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Análise e proposição de metodologias para simulação de composições em depósitos multivariados complexosAbichequer, Luciana Arnt January 2016 (has links)
A cossimulação de teores em depósitos multivariados complexos com mais de três variáveis envolvidas, quando realizada por métodos clássicos, é extremamente trabalhosa e acaba por gerar resultados que precisam de ajuste posterior, principalmente com relação ao fechamento da soma dos teores nos blocos ou faixas granulométricas de interesse. A necessidade de ajustes posteriores, aliada à falta de praticidade destes métodos, motiva a busca por soluções alternativas que gerem resultados tão ou mais precisos e, sejam mais facilmente implementáveis no dia a dia da indústria mineira. Nesta tese foi analisada a viabilidade de aplicação de cinco combinações de métodos como alternativa aos métodos clássicos: a simulação individual pelo método de bandas rotativas de cada uma das variáveis, em suporte de pontos posteriormente reblocados (combinação 1); a simulação das transformações ilrs, também pelo métodos de bandas rotativas, de forma individual e em suporte de pontos posteriormente reblocados (combinação 2); a simulação diretamente em suporte de blocos dos fatores MAFs (combinação 3); a simulação diretamente em suporte de blocos dos fatores MAFs das ilrs, com a utilização da variável artificial Resto, também utilizada nas combinações 1,2 e 3 (combinação 4) e; a simulação diretamente em suporte de blocos dos fatores MAFs das ilrs, com a operação de fechamento (combinação 5). Para aplicação da metodologia proposta foram simulados os teores das variáveis Alap, Fe, Si e Ti, retidas na faixa 14#, para um depósito de bauxita do norte do Brasil. Os resultados obtidos em todas as combinações foram analisados com relação ao grau de reprodução das características estatísticas e de continuidade espacial, reprodução das somas dos teores dos dados originais também na faixa simulada e a reprodução das correlações, ou reprodução da ausência de correlações, também nos cenários simulados. Após a análise dos resultados obtidos, se pode concluir que todas as combinações testadas são passíveis de utilização, no entanto, somente as combinações quatro e cinco proveem uma solução acabada para o problema em questão. Isto se deve ao fato de estas duas combinaões de métodos serem as únicas que combinaram: a decomposição MAF, para descorrelacionar as variáveis, simular cada uma de modo independente das demais e mesmo assim garantir a reprodução das correações no final do processo; a transformação ilr, que, por considerar as amostras como composições pertencentes ao espaço de soma restrita e constante, Simplex, garante que a soma dos teores esteja garantida nos resultados das simulações; e, a simulação diretamente em suporte de blocos, que foi incluída por evitar que um grande número de pontos precise ser simulado e posteriormente ajustado para o suporte de blocos, dando agilidade ao processo. A combinação cinco se mostrou ainda mais vantajosa por não fazer uso da variável artificial Resto, o que diminui o número de variáveis a serem efetivamente simuladas. Apesar das vantagens apontadas, é inegável que o usuário precisa conhecer e estar atento à sequência em que as transformações devem ser aplicadas sobre os dados originais. / Cossimulation of complex multivariate deposits with more than three variables involved, when performed by classical methods, is extremely labor intensive and ultimately generate results that need further adjustment, especially with respect to the closing of the sum of the attributes of interest. The need for further adjustments, together with the difficulties in practical implementation of these methods, motivates the search for alternative solutions that generate results as or more accurate and which can be more easily implementable at the mining industry. This thesis analyzed the feasibility of five combinations of methods as an alternative to the classical ones: individual simulation by turning bands method, each variable at a time, in subsequent block support adjustment (combination 1); the simulation of ILRs transformations, also using the turning bands method, individually and followed by the block support correction (combination 2); the directly block simulation of MAFs factors (combination 3); direct block simulation of MAFs factors of ILRs with the use of artificial variable “Resto” also used in combinations 1,2 and 3 (combination 4) and direct block simulation of MAFs factors of ILRs with the closing operation (combination 5). To apply the proposed methodology, the following variables from a large bauxite deposit were chosen: mass retained at 14 # sieve, Alap, Fe, Si and Ti were simulated. The results obtained in all combinations were analyzed with respect to the level of reproduction of statistical characteristics and spatial continuity, reproduction of the sums of the grades of the original data also in the simulated scenarios, allied to variables cross-correlation reproduction in the simulated scenarios. The results lead to conclude that all tested combinations are amenable to use, however, only the 4 and 5 combinations provide a finished solution to the problem in question. The MAF decomposition was used to decorrelate the variables and so each one of those could be independently simulated, and the maintenance of correlations after the procces was assured, and the ilr transformation was included in both combinations 4 and 5 to provide results with constant sums of the grades in the sieve of interest. These two combinations guarantee the maintenance of the grades closed sum and correlations reproduction in simulated scenarios, and, still are computationally efficient as the block simulation was used to avoid the simulation of a large amount of points that need to be post processed. The last workflow proved to be even more advantageous for not using an artificial variable Resto, which reduces the number of variables to be effectively simulated. Despite of these advantages, it is undeniable that the user needs to know and to be aware of the sequence in which transformation should be applied to the original data.
