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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Normering av test av intraoral stereognosi och tvåpunktsdiskrimination : Hos barn i åldrarna 5;6 - 7;0 år / Normative Data for a Test of Intra-oral Stereognosis and Two-point Discrimination : in Children Aged 5;6 - 7;0 Years

Andersson, Maria, Buhr, Ulrika January 2009 (has links)
The oral sensory ability in children can be assessed through test of intraoral stereognosis and two-point discrimination. Currently, these two tests are not frequently used in clinical settings, and normative data are not always available. The aim of this study was to establish normative data for these two tests in children aged 5;6 to 7;0 years. Further, intention was to compare the results with respect to age and gender. In total 103 children participated, 49 boys and 54 girls. The participants were divided into three age-groups. The results regarding intraoral stereognosis showed significant differences between genders, where boys performed poorer than girls. Differences between two of the three age-groups could also be established. The results show that an improvement can be expected in children six years and older. Regarding two-point discrimination 73 of the 103 children performed perfectly. The remaining children’s scores were also consistently high. No differences between gender and age were found. There was no correlation between the test results of intraoral stereognosis and two-point discrimination. Therefore it would be necessary to perform both these tests in assessment, since they probably examine two separate aspects of the oral sensory ability. / Oral sensorisk förmåga hos barn kan bland annat utredas genom test av intraoral stereognosi och tvåpunktsdiskrimination. Dessa två test är i nuläget inte särskilt kliniskt utbredda, och normvärden saknas ofta. Föreliggande studie syftade till att fastställa normvärden för dessa två test hos barn mellan 5;6 och 7;0 år. Vidare jämfördes även testresultaten med avseende på åldersgrupp och kön. 103 barn deltog i studien, varav 49 var pojkar och 54 var flickor. Deltagarna delades in i tre åldersgrupper. Resultatet visade signifikanta könsskillnader på test av intraoral stereognosi, där pojkarnas resultat var något sämre än flickornas. Även skillnader mellan två av åldersgrupperna konstaterades gällande intraoral stereognosi. Resultatet visar att en förbättring på testet kan förväntas då barnen har fyllt sex år. Angående test av tvåpunktsdiskrimination klarade 73 av de 103 barnen testet felfritt, och överlag presterade barnen mycket bra på testet. Inga skillnader mellan kön eller åldersgrupper noterades beträffande test av tvåpunktsdiskrimination. Testresultaten av intraoral stereognosi och tvåpunktsdiskrimination korrelerade inte. Därför är det sannolikt nödvändigt att i utredning utföra båda testen, eftersom det kan röra sig om två olika aspekter av intraoral sensorik.

Vergleichende Untersuchung von intraoraler und extraoraler Digitalisierung nach Modellherstellung mit CEREC-3D® / Accuracy of Intraoral Data Acquisition in comparison to the conventional Impression and conventional impression taking compared to intraoral digitizing

