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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung: Skalierbarkeit und Beziehung zu beruflicher Arbeitsleistung: Occupational action state orientation: Scalability and its relation to job performance

Stadelmaier, Ulrich W. 01 December 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit verknüpft die Theorie der Interaktion psychischer Systeme von Kuhl (2000, 2001) mit dem Modell beruflicher Arbeitsleistung von Tett und Burnett (2003). Unter Anwendung reizorientierter arbeitspsychologischer Stressmodelle werden Hypothesen über einen durch das subjektive Bedrohungs- und Belastungspotenzial der Arbeitssituation moderierten Zusammenhang zwischen dem berufsbezogenen und nach Maßgabe der Item Response Theorie skalierbaren Persönlichkeitsmerkmal Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung und beruflicher Arbeitsleistung aufgestellt. In drei Befragungen an N = 415, N = 331 sowie N = 49 Berufstätigen wurden querschnittliche Daten zur Hypothesenprüfung erhoben. Berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung zeigt sich als valides Subkonstrukt der allgemeinen Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung, welches gemäß Graded Response Modell von Samejima (1969, 1997) mit 14 Items skalierbar ist. Prospektive berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung erklärt in multiplen hierarchischen Regressionsanalysen, im Gegensatz zu allgemeiner Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung, inkrementell zu Gewissenhaftigkeit, Extraversion und Neurotizismus Anteile kontextueller und aufgabenbezogener Arbeitsleistung. Hypothesenkonträr werden diese Zusammenhänge nur marginal vom subjektiven Belastungspotential der Arbeitssituation moderiert. Die Prädiktorfunktion prospektiver berufsbezogener Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung für berufliche Arbeitsleistung bleibt auch unter pfadanalytischer Kontrolle eines vorhandenen Common Method Bias erhalten. Die dispositionelle Fähigkeit, durch berufliche Hindernisse gehemmten positiven Affekt vorbewusst gegenregulieren zu können, scheint demnach ein bedeutender Prädiktor beruflicher Arbeitsleistung zu sein, insbesondere bei Führungskräften. Für die berufliche Eignungsbeurteilung ist es damit von diagnostischem Mehrwert, Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung kontextualisiert zu erheben. Der Einsatz probabilistisch- testtheoretisch konstruierter Skalen steigert dabei die Effizienz des Beurteilungsprozesses. / The current paper combines personality systems interaction theory (Kuhl, 2000, 2001) with the model of job performance by Tett and Burnett (2003). Using established stress models from work psychology it is hypothesized that there is a relation between occupational action state orientation, scalable by means of items response theory, and job performance, which is moderated by the subjective stress level of job characteristics. Three surveys among samples of N = 415, N = 331, and N = 49 professionals yielded cross sectional data for investigating the hypotheses. Occupational action state orientation proves a valid construct which is compatible with Samejima’s (1969, 1997) Graded Response Model using a 14-item scale. As a result of multiple hierarchical regression analyses, the hesitation dimension of specifically occupational, in contrast to general action state orientation is a predictor of both contextual and task performance, incremental to conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism. Contrary to expectations this relation is only marginally moderated by stress-relevant job characteristics. Even when controlling for an occurring common method bias by means of path analysis the occupational hesitation dimension’s predictor role perseveres. Therefore, the dispositional ability in subconsciously regulating inhibited positive affect due to occupational obstacles, seems to be a crucial predictor of job performance, especially regarding leaders. Hence, professional aptitude assessment benefits from assessing action state orientation in a contextualized manner. Application of item response theory-based scales further enhances assessment process efficiency.

