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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating Minor States of the Oncoprotein N-MYC, with Focus on Proline Cis/Trans Isomerisation using NMR Spectroscopy

Haugskott, Frida January 2021 (has links)
MYC is a family of three regulator genes that codes for transcription factors. Expression of Myc proteins from MYC genes is found to be deregulated in 70 % of all cancer forms. The three human homologs C-Myc, N-Myc and L-Myc are mainly associated with cancer in the lymphatic system, nerve tissues and lung cancer, respectively. Even though N-Myc is associated with Neuroblastoma, the cancer variant that is most common among children, the field is focused towards C-Myc. The activation of C-Myc begins with phosphorylation of Serine 62, followed by trans-to-cis isomerisation of Proline 63. Then Threonine 58 becomes phosphorylated leading to that Serine 62 is dephosphorylated and subsequent cis-to-trans isomerisation of Proline 63, and C-Myc is marked for degradation. Cis-trans isomerisation is necessary for regulation of gene expression, and is therefore important to understand. Since N-Myc and C-Myc have identical sequences between residues 47 to residue 69, the hypothesis is that N-Myc is activated in the same manner, but this has not been confirmed. In this project the first 69 amino acids of N-Myc were analysed with NMR spectroscopy. This resulted in a near complete assignment of the major conformation, and of the alternative minor conformations as well. The traditional assignment experiments HNCACB, HN(CO)CACB, HNCO, HN(CA)CO in combination with CCH-TOCSY and HN(CCO)C revealed that the majority of the minor configurations can be explained by cis/trans isomerisation of prolines. In addition, the protein was analysed with direct carbon detected NMR spectroscopy to be able to detect the prolines.

Molecular probes for the evaluation of three isomerase enzyme mechanisms in secondary metabolism

Nasomjai, Pitak January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on an investigation of the mechanisms of three enzymatically mediated carbon skeleton isomerisation reactions. Chapter 1 provides an overview of some representative examples of the carbon skeleton rearrangement reactions in enzymology. Chapter 2 describes the preparation and use of fluorolittorines to explore the mechanism of the rearrangement of the tropane alkaloid littorine to hyoscyamine which is a reaction mediated by the cytochrome P450 enzyme. Chapter 3 describes the synthesis of D-ribose-1-phosphonates and the cyclic phosphonates (phostone) that are candidate inhibitors of the enzymatic isomerisation of 5-fluoro-5-deoxy-ribose-1-phosphate (5-FDRP) to 5-fluoro-5-deoxy-ribulose-1-phosphate (5-FDRulP), an important step in fluorometabolite biosynthesis pathway in Streptomyces cattleya. Chapter 4 describes the synthesis of 5-hydroxy-3,4-dioxohexylphosphonate and [5-13C]-5-hydroxy-3,4-dioxohexylphosphonate. These compounds are proposed as candidates for the transition state of the retro-aldol/aldol mechanism of the enzymatic isomerisation of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DXP) to 2-C-methylerythitol-phophate-2-phosphate (MEP) in the biosynthesis of isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP). The influence of pH on tautomerisation of [5-13C]-5-hydroxy-3,4-dioxohexylphosphonate is also described. Chapter 5 describes the general chemical and biochemical methodologies utilised in this research project.

Crosstalk between histone modifications in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Howe, Françoise Sara January 2012 (has links)
The N-terminal tails of histone proteins protrude from the nucleosome core and are extensively post-translationally modified. These modifications are proposed to affect many DNA-based processes such as transcription, DNA replication and repair. Post-translational modifications on histone tails do not act independently but are subject to crosstalk. One example of crosstalk is on histone H3 between lysine 14 (H3K14) and trimethylated lysine 4 (H3K4me3), a modification found at the 5’ end of most active or poised genes. In this work, Western blots and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments show that different amino acid substitutions at histone H3 position 14 cause varying degrees of H3K4me3 loss, indicating that H3K14 is not essential for H3K4me3 but acts as a modulator of H3K4me3 levels. A neighbouring residue, H3P16 is also important for H3K4me3 and may operate in concert with H3K14 to control H3K4me3. These crosstalk pathways have gene-specific effects and the levels of H3K4me3 are influenced to different extents on genes that fall into functionally distinct classes. A model is proposed to explain how H3K14/H3P16 may exert these varying effects on H3K4me3 at individual genes. In addition to its ability to regulate H3K4me3, H3K14 also influences the levels of two modifications on H3K18, acetylation and monomethylation. A ChIP-sequencing experiment has shown that H3K18me1, a previously uncharacterised modification in S. cerevisiae, is widely distributed throughout the genome and correlates strongly with histone H3 levels. The potential for a functional acetyl/methyl switch at H3K18 is explored. Together, these data indicate that, with gene-specific effects, crosstalk between histone modifications may be even more complex than originally thought.