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"Estudo comparativo dos efeitos da utilização de dois tipos de comandos verbais diferentes no treinamento de alongamento muscular" / Comparative study of the use effects of two kinds of verbal commands in the muscle stretch trainingMaria Silvia Pardo 22 August 2005 (has links)
Avaliou-se os efeitos da utilização de um comando verbal detalhado (CVD) e um simplificado (CVS) sobre a força muscular e a flexibilidade em 31 alunos dos cursos de Fisioterapia e de Terapia Ocupacional. O Grupo A submeteu-se a um programa de alongamento muscular com CVD, e o Grupo B, com CVS. Mensurou-se a força muscular por meio da miometria e avaliou-se a flexibilidade e a postura, associando esta com categorias de encurtamentos musculares pré definidas. Observou-se mudanças no contorno de todas as curvaturas e da cadeia posterior no Grupo A e na curvatura cervical e diminuição do ângulo de flexão do quadril no Grupo B. Não houve significância estatística nas demais variáveis estudadas / The use effects of a comprehensive (CVC) and a simplified verbal command (SVC) in 31 physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy students were evaluated. A Group was submitted to a stretching muscle program with CVC, and B Group, With SVC. The muscle strength was measured by myometry and flexibility and posture were evaluated, associating posture with pre defined muscle shortening categories. Changes were found in every spinal curve outline and posterior muscle chain in A Group and in cervical curve outline and decrease of the hip flexion angle in B Group. There was no statistic significance in the other analyzed variables
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Técnicas de bifurcação para o problema de Yamabe em variedades com bordo / Bifurcation techniques in the Yamabe problem in manifolds with boundaryAna Claudia da Silva Moreira 29 January 2016 (has links)
Apresentaremos alguns resultados de rigidez e de bifurcação para soluções do problema de Yamabe em variedades produto com bordo. / We will discuss some rigidity and bifurcation results for solutions of the Yamabe problem in product manifolds with boundary.
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Influência dos treinamentos de força e potência nas adaptações neurais, morfológicas e na funcionalidade em idosos / Comparison between strength and power training on neural, morphological and functional adaptations in the elderlyLilian França Wallerstein 15 March 2010 (has links)
Apesar das perdas provocadas pela sarcopenia, o sistema neuromuscular do idoso ainda mantém parte da sua plasticidade. No entanto, as adaptações promovidas pelos treinamentos de força (TF) e de potência (TP) não foram totalmente elucidadas, assim como se existem diferenças entre essas adaptações nessa população. Para responder tais questões, 43 idosos (63,8 ± 4,0 anos; 67,2 ±13,4kg e 160,2 ±8,4cm), inexperientes em treinamento com pesos e independentes participaram desse estudo. Os voluntários foram distribuídos em três grupos: GF (n= 14; 70 a 90% de 1RM), GP (n= 16; 30 a 50% de 1RM) e GC (n= 13, não treinou). Durante 16 semanas o GF e o GP realizaram duas sessões de treino semanalmente. Os resultados significantes foram: aumento de 42,7% em GF e 33,8% em GP no teste de 1RM (leg press) e 31% em GF e 25,4% em GP (chest press); aumento de 6% em GF e 3,6% em GP na ASTq; aumento de 22,4% em GF e 17,1% em GP na CVIM e uma diminuição de 28% em GF e 32% em GP no REM. Não houve diferenças significativas entre GF e GP nas variáveis analisadas. Nenhum dos grupos apresentou aumento no sinal eletromiográfico nem na TDF. Não houve alteração significativa na funcionalidade. Portanto, ainda que com características distintas, o TF e o TP são similares em relação às adaptações analisadas, equiparando-se como estratégias de treinamento eficazes no combate à sarcopenia e seus efeitos / In spite of sarcopenia-induced losses, elderly peoples neuromuscular system keeps its plasticity. However, strength and power training-induced adaptations have not been completely elucidated. It also unknown if these adaptations are related to elderly functionality. Fourty three healthy and independent old men and women (63.8 ± 4.0 yrs; 67.2 ±13.4kg e 160.2 ±8.4cm) with no resistance training experience volunteered for this study. Participants were randomly distributed into three groups: GF (n= 14; 70 - 90%-1RM), GP (n= 16; 30 - 50%-1RM) e GC (n= 13, no training). GF and GP trained twice a week for 16 weeks. Leg-press (42.7% in GF and 33.8% in GP) and chest-press 1-RM (31% in GF and 25.4% in GP), quadriceps cross sectional area (6% in GF and 3.6% in GP), maximal voluntary isometric contraction (22.4% in GF and 17.1% in GP) were significantly increased in both groups. Electromechanical delay decreased 28% in GF and 32% in GP. There were no significant differences between groups. EMG and rate of force development did not change throughout the training period. Only main effect of time was observed for the functional tests. These results suggest that even with different characteristics, both strength and power training induce similar neuromuscular adaptations. Thus, both training regimens are equally effective in preventing and treating sarcopenia
