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Development of Methodology for Finite Element Simulation of Overhead Guard Impact Test / Utveckling av metodik för finita elementsimulering av skyddstak utsatt för fallprovHallén, Axel, Hjorth, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
Forklifts that are capable of lifting heavy loads and reaching high lift heights are required by stan-dards to have an overhead guard to protect the operator from falling objects. The same standardsspecify a standardized procedure for testing the strength of these overhead guards. The test in-volves dropping ten 45 kg wooden cubes and a heavy timber load onto the overhead guard. Thesedestructive tests are time-consuming and expensive, and it is the purpose of this master’s thesis todevelop a methodology for simulating this kind of test using the finite element method with a largedisplacements, explicit scheme using the solver RADIOSS by Altair. This was achieved by firstdesigning, constructing, and testing a physical prototype of an overhead guard to use as a referencefor a finite element methodology to be validated against. The work has also included tensile testingof the overhead guard material, and this was done both to obtain material data from the sametype of material as the prototype, and to get Johnson-Cook material parameters, which are hardto come by in the literature. Next, a basic finite element model was created which showed a verylarge discrepancy compared to the physical test results. An extensive investigation into aspectssurrounding finite element modeling and material modeling was undertaken, and resulted in a fi-nal model which overestimated the displacements by about 40 % only. The remaining inaccuracyis believed to mostly stem from inadequate strain-rate sensitivity data, caused by limitations inavailable resources for material testing.
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Studium vlivu rychlostních a teplotních parametrů na tvařitelnost Ti slitin / Study of Influence of Strain Rate and Temperature on Formability of Titanium AlloysŠlais, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The PhD thesis deals with the influence of temperature and strain rate on the mechanical behaviour of the Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. After verification tests under static loading conditions, the samples were deformed at high strain rates and elevated temperatures, using device for Hopkinson pressure bar test. The result is dependence of stress and strain rate on strain in the temperature range of 20 to 500°C. The deformed shape of specimen from the Taylor anvil test is compared with the results of the simulation in the Ansys – LS Dyna software. The parameters of Johnson-Cook equation were determined from these experiments. Also, the influence of loading conditions on the microstructure was studied. Both optical and scanning electron microscopes were used for the observations. During the research, some adjustments to the experimental devices were made in order to suppress the high-frequency components and noise in the recorded pulses. A functional tensile test adapter for the Hopkinson test was developed; it is registered under No. 2007/008 at the Technology Transfer Office of BUT.
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Johnson Publishing Company’s Tan Confessions and Ebony: Reader Response through the Lens of Social Comparison TheoryBryant, Malika S. 25 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Douée pour la fête suivi de Elles voyagent dans leur tête : lettres à Joyce JohnsonDubuc, Laurence 13 June 2024 (has links)
Les pages qui suivent comprennent les deux volets requis dans le cadre de ma maîtrise en études littéraires à l'Université Laval de Québec (Canada) en recherche-création, soit le volet création et le volet essai. Le roman autofictif *Douée pour la fête* consiste en une suite fragmentaire qui alterne entre deux temporalités : la relation amoureuse entre Lou et Zed dans une banlieue de la Rive-Sud de Québec, et les contrecoups de la rupture, au présent, quand Lou étudie à Paris pour une année d'échange international. Le second volet, *Elles voyagent dans leur tête : lettres à Joyce Johnson*, est un essai biocritique autoréflexif construit sous une forme épistolaire. Il regroupe quatre lettres dédiées à l'autrice américaine Joyce Johnson, romancière, mémoiriste, essayiste et biographe de Jack Kerouac. Dans la première lettre, je présente et clarifie ses associations avec la Beat Generation; dans la deuxième, j'insiste sur la façon dont le désir d'appartenir à un groupe oblige parfois à adopter des codes sociaux qui peuvent s'avérer risqués dans le monde réel, particulièrement d'un point de vue genré normatif; dans la troisième missive, j'aborde la complexité de la prise de parole dans l'espace public, les contradictions rencontrées lors de la recherche d'indépendance en plus d'une piste de solution, enfin, dans la quatrième et ultime lettre, je déconstruis le mythe *beat* du voyage et me pose la question : arrivons-nous vraiment un jour à destination? / This thesis includes the two mandatory parts that, together, fulfil the requirements of the Master's degree in of Literary Studies at University Laval, Québec (Canada): the creative section and the self-reflexive essay, which, in the case of this thesis, come in the form of a novel and letters. My autofictional novel, *Douée pour la fête*, consists in fragmented and factified slices of life that alternate between two periods: the romantic relationship between Lou and Zed in the suburbs of the South shore of Quebec City, and the aftermath of their break-up, written in the present tense, when Lou studies abroad for a year. The second part, *Travels Through Her Mind: Letters to Joyce Johnson*, is a series of letters addressed to American author Joyce Johnson; more precisely, the letters are addressed to the novelist, the memoirist, the essayist, the correspondent, and the biographer. In the first letter, I present and clarify Johnson's associations with the Beat Generation; in the second, I explore compromising social codes that sometimes one can force upon themselves in order to be accepted in a group, especially in a gender normative perspective; in the third letter, I explain the difficulties of raising one's voice in the public space and the contradictions encountered in the search for independence and I propose that reconciliation between individuals could come through the lenses of interdependence as initiated by the ethics of care; and lastly, in my fourth and ultimate letter, I deconstruct the Beat's myth of travelling and try to answer the question : can one ever reach their destination?