Mise au point de réactions tandems catalytiques incluant une étape d'isomérisation pour la synthèse de molécules naturelles / Development of catalytic tandem reactions including an isomerisation step for the total synthesis of natural molecules

Hémelaere, Rémy 06 December 2013 (has links)
Limiter la perte d'atomes, privilégier l'usage de catalyseurs, s'abstenir de l'utilisation de réactifs toxiques et éviter les étapes de purifications sont certains des challenges de la chimie moderne. De nombreuses recherches ont donc été consacrées au développement de réactions dites ''tandems''. La réaction d'isomérisation d'alcène permet dans certains cas de générer une toute nouvelle réactivité au sein d'une molécule, en déplaçant une double liaison. Cette réaction requiert souvent un catalyseur de type hydrure avec un métal de transition. Ce mémoire décrit la mise au point de nouvelles réactions ''tandems'' dont l'une des composantes mise en jeu est une réaction isomérisation d'oléfine. Une attention toute particulière a été adressée à la synthèse de vinylboronates notamment par métathèse croisée. Outre les nombreuses applications en synthèse organique qui sont présentées dans ce mémoire, ces intermédiaires peuvent être isomérisés en allylboronates. Ces derniers peuvent réagir avec un aldéhyde pour donner des alcools homoallyliques avec une complète diastéréosélectivité. Ces alcools ont, entre autres, été utilisés en synthèse totale de plusieurs molécules naturelles complexes présentant un motif 2,3-dihydrobenzofurane. / Some of the new challenges of modern synthetic chemistry are: atom economy, employment of catalytic processes, avoidance of toxic reactants and limitation of purification steps. A lot of work has been devoted to the development of tandem reactions. A new reactivity could be generated in a molecule thanks to an isomerisation (or migration) reaction of an alkene. This reaction often needs an hydride specie which comes from a transition metal catalyst. This PhD thesis is about the development of new tandem reactions in which at least one step is an isomerisation of an olefin. A great attention has been dedicated to the synthesis of vinylboronates especially with a cross-metathesis strategy. These intermediates are of great importance in organic chemistry and can be useful in a wide range of reactions. One of those reactions is the transformation of vinylboronates to allylboronates thanks to an isomerisation step. Allylboronates can then react with aldehydes to generate homoallylic alcohols with total diastereoselectivity. These new reactions have found applications in total synthesis of natural molecules with a 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran core.