Relación de la Cultura Organizacional y el Desempeño Laboral en el área de ventas de las Universidades Privadas de Lima Metropolitana al 2020 / Organizational Culture and Labor Performance Relationship in the sales area of ​​the Private Universities of Metropolitan Lima by 2020

Calderón Vargas, Janeth Gisella, Vilchez Aguilar, Alejandra Verónica 04 September 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por finalidad determinar la existencia de la relación de las variables cultura organizacional y desempeño laboral en el área de ventas en las universidades privadas de Lima Metropolitana en el 2020. Para ello, se ha escogido a los autores Edgar Schein, Idalberto Chiavenato, Stephen P. Robbins y Timothy Judge para definir la variable de Cultura Organizacional; por otro lado, se consideró a Martha Alles para definir la variable de Desempeño Laboral. Asimismo, se determinó trabajar en el sector educación privado porque encontramos motivos relevantes por parte de los inversionistas en que esta área se vea investigada. Para realizar esta investigación, nos contactamos con representantes de 4 universidades que se encuentran en el Ranking de Mejores Universidades al 2019, según Americaeconomia; siendo estas privadas y ubicadas en Lima Metropolitana (zona moderna). El área investigada en las 4 universidades fue el área de ventas. A esta, se le realizó una encuesta de tipo likert con 52 aseveraciones de manera online, a causa del actual estado de emergencia sanitaria en el territorio nacional. Finalmente, decidimos escoger este tema debido a que, actualmente hay escasas investigaciones nacionales que consideren las dos variables; cultura organizacional y desempeño laboral, dentro del área de ventas en el sector educativo superior privado en el país. / The main objective of this project is to determine the existence of the relationship between the variable organizational culture and the job performance in the sales area in the private universities of Metropolitan Lima in 2020. For this, the writers Edgar Schein, Idalberto Chiavenato, Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy Judge, help us to define the Organizational Culture variable; on the other hand, Martha Alles was considered to define the work performance. Likewise, it was determined to work in the private education sector because we found relevant reasons for investors in which this area is investigated. To carry out this research, we contacted 4 representatives of universities that are in the Ranking of Best Universities for 2019, according to Americaeconomia; being these private and located in Metropolitan Lima (modern zone). The area investigated in the 4 universities was the sales area. To this, a Likert-type survey was carried out 52 online assertions, due to the current state of health emergency in the national territory. Finally, we decided to choose this topic because currently there are few national studies that consider both variables; organizational culture and job performance, within the sales area in the higher private education sector in the country. / Tesis

La cultura organizacional como estrategia de mejora en el desempeño de los colaboradores de las empresas del sector inmobiliario en Lima Metropolitana, en el 2020 / Organizational culture as a strategy for improving the performance of employees of companies in the real estate sector in Metropolitan Lima, in 2020

De los Santos Maco, Ivon Cecilia 07 September 2020 (has links)
En la presente investigación, se plasma la realidad de la cultura organizacional dentro del sector inmobiliario, ya que hoy en día, sobre todo en la situación actual que se vive por la pandemia debida al COVID-19, el factor humano ha tomado mayor relevancia de la que tenía con anterioridad, ya que las organizaciones se encuentran subsistiendo gracias al trabajo de los colaboradores y todo su empeño para sacarla adelante. Es así, esta investigación resalta los factores que los colaboradores identifican dentro de sus organizaciones y la valoración que le dan. Asimismo, es importante resaltar, que se comprueba la relación que existe entre la variable independiente cultura organizacional, y la variable dependiente desempeño organizacional, ya que, aunque este tipo de sectores no tienen un tratamiento especializado al personal que contratan para realizar diversas actividades dentro de las organizaciones, sobre todo en la selección y motivación constante, hace que no se pueda tener mayores resultados a los que se obtienen actualmente. Por ello, a lo largo del documento, se realizan las recomendaciones respectivas para una mejora de productividad por parte del sector en cada organización, ya que se demuestra, que, desde la potenciación y capacitación del factor humano, se pueden obtener resultados mejores a nivel organización y poder transmitir esos beneficios a futuros postulantes y volverse una organización con una cultura establecida y atractiva para el mercado laboral. Es así, que se demuestra a lo largo de la investigación las bases teóricas de cada variable y la demostración de relación que existe en cada una de ellos y sus tipos, dando como resultado el grado y su respectiva justificación. / In this research, the reality of the organizational culture within the real estate sector is reflected, since today, especially in the current situation experienced by the pandemic due to COVID-19, the human factor has taken on greater relevance in the one it had previously, since the organizations are subsisting thanks to the work of the collaborators and all their efforts to get it ahead. Thus, this research highlights the factors that the collaborators identify within their organizations and give it an assessment depending on whether it is being complied with in relation to the organizational culture and whether it is related to any of the types set forth herein. Likewise, it is important to highlight that the relationship between the independent variable, organizational culture, and the dependent variable, organizational performance, is verified, since, although these types of sectors do not have specialized treatment for the personnel they hire to carry out various activities within organizations. Therefore, throughout the document, the respective recommendations are made for an improvement in productivity by the sector in each organization, since it is shown that, from the empowerment and training of the human factor, better results can be obtained at the organization and be able to transmit those benefits to future applicants and become an organization with an established culture and attractive to the labor market. Thus, the theoretical bases of each variable and the demonstration of the relationship that exists in each of them and their types are demonstrated throughout the investigation, resulting in the degree and its respective justification. / Tesis