Loos, Rene 04 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Durch den Einsatz von CAD/CAM-Technologien sollen potenzielle Fehlerquellen der handwerklich-manuellen Herstellung zahnmedizinischprothetischer Restaurationen eliminiert werden. Grundlage für die Fertigung einer prothetischen Restauration mittels CAD/CAM ist eine möglichst genaue Digitalisierung der klinischen Situation. In dieser Studie wurde die Genauigkeit der digitalen Erfassung von Zähnen unter experimentellen sowie unter klinischen Bedingungen mit dem CEREC-3D® System (intraoral) im Vergleich zu konventioneller Abformung und Modellerstellung mit anschließender extraoraler Digitalisierung (Digiscan) untersucht. Von einem Schulungsmodell wurde mit einer Doppelmischabformung ein Modell mit präpariertem Zahn 16 erzeugt und extraoral digitalisiert. Dieses Modell wurde simuliert intraoral sowie nach erneuter Abformung und Modellherstellung extraoral digitalisiert. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte die Zuordnung der einzelnen Datensätze auf das Referenz-CAD-Modell und die dreidimensionale Differenzberechnung. Die durch die Ethik-Kommission genehmigte klinische Studie umfasste zehn Probanden. Bei diesen zehn Probanden erfolgte eine konventionelle und optische Abformung des Oberkiefers. Aus der konventionellen Abformung entstand ein Modell, welches extraoral-optisch digitalisiert wurde. Diesen Daten wurde die optische Abformung zugeordnet. Die dreidimensionale Auswertung erfolgte analog der in-vitro Studie. Die Auswertung der in-vitro Daten lieferte mittlere dreidimensionale Abweichungen von ±17-35μm bei der Betrachtung vom präparierten Zahn 16 und seinen Nachbarzähnen. Betrachtete man nur den präparierten Zahn 16, zeigten sich mittlere Abweichungen um ±17μm. Im Vergleich dazu lag die berechnete mittlere Differenz bei der intraoralen Digitalisierung eines Quadranten mit ±26-81μm erheblich darüber. Im Registrierzentrum konnte die geringste Abweichung gefunden werden. Der konventionelle Verfahrensweg (Abformung – Modellherstellung – extraorale Digitalisierung) hingegen liefert eine Genauigkeit von ±9-19μm. Anhand der gewonnenen Ergebnisse kann man sagen, dass die CEREC-3D®Kamera für die Erfassung von Einzelzahnrestaurationen sowie gegebenenfalls kleinerer mehrspanniger Restaurationen geeignet ist. Größere Restaurationen hingegen übersteigen den Indikationsbereich des Systems und sollten extraoral über den Umweg einer Abformung digitalisiert werden. Klinische Parameter beeinflussen die Genauigkeit der intraoralen Digitalisierung in einem akzeptablen Maß. Dies wird anhand des Vergleiches der in-vitro mit den in-vivo Daten ersichtlich. Dabei ist die Puderschicht von durchschnittlich 28,6μm (51) bei der intraoralen Digitalisierung zu berücksichtigen. / Using CAD/CAM-technology in dentistry is supposed to reduce or eliminate potential sources of error resulting from the manual craftsmanship needed when making dental restorative restorations. For any CAD/CAM-made restoration, a digitalization as precise as possible is basic. In this study, the precision of the digital measurement of teeth was examined in-vitro and invivo. The intraoral CEREC-3D® system was compared with conventional impression taking and model making and subsequent digitalization (Digiscan). A one-stage putty-and-wash impression was taken from a training model. The first upper molar in this model was prepared for a full crown. The resulting gypsum model was extraorally digitized. This master model was digitized with simulated intraoral digitizing and, after taking again an impression and making a gypsum model, with extraoral digitizing. The data was then aligned to the reference CAD-model, and the threedimensional differences were calculated. The clinical trial included ten probands and was approved by the responsible ethical committee. From each proband, a conventional impression as well as an intraoral digitizing was made from the upper jaw. The gypsum model resulting from the impression was digitized extraorally, and the data was aligned to the data-sets of the intraoral digitizing. The threedimensional differences were calculated analogous to the in-vitro analysis. The threedimensional analysis showed mean differences between ±17 and 35 microns for the prepared tooth 16 and its neighboring teeth. Looking at tooth 16 alone, the mean differences were around ±17 microns. Compared to these values, the mean differences calculated for intraoral digitizing of a whole quadrant were considerably higher (±26-81 microns). The smallest mean deviations were found at the center of alignment. The conventional method (impression taking - model making - extraoral digitizing) showed a significantly higher precision (±9-19 microns). The results show that the CEREC-3D®camera is suitable for single tooth and short-span restorations. However, the indication is not given for long-span restorations using the intraoral system. Such restorations should always be made after conventional impression taking, model making and subsequent extraoral digitizing. The precision of the intraoral digitizing is influenced by clinical parameters in an acceptable way as shown by the comparison of invitro and in-vivo data. The powder-layer of average 28.6 microns (51) has to be taken into consideration, when using intraoral digitizing.

Comparação entre o efeito do aumento da dimensão vertical de oclusão e do avanço mandibular na qualidade do sono em pacientes idosos portadores de próteses totais bimaxilares / Comparison between the vertical dimension of occlusion increase and mandibular advance effects on sleep quality in elderly patients wearing maxilar and mandibular complete dentures