Dispersionskorrekturen von DFT für Festkörperprobleme

Kerber, Torsten 05 November 2012 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Korrektur weitreichender Dispersionswechselwirkungen fuer Dichtefunktionaltheorie fuer Rechnungen unter Anwendung periodischer Randbedingungen erweitert. Am Beispiel des Graphit wird der Einfluss der Dispersionskorrektur auf Strukturparameter und Energien gezeigt. Die berechneten Werte fuer Schichtabstand und Wechselwirkungsenergie stimmen sehr gut mit experimentell bestimmten Daten ueberein. Anhand von Clusterstudien wird gezeigt, dass die Dispersionskorrektur nur sehr langsam mit der Systemgroesse konvergiert. Die genaue Beschreibung der Dispersionswechselwirkungen zwischen Graphitschichten mit der PBE+D-Methode ist nur bei Anwendung periodischer Randbedingungen oder durch eingebettete Clustermodelle moeglich. Der Vergleich der PBE+D- mit der genauen, aber sehr aufwendigen [MP2:PBE + delta-CCSD(T)]-Methode zeigt, dass die strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen beiden Methoden gering sind. Die berechneten Reaktionsenergien unterscheiden sich hingegen deutlich. Die neu entwickelte, effiziente [PBE+D + delta-MP2 + delta-CCSD(T)]-Methode ergaenzt die PBE+D-Energie um zwei Korrekturterme. Der erste Term, die delta-MP2-Korrektur, behebt die Ueberstabilisierung polarer Strukturen (PBE) mit einer MP2-Rechnung am Basissatzlimit. Der zweite Term ueberprueft die delta-MP2-Korrektur durch eine CCSD(T)-Rechnung fuer einen kleinen Cluster. Die [PBE+D + delta-MP2 + delta-CCSD(T)]-Methode wird fuer die Reaktion von C4H8-Kohlenwasserstoffen mit H-Ferrierit angewendet. In der Zeolithpore wurden pi-Komplexe, Butylkationen und Oberflaechenalkoxide als Intermediate identifiziert. Die Isomerisierung von Butenen in der H-Ferrierit-Pore wird mit der Umlagerung linearer Butylkationen in der Gasphase verglichen. Der geschwindigkeitsbestimmende Schritt ist in beiden Faellen die Bildung des tert-Butylkations aus einem methylverbrueckten Butylkation. Die CCSD(T)-Methode ist zur Bestimmung genauer Energieprofile erforderlich. / In this work, the long-range dispersion correction for density functional theory is extended to periodic boundary conditions. The influence of the dispersion correction on energy and structural parameters is shown for graphite. The calculated values of the interlayer distance and the interaction energy are in good agreement with experimental ones. By a series of cluster calculations it is shown, that the dispersion correction converges very slowly with respect to the system size. The accurate description of the dispersion interaction between graphite layers requires the usage of PBE+D method applying periodic boundary conditions or embedded cluster models. For structural parameters, the PBE+D methods compares well with the accurate but computationally very demanding [MP2:PBE+CCSD(T)] method. However, the calculated reaction energies differ remarkably. The newly developed, efficient [PBE+D + MP2 + CCSD(T)] method extends the PBE+D energy by two correction terms. The first one, the MP2 correction, rectifies the over stabilization of polar structures (PBE) by a MP2 calculation at the basis set limit. The second term verifies the MP2 correction by a CCSD(T) calculation for a small cluster model. The [PBE+D + MP2 + CCSD(T)] method is applied for the reaction of C4H8 hydro carbons witr the zeolite Ferrierite. Within the pore of a zeolite, pi complexes, butyl cations and surface alkoxides are identified as minima on the potential energy surface. The isomerization of butenes is compared to the rearrangement of linear butyl cations in the gas phase. In both cases, the rate determining step is the formation of the tertial butyl cation from a methyl bridged cation. The CCSD(T) method is for the determination of accurate energy profiles required.

Isomerización de alquenos catalizada por rutenio sin ligando e hidrólisis de acetales catalizada por aminoácidos en redes metalorgánicas