Arbetsmotivation och arbetsprestation i en tid präglad av digitalt arbete : En kvalitativ undersökning ur medarbetarens perspektiv / Work motivation and work performance in a time characterized by digital work : A qualitative survey from the employee's perspective

Erikstedt, Sabina, Lindqvist, Matilda, Scrieciu, Ruxandra January 2022 (has links)
Forskningsfråga: Vilka inre motivationsfaktorer kan positivt påverka arbetsprestationen vid digitalt arbete, utifrån medarbetarens perspektiv? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att redogöra för vilka motivationsfaktorer som, utifrån medarbetarens perspektiv, påverkar arbetsmotivationen och arbetsprestation vid den allt vanligare digitala arbetsmiljön. Metod: Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod med abduktiv ansats där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. För att analysera den empiriska data användes en tematisk analys. Slutsats: Det kan konstateras att den digitala arbetsmiljön inte påverkat arbetsmotivationen och arbetsprestationen avsevärt då stora delar av resultatet går i linje med tidigare studier om motivationsforskning. Studien visade att de motivationsfaktorer som enligt medarbetare positivt påverkar arbetsprestationen vid digitalt arbete är erkännande och personlig utveckling. / Research questions: What internal motivational factors can positively affect work performance in digital work, from the employee's perspective? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to account for the motivational factors that, from the employee's perspective, affect work motivation and work performance in the increasingly common digital work environment. Method: The study was based on a qualitative method with an abductive approach where seven semi-structured interviews were conducted. To analyze the empirical data, a thematic analysis was used. Conclusion: It can be stated that the digital work environment has not affected work motivation and work performance significantly as large parts of the results are in line with previous studies on motivation research. The study showed that the motivating factors that, according to employees, positively effect work performance in digital work are recognition and personal development.

Relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y desempeño laboral de los servidores públicos del sector defensa en Lima Metropolitana, 2021 / Relationship of Leadership Styles and Labor Performance of Public Servants of the Defense Sector in Metropolitan Lima 2021