Thiago Carôso Fróes 10 August 2011 (has links)
A população idosa possui alta prevalência de edentulismo e, conseqüentemente, é afetada pelos problemas a ele associados. A perda da dimensão vertical de oclusão (DVO) é um destes problemas que compromete, entre outros fatores, o desempenho do sistema estomatognático. Logo, doenças relacionadas ao colapso da musculatura da via aérea superior (VAS), como a síndrome da apnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS), tornam-se enfermidades relevantes para pacientes nesta faixa etária. Sendo assim, medidas terapêuticas eficazes e de baixo custo, como a utilização de aparelhos intraorais (AIOs) para liberação do fluxo aéreo, podem ser empregadas contribuindo para a qualidade do sono destes pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar parâmetros subjetivos e objetivos do sono, em 10 pacientes idosos portadores de Próteses totais (PTs) bimaxilares, após a utilização de novas PTs confeccionadas no Programa Envelhecer Sorrindo e após o uso de dois AIOs: um dispositivo intraoral (DIO), especialmente desenvolvido para aumentar a DVO sem provocar avanço mandibular, e um aparelho de avanço mandibular (AAM). Para isso, questionários de rastreamento da qualidade do sono e polissonografias (PSGs) foram realizados, em quatro momentos distintos: sem as PTs, com as PTs, com o DIO e com o AAM. Foram realizadas, também, telerradiografias em norma lateral (TNL) dos pacientes com as PTs, com o DIO e com o AAM a fim de avaliar alterações no diâmetro da VAS e o posicionamento mandibular nesses três momentos. Concluiu-se que, o AAM testado promove maior porcentagem de sono no estágio 1, podendo contribuir para a melhora na qualidade subjetiva do sono dos pacientes, uma vez que ajudou a diminuir o tempo necessário para iniciar o sono, além de facilitar a manutenção do estado de vigília. / There is a high prevalence of edentulism and problems associated to it in the elderly population. A decrease in vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) is one of these problems that may compromise the stomatognathic system. Therefore, it is important to investigate diseases related to upper airway (UA) musculature collapse, such as the syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS). Therapeutic measures of low cost and high efficacy, such as intraoral appliances (IAs) to release the air flow may be employed, contributing to patients sleep quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate subjective and objective sleep parameters in 10 elderly patients who wore maxilar and mandibular complete dentures (CD). The analyses were performed after the use of a new pair of CD and after using two IAs: an intraoral device (ID), especially developed to increase the VDO without causing mandibular advance, and a mandibular advance device (MAD). For this purpose, questionnaires and polysomnography (PSG) were performed in four distinct stages: patients not wearing CD, wearing CD, wearing ID and wearing MAD. In addition, lateral cephalograms (LC) of patients wearing FD, wearing ID and wearing MAD were performed to assess changes in UAs diameter and in the mandibular positioning. It was concluded that the MAD tested promotes higher percentage of stage 1 sleep and and may contribute to the improvement in patients subjective sleep quality, as it helped to decrease the time needed to fall asleep, and facilitate the maintenance of wakefulness.

Vergleichende Untersuchung von intraoraler und extraoraler Digitalisierung nach Modellherstellung mit CEREC-3D®