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Comparação entre o dano muscular de flexores do cotovelo e extensores do joelho em idosos = Muscle damage comparison between elbow flexors and knee extensors in older adults / Muscle damage comparison between elbow flexors and knee extensors in older adultsNogueira, Felipe Romano Damas 03 August 2013 (has links)
Orientadores: Maria Patrícia Traina Chacon Mikahil, Cleiton Augusto Libardi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Física / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T01:21:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Esta dissertação é composta de uma introdução e um artigo científico original intitulado "Comparison in responses to maximal eccentric exercise between elbow flexors and knee extensors of older adults" aceito para publicação em revista especializada da área. O exercício excêntrico (EE) máximo resulta em significativo dano muscular principalmente em indivíduos não habituados a este tipo de exercício. A magnitude do dano muscular é menor quando o EE é realizado com os músculos extensores do joelho do que quando realizado com os flexores do cotovelo em jovens, provavelmente graças a um efeito protetor nos membros inferiores conferido por maior exposição dos extensores do joelho às contrações excêntricas das atividades de vida diária. No entanto, ainda não se sabe se este também é o caso para indivíduos idosos. É possível que a diferença de dano muscular entre flexores do cotovelo e extensores do joelho seja menor para idosos, uma vez que atividades diárias possam estar reduzidas ou mesmo devido às alterações neuromusculares com o envelhecimento o que promoveria menor adaptabilidade às atividades de vida diária. Desta forma, o presente estudo testou a hipótese que a suscetibilidade ao dano muscular seria similar entre flexores do cotovelo e extensores do joelho para indivíduos idosos. Oito voluntários idosos (61,6 ± 1,8 anos) realizaram 5 séries de 6 contrações excêntricas máximas à velocidade de 90º·s-1 com os flexores do cotovelo (amplitude de movimento: 80-20º) e extensores do joelho (30-90º) utilizando membros não dominantes em ordem randomizada com duas semanas de pausa entre as sessões. Foram medidos os torques voluntários máximos isométricos e concêntricos, ângulo ótimo, amplitude de movimento, dor muscular analisada por escala analógica visual e atividade de creatina quinase (CK) imediatamente após (exceto a CK), e 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas após o EE. As mudanças normalizadas nas variáveis dependentes após o protocolo foram comparadas entre flexores do cotovelo e extensores do joelho utilizando-se do modelo misto de análise, seguido do teste post-hoc de Tukey, quando apropriado. Os resultados indicaram que somente o torque voluntário máximo isométrico e a amplitude de movimento demonstraram significantes efeitos de grupo (p < 0,05) para a comparação entre flexores do cotovelo e extensores do joelho. Adicionalmente, não foi encontrada interação grupo vs. tempo (p > 0,05) para nenhuma das variáveis dependentes comparando entre flexores do cotovelo e extensores do joelho dos idosos. Estes resultados sugerem que os extensores do joelho de idosos são relativamente tão suscetíveis ao dano muscular quanto os flexores de cotovelo, ou, ao menos, a diferença entre membros é pequena para os idosos / Abstract: This dissertation is composed of an introduction and an original article entitled "Comparison in responses to maximal eccentric exercise between elbow flexors and knee extensors of older adults" accepted to publication on a specialized journal. Unaccustomed eccentric exercise induces significant muscle damage. The magnitude of muscle damage is greater for the elbow flexors (EF) compared to the knee extensors (KE) following eccentric contractions (ECC) for young subjects, probably due to a protective effect of the lower limb muscles conferred by greater exposure of KE to ECC performed in daily activities. However, it is not known if it is also the case for old subjects. It is possible that the difference in muscle damage between EF and KE is smaller for old individuals, since daily activities can be reduced or even due to neuromuscular disorders with aging what could promote lower adaptability to activities of daily living. Therefore, the present study compared between elbow flexors (EF) and knee extensors (KE) for their susceptibility to eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage in older adults to test the hypothesis that muscle damage would be similar between EF and KE