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Breaking Bad: A MemoirThorne, Amy Renee January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Journalisten, kommunikatören och dilemmat etik : En studie kring likheter och skillnader i uppfattning om rätt och fel / The journalist, the PR practitioner and ethical dilemmas : Similarities and differences in the perception of what’s right and wrongNyberg, Anna, Gabrielsson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this survey was to find out how news journalists and PR practitioners in the public sector interpret and apply the concept of ethics in their professional lives. With the help of qualitative interviews, we have investigated the similarities and differences in attitudes toward the ethical concept of the two professional groups, and also how important the personal attitude and the “inner ethical compass” are for the ethics applied in the work. We have also focused on the importance of the regulated professional ethics of each profession. A total of ten professionals were interviewed; five PR practitioners in public administration, and five news reporters. All respondents work in the region of Värmland and has been selected through a snowball sampling. We have used qualitative interviews that have been recorded on tape. The material was then transcribed and analyzed based on the ad hoc-method called briocolage, where we looked for themes and patterns in responses. The material was then compiled and interpreted on the basis of the theoretical framework surrounding the study. As a theoretical ground for the study two literature reviews have been used; one on what the research in public relations say about the ethics for the PR professions, and one on the journalism industry. The results from these are described in the theory chapter. There we also take a closer look at the concept of ethics, as well as the theoretical ideals consequence neutrality and social responsibility theory. We also discuss the concept of objectivity from an ethical theory perspective, and present research on the ethics concept at the individual level. The study results show that the similarities in the interpretation and application of the ethical concept between the two professional groups are greater than the differences. The main difference noted is that the journalists seem to attribute the overall professional ethics of greater importance than the PR practitioners do. This may be attributed to the fact that the industry-wide professional rules are much clearer and well established throughout the journalism business, than they are in the PR industry. However, there are several more similarities. Both professional groups emphasize the concept of truth as central when it comes to the ethics of the profession; the information they send out must be true, whether you are a journalist or a PR practitioner. Both groups say that their own perception of ethics, the “inner compass”, is very important, even more important than the industry standards 4 when it comes to ethical considerations in the profession. Another interesting result is that all respondents except one, based on the interpretation of the concept of ethics, can consider switching to the other industry; thus go from being PR practitioners to journalists, and vice versa. The studyʼs hypothesis; that journalists are more ethical in their professional role than PR practitioners, is not confirmed. The conclusion is rather that the interpretation and application of the concept of ethics, is not dependent on whether you work as a journalist or PR practitioner. It depends primarily on their own interpretation of what is ethical. / Syftet med undersökningen har varit att ta reda på hur nyhetsjournalister och kommunikatörer i offentlig verksamhet tolkar och tillämpar etikbegreppet i sin yrkesvardag. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer har vi undersökt likheter och skillnader i förhållningssätt till etikbegreppet de båda yrkesgrupperna emellan, liksom hur stor roll den personliga inställningen och den ”inre etiska kompassen” spelar för hur etik tillämpas i arbetet. En annan infallsvinkel har varit att undersöka hur viktig den branschreglerade yrkesetiken är för respektive yrkesgrupp. Sammanlagt har tio personer intervjuats; fem kommunikatörer inom offentlig förvaltning, och fem nyhetsjournalister. Samtliga respondenter är verksamma i Värmlands län och har valts ut genom ett snöbollsurval. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa djupintervjuer som bandats och där materialet sedan har transkriberats och analyserats utifrån ad hoc-metoden briocolage. Vi har i analysen letat efter teman och mönster i respondenternas svar, vilket sedan sammanställts och tolkats i relation till det teoretiska ramverk som omger studien. Som teoretisk grund för studien ligger två litteraturöversikter; en om vad forskningen inom public relations säger om etikbegreppet för yrkesgruppen, liksom en motsvarande kring journalistikbranschen. Resultatet från dem redogör vi för i teorikapitlet. Där presenteras också etikbegreppet närmre, liksom de teoretiska idealen konsekvensneutralitet och social ansvarsteori. Vi diskuterar också begreppet objektivitet ur ett etikteoretiskt perspektiv, samt presenterar forskning om etikbegreppet på individnivå. Studiens resultat visar bland annat att likheterna i tolkning och tillämpning av etikbegreppet de båda yrkesgrupperna emellan är större än skillnaderna. Den största skillnaden som konstaterats är att journalisterna verkar tillskriva de övergripande yrkesetiska reglerna större vikt än vad kommunikatörerna gör. Det kan antas bero på att de branschgemensamma yrkesreglerna är mycket tydligare och mer inarbetade inom hela journalistikvärlden, än inom PR-branschen, genom Spelregler för press, tv, radio. Något motsvarande, branschövergripande regelverk kring etik finns inte för kommunikatörerna på samma sätt. Likheterna är dock desto fler. Båda yrkesgrupperna framhåller sanningsbegreppet som centralt när det gäller etik i yrkesutövandet; den information man för fram ska vara sann, oavsett om man är journalist eller kommunikatör. Båda grupperna tillskriver den egna etikuppfattningen, den “inre 2 kompassen”, stor vikt och framhåller den som viktigare än branschregler när det kommer till etiska avväganden i yrkesutövandet. Ett annat intressant resultat är att samtliga respondenter utom en kan, utifrån just tolkningen av etikbegreppet, tänka sig att byta till den andra branschen; alltså kommunikatörer till journalist och vice versa. Studiens grundläggande hypotes; att journalister skulle vara mer etiska i sin yrkesroll än vad kommunikatörer är, bekräftas inte. Slutsatsen blir snarare att tolkningen och tillämpningen av begreppet etik inte är avhängt på om du arbetar som journalist eller som kommunikatör. Det handlar i första hand om den egna tolkningen av vad etik är.
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DISRESPECTED : a study concerning the journalist profession in Kosovo: corrupt employers, unfair working conditions and forgotten journalistic ideals.Wiman, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate how the journalist profession is challenged when the media in Kosovo is intruded by political and business interests and what happens to television journalists and editors; professionals who fight for their right to produce news. The intention with the study is to describe, discuss and analyze the results found in this study around the obstacles faced within the journalist profession in Kosovo caused by the intrusion of political and business interests in journalistic work. One has to also consider that Kosovo is a new state, having weak mechanisms for protecting the rights of journalists and editors. Research method: In this study, the qualitative interview has been used as research method to collect empirical data and to get an idea of the personal experiences of Kosovo journalists. Limitations: This study does not present an investigation into the Kosovo media landscape as a whole and does not give other parties involved in journalistic work (for example media owners, politicians and advertisers) the opportunity to express their views. Further, the voices of rural journalists and editors are not included. Finally, interviewees mainly work as television journalists and editors, reflecting the fact that media consumption in Kosovo is almost exclusively by viewing television. Results: Results suggest that Kosovo journalists and editors are held back in their profession due to political and economical influence on their work. This is carried out in the form of threats and blackmailing in which an external political or economical force personally threats the journalist or editor or threats to pull back financial support unless positive media coverage in a specific media is delivered. Journalists and editors are thus not able to carry out their role as watchdogs and are put in a position in which they feel unsafe and disrespected. Suggestions for future research: For future research, it would be interesting to look into “the other side” of the media, i.e. advertisers, political elite and media companies in Kosovo. A more comprehensive study could maybe shed a broader light on the Kosovo media problems and possibly find some solutions for the future of the existing problems. It can also be interesting to look at international interference in the journalist profession in Kosovo.
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Through in-depth interviews with 12 regular contributors to the Lexington-Herald Leader’s website, www.Kentucky.com, this study attempts to examine how online citizen journalists view the definitions of citizen and professional journalism, as compared to Singer’s three dimensions of professionalism (i.e., cognitive, normative, and evaluative dimensions) as well as their perceived role conceptions of professional and citizen journalists, using Weaver and Wilhoit’s four roles of journalists. Analyses reveal that the main difference in the definitions of the two types of journalists revolved around the cognitive dimension, specifically the education and training that professionals receive. The role conceptions of professional and citizen journalists were similar, with the both groups being described as serving the interpretive/investigative and disseminator roles. The roles of citizen journalists also included the adversarial and populist mobilizer roles.
