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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children -- revised variability of subtest scaled scores and reading achievement gain as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Educational Achievement -- revised in children with learning disabilities

Miller, Mark 01 January 1994 (has links)
This study identified a sample of children with specific learning disabilities according to Public Law 94-142 criteria. The primary purpose of the study was to examine whether sample member's intravariability of WISC-R subtest scaled scores was related to their reading achievement gain. A second purpose was to determine if any relationship existed between intelligence and reading achievement gain. Eighty-four Resource placed elementary students composed the study sample. They ranged from six to eleven years of age, and were primarily male caucasian. Since 1989, each sample member had been administered the WISC-R once; and , each sample member had been administered the WJTEA-R twice, with at least 12 months separating the two administrations . Results identified no relationship between WSIC-R subtest scaled score scatter and reading achievment gain on the WJTEA-R. A positive correlation was identified be tween intelligence level and academic gains in reading. Important ancillary correlations of significance identified for all subjects included a negative relationship be tween the variable Age and the variables Intelligence , Academic gain, and the WISC-R FD factor . When intelligence was held to within average parameters significant correlations were identified between the variable Achievement and the variables Age and Time (negative), and with the WISC-R FD and VC factors (positive) . Multiple regression analyses indicated the FD factor best able to predict academic gain for this group. It is probable, that in the identification of learning disabled students, that the identification of processing disorders (as with previously sought patterns) is not viable. It may be that the only key characteristics are intellectual level and severe discrepancy.

Alexander Johnson en Hendrik Hofmeyr : ’n stylbespreking van geselekteerde kamermusiekwerke

Le Roux, Johannes H. January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to identify the main differences in compositional style in selected chamber music works by Hendrik Hofmeyr (Sonata per Flauto e Pianoforte, Sonata per Clarinetto e Pianoforte and Sonata per Violoncello e Pianoforte) and Alexander Johnson (Imicabango for flute and piano, Three Incantations for flute, clarinet and piano, and Khalagari for flute and piano). After a thorough analysis of the melodic-, harmonic-, rhythmic-, and structural elements, it was clear that the two composers’ composition style is different from one another. Differences can be identified under the following main points: form structure, melodic and harmonic content, recurring motives and texture. Hofmeyr makes use of traditional form structures, such as sonata form, ternary form, and theme and variations. Johnson does not use traditional form structures and makes use of free form structures, such as: A1-A2-A3-A4-A5- A6-A7 (second movement from Khalagari), ABABC (third movement from Three Incantations), and A1-A2-B-A3-closing section (first movement from Three Incantations). The first movement from Khalagari is the only movement where references to sonata form can be found. Hofmeyr uses existing modes and scales in his works. Both his Sonata per Flauto e Pianoforte and Sonata per Violoncello e Pianoforte contain numerous examples where he makes use of the octatonic scale and the phrygian mode. Examples of the hexatonic scale can be found in the first and second movements of the Sonata per Clarinetto e Pianoforte. Hofmeyr’s chord structures are also based on these scales and modes. Alexander Johnson does not use any of the above-mentioned scales, but rather makes use of his own scale (labeled as the “Johnson-scale” in this study). His chord structures are also based on this scale. Hofmeyr does not use themes and motives from other compositions in the three works in this study. He does however combine themes from earlier movements within a composition. Examples of this can be found in the third movements from Sonata per Flauto e Pianoforte and Sonata per Clarinetto e Pianoforte. Johnson combines motives and themes from other compositions in his works. Motives from Three Incantations can be found in Khalagari. A detailed summary can be found in the conclusion of this study. / Thesis (DMus)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Music / DMus / Unrestricted

Molnen över Metapontion av Eyvind Johnson : - om att bearbeta och gestalta minnen - / On Memories in The Clouds over Metapontion by Eyvind Johnson.

Ask Johannesson, Anette January 2022 (has links)
Eyvind Johnson publicerade romanen Molnen över Metapontion 1957. Romanen är en komposition av sammanvävda berättelser, där minnen och erfarenheter från olika tider - Antiken och 1900-talet - försöker gestalta vad det innebär att vara människa. Men hur fångar man både sina egna erfarenheter och sin samtids utmaningar genom att skriva en historisk roman? Nobelpristagaren Eyvind Johnson är en författare som i det historiska berättandet kom att se möjligheter - möjligheter att, genom den narrativa operationen, både bearbeta och gestalta sina egna och sin samtids upplevelser och minnen. Hur kom då Eyvind Johnson fram till sin komplexa tidsgestaltning i romanen Molnen över Metapontion där han sammanför historiska och samtida minnen? Det försöker denna uppsats söka svar på genom att studera ett urval av Eyvind Johnsons egna brev och dagböcker, för att undersöka vad som där framträder från Johnson själv om hans författarskap. På samma sätt som Eyvind Johnson ägnat minnen - sina egna och historiens - stort utrymme, så har den franske filosofen, Paul Ricoeur, ägnat en stor del av sitt liv åt att försöka ringa in berättandets möjligheter att gestalta människans historiska minnen. I sina djuplodande analyser av texter från den västerländska civilisationens olika tidsepoker visar Ricoeur mångfalden av aspekter kring fenomen som berättande och temporalitet, vilket hänger samman med begrepp som minne och glömska. Ricoeurs studie av minnet som fenomen utgör teoretiskt underlag för en del av uppsatsens analys.