Chirinos Mora, Mandy Belen, Contreras Carazas, Dayanna Lucia 24 October 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación titulada “Relación de los Estilos de Liderazgo y Desempeño Laboral de los Servidores Públicos del Sector Defensa en Lima Metropolitana 2021” tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre los estilos de liderazgo y el desempeño laboral de los servidores públicos del Sector Defensa en Lima Metropolitana, 2021. Para lograr este objetivo, se realizó una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental y corte transversal, con una muestra de 378 servidores públicos de distintas entidades del Sector Defensa en Lima Metropolitana, 2021. El análisis estadístico ha sido implementado con la finalidad de demostrar la correlación entre los estilos de liderazgo y el desempeño laboral de los servidores públicos. Según el análisis de la data, luego de aplicar las encuestas, el liderazgo más predominante fue el transformacional con un coeficiente de correlación de 0.374 seguido del transaccional y trascendental, con el mismo coeficiente de correlación de 0.296, lo que indica que existe una relación débil y directamente proporcional. Finalmente, se exponen las conclusiones del estudio y se sugieren algunas recomendaciones a implementar en el Sector Defensa para un mejor manejo en el liderazgo, que logre repercutir en un alto desempeño laboral. / The main objective of this research tittled “Relationship of Leadership Styles and Labor Performance of Public Servants of the Defense Sector in Metropolitan Lima 2021" is to determine the relationship between leadership styles and job performance of public servers of the Defense Sector in Metropolitan Lima Metropolitana, 2021. This investigation, is a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, and cross-sectional research, was carried out with a sample of 378 public servants from different entities of the Defense Sector in Lima Metropolitana 2021. A statistical analysis has been implemented to demonstrate the correlation between leadership styles and job performance of public servers. According to the analysis of the data after applying the surveys, the most predominant leadership was transformational with a correlation coefficient of 0.374 followed by transactional and transcendental with the same correlation coefficient of 0.296, which indicates that there is a weak and direct relationship proportional. Finally, the conclusions of the study are presented, and some recommendations are suggested to be implemented in the Defense Sector for a better management in leadership that has an impact on high job performance. / Tesis

La gestión del cambio y su influencia en el desempeño laboral en los supermercados de Lima Metropolitana, 2021 / The Management of Change and its Influence on Labor Performance in Metropolitan Lima Supermarkets, 2020

De la Cruz Calderón, Xiomara, Rivas Retamal, Rubí Alejandra 30 August 2021 (has links)
La gestión del cambio en una organización se ha impuesto en esta última década debido a la transformación de los esquemas organizacionales tradicionales. La demandante innovación tecnológica, la apertura casi total de los mercados nacionales e internacionales, la pandemia del COVID19 y diversos fenómenos externos han despertado en los investigadores la necesidad de estudiar sus efectos y proponer metodologías para hacerles frente y aprovechar su ocurrencia para optimizar procesos organizativos a futuro. En nuestro país hay un mínimo de investigaciones sobre la influencia de la Gestión del cambio en las diferentes áreas de la empresa, como el de Recursos Humanos, siendo el capital humano, un pilar para el desarrollo de este. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la influencia de la gestión del cambio en el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de los supermercados de Lima Metropolitana durante el año 2021. Se utilizó un diseño explicativo analítico y un procedimiento de encuestas en una muestra representativa de 381 colaboradores. Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta con un cuestionario tipo Likert y se cuenta la fiabilidad del mismo. Se encontró que la gestión del cambio a partir del liderazgo, las personas, la comunicación y la estructura tiene una influencia significativa en el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de los supermercados de Lima Metropolitana. Estos resultados evidencian el sustento para recomendar que las empresas del sector retail implementen un modelo de Gestión de cambio que involucre a sus colaboradores permanente y activamente, lo cual impactaría significativamente en su desempeño laboral. / The management of change in an organization has been imposed in the last decade due to the transformation of traditional organizational schemes. The demand for technological innovation, the almost total opening up of national and international markets, the COVID19 pandemic and various external phenomena have awakened researchers to the need to study their effects and propose methodologies to address them and take advantage of their occurrence to optimize future organizational processes. In our country there is a minimum of research on the influence of Change Management in the different areas of the company, such as Human Resources, being human capital, a pillar for the development of this. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of change management on the work performance of the employees of supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima during the year 2021. An analytical explanatory design and a survey procedure were used in a representative sample of 381 contributors. The survey technique was used with a Likert questionnaire and the reliability of the questionnaire is counted. It was found that the management of change from leadership, people, communication and structure has a significant influence on the work performance of the employees of supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima. These results show the support to recommend that companies in the retail sector implement a change management model that involves their employees permanently and actively, which would significantly impact their work performance. / Tesis

