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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La figure féminine dans l’œuvre chinoise d'Alfonso Vagnoni (c.1568-c.1640) / Alfonso Vagnoni (c.1568-c.1640) and the female saints in his Chinese work

Sang, Rui 28 June 2017 (has links)
Les missionnaires qui abordèrent le monde chinois à la fin de la Dynastie Ming et au début de la Dynastie Qing ont établi les fondements de leur entreprise en Chine et ont pris les premiers contacts avec la culture chinoise qui était différente et indépendante du monde chrétien. La plupart des premiers missionnaires occidentaux étaient italiens, parmi lesquels Alfonso Vagnoni est un nom capital. Alfonso Vagnoni (c.1568-c.1640) était un des rares jésuites qui ont vraiment pénétré dans les provinces de la Chine. Étant resté 37 ans sur cette terre orientale, il vécut plusieurs grands événements dans l’histoire du christianisme en Chine. Avec plus de vingt œuvres rédigées en chinois, il est considéré comme un des premiers jésuites qui ont laissé les œuvres les plus nombreuses en langue chinoise. L'ouvrage des Vies des saints (Tian Zhu Sheng Jiao Sheng Ren Xing Shi) est un manuscrit hagiographique inédit gravé en chinois en 1629 à Wulin. Se fondant en partie sur la fameuse La Légende Dorée, Vagnoni ne se limita pas à en faire la traduction. Il présenta dans ce recueil 74 saints dont un certain nombre ne sont pas mentionnés par Jacques de Voragine. Respectant les expressions chinoises, il présenta aux Chinois les modèles chrétiens occidentaux sans oublier de chercher un accord entre les deux civilisations différentes. Il divisa les 74 saints en sept groupes (apôtres, pontifes, martyrs, confesseurs, ermites, vierges et veuves), parmi lesquels les femmes occupent donc deux chapitres et prennent une place d’importance. Basé sur ces deux derniers chapitres, cette thèse s’attache à découvrir le style de ce manuscrit, ainsi que l’image des saintes occidentales que Vagnoni cherche à montrer à son lecteur chinois. Cela nous permet d’une certaine façon de mieux comprendre la contribution que ce jésuite italien apporte aux échanges interculturels entre l’Europe et la Chine. / Western missionaries who went to China in late Ming and early Qing dynasties were founders of the Christian enterprise in China, and they had played a significant and pioneering role in the cultural exchanges between China and the Western Christian World. Most of these early missionaries were Italians, among whom Alfonso Vagnoni can’t be ignored. Alfonso Vagnoni (1566-1640) was one of the few Jesuits who had really penetrated into the interior of China. He stayed in this eastern land for 37 years, during which he disseminated Christian teaching in different provinces and personally experienced several major events in the history of Christianity in China. With more than twenty books written in Chinese, he was regarded as one of the early Jesuits who left the most numerous books in Chinese language. Tian Zhu Sheng Jiao Sheng Ren Xing Shi is a collection of hagiographies written by Alfonso Vagnoni. It was initially engraved by the Catholic Church Chaoxingtang of Wulin(Hangzhou, Zhejiang) in 1629. This work was based on the famous Golden Legend. However, the author was not confined to a translation. In this collection, he described the lives of 74 saints, and some of them were not mentioned by Jacobus de Voragine. While introducing these Western Christian role models to Chinese people, Vagnoni made extensive use of exclusively Chinese expressions, and strove to find the commonalities between these two disparate civilizations. In Tian Zhu Sheng Jiao Sheng Ren Xing Shi, Vagnoni divided the 74 saints into seven categories (the apostles, popes and bishops, martyrs, confessors, religious, virgins and widows), among which women occupied two volumes and thus had an important place. Based on these last two volumes, the present thesis attempts to carry out a preliminary study on the writing features of this work and on the images of the Western female saints that the author tried to show to his Chinese readers.

