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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência do gotejamento subterrâneo e do "mulching" plástico na cultura do melão em ambiente protegido / Effects of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) and plastic mulching on melon crop under protect environment

Rodrigo Otávio Câmara Monteiro 08 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho teve, como objetivo, quantificar o rendimento, as características quantitativas e qualitativas de interesse econômico do meloeiro, analisando também a distribuição espacial da água e de íons fertilizantes (nitrato e potássio) no sistema radicular da planta, em dois tipos de solo: Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo (franco-arenoso) e Argissolo Vermelho (argiloso), submetidos aos efeitos do "mulching", em condições de gotejamento superficial e subsuperficial (0,20 e 0,40 m de profundidade). O ensaio foi conduzido na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" – ESALQ/USP, em uma área protegida de 330 m2 (22,0 m x 15 m), localizada no município de Piracicaba, SP. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 4 blocos cada, com o arranjo dos tratamentos em fatorial 2 x 3 (6 tratamentos), com a combinação das variáveis "mulching" plástico e profundidade de gotejamento, totalizando 24 parcelas experimentais em cada solo. O monitoramento da umidade foi realizado com tensiômetros de punção e a concentração de nitrato, potássio, pH e condutividade elétrica através de extratores de solução do solo, instalados nas profundidades de 0,15, 0,30 e 0,50 m da superfície do solo, e nas distâncias do gotejador de 0,10, 0,20, 0,30 e 0,40 m. Foram coletadas, ainda, amostras de solo nas profundidades de 0,04, 0,08 e 0,12 m e nas mesmas distâncias do emissor, para o mesmo monitoramento. Foram realizadas análises de pH e de condutividade elétrica do solo nas mesmas posições. O uso do "mulching" incrementou a altura da planta, o diâmetro de colo, a massa média de fruto, a produção por planta, o diâmetro longitudinal e a espessura de polpa, nos solos franco-arenoso e argiloso, além do diâmetro transversal, da relação de formato do fruto, dos sólidos solúveis totais e do pH, no solo argiloso. A profundidade de gotejo a 0,20 m da superfície do solo proporcionou maiores valores médios de massa do fruto e de produção por planta, no solo arenoso, e influenciou o pH do fruto, no solo argiloso. Não foi possível observar efeito dos tratamentos na distribuição de nitrato nos solos franco-arenoso e argiloso, devido a sua complexa dinâmica no solo. A profundidade de gotejo a 0,20 m da superfície do solo e sem "mulching" disponibilizou mais íons potássio à zona de absorção das raízes do meloeiro no solo franco-arenoso, dos 47 DAT aos 63 DAT, período que compreendeu desde o início do florescimento até a fase inicial de frutificação da cultura. Para o solo argiloso, o efeito do "mulching" foi mais evidente na distribuição de íons potássio ao redor da zona radicular do que na profundidade de gotejo. Em ambos os solos, nas caixas sem "mulching", o tratamento com gotejo à 0,20 m da superfície apresentou maior produtividade da água, quando comparado aos demais tratamentos que utilizaram gotejo à superfície e a 0,40 m. / This work aims to quantify melon yield, quantitative and qualitative aspects, as well to observe water and ions distribution (nitrate and potassium) in the root zone for two soils: Yellow Red Latossol (Sandy loam soil) and Red Argissol (Clay soil), under plastic mulching and subsurface drip irrigation (0.20 m and 0.40 m from the soil surface). Melon cycle occurred between november, 2005 until january, 2006. The research site was a greenhouse (330 m2) located at the University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design was four randomized complete blocks. The treatments were comprised of 24 experimental units for each soil. Soil moisture evaluated by tensiometric batteries, and the nitrate, potassium, pH and EC values by soil solution based on extractors of ceramic capsules disposal at depths of 0.10 m, 0.30 m, and 0.50 m and horizontal distances of 0.10 m, 0.20 m, 0.30 m and 0.40 from the plant, and by soil sampling as shallow depths of 0.04 m, 0.08 m, and 0.12 m at the same horizontal distances from the plant. The plastic mulching increased the height plant, stem diameter, plant production, longitudinal diameter and pulp thickness of the fruit for the sandy loam and clay soil, and transversal diameter, format of the fruit, soluble solids levels and pH of the fruit for the clay soil. The subsurface drip irrigation at 0.20 m from the surface soil provided larger fruit average mass and plant production to sandy loam soil and make influence in pH of the fruit to clay soil. It was not possible to find treatments effects for the nitrate distribution at sandy loam and clay soils due the complex nitrate dynamics in the soil. The subsurface drip irrigation at 0.20 m and without plastic mulching made available more potassium concentration at the melon root absorption zone for the sandy loam soil, from 47 and 63 days after planting, when the blooming started until to frutification period. To clay soil the mulching effect was more evident at the potassium distribution than the subsurface drip irrigation. For both soils, without mulching, subsurface drip irrigation at 0.20 m showed larger water productivity compared to 0.40 m and surface drip irrigation treatments.

