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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterizing and minimizing nonlinearities responsible for intermodulation distortion in high speed and high power photodiodes

Fitzharris, Margaret 27 May 2016 (has links)
A physics-based model incorporating the UTC (uni-traveling carrier) photodiode (PD) in the limit of weak nonlinearity was used in order to characterize the effects of nonlinearity on high speed and high power photodiodes. The combined influences of a) optical illumination, b) photocurrent, and c) interaction of the photodiode with an external circuit, were incorporated into three equations which described the phasor dynamics of the photodiode, which could be used to approximate the diode voltage, the depletion region thickness, and the electric field at the beginning of the depletion region by the Newton-Raphson Method. Then a frequency response plot as well as a third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3) plot were obtained in order to evaluate the effects of nonlinearity on the photodiode. The third-order intercept point (IP3) was determined to be approximately 27.5 dB, illustrating its slight nonlinearity. For both the frequency and the IMD3 plots, it was shown that modulation bandwidth is predominantly RC-limited and that the stated assumptions were true: that the average electron transit time through the depletion region is expected to be significantly smaller than the period of the optical stimulus. Finally, nonlinearity was minimized by compensating the heavy loading and space charge effects on junction capacitance, and a surface plot was obtained demonstrating this behavior.

Signalkaskaden und Steuermechanismen in den Speicheldrüsen von Dipteren / Signalling pathways and control mechanisms in the salivary glands of Diptera

Schmidt, Ruth Maria January 2006 (has links)
Flüssigkeitssekretion und Proteinsekretion werden in Speicheldrüsen von Insekten über Hormone und Neurotransmitter gesteuert. Diese entfalten ihre physiologische Wirkung in den sekretorischen Drüsenzellen hauptsächlich über den zyklischen Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP)-Signalweg und den Inositoltrisphosphat (IP<SUB>3</SUB>) / Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg. Die Mechanismen möglicher Wechselwirkungen zwischen diesen Signalwegen und ihre physiologischen Auswirkungen sind unzureichend bekannt.<p> Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stand die Frage, ob und wie sich der Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg und der cAMP-Signalweg in der Speicheldrüse der Diptere <I>Calliphora vicina</I> beeinflussen. Substanzen wie 5-Fluoro-α-Methyltryptamin und Histamin wurden in früheren Arbei-ten als Agonisten genutzt, um in den Speicheldrüsen von <I>C. vicina</I> selektiv den cAMP-Signalweg (getrennt vom IP<SUB>3</SUB>/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg) zu aktivieren. Es zeigte sich in transepithelialen Potentialmessungen und mikrofluorometrischen Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Untersuchungen, dass beide Substanzen sowohl den cAMP-Weg als auch den Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg aktivierten. Die physiologischen Ursachen der Histamin-induzierten Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Erhöhung wurden genauer untersucht. <p> Zusammengefasst zeigten diese Untersuchungen, dass Histamin wie 5-HT den cAMP-Weg und die Phosphoinositidkaskade aktivierte. Im Gegensatz zu den 5-HT-induzierten Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Oszillationen, welche durch interzelluläre Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Wellen