"Obedeciendo a la instrución de compendiar": registros de viagens de jesuítas nas cartas ânuas da província jesuítica do Paraguai (segunda metade do século XVII)

Fantin, Odair José January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Nara Lays Domingues Viana Oliveira (naradv) on 2015-07-08T19:21:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 OdairFantinHistoria.pdf: 4774035 bytes, checksum: 3723fdc05ade727b57ff43d0af015ced (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-08T19:21:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 OdairFantinHistoria.pdf: 4774035 bytes, checksum: 3723fdc05ade727b57ff43d0af015ced (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Nenhuma / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo reconstituir as rotas e os caminhos trilhados pelos missionários jesuítas por regiões que integravam a Província Jesuítica do Paraguai, a partir de informações extraídas das Cartas Ânuas referentes ao período de 1650 a 1675. Esta reconstituição considerará, especialmente, a descrição que os missionários fizeram das distâncias percorridas, das condições climáticas e do relevo que enfrentaram, da vegetação que encontraram nos percursos, bem como do tempo e dos investimentos necessários para chegaram aos seus destinos e para o cumprimento satisfatório de suas missões apostólicas. Embasados teoricamente na História Cultural, analisamos as representações de que foram alvo as rotas e os caminhos percorridos, e, inspirados na metodologia da "geografia literária" proposta por Franco Moretti, cotejamos as informações textuais com a cartografia produzida sobre as regiões percorridas. / This dissertation aims to reconstruct the routes and the paths that were taken by Jesuit missionaries to the regions which were part of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay, from information that were extracted from Anuas Letters refer to the period between 1650 to 1675. This reconstruction will consider, in particular, the description that the missionaries made from the traveled distances, from the weather and the terrain conditions that they faced, from the vegetation that they found in the journeys, as well as from the necessary time and investments to come to their destinations and to satisfactory fulfillment their apostolic missions. It was theoretically based on Cultural History, we analysed the representations of the routes and the paths that were covered and inspired by the method of "literary geography" proposed by Franco Moretti, we compare the textual information with the mapping produced on the areas that were covered.

Des Indes lointaines aux scènes des collèges : les reflets des martyrs de la mission japonaise en Europe (XVIe - XVIIIe siècle) / From the distant Indies to the scenes of colleges : the reflections of the Japanese martyrs in Europe (16th - 18th century)

Omata Rappo, Hitomi 13 January 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la réception en Europe des évènements survenus au Japon pendant la période de mission, à l’époque moderne. Le discours diffusé dans le monde occidental avait commencé par un certain triomphalisme, incarné par les chrétiens japonais arrivés à Rome en 1585. Or, quand les autorités locales ont proscrit et poursuivi la nouvelle religion, il a évolué vers une rhétorique centrée sur la notion de « martyr ». Par la suite, cette idée a été activement utilisée pour présenter l’expérience chrétienne japonaise dans l’Europe moderne, et son emploi était intimement lié à la pensée politique et religieuse de l’époque. Les martyrs du Japon ont en outre donné lieu, en 1627, à la première béatification de saints issus des « Indes ». Cet évènement, tant pour l’Église, que pour les empires coloniaux ibériques, n’a été rendu possible qu’à travers l’intégration du Japon dans une vision du monde où ses dirigeants persécuteurs sont considérés comme des tyrans, et non pas comme de simples sauvages. La transmission de ces conceptions dans le Vieux Continent a également pris des formes concrètes, avec les tableaux, sculptures et gravures, ou encore la littérature et le théâtre. Dans les pièces jésuites, l’Archipel devient en effet un thème d’un genre destiné à l’édification publique. Tout cela a contribué à créer un Japon imaginaire, qui s’est par la suite largement imposé dans les esprits. Cette thèse montre que les martyrs japonais ne peuvent être circonscrits à l’histoire de l’Église ou des ordres missionnaires, mais qu’ils ont contribué à la construction de la culture européenne, en particulier dans sa perception de sa place dans le monde. / This thesis analyzes the reception of the Japanese mission in Europe, from the 16th to the 18th century. The discourse diffused in Europe started with a certain triumphalism, embodied by the Japanese Christians sent to Rome in 1585. However, when the local authorities began to prosecute and ban the new religion, it evolved to an imagery centered on the concept of “martyr". After that, this notion has been actively used to relate the Japanese Christian experience in modern Europe, and it was intimately linked to the religious and political thought of the time. The martyrs of Japan also gave, in 1627, the first beatification of saints from the “Indies”. This exceptional event, for both the Catholic church and the Iberian colonial empires, was only made possible by the integration of Japan in a determined word-view, where its leaders were regarded as tyrants, and not as uncivilized savages. The concrete transmission of such conceptions in the Old Continent was conducted by various means, such as paintings, sculptures and engravings, or literature, and theater. In the Jesuit plays, the Japanese martyrs became a topic in a literary genre essentially designed for public edification. All of this gave birth to an imaginary Japan that subsequently established itself in the minds of the time. Overall, this thesis shows that Japanese martyrs cannot simply be confined to the history of the Church or missionary orders. They have contributed significantly to the construction of European culture, particularly in its perception of its place in the world.

