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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformační proces v Alžírsku (1988-1999) / The Transformation Process in Algeria (1988 - 1999)

Beránek, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
- Transformační proces v Alžírsku (1988-1999) Předkládaná práce analyzuje politické změny v Alžírsku po roce 1988, kdy byl po nepokojích v hlavním městě zahájen liberalizační proces a urychleny ekonomické tržní reformy. Politické reformy měly posílit postavení prezidenta Bendžedída a jeho spojenců na úkor konzervativních oponentů a zároveň obnovit legitimitu režimu. Autoři reforem každopádně nepočítali s výraznějším sdílením moci. Nečekaný úspěch islamistické strany mobilizoval konzervativce a protiislamisticky zaměřené armádní velení. Zrušení voleb kvůli jednoznačnému vítězství islamistů v lednu 1992 vedlo k eliminaci islamistické i sekulární opozice. Obnovený autoritářský režim dokázal dostat pod kontrolu islamistické povstání a s pomocí MMF i kritickou ekonomickou situaci. Návrat k ústavnímu režimu proběhl bez účasti islamistické i sekulární opozice, která byla fragmentovaná a režim ji dokázal částečně kontrolovat. Po roce 1996 byl nastolen autoritářský režim s omezenými pluralitními prvky s dominantním postavením prezidenta, které je však oslabováno výrazným vlivem armádního velení. Politické strany mohou působit, ale jejich vliv je omezen. Jisté limity má i svoboda tisku. Došlo k posílení soukromého sektoru, postavení státu je však stále výrazné a ekonomika je závislá na vývozu ropy a zemního...

Marocká náboženská politika od roku 2003 / Moroccan Religious Policy since 2003

Hrabalová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
MOROCCO'S RELIGIOUS POLICY SINCE 2003 The year 2003 marks a beginning of a new era in moroccan religious policy, which aims at an unification of religious field in the kingdom and a fight against islamic radicalism. Moroccan king Mohammed VI. succeeded in management of both internal and external threats to his kingdom's stability in past twelve years and in a comparison with his counterparts he managed to emerge strengthened out of crisis of the first decade of a new millennium. Main topic of this essay is to map an effort to control moroccan religious scene by state and its achievements and failures.

Muslimské bratrstvo v Egyptě: Ideologický vývoj, stávající postoje, perspektivy / The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt: The Ideological Development, Contemporary Positions, Prospects

Hladová, Magdaléna January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis explores the ideological development, contemptorary positions and political prospects of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. It follows the movement's long evolution on the background of its relations with the successive regimes of Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak, examines its current discourse on "Islamic democracy" including its stated commitment to political pluralism, the principle of citizenship as well as the connected subject of women's and non-muslim's rights, analyses its attempt to formulate a party platform and discusses the Brothershood's prospects in the politically closed environment of the Egyptian authoritarian regime. Obvious discrepancies notwithstanding, author argues, that if any meaningful pro-democratic reform in the Arab world is supposed to occur, some ways to integrate moderate Islamists into the formal political realm must be found.

Islamismus ve frankofonní a české literatuře. Problematika překladu a recepce francouzsky psaných románů s tematikou islamismu do češtiny / Islamism in Czech ad French Literature. The issue of translation and reception of French language novels with the theme of Islamism in Czech

Fínková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The main topic of the master's thesis is the phenomenon of Islamism in the Francophone Maghrebian literature. It focuses on the translation of novels from the region of Maghreb into the Czech language and on the reception of this type of literature in the Czech and French culture and society. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical one. The main aim of the theoretical part is to be interdisciplinary; it explains the main concepts of the political science such as the concept of a nation or of immigration policies. Only a good understanding of these policies can lead to the full comprehension of Islamism in Western countries. Moreover, this part presents the main topics of translation studies, i.e. postcolonial studies, after the cultural turn and the main characteristics of the Maghrebian literature. The second part of the thesis deals with the reception of novels about Islamism in France and in the Czech Republic and analyses the Czech translation of a novel written by Boualem Sansal. Key words Arabic culture, Islamism, Francophone literature, Maghreb, translation, reception, Boualem Sansal

Politicko-geografická analýza postavení islamistických stran v Egyptě a Tunisku / Politico-geographical analysis of position of the Islamist parties in Egypt and Tunisia