Kiru Valley Complexity : A case study over consequences of and causes to conflicts over irrigation water in Tanzania

Said, Samy January 2008 (has links)
Inequalities among different power groups are getting obvious in Kiru Valley, Tanzania mainly due to water scarcity. This paper aims to examine, by a case study, the increasing competition over irrigation water among Kiru Valley farmers in relation to socio-economic stratification. It is possible to divide the examined parts of Kiru Valley farmers into three dif-ferent power groups corresponding to their access to irrigation water. First, large-scale sugar cane farmers owned by Tanzanians with Indian origin located on strategic positions near the main rivers. Second, upstream small-scale rice cultivators receiving water from the IFAD (International Found for Agricultural Development) irrigation system and, third, downstream small-scale farmers cultivating rice in the Mapea wetland. To achieve the objectives in this study, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) techniques have been used and especially wealth rank-ings to measure the socio-economic stratification. The wealth rankings demonstrate differences among Kiru Valley farmers. Those farmers connected to the IFAD irrigation system and the large-scale farmers have in higher amount a steady access to irrigation water than farmers cultivating the Mapea wetland. Consequently Mapea farmers are forced to rely on left over water from upstream IFAD farmers and sur-rounding large-scale farmers, leading to unfair distribution patterns and tensions among Kiru Valley farmers.  Finally, it has further been found that access to irrigation water is reflected in household economy. Mapea farmers have less capital goods and households properties com-pared to both IFAD-irrigators and large-scale farmers.

The Irrigator : Autonomous watering robot for homes / Bevattnaren

Lind, Henrik, Janssen, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
Inspired by the trend of automated homes, this thesis examines the possibility of designing a cheap and autonomous robot that will water plants effectively at home. Many existing solutions are cumbersome and not sufficiently effective, often due to flexibility and risk of over watering. Therefore this thesis examines a wheel based approach. In order to achieve the best possible results, the soil water content was measured, as opposed to a time-based approach where the user sets a timer to decide how often the plants are watered. This thesis also examines the advantages, and disadvantages of a capacitive moisture sensor versus a resistive moisture sensor, as well as effects of depth of penetration for the sensors. Controlled using an Arduino Uno, the robot was programmed to follow a line with IR-sensors, drive using differential steering, and had the ability to drive in reverse. It was able to identify a pot, read the moisture level of the soil, water it, and continue the loop. However, it was not completely autonomous as it is incapable of refilling the water tank – or recharging the batteries. It was stated that the resistive sensor was most suited to be used in the robot due to the relatively reliable results at increased depth. The results at deeper penetration were expected, as the moisture increased with depth when not recently irrigated. The capacitive sensor showed somewhat ambiguous results. The results showed higher water content deeper into the soil, compared to recently irrigated soils. / Inspirerade av trenden om automatiserade hem grundar sig detta arbete i möjligheten att skapa en billig och självgående robot som effektivt vattnar plantor i hemmet. Då många nuvarande lösningar är besvärliga och inte tillräckligt effektiva har detta kandidatarbete undersökt ett tillvägagångssätt som innefattar en robot byggd på en plattform med hjul. För att uppnå en effektiv bevattning grundar sig processen i fuktighetsnivån hos jorden plantorna sitter i, istället för en annars vanlig tidsbaserad bevattningsprocess. Därmed undersöker arbetet även fördelar och nackdelar med resistiva och kapacitiva jordfuktighetssensorer. Rapporten undersöker och redogör hur påverkan av djupet sensorn penetrerar jorden påverkar datan om jordens fuktighet. Kontrollerad av en Arduino Uno följde roboten en utsatt linje med hjälp av IR-sensorer och en motordrivare som implementerade både differentialstyrning och möjligheten att köra motorer i motsatt riktning. Den slutgiltiga roboten kunde med hjälp av ultraljudssensorer upptäcka en kruka, läsa av fuktighetsnivån i jorden, vattna och sedan fortsätta slingan. Däremot var den inte helt självkörande då den saknade förmågan att fylla på vattentanken och ladda sina batterier själv. Det konstaterades att den resistiva sensorn var bäst lämpad, tack vare dess tillförlitliga mätningar vid varierande djup. Den resistiva sensorns utslag vid djupare mätningar var förväntade, då den torra jorden ökade i fuktighet och den nyligen bevattnade jorden visade fortsatt fuktigt. Däremot visade den kapacitiva sensorn något tvetydiga resultat vid djupa mätningar, då de torra krukorna framstod som fuktigare än de nyligen bevattnade.

