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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The regeneration potential of Themeda triandra in the Middelburg district of the Eastern Cape

Hendricks, Noel Colin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A common topographical feature of the Nama-Karoo are mesas, commonly known as "platkoppies" , that provide an interesting source of landscape heterogeneity to an otherwise flat landscape. Although these isolated mesas are geologically and edaphically distinct from the surrounding flats, many species are shared between these habitats. These include palatable species such as Themeda triandra. A question asked by the broad umbrella project under which this project falls was: to what extent do mesas provide refuges for palatable species that are under pressure from heavy overstocking on the surrounding flats? A study on the regeneration potential of T triandra on and off the Tafelberg Mesa in the Middelburg district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa, was undertaken within the context of a broader umbrella project "Restoration of degraded Nama-Karoo: role of conservation islands". The Nama-Karoo has had centuries of heavy commercial livestock production and it is considered to have been transformed from a relatively (by arid ecosystems) productive system to one dominated by shrubs and somewhat less productive species. Themeda triandra is one of the preferred grass species for livestock production. Although T. triandra is a preferred grass species, relatively, little is known about its ability to produce viable seed and the establishment of seedlings particularly in restoration and rehabilitation programmes. This study examines the pattern of seed production and seedling survival, seed dispersal, seed germination, and the morphological and ecophysiological variability of T. triandra, a species with great potential for restoration of degraded Nama-Karoo sites, particularly those in the Eastern Cape. Themeda triandra was found to be one of the dominant species on summit of the Tafelberg Mesa. In comparison, it occurred in small isolated populations on the flats surrounding the mesa. The flats and slopes are grazed more intensely by domestic livestock than the summit of the mesa. This is due to the inaccessibility to livestock due to a steeper topography and the lack of water at the higher altitudes. Annual seed production of T. triandra per plant and per m2 was highest for the populations on the flats despite these populations being grazed most intensively. Rainfall had an effect on annual seed production, which was monitored over two years. Rainfall increased from less than 20mm in November 1999 to 125, 110, 50 and 135mm in December 1999, January 2000, February 2000 and March 2000 respectively. With the increased rainfall prior to the May 2000 sampling period, more seeds were produced per plant and per m2 for the flats and slopes habitats of the Tafelberg Mesa. The opposite trend occurred on the summit of the mesa, where seed production actually decreased. This could be attributed to increased competition or to lower grazing intensities. Increase in rainfall also had a positive effect on the cover of other grasses (excluding T. triandra) and T. triandra itself. Despite higher levels of seed production in populations of T. triandra on the flats, seedling survival was clearly low whereas seedlings on the slopes and summit had significantly higher seedling survivorship. This negative impact could be explained due to the trampling effect of domestic herbivores. The results of a seed dispersal experiment clearly suggest that the seed dispersal distance of T. triandra to "safe" microsites is short distance (majority of seeds disperse up to 60cm) and that the dispersal agent is wind. Microsites for re-establishment was found to be open or rocky sites. In a controlled experiment, seed emergence of T. triandra indicated that optimal sowing depths varied with soil type. Maximum germination was achieved at sowing depth 2cm and 3cm in soil collected from the flats surrounding the Tafelberg Mesa. The soil texture of the flats was found to be more sandy loam clay. The flats had slightly higher content (%) of stone, clay, silt and sand compared to the soils collected from the summit and slopes. Themeda triandra is clearly not limited in its expansion onto the flats in the Middelburg district due to soil conditions at the germination/recruitment phase. This study also revealed that T. triandra germinates best under summer conditions when the probability of rainfall is at its highest. Results with T. triandra seed did not convincingly suggest that smoke water is of adaptive significance to boost germination in restoration attempts in the Middelburg district of the Eastern Cape. In a controlled greenhouse experiment, individuals of T. triandra taken from the summit of Tafelberg Mesa showed no differences in photosynthesis, stomatal conductance or transpiration rates to individuals occurring on the flatland areas surrounding the mesa. Themeda triandra appears to be relatively adaptable to a range of temperature conditions. These findings suggest that there should be no problem using seed from mesa summits in restoration programmes on the surrounding flats. This study revealed no conclusive evidence, indicating that the populations on the summit of the mesa were a source of T. triandra seed for the flats surrounding the Tafelberg Mesa. However, this two year long investigation found that T. triandra has the potential to be used in restoration and rehabilitation programmes. If released from grazing pressures, and assuming favourable climatic conditions, the density of T. triandra on the flats can be increased and can be used as a suitable species for the restoration of heavily degraded patches in the Nama-Karoo Region. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: OnAlgemene topografiese kenmerk van die Nama-Karoo is mesas, plaaslik bekend as "platkoppies", wat Oninteressante bron van landskap ongelyksoortigheid voorsien aan On andersins vlakte landskap. Alhoewel hierdie geisoleerde mesas geologies en biofisies verskillend is van die omliggende vlaktes, word baie plant spesies gedeel tussen hierdie habitats. Hierdie sluit in smaaklike spesies soos Themeda triandra. OnVraag gevra deur die groter restorasieekologieprojek waaronder hierdie navorsingsprojek resorteer was: tot watter mate dien mesas as ° n hawe aan vreetbare spesies wat onder druk is van swaar oorbeweiding in die omliggende vlaktes? OnStudie van die regenerasie potensiaal van T. triandra op-en-vanaf die Tafelberg Mesa in die Middelburg distrik van die Oos-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, was onderneem binne die verband van die wyer herstelekologieprojek "Herstel van oorbeweide Nama-Karoo weiveld: die rol van bewaringseilande". Die Nama-Karoo was vir honderde jare al blootgestel aan swaar kommersiële lewende hawe produksie en is klaarblyklik verander van ° n relatiewe produktiewe sisteem na 'n ekosisteem gedomineerd deur struike en enigsins minder produktiewe spesies. Alhoewel dit ° n verkiesde grasspesie is bo ander inheemse grasse as weigras, is min bekend oor die fertiliteit van T. triandra sade of oor die vestiging van saailinge, veral in veldrehabilitasie programme. Hierdie studie ondersoek die patrone van saadproduksie, saadverspreiding, saadontkieming, en die morfologiese en ekofisiologiese veranderlikheid van T. triandra, ° n spesie met groot potensiaal vir die herstel van oorbeweide Nama-Karoo terriene van veral die Oos-Kaap. Themeda triandra was een van die dominante spesies op die kruin van die Tafelberg Mesa. Dit kom voor in klein geïsoleerde populasies op die uitgestrekte vlaktes rondom die mesa. Die vlaktes en hange van die mesa word op groot skaaloorbewei deur lewende hawe in vergelyking met op die kruin van die mesa. Dit is te wyte aan die onbereikbaarheid van die mesa vanweë Onsteiler topografie, asook die gebrek aan standhoudende water op die mesa's self. Jaarlikse saad produksie van T. triandra per plant en per m2 was die hoogste vir die populasies op die vlaktes, ten spyte daarvan dat hierdie populasies intensief bewei word. Reënval het 'n effek op jaarlikse saad produksie gehad wat oor twee jaar gekontroleer was. Met die vermeerdering van reënval voor die Mei 2000 proeftydperk, was meer sade geproduseer per plant en per m2 op die vlaktes en hange van die Tafelberg Mesa. Die teenoorgestelde patroon het voor gekom op die kruin van die mesa, waar saadproduksie afgeneem het. Laasgenoemde kan toegeskryf word aan die toename in kompetisie. Toename in reënval het ook 'n positiewe effek gehad op die bedekking van T. triandra self sowel as van ander grasse. Ten spyte van hoër vlakke van saadproduksie, is saailing oorlewing in T. triandra populasies op die vlaktes duidelik negatief terwyl saailinge op die hange en kruin 'n betekenisvolle hoër saailing oorlewingsskap gehad het. Die negatiewe impak kan verduidelik word deur die vertrappings-effek van lewende hawe. Die resultate van die saadvespreidingeksperiment toon dat die saadverspreiding afstand van T. triandra na 'veilige' mikroterreine kort is (die meerderheid van die sade is tot minder as 60cm versprei). Wind is die verspreidingsagent. Dit is gevind dat oop of klipperige terreine gunstige mikroterreine vir hervestiging van T. triandra is. In die gekontroleerde-eksperiment het saadverskyning van T. triandra aangedui dat die optimale saai-diepte wissel met grondsoort. Maksimum ontkieming is behaal by saaidiepte van 2cm en 3cm in die grond versamel in die vlaktes rondom die Tafelberg Mesa. Die grondtekstuur op die vlaktes is 'n sanderige leem-klei. Die vlaktes het effens hoër persentasies klip, klei, slik en sand vergelyke met die grond versamelop die kruin en hange. Themeda triandra is duidelik nie as gevolg van grondtoestande beperk in sy uitbreiding op vlaktes in die Middelburg distrik by die ontkieming/werwing fase. Gondtoestande tydens die ontkiemingsfase is duidelik niw beperkend op die gigthede van T. triandra op die vlaktes nie. Hierdie studie maak bekend dat T. triandra die beste ontkiem onder somer toestande wanneer die waarskynlikheid van reënval op sy hoogste is. Rookwater het geen effect op die ontkiemingspotensiaal van T. triandra in die Middelburg streek van die Oos-Kaap nie. Pogings om T. triandra saad se ontkieming met rookwaterekstrak te bevorder was onsuksesvol. In die gekontroleerde eksperiment het individue van T. triandra op die kruin van Tafelberg Mesa geen verskil getoon in fotosintese, huidmondjie begeleiding en transpirasie tempo nie in vergelyking met individue wat voorkom op die vlaktes rondom die mesa. Themeda triandra blyk relatief aanpasbaar te wees aan 'n wye reeks van temperatuur toestande. Hierdie bevindings dui aan dat daar geen probleem hoef te wees om sade van die kruin van die mesa te gebruik in hervestigig-programme in die omliggende vlaktes nie. Hierdie studie verskaf geen bewyse wat aandui dat die T. triandra bevolkings op die kruin van die mesa as Onbron van saad vir die vlaktes rondom die Tafelberg Mesa dien nie. Hierdie twee-jaar ondersoek vind dat T. triandra 'n potensiaal het om gebruik te word in herstel en rehabilitasie programme. As dit aan ligter weidingsruk onderwerp is en gunstige klimaatstoestande heers, kan T. triandra hervestig word op die vlaktes en gebruik word as Onplantspesie om erg beskadigde areas in die Nama-Karoo streek te herstel.