Gestão participativa no distrito sanitário especial indígena Cuibá: uma análise de sua viabilidade política / Participatory management in the Special Indigenous Sanitary District Cuiabá: an analysis of its political viability

Karem Dall Acqua Vargas 05 August 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho se inscreve no campo da saúde pública em sua perspectiva interdisciplinar, pois mobiliza conhecimentos oriundos da epidemiologia, do planejamento e das ciências humanas e sociais. Nosso objetivo central foi analisar a viabilidade política do planejamento participativo na Terra Indígena Tirecatinga, DSEI Cuiabá, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. A fundamentação teórica utilizada foi a Teoria do Jogo Social de Carlos Matus que visita e amplia duas outras teorias formuladas pelo autor: a Teoria das Situações e a Teoria da Produção Social. A estratégia metodológica escolhida foi o Estudo de Caso tendo em vista que a formulação de um plano local por meio do planejamento estratégico situacional tratou-se de um caso não significando que o processo e os resultados obtidos poderão ser generalizados para as demais comunidades indígenas do território nacional. Os depoimentos foram submetidos à Análise do Discurso segundo hipóteses de Dominique Mainguenau. Esperamos que o exercício do planejamento em território indígena amplie a compreensão da situação de saúde dos índios que vivem na Terra Indígena Tirecatinga, território adstrito ao DSEI Cuiabá; estenda a compreensão sobre as lógicas de ação que permeiam as práticas dos sujeitos nos espaços de participação social; que o planejamento seja um instrumento de reflexão e mudança para a organização fornecendo subsídios para a institucionalização do mesmo tendo em vista as necessidades dos sujeitos e, sobretudo, promova a reflexividade e a atividade crítica na comunidade indígena participante / This work falls within the field of public health from an interdisciplinary perspective as it mobilizes knowledge from epidemiology, planning and human and social sciences. Our main objective was to analyze the political viability of participatory planning within Tirecatinga Indigenous Territory, DSEI Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The theoretical framework used was the Theory of Social Game by Carlos Matus, created by visiting and extending two other theories formulated by the same author: the Theory of Situations and the Theory of Social Production. The selected methodological strategy was a case study with a view to formulate a local level situational strategic planning used to treat a case. Therefore the process and the results cannot be generalised to other indigenous communities within the national territory. All reports were submitted to Discourse Analysis according to Dominique Mainguenaus hypothesis. We hope that the exercise of planning within indigenous territories can expand the understanding of the health status of Indians living within Tirecatinga Indigenous Territorry, a territory attached to the DSEI Cuiabá; extend the understanding of the logic of action that permeates the practices of the subjects in the spaces of social participation; that planning can be used as a reflection tool and promote changes to the organization providing support for the institutionalization from a perspective which recognizes the needs of individuals and, above all, promote reflexivity and critical activity within the participating indigenous community

The catacombs, martyrdom, and the reform of art in Post-Tridentine Rome: picturing continuity with the Christian past