Sanz Navarro, Sergio 01 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] En la presente tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo el estudio de la reacción de isomerización de alquenos terminales catalizada por rutenio. En primer lugar, se investigó la reacción de isomerización de alquenos terminales a sus correspondientes alquenos internos en condiciones industrialmente ventajosas. Para ello, se estudió un sistema catalizado por partes por millón de rutenio y sin necesidad de añadir disolventes, ligandos o cualquier otro aditivo solo empleando temperaturas mayores de 150 oC, mejorando de esta forma las condiciones empleadas actualmente tanto a nivel académico como a escala industrial. Además, se estudió la reacción de isomerización de alquenos con catalizadores sólidos. Para ello, se llevó a cabo esta reacción de manera más sostenible empleando catalizadores heterogéneos de rutenio soportados sobre soportes sólidos, en especial sobre carbono, haciendo posible la reacción tanto en fase gas como en fase líquida. Para concluir, se estudiaron las especies catalíticamente activas de rutenio durante la isomerización de alquenos terminales, con el fin de comprender y determinar el mecanismo que rige la reacción. Por medio de estudios mecanísticos se ha demostrado que las especies catalíticamente activas para la isomerización de alquenos terminales, independientemente de la fuente de Ru inicial, son complejos peralquenos de Ru(II), formados in situ durante la reacción. También se ha podido determinar que la reacción se lleva a cabo por medio de un mecanismo de Finke-Watzky tras la formación de un complejo d16 Ru(II)-H. En esta tesis doctoral también se ha estudiado el empleo de estructuras metalorgánicas (MOFs) basadas en aminoácidos para catálisis biomimética de productos naturales glucosídicos y beta-lactámicos. En primer lugar, se llevo a cabo el estudio de un MOF basado en el aminoácido L-serina como catalizador enzimático para realizar reacciones de hidrólisis de acetales imitando así a las enzimas glucosidasas. Además, se empleó este MOF para la adsorción de productos naturales en sus canales, lo que nos permitió llevar a cabo la determinación estructural completa, desconocida hasta el momento, del flavonoide brutieridina, empleando difracción de rayos X. Siguiendo con el estudio relacionado con la capacidad de las estructuras metalorgánicas de poder realizar catálisis enzimática emulando a las enzimas glucosidasas, se empleó un MOF multivariable (MTV-MOF) basado en los aminoácidos L-serina y metil-L-cisteína para llevar a cabo la reacción de formación de acetales de distintos compuestos carbonílicos. Siguiendo la metodología empleada en los apartados anteriores, se llevó a cabo el estudio de un MOF basado en el aminoácido metil-L-cisteína y que contiene Zn en su estructura para catálisis biomimética de compuestos beta-lactámicos. Para ello se llevó a cabo el estudio de esta reacción con los antibióticos: amoxicilina, ceftriaxona, clindamicina y ezetimiba. Se determinó que este MOF es selectivo para la hidrólisis del antibiótico amoxicilina y que también es capaz de encapsular dicho compuesto beta-lactámico en el interior de sus canales, como se ha podido comprobar empleando difracción de rayos X. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral, s'ha realitzat l'estudi de la reacció d'isomerització d'alquens terminals catalitzades per ruteni. En primer lloc, es va investigar la reacció de l'isomerització d'alquens terminals als seus corresponents alquens interns en condicions industrialment avantatjoses. Per a això, es va estudiar un sistema catalitzat per parts per milió de ruteni i sense necessitat d'afegir dissolvents, lligans o qualsevol altre additiu només utilitzant temperatures superiors a 150 oC, millorant així les condicions que s'utilitzen actualment tant acadèmicament com industrialment. A més, es va estudiar la reacció d'isomerització amb catalitzadors sòlids. Per fer-ho, aquesta reacció es va dur a terme de manera més sostenible mitjançant catalitzadors heterogenis de ruteni recolzats en suports sòlids, especialment carboni, fent possible la reacció tant en fase gas com en fase líquida. Per concloure, les espècies de ruteni catalíticament actives es van estudiar durant l'isomerització d'alquens terminals, per tal d'entendre i determinar el mecanisme que regula la reacció. Mitjançant estudis mecanístics, s'ha demostrat que les espècies catalíticament actives per a l'isomerització d'alquenes terminals, independentment de la font de la Ru inicial, són complexos peralcans de Ru (II), formats in situ durant la reacció. També s'ha determinat que la reacció es realitza mitjançant un mecanisme Finke-Watzky després de la formació d'un