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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Binding, Bending and G Jumping in the Minor Groove: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches

Rahimian, Maryam 29 October 2008 (has links)
It has been shown that heterocyclic diamidines, a class of minor groove binders, are promising antimicrobial agents. These compounds bind none covalently to the minor groove of A/T rich regions of the kinetoplast DNA and kill the parasite. The mechanism of action of these compounds is not well understood, yet many hypotheses have been proposed. One of the methods that improve the specificity is cooperative binding. Since there are many binding sites available in k-DNA thus the cooperativity in adjacent binding sites is desirable. A library of compounds has been scanned and few of those compounds identified that are able to bind to two adjacent A/T binding sites separated by a single G. Many biophysical methods such as isothermal titration calorimetry, surface Plasmon resonance, circular dichroism and thermal melting have been used to explore the thermodynamic profiles and binding mode of these compounds. The pulsed field gradient NMR was used to investigate the structural changes to the DNA sequence upon binding of the minor groove binders and find a correlation between their biological difference and structural changes. The molecular dynamics was applied to look at the interaction of some of the heterocyclic diamidines to the DNA with more details and predict the unknown structures.

Pėdos lenkiamųjų raumenų statinės ir dinaminės jėgos įtaka šuolininkių rezultatams / The influence of static and dynamic force to ankle flexion muscles and to the results of jumpers

Dargytė, Simona 19 June 2014 (has links)
Tikslas: nustatyti pėdos lenkiamųjų raumenų statinės ir dinaminės jėgos įtaką šuolininkių rezultatams. Tyrimo objektas: pėdos lenkiamųjų raumenų jėga. Tiriamieji: Dvi grupės įvairaus amžiaus merginų – šuolininkių į tolį, aukštį, trišuolį bei šuolinkių su kartimi.Pirmoji grupė: 12 merginų. Amžiaus vidurkis. 19,3±2,5 m, ūgis 168,6 cm± 3,8 cm, kūno masė 54, 70 kg± 2,3 kg. Antroji – 11 merginų. Amžiaus vidurkis 17,9± 3,9 m, ūgis 172.9 cm ±9,1 cm, kūno masė 60, 5 kg±6 kg. Tyrimo metodai: dinamometrija, statistinė analizė, pedagoginis testavimas. Tyrimo organizavimas: Pirmoji tiriamųjų grupė atliko pėdos lenkiamųjų raumenų statinės maksimalios valingos jėgos (MVJ) testą prieš ir po pramankštos, kelią fiksuojant 900 ir čiurną 700 kampu. Antrąjai grupei buvo testuojama pėdos lenkiamųjų raumenų jėga izokinetiniame rėžime prie 600/s, 1200/s, 1800/s. kampinių greičių. Taip pat buvo atlikti, vertikalaus šuolio į aukštį iš vietos, greito šuolio į aukštį nuo 10 cm paaukštinimo (drop jump) ir šuolio į tolį iš vietos testai. Rezultatai: atsispiriamosios kojos buvo 120,08 ±22 Kg, mojamosios kojos – 114,21± 22 Kg. Pėdos lenkiamųjų raumenų statinė MVJ prieš pramankštą buvo 119,2 ± 19, 8 Kg, po pramankštos – 121,7 ±24,1 Kg. Atsispiriamosios kojos jėga, izokinetiniame rėžime, prie 600/s buvo 88,70 ±3,95 Nm, mojamosios kojos –87,94. ±7,13 Nm. Prie 1200/s atsispiriamosios kojos –82,74±4,11 Nm, mojamosios kojos –72,75±3,36 Nm. Prie 1800/s. atsispiriamosios kojos buvo 71,79±3,32 Nm, Mojamosios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim: to identify the influence of static and dynamic forces to ankle flexion muscles and to the results of jumpers. Objective: the force of ankle flexion muscles. Participants: Two various age groups of women – long jumpers, high jumpers, triple jumpers and pole vaulters. The first age group consisted of 12 women. The age mean: 19,3 ± 2,5 years, height: 168,6 cm ± 3,8 cm, weight: 54, 70 kg ± 2,3 kg. The second age group consisted of 11 women. The age mean: 17,9 ± 3,9 years, height: 172.9 cm ±9,1 cm, weight: 60, 5 kg±6 kg. Methods: dynamometry, statistical analysis, pedagogical testing. Process of the study: The first group took part in the maximum contraction force (MCF) test in order to measure the static force of the ankle flexion muscles. We have used MCF test before and after the warm-up with the knee fix at 900 angle and the ankle fixed at 700. The second group was tested in isokinetic regime using the 600/s, 1200/s, 1800/s peak torque. In addition, the participants also took part in vertical standing high jump, the 10cm drop jump, and standing long jump tests. Results: the result of the main leg: 120,08 ±22 Kg, the result of the other leg: 114,21± 22 Kg. The MCF result before the warm-up: 119,2 ± 19, 8 Kg, and after the warm-up: 121,7 ±24,1 Kg. The test result of the main leg force in isokinetic regime using 600/s was 88,70 ±3,95 Nm, the result of the other leg: 87,94. ±7,13 Nm. Using 1200/s, main leg: 82,74±4,11 Nm, the other leg: 72,75±3,36 Nm. Using 1800/s, the... [to full text]