synchronisiert werden, verursachte Histamin bei niedrigen Konzentrationen lokale Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Oszillationen in einzelnen Zellen (keine Wellen). Bei höheren Histamin-Konzentrationen war eine anhaltende Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Erhöhung oder ein synchrones <quote>Ca<sup>2+</sup>-beating</quote> in der gesamten Drüse zu beobachten. <p> Des Weiteren wurde die Frage untersucht, ob eine Erhöhung der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration den IP<SUB>3</SUB> Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signalweg in den Epithelzellen der Speicheldrüse beeinflussen kann. Es zeigte sich, dass cAMP den durch schwellennahe 5-HT-Konzentrationen induzierten Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Anstieg verstärkte. Diese Verstärkung wurde durch eine PKA-vermittelte Sensitivierung des IP<SUB>3</SUB>-Rezeptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Kanals für IP<SUB>3</SUB> verursacht. Immunzytochemische Untersuchungen deuten dar-auf hin, dass die Proteinkinase A eng mit dem IP<SUB>3</SUB>-Rezeptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Kanal assoziiert ist. Diese Messungen zeigen erstmals, dass auch bei Invertebraten der Botenstoff cAMP, PKA-vermittelt, den IP<SUB>3</SUB>-Rezeptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Kanal des ER für IP<SUB>3</SUB> sensitiviert. / Fluid- and protein-secretion in the salivary glands of insects are controlled by hormones or neurotransmitters. These agonists activate two signalling cascades: the cAMP-pathway and the IP>sub>3</sub>/Ca-pathway. The functional crosstalk between these two signalling pathways is poorly understood. <p> Functional crosstalk between cAMP-pathway and IP<sub>3</sub>/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-pathway was investigated in the salivary glands of the blowfly, <I>Calliphora vicina</I>. Histamine and 5-alpha-methyltryptamine were used in an attempt to activate the cAMP-pathway selectively, as suggested previously. By using transepithelial potential-measurements and microfluorometric Ca<sup>2+</sup>-imaging it was demonstrated that both substances activate the cAMP- and the IP<sub>3</sub>/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-pathway. The physiological effects of histamine were investigated in detail. These experiments show that histamine causes an intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>-elevation that, in some preparations exhibits oscillations with concentration-dependent frequencies. In contrast to 5-HT induced intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>-oscillations and propagating intercellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>-waves histamine produces local Ca<sup>2+</sup>-oscillations in single cells or synchronous <quote>Ca<sup>2+</sup>-beating</quote> in the whole gland.<p> In addition the effects of increasing cAMP on the IP<sub>3</sub>/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-pathway in the salivary glands of the blowfly were studied. It could be demonstrated that cAMP augments the 5-HT-induced Ca<sup>2+</sup>-increase in glands stimulated with low doses of 5-HT. This potentiation is the result of a PKA-mediated sensitisation of the IP<sub>3</sub>-receptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel for IP<sub>3</sub>. Results of immunocytochemical analyses show that the PKA is spatially associated with the ER.<p> These results show for the first time that in invertebrates as well as in vertebrates the second messenger cAMP sensitises the IP<sub>3</sub>-receptor/Ca<sup>2+</sup>-channel for IP<sub>3</sub> by the action of a PKA.