Magill, Kelley Clark 10 August 2015 (has links)
The fortuitous discovery of early Christian images adorning the catacombs on Via Salaria in 1578 enabled scholars to address urgent, contemporary problems concerning the Catholic tradition of image veneration, which had been attacked by Protestant iconoclasts. Although the catacombs had been important devotional sites for the cult of martyrs and relics throughout the Middle Ages, the 1578 catacomb discovery was the first time that Romans connected the catacombs with the early Christian cult of images. Only after 1578 did scholars and antiquarians begin to collect and study early Christian frescoes and antiquities found in Rome’s numerous catacomb sites. Their research culminated in the publication of Antonio Bosio’s Roma sotterranea (1635), the first treatise on the Roman catacombs. After the Council of Trent (1545–1563), Catholic scholarship on the catacombs defended the early Christian origins of the cult of martyrs, relics, and images. I argue that the Tridentine Church’s claim of continuity motivated the study of early Christian art in the catacombs in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. By critically evaluating images and archeological sources to support an interpretation of the Church as semper eadem (ever the same), Bosio and his sixteenth-century predecessors contributed to the development of modern historical and archeological methods. This dissertation explores the juxtaposition of imaginative and analytical interpretations of the Roman catacombs in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Early modern descriptions of the catacombs characterize these burial sites as emotive worship spaces for the early Church that evoked Christian suffering, martyrdom, and devotion to the cult of saints. I argue that the gruesome martyrdom imagery commissioned to decorate S. Stefano Rotondo and SS. Nereo e Achilleo in the last two decades of the sixteenth century imaginatively recreated what contemporaries thought early Christian worship would have been like in the catacombs. As the first in-depth study to consider the relationship between the exploration of the catacombs and the first large-scale martyrdom cycles in the late sixteenth century, this dissertation demonstrates how vivid pictorial imagination of the Christian past inspired the early Christian revival movement in post-Tridentine Rome. / text

German Jesuit theatre, Brecht, and the concept of Persuasio

Sullivan, Robert G. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

"Very advantageous beginnings" Jesuit conversion, secular interests, and the legacy of Port Royal, 1608-1620 /

Wachtel, Joseph Robert. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of History, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 45-59).


[pt] José de Anchieta desponta no século XVI como escritor e sacerdote, cujos trabalhos intelectual e missionário foram fundamentais para a consolidação do Brasil. A linha que liga história, política, religião e literatura é o caminho percorrido para a compreensão da obra literária do jesuíta como engajada às causas e instituições a que aderiu. / [en] Jose de Anchieta rises in the XVIth century as writer and priest, whose intellectual and missionary works had been fundamental for the consolidation of Brazil. The route that binds history, religion and literature is the pathway that guides the achievement of this research that aims to comprehend the literary composition of the Jesuit as committed to the causes and instituitions that he belonged.