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The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze test scores on the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery (Battery) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children -- Revised (WISC-R) for a sample of subjects classified as learning disabled and a sample of subjects classified as gifted and talented. Subjects were randomly selected and included 51 school-identified learning disabled students and 46 school-identified gifted and talented students. All subjects were administered the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJTCA), the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJTA) and the WISC-R. The specific areas of investigation for each sample included: (a) performance on the Achievement-Aptitude Profile of the Battery, (b) comparability of full scale scores, (c) performance on the Cognitive clusters of the Battery, (d) performance on the Achievement clusters of the Battery, and (e) the magnitude of Verbal-Performance Scale Score discrepancies on the WISC-R. Results indicated that the majority (74.5%) of the subjects classified as learning disabled and a few (10.9%) of the subjects classified as gifted and talented evidenced a moderate or severe deficit on the Achievement-Aptitude Profile. The subjects classified as learning disabled scored significantly higher on the Full Scale score of the WISC-R than on the full scale score of the WJTCA, while the difference between full scale scores was not significant for the subject classified as gifted and talented. An important finding was that scores obtained on the Reasoning cluster were invalid for subjects in both samples. Further analyses indicated that the alternative clusters, Oral Language and Broad Reasoning (Woodcock, 1983) provided a more accurate appraisal of abilities for each sample. Overall, the study provided insights regarding test performance on the Battery and the WISC-R for these two diverse samples.
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From Rehabilitation to Punishment: American Corrections after 1945Lux, Erin 12 November 2012 (has links)
The incarceration rate in the United States has increased dramatically in the period since 1945. How did the United States move from having stable incarceration rates in line with global norms to the largest system of incarceration in the world? This study examines the political and intellectual aspects of incarceration and theories of criminal justice by looking at the contributions of journalists, intellectuals and policy makers to the debate on whether the purpose of the justice system is rehabilitation, vengeance, deterrence or incapacitation. This thesis finds that justice and the institution of the prison itself are not immutable facts of modern civilization, but are human institutions vulnerable to the influence of politics, culture and current events.
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Documentary Film: Accidental ShakespearePetty, Laurel Ann 05 1900 (has links)
According to the American Heritage College Dictionary, the word “community” derives from the Latin roots: communitas and communis meaning “fellowship” and “common,” respectively. The word “amateur” derives from the Latin roots: amator meaning “lover.” A community of amateurs, who love to put on plays, exists within the Denton Community Theatre. Their first attempt at classical theatre was the January 2006 production of Romeo and Juliet, directed by Brad Speck. The film follows two actors (through observational shooting) - Kevin Wickersham, a waiter who is trying theatre for the first time, and Jeffrey Johnson, a theatre college student trying Shakespeare for the first time - as they relate to a process and community that is new to them.
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Kroppen består inte av en enda del utan av många : En komparativ ecklesiologisk studie av Johnson och Zizioulas syn på inkluderingSanfridsson, Kenth January 2019 (has links)
This essay discusses different ways of understanding inclusion from the perspective of existential experiences in the church with the help of communion ecclesiology. The aim is to analyze other ways of creating inclusion that are not founded on the principle of consensus which has been a preferred method in the broader church community trough the ages. As a contrast, this essay looksat an ecclesiology of communion as another way to be inclusive from the idea of unity through diversity and differences. By comparing the theology of Elisabeth Johnson and John D. Zizioulas and their views of the other through Paul Jones theory of theological worlds this essay tries to answer the question: How can an ecclesiology of communion contribute to a broader church inclusion from the perspective of existential pluralism? After looking at how these theologians view inclusion in relation to Christian tradition, high and low ecclesiology and their relationship to different theological worlds the conclusion is that an ecclesiology of communion can create a more genuine form of inclusion by focusing more on the sensus fidei fidelis rather than the consensus fidei. By looking at the church more as a vessel of a multitude of experiences and personhoods combined by the relationship and narrative of Christ which find the community in the eschaton, rather than tradition, the church as a community can be a more inclusive place.