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Alla journalister vill jobba i Stockholm, eller? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om synen på en journalistisk karriär i ett storstadscentraliserat arbetsfält. / All journalists want to work in Stockholm, right? : A qualitative interview study on the view of a journalistic career in a metropolitan-centred field.Ljungkvist, Jakob, Nilsson, Clara January 2022 (has links)
More journalists are choosing to settle down and work in bigger cities, while the number of journalists in smaller towns decreases. This study aims to examine professional journalists' views on careers and job opportunities in a metropolitan centralized field of work. The focus is on career, salary, network, geographical proximity and myths that arise in the conversation around these focus points. Despite the fact that journalists are educated around the country and the population expects nationwide reporting, half of Sweden's journalists live in Stockholm today. Therefore it is interesting to see what consequences it has in the attitudes towards a working career and the journalistic force after a few years as an active journalist. To find out, a qualitative interview study was conducted with six professional journalists. The conversations resulted in five themes that are presented in the study's analysis. The theoretical frameworks on which the study is based are Pierre Bourdeius' field theory and Roland Barthe's theory of myths. The results show that the geographical choice of profession affects what a journalist can work with. For example, certain journalistic professions are not offered in the smaller towns. There is also a difference between the journalism that is conducted in smaller and larger places. Because of this, some journalists believe that a move to a larger city is required to be able to pursue a career in the industry. In the field of work, contacts are important, as networks are seen as the main path to new job opportunities. The perception of uncertainty in the industry means that a permanent job is seen as a sign of status as it generates recognition among other journalists. In conversations about journalists' careers, underlying and implicit meanings are expressed that can be linked to journalism. The answers in the interviews can be seen as myths. One of the most common descriptions of being educated as a journalist is that it is difficult to get a job after graduation. Furthermore, local journalism is expressed as a limited form, while national journalism is city-based and limited in reporting from smaller towns in the country.
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Diverzita v redakci: novinář z řad etnické/národnostní minority v celostátních médiích České republiky / Diversity in the newsroom: a journalist, member of an ethnic/national minority, in the czech nationwide mediaMatejová, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a characteristic of a journalist, who belongs to an ethnic/national minority, in the newsrooms of nationwide media in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to explain, how the minority journalist understand their professional role and what effect their ethnic identity has on their professional self-concept in the newsroom. The work also aims to determine the extent to which the principles of diversity management are applied in the newsrooms and how the management supervisors monitor and evaluate them. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on professionalisation of the profession of journalists, their role and the construction of identity and ethnic identity of minority journalists in the newsroom. The work also represents the elements of diversity management and its application in the newsrooms. In the empirical part of the research by means of analysis of the interviews not only structure and interaction of professional and ethnic identity of the journalists in the Czech media and their tenure at the newspapers, but also a supervisors' point of view and the application of the principles of the diversity management in the area of Czech nationwide media are evaluated. The work covers the printed and audio-visual media. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Jaroslav Hašek - autor krátkých próz, publicista a politik / Jaroslav Hašek - author of short stories, journalist and politicsFelenda, Šimon January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyzes and compares three life and social roles of one of the most well-known writers of Czech literature, Jaroslav Hasek. Specifically, it is his role as a storyteller, a journalist and a politician. My work is focused on the analysis of the blend and differences between these roles pertaining to the development and context of both the time period and Hasek. The analysis is divided into several parts and it tries to view Hasek from different points of view. Specifically, it deals with the author's historical genesis, then with the narratological analysis of short stories and finally the content analysis associated with the reference to Jaroslav Hasek's language resources.
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A conquista do sagrado - jornalistas como editores de livros / A conquista do sagrado - jornalistas como editores de livrosCosta, Renata Carvalho da 09 October 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o trabalho de jornalistas que editam livros, sejam eles donos de editoras ou editores contratados. Foram entrevistados, a partir de um questionário não-diretivo, editores de livros que se declaram jornalistas por formação acadêmica ou prática profissional, e também editores de livros com formação direcionada a este mercado. As entrevistas foram analisadas e divididas em temas, determinados a partir de técnicas de análise de conteúdo. A pesquisa permite afirmar que os jornalistas, mesmo quando trabalham em outro campo como a edição de livros, se sentem ainda muito aderentes ao jornalismo, veem o livro como um objeto a ser reverenciado e têm uma percepção diferente dos editores de outras formações no que diz respeito às etapas de produção do livro, nas quais declaram utilizar muito da experiência obtida nos veículos jornalísticos. / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the working process of journalists who edit books, whether publishing company owners or hired editors. Based on a nondirective questionnaire, interviews were applied to book editors who declared themselves as journalists by academic education or professional experience, and editors majored in book editing as well. The interviews were examined and categorized by themes, settled by content analysis techniques. This research allows to assert that journalists, even when working in other field as book editing, still feel themselves related to journalism, see book as an object to be venerated and have a different perception of book production from traditional editors\' perspective, in which the journalist-editors claim to use their news background.
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Partiledarna på Youtube-. : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av gestaltning och de journalistiska idealen i olika medieformatHelenius, Isabelle, Pettersson, Sabina January 2018 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Inför valet 2018 valde flera influencers att intervjua partiledare. Väljare hade då möjlighet att vända sig till traditionella medier eller sociala medier för att få information inför valet. Påverkas gestaltning av partiledarna när intervjuerna flyttar ut på social medier och vad händer med de journalistiska idealen när det är en influencer som är programledare? Syftet med denna studie är att studera vilka gestaltningar som förekommer i olika medieformat och hur dessa uttrycker sig i programmen. Syftet är också att undersöka hur väl de journalistiska idealen efterföljs av programledare med olika journalistiska bakgrunder. Metod och material: Metoden som används i denna studie är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Materialet som ingår i urvalet är programmen “Partitempen” och “Jenny och Steffo träffar partiledarna”. Alla avsnitt i vardera program kommer att analyseras med hjälp av den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen. Detta är en fallstudie. Det innebär att resultaten kommer var svåra att generalisera då vi jämför två fall. Huvudresultat: Syftet med denna studie är att studera vilka gestaltningar som förekommer i olika medieformat och hur dessa uttrycker sig i programmen. Resultaten visar att det relativt ofta förekom liknande gestaltningar i de båda programmen. Trivia-, spel- och sakfrågegestaltning förekom i flera avsnitt i de båda programmen. Dock förekommer skandalgestaltning endast i “Jenny och Steffo träffar partiledarna”. Detta skulle kunna bero på att man följer medielogiken och tar upp det man tror publiken är intresserad av. Resultaten för de journalistiska idealen visar att programledarna följer dem, men att de i vissa fall tänjer på gränserna. I “Partitempen“ förekommer flest sakfrågor. Alla programledare är objektiva, trots att de är personliga. Resultaten visar också att ingen av programledarna bryter mot de svenska pressetiska reglerna.
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Exploring job stress in the workplace from the perspective of the journalistsHuang, Kuo-jen 03 August 2010 (has links)
Through depth interviews and qualitative research techniques with print media and
electronic media organizations, this study will discuss about job stressors of the employees
in News organizations. This study is also to explore the personal coping strategies of facing
work stress. And to the end will further unveil how media organizations assist journalists to
deal with work stress.
The result shows that the job stressors from media organizations contain three
categories: work factors, personal factors, and environment. It emphasizes how the variable
environments cause group members¡¦ physical and mental unrest and tension continuous
process. First one is ¡§work factors¡¨ and it contents include at least three elements. They are
the nature of work (time pressure, heavy workload, the work itself, working conditions,
fairness, and nervous), organizational factors (organizations¡¦ roles and structure, role
ambiguity, role conflict, and organizational climate and culture), and social relations at work
(work place relationships, lack of social support). The second category is "personal factors".
It includes individual itself, such as incentives, occupational health, and family, but career
development, for example, the chance of professional development. The last one is
"environment". This category includes economic and technological uncertainty and other
total 18 kinds¡¦ sources from three major sorts. Furthermore, the ¡§coping strategies¡¨ of facing
job pressure has five different types. Those types are classified as problem-centered,
emotion-centered, appraisal-centered, avoidance-centered, and religion-centered. They all
emphasize that organizations¡¦ members will use both the usable resources and experiences
along with self-awareness to determine how to solve or reduce their working pressures.
Moreover, journalists usually receive several kinds of assistance from media organizations to
deal with their work stresses. Usually, the employees will gain a long vacation after a period
of consecutive working days. They also receive social or emotional support through
communications, such as verbal encouragement, or informational support such as the class of
spiritual growth and development, etc.
Also, the research found which the interviewees using religion-centered strategies to
face their job stresses is a new discovery. This strategy has never been found in the reviewed
literatures, or previous relative studies. The researcher believes this discovery will help the
scholars engaging in the job stress-related follow-up studies as the basis for further research
and application.
In conclusion, based on the interviews, the researcher suggests that the media
organizations should extend the time of socialization procedure for freshmen. They also need
to provide appropriate equipments for their employees, and strengthen the social supports.
By this, the organizations will be able to prevent the journalists burning out, and improve
their working satisfaction in order to promote their commitment with the media
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