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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexual Partnership-Level Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru

Passaro, R. Colby, Segura, Eddy R., Gonzales-Saavedra, Williams, Lake, Jordan E., Perez-Brumer, Amaya, Shoptaw, Steven, Dilley, James, Cabello, Robinson, Clark, Jesse L. 01 January 2020 (has links)
To improve understanding of factors associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) and explore its role in sexually transmitted infection (STI) acquisition, we analyzed partnership-level correlates of IPV among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TW) in Peru. In a 2017 cross-sectional study of rectal STI screening and HIV prevention, MSM/TW completed a sociobehavioral survey addressing demographic characteristics, sexual risk behaviors, and substance use, and were tested for rectal gonorrhea and chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV. Generalized estimating equations estimated individual- and partner-level correlates of IPV. Of 576 participants (median age, 27 years), 7.9% (36/456) of MSM and 15.0% (18/120) of TW reported IPV with ≥ 1 of their last three partners. MSM/TW reporting IPV were more likely to meet criteria for an alcohol use disorder (74.1%) than participants reporting no IPV (56.7%; p <.01). Physical violence (4.5% MSM; 9.2% TW) was associated with stable partnerships (aPR 3.79, 95% CI 1.79–8.04), partner concurrency (4.42, 1.19–16.40), and participant alcohol (4.71, 1.82–12.17) or drug use (5.38, 2.22–13.02) prior to sex. Psychological violence (4.5% MSM; 5.0% TW) was associated with stable partnerships (2.84, 1.01–7.99). Sexual IPV was reported by 1.1% of MSM and 5.0% of TW. Physical, psychological, and sexual IPV were reported in sexual partnerships of Peruvian MSM and TW, particularly with stable partners and in conjunction with substance use. / Revisión por pares

Socialsekreterares skilda skyddsbedömningar : Hur stödet vid mäns våld mot kvinnor kan skilja sig åt / Social workers' different protection assessments : How support for men's violence against women can differ

Karlsson, Tove, Emilia, Bertilsson January 2024 (has links)
Men's violence against women is an ever-increasing societal issue. The social services bear the responsibility of supporting and protecting women who are victims of violence seeking help. This responsibility has been delegated to social workers based on municipal autonomy. To ensure the safety placements of these women, social workers are guided by standardized assessment tools implemented across municipalities. Previous research suggests that safety assessments might differ depending on where in the country women seek support and protection. The study focuses on investigating the basis upon which social workers ground their safety assessments and whether circumstances exist that cause variations in these assessments across different municipalities. Data from social workers is gathered through eight semi-structured interviews. This empirical data is processed and analyzed using the theoretical concept of scope for action. The study reveals that social workers base their safety assessments on FREDA and conversations with the victims of violence. It discusses the significance of the victim's narrative and how deficiencies in resources and evaluation can lead to discrepancies in assessments. The choice of assessment tools and the scope for action of social workers are questioned.

An Examination of Relational Resilience Among Adolescent Girls and Emerging Adult Women Exposed to Childhood Intimate Partner Violence

Evans, Kylie E. 26 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

En kartläggning över kliniskt verksamma fysioterapeuters tillvägagångssätt i möten med våldsutsatta kvinnor på offentliga- och privata vårdcentraler / A survey on clinically active physiotherapists approach when meeting battered women in private- and public healthcare