The potential of combining UAV and remote sensing in supporting precision mapping of irrigation systems for paddy land in urban agricultural areas: study case in the Hoa Vang district, Danang city, Central Vietnam

Tran, Phuong Thi, Truong, Phuong Do Minh, Ho, Hoang Viet, Nguyen, Hai Thi, Nguyen, Ngoc Bich 29 December 2021 (has links)
This research was carried out to test the potential of combining unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and remote sensing (RS) to support precision mapping of irrigation systems for paddy land. The study area is an urban/agricultural area of Central Vietnam. The Sentinel-2A imagery acquired on 30 June 2018 was interpreted according an object-based classification method aiming to map paddy land and irrigation systems for the Hoa Vang district; the total accuracy was 91.33% with a Kappa coefficient of 0.87. However, with the spatial resolution from the Sentinel-2A images (20 meters x 20 meters) it was difficult to classify paddy land and water from other objects within small and scattered parcel areas. This research was designed on five experimental flying zones, collecting 2,085 images by the UAV. With the very high spatial resolution data of the UAV, it was possible to clearly identify the boundaries of paddy land parcels, water sources such as rivers and lakes, and other objects such as canals and concrete irrigation systems. This classification derived from the orthogonal images from the five experimental zones using an object-based classification method, correcting the interpretation results of the Sentinel 2A images. Outcomes indicate that, the combination of UAV and RS can be applied to support precision mapping of irrigation systems for paddy land in urban agricultural areas. / Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện nhằm thử nghiệm khả năng kết hợp giữa UAV với viễn thám trong hỗ trợ độ chính xác của bản đồ hệ thống nước tưới cho đất trồng lúa ở vùng nông nghiệp đô thị tại Miền trung Việt Nam. Ảnh viễn thám Sentinel- 2A thu nhận vào 30/6/2018 đã được giải đoán bằng phương pháp định hướng đối hướng để thành lập bản đồ hệ thống nguồn nước tưới cho huyện Hòa Vang vào năm 2018, với kết quả độ chính xác tổng số là 91,33% và hệ số kappa là 0,87. Mặc dù với kết quả giải đoán có độ chính xác cao nhưng với độ phân giải không gian của ảnh Sentinel-2A là 20m x 20m rất khó để phân loại được các vùng đất lúa có diện tích nhỏ và phân bố phân tán. Nghiên cứu này đã thiết kế 5 khu vực bay thử nghiệm với 2.085 ảnh để thu thập dữ liệu từ UAV. Có thể thấy rằng dữ liệu ảnh từ UAV với độ phân giải siêu cao có thể nhận diện và phân biệt được một cách rõ ràng không chỉ ranh giới của các thửa đất lúa, hệ thống nguồn nước như sông hồ, mà còn cả những đối tượng kênh mương thủy lợi nhỏ. Kết quả giải đoán các ảnh bay chụp bằng UAV sử dụng dụng phương pháp định hướng đối tượng, nghiên cứu này đã hiệu chỉnh được kết quả giải đoán ảnh Sentinel 2A. Kết quả cho thấy việc kết hợp dữ liệu viễn thám với UAV là hoàn toàn có khả năng sử dụng để hỗ trợ độ chính xác thành lập bản đồ hệ thống nguồn nước cho đất trồng lúa ở vùng nông nghiệp đô thị.

