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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Har mellanöstliga namn en inverkan på möjligheter till anställning? : En studie om fördomar vid anställningsprocesser

Murtadha, Jwan January 2008 (has links)
<h1>Fördomar och diskriminering existerar ännu i dagens samhälle. Rasfördomar förekommer dagligen i olika arbetsmiljöer och även under anställningsprocesser. Denna undersökning syftar till att studera och utforska om namn spelar en avgörande roll vid bedömning av en arbetsansökan. För att besvara syftet med denna undersökning utfördes en undersökning där studenter vid Mälardalens Högskola fick läsa en arbetsannons och en arbetsansökan med olika namn. Därefter fick deltagarna skatta och bedöma de arbetssökande utifrån tolv egenskaper samt finna om de sökande var lämpliga för arbetstjänsten som civilingenjör. Undersökningen påvisade att namn inte har betydelse för hur man bedömer en arbetssökande då det inte fanns en signifkant skillnad mellan namn och hur man bedömde en arbetssökande.</h1>

Har mellanöstliga namn en inverkan på möjligheter till anställning? : En studie om fördomar vid anställningsprocesser

Murtadha, Jwan January 2008 (has links)
Fördomar och diskriminering existerar ännu i dagens samhälle. Rasfördomar förekommer dagligen i olika arbetsmiljöer och även under anställningsprocesser. Denna undersökning syftar till att studera och utforska om namn spelar en avgörande roll vid bedömning av en arbetsansökan. För att besvara syftet med denna undersökning utfördes en undersökning där studenter vid Mälardalens Högskola fick läsa en arbetsannons och en arbetsansökan med olika namn. Därefter fick deltagarna skatta och bedöma de arbetssökande utifrån tolv egenskaper samt finna om de sökande var lämpliga för arbetstjänsten som civilingenjör. Undersökningen påvisade att namn inte har betydelse för hur man bedömer en arbetssökande då det inte fanns en signifkant skillnad mellan namn och hur man bedömde en arbetssökande.

Skryter bäst som skryter tyst! : Impression managements förlust, meriters vinst i CV.

Blomberg, Helena, Karlsson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Impression management (IM) handlar om enmedveten eller omedveten process att styra intrycken av sig själv som ges tillomgivningen i syfte att imponera och söka erkännande. Tidigare forskning har istor utsträckning berört anställningsrekommendation utifrån intervjuer och demest framgångsrika resultaten har visat sig vara självförbättrande IM taktik.Studiens syfte vara att undersöka hur självförbättrande IM taktik i personligtbrev, två kvalitéer av meriter, påverkar ett beslut omanställningsrekommendation, samt undersöka hur en uppsättning personliga egenskaperrelaterar till självförbättrande IM taktik. Deltagarna var studenter, 57kvinnor och 32 män. Studien var experimentell 2 x 2 x 2 mellangruppsdesign. Deviktigaste fynden var att, högre kvalité av meriter innebar högre skattning avanställningsrekommendation samt att högre skattning av egenskaper vidsjälvförbättrande IM taktik skattats. Meriters kvalité visades viktig,egenskaper visade samband med IM dock satte IM trovärdighet på spel.Könsskillnader påträffades även och vidare forskning förslås göras mellankönen.

Investigating Gender Differences in Qualification Thresholds: Do Men and Women Hold Different Beliefs About How Qualified They Should be for a Job?

Brown, Emily 29 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Textlinguistische Betrachtung von Motivationsschreiben / The Text Analysis of Cover Letter

ŘEHOŘOVÁ, Jiřina January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the text analysis of cover letter in German and with identifying characteristic text structures of this text type. The theoretical part covers the main concepts of text linguistics. Based on the scientific literature are defined the basic outline for the text analysis. The practical part concerns the analysis of the corpus of 30 cover letters written by Czech candidates in compliance with the criteria for job application in supposed language German. After that, the communication context, textual theme, function and text structures significant for this text type are determined. Finally, the results are compared with the set hypotheses.