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Estudo da fratura em solda ponto por fricção em alumínio Alclad 2024-T351 e alumínio 2024-T351 : uma abordagem numérica experimentalBrzostek, Robson Cristiano January 2012 (has links)
Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) é um processo de solda ponto por fricção, que opera na fase sólida do material e permite unir duas ou mais chapas de metal sobrepostas. Além de ser bastante usado para soldar materiais leves, ele também é aplicável a qualquer material que apresente boa plasticidade. Neste trabalho são analisados dois materiais: AA Alclad 2024-T351 e AA 2024-T351, diferindo entre si no uso, ou não, da camada de proteção contra a corrosão (Alclad). As uniões são feitas sob os mesmos parâmetros do processo, previamente estudados para o material com Alclad. Dois parâmetros são utilizados: um dito ótimo, capaz de produzir soldas com bom desempenho mecânico e reprodutibilidade e um segundo, dito insuficiente, por produzir soldas de baixo desempenho mecânico e baixa reprodutibilidade. Pretende-se, com este trabalho, avaliar os efeitos que a camada Alclad pode acarretar nas juntas soldadas, em seu desempenho mecânico, no modo de fratura, na microestrutura e na geometria da junta. Os resultados apresentam uma grande influência do Alclad, tendo em vista que durante o processo o recobrimento migra das superfícies das chapas para o centro da solda. Assim, uma interface deste material, que possui baixa resistência mecânica, é criada, influenciando negativamente o desempenho da junta e alterando o modo de fratura. O principal escopo desta dissertação é realizar uma análise da fratura do ensaio de cisalhamento, com o uso do método de elementos finitos. Portanto, fazse necessário estudar e desenvolver um modelo numérico capaz de representar a nucleação, coalescimento, formação de uma ou mais trincas e a consequente propagação até a fratura do corpo. Para a realização da análise utilizou-se o modelo numérico de fratura Johnson-Cook (JC), o qual expressa a tensão equivalente como uma função da deformação plástica, da taxa de deformação e da temperatura. Realizou-se, ainda, um estudo acerca das teorias do Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM), bem como se fez necessário obter novos parâmetros para o modelo, que descrevessem o fenômeno e o material. Nesse sentido, serão realizadas duas análises, sendo que a primeira considera o efeito da camada de Alclad e, a segunda, considera uma solda livre de defeitos. Espera-se identificar os locais em que trinca é nucleada e analisar a resposta da junta, passo a passo, durante a propagação da trinca, até a fratura completa do corpo. E, por fim, avaliar a interferência no modelo numérico da presença da camada contra a corrosão Alclad. / Friction Spot Welding (FSpW) is a friction spot weld process, it operates in the solid-state of the material and allows joining two or more sheets in overlap configuration. It is used to join light weight materials, also is suitable to any material that shows good ductility. In this work two different materials are analyzed AA Alclad 2024-T351 e AA 2024-T351, between them the use, or not, of the corrosion protection layer Alclad. The welds are made under the same process parameters previously studied to the material with Alclad. Two parameters are utilized: the first one is the optimum parameter capable to produce welds with good mechanical performance and reproducibility, and another one inadequate because it produces joins with poor mechanical response and reproducibility. It is intended with this work, to evaluate the effects that the Alclad layer can cause in the welds, in its mechanical performance, fracture mode, microstructure and geometry of the join. The results showed a considerable influence of the Alclad, considering that during the process, it migrates from the sheet surface to the center of the weld. Thus, an interface of this material, that has a very low hardness, is created, influencing negatively the performance of the weld and changing the fracture mode. The aim of this dissertation is to perform an analysis of the fracture from the lap shear test, using the finite element method. Therefore, becomes necessary study and develop a numerical model capable to represent the nucleation, coalescence, formation of one or more cracks and, the consequent propagation until the fracture of the body. To perform the analysis it was used the numerical model of fracture called Johnson-Cook (JC), which expresses the equivalent stress as a function of the plastic deformation, the strain rate and the temperature. It was also made a study about the Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) theories, and it was necessary to obtain new parameters for the model, that describe the phenomenon and the material. In this sense, it will be performed two analyses, and the first considers the Alclad layer and, the second, considers a weld without defects. It is expected to identify the places where the crack nucleated, and analyze the behavior of the weld, step by step, during the crack propagation, until the complete fracture of the component. And, finally, evaluate the interference in the numerical model of the presence of the protection corrosion layer Alclad.
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There is Someone in This Dress, GeorgeRoyce, Michael S 01 January 2018 (has links)
Questions surrounding queer subjectivity—including shame, the closet, and celebration—are at the core of my interests as a painter and image maker. Mining the history of religious iconography, including annunciation paintings, scenes of the crucifixion, and other notable works of this ilk, my paintings seek to explore the intricacies of sexuality and the workings of shame and celebration at play in the life of the queer-identified.
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