Jelínek, Antonín January 2019 (has links)
The Islamist movements operate in all the countries of the Middle East and North Africa region. The mother organization, which is also best-known among the movements, is the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, whose ideas spread quickly into other countries in the region. Although the Islamist movements are ideologically different, they have one similar attribute - focus on various social issues as well as the fact that they originally profiled as charity organizations and they have only recently entered the political scene. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze and compare the activities and achievements of the Muslim Brotherhood (The Freedom and Justice party) and The Movement of Islamic Tendency (The Ennadhda party) within the political systems in Egypt and Tunisia. The thesis also aims at verifying explanatory cleavage of Islamist electorate based on the cleavage theory within Egypt and Tunisia. The biggest success of the Islamist movements so far meant the changes after the Arab Spring. Following this event the Islamist movements won the first free parliamentary election in both countries. However, the political activities of the Muslim Brotherhood did not last so long in Egypt - nowadays the movement exists only illegally and it has been in a difficult position. On the contrary, the...

Německý salafíjský džihádismus: radikalizační poselství v přednáškách německého džihádisty Denise Cusperta / German Salafi Jihadism: Radicalizing messages in the lectures of the German jihadi preacher Denis Cuspert

Křížková, Hana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Salafi Jihadism in Germany: Radicalizing Messages in Lectures of a German Jihadi Preacher Denis Cuspert" deals with the analysis of the internet video messages disseminated by Denis Cuspert - the most significant German-speaking Jihadi-Salafi leader, in terms of the radicalization potential that is spread through his lectures. The aim of the thesis is firstly to identify the basic radicalization formulas relevant for the given research, which are to be found in the models of radicalization. In the analytical part, these radicalization categories will be applied to the argumentation strategies present in the lectures of Denis Cuspert. In order to analyse the given messages, a qualitative content analysis along with a framework analysis will be used. In connection with aims of the thesis, the framework analysis appears to be a fitting method, as it focuses on the issue of communication in terms of its mobilization potential, with an emphasis on the strategic use of language. This method can therefore be a good indicator of the extent to which the statements succeed in addressing the sympathizers of the movement and making them act. In addition to the analysis of the radicalization messages, the thesis also deals with the character and dynamics of the German Salafi movement, with...

Současný terorismus v Etiopii: původ a motivace / Contemporary Terrorism in Ethiopia: its Origin and Motivation

Nováček, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Résumé of the master thesis: Contemporary Terrorism in Ethiopia: its Origins and Motivation. Pavel Nováček This paper focuses on the factor of terrorism in Ethiopia. There is suspicion, repeatedly declared by the Ethiopian government, that there are groups operating on its territory, that are using terrorism as a method of combat. Some of those groups are suspected to be affiliated to the global jihadist network that is active in the neighbouring Somalia. Ethiopia takes an active part in the US-led war on terror, and is the most important ally of the US in the region. This has resulted in a flow of humanitarian aid to Ethiopia, and the US is also providing military training, building their counter-terrorism capacities and providing Ethiopia with analytical support and other military aid. However, there is suspicion that Ethiopia is abusing its participation in the war on terrorism in order to oppress the legitimate opposition, by describing some of the rebel groups as terrorist, and even as affiliated to the global jihadist network in Somalia. This is despite the possibility that these ethnic based groups might be legitimately fighting to gain the right of self- determination, something that is granted to all people living in Ethiopia by the constitution. The government however, systematically attacks the...

Úsilí o prvou hegemonii versus rozšiřování mocenské roztříštěnosti po Studené válce / An Effort to gain the first hegemony vs. the dissemination of the fragmentation of the power after the Cold War

Štaif, Vít January 2015 (has links)
An Abstract The text focuses on the aim of the state politics to gain the position of the first global hegemony after the end of the Cold War. It observes, with the regard to the wide-ranging influence of the USA at that time, and to the important American visions about its character, especially their particular decisions. It tries to describe the way, which the other influential participants of the global politics, the states as well as those of other kind, used to express their reactions to this activity, and their relation to the USA, the strongest contender in the effort to acquire the first global hegemony. The power contest is here mainly introduced by the insight into the course of the conflicts, which they, after the end of the Cold War, faced and influenced. The text concentrates on those political and security challenges with, apart from the policies of the USA, the strong presence of the intervention of the international organizations, above all the UN, the NATO and the EU, or of the occassionally created alliances. The prospects of hegemonial possibilities is presented in the conclusion.