JAUNŲJŲ ŠUOLININKŲ Į AUKŠTĮ RENGIMO VALDYMAS / Training management of the young high jumpers

Šerepka, Mindaugas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Problematika: Jaunųjų šuolininkų rengimo valdymas yra ilgas ir sudėtingas procesas. Mokslinės – metodinės literatūros analizuojamu klausimu studijos leidžia teigti, kad jaunųjų šuolininkų į aukštį rengimo valdymui skiriamas labai mažas dėmesys. Neišanalizuoti valdymo kriterijai, nenustatytos kryptys pratybų etapuose, fizinio ir techninio krūvių proporcijos, intensyvumas. Nepakankamai ištirti judesių ir veiksmų mokymo ypatumai, fizinį ir techninį parengtumą atspindintys rodikliai. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti teorines jaunųjų šuolininkų rengimo valdymo prielaidas; 2. Eksperimentiniu būdu patikrinti šuolininkų rengimo valdymo galimybes remiantis fizinio parengtumo rodikliais ir techninio parengtumo rodikliais. 3. Išsiaiškinti jaunųjų šuolininkų fizinio ir techninio parengtumo rodiklių sąsają. 4. Nustatyti šuolininkų į aukštį fizinio parengtumo ir judesių atlikimo kokybės rodiklių dinamiką siejant ją su pratybose atliktais krūviais. Moksliniame darbe taikyti metodai: teorinės analizės ir apibendrinimo metodas, dokumentų analizė, pedagoginis eksperimentas, fizinių rodiklių testavimas, ekspertinis vertinimas, pedagoginis stebėjimas, statistinė analizė. Išvados: Mokslinėje – metodinėje literatūroje sportinio rengimo valdymas apibūdinamas kaip visapusis parengtumo kontroliavimas, varžybinės veiklos rodiklių modeliavimas, varžybų ir pratybų programų sudarymas, sportinio rengimo koregavimas atsižvelgiant į informaciją apie sportininką. Sportininkų ugdymas realizuojamas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The training management of the young jumpers is very long and difficult process. Analysis of the sciential – methodical literature on this point allows saying, that it gives little attention to the training management of the young high jumpers. The criterions of the management, the ways of training stages, intensity and the proportion of physical and technical charge are not analyzed and set down. Singularity of the teaching to move and act, rate of the physical and technical preparation also are not enough examined. Task of the paper is: 1. To analyze the theoretical assumptions of the training management of the young jumpers. 2. To test the training management of the young jumpers potential using physical and technical preparation rate. 3. To see and clear up the conjunction between young jumpers` physical and technical preparation rate. 4. To set down the young high jumpers` dynamics of the physical preparation rate relating it with the practical charges. Methods pointed in the paper: theoretical analysis and generalization method, analysis of the documents, educational experiment, testing of the physical rates, expert evaluation, educational supervision, statistical analysis. In sciential – methodical literature sporting training management is described as a comprehensive control of qualification, modeling of sporting rates, the formation of a sporting and training program, the sport training correction considering to the information of the athlete. The athletes are... [to full text]