Diseño de un sistema de bombeo solar para almacenamiento de agua usada en sistemas de riego en zonas agrícolas aisladas

Vilchez Cornejo, Luis Gerardo January 2024 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se diseñó un sistema de bombeo solar para almacenamiento de agua en sistemas de riego en zonas agrícolas aisladas con ayuda del software PVsyst. En el área de estudio actualmente para el riego del limón utilizan motores de combustión interna, originando costos elevados de combustible, mantenimiento y operación, además generando emisiones de 𝐶𝑂2 provocando la contaminación ambiental. Ante lo mencionado surge la alternativa de la aplicación de la energía solar fotovoltaica para el riego y proyectándose hacia el futuro a cosechar también espárrago, palta y arándanos; para ello se realizó una evaluación de niveles de radiación solar utilizando el software RETScreen, Meteonorm, CropWat y mediciones in situ, obteniendo 5,80 𝑘𝑊ℎ/𝑚 2/𝑑í𝑎 correspondiente al mes de julio, mes más crítico del año. En el diseño también incluye cálculos de evapotranspiración, demanda hídrica, caudal de bombeo, altura manométrica, longitud de la tubería, volumen del reservorio y diámetro de la tubería, para así poder definir los componentes del sistema de bombeo solar. Para este sistema se seleccionó una bomba sumergible de la marca Lorentz, 08 paneles solares de la marca Trina Solar de 405 𝑊, un controlador de la marca Lorentz y un reservorio de geomembrana aprovechando las características del terreno. Para la elaboración de los planos respectivos se utilizó se software AutoCAD. La evaluación económica resulto dar un 𝑉𝐴𝑁 = 𝑆/. 32 760,78, una 𝑇𝐼𝑅 = 19,91% y un tiempo de retorno de 5,33 años de asegurando la factibilidad del proyecto. / In this research work, a solar pumping system was designed for water storage in irrigation systems in isolated agricultural areas with the help of the PVsyst software. In the study area, internal combustion engines are currently used for lemon irrigation, causing high fuel, maintenance and operation costs, also generating 𝐶𝑂2 emissions, causing environmental pollution. Given the aforementioned, the alternative of applying photovoltaic solar energy for irrigation arises and planning in the future to also harvest asparagus, avocado and blueberries; For this, an evaluation of solar radiation levels was carried out using the RETScreen, Meteonorm, CropWat software and in situ measurements, obtaining 5,80 𝑘𝑊ℎ/𝑚 2 /𝑑𝑎𝑦 corresponding to the month of July, the most critical month of the year. The design also includes calculations of evapotranspiration, water demand, pumping flow, manometric head, pipe length, reservoir volume and pipe diameter, in order to define the components of the solar pumping system. For this system, a Lorentz brand submersible pump was selected, 08 Trina Solar brand solar panels of 405 𝑊, a Lorentz brand controller and a geomembrane reservoir taking advantage of the characteristics of the terrain. AutoCAD software is used to prepare the respective plans. The economic evaluation resulted in an 𝑁𝑃𝑉 = 𝑆/. 32 760,78, an 𝐼𝑅𝑅 = 19,91% and a payback time of 5,33 years, ensuring the feasibility of the project.

Variabilidade espacial e temporal da qualidade da água de irrigação no sistema de produção de morango em propriedades familiatres no município de Turuçu - RS