Sandkvist, Wilma, Sortti, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relation är ett globalt samhällsproblem där kvinnor är mest drabbade. Till följd av våldets konsekvenser för individen har personal inom hälso- och sjukvården en unik möjlighet att identifiera och hjälpa dessa kvinnor. Sjukvårdspersonal såsom fysioterapeuter har en hög sannolikhet att möta dessa kvinnor. Det råder brist på riktlinjer för fysioterapeuter för hur dessa patienter ska bemötas och vilka åtgärder som bör användas. Kännedom om fysioterapeuters erfarenheter av att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor är därför viktigt för att öka kunskapen om hur kvinnor bäst ska bemötas. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vilka åtgärder som används av fysioterapeuter på vårdcentraler i Sverige vid bemötande av våldsutsatta kvinnor. Vidare studerandes eventuella skillnader mellan fysioterapeuter på privata och offentliga vårdcentraler, samt mellan fysioterapeuter med examen innan och efter 2018.  Metod: En egenkonstruerad enkät skickades ut i åtta Facebookgrupper för fysioterapeuter som identifierats efter lämplighet. Efter fem veckor med låg svarsfrekvens skickades enkäten även ut till en lista med handledare via e-post. Enkäten låg ute i sex veckor varpå svaren kodades om till siffror och datan analyserades genom jämförelser av median och kvartilavstånd, samt Mann-Whitney U-test (two tailed).  Resultat: Enkäten fick 33 svar där 13 regioner representerades. Åtgärder med högst frekvens var att "erbjuda patienten ett nytt besök” samt att “erbjuda information om de stödtjänster som finns”. Ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad sågs i jämförelse mellan privata och offentliga vårdcentraler. Ej heller vid jämförelse av dem med examen innan och efter 2018. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a global issue where women are most affected. Due to the consequences of the violence, healthcare professionals have a unique opportunity to identify and help the victims. Healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists, are highly likely to encounter these women. There are no guidelines on how to treat these women aimed at physiotherapists. Knowledge on the experiences of physiotherapists when meeting these women is essential to raise knowledge on how to best treat them. Objective: The aim of the study was to identify which strategies and measures are used by physiotherapists in primary care in Sweden when meeting abused women. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate differences between private and public health centers, as well as participants who graduated before and after 2018.  Design: A self-constructed survey was published in 8 facebook groups for physiotherapists, chosen based on suitability. After 5 weeks with a low response rate, the survey was sent out to a list of supervisors through email. The survey was open for 6 weeks after which the answers were encoded and analyzed through comparing median and interquartile range, as well as the Mann-Whitney U test (two tailed). Results: The survey generated 33 responses, with 13 healthcare regions represented. The most frequently used measures were to “offer the patient a new appointment” and to “offer information about available support services”. No statistically significant differences were observed when comparing responses from private and public health centers, nor when comparing respondents who graduated before or after 2018.

Examining the role of contrasting types of online content related to gender attitudes : A vignette study on blame attribution in intimate partner violence against women

Porcedda, Alessandra January 2024 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pressing global issue that endangers women worldwide. Societal reactions to this type of violence are deciding factors for victims’ mental health and help-seeking behaviour.Previous research has shown that victim-blaming attitudes in IPV remain prevalent, especially among men and individuals with sexist beliefs. Considering the recent rise in popularity of online content supporting traditional gender roles and sexism among young people, it begs the question of whether such content influences victim-blaming, and if content supporting contrasting ideas has the opposite effect. Using an online questionnaire containing a hypothetical scenario on IPV, this vignette study analysed how agreement with sexist online content and feminist online content influence both victim-blaming and perpetrator responsibility attitudes among a predominantly young sample (N=210).Results indicate that agreement with sexist online content is associated with an increase in victim-blaming and a decrease in perpetrator responsibility attribution, however, these effects lose their statistical significance when variables measuring general sexist attitudes are included in the regression. Agreement with feminist online content is also associated with a statistically significant increase of perpetrator responsibility attribution and a decrease in victim-blaming, although statistical strength and significance are once again lost when general sexist attitudes are accounted for. These results suggest that general sexist attitudes, specifically hostile sexist attitudes, have a stronger influence on victim-blaming and perpetrator responsibility attribution compared to agreement with sexist and feminist online content, potentially due to a mediating or moderating effect of the latter.Future research should analyse the causal relationship between sexist attitudes and exposure to various types of online content as well as study how different constellations of IPV might be influenced by the consumption of sexist or feminist online content.

Pregnant Adolescents as Perpetrators and Victims of Intimate Partner Violence

Buzi, Ruth S., Smith, Peggy B., Kozinetz, Claudia A., Wiemann, Constance M. 20 April 2017 (has links)
The role of pregnant adolescents as perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) is not well understood. Socioecological factors associated with IPV (physical assault and injury, and psychological aggression) perpetrated by pregnant adolescents and the association between IPV and attitudes toward the use of physical punishment to discipline children were examined among 246 pregnant adolescents. Pregnant adolescents were more likely to report perpetrating both physical assault (24%) and psychological aggression (52.7%) than being the recipient (12.2% and 38.6%, respectively) and having been physically injured (7%) than inflicting injury (4.1%). Risk factors for perpetrating physical assault included prior assault by partner, being African American, exposure to community violence, being in trouble with the police, and multiple lifetime drug use. IPV perpetrators had more favorable attitudes toward the use of physical punishment. Interventions should address IPV and parenting attitudes in young couples to maximize the health and safety of both mother and unborn child.

Distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av möten med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn : En deskriptiv kvalitativ intervjustudie

Lobanova, Olga January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Distriktssköterskor på BVC möter ibland våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn i sitt arbete. Följder av våld i nära relationer kan vara försämrad psykosocial hälsa både hos kvinnor och barn. Att tidigt upptäcka och hjälpa en sådan kvinna och hennes barn är ett viktigt uppdrag som distriktssköterskan har på BVC. Syftet med studien var att undersöka distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av möten med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn på BVC samt ta reda på vad som saknas kunskaps- och metodmässigt i deras arbete när det gäller att hjälpa denna patientkategori. Metod: Sju distriktssköterskor på BVC intervjuades och kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera data. Resultat: Intervjuinnehållet delades i fyra huvudkategorier och sexton underkategorier. Huvudkategorierna var följande: Upplevelser av möten med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn, Tillvägagångssätt vid mötet med våldutsatta kvinnor med barn, Upplevelser av möten med barn till den våldutsatta kvinnan på BVC, Förslag på förbättringar inom arbetet med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn. Slutsats: Tydliga riktlinjer och metoder för screening för våldutsatthet behövs på BVC. Fördjupad utbildning inom olika kulturer och om våld i nära relationer är nödvändiga för ett mer effektivt och förebyggande arbete med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn på BVC. Mer tid och förståelse från ledningen är viktiga aspekter när det gäller att hjälpa våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn. Nyckelord: Distriktssköterska, sjuksköterska, våldutsatta kvinnor, våld i nära relationer, BVC, kultur. / Background: Public health nurses working at child health clinics sometimes meet abused women and their children in their work. Consequences of domestic violence can be impaired psychosocial health in both women and children. To identify and help such a woman and her children early is an important mission that a public health nurse has at child health care. The  Aim of this study was to investigate the public health nurses' experiences of meetings with abused women and their children at child health care and what knowledge and methods are lacking in terms of their work in terms of helping this group.Method: Semi structured interviews with seven public health nurses at child health care were carried out and qualitative content analysis was used to analyze data. Results: The content of the interviews were divided into four main categories and sixteen sub-categories. The main categories were: Public health nurses’ experiences of meetings with abused women and their children, Approach the meeting with abused women and their children, Experiences of meetings with children of the abused woman at child health care, Suggestions for improvements in work with abused women and their children.Conclusion: Explicit guidelines and methods for screening for violence exposure needed within child health care. Deeper knowledge about different cultures, and domestic violence is necessary for a more effective and preventive work with abused women and their children. More time and understanding from management are important aspects when it comes to helping domestically violated women and their children. Keywords: District nurse, nurse, domestically violated women, IPV (intimate partner violence), child health care, culture.

Våld i nära relationer : Sjuksköterskors beredskap och agerande vid mötet med våldsutsatta kvinnor / Intimate partner violence : Nurses‟ preparedness and interaction when encountering abused women

Löfgren, Katarina, Nilsson, Moa January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer innebär fysiskt, psykiskt och/eller sexuellt våld. Det anses vara ett stort hälsoproblem som främst drabbar kvinnor och ger fysiska, psykiska och sociala konsekvenser. Hälso- och sjukvården har ett stort ansvar gällande att upptäcka och hjälpa utsatta kvinnor samt förebygga våld i nära relationer, men många kvinnor upplever att de inte fått adekvat stöd och hjälp från hälso- och sjukvården. Syfte: Att belysa faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors beredskap inför och agerande vid mötet med kvinnor som misstänks vara eller är utsatta för våld i nära relation. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt med analys och sammanställning av tio vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ data. Resultat: Faktorer som påverkade beredskap och agerande var dels relaterade till sjuksköterskan som person; attityder och tankar kring sjuksköterskans professionella roll, sjuksköterskans känslor samt personliga och professionella erfarenheter av våld i nära relationer. Dels påverkade också faktorer som var relaterade till sjuksköterskans omgivning och förutsättningar; utbildning och praktiska färdigheter, miljö samt organisation. Slutsats: Fördjupade kunskaper, erfarenhet och en mer öppen, förstående attityd hos sjuksköterskor visade sig kunna vara avgörande för kvaliteten på vården av kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Klinisk betydelse: Utbildning inom våld i nära relationer skulle kunna utvecklas, attityder diskuteras och handlingsplaner införlivas på ett tydligare sätt i vården. / Background: Intimate partner violence involves physical, psychological and/or sexual violence. It is viewed as a major health problem that mainly affects women and has physical, psychological and social consequences. The health care system has a great responsibility in identifying and helping subjected women and in preventing intimate partner violence, yet many women feel that they do not get adequate support and help from the health care services. Aim: To illuminate factors affecting nurses‟ preparedness for and interaction with women who may be or are subjected to intimate partner violence. Method: General literature review with analysis and synthesis of ten research articles with both qualitative and quantitative data. Results: Factors were partly related to the nurse in person; attitudes and conceptions about the nurses‟ professional role, the nurses‟ feelings, and personal and professional experiences of intimate partner violence. Other factors were related to the nurses‟ environment and conditions; education and practical skills, environment and organization. Conclusion: Enhanced knowledge, experience and more open-minded and understanding attitudes among nurses could be determining for the quality of care of women subjected to intimate partner violence. Clinical significance: Education about intimate partner violence could be developed, attitudes discussed and guidelines implemented in a more explicit manner in healthcare.