Diego A Martin (15331864) 24 April 2023 (has links)
<p>    </p> <p>I worked on two chapters studying the labor markets in Colombia and Iraq. My third chapter analyzed health outcomes in the US. </p> <p><br></p> <p>My first chapter examines whether the three-year gap between the announcement (in 2014) and the start (in 2017) of the Illicit Crop Substitution Program (ICSP) increased child labor in Colombia. My results from a difference-in-differences model using differences in historical coca production show that due to the ICSP announcement, children became four percentage points more likely to work in municipalities with historical coca production than in non–coca-growing areas. </p> <p><br></p> <p>My second chapter ran a randomized control trial and a double-incentivized resume rating to elicit the preferences of employers and job seekers for candidates and vacancies in Iraq. After revealing the ob offer rate for female job seekers, women applied for jobs by three more percentage points than the men in the control group. This paper highlights the value of revealing employers’ preferences to improve the match between female candidates and employers when women underestimate the chances of finding a job. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In my third paper, I study how removing the black box warning on Chantix, a prescription drug used to reduce nicotine consumption, affects veterans’ visits to smoking cessation therapy. Using a difference-in-differences model, I found that veterans schedule almost two more medical consultations in counties with high-quality hospitals than in places with low-quality medical care centers. </p>

Jaha du heter Ahmed! Tack för din jobbansökan men... : En studie om vad som krävs för att personer av utländsk härkomst ska få samma chans att kallas till anställningsintervju som svenskar

Hörberg, Cornelia January 2018 (has links)
In recent years, Sweden has received a huge amount of immigrants and the number of people who have been granted residence permits has been record high. At the same time, the statistics show high unemployment among immigrants and many of them experience ethnic discrimination by not being called to employment interviews. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether the active measures that oblige the employer to counter discrimination are an adequate measure to break the power structures in the workplace, or if any form of unidentification of job applications should be required to ensure the legal protection in the recruitment process for people with different ethnicity than Swedish. In order to answer the purpose of the essay, the doctrinal method has been used. This method is based on establishing the current law through a systematic and critical interpretation. The material obtained in this essay is further examined through an intersectional perspective based on the power structures in society. The result of the study shows that the method of unidentifying jobapplications can be a reliable complement to the employer’s work with the active measures,as this method ensures that discrimination does not occur during the first recruitment phase and that issues of discrimination and diversity arise through the practice of the method. From there, the employer can focus the active measures on the second phase of recruitment. Furthermore, the study has shown that both the active measures and the method are insufficient to break the power structures in society, but that they together to some extent contributes to this.

Avidentifierade jobbansökningar : En kvalitativ studie om avidentifierade jobbansökningars betydelse för rekryteringsprocessens utfall / Anonymous job applications : A qualitative study about anonymous job applications' significance for the outcome of the recruitment process