Estrela, Carina Costa 27 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:33:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Carina_ Estrela_.pdf: 16751997 bytes, checksum: 57dab41429721d293278464eaa3be9b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-27 / The main economic activities developed at Turuçu-RS (Brazil) are the dairy cattle breeding, cultivation of temperate climate fruit, tobacco and red-hot chili pepper. Among the fruits, strawberry is a relevant crop which is providing worthy investment return for the farmers, generating income, employment, social inclusion and therefore rising quality of life of the farmers. Drip irrigation is one of the adopted technologies by the rural producers in the strawberry crop system. The irrigation water quality has an important role in this system due the potential to cause emitters clogging, reducing the equipment life time and irrigation uniformity. The effect of the water quality may very depending on factors as the kind of water source, local climate and the irrigation management employed by the farmer. This work intended to characterize the irrigation water sources in relation to their origin and to assess the spatial and temporal variability of the water quality utilized in the strawberry crop in 15 rural properties affiliated to the Association of Strawberry Producers of Turuçu-RS. Water samples were collected monthly at water supply for ten months. The water quality was evaluated in terms of its physical (suspended solids, dissolved solids and turbidity), chemical (pH, total iron, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and hardness) and microbiological parameters (total and fecal coliform bacteria). These parameters were evaluated in relation to the hazard to cause damages to the drip irrigation systems and to their spatial and temporal distribution by means of box plot graphs. To characterize the irrigation water sources relating to their origin was employed a typology for grouping the sources based on the CONAMA (National Council for the Environment) Resolution 303/2002. In this manner, six sources were classified as Group 1, five as Group 2, three as Group 3 and one as Group 4. It was verified that the rural producers had no technical advice about reservoir construction or water withdrawal location. The spatial and temporal variability of the water quality analyzed presented different magnitude for the parameters. The dissolved solid concentration presented the greatest among physical parameters, and dissolved oxygen, followed by electrical conductivity among the chemical. In relation to the clogging hazard, the suspended solid concentration was the physical parameter that presented the greatest percentage of samples classified as of moderate and severe risk, while turbidity was classified as adequate for most samples. For the chemical parameters, total iron levels presented the greatest percentage of samples classified as of moderate and severe risk. For dissolved oxygen, the percentage of samples classified as inadequate was over 50% in six properties, and it was classified as adequate over 50% in six properties. For the pH parameter the clogging hazard was found low in ten water sources while electrical conductivity and hardness presented low risk for all samples. It was not detected the presence of total and fecal coliform bacteria in four and five water samples, respectively, along the studied period. / No município de Turuçu-RS as principais atividades econômicas desenvolvidas são a pecuária leiteira, a produção de frutíferas de clima temperado, de fumo e de pimenta vermelha. Dentre as frutíferas, destaca-se o morangueiro que tem propiciado aos produtores rurais, boa rentabilidade constituindo-se em instrumento de geração de renda e emprego, inclusão social e assim incrementando o padrão de qualidade de vida destes produtores. A irrigação localizada por gotejamento foi um dos incrementos tecnológicos adotados na produção do morangueiro. Neste sistema, a qualidade da água utilizada assume papel importante podendo afetar seu funcionamento causando obstrução de emissores diminuindo sua vida útil e comprometendo a uniformidade da irrigação. Baseado nisto, este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as fontes de captação de água usada para irrigação quanto a sua origem e avaliar a variabilidade espacial e temporal da qualidade da água usada na produção de morangos em 15 propriedades, pertencentes à Associação dos Produtores de Morango do Município de Turuçu-RS. Para tal, foram coletadas, mensalmente, amostras de água das fontes de captação em cada uma das propriedades, durante um período de 10 meses, determinando suas características físicas (sólidos suspensos, sólidos dissolvidos e turbidez), químicas (pH, ferro total, oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica e dureza), e microbiológicas (coliformes totais e fecais). Estas características foram avaliadas quanto ao potencial de causar danos ao sistema de irrigação por gotejamento e quanto a sua distribuição espacial e temporal ao longo do período utilizando gráficos em caixa. Na caracterização das fontes de captação de água foram usadas as definições da Resolução CONAMA 303/2002 para identificar características semelhantes quanto a origem das fontes de captação resultando em seis fontes caracterizadas como Tipo 1, cinco como Tipo 2, três como Tipo 3 e uma como Tipo 4. A variabilidade espacial e temporal da qualidade da água apresentou magnitudes diferentes quanto aos parâmetros, sendo a concentração de sólidos dissolvidos a maior dentre os físicos e o oxigênio dissolvido, seguido pela condutividade elétrica dentre os químicos. Quanto ao potencial de risco a causar entupimento dos gotejadores, a concentração de sólidos em suspensão apresentou o maior percentual das amostras classificadas como moderado e severo, dentre os parâmetros físicos, sendo a turbidez da água classificada como adequada em onze fontes de captação. Dentre os parâmetros químicos, a concentração de ferro apresentou o maior percentual de amostras com potencial de risco moderado e severo, o oxigênio dissolvido apresentou seis propriedades com mais de 50% das amostras de água classificadas inadequadas e em outras seis mais de 50% das amostras classificadas adequadas. O pH da água de irrigação apresentou baixo potencial de risco, em dez fontes de captação, enquanto que, a condutividade elétrica e a dureza total apresentaram potencial de risco baixo em todas as amostras. Não foi detectada a presença de coliformes totais em quatro amostras de água analisadas e de coliformes fecais em cinco, ao longo do período estudado.