Marcuz, Ligia Manara Miletto 28 June 2016 (has links)
Toponymy systematizes the names of places, describes the structure and formation of these names, being translated into a form of identification, orientation, and referral. On the assumption that names of places have an intimate association with the cultural values of the people, they reflect the historical relevance of facts and customs, besides directly dealing with discovery, occupation, and ownership of geographical space. In light of this, this study aims at studying the proper names of places, in the northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul, based on the route of Jesuit presence in this state the Seven Peoples of the Mission -, named classical phase, the period between 1682 and 1756, conducting identification, classification, and spatialization of these toponyms. The region chosen for this study is of great cultural richness and target of many researches. However, studies that approach the local toponymy are unknown. In order to implement this study, besides the geographical focus, a historical retrospective was conducted over the first attempts of the colonizers of the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul, a review of toponymy and its classification models, as well as a study about the place while geographic category of analysis. This research, of qualitative and quantitative approach, began with a biographical and documental exploratory study and made use of fieldwork to broaden the possibilities of data collection. The categorization of the toponyms found was based on the taxonomy presented by Dick (1990a), used for the Brazilian reality. The processes of formation, structuring, and motivation of toponyms were analyzed through lexicographic-toponymic files, that integrate the methodological base of the study of toponyms. The data analysis showed toponymy as one of the possibilities to understand the land formation, since the names of places are a kind of repository that contains he memory and history of the place, manifested by the temporal layers of space occupation. After around 400 years since the formation of the first Jesuit-Guaraní reduction in the state, these toponyms remain as live presence of a way of interaction and spatial occupation, by different cultures and their way of interacting among themselves and with nature, and they prove that the initial memory of the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul is closely connected to the presence of indigenous peoples and European missionaries in that space. / A toponímia sistematiza os nomes dos lugares, descreve a estrutura e a formação desses nomes, traduzindo-se numa forma de identificação, orientação e referenciação. Partindo do pressuposto de que os nomes dos lugares têm uma associação íntima com os valores culturais da população, eles refletem a relevância histórica dos fatos e dos costumes, além de tratarem diretamente sobre descobrimento, ocupação e posse do espaço geográfico. Tendo isso em vista, esta pesquisa tem, como objetivo, estudar os nomes próprios dos lugares, na região noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, com base na rota da presença jesuítica neste estado os Sete Povos das Missões , a chamada fase clássica, período compreendido entre 1682 a 1756, realizando a identificação, a classificação e a espacialização desses topônimos. A região escolhida para estudo é de grande riqueza cultural bem como alvo de muitas pesquisas, porém não são conhecidos trabalhos acerca dela que abordem a toponímia local. Para dar corpo à pesquisa, além do enfoque geográfico, realizou-se uma retrospectiva histórica sobre as primeiras investidas dos colonizadores no noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul, uma revisão sobre toponímia e seus modelos classificatórios, além de estudo a respeito do lugar, enquanto categoria de análise geográfica. Este trabalho, de cunho qualitativo e quantitativo, iniciou com estudo exploratório bibliográfico e documental e fez uso do trabalho de campo para ampliar as possibilidades da coleta de dados. A categorização dos topônimos encontrados teve base na taxionomia apresentada por Dick (1990a), utilizada para a realidade brasileira. O processo de formação, estruturação e motivação dos topônimos foi analisado por meio das fichas lexicográfico-toponímicas, que integram a base metodológica do estudo de topônimos. A análise dos dados evidenciou a toponímia como uma das possibilidades para se compreender a formação territorial, pois os nomes dos lugares são uma espécie de repositório que contém a memória e a história do lugar, manifestadas pelas camadas temporais de ocupação do espaço. Transcorridos quase 400 anos desde a formação da primeira redução jesuítico-guarani no estado, esses topônimos se mantêm como presença viva de uma forma de interação e ocupação espacial, por culturas distintas e seu modo de se relacionar entre si e com o meio natural e comprovam que a memória inicial do noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul está intimamente ligada à presença de povos indígenas e aos missionários europeus naquele espaço.

Comunalización jesuita y desintegración reduccional. Políticas alternativas de colonización en la frontera luso-española / Comunalización jesuita y desintegración reduccional. Políticas alternativas de colonización en la frontera luso-española

Quarlery, Lía 12 April 2018 (has links)
The present work, through a broad historical survey and an analysis of laws on mission administration during the period of domination by the Society of Jesus (1620-1767) and the post-Jesuit period (1768-1801) in the territory occupied by the Guaraní, analyzes the characteristics of two models of organization and administration for the Guaraní population: Jesuit communalism and Bourbon assimilation. Specifically, we reconstruct the ideological bases, the contextual factors and the political objectives inscribed in each model, as well as contrasting them via specific oppositional frames: purity and mestizaje, community and individual, spatial subjection and mobility, and segregation and assimilation. / En el presente trabajo, por medio de un recorrido histórico amplio y del análisis de ordenanzas sobre la administración misional emitidas en el periodo de dominio de la Compañía de Jesús (1620-1767) y en el posjesuita (1768-1801) en el territorio ocupado por los guaraníes, se analizan las características de dos modelos de organización y administración de dicha población: el de comunalización jesuita y el de asimilación borbónica. Específicamente, se reconstruyen las bases ideológicas, los factores contextuales y los objetivos políticos inscritos en ambos modelos, como también se contrasta a estos últimos a partir de ciertos cuadros de oposiciones: pureza y mestizaje, comunidad e individuo, sujeción espacial y movilidad, y segregación y asimilación.

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