Loos, Rene 30 October 2008 (has links)
Durch den Einsatz von CAD/CAM-Technologien sollen potenzielle Fehlerquellen der handwerklich-manuellen Herstellung zahnmedizinischprothetischer Restaurationen eliminiert werden. Grundlage für die Fertigung einer prothetischen Restauration mittels CAD/CAM ist eine möglichst genaue Digitalisierung der klinischen Situation. In dieser Studie wurde die Genauigkeit der digitalen Erfassung von Zähnen unter experimentellen sowie unter klinischen Bedingungen mit dem CEREC-3D® System (intraoral) im Vergleich zu konventioneller Abformung und Modellerstellung mit anschließender extraoraler Digitalisierung (Digiscan) untersucht. Von einem Schulungsmodell wurde mit einer Doppelmischabformung ein Modell mit präpariertem Zahn 16 erzeugt und extraoral digitalisiert. Dieses Modell wurde simuliert intraoral sowie nach erneuter Abformung und Modellherstellung extraoral digitalisiert. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte die Zuordnung der einzelnen Datensätze auf das Referenz-CAD-Modell und die dreidimensionale Differenzberechnung. Die durch die Ethik-Kommission genehmigte klinische Studie umfasste zehn Probanden. Bei diesen zehn Probanden erfolgte eine konventionelle und optische Abformung des Oberkiefers. Aus der konventionellen Abformung entstand ein Modell, welches extraoral-optisch digitalisiert wurde. Diesen Daten wurde die optische Abformung zugeordnet. Die dreidimensionale Auswertung erfolgte analog der in-vitro Studie. Die Auswertung der in-vitro Daten lieferte mittlere dreidimensionale Abweichungen von ±17-35μm bei der Betrachtung vom präparierten Zahn 16 und seinen Nachbarzähnen. Betrachtete man nur den präparierten Zahn 16, zeigten sich mittlere Abweichungen um ±17μm. Im Vergleich dazu lag die berechnete mittlere Differenz bei der intraoralen Digitalisierung eines Quadranten mit ±26-81μm erheblich darüber. Im Registrierzentrum konnte die geringste Abweichung gefunden werden. Der konventionelle Verfahrensweg (Abformung – Modellherstellung – extraorale Digitalisierung) hingegen liefert eine Genauigkeit von ±9-19μm. Anhand der gewonnenen Ergebnisse kann man sagen, dass die CEREC-3D®Kamera für die Erfassung von Einzelzahnrestaurationen sowie gegebenenfalls kleinerer mehrspanniger Restaurationen geeignet ist. Größere Restaurationen hingegen übersteigen den Indikationsbereich des Systems und sollten extraoral über den Umweg einer Abformung digitalisiert werden. Klinische Parameter beeinflussen die Genauigkeit der intraoralen Digitalisierung in einem akzeptablen Maß. Dies wird anhand des Vergleiches der in-vitro mit den in-vivo Daten ersichtlich. Dabei ist die Puderschicht von durchschnittlich 28,6μm (51) bei der intraoralen Digitalisierung zu berücksichtigen. / Using CAD/CAM-technology in dentistry is supposed to reduce or eliminate potential sources of error resulting from the manual craftsmanship needed when making dental restorative restorations. For any CAD/CAM-made restoration, a digitalization as precise as possible is basic. In this study, the precision of the digital measurement of teeth was examined in-vitro and invivo. The intraoral CEREC-3D® system was compared with conventional impression taking and model making and subsequent digitalization (Digiscan). A one-stage putty-and-wash impression was taken from a training model. The first upper molar in this model was prepared for a full crown. The resulting gypsum model was extraorally digitized. This master model was digitized with simulated intraoral digitizing and, after taking again an impression and making a gypsum model, with extraoral digitizing. The data was then aligned to the reference CAD-model, and the threedimensional differences were calculated. The clinical trial included ten probands and was approved by the responsible ethical committee. From each proband, a conventional impression as well as an intraoral digitizing was made from the upper jaw. The gypsum model resulting from the impression was digitized extraorally, and the data was aligned to the data-sets of the intraoral digitizing. The threedimensional differences were calculated analogous to the in-vitro analysis. The threedimensional analysis showed mean differences between ±17 and 35 microns for the prepared tooth 16 and its neighboring teeth. Looking at tooth 16 alone, the mean differences were around ±17 microns. Compared to these values, the mean differences calculated for intraoral digitizing of a whole quadrant were considerably higher (±26-81 microns). The smallest mean deviations were found at the center of alignment. The conventional method (impression taking - model making - extraoral digitizing) showed a significantly higher precision (±9-19 microns). The results show that the CEREC-3D®camera is suitable for single tooth and short-span restorations. However, the indication is not given for long-span restorations using the intraoral system. Such restorations should always be made after conventional impression taking, model making and subsequent extraoral digitizing. The precision of the intraoral digitizing is influenced by clinical parameters in an acceptable way as shown by the comparison of invitro and in-vivo data. The powder-layer of average 28.6 microns (51) has to be taken into consideration, when using intraoral digitizing.

Eficiência do aparelho intraoral no tratamento da síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono em obesos grau III / Efficiency of intraoral appliance in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in grade III obeses