of this population. Eight old (61.6 ± 1.8 years) participants performed 5 sets of 6 maximal isokinetic (90º·s-1) eccentric contractions (ECC) of the EF (range of motion: 80-20º) and KE (30-90º) with the non-dominant limb in a randomised, counterbalanced order with 2 weeks between bouts. Maximal voluntary isometric (MVC-ISO) and concentric contraction torque, optimum angle, range of motion (ROM), muscle soreness and serum creatine kinase (CK) activity were measured before, immediately after (except CK), and 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours following ECC. Normalized changes in the variables following ECC were compared between EF and KE by a mixed model analysis. The results showed that only MVC-ISO and ROM demonstrated significant group effects (p < 0.05) for the comparison between EF and KE. Additionally, no significant group vs. time interaction (p > 0.05) was found for the older adults between EF and KE for the changes in any of the dependent variables. These results suggest that the KE of older adults are relatively as susceptible to muscle damage as their EF, or at the very least, the difference between EF and KE are small for older adults / Mestrado / Atividade Fisica Adaptada / Mestre em Educação Física
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A neurophysiological examination of voluntary isometric contractions : modulations in sensorimotor oscillatory dynamics with contraction force and physical fatigue, and peripheral contributions to maximal force productionFry, Adam January 2016 (has links)
Human motor control is a complex process involving both central and peripheral components of the nervous system. Type Ia afferent input contributes to both motor unit recruitment and firing frequency, however, whether maximal force production is dependent on this input is unclear. Therefore, chapter 2 examined maximal and explosive force production of the knee extensors following prolonged infrapatellar tendon vibration; designed to attenuate the efficacy of the homonymous Ia afferent-α-motoneuron pathway. Despite a marked decrease in H-reflex amplitude, indicating an attenuated efficacy of the Ia afferent-α-motoneuron pathway, both maximal and explosive force production were unaffected after vibration. This suggested that maximal and explosive isometric quadriceps force production was not dependent upon Ia afferent input to the homonymous motor unit pool. Voluntary movements are linked with various modulations in ongoing neural oscillations within the supraspinal sensorimotor system. Despite considerable interest in the oscillatory responses to movements per se, the influence of the motor parameters that define these movements is poorly understood. Subsequently, chapters 3 and 4 investigated how the motor parameters of voluntary contractions modulated the oscillatory amplitude. Chapter 3 recorded electroencephalography from the leg area of the primary sensorimotor cortex in order to investigate the oscillatory responses to isometric unilateral contractions of the knee-extensors at four torque levels (15, 30, 45 and 60% max.). An increase in movement-related gamma (30-50 Hz) activity was observed with increments in knee-extension torque, whereas oscillatory power within the delta (0.5-3 Hz), theta (3-7 Hz), alpha (7-13 Hz) and beta (13-30 Hz) bands were unaffected. Chapter 4 examined the link between the motor parameters of voluntary contraction and modulations in beta (15-30 Hz) oscillations; specifically, movement-related beta decrease (MRBD) and post-movement beta rebound (PMBR). Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was recorded during isometric ramp and constant-force wrist-flexor contractions at distinct rates of force development (10.4, 28.9 and 86.7% max./s) and force output (5, 15, 35 and 60%max.), respectively. MRBD was unaffected by RFD or force output, whereas systematic modulation of PMBR by both contraction force and RFD was identified for the first time. Specifically, increments in isometric contraction force increased PMBR amplitude, and increments in RFD increased PMBR amplitude but decreased PMBR duration. Physical fatigue arises not only from peripheral processes within the active skeletal muscles but also from supraspinal mechanisms within the brain. However, exactly how cortical activity is modulated during fatigue has received a paucity of attention. Chapter 5 investigated whether oscillatory activity within the primary sensorimotor cortex was modulated when contractions were performed in a state of physical fatigue. MEG was recorded during submaximal isometric contractions of the wrist-flexors performed both before and after a fatiguing series of isometric wrist-flexions or a time matched control intervention. Physical fatigue offset the attenuation in MRBD observed during the control trial, whereas PMBR was increased when submaximal contractions were performed in a fatigued state.