complex d16 Ru (II)-H. L'ús d'estructures metal-organiques ( MOFs ) basades en aminoàcids per a la catàlisi biomimètica de products naturals glicosídics i beta-lactamics també s'ha estudiat en aquesta tesi doctoral. Primer, es va realitzar un estudi d'un MOF basat en l'aminoàcid L-serina com a catalitzador enzimàtic per realitzar reaccions d'hidròlisi d'acetals, imitant així les enzimess glucosidases. A més, aquest MOF es va utilitzar per a l'adsorció de productes naturals als seus canals, i ens va permetre dur a terme la determinació estructural completa, desconeguda fins ara, del flavonoide brutieridina, utilitzant difracció de raigs X. Continuant amb l'estudi relacionat amb la capacitat de les estructures metal·orgániques de poder realitzar catàlisi enzimàtica que emula les enzimes glucosidases, Es va utilitzar un MOF multivariat (MTV-MOF) basat en els aminoàcids L-serina i metil-L-cisteina per dur a terme la reacció de formació d'acetals de diferents compostos carbonilics. Després de la metodologia utilitzada a les seccions anteriors, l'estudi d'un MOF basat en l'aminoàcid metil-L-cisteïna i que conté Zn en la seva estructura per a la catàlisi biomimètica de compostos beta-lactamics es va dur a terme. Per a això, es va dur a terme l'estudi d'aquesta reacció amb els antibiòtics: amoxicil·lina, ceftriaxona, clindamicina i ezetimiba. Es va determinar que aquest MOF és selectiu per a la hidròlisi de l'antibiòtic amoxicil·lina i que també és capaç d'encapsular el compost beta-lactamics dins dels seus canals, com s'ha verificat mitjançant la difracció de raigs X. / [EN] In the present doctoral thesis the study of the isomerization reaction of terminal alkenes catalyzed by ruthenium has been carried out. Firstly, the isomerization reaction of terminal alkenes to their corresponding internal alkenes has been investigated under industrially advantageous conditions. For this purpose, a system catalyzed by parts per million of ruthenium and without the need to add solvents, ligands or any other additives was studied, using only temperatures above 150 oC, thus improving the conditions currently used both at academic and industrial scale. In addition, the isomerization reaction of alkenes with solid catalysts was studied. For this purpose, this reaction was carried out in a more sustainable way using heterogeneous ruthenium catalysts supported on solid supports, especially on carbon, making the reaction possible in both gas and liquid phases. To conclude, the catalytically active ruthenium species during the isomerization of terminal alkenes have been studied in order to understand and determine the mechanism governing the reaction. By mechanistic studies it has been shown that the catalytically active species for the isomerization of terminal alkenes, regardless of the initial Ru source, are peralkene Ru(II) complexes, formed in situ during the reaction. It has also been determined that the reaction proceeds via a Finke-Watzky mechanism after the formation of a d16 Ru(II)-H complex. In this PhD thesis, the use of amino acid-based metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for biomimetic catalysis of glycosidic natural products and beta-lactamases has also been studied. First, a MOF based on the amino acid L-serine was studied as an enzymatic catalyst for acetal hydrolysis reactions mimicking glucosidase enzymes. In addition, this MOF was used for the adsorption of natural products in its channels, which allowed to carry out the complete structural determination, unknown until now, of the flavonoid brutieridine, by X-ray diffraction. Continuing with the study related to the ability of metal-organic frameworks to perform enzymatic catalysis emulating glucosidase enzymes, a multivariable MOF (MTV-MOF) based on the amino acids L-serine and methyl-L-cysteine was used to carry out the acetal formation reaction of different carbonyl compounds. Following the methodology employed in the previous sections, the study of a MOF based on the amino acid methyl-L-cysteine and containing Zn in its structure for the biomimetic catalysis of beta-lactam compounds was carried out. For this purpose, the study of this reaction was carried out with the antibiotics amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, clindamycin and ezetimibe. It was determined that this MOF is selective for the hydrolysis of the antibiotic amoxicillin and that it is also capable of encapsulating this compound beta-lactam inside its channels, as proved by X-ray diffraction. / Sanz Navarro, S. (2023). Isomerización de alquenos catalizada por rutenio sin ligando e hidrólisis de acetales catalizada por aminoácidos en redes metalorgánicas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196470