Politisk krisretorik i en pandemi : En jämförande undersökning av Boris Johnsons och Stefan Löfvens tal till deras respektive nationer / Political crisis rhetoric in a pandemic : A comparative study of Boris Johnson’s and Stefan Löfven’s speeches to their respective nations

Vestman, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Denna undersökning har som syfte att analysera och jämföra Boris Johnsons och Stefan Löfvens tal till respektive nation gällande COVID-19 pandemin 2020. Med grund i en retorisk analys utmärks argumentationsmedlen ethos, pathos och logos samt stilfigurerna anafor, metafor och metonymi för att se vilka av dessa retoriska medel som dominerar i talarnas krisretorik. Resultatet visar att argumentationsmedlen ethos, pathos och logos används i båda talen men i olika omfattningar. Pathos dominerar i Löfvens tal medan alla tre argumentationsmedel samspelar till samma grad i Johnsons tal. Resultatet visar även att alla tre stilfigurer används men att anaforen är mest framträdande i båda talen och förekommer betydligt oftare än metaforer och metonymier. Slutsatsen som dras är att ingen av dem använder sig av stilfigurer i någon högre grad vilket kan bero på att ett land i kris kräver seriös kommunikation utan utmålade ord och ledare som behöver vara tydliga och vara säkra på att alla som lyssnar förstår. Undersökningen visar att Löfven använder sig mest av pathos medan Johnson balanserar alla argumentationsmedel i samma utsträckning.

Johnson City Annexations, 1960-2003

Johnson City GIS Division 09 September 2003 (has links)
Produced by the Johnson City GIS Division on September 9, 2003, this map denotes the annexations of Johnson City and the surrounding area from 1960 to 2003. The map scale indicates a ratio of 1:24,000. In the text box on the left side, the ID, date, and annexation names are listed. As part of the legend, each 5 year annexation period is color coded. This map was donated by the Johnson City GIS Division and now resides in the map collection of Sherrod Library's Government Information, Law and Maps Department. Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library. / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1011/thumbnail.jpg

Johnson City, Tennessee Information Map (Undated)

First Tennessee-Virginia Development District 16 April 2021 (has links)
Prepared by the First Tennessee-Virginia Development District and sponsored by the Johnson City Conventions & Visitors Bureau, this undated map shows major highways, landmarks, and business centers around Johnson City, Tennessee and the surrounding Washington County. Some landmarks, roads, and businesses have been added by hand at an indeterminate time post publication. Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library. Scale is 1 inch = 1 mile / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1013/thumbnail.jpg

General Highway Map - Johnson County, Tennessee - 1954

Tennessee Department of Highways 01 January 1954 (has links)
General highway map of Greene County, Tennessee prepared by the Tennessee Department of Highways, Highway Planning Survey Division in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Public Roads. Field data obtained in 1953. Field Examination made in 1954. Legend denotes multiple categories including dwellings and businesses as well as county infrastructure. Several insets of specific communities and areas of interest are included. Population statistics can be found on the bottom right corner as well as on the map itself. Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library. Scale for general map - 1/2" = 1 mile Scale for insets - 1/2" = 1/4 mile / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1036/thumbnail.jpg

General Highway Map - Washington County, Tennessee - 1991

Tennessee Department of Transportation 01 January 1991 (has links)
General highway map of Washington County, Tennessee prepared by the Tennessee Department of Transportation, Bureau of Planning and Development-Planning Division in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Field data obtained in 1977. Field Examination made in 1984. The road names shown on this map were approved by the Washington County Commission in 1985. Legend denotes multiple categories including dwellings and businesses as well as county infrastructure. Several insets of specific communities and areas of interest are included. Lines of longitude and latitude are listed along the outside border. Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library. Scale for general map - 1/2" = 1 mile Scale for insets - 1" = 0.3 mile / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1039/thumbnail.jpg

Johnson City Topographic Region - 1955

U.S. Geological Survey 01 January 1955 (has links)
Large topographical map of the northeast Tennessee region around Johnson City published in 1955. Prepared by the Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washington D.C. Compiled in 1951 from United States Quadrangles, U.S. Geological Survey, and county highway maps. Planimetric detail partially revised by photo-planimetric methods. Control by USC & GS, TVA, and CE. Roads, railroad and aeronautical data verified by state authorities, 1954. Legend denotes populated places, types of roads, and railroads. Topography, names of roads, communities, and waterways can be found on the map itself. Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library. Scale - 1: 250,000 / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1043/thumbnail.jpg

General Highway Map - Washington County, Tennessee - 1985

Tennessee Department of Transportation 01 January 1985 (has links)
General highway map of Washington County, Tennessee prepared by the Tennessee Department of Transportation, Bureau of Planning and Development-Planning Division in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Field data obtained in 1977. Field Examination made in 1984. The road names shown on this map were approved by the Washington County Commission in 1985. Legend denotes multiple categories including dwellings and businesses as well as county infrastructure. Several insets of specific communities and areas of interest are included. Lines of longitude and latitude are listed along the outside border. Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library. Scale - 1" = 1 mile / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1046/thumbnail.jpg

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