A vivência materna no contato pele a pele para alívio da dor em prematuros submetidos ao teste do pezinho em unidade neonatal / The experience of mothers in skin-to-skin contact to alleviate pain in preterm infants undergoing the heel prick test in a neonatal unit

Santos, Aline Carolina de Araujo 21 December 2015 (has links)
A dor no recém-nascido é um fenômeno complexo, constituído por diferentes estímulos e tipos de dor, que pode envolver várias combinações de receptores e mecanismos do sistema nervoso em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, é direito de cidadania da criança e do adolescente não sentir dor, quando existirem meios de evitá-la. Esse direito também está previsto na Declaração Universal dos Diretos do Prematuro, segundo a qual a dor do prematuro deverá ser sempre considerada, prevenida e tratada por meio dos processos disponibilizados pela ciência atual. Entre as medidas não farmacológicas para o manejo da dor aguda decorrente de procedimentos de apoio ao diagnóstico e terapêuticos, tem-se particular interesse no contato materno pele a pele, por sua comprovada efetividade no alívio da dor em prematuros. Pesquisadores do Grupo de Pesquisa em Enfermagem no Cuidado à Criança e ao Adolescente da EERP-USP, preocupados com a problemática da dor em recém-nascidos a termo e pré-termo e crianças, desenvolveram pesquisas que comprovaram a eficácia deste contato também para o alívio da dor durante a coleta do teste do pezinho. O intuito do grupo, assim como o de outros pesquisadores, é reduzir a lacuna entre o conhecimento produzido e a prática clínica para a avaliação e o manejo da dor em crianças, incentivando a participação materna e da família. A atual motivação reside em investigar a perspectiva materna no processo de alívio da dor aguda do recém-nascido pré-termo mediada pelo contato pele a pele. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo é analisar os significados atribuídos pela mãe em sua vivência de contato pele a pele com seu filho prematuro para o alívio da dor decorrente da coleta do teste do pezinho em unidade neonatal. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, na abordagem qualitativa, tendo como quadro teórico o cuidado humanizado, integral e centrado na família. Realizou-se a investigação na unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal do hospital universitário de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevista semiestruturada com 15 mães de prematuros. Da análise de conteúdo dos discursos emergiram seis eixos temáticos: Pele a pele mãe e filho gera prazer; Pele a pele tranquiliza e acalma o bebê; Contato materno pele a pele alivia a dor do prematuro; Contato pele a pele insere a mãe no cuidado do filho mesmo durante procedimento doloroso - resgata o papel materno; Desejo de realizar o contato pele a pele durante outros procedimentos com o filho prematuro; e Indicando e incentivando o pele a pele para outras mães. Constata-se que as mães possuem sentimentos positivos reconhecendo que o contato pele a pele com o filho promove alívio da dor, com consequente redução de manifestações comportamentais durante o teste do pezinho. Os significados atribuídos a esta vivência materna corroboram estudos que mostram a redução da reatividade biocomportamental do prematuro em posição canguru, cuja prática deve ser amplamente utilizada para o alívio da dor decorrente de procedimentos dolorosos / Pain among newborns is a complex phenomenon composed of different stimuli and types of pain, which may involve various combinations of receptors and mechanisms of the developing nervous system. In Brazil, children and adolescents are entitled not to suffer pain whenever it is avoidable. In addition, there is the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Preterm Infants, in which it is stated that the pain of a premature infant should also taken into account, prevented and treated using processes enabled by current science. Among the non-pharmacological measures used to handle acute pain accruing from procedures that support diagnosis and therapeutic action, there is special interest in skin-to-skin contact with the mother, the effectiveness of which has been proven to alleviate pain among preterm infants. Researchers from the Research Group in Nursing Care Provided to Children and Adolescents at EERP-USP, concerned with pain among at term and preterm infants and children conducted research that proved the efficacy of skin-to-skin contact in the alleviation of pain during the heel prick screening test, among others. They work to reduce the gap between knowledge and clinical practice in regard to assessment and handling pain among children, encouraging the participation of both mother and family. Currently, the motivation is to investigate the maternal perspective of the process of alleviating acute pain in preterm newborns, mediated by skin-to-skin contact. This study\'s objective was to analyze the meanings assigned by mothers to their experience of skin-to-skin contact with their preterm children to alleviate the pain accruing from the heel prick test in a neonatal ward. The theoretical framework of this descriptive study with qualitative approach is integral, humanized and family- centered care. The study was conducted in the neonatal intermediate care unit at the University hospital at Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Data were collected through semi- structured interviews conducted with 15 mothers of preterm infants after free and informed consent forms were signed. Content analysis was used to analyze data, from which six thematic axes emerged: Mother and child skin-to-skin contact generates pleasure; Skin-to-skin reassures and calms down the baby; Maternal skin- to-skin contact alleviates pain in preterm infants; Skin-to-skin contact included the mother in the care provided to the child even during a painful procedure - redeems the maternal role; Desire to have skin-to-skin contact during other procedures with the preterm child; and Encouraging other mothers to practice skin-to-skin contact. The mothers reported positive feelings, acknowledging that skin-to-skin contact with their children promotes pain relief and that behavioral manifestations decreased during the heel prick test. The meanings assigned to this maternal experience corroborate studies that show reporting reduced biobehavioral reactiveness among preterm infants in the kangaroo position, a practice that should be widely used to alleviate pain accruing from painful procedures