Irrigação por aspersão em arroz em função da tensão de água no solo / Sprinkler irrigation in rice as a function of soil water tension

Pinto, Marília Alves Brito 09 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-09-28T13:10:22Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese Marília Alves Brito Pinto.pdf: 1580274 bytes, checksum: f49c34622d89738c2e2971942684bec8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-09-28T18:46:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese Marília Alves Brito Pinto.pdf: 1580274 bytes, checksum: f49c34622d89738c2e2971942684bec8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-28T18:46:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese Marília Alves Brito Pinto.pdf: 1580274 bytes, checksum: f49c34622d89738c2e2971942684bec8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / O arroz é o alimento base para mais de metade da população mundial. As lavouras orizícolas são quase que na totalidade irrigadas por inundação, um sistema com elevada demanda hídrica. No intuito de diminuir o uso da água na lavoura de arroz produtores começaram a utilizar a irrigação por aspersão. No entanto, pouco se sabe a respeito da adaptação da cultura do arroz às condições aeróbicas, sobretudo sobre as necessidades hídricas reais da cultura, uma vez que no sistema de irrigação por inundação essa informação não é necessária. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre a produtividade do arroz e a disponibilidade hídrica no solo bem como o efeito de diferentes tensões de água no solo sobre o desempenho agronômico da cultura do arroz. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Clima Temperado, Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas (ETB) situado no município do Capão do Leão-RS. Nas safras 2011/2012, 2012/2013 e 2013/ 2014 em uma área irrigada por aspersão foram avaliados os seguintes manejos de irrigação: 10kPaIrrigação com média da tensão de água no solo de 10 kPa, em todo o ciclo da cultura; 20kPa- Irrigação com média da tensão de água no solo de 20kPa, em todo o ciclo da cultura; 40kPa - Irrigação com a média da tensão de 40kPa, em todo o ciclo da cultura; 40/20kPa - Irrigação com a média da tensão de 40kPa, no período vegetativo, e 20kPa no período reprodutivo e 40/10kPa - Irrigação com a média da tensão de 40kPa, no período vegetativo, e 10 kPa no período reprodutivo. Para monitoramento da tensão de água no solo, em cada tratamento foram instalados sensores Watermark, na profundidade de 10cm. O ponto de instalação dos sensores corresponde ao centro de uma unidade experimental com área de 4m2. Em cada unidade experimental foram determinados: a tensão de água no solo, atributos químicos e físicos do solo e as variáveis agronômicas e de rendimento da cultura do arroz. Os resultados indicam que o aumento da tensão de água no solo diminui a produtividade do arroz irrigado, por aspersão. A tensão de água no solo de 10kPa, que por sua vez corresponde a capacidade de campo deste solo, é o valor adequado para o manejo da irrigação por aspersão na cultura do arroz variedade BRS Pampa, sobretudo no período reprodutivo. A variabilidade espacial da tensão de água no solo tem efeito na distribuição espacial da produtividade do arroz irrigado por aspersão. Quanto mais próximo de 40kPa for a tensão de água no solo menor a estatura das plantas e o número de grãos cheios por panícula. No entanto, esse efeito não foi verificado sobre o número de colmos por metro, sobre a massa de mil grãos, e sobre a esterilidade de espiguetas. A produtividade do arroz apresentou relação positiva com as variáveis microporosidade, fósforo e potássio disponível no solo; relação contrária foi verificada para a macroporosidade e a saturação por alumínio. A relação conjunta da tensão de água e de atributos físicos e químicos do solo determina a variabilidade na produtividade de arroz irrigado por aspersão em terras baixas no Rio Grande do Sul. / Rice is a basic food for more than half of world population. Rice crops are almost totally irrigated by flood, a system with high water demand. In order to decrease water use in rice crops, farmers start to adopt the sprinkler irrigation. However, there is little knowledge concerning the adaptation of rice crop to aerobic conditions, mainly about rice water needs, since this information wasn’t necessary in flood irrigation. This work aimed to determine the relationship between rice yield and soil available water and the effect of different soil water tensions on rice crop agronomic performance. A field experiment was conducted at Embrapa Clima Temperado, Estação Experimental Terras Baixas (ETB) located in the municipality of Capão do Leão-RS. In the agricultural harvests 2011/2012, 2012/2013 e 2013/2014 in a sprinkler irrigated area, these irrigation management were evaluated: 10kPaIrrigation when the average of the soil water tension was 10kPa, during all crop cycle; 20kPa- Irrigation when the average of the soil water tension was 20kPa, during all crop cycle; 40kPa - Irrigation when the average of the soil water tension was 40kPa, during all crop cycle; 40/20kPa - Irrigation in the vegetative stage, when the average of the soil water tension was 40kPa, and irrigation in the reproductive stage when the average of the soil water tension was 20kPa and 40/10kPa Irrigation in the vegetative stage, when the average of the soil water tension was 40kPa, and irrigation in the reproductive stage when the average of the soil water tension was 10kPa. For each treatment Watermark sensors were installed at a depth of 10cm to monitor the soil water tension. The sensor installation point corresponds to the center of an experimental unit whose area was 4m2. In each experimental unit, soil water tension, chemical and physical soil attributes and the rice crop agronomic performance and yield were determined. The results showed that increasing soil water tension decreases sprinkler irrigated rice yield. Soil water tension of 10kPa, which corresponds to this soil field capacity, is the appropriate value for sprinkler irrigation management to rice crop, BRS Pampa variety, mainly in the reproductive period. The spatial variability of soil water tension has an effect on spatial distribution of the sprinkler irrigated rice yield. The closer to 40 kPa is the soil water tension smaller the plant height and the number of filled grains per panicle. However, no effect was observed on the number of stems per meter, 1000 grains weight, and spikelet sterility. The rice yield showed a positive relation with the variables microporosity, phosphorus and potassium available in the soil; an opposite behavior was found for macroporosity and aluminum saturation variables. The relationship between soil water tension and physico-chemical soil attributes is crucial to determine the variability of the rice yield irrigated by sprinkler in lowland areas in the Rio Grande do Sul state.