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Influência da progressão do diabetes nos padrões dinâmicos de recrutamento de fibras musculares analisados através de eletromiografia de alta densidade / Influence of diabetes progression on dynamic recruitment patterns of muscular fibers analyzed through high density electromyographyMarco Kenji Butugan 29 April 2014 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a influência de diferentes estágios de severidade da neuropatia diabética na velocidade de condução das fibras musculares estimada em quatro músculos do membro inferior durante contrações isométricas, utilizando-se eletromiografia de superfície. Oitenta e cinco adultos foram estudados: 16 indivíduos não diabéticos e 69 diabéticos classificados em quatro estágios de neuropatia definidos por um sistema fuzzy: ausente (n=26), leve (n=21), moderada (n=11) e grave (n=11). As velocidades de condução médias das fibras musculares do tibial anterior, gastrocnêmico medial, vasto lateral e bíceps femoral foram avaliadas utilizando uma matriz linear de eletrodos de superfície e foram comparadas entre os grupos estudados por meio de ANOVAs (p < 0,05). As velocidades de condução diminuíram significativamente no grupo com neuropatia moderada para o vasto lateral em relação aos outros grupos (18 a 21% de decréscimo), e foram menores em todos os grupos com diabetes para o tibial anterior em relação ao grupo controle (15 a 20% de decréscimo). Não só a localização anatômica distal do músculo afetou a velocidade de condução, mas também a proporção do tipo de fibras musculares, uma vez que o tibial anterior, com maior proporção de fibras do tipo I, estava com sua velocidade de condução alterada já no grupo ausente, enquanto o vasto lateral, com maior proporção de fibras do tipo II, estava com sua velocidade de condução alterada em estágios mais tardios da doença. De forma geral, os músculos do membro inferior têm diferentes suscetibilidades aos efeitos do diabetes mellitus e da neuropatia e mostram uma redução da velocidade de condução conforme a neuropatia progride / This study aimed at investigating the influence of different stages of diabetic neuropathy in the muscle fiber conduction velocities estimated in four lower limb mucles during isometric maximal voluntary contraction using surface electromyography. Eighty-five adults were studied: 16 non-diabetic individuals and 69 diabetic patients classified into four neuropathy stages, defined by a fuzzy system: absent (n=26), mild (n=21), moderate (n=11) and severe (n=11). Average muscle fiber conduction velocities of gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, vastus lateralis and biceps femoris were assessed using linear array electrodes, and the studied groups were compared by ANOVAs (p < 0.05). Conduction velocities were significantly decreased in the moderate neuropathy group for the vastus lateralis compared to other groups (from 18 to 21% decrease), and were decreased in all diabetic groups for the tibialis anterior (from 15 to 20% from control group). Not only the distal anatomical localization of the muscle affects the conduction velocity, but also the proportion of muscle fiber type, where the tibialis anterior, with greater type I fiber proportion, is affected already at the absent group while the vastus lateralis with greater type II fiber proportion is affected in later stages of the disease. Generally, the muscles of the lower limb have different responsiveness to the effects of diabetes mellitus and neuropathy and show a reduction in the conduction velocity as the neuropathy progresses
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The Efficacy of Incorporating Partial Squats in Maximal Strength TrainingBazyler, Caleb D., Sato, Kimitake, Wassinger, Craig A., Lamont, Hugh S., Stone, Michael H. 01 November 2014 (has links)
The efficacy of incorporating partial squats in maximal strength training. J Strength Cond Res 28(11): 3024–3032, 2014—The purpose of our study was to examine the effects of 2 different training methods on dynamic and isometric measures of maximal strength. Seventeen recreationally trained men (1 repetition maximum [1RM] squat: 146.9 ± 22.4 kg) were assigned to 2 groups: full range of motion (ROM) squat (F) and full ROM with partial ROM squat (FP) for the 7-week training intervention. Repeated measures analysis of variance revealed that there was a statistically significant group-by-time interaction for impulse scaled at 50, 90, and 250 milliseconds at 90° of knee flexion and rate of force development at 200 milliseconds with 120° of knee flexion (p ≤ 0.05). There was also a statistically significant time effect (p ≤ 0.05) for the 1RM squat, 1RM partial squat, isometric squat peak force allometrically scaled (IPFa) 90°, IPFa 120°, and impulse allometrically scaled at 50, 90, 200, and 250 milliseconds at 90° and 120° of knee flexion. Additionally, the FP group achieved statistically larger relative training intensities (%1RM) during the final 3 weeks of training (p ≤ 0.05). There was a trend for FP to improve over F in 1RM squat (+3.1%, d = 0.53 vs. 0.32), 1RM partial squat (+4.7%, d = 0.95 vs. 0.69), IPFa 120° (+5.7%, d = 0.52 vs. 0.12), and impulse scaled at 50, 90, 200, and 250 milliseconds at 90° (+6.3 to 13.2%, d = 0.50–1.01 vs. 0.30–0.57) and 120° (+3.4 to 16.8%, d = 0.45–1.11 vs. 0.08–0.37). These larger effect sizes in the FP group can likely be explained their ability to train at larger relative training intensities during the final 3 weeks of training resulting in superior training adaptations. Our findings suggest that partial ROM squats in conjunction with full ROM squats may be an effective training method for improving maximal strength and early force-time curve characteristics in men with previous strength training experience. Practically, partial squats may be beneficial for strength and power athletes during a strength-speed mesocycle while peaking for competition.