Optimisation of female high jumpers’ sports training at different stages / Šuolininkių į aukštį sportinio rengimo skirtingais etapais optimizavimas

Žilinskienė , Nelė 09 March 2010 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes educational research problem of cognising the content of high jumpers’ sports training at different stages and its optimisation. The problem is particularized by the following targets: 1. to identify what stimulates school learners to choose and exercise track-and-fields athletics and what their value-based orientations are. This may contribute to successful selection of athletes and to a rising interest in track-and-fields athletics. 2. to investigate how to develop the models of selecting and training high jumpers in Lithuania so as to meet the abilities of trainees and to stimulate the self-expression of their sports individuality. 3. to identify methodological trends for improvement of training programmes for elite female high jumpers, general regularities and individual peculiarities of changes in sports achievements influenced by variation in athletes’ age, level of performance and cycles of training. The subject of the research: female high jumpers’ sports training. The aim of the research: to investigate peculiarities of Lithuanian female high jumpers’ sports training at different stages, which are conditioned by athletes’ age and level of their performance. The theoretical significance of research results: social and sports factors, which motivate athletes to choose and cultivate track-and-field athletics and value-based orientations and which influence (self-) development of personality and sports individuality, were revealed; the model... [to full text] / Darbe nagrinėjama šuolininkių į aukštį sportinio rengimo skirtingais etapais turinio pažinimo ir jo optimizavimo edukacinė problema. Problemą konkretina šie klausimai: 1. Išsiaiškinti, kas skatina mokinius rinktis ir kultivuoti lengvąją atletiką, kokios jų vertybinės orientacijos. Tai gali padėti sėkmingiau vykdyti atranką ir sudominti lengvąja atletika. 2. Ištirti, kaip sudaryti šalies jaunųjų šuolininkių į aukštį atrankos ir treniruotės modelius, kad jie atitiktų ugdytinių gebėjimus ir skatintų sportininkų individualybės saviraišką. 3. Nustatyti didelio meistriškumo šuolininkių į aukštį treniruotės programų gerinimo metodines kryptis, sportinių rezultatų kaitos bendrus dėsningumus ir individualius ypatumus kintant šuolininkių amžiui bei meistriškumui ir treniruotės ciklams. Tyrimo objektas – šuolininkių į aukštį sportinis rengimas. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos šuolininkių į aukštį sportinio rengimo skirtingais etapais ypatumus, atitinkančius sportuojančių amžių ir sportinį meistriškumą. Tyrimo teorinis reikšmingumas: atskleista rinktis ir kultivuoti lengvąją atletiką skatinantys socialiniai, sportiniai veiksniai, vertybinės orientacijos, kurios daro įtaką sportininko individualybės ugdymui(si); sukurtas jaunųjų šuolininkių į aukštį atrankos ir treniruotės modelis ir pedagoginiu eksperimentu patikrintas jo veiksmingumas; nustatyta Lietuvos ir užsienio šuolininkių į aukštį sportinių rezultatų kaita skirtingais rengimo etapais bei dalyvaujant Europos, pasaulio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Šuolininkių į aukštį sportinio rengimo skirtingais etapais optimizavimas / Optimisation of female high jumpers’ sports training at different stages