Kangaroo Rat Foraging In Proximity to a Colony of Reintroduced Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs

Fulgham, Kirsten Marie January 2015 (has links)
A majority of the arid grasslands in the western U.S. have been dramatically altered by anthropogenic influences resulting in degradation and desertification. Within the arid grasslands of North America a guild of burrowing herbivorous rodents that includes kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spp.) and prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) is often considered integral to arid grassland maintenance. As part of the larger guild of burrowing herbivorous rodents, kangaroo rats are considered to be an important keystone guild whose role as ecosystem engineers and habitat modifiers complements that of prairie dogs. Together these species organize and structure arid grassland ecosystems and the biodiversity therein, by providing a mosaic of microhabitat patches, thus increasing overall heterogeneity. In an area where black-tailed prairie dogs (C. ludovicianus) were reintroduced, I used Giving-up Density (GUD) to assess the indirect effects black-tailed prairie dogs might have on the foraging patterns of resident kangaroo rats (D. spectabilis and D. merriamii). My objective was to compare and contrast kangaroo rat foraging GUD within and along the boundary of a on a recently established black-tailed prairie dog colony with that in the surrounding unmodified native habitat. This enabled assessment of whether black-tailed prairie dogs had an influence on the perceived quality of the habitat by kangaroo rats. Kangaroo rats visited off-colony feeding trays more frequently, and collected a greater mean mass of seed per tray as well. This indicates that the kangaroo rats perceived the area off the prairie dog colony as having a lower foraging cost than on the colony or along the colony edge. I conclude that from the perspective of the seed-eating kangaroo rat, the colony is not viewed as high quality habitat. What impact the reintroduction and management of one keystone species might have on another keystone species deserves additional consideration as we attempt to restore arid grassland ecosystems.