Desempenho do sistema de irrigação por aspersão, tipo pivô central rebocável. / Performance of the sprinkler irrigation system, central towing pivot type.

SILVA, Jonas Carlos Santino. 24 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Deyse Queiroz (deysequeirozz@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-24T19:31:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JONAS CARLOS SANTINO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2002..pdf: 8664728 bytes, checksum: 1073738dd910a18404b200d943f370f2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-24T19:31:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JONAS CARLOS SANTINO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEA 2002..pdf: 8664728 bytes, checksum: 1073738dd910a18404b200d943f370f2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-08 / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a performance de um pivô central rebocável em nível de campo, na Fazenda Capim, localizada no município de Capim-PB. Os resultados da avaliação do equipamento nas três bases estudada levaram a concluir que: o equipamento apresentou bons resultados quando analisado como um todo para as base, constatou-se problemas de uniformidade e de eficiência em alguns setores quando a análise foi feita por raio individualmente, indicando setores com déficit e outros com excesso de água, o equipamento apresentou seus piores resultados quando foi avaliado na base 5, verificou-se que existe uma dispersão das lâminas de água aplicadas em relação ao valor médio, em todas as bases estudadas, as pressões de entrada do pivô nas bases, 4 e 5 estão muito abaixo da pressão recomendada o que resultou numa baixa vazão nestas bases. / The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of a towable pivot center in thefield on Fazenda Capim in the municipal district of Capim-PB. The results of the equipment evaluation of the three studied bases showed that the equipment presented goodresults when analyzed as a whole for them. Uniformity and efficiency problems in some sections were analyzed when the analysis was individually made by ratio, indicating sections with deficit and other with excess of water. The equipment presented their worst results when it was evaluated in base 5. It was verified a dispersion of the applied water sheets in relation to the mean value, in ali studied bases. The pressures on pivot in bases 4 and 5 are a lot below the recommended pressure and resulted in low flow in these bases.