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Force-Time Curve Characteristics and Hormonal Alterations During an Eleven-Week Training Period in Elite Women WeightliftersHaff, G. Gregory, Jackson, Janna R., Kawamori, Naoki, Carlock, Jon M., Hartman, Michael J., Kilgore, J. Lon, Morris, Robert T., Ramsey, Michael W., Sands, William A., Stone, Michael H. 01 March 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to study the effects of an 11-week training period performed by female weightlifters. Two weeks before this investigation, baseline measures for total testosterone, cortisol, and testosterone:cortisol ratio were collected. The 11-week training program consisted of the core exercises (i.e., clean, clean and jerk, and snatch) and other supplemental exercises (i.e., clean pull, snatch pull, squat, and front squat). Hormonal, isometric, and dynamic middle thigh pull force-time curve characteristics were assessed biweekly throughout the duration of the investigation, whereas volume load and training intensity were assessed weekly throughout the investigation. The testosterone:cortisol ratio of the baseline (1.19 ± 0.64) was significantly different from the ratio of weeks 1 (0.67 ± 0.36) and 9 (0.94 ± 0.66). When the week-to-week values were compared, week 1 (0.67 ± 0.36) was significantly different (P < 0.05; ηsup>2= 0.84) from week 3 (1.06 ± 0.54). A very strong correlation (r = −0.83; r 2 = 0.69) was found between the percentage change of the testosterone:cortisol ratio and volume load from weeks 1 to 11. Moderate to very strong correlations were noted between the percentage change in volume load and isometric peak force, peak force during the 30% isometric peak force trial, and peak force during the 100-kg trial during the 11 weeks of training. The primary finding of this study was that alterations in training volume load can result in concomitant changes in the anabolic-to-catabolic balance, as indicated by the testosterone:cortisol ratio, and the ability to generate maximal forces.
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The Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull PerformanceHornsby, W. Guy, South, Mark A., Kavanaugh, Ashley, Layne, Andrew S., Haff, G. Gregory, Sands, William A., Cardinale, Marco, Ramsey, Michael W., Stone, Michael H. 01 December 2009 (has links)
Acute exposure to vibration has been suggested to produce transient increases in muscular strength (1,2,8), vertical jump displacement (4,8), and power output (2,6,7) recorded while performing various tasks. It has been hypothesized that the reported acute vibration induced increases in performance occur as a result of alterations in neuromuscular stimulation (1,3,4). Specifically, most studies have ascribed the observed improvements to the likeliness of Whole Body Vibration (WBV) in producing a “tonic vibration reflex” (TVR) in which the primary nerve endings of the Ia afferents of the muscle spindle are activated. This is thought to result in the excitation of the alpha-motor neurons and activation of the extrafusal fibers (4) which likely leads to a greater synchronization of motor units as a result of homonymous motor unit contraction. However, not all investigations report improvements in muscular strength (4), vertical jump (7), and power production in response to acute vibration (4). While the current body of scientific knowledge offers conflicting evidence on the effectiveness of WBV in augmenting neuromuscular performance it is possible that WBV may result in alterations to specific aspects of the force-time curve during the performance of a maximal isometric contraction. Therefore, the primary purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of WBV performed using 30 Hz frequency and 2-4 mm amplitude on the force-time curves of an isometric mid-thigh pull.
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