Žilinskienė , Nelė 09 March 2010 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama šuolininkių į aukštį sportinio rengimo skirtingais etapais turinio pažinimo ir jo optimizavimo edukacinė problema. Problemą konkretina šie klausimai: 1. Išsiaiškinti, kas skatina mokinius rinktis ir kultivuoti lengvąją atletiką, kokios jų vertybinės orientacijos. Tai gali padėti sėkmingiau vykdyti atranką ir sudominti lengvąja atletika. 2. Ištirti, kaip sudaryti šalies jaunųjų šuolininkių į aukštį atrankos ir treniruotės modelius, kad jie atitiktų ugdytinių gebėjimus ir skatintų sportininkų individualybės saviraišką. 3. Nustatyti didelio meistriškumo šuolininkių į aukštį treniruotės programų gerinimo metodines kryptis, sportinių rezultatų kaitos bendrus dėsningumus ir individualius ypatumus kintant šuolininkių amžiui bei meistriškumui ir treniruotės ciklams. Tyrimo objektas – šuolininkių į aukštį sportinis rengimas. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti Lietuvos šuolininkių į aukštį sportinio rengimo skirtingais etapais ypatumus, atitinkančius sportuojančių amžių ir sportinį meistriškumą. Tyrimo teorinis reikšmingumas: atskleista rinktis ir kultivuoti lengvąją atletiką skatinantys socialiniai, sportiniai veiksniai, vertybinės orientacijos, kurios daro įtaką sportininko individualybės ugdymui(si); sukurtas jaunųjų šuolininkių į aukštį atrankos ir treniruotės modelis ir pedagoginiu eksperimentu patikrintas jo veiksmingumas; nustatyta Lietuvos ir užsienio šuolininkių į aukštį sportinių rezultatų kaita skirtingais rengimo etapais bei dalyvaujant Europos, pasaulio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This dissertation analyzes educational research problem of cognising the content of high jumpers’ sports training at different stages and its optimisation. The problem is particularized by the following targets: 1. to identify what stimulates school learners to choose and exercise track-and-fields athletics and what their value-based orientations are. This may contribute to successful selection of athletes and to a rising interest in track-and-fields athletics. 2. to investigate how to develop the models of selecting and training high jumpers in Lithuania so as to meet the abilities of trainees and to stimulate the self-expression of their sports individuality. 3. to identify methodological trends for improvement of training programmes for elite female high jumpers, general regularities and individual peculiarities of changes in sports achievements influenced by variation in athletes’ age, level of performance and cycles of training. The subject of the research: female high jumpers’ sports training. The aim of the research: to investigate peculiarities of Lithuanian female high jumpers’ sports training at different stages, which are conditioned by athletes’ age and level of their performance. The theoretical significance of research results: social and sports factors, which motivate athletes to choose and cultivate track-and-field athletics and value-based orientations and which influence (self-) development of personality and sports individuality, were revealed; the model... [to full text]

Desempenho operacional de semeadora-adubadora de precisão em função do tipo de martelete e velocidade de deslocamento na cultura do milho