Alvarenga, Sílvia de Carvalho 27 July 2018 (has links)
Os aparelhos intraorais (AIOs) de avanço mandibular, têm sido sugeridos como tratamentos alternativos aos intolerantes ou não aderentes à pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP), no entanto não há estudos que avaliem a efetividade de AIO em pacientes obesos grau III, população bastante afetada pela presença de SAOS. Por isso este ensaio clínico randomizado teve por objetivo avaliar a melhora na qualidade de sono, qualidade de vida, sonolência diurna e gravidade de SAOS, antes e após o uso de AIO, comparado com o uso da placa ajustável de silicone, em pacientes com grau III de obesidade. A amostra foi composta por quarente e cinco pacientes com AOS leve/moderada/severa, foram aleatoriamente divididos em dois grupos paralelos: AIO e controle passivo (placa ajustável de silicone). Foram aplicados questionários relativos à qualidade de vida, presença de sonolência diurna excessiva e qualidade do sono e também foram submetidos a exames de polissonografia antes do início e depois de 45 dias de uso do tratamento. Não houve diferença significativa nas variáveis idade e medidas antropométricas entre grupos (p<0,001). Diferenças foram encontradas na qualidade de vida, sonolência diurna e qualidade do sono, em favor do tratamento com AIO (p<0,001) e houve melhora significativa no índice de apneia-hipopneia (IAH) entre o baseline e pós-tratamento no grupo AIO (p<0,001). Pode-se concluir que o AIO proposto foi eficiente e pode ser considerado tratamento alternativo ou coadjuvante viável da SAOS em pacientes obesos grau III. / Intraoral appliances (AIOs) of mandibular advancement have been suggested as alternative treatments to those intolerant or non-adherent to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP); however, there are no studies evaluating the effectiveness of AIO in grade III obese patients, population affected by the presence of OSAS. Therefore, this randomized clinical trial aimed to evaluate the improvement in sleep quality, quality of life, daytime sleepiness and OSAS severity, before and after the use of AIO, compared to the use of adjustable silicone plaques in patients with grade III of obesity. The sample consisted of forty-five patients with mild / moderate / severe OSA, were randomly divided into two parallel groups: AIO and passive control (adjustable silicone plaque). Questionnaires related to quality of life, excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep quality were applied and polysomnography examinations were also performed before and after 45 days of treatment. There was no significant difference in the variables age and anthropometric measurements between groups (p <0.001). Differences were found in quality of life, daytime drowsiness and sleep quality in favor of AIO treatment (p <0.001) and there was a significant improvement in apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) between the baseline and post-treatment in the AIO group (p <0.001). It can be concluded that the proposed AIO was efficient and could be considered a viable alternative or adjuvant treatment of OSAS in grade III obese patients.

Eficiência do aparelho intraoral no tratamento da síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono em obesos grau III / Efficiency of intraoral appliance in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in grade III obeses

Sílvia de Carvalho Alvarenga 27 July 2018 (has links)
Os aparelhos intraorais (AIOs) de avanço mandibular, têm sido sugeridos como tratamentos alternativos aos intolerantes ou não aderentes à pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas (CPAP), no entanto não há estudos que avaliem a efetividade de AIO em pacientes obesos grau III, população bastante afetada pela presença de SAOS. Por isso este ensaio clínico randomizado teve por objetivo avaliar a melhora na qualidade de sono, qualidade de vida, sonolência diurna e gravidade de SAOS, antes e após o uso de AIO, comparado com o uso da placa ajustável de silicone, em pacientes com grau III de obesidade. A amostra foi composta por quarente e cinco pacientes com AOS leve/moderada/severa, foram aleatoriamente divididos em dois grupos paralelos: AIO e controle passivo (placa ajustável de silicone). Foram aplicados questionários relativos à qualidade de vida, presença de sonolência diurna excessiva e qualidade do sono e também foram submetidos a exames de polissonografia antes do início e depois de 45 dias de uso do tratamento. Não houve diferença significativa nas variáveis idade e medidas antropométricas entre grupos (p<0,001). Diferenças foram encontradas na qualidade de vida, sonolência diurna e qualidade do sono, em favor do tratamento com AIO (p<0,001) e houve melhora significativa no índice de apneia-hipopneia (IAH) entre o baseline e pós-tratamento no grupo AIO (p<0,001). Pode-se concluir que o AIO proposto foi eficiente e pode ser considerado tratamento alternativo ou coadjuvante viável da SAOS em pacientes obesos grau III. / Intraoral appliances (AIOs) of mandibular advancement have been suggested as alternative treatments to those intolerant or non-adherent to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP); however, there are no studies evaluating the effectiveness of AIO in grade III obese patients, population affected by the presence of OSAS. Therefore, this randomized clinical trial aimed to evaluate the improvement in sleep quality, quality of life, daytime sleepiness and OSAS severity, before and after the use of AIO, compared to the use of adjustable silicone plaques in patients with grade III of obesity. The sample consisted of forty-five patients with mild / moderate / severe OSA, were randomly divided into two parallel groups: AIO and passive control (adjustable silicone plaque). Questionnaires related to quality of life, excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep quality were applied and polysomnography examinations were also performed before and after 45 days of treatment. There was no significant difference in the variables age and anthropometric measurements between groups (p <0.001). Differences were found in quality of life, daytime drowsiness and sleep quality in favor of AIO treatment (p <0.001) and there was a significant improvement in apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) between the baseline and post-treatment in the AIO group (p <0.001). It can be concluded that the proposed AIO was efficient and could be considered a viable alternative or adjuvant treatment of OSAS in grade III obese patients.