Arbman Karlsson, Tora, Fernando, Ranmali January 2013 (has links)
Avidentifierade jobbansökningar är en relativt ny metod som under de senaste åren fått utrymme på den svenska arbetsmarknaden samt på forskningsfältet. Uppmärksamheten av metoden kommer av den tidigare forskning som visar att betydelsen av faktorer som bland annat etnisk bakgrund, kön och ålder är ibland avgörande för vem som kallas till jobbintervju. Därför åsyftar denna studie att undersöka hur rekryterare värderar och använder denna metod samt vilken betydelse avidentifiering har för rekryteringsprocessens utfall.Studien utgår ifrån ett hermeneutistiskt perspektiv och har en kvalitativ ansats. Med hjälp av en komparativ undersökningsdesign och flerfallsstudie som analysmetod behandlas det empiriska materialet, vilket utgörs av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer skapar tillsammans skapar två fall inom IT och konsultbranschen.Analysen behandlas med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket vilket består av stämplingsteori samt de analytiska begreppen homosocialitet och etnosocialitet. Detta för att öka förståelsen för hur en sorteringsmetod som baseras endast på formella kriterier, utbildning och arbetslivserfarenheter, fungerar i praktiken. Det har framkommit att vid avsaknaden av faktorerna läggs fokus istället på den individuella kompetensen. Informationen gällande individens kompetens och arbetslivserfarenhet är den del som får mest kritik för att vara för ospecifik. Inom IT branschen har det visat sig att faktorer som ålder och etnicitet är av betydelse vid anställning. Det uppstår även en svårighet då kundinflytandet spelar så stor roll vid rekrytering och skapar en ram av vad som efterfrågas av varje anställd. Det är inte endast avgörande vad rekryterare eller arbetsgivare värderar utan det finns flera aktörer som spelar in vid valet av medarbetare. / Anonymous job applications are a relatively new method that has gained space in the Swedish labor market and the research field in recent years. Research shows that personal attributes are often crucial for who gets called to a job interview. Therefore, this study refers to examine how recruiters evaluate and use this approach and demonstrates the importance that anonymity has to the outcome of the recruitment process.The study is based on a hermeneutic perspective with a qualitative approach and was conducted using a comparative study design, with analysis based on several case studies. The empirical material consists of five semi-structured interviews, which together creates two cases within the IT and consulting industry.During the analysis, a theoretical framework has been presented which consists of the labelling theory and the analytical concepts of homosociality and etnosociality. These three are used to increase the understanding of how a sorting method based only on formal criteria, training and work experience, is used in practice. This has led an employer to focus on individual competency instead of ethnic background, gender or age. However, a problem remains in the industry where age is a determining factor and ethnicity is linked to Swedish language skills. Difficulties also arise when customer influence plays a large role in the recruitment process and this creates a framework of what is expected of every employee. This enables consultants to be adapted depending on the criteria that are necessary for the specific company. It is not only vital what recruiters or employers value but also what the clients wants and expect of the consultants.

Očekávání sociálních pracovníků při vstupu do profese / Expectations of social workers when entering the profession

Novotná, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
(in English) The diploma thesis deals with the relation of social workers to social work. It uses interviews to determine what helps social workers deal with stress in their work or what makes them leave from the field of social work to another area. Also, it focuses on how realistic expectations social workers have from a specific post. It means which informations they can get from the study, and entrance interview before starting the job. Data was gained through semi-structured interviews with respondents from different groups. The first group is social workers who graduated in social work, but now they are working in other areas. The second group is social workers with experience in the field of fewer than 4 years. The third group is social workers with experience in the field for more than 10 years. The fourth group is the supervisors. This group was chosen to compare the experience with stressful work between supervisors and social workers. This research shows that social workers are influenced by their expectations from a specific post. The most common reason for a field change was financial reasons or burning out. Klíčová slova (anglicky): social work; profession; social worker; employer; working conditions; expectations; job application

Concept of Interactive Video in Job Application : A qualitative research that tests the concept of interactive video and job seekers’ ability creating interactive video resumes.

Karlsson, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
Interactive video seems to currently be an unpopular field of research. Video resumes however is an increasing trend when applying for jobs and sending out resumes. During this thesis, employers finds interactive video as a new, fun and exciting way of interacting with a resume that simplifies the recruitment process. Also, job seekers find creating interactive video as resumes as an extra nudge in to a company and a better way of marketing themselves for employers. However, conflict occurs between employers and job seekers regarding an interactive video resume. As it simplifies the recruitment process, job seekers have to put down more work when creating an interactive video resume while applying for a job. It is shown in this thesis that there are factors that should be investigated, for instance a platform aimed at interactive video resumes seems not have been developed yet as well as what interactive features an interactive video resume should contain. Job seekers find it difficult if creating such resumes took too long, being unaware of how to display interactive visual elements and which aspects to talk about while recording themselves. This thesis explores the possibility of employers and former recruitment personnel using an interactive video resume as well as job seekers’ ability of creating an interactive video. The main aims of this thesis are to find guidelines of what an interactive video resume mainly should contain and what job seekers thinks of creating and using an interactive video when applying for jobs.

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