Extension du concept "One-column" au lit mobile simulé réactif : application à la séparation réactive des C8 aromatiques / Extension of the "One-column" concept to reactive simulated moving bed processes : application to C8 aromatics reactive separation

Bergeot, Ghislain 04 November 2010 (has links)
La séparation des C8 aromatiques par Lit Mobile Simulé (LMS) permet d'obtenir du paraxylène (PX) pur. Les autres composés du mélange sont recyclés dans un réacteur afin d'être isomérisés puis séparés à nouveau. La charge du LMS est composée à environ 75% par ce flux de recyclage. L'intégration de la réaction dans le LMS, réalisée en intercalant des réacteurs d'isomérisation entre les lits d'adsorbant de la zone 3 (procédé LMS Réactif, LMSR), doit permettre une réduction de ce flux de recyclage.L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer une méthodologie d'étude des procédés de type Lit Mobile Simulé (LMS) et Lit Mobile Simulé Réactif (LMSR) basée sur :-un outil expérimental simplifié : le pilote One-column réactif (OCR)-des simulateurs One-column réactif ou non qui seront validés par les résultats expérimentaux du pilote-des simulateurs LMS et LMSR permettant d'accéder aux résultats des procédés industriels.Les simulations de One-column (OC) montrent une bonne sensibilité aux paramètres clés de la séparation des C8 aromatiques (sélectivité PX/EB et diffusion intracristalline). Les résultats expérimentaux font ressortir des difficultés importantes à mettre en œuvre le OC expérimentalement. Plusieurs hypothèses sont exposées pour expliquer les résultats obtenus mais les difficultés rencontrées limitent, en l'état, l'utilisation du pilote pour l'étude de la séparation (réactive ou non) des C8 aromatiques.L'étude du LMSR effectuée par simulation montre l'importance du nombre et de l'emplacement des réacteurs ainsi que de l'intégration du LMSR dans la boucle de production de PX. L'usage du LMSR pour la production de PX permet une réduction importante du débit de recyclage / Today, pure paraxylene (PX) is mainly obtained from a mix of C8 aromatics by a separation process based on adsorption: the Simulated Moving Bed (SMB). The other components of the blend are sent to an isomerisation reactor and are recycled to the SMB. 75% of the SMB feed flow rate come from this recycle flow. Coupling reaction and separation by inserting isomerisation reactors between the adsorption beds of the third zone (Simulated Moving Bed Reactor, SMBR) should allow a reduction of this recycling flow rate.The main objective of this thesis is to develop a new methodology for studying SMB and SMBR processes based on:- a simplify experimental tool : the One-column reactive (OCR) pilot unit- simulators of the OCR which will be validated by the experimental results obtain on the pilot unit- simulators of SMB and SMBR processes which give access to industrial processes results.Simulation results show that OC system seem to be sensitive to key parameters of C8 aromatics separation (PX/EB selectivity and micropore diffusivity). Results on the pilot unit highlight the difficulties to implement an experimental OC. Hypothesis are given to explain those results but, without modification, OCR pilot unit cannot be used to study xylene separation (with or without reaction).SMBR study done by simulation shows the impact of the placement and the number of reactors. Integration of SMBR in the global PX production scheme is also essential. SMBR allows an important reduction of recycling flow rate (up to 50%).

Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics: - Benchmark systems in strong laser fields - Approximate electron-nuclear correlations

Fischer, Michael 05 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics (NA-QMD) method couples self-consistently classical nuclear motion with time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) in basis expansion for the electron dynamics. It has become a versatile approach to study the dynamics of atoms, molecules and clusters in a wide range of scenarios. This work presents applications of the NA-QMD method to important benchmark systems and its systematic extension to include quantum effects in the nuclear motion. Regarding the first objective, a complete study of the strong-field ionization and dissociation dynamics of nature’s simplest molecule H2+ is performed. By including all electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom and all reaction channels, molecular rotation is shown to play an important role in the ionization process. In addition, strong orientation effects in the energy deposition process of the Buckminster fullerene C60 in short intense laser pulses are surprisingly found in full dimensional calculations. Their consequences on the subsequent nuclear relaxation dynamics shed new light on available experimental data and future experiments are proposed to confirm the detailed predictions. Regarding the second objective, the NA-QMD formalism is basically extended to take electron-nuclear correlations into account. This extension is achieved by means of a trajectory surface hopping scheme in the adiabatic Kohn-Sham framework. First studied examples from collision physics and photochemistry illustrate the relevance and importance of quantum effects in the nuclear dynamics.

Atomistic Simulations of Bonding, Thermodynamics, and Surface Passivation in Nanoscale Solid Propellant Materials

Williams, Kristen 2012 August 1900 (has links)
Engineering new solid propellant materials requires optimization of several factors, to include energy density, burn rate, sensitivity, and environmental impact. Equally important is the need for materials that will maintain their mechanical properties and thermal stability during long periods of storage. The nanoscale materials considered in this dissertation are proposed metal additives that may enhance energy density and improve combustion in a composite rocket motor. Density Functional Theory methods are used to determine cluster geometries, bond strengths, and energy densities. The ground-state geometries and electron affinities (EAs) for MnxO?: x = 3, 4, y = 1, 2 clusters were calculated with GGA, and estimates for the vertical detachment energies compare well with experimental results. It was found that the presence of oxygen influences the overall cluster moment and spin configuration, stabilizing ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic isomers. The calculated EAs range from 1.29-1.84 eV, which is considerably lower than the 3.0-5.0 eV EAs characteristic of current propellant oxidizers. Their use as solid propellant additives is limited. The structures and bonding of a range of Al-cyclopentadienyl cluster compounds were studied with multilayer quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM:MM) methods. The organometallic Al-ligand bonds are generally 55-85 kcal/mol and are much stronger than Al-Al interactions. This suggests that thermal decomposition in these clusters will proceed via the loss of surface metal-ligand units. The energy density of the large clusters is calculated to be nearly 60% that of pure aluminum. These organometallic cluster systems may provide a route to extremely rapid Al combustion in solid rocket motors. Lastly, the properties of COOH-terminated passivating agents were modeled with the GPW method. It is confirmed that fluorinated polymers bind to both Al(111) and Al(100) at two Al surface sites. The oligomers HCOOH, CH3CH2COOH, and CF3CF2COOH chemisorb onto Al(111) with adsorption energies of 10-45 kcal/mol. The preferred contact angle for the organic chains is 65-85 degrees, and adsorption energy weakens slightly with increasing chain length. Despite their relatively weak adsorption energies, fluorinated polymers have elevated melting temperatures, making them good passivation materials for micron-scale Al fuel particles.