Accuracy of photogrammetry, intraoral scanning, and conventional impression techniques for full-arch implant-supported prostheses: an in-vitro study

Hajjar, Lea George 11 August 2022 (has links)
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this in vitro study is to measure and compare the accuracy of the conventional impression, the intraoral scanner, and the photogrammetry techniques for full-arch implant-supported dental prostheses at the abutment level. METHODS: An edentulous maxillary master model containing 6 implant abutment replicas (RP analog for screw-retained abutment straight from NobelReplace® Multi-unit Abutment Plus Replica) was fabricated. A reference STL of the master model was obtained using a desktop scanner (inEos X5, Dentsply Sirona) with high trueness and precision and served as the control STL. Three impression techniques were performed: the intraoral scanning (IOS) group (TRIOS 3 Battery Cart, 3Shape A/S), the photogrammetry (PTG) group (ICam 4D Generation 3, Imetric), and the conventional (CNV) group. Ten impressions from each group were tested. Scan bodies in each STL file acquired from the different impression techniques were converted to implant abutment replicas using a digital library. Three tests were completed to compare the different registration techniques. A 3D deviation test between the experimental group and the reference was done on an inspection software (IScan4D Dental Version 9.1.104; Imetric) using a “best fit” algorithm to obtain the root mean square values, and on another inspection software (IScan3D Dental Version 9.1.104; Imetric) using spatial similarity transformation. The second test was meant to assess the angular deviations of the implant abutment replicas using a reverse engineering software (Geomagic Control X 2020.1; 3D Systems). The final test for cross-arch distances was done on an inspection software (IScan3D Dental Version 9.1.104; Imetric) which allows to determine the 3-dimensional coordinates for each implant by using the origin point and compare the cross-arch distance deviations as well as deviations at the x-, y-, and z- coordination. Trueness and precision were the two parameters used to define the accuracy of a system. The term "trueness" was used to see how close the measurements from the experimental files of each group were to those of the reference file. The term "precision" was defined as to see how close the measurements of each experimental files were to each other within the same group. The 3D discrepancies were then calculated and the trueness and precision of the three impression techniques were assessed and compared statistically (α = 0.05). RESULTS: The root mean square of 3D deviation values through the ICP “best-fit” method showed statistically significant differences between the PTG and CNV group (p < .0001), and the PTG and IOS group (p < .0001). The CNV and IOS group did not show statistically significant differences (p = 0.8626) through the “best-fit” method, but significant differences were observed via the “spatial similarity” method (p = 0.0041). Both methods however showed the best results in terms of trueness for the PTG group, followed by the CNV group and least the IOS group. In terms of precision, PTG showed the best results, followed by the IOS group and least the CNV group. The angular deviation test using the “best-fit” alignment method showed that the PTG and CNV had no statistically significant difference (p = 0.7955) and were equivalent. However, both showed a statistically significant difference to the IOS group (p < .0001), which had the highest angular deviation. Finally, in terms of cross-arch distances, the photogrammetry group showed optimal results followed by the IOS group and then the CNV group. In general, the shorter the inter-arch distance, the lower the deviation was. A larger deviation was observed on longer inter-arch distances. Considering the deviations on the 3 axes of each implant, the CNV technique had the highest deviation in the X-axis (longitudinal) and the IOS technique showed the highest deviation on the Y-axis (lateral) and Z-axis (vertical). The PTG technique experienced significantly less deviation on the X-axis, Y-axis, and the Z-axis. CONCLUSION: Within the scope of this study, the photogrammetry technique reported the best accuracy in terms of trueness and precision of implant positions for complete-arch implant rehabilitation. Conventional impressions showed better accuracy results than intraoral scanning in the 3D deviations test and global angular deviation test, however the latter exhibited better results in terms of accuracy in terms of cross-arch distances test. / 2023-08-11T00:00:00Z

An Intraoral OCT Probe to Enhanced Detection of Approximal Carious Lesions and Assessment of Restorations