Blízkovýchodní konflikt ve francouzském veřejném prostoru (2000-2010) / Middle Eastern Conflict in the French Public Space (2000-2010)

Nekvapil, Václav January 2013 (has links)
of Ph.D. thesis: Middle Eastern Conflict in the French Public Space (2000-2010) Václav Nekvapil, 2013 The main objective of the thesis is to analyse and typologise French social discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on a reflection of certain opinions, interests, stances and values associated with today's Jewishness and Jewish diasporic identity. The research also contains an analysis of the official political-diplomatic discourse of both Presidents Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy. Based on the methodology of typologisation and critical discourse analysis, we distinguish three basic positions related to the debate on the abovementioned topics in the years 2000- 2010: republican, anti-imperialist and neoconservative. The thesis elaborates on attitudes of presidents of the French Fifth Republic towards Israel and how their policies have been perceived by the Jewish community. The community as such is also a matter of the research: its changing religiosity, demography, immigration of Nord African Jewry and the attitude towards Zionism and the State of Israel. The thesis follows four main thematic axes when analysing arguments of the most important speakers. First, when analysing the duty of memory (devoir de mémoire), the author carefully examines moral argumentation concerning the...

Der Stand der Demokratisierung und der Herausbildung einer Zivilgesellschaft in Ägypten am Beispiel des Diskurses über die autochthone christliche Minderheit der Kopten

Macêdo, Martina Bolz de Jesus 19 October 2009 (has links)
Die Meinungen über die Chancen einer Demokratisierung im Nahen und Mittleren Osten sind geteilt. Diese Arbeit versucht für Ägypten eine Einschätzung zu geben. Als bevölkerungsreichstes und eines der politisch bedeutsamsten Länder der Region könnte es eine Vorbildfunktion einnehmen. Die Dissertation untersucht an einem Fallbeispiel, den Ausschreitungen zwischen Muslimen und Christen in einem oberägyptischen Dorf 1999/ 2000, in welcher Form und in welchem Ausmaß sich staatliche Akteure, religiöse Institutionen und die Bürger zum heiklen Thema der Gefährdung der Rechte von Minderheiten im öffentlichen Diskurs zu Wort melden und dabei das Kriterium des Pluralismus, im Sinne von Toleranz und Ablehnung von Gewalt, erfüllen. Pessimistische Stimmen versagen dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten insbesondere wegen der dort vorherrschenden Religion eine Reformierbarkeit der politischen Kultur und stigmatisieren den Islam als Demokratisierungshindernis. Diese Arbeit beobachtet jedoch, dass es empirisch bereits einige Merkmale gibt, die auf eine Zunahme von Pluralismus in der ägyptischen Gesellschaft hindeuten. Sie zeigt die Anzeichen für die Herausbildung einer freien Öffentlichkeit und einer Zivilgesellschaft auf, die langfristig auf die Konsolidierung von Demokratie und nicht auf deren Zerstörung hinarbeitet. Gleichzeitig ist diese Arbeit eine Art in Szene gesetztes, lebendiges „Who is who?“ der gegenwärtigen Minderheiten- und Menschenrechtsbewegung in Ägypten. 1 / The current status of democratization and civil society development in Egypt through the example of the discourse on the indigenous Christian minority of the Copts. Opinions regarding the chances of democratization in the Middle East are divided. The thesis attempts to give an evaluation in the case of Egypt. As the most populous and one of the politically most influencing countries of that region Egypt could take the function of a role model. The dissertation investigates, on the basis of a case study – the clashes between Muslims and Christians in an Upper Egyptian village in 1999/ 2000 - in what form and to what extent state actors, religious institutions and citizens take a stand in public discourse on the sensitive issue of endangering the rights of minorities and thereby meet the criteria of pluralism in the sense of tolerance and rejection of violence. Pessimistic voices deny the Middle East a reformability of its political culture particularly with regard to the predominating religion there and stigmatize Islam as an obstacle to democratization. This study however, shows empirically that there are already some indications that point towards an increase of pluralism in Egyptian society and towards the development of a free public sphere and a civil society that in the long term can lead to the consolidation of democracy and not to its destruction. At the same time this study is a kind of status report and “Who’s who?” of the current minority – and human rights movement in Egypt.

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