Synthèse totale du 13-desméthyle spirolide C / Total synthesis of 13-desmethyl spirolide C

Rambla, Matt 22 September 2015 (has links)
Les gymnodimines, les spirolides, les pinnatoxines et les ptériatoxines constituent une famille de toxines d’origine marine de structures complexes, produites en faibles quantités par des microorganismes marins appelés dinoflagellés. Ces toxines sont connues pour bloquer les récepteurs nicotiniques de l’acétylcholine (nAChRs) sans que leurs modes d’action ne soient connus avec précision. D’après les différents tests biologiques réalisés à ce jour, il semblerait que le motif spiroimine, commun à toutes ces molécules, soit le pharmacophore principal, indispensable pour toute activité antagoniste. Le 13 dem SPX est un composé qui appartient à la famille des toxines à imines cycliques. Sa structure complexe présente un cœur à imine cyclique original, un macrocycle possédant un motif bis-spiroacétal et un buténolide. Actuellement aucune synthèse totale de ce composé n’a été publiée. L’ensemble du travail présenté dans ce manuscrit a été consacré à des études pour synthétiser, d’une part, le cœur imine spirocyclique et d’autre part, à la préparation d’un intermédiaire avancé pour parvenir à la synthèse totale de ce composé.Dans un premier temps une étude méthodologique pour synthétiser des spiroimines simplifiées optiquement actives a été réalisée. Une approche originale et convergente à été développée reposant sur des réactions d’ADc asymétrique, d’isomérisation et de cycloaddition-[3+2] 1,3-dipolaire, à partir de substrats facilement accessibles.Dans un second temps nous avons exploré deux voies synthétiques pour parvenir à un intermédiaire avancé pour la synthèse du 13 SPX C. Pour ce faire, deux approches ont été envisagées. Seule la stratégie reposant sur des étapes d’addition-1,2 d’un nucléophile, suivie d’une cyclisation pour obtenir les composés spirocycliques puis hydrogénation par l’iridium(I) cationique a été abordée au cours de ces travaux. / Gymnodimines, spirolides, pinnatoxines and pteriatoxines constitute a family of marine toxins with complex structures. They are produced in small quantities by marine microorganisms called dinoflagellates. These toxins are known to block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR), but the exact mode of action remains to be determined. Biological tests have showed that the spiroimine moiety, the common feature of these molecules, is the main pharmacophore, essential for the antagonist activity. 13-dem SPX C belongs to the cyclic imine toxin family. Its complex structure shows an original cyclic imine core, a macrocycle that bears bis spiroketal moiety and a butenolide. Currently, no total synthesis of this toxin has been achieved. This Ph.D. work has been focused on methodological studies to synthesize cyclic imine core of 13-dem SPX C and on the synthesis of a very functionalized compound to reach 13-dem SPX C.In the first part, a methodological work to synthesize simple optically active spiroimines was achieved. This original 3 steps sequence was based on asymmetric ADc reactions, isomerization and 1,3-dipolar [3+2]-cycloaddition from easily accessible cycloketones.In the second time we imagined two synthetic ways to reach a highly functionalized moiety of 13-dem SPX C. Only the way that relies on 1,2-addition of nucleophile followed by a cyclization to get spirocyclic patterns and an iridium(I) catalyzed hydrogenation of endo alkene was tested.

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