Schneider, Hartmut, Ahrens, Martin, Strumpski, Michaela, Rüger, Claudia, Häfer, Matthias, Hüttmann, Gereon, Theisen-Kunde, Dirk, Schulz-Hildebrandt, Hinnerk, Haak, Rainer 20 April 2023 (has links)
Caries, the world’s most common chronic disease, remains a major cause of invasive restorative dental treatment. To take advantage of the diagnostic potential of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in contemporary dental prevention and treatment, an intraorally applicable spectral-domain OCT probe has been developed based on an OCT hand-held scanner equipped with a rigid 90°-optics endoscope. The probe was verified in vitro. In vivo, all tooth surfaces could be imaged with the OCT probe, except the vestibular surfaces of third molars and the proximal surface sections of molars within a 'blind spot' at a distance greater than 2.5 mm from the tooth surface. Proximal surfaces of 64 posterior teeth of four volunteers were assessed by intraoral OCT, visual-tactile inspection, bitewing radiography and fiber-optic transillumination. The agreement in detecting healthy and carious surfaces varied greatly between OCT and established methods (18.2–94.7%), whereby the established methods could always be supplemented by OCT. Direct and indirect composite and ceramic restorations with inherent imperfections and failures of the tooth-restoration bond were imaged and qualitatively evaluated. The intraoral OCT probe proved to be a powerful technological approach for the non-invasive imaging of healthy and carious hard tooth tissues and gingiva as well as tooth-colored restorations.

A standardized method for evaluating trueness and precision of intraoral scanners – in vitro accuracy

Gashi, Tomor, Larsson, Eddie January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund. En gyllene standard för att bestämma noggrannheten för intraorala scannrarexisterar inte. Intraorala scannrars prestanda som ges av olika leverantörer är inte fulltjämförbara. Det finns ett behov att standardisera och ta fram oberoende försöksupplägg för att kunna jämföra intraorala scannrar.Mål. Målet med studien var att beskriva och utvärdera en ny metod för att bestämmanoggrannheten av intraorala scannrar genom ett standardiserat in vitro testförsök och attanvända metoden för att beräkna noggrannheten på en kommersiell intraoral scanner.Material och metod. SP Sveriges tekniska forskningsinstitut definierade dimensionerna avett sfäriskt testobjekt. Sfären besprutades med titanoxid och skannades 12 gånger med enkommersiell intraoral scanner. Scanningarna utvärderades med två metoder. Manuell metod: sfärens diameter uppmättes 12 gånger i ett första mjukvaruprogram för varje scanning genom att justera ett tvärsnittsplan. Automatisk metod: 12 nominella diametrar beräknades från ett andra mjukvaruprogram. Noggrannheten beräknades för varje testmetod och jämfördes.Resultat. Referensmätning: den definierade diameter var 4,9991±0,0001mm. Manuell metod: riktigheten var 25μm och precisionen var 10μm. Medelprecisionen inom scanningar var 4μm. Automatisk metod: Riktigheten var 26μm och precisionen var 11μm. Alla testvärden uppvisade stark statistisk deviation från referensvärdet, men väl inom ett kliniskt acceptabelt intervall.Slutsatser. Inom den här in vitro-studiens begränsningar, kan den beskrivna,standardiserade metoden användas manuellt eller med den automatiska funktionen Fittingsphere för att beräkna noggrannheten för intraorala scannrar. Fler studier på mer komplexa objekt behöver utföras. Dessutom uppvisade den intraorala scannern (TRIOS) hög riktighet och precision, jämförbar eller bättre än traditionella avtrycksmetoder inom tandvården. / AbstractBackground. There is no gold standard for determining the accuracy of intraoral scanners. The performances of intraoral scanners given by different manufacturers are not fully comparable. There is a need for standardized and independent test setups to enable the comparison of intraoral scanners.Objectives. The study’s aims were to describe and evaluate a new method for determining the accuracy of any intraoral scanner by means of a standardized geometrical in vitro test and to use this method for determining the accuracy of a commercial intraoral scanner.Material and methods. The Technical Research Institute of Sweden defined the dimensions of a spherical test object. The sphere was spray-coated with TiO2 and scanned 12 times with a commercial intraoral scanner. The scans where evaluated using two methods. Manual method: The diameter of the sphere was measured 12 times for each scan in a software application by adjusting a cross-sectional plane. Automatic method: 12 nominal diameters were obtained with a software application. The accuracy was calculated for each test method and compared. Results. Reference measurement: The defined diameter was 4.9991±0.0001mm. Manual method: Trueness was 25 µm and precision was 10 µm. Mean precision within scans was 4 µm. Automatic method: Trueness was 26 µm and precision was 11 µm. All test values showed sharp significant deviations from the reference value but were well within range of clinical acceptance.Conclusions. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the standardized in vitro test described can be used manually or with the automatic function Fitting Sphere for determining the accuracy of intraoral scanners. Further studies need to be performed on more complex objects. The commercial intraoral scanner (TRIOS) demonstrates a high level of trueness and precision which is comparable with or better than that shown with traditional impression methods.