Productividad de equipos no jerárquicos y el desempeño de las empresas

Reyes Guevara, Rocío del Pilar, Zegarra Tito, Ruth Damaris 21 February 2020 (has links)
La confianza es un elemento primordial en todas las dimensiones de la vida, es necesaria para las relaciones intrapersonales y para el intercambio de conocimientos, por lo cual resulta ideal confiar en la tarea del otro. El propósito de este trabajo es que las organizaciones evalúen sus estructuras y las divisiones de trabajo de cada área con el objetivo de cerrar brechas y mantener al personal motivado. Por ese motivo, se utilizaron treinta fuentes científicas que permitieron conocer cómo la confianza es fundamental para que un equipo de trabajo obtenga un resultado de calidad, incluyendo en este proceso otros factores como la manipulación de confianza, una cultura organizacional estable, liderazgo transformacional y recursos para llegar al objetivo. Se utilizó el método explicativo para determinar el impacto de la confianza en las estructuras organizacionales y los factores que participan para obtener un resultado exitoso. El objetivo principal es evaluar los factores y los mecanismos que impactan de manera positiva en el desempeño, especialmente, la confianza. Así mismo, sobresalió la importancia del intercambio de conocimientos entre los miembros de un equipo, además de la comunicación efectiva. / Trust is an essential element in every dimension of life. It is necessary for intrapersonal relationships and for the exchange of knowledge, thus, it becomes imperative to trust in others’ work. The purpose of this research is that organizations evaluate their structures and the divisions of each area with the aim of closing gaps and keeping the staff motivated. For this reason, thirty scientific sources were analyzed that allowed us to know how trust is essential for that a work team obtains a quality result, including in this process other factors such as the manipulation of trust, a stable organizational culture, transformational leadership and resources to reach the objective. An explanatory method was used to determine how trust impacts organizational structures and to identify the factors needed to obtain a successful result. The main objective is to evaluate the factors and mechanisms that positively impact performance, considering confidence as a starting point. In addition, the importance of the exchange of knowledge between team members and of effective communication was highlighted. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Understanding Consequences for Reluctant Help Targets: Explaining Reluctant Help Targets’ Poor Job Performance

Thompson, Phillip S. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Predicting Job Adaptability: A Facet-Level Examination of the Relationship Between Conscientiousness and Adaptive Performance with Autonomy as a Moderator

Crowley, Megan L. 27 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Change has become a prevalent feature of today’s organizations, resulting in an increased demand for workers who are able to adapt to the dynamic nature of the environment. Recently, many have suggested that traditional models of job performance should be expanded to include an adaptive performance dimension. Research in this relatively new domain has focused on defining adaptive performance and understanding how it may be predicted. This study contributes to these efforts by testing the personality trait of conscientiousness as a predictor of adaptive performance, with both constructs being studied at their domain and facet levels. The incremental validity of conscientiousness over cognitive ability is also examined, and autonomy is investigated as a moderator of the conscientiousness-adaptive performance relationships. A sample of 212 undergraduate students who work at least 20 hours per week participated in the study by completing an online survey and a cognitive ability assessment. Conscientiousness was supported as a good predictor of adaptive performance overall. However, the predictor-outcome results did vary over the domain and facet levels, emphasizing the importance of studying both levels. At the two-facet level of conscientiousness, the achievement motivation facet was shown to have stronger relationships with the adaptive performance dimensions compared to the dependability facet. At the six-facet level of conscientiousness, the three achievement motivation facets and one dependability facet (i.e., dutifulness) were significantly related to all eight performance dimensions, but the other two dependability facets (i.e., orderliness and cautiousness) were not significantly related to all of the adaptive performance dimensions. Conscientiousness did provide significant incremental validity over cognitive ability at the domain level and for almost all of the facet-level relationships, but cognitive ability was not related to adaptive performance or any other study variables. Autonomy was supported as a moderator with 16 significant interactions uncovered at the facet level. However, these significant interactions only involved three (i.e., interpersonal, learning, and cultural) of the eight adaptive performance dimensions. Overall, these results supported the conscientiousness-adaptive performance relationship and contributed new findings to the adaptive performance domain that have implications for employee selection and performance management.

Relationships Among Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Job Performance, and Leader Effectiveness: A Study of County Extension Directors in Ohio

Chen, Yueh-Ti 25 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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