Siamese Network with Dynamic Contrastive Loss for Semantic Segmentation of Agricultural Lands

Pendotagaya, Srinivas 07 1900 (has links)
This research delves into the application of semantic segmentation in precision agriculture, specifically targeting the automated identification and classification of various irrigation system types within agricultural landscapes using high-resolution aerial imagery. With irrigated agriculture occupying a substantial portion of US land and constituting a major freshwater user, the study's background highlights the critical need for precise water-use estimates in the face of evolving environmental challenges, the study utilizes advanced computer vision for optimal system identification. The outcomes contribute to effective water management, sustainable resource utilization, and informed decision-making for farmers and policymakers, with broader implications for environmental monitoring and land-use planning. In this geospatial evaluation research, we tackle the challenge of intraclass variability and a limited dataset. The research problem centers around optimizing the accuracy in geospatial analyses, particularly when confronted with intricate intraclass variations and constraints posed by a limited dataset. Introducing a novel approach termed "dynamic contrastive learning," this research refines the existing contrastive learning framework. Tailored modifications aim to improve the model's accuracy in classifying and segmenting geographic features accurately. Various deep learning models, including EfficientNetV2L, EfficientNetB7, ConvNeXtXLarge, ResNet-50, and ResNet-101, serve as backbones to assess their performance in the geospatial context. The data used for evaluation consists of high-resolution aerial imagery from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) captured in 2015. It includes four bands (red, green, blue, and near-infrared) with a 1-meter ground sampling distance. The dataset covers diverse landscapes in Lonoke County, USA, and is annotated for various irrigation system types. The dataset encompasses diverse geographic features, including urban, agricultural, and natural landscapes, providing a representative and challenging scenario for model assessment. The experimental results underscore the efficacy of the modified contrastive learning approach in mitigating intraclass variability and improving performance metrics. The proposed method achieves an average accuracy of 96.7%, a BER of 0.05, and an mIoU of 88.4%, surpassing the capabilities of existing contrastive learning methods. This research contributes a valuable solution to the specific challenges posed by intraclass variability and limited datasets in the realm of geospatial feature classification. Furthermore, the investigation extends to prominent deep learning architectures such as Segformer, Swin Transformer, Convexnext, and Convolution Vision Transformer, shedding light on their impact on geospatial image analysis. ConvNeXtXLarge emerges as a robust backbone, demonstrating remarkable accuracy (96.02%), minimal BER (0.06), and a high MIOU (85.99%).

The Biowall Field Test Analysis and Optimization

Jacob J. Torres (5930906) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<div> <p>A residential botanical air filtration system (Biowall) to investigate the potential for using phytoremediation to remove contaminants from indoor air was developed. A full scale and functioning prototype was installed in a residence located in West Lafayette, Indiana. The prototype was integrated into the central Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system of the home. This research evaluated the Biowall operation to further its potential as an energy efficient and sustainable residential air filtration system.<br></p> <p> </p> <p>The main research effort began after the Biowall was installed in the residence. A field evaluation, which involved a series of measurements and data analysis, was conducted to identify treatments to improve Biowall performance. The study was conducted for approximately one year (Spring 2017-Spring 2018). Based on the initial data set, prioritization of systems in need of improvement was identified and changes were imposed. Following a post-treatment testing period, a comparison between the initial and final performances was completed with conclusions based on this comparison. </p> <p> </p> <p>The engineering and analysis reported in this document focus on the air flow path through the Biowall, plant growth, and the irrigation system. The conclusions provide an extensive evaluation of the design, operation, and function of the Biowall subsystems under review.</p> </div> <br>

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