Interaction of Ca2+ with fully stochastic InsP3 receptor dynamics

Rückl, Martin 20 June 2018 (has links)
Intrazelluläre Calcium Signale bilden einen der wichtigsten Bestandteile vieler Signalwege in der Zellbiologie. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der hierachischen Struktur der Calcium Muster, welche durch die Rückkopplung von Ip3 Rezeptor (Ip3R) mit Calcium verursacht wird. Auf der obersten Stufe stehen zellweite Wellen aus Calcium. Das zweite Level der Hierarchie bilden sogenante Puffs oder Sparks und entspricht der Freisetzung von Calcium von einzelnen Clustern. Das untere Ende wird durch Blibs gebildet: kleine Calcium Signale einzelner Kanäle. Die Entstehung der Calcium Wellen und der Zusammenhang mit den Ip3 Bindungszuständen individueller Ip3 Kanäle stehen dabei im Vordergund. Ein erstes Modell verwendet ein System von Reaktions-Diffusions-Gleichungen zur Beschreibung der Calciumentwicklung in der Umgebung einzelner Cluster. Es wird festgestellt, dass ein Cluster nicht-stereotype Puffs erzeugen kann, wobei Dauer und Amplitude durch die Ip3-Konzentration moduliert werden. Stärkere Ip3-Stimulation erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, lang anhaltende Freisetzungsereignisse zu beobachten, welche als die Quelle der Wellenbildung identifiziert werden. Die simulierten Daten werden mit experimentellen Ergebnissen aus Xenopus-Oozyten verglichen, wo eine ähnliche Durchsetzung der Wellen- und Puff-Muster beobachtet werden kann. Ein zweites grobkörniges und phänomenologisches Modell auf Basis von ODEs ermöglicht das Sampling langer Trajektorien für ein größeres System aus gekoppelten Clustern mit vertretbarem Rechenaufwand. Auf einem Gitter von Clustern wird gezeigt, dass die wellenartigen Freisetzungsereignisse sich synchronisieren. Während die Wellenfrequenz mit Ip3 zunimmt, gibt es eine optimale Synchronisation für die mittlere Ip3-Anregung. Dieses Modell zeigt, dass die Terminierung der Wellen durch Dissosation von Ip3 erreicht werden kann, was dazu führt, dass sich Kanäle nicht mehr öffnen, und somit eine anhaltende Freisetzung von Ca2+ verhindert wird. / The dynamics of intracellular calcium represent one of the most important signal pathways in cell biology. Within this work, the focus lies on the hierarchical structure of calcium release events emerging from the feedback of Ip3 receptor Ca2+ ion channel with Ca2+ itself. The head of this hierarchy consists of calcium waves or global oscillations. Release events from individual clusters of channels, constitute the intermediate level. Single channel release events are called blibs. This work investigates the emergence and termination of waves by using a stochastic Ip3R model with non-equilibrium Ip3 binding and discrete individual channel states. First, a system of reaction diffusion equations of calcium and buffers around a single cluster is used as a description of the calcium evolution. It is found, that a cluster can produce non stereotype puffs, where duration and amplitude are modulated by the Ip3 concentration. For increasing Ip3 stimulation, the likelihood to observe long lasting release events increases, and these events are identified as the source of wave formation. The simulated data is compared to experimental results from Xenopus oocytes, where a similar interspersion of puffs between waves can be observed. Specifically, experiments and simulations support the hypothesis of wave-like events already on a single cluster scale. The insights of the first model are then used to develop a second coarse grained and phenomenological model based on ODEs. It allows sampling of long trajectories of a system of coupled clusters with reasonable computational effort. Within a grid of coupled clusters, it is showed that the wave-like release events synchronize. While the wave frequency increases with Ip3, there is an optimal synchronization for intermediate Ip3 excitation. This model indicates that wave termination is achieved by unbinding of Ip3 from the receptor, which renders the channel unable to open, and hence prohibits any further sustained release.

Development of a biophysically detailed mathematical model of a mouse atrial cell for the study of cellular proarrhythmic mechanisms

Shen, Weijian January 2016 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common sustained arrhythmia, is associated with abnormal intracellular Ca2+ handling. Understanding AF requires comprehensive understanding of ionic currents, Ca2+ handling, phosphorylation regulation and related signalling pathways, but appropriate models are limited. The aim of this thesis is to develop an ionic model of the mouse atrial myocyte to investigate the cellular proarrhythmic mechanisms. We have developed the first mouse atrial myocyte model that incorporates mathematically detailed ion channels, cellular Ca2+ and Na+ handling and their regulation by Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and protein kinase A. For the first time, the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) production system and its effects on excitation-contraction coupling have also been described. The validated model predicted that: 1) hyperactivity of CaMKII and elevated intracellular Na+ concentration are the crucial factors that induce sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ spontaneous release and delayed afterdepolarisations; 2) β-adrenergic stimulation may have proarrhythmic effects by exacerbating Ca2+ overload; and 3) enhanced activity in ryanodine receptors during IP3-induced Ca2+ release is the major cause of the arrhythmogenesis in IP3 signalling.

Integrated Electrostatically- and Piezoelectrically-Transduced Contour-Mode MEMS Resonator on Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) Wafer