Silva, Marísia Cristina da [UNESP] 08 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-05-08Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:52:23Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_mc_me_botfca.pdf: 1187348 bytes, checksum: b926169213d8acbaf9358f1d270ff76d (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Na operação de semeadura, o estande adequado e a uniformidade de distribuição de sementes são componentes de grande influência na produtividade do milho. Esses fatores podem ser afetados por inúmeras variáveis, sendo a velocidade de operação da semeadora-adubadora uma das mais importantes, além da adequação semente/orifício no disco dosador. A velocidade de deslocamento e a regulagem da semeadora, sendo inadequadas, podem proporcionar baixa população de plantas, acarretando em uma produtividade não desejada. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o desempenho operacional de uma semeadora-adubadora de precisão, em função de cinco velocidades de deslocamento e dois tipos de martelete, utilizada para a semeadura da cultura do milho em sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido em área experimental pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNESP – Botucatu, SP, no período de dezembro de 2007 a maio de 2008. O solo da área experimental foi classificado como Nitossolo Vermelho Distroférrico, textura muito argilosa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, em esquema fatorial 2x5, sendo dois tipos de marteletes (4 e 5 dentes) e cinco velocidades de deslocamento (3,0; 4,5; 5,0; 7,0 e 9,0 km h-1) com quatro repetições. Assim, o experimento teve 10 tratamentos, totalizando 40 parcelas experimentais. Foram avaliados os dados referentes à porcentagem de cobertura do solo, profundidade do sulco de semeadura, área de solo mobilizado e de deposição de sementes, consumo horário e operacional de combustível, força na barra de tração do trator, velocidade de deslocamento, capacidade de campo efetiva, distribuição longitudinal de sementes, número médio de dias para emergência de plântulas, componentes morfológicos e componentes de produção da planta de milho, danos mecânicos nas... / In the sowing operation, the appropriate stand and the uniformity on the distribution of seeds are mentioned as factors of great influence on the corn yield.. These factors can be affected by several variables, being the planter displacement velocity one of the most important of them, besides the adjustment of seeds in the perforated disc device for seed dosage. The inadequate displacement velocity and adjustment of the planter may provide low population of plants, leading to an undesired yield. The current paper had as its objective to analyze the precision planter’s operational and energetically performances according to five different displacement velocities and two types of jumpers used for planting no-tillage corn.The experiment was installed and conducted at the experimental area belonging to the College of Agricultural Science - UNESP located in Botucatu, Sao Paulo state, in the period comprised between December, 2007 and May, 2008. The experimental soil area was classified as Nitossolo Vermelho Distroférrico presenting a deep argillaceous texture. The experimental design consisted of blocks at random with parcels subdivided in factorial scheme 2x5, two types of jumpers (4 and 5 staples) and 5 different displacement velocities (3,0; 4,5; 5,0; 7,0 e 9,0 Km h-1) with four repetitions. Thus, the experiment was composed by 10 treatments, totalizing 40 experimental plots. The evaluated data regarded to the percentage of soil coverage, the sowing line depth, mobilized soil and seed overthrown area, horal and operational fuel consumption, force on the tractor traction bar, displacement velocity, effective field capacity, longitudinal distribution of seeds, average number of days for the emergence of seedlings, morphological and corn production components, mechanical harm on seeds and grain production. The displacement velocity effect was verified on the following variables: horal... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Desempenho operacional de semeadora-adubadora de precisão em função do tipo de martelete e velocidade de deslocamento na cultura do milho /

Silva, Marísia Cristina da, 1983. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Antonio Gamero / Banca: Carlos Eduardo Angeli Furlani / Banca: Maria Hele na Moraes / Resumo: Na operação de semeadura, o estande adequado e a uniformidade de distribuição de sementes são componentes de grande influência na produtividade do milho. Esses fatores podem ser afetados por inúmeras variáveis, sendo a velocidade de operação da semeadora-adubadora uma das mais importantes, além da adequação semente/orifício no disco dosador. A velocidade de deslocamento e a regulagem da semeadora, sendo inadequadas, podem proporcionar baixa população de plantas, acarretando em uma produtividade não desejada. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o desempenho operacional de uma semeadora-adubadora de precisão, em função de cinco velocidades de deslocamento e dois tipos de martelete, utilizada para a semeadura da cultura do milho em sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido em área experimental pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNESP - Botucatu, SP, no período de dezembro de 2007 a maio de 2008. O solo da área experimental foi classificado como Nitossolo Vermelho Distroférrico, textura muito argilosa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, em esquema fatorial 2x5, sendo dois tipos de marteletes (4 e 5 dentes) e cinco velocidades de deslocamento (3,0; 4,5; 5,0; 7,0 e 9,0 km h-1) com quatro repetições. Assim, o experimento teve 10 tratamentos, totalizando 40 parcelas experimentais. Foram avaliados os dados referentes à porcentagem de cobertura do solo, profundidade do sulco de semeadura, área de solo mobilizado e de deposição de sementes, consumo horário e operacional de combustível, força na barra de tração do trator, velocidade de deslocamento, capacidade de campo efetiva, distribuição longitudinal de sementes, número médio de dias para emergência de plântulas, componentes morfológicos e componentes de produção da planta de milho, danos mecânicos nas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the sowing operation, the appropriate stand and the uniformity on the distribution of seeds are mentioned as factors of great influence on the corn yield.. These factors can be affected by several variables, being the planter displacement velocity one of the most important of them, besides the adjustment of seeds in the perforated disc device for seed dosage. The inadequate displacement velocity and adjustment of the planter may provide low population of plants, leading to an undesired yield. The current paper had as its objective to analyze the precision planter's operational and energetically performances according to five different displacement velocities and two types of jumpers used for planting no-tillage corn.The experiment was installed and conducted at the experimental area belonging to the College of Agricultural Science - UNESP located in Botucatu, Sao Paulo state, in the period comprised between December, 2007 and May, 2008. The experimental soil area was classified as Nitossolo Vermelho Distroférrico presenting a deep argillaceous texture. The experimental design consisted of blocks at random with parcels subdivided in factorial scheme 2x5, two types of jumpers (4 and 5 staples) and 5 different displacement velocities (3,0; 4,5; 5,0; 7,0 e 9,0 Km h-1) with four repetitions. Thus, the experiment was composed by 10 treatments, totalizing 40 experimental plots. The evaluated data regarded to the percentage of soil coverage, the sowing line depth, mobilized soil and seed overthrown area, horal and operational fuel consumption, force on the tractor traction bar, displacement velocity, effective field capacity, longitudinal distribution of seeds, average number of days for the emergence of seedlings, morphological and corn production components, mechanical harm on seeds and grain production. The displacement velocity effect was verified on the following variables: horal... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Career Challenges and Coping Strategies of Swedish Elite Show Jumpers : A mixed-methods study / Svenska elithoppryttares karriärutmaningar och coping strategier : En studie med mixad metod