"Från himlen rakt ner i helvetet" : Från uppbrott till rättsprocess vid mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer / "From heaven straight down to hell" : From break-up to legal proceedings in men's violence against women in intimate partner relationships

Scheffer Lindgren, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Male violence against women in intimate partner relationships is a global public health problem and a serious crime, but remains largely underreported. The overall ain of this thesis was, by means of an interdisciplinary approach and from the perspectives of gender, public health and law, to gain a deeper understanding of the situation of abused women, by studying, on one hand, their leaving processes and, on the other, the consequences of the violence for their health. On the basis of this information, a further aim was to increase knowledge of the quality and effect of gender relations in the practical application of the law. The point of departure was that the different perspectives should not be consodered separately but should be seen in context. The thesis describes the prcess for abused women, from the violent relationship and the break-up, the health consequences caused by the violence to the practical application of the law. The thesis consists of four studies (I-IV). An initial qualitative study (I) showed that the leaving process for abused women is fearful, complex and long-lasting. The analysis also revealed a gradual development of strong emotional bonds towards the men on the part of the women. Study II was a combination of qualitative in-depth interviews and quantitative measurements and confirmed former studies regarding the negative health consequences caused by the violence, in particular symptoms of complex PTSD. Study III, examining preliminary investiagtions concerning reported crimes of intimate partner violence, showed that there is still a lack of crminal justice for abused women even if the frequency of cases leading to prosecution was fairly high. In study IV court case records were examined by means of a qualitative method inspired by discourse analysis to determine whether gender is (re)constructed in court practice, and how the process works. The analysis of this particular sample indicated that the practical application of law is influenced by an old-fashioned and stereotypical view of violence, sexuality, men and women. the legal discourses retain and reproduce the gender order. The overall results of the separate studies reinforce the importance of gaining a broader understanding of men's violence against women in intimate partner relationships.

Se mig, jag finns : En litteraturöversikt av vårdpersonalens bemötande av våldutsatta kvinnor inom hälsosjukvården / Look here, I exist : A literature review of health professionals’ encounter of women in violence in healthcare

Hurtig, Kawsar January 2018 (has links)
Background: In 2015, 17,000 reports were made of about assault cases in Sweden. In 46% of the reports the perpetrator was in a close relationship with the victim. When the victims of violence seek care, healthcare staff lacks routines and resources to pay attention to and respond to women adequately, despite the fact that the healthcare system has legal responsibility to prevent, detect and identify violence. Hence the interest in how healthcare professionals meet these women and what routines and resources are available in health care to support women with violence. Aim: The literature review’s aims was to map the encounter of women who are exposed to violence in close relationships with a male partner. Method: A general literature review based on qualitative and quantitative articles. Result: Healthcare professionals pay attention to and rarely respond to vulnerable women in healthcare due to lack of knowledge and education. Lack of routines and resources prevents healthcare professionals from responding to and providing adequate support to women with violence. Conclusions: The conclusion that can be drawn is that the predominantly affected person's lack of treatment and the lack of routines and resources of the healthcare system is the woman who is the victim of violence. Suggestions for Continuing Research: To research how healthcare is working with the shortcomings that presents in the encounter of women who experience intimate partner violence / Bakgrund: År 2015 gjordes 17 000 anmälningar om misshandelsbrott i Sverige. I 46% av anmälningarna var gärningsmannen i en nära relation med offret. När de våldsutsatta kvinnorna söker vård saknar vårdpersonal rutiner och resurser för att uppmärksamma och bemöta kvinnorna på adekvat sätt, trots att hälso- och sjukvården har lagstadgat ansvar att förebygga, upptäcka och identifiera våld. Därav intresset för hur vårdpersonal bemöter dessa kvinnor och vilka rutiner och resurser som finns inom hälso- och sjukvården att ge stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor. Syfte: Litteraturöversikten syftade till att kartlägga hälso- och sjukvårdens bemötande av kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relation av en manlig partner. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt baserad på kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar. Resultat: Vårdpersonal inom hälso- och sjukvården uppmärksammade och bemötte sällan våldsutsatta kvinnor i vården på grund av bristande kunskap och utbildning. Brister i rutiner och resurser hindra vårdpersonalen från att bemöta och ge adekvat stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor. Slutsatser: Slutsatsen som kan dras är att den som främst drabbas av vårdpersonalens bristande bemötande samt hälso- och sjukvårdens bristande rutiner och resurser, är den våldsutsatta kvinnan. Förslag på fortsatt forskning: Efterforska vidare hur hälso- och sjukvården arbetar med bristerna som framkommer i bemötandet med våldsutsatta kvinnor.

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