Wu, I-Tsang 24 June 2014 (has links)
Due to the recent rapid growth in personal mobile communication devices (smartphones, PDA's, tablets, etc.), the wireless market is always looking for new ways to further miniaturize the RF front-ends while reducing the cost and power consumption. For many years, wireless transceivers and subsystems have been relying on high quality factor (Q) passives (e.g., quartz crystal, ceramics) to implement oscillators, filters, and other key RF front-end circuitry elements. However, these off-chip discrete components occupy large chip area and require power-demanding interfacing circuits. As a result, a great deal of research effort has been devoted to the development of micromechanical resonators that are much more amenable to direct integration with integrated circuit (IC). Over the past few years, vibrating RF MEMS (Micro-Electrical-Mechanical-System) resonator technology has emerged as a viable solution, most notably, the film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) and surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator, which have already been successfully implemented into commercial products. Undoubtedly, micromechanical resonators such as FBAR's can perform as well as if not better than its bulky conventional counterparts and facilitate the miniaturization and power reduction of conventional RF systems. However, in some cases when multi-frequency functionality on a single-chip is needed, FBAR simply won't deliver. To address this dilemma, contour-mode MEMS resonators have been developed and regarded as the most viable on-chip high-Q alternative. Unlike FBAR, contour-mode resonators use lateral dimensions to define its resonating frequencies, thus allowing for single-chip multi-frequency functionality. However, there is still room for improvement with respect to lowering the motional resistance of these devices to allow matching to 50 Ω electronics, while retaining low power consumption, small size, and simpler manufacturing process. This dissertation presents the design, fabrication, characterization and experimental analysis of two types of micro-mechanical resonators. Piezoelectrically- and electrostatically-transduced micromechanical resonators will both be shown. Both types of resonator will be fabricated in the same micro-fabrication run, which makes the comparison between the two much more impartial. The impacts of substrate's resistivity over the device performances will also be studied. Among the most significant results, this dissertation also presents several ideas that are enabled by the use of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer. A novel single-mask fabrication process that can produce capacitive resonator with nano-meter gap is demonstrated. The concept of dual-transduced micro-mechanical resonator is introduced by combining both piezoelectric and capacitive based resonators. Finally, frequency tuning of MEMS resonator are explored and detailed in this work as well.

Ethanol experience induces metaplasticity of NMDA receptor-mediated transmission in ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons

Bernier, Brian Ernest 31 October 2011 (has links)
Addiction is thought to arise, in part, from a maladaptive learning process in which enduring memories of drug-related experiences are formed, resulting in persistent and uncontrollable drug-seeking behavior. However, it is well known that both acute and chronic alcohol (ethanol) exposures impair various types of learning and memory in both humans and animals. Consistent with these observations, both acute and chronic exposures to ethanol suppress synaptic plasticity, the major neural substrate for learning and memory, in multiple brain areas. Therefore, it remains unclear how powerful memories associated with alcohol experience are formed during the development of alcoholism. The mesolimbic dopaminergic system is critically involved in the learning of information related to rewards, including drugs of abuse. Both natural and drug rewards, such as ethanol, cause release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens and other limbic structures, which is thought to drive learning by enhancing synaptic plasticity. Accumulating evidence indicates that plasticity of glutamatergic transmission onto dopamine neurons may play an important role in the development of addiction. Plasticity of NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated transmission may be of particular interest, as NMDAR activation is necessary for dopamine neuron burst firing and phasic dopamine release in projection areas that occurs in response to rewards or reward-predicting stimuli. NMDAR plasticity may, therefore, drive the learning of stimuli associated with rewards, including drugs of abuse. This dissertation finds that repeated in vivo ethanol exposure induces a metaplasticity of NMDAR-mediated transmission in mesolimbic dopamine neurons, expressed as an increased susceptibility to the induction of NMDAR LTP. Enhancement of NMDAR plasticity results from an increase in the potency of inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate (IP3) in producing the facilitation of action potential-evoked Ca2+ signals critical for LTP induction. Interestingly, amphetamine exposure produces a similar enhancement of IP3R function, suggesting this neuroadaptation may be a common response to exposure to multiple drugs of abuse. Additionally, ethanol-treated mice display enhanced learning of cues associated with cocaine exposure. These findings suggest that metaplasticity of NMDAR LTP may contribute to the formation of powerful memories related to drug experiences and provide an important insight into the learning component of addiction. / text

Mathematical Modeling of Intracellular Calcium Signaling: A Study of IP<sub>3</sub> Receptor Models

Swaminathan, Divya 22 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular Characterization and Loss-of-Function Analysis of an Arabidopsis thaliana Gene Encoding a Phospholipid-Specific Inositol Polyphosphate 5-Phosphatase

Ercetin, Mustafa Edib 08 June 2005 (has links)
The phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway utilizes inositol-containing second messengers to mediate signaling events. The enzymes that metabolize phosphoinositides can in some cases serve to terminate the signaling actions of phosphoinositides. The inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases (5PTases) comprise a large protein family that hydrolyzes 5-phosphates from a variety of inositol phosphate and phosphoinositide substrates. I have examined the substrate specificity of the At5PTase11 protein from the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. The At5PTase11 gene (At1g47510) encodes an active 5PTase enzyme that can dephosphorylate the phosphoinositide substrates phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2], phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(3,5)P2], and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate [PtdIns(3,4,5)P3]. In addition, the At5PTase11 gene is regulated by abscisic acid, jasmonic acid, and auxin, suggesting a role for phosphoinositide action in these signal transduction pathways. To further delineate the function of At5PTase11 in Arabidopsis thaliana, two independent T-DNA insertion mutant lines were isolated (At5ptase11-1 and At5ptase11-2). Analysis of At5ptase11 mutant lines revealed that At5ptase11 mutant seeds germinate slower compared to wild-type seeds. Moreover, At5ptase11 mutant seedlings demonstrated less hypocotyl growth when grown in the dark. These results indicate that At5PTase11 is required for the early stages of seed germination and seedling growth. Since there are 15 predicted 5PTases in Arabidopsis thaliana, a group of 5PTases have been analyzed to identify the 5PTases with similar substrate selectivity. At5PTase1 (At1g34120), At5PTase2 (At4g18010) and At5PTase3 (At1g71710) have been found to hydrolyze all four potential substrates, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3], inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate [Ins(1,3,4,5)P4], PtdIns(4,5)P2, and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. At5PTase7 (At2g32010) hydrolyzed PtdIns(4,5)P2, and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 which is similar to the substrate selectivity of At5PTase11. In addition, At5PTase4 (At3g63240), and At5PTase9 (At2g01900) hydrolyzed only PtdIns(4,5)P2. These results indicate that there are different groups of Arabidopsis thaliana 5PTases based on the substrate selectivity. These results suggest that Arabidopsis thaliana 5PTases with similar substrate selectivity may have overlapping functions. In summary, the findings that At5PTase11 is a phospholipid-specific 5PTase and At5PTase11 functions in the early stages of seed germination and seedling growth indicate that 5PTases play important roles in plant growth and development. / Ph. D.

Infrared stimulation of neurons / Stimulation infrarouge de neurones

Moreau, David 26 September 2017 (has links)
L’exposition aux radiations laser infrarouge peut être utilisée afin de dépolariser des neurones et stimuler l’activité neuronale. Le mécanisme sous-jacent d’une telle stimulation est supposé résulter d’une interaction photothermique. En effet, l’absorption de la radiation infrarouge par le tissu biologique cible, et l’eau qu’il contient, induit une augmentation de température de manière localisée, qui soit influencerait directement les propriétés membranaires de la cellule soit agirait par le biais de l’activation de canaux ioniques thermo-sensibles. Dans la plupart des cas, l’activité électrique des neurones est mesurée électriquement à l’aide de microélectrodes, mais elle peut également être sondée par le biais de la microscopie de fluorescence faisant intervenir des indicateurs calciques. Dans ce travail, l’impact de l’exposition à la radiation infrarouge sur les signaux calciques de neurones a été étudié dans le but d’éclaircir et de préciser le mécanisme résultant de l’interaction photothermique. Des neurones HT22, issus d’hippocampe de souris, et des cellules U87, issues d’un glioblastome humain, ont été utilisés en tant qu’exemples de cellules électriquement excitables et non excitables respectivement. Afin de mesurer la température et les signaux calciques au niveau cellulaire, les fluorophores Rhodamine B et Fluo-4 ont été employés. Le montage, par conséquent tout optique, pour étudier l’influence de l’exposition infrarouge sur l’activité neurale est donc présenté, ainsi que la démarche scientifique menant à l’identification de l’implication de l’activité de la phospholipase C dans le mécanisme étudié. La possibilité de stimuler l’activité neurale in vivo, dans le cerveau d’une souris, avec une mesure simultanée des signaux calciques, est également démontrée à l’aide de souris transgéniques exprimant le GCaMP6S. / Infrared laser light radiation may be used to depolarize neurons and to stimulate neural activity. The underlying mechanism of such stimulation is believed to happen due to a photothermal interaction. The absorption of the infrared radiation by the targeted biological tissue inducing a local temperature increase which either directly influence membrane properties or act via temperature sensitive ion channels. Action potentials are typically measured electrically in neurons with microelectrodes, but they can also be observed using fluorescence microscopy techniques that use synthetic or genetically encoded calcium indicators. In this work, we studied the impact of infrared laser light on neuronal calcium signals to address the mechanism of these thermal effects. HT22 mouse hippocampal neurons and U87 human glioblastoma cells were used loaded with the fluorescent calcium dye Fluo-4 and with the temperature sensitive fluorophore Rhodamine B to measure calcium signals and temperature changes at the cellular level. Here we present our all-optical strategy for studying the influence of infrared laser light on neural activity, and the scientific approach leading to conclusion of the involvement of Phospholipase C activity during infrared neural stimulation. The ability of infrared exposure to trigger neural activity in mice brain in vivo is also investigated with the use of GCaMP6s transgenic mice.

Implication des protéines de la famille Bcl-2 dans la régulation des flux calciques au cours du développement embryonnaire précoce du poisson zèbre / Implication of Bcl-2 family proteins in calcium fluxes regulation during early zebrafish development

Bonneau, Benjamin 17 October 2013 (has links)
L'apoptose est un processus cellulaire fondamental pour l'homéostasie tissulaire. Ce type de mort cellulaire est sous le contrôle des protéines de la famille Bcl-2 qui régulent la perméabilité de la membrane externe de la mitochondrie. Cependant, au-delà de leur rôle dans le contrôle de l'apoptose, les protéines de la famille Bcl-2 peuvent intervenir dans d'autres processus tels que le cycle cellulaire ou le métabolisme. Au sein du laboratoire, nous nous intéressons tout particulièrement aux rôles non-apoptotiques des protéines Bcl-2 au cours du développement embryonnaire. Grâce à l'utilisation du poisson zèbre, nous avons pu montrer que les protéines de la famille Bcl-2 contrôlent différents processus au cours du développement grâce à leur capacité à réguler l'homéostasie calcique. En effet, nous avons montré que la protéine anti-apoptotique Nrz participe au remodelage du cytosquelette d'actine au cours de l'épibolie en régulant la concentration de calcium cytosolique par son interaction avec le récepteur à l'IP3 (IP3R). Nous avons de plus pu montrer que Nrz diminue la sortie de calcium du réticulum endoplasmique en inhibant la fixation de l'IP3 sur son récepteur. Nous avons également identifié un nouveau membre pro-apoptotique de la famille Bcl-2, Bclwav, spécifiquement exprimée chez les poissons et le xénope. Cette protéine participe à la régulation de l'homéostasie calcique mitochondriale en interagissant avec VDAC. Nous avons de plus montré que cette activité est essentielle pour les mouvements de convergence et d'extension au cours du développement embryonnaire précoce du poisson zèbre / Apoptosis is a key cellular process for tissue homeostasis. Apoptotic cell death is under control of Bcl-2 family proteins which regulate outer mitochondrial membrane permeability. However, beyond their role in apoptosis, Bcl-2 family proteins are also involved in other cellular processes such as cell cycle or metabolism. In our laboratory we are interested in non-apoptotic functions of Bcl-2 family proteins in embryonic development. Using zebrafish model we have shown that Bcl-2 proteins control different processes during early development thanks to their ability to regulate calcium homeostasis. Indeed, we have shown that the anti-apoptotic protein Nrz participates in actin cytoskeleton remodeling during epiboly by regulating cytosolic calcium concentration via an interaction with the IP3 receptor (IP3R). We have also demonstrated that Nrz decreases calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum by inhibiting IP3 fixation on its receptor. We have furthermore identified a new pro-apoptotic member of Bcl-2 family, Bcl-wav which is expressed only in fish and frogs. This protein regulates mitochondrial calcium homeostasis by interacting with VDAC. We have moreover shown that this activity is essential for convergence and extension movements during early zebrafish development

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