente ao longo eixo do implante. Os controles radiográficos foram realizados na instalação da prótese, após 6 meses e após 12 meses. As radiografias obtidas foram então capturadas por uma câmera de vídeo (preto e branco) por meio de um microscópio ótico (40 vezes de aumento). Devido à ampliação utilizada, os implantes tiveram suas imagens digitalizadas em 2 etapas (metade direita e metade esquerda), sendo consideradas como amostras independentes. Após a sobreposição de um gabarito sobre a imagem, com a finalidade padronizar as áreas a serem estudadas, foram analisadas as densidades óticas na área de interesse osso + implante e na área de controle implante (onde não é esperada alteração) por meio do software ImageLab. Para a correção de possíveis variações na densidade da radiografia e projeção geométrica oriundas da metodologia empregada, foi utilizada uma equação matemática para validar a análise dos dados obtidos. Os resultados mostraram que ocorreu variação percentual da densidade ótica na área de interesse (osso + implante) nos primeiros seis meses (T2) com diminuição de aproximadamente 5% para o lado direito e diminuição de aproximadamente 6% para o lado esquerdo em relação às radiografias iniciais (T1) e após doze meses, a diminuição da densidade ótica estabilizou-se, não sendo encontradas alterações estatisticamente significantes em relação ao período correspondente entre T2 (seis meses) e T3 (doze meses). Os resultados da análise digital das radiografias periapicais demonstraram coincidência com os resultados da análise da freqüência de ressonância e exame clínico dos implantes e demonstraram um aspecto compatível com o sucesso dos implantes osteointegrados com função imediata na maxila. / The aim in this study was the evaluation of the variations of the perimplantar optical bone density at the cervical region in a longitudinal control, by the use of digitized radiographs of ten patients, who received six implants installed in the maxilla and submitted to immediate occlusion function, through fixed prosthesis installed 24 hours after the surgery. All the patients were observed in clinical control, with resonance frequency analysis and also radiographic control. It was performed a intraoral radiograph using the paralleling technique, with the long cone and the beam of x-ray aimed perpendicular to the long axis of the implant. The radiographic controls were done at the time of the installation of the prosthesis, after six months and after twelve months after the first control. The obtained radiographs were captured by a black and white video camera by an optical microscope (40 times of magnification). Due to the utilized magnification, the implants have their images digitized in two steps: half right and half left, and they were considered as independent samples. After the superimposition of a standardized pattern, to help the standardization of the areas of the study, it was analyzed the optical density at the areas of interest bone + implant and at areas of control bone (where it is not hope changes) through the software ImageLab. To correct possible variations of the effect of the absence of standardization of the geometric projection and the radiographic density, it was realized a mathematic equation and it was obtained a correction factor of density in order to compensate. The results sho wed that there were percentage variation of the optical density at the area of interest (bone + implant) at six months (T2) showed a decreased of about 5% for the right side and showed a decreased of about 6% for the left side when analyzed the first control and after twelve months no significant statistical difference was observed between the T2 period (six months) and T3 period (twelve months). The results of digital analysis from the intraoral radiographs showed as the same as the results of resonance frequency analysis and the clinic examination of the implants and showed a success of implants installed in the maxilla with immediate occlusion function.

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