Post Harvest Studies on the Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos sp.) Cultivars 'Bush Dawn' and 'Big Red'

Miranda, John Hubert Unknown Date (has links)
Kangaroo paw inflorescences stored dry at 0 to 1 Degrees Celsius for 14 days have been found previously to have substantially reduced post-storage vase life. In this project, experiments were conducted to quantify the vase life of dry, stored Kangaroo paw flowers following storage at either 0, 7.5 or 13 Degrees Celsius for up to four weeks. the aim of these experiments was to determine a dry storage temperature suitable for commercial use. experiments were carried out using two cultivars of Kangaroo paw, 'Bush Dawn' and 'Big Red'. For each cultivar, vase life was assessed by (1) determining the time taken for each flower to lose 20% of its initial fresh weight and (2) determining the time taken for 10% of the inflorescence to become to discoloured. Vase life studies were carried out a 22 Degrees Celsius prior to and following removal from low temperature storage and flowers were weighed, inflorescence colour determined and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fo, minimal fluorescence emission, and Fm, maximum fluorescence emission were determined.

Valores familiares contemporâneos da ‘'Geração Canguru'’ na perspectiva de pais e filhos

Muller, Ana Paula Fest 01 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Carla Almeida (ana.almeida@ucsal.br) on 2018-05-02T18:08:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAOANAMÜLLER.pdf: 1595701 bytes, checksum: 11e8d679a11db2ab90ca25e3710ef2c0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rosemary Magalhães (rosemary.magalhaes@ucsal.br) on 2018-05-02T19:34:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAOANAMÜLLER.pdf: 1595701 bytes, checksum: 11e8d679a11db2ab90ca25e3710ef2c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-02T19:34:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAOANAMÜLLER.pdf: 1595701 bytes, checksum: 11e8d679a11db2ab90ca25e3710ef2c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-01 / A “Geração Canguru” se apresenta na contemporaneidade como uma das características do fenômeno do ‘ninho cheio’, o qual faz parte da fase madura do curso vital familiar brasileiro e constitui o período de transição para a fase adulta do curso vital do filho que escolhe adiar o momento da saída de casa, ainda que bem sucedido financeiramente. Esse estudo de casos múltiplos é de natureza qualitativa e tem como objetivo geral conhecer os principais valores familiares contemporâneos que permeiam a transição do jovem adulto que prolongou a convivência doméstica com sua família de origem, através da investigação dos conceitos que pais e filhos possuem acerca dos objetos do tema e da identificação das principais crenças e práticas familiares, a fim de ampliar a reflexão das famílias envolvidas, bem como o conhecimento e a discussão sobre o mesmo, perante as áreas acadêmicas ou agendas públicas. Para tanto, foi elaborado um roteiro para efetuar entrevistas semiestruturadas com as famílias. Ao todo foram entrevistadas quatro famílias da região metropolitana de Salvador (pais casados e filho (a) corresidente com nível superior completo) de classe média alta, critérios baseados nos pressupostos da geração em foco. Após aplicação das entrevistas e transcrição, foi feita a análise dos resultados dentro do caso e posteriormente cruzada, à luz da revisão de literatura do texto, sob o paradigma sistêmico e aspectos teóricos que envolvem o mesmo, como a teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano e o Curso Vital Familiar. Os valores familiares em comum conhecidos foram: Autonomia, Educação, Realização Pessoal, Vínculos Familiares Duradouros, Humanidade, Padrão de Vida, Segurança e Exemplo. A pesquisa revelou que a família da ‘Geração Canguru’, mantém o papel transgeracional de valores que suscitam a continuidade do sentimento de coletividade necessária para a adaptação dos seus membros ao contexto e ao tempo. / The "Kangaroo Generation" presents itself in contemporary times as one of the characteristics of the "full nest" phenomenon, which is part of the mature phase of the Brazilian family life course, and presents itself in the period of transition to the adult life course of the child who chooses to postpone the time of leaving home, even if financially successful. This collective case study is of a qualitative nature and has as general objective to know the main contemporary family values that permeate the transition of the young adult who extended the domestic coexistence with his family of origin, through the investigation of the concepts that parents and children have about objects the theme and identification of the main family beliefs and practices, in order to broaden the reflection of the families involved, as well as the knowledge and the discussion about the same, before the academic areas or public agendas. For this purpose, a script was developed to carry out semi-structured interviews with the families. In all, four families from the metropolitan region of Salvador (married parents with sons or daughters graduated at least) were interviewed based on the assumptions of the generation in focus. After applying the interviews and transcription, the results were analyzed within the case and later cross-checked, in the light of the literature review of the text, under the systemic paradigm and theoretical aspects that involve the same, such as the Bioecological theory of Human Development and the Family Life Course. Common known family values were: Autonomy, Education, Personal Achievement, Lasting Family Links, Humanity, Standard of Living, Safety and Example. The research revealed that the 'Kangaroo Generation' family maintains the transgenerational role of values that elicit the continuity of the collective feeling necessary for the adaptation of its members to the context and time.