Reveny, Stephanie, Stafverfeldt, Elvira January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine perceived challenges and coping strategies of Swedish elite show jumpers from the holistic perspective. A mixed-methodology was used with a dominant qualitative design and a supportive quantitative design. Semi-structured interviews based on the holistic athletic career model and two surveys developed from the qualitative results were used to collect the data. The participants of the study were 5 Swedish elite show jumpers between the age of 24-29 (M=26.4, SD=2.06). The qualitative findings resulted in two category profiles of perceived challenges and use of coping strategies. The quantitative findings resulted in two individual profile for each participant. The findings identified five higher order themes of perceived challenges (psychological, financial, psycho-social, athletic and vocational) and three higher order themes of coping strategies (social support, problemfocused coping and emotion-focused coping). The individual profiles showed both similar patterns and individual nuances between the participants. Major challenges for the equestrians were financial, injuries and dealing with identity foreclosure. This study represents an effort to highlight the challenges met and coping strategies used by equestrians on elite level, to prevent ineffective coping and negative consequences such as a premature dropout. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka svenska elithoppryttares upplevda utmaningar och coping strategier utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv. En mixad metod användes med en dominant kvalitativ design och en stödjande kvantitativ design. Semistrukturerade intervjuer baserade på den holistiska karriärutvecklingsmodellen samt två enkäter utvecklade ur det kvalitativa resultatet användes för att samla in data. Deltagarna i studien utgjordes av 5 svenska elithoppryttare i åldrarna 24-29 (M=26.4, SD=2.06). Det kvalitativa resultatet gav två kategoriprofiler av upplevda utmaningar och användandet av coping strategier. Det kvantitativa resultatet gav två individuella profiler för varje deltagare. Resultatet identifierade fem överordnade teman av upplevda utmaningar (psykologiska, finansiella, psyko-sociala, idrottsliga och yrkesmässiga) och tre överordnade teman av coping strategier (socialt stöd, problemfokuserad coping och emotionsfokuserad coping). De individuella profilerna visade både liknande mönster samt individuella nyanser mellan deltagarna. De största utmaningarna för ryttarna var finansiella, skador och att hantera en sluten idrottsidentitet. Denna studie representerar ett försök till att belysa vilka utmaningar och coping strategier som används av ryttare på elitnivå, för att undvika ineffektiv coping och negativa konsekvenser så som ofrivilligt avslut av idrottskarriär.

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