INTRAORAL INJEKTION AV AKTIV OCH ICKE-AKTIV LOKALANESTETIKA - Normalt gensvar och gensvar i relation till upplevd bedövningskänsla

Eriksson, Louise, Asadi, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Det behövs mer forskning inom diagnostik för orofacial smärta. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om den subjektiva bedövningsupplevelsen som erhålls vid aktiv anestesi kan jämföras med den som erhålls vid injektion av aktiv placebo, samt om aktiv placebo påverkar smärttröskel samt smärtkänslighet vid stickstimuli hos friska individer. Material och metod: 31 friska deltagare randomiserades i tre grupper. En grupp fick aktiv injektion (Xylocain 2,0 %), en grupp fick aktiv placebo injektion (Xylocain 0,1%) och en grupp fick icke aktiv placebo (fysiologisk koksaltlösning). Deltagarna utsattes för tre intraorala tester före och efter injektion som mätte mekaniskt beröringsstimuli, smärta vid stickstimuli, smärttröskel samt stimuluskvalitet. Deltagarna fick efter injektion gradera sin bedövningsupplevelse på en 0-10 NRS skala. Resultaten analyserades med parat T-test, ANOVA One-Way, post-hoc T-test med Bonferronickorrektion samt Fishers exakta test. P<0,05 ansågs vara statistiskt signifikant. Resultat: Bedövningsupplevelsen i gruppen aktiv placebo skilde sig signifikant från aktiv injektion (p<0,001) men inte från icke-aktiv placebo (p=0,980). Sticksmärttröskeln vid aktiv placebo skilde sig signifikant från aktiv injektion (p<0,001) men inte från inaktiv placebo (p = 0,052). Smärtintensitet vid stickstimuli skilde sig signifikant mellan före och efter injektion inom gruppen aktiv injektion (p=0,035) men inte för aktiv placebo (p = 0,690) och icke-aktiv placebo (p = 0,726).Slutsats: Ingen skillnad sågs mellan icke-aktiv placebo och aktiv placebo i förmågan att förändra friska deltagares smärttröskel samt smärtkänslighet för stickstimuli och samtidigt ge en upplevelse hos deltagaren om att vara bedövad. Aktiv placebo gav alltså ingen fördel framför icke aktiv placebo. 0,1 % Xylocain uppfyller inte de krav som kan ställas på en bra aktiv placebo. / Aim: More research is needed in diagnostics of orofacial pain. Investigating whether the subjective anesthetic experience obtained in active anesthesia can be compared to that obtained with the injection of active placebo, and whether active placebo affects pain threshold and pain sensitivity under a piercing stimulus in healthy individuals.Materials and Methods: 31 healthy subjects were randomized into three groups. One group received active injection (Xylocain 2.0 %), one group received active placebo (Xylocain 0.1 %) and one group received non-active placebo (physiological saline). The participants were subjected to three intraoral tests before and after injection, which measured allodynia, pain sensitivity under a piercing stimulus, pain threshold and stimulus quality. Participant appreciated their anesthetic experience on a 0-10 NRS scale after injection.Results: The anesthetic experience in the active placebo group was significantly different from active injection (p <0.001) but not from non-active placebo (p=0.980). The pain threshold at active placebo was significantly different from active injection (p <0.001) but not from non-active placebo (p = 0.052). Pain intensity in stick stimuli was significantly different between pre- and post-injection within the active injection group (p =0.035) but not for active placebo (p = 0.690) and non-active placebo (p = 0.726).Conclusion: The study found no difference between non-active placebo and active placebo in the ability to alter healthy participant's pain threshold and pain sensitivity under a piercing stimulus and at the same time give the participant an experience of being anesthetized. 0.1% Xylocain does not meet the requirements for a good active placebo.

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