A vivência materna no contato pele a pele para alívio da dor em prematuros submetidos ao teste do pezinho em unidade neonatal / The experience of mothers in skin-to-skin contact to alleviate pain in preterm infants undergoing the heel prick test in a neonatal unit

Aline Carolina de Araujo Santos 21 December 2015 (has links)
A dor no recém-nascido é um fenômeno complexo, constituído por diferentes estímulos e tipos de dor, que pode envolver várias combinações de receptores e mecanismos do sistema nervoso em desenvolvimento. No Brasil, é direito de cidadania da criança e do adolescente não sentir dor, quando existirem meios de evitá-la. Esse direito também está previsto na Declaração Universal dos Diretos do Prematuro, segundo a qual a dor do prematuro deverá ser sempre considerada, prevenida e tratada por meio dos processos disponibilizados pela ciência atual. Entre as medidas não farmacológicas para o manejo da dor aguda decorrente de procedimentos de apoio ao diagnóstico e terapêuticos, tem-se particular interesse no contato materno pele a pele, por sua comprovada efetividade no alívio da dor em prematuros. Pesquisadores do Grupo de Pesquisa em Enfermagem no Cuidado à Criança e ao Adolescente da EERP-USP, preocupados com a problemática da dor em recém-nascidos a termo e pré-termo e crianças, desenvolveram pesquisas que comprovaram a eficácia deste contato também para o alívio da dor durante a coleta do teste do pezinho. O intuito do grupo, assim como o de outros pesquisadores, é reduzir a lacuna entre o conhecimento produzido e a prática clínica para a avaliação e o manejo da dor em crianças, incentivando a participação materna e da família. A atual motivação reside em investigar a perspectiva materna no processo de alívio da dor aguda do recém-nascido pré-termo mediada pelo contato pele a pele. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo é analisar os significados atribuídos pela mãe em sua vivência de contato pele a pele com seu filho prematuro para o alívio da dor decorrente da coleta do teste do pezinho em unidade neonatal. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, na abordagem qualitativa, tendo como quadro teórico o cuidado humanizado, integral e centrado na família. Realizou-se a investigação na unidade de cuidado intermediário neonatal do hospital universitário de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevista semiestruturada com 15 mães de prematuros. Da análise de conteúdo dos discursos emergiram seis eixos temáticos: Pele a pele mãe e filho gera prazer; Pele a pele tranquiliza e acalma o bebê; Contato materno pele a pele alivia a dor do prematuro; Contato pele a pele insere a mãe no cuidado do filho mesmo durante procedimento doloroso - resgata o papel materno; Desejo de realizar o contato pele a pele durante outros procedimentos com o filho prematuro; e Indicando e incentivando o pele a pele para outras mães. Constata-se que as mães possuem sentimentos positivos reconhecendo que o contato pele a pele com o filho promove alívio da dor, com consequente redução de manifestações comportamentais durante o teste do pezinho. Os significados atribuídos a esta vivência materna corroboram estudos que mostram a redução da reatividade biocomportamental do prematuro em posição canguru, cuja prática deve ser amplamente utilizada para o alívio da dor decorrente de procedimentos dolorosos / Pain among newborns is a complex phenomenon composed of different stimuli and types of pain, which may involve various combinations of receptors and mechanisms of the developing nervous system. In Brazil, children and adolescents are entitled not to suffer pain whenever it is avoidable. In addition, there is the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Preterm Infants, in which it is stated that the pain of a premature infant should also taken into account, prevented and treated using processes enabled by current science. Among the non-pharmacological measures used to handle acute pain accruing from procedures that support diagnosis and therapeutic action, there is special interest in skin-to-skin contact with the mother, the effectiveness of which has been proven to alleviate pain among preterm infants. Researchers from the Research Group in Nursing Care Provided to Children and Adolescents at EERP-USP, concerned with pain among at term and preterm infants and children conducted research that proved the efficacy of skin-to-skin contact in the alleviation of pain during the heel prick screening test, among others. They work to reduce the gap between knowledge and clinical practice in regard to assessment and handling pain among children, encouraging the participation of both mother and family. Currently, the motivation is to investigate the maternal perspective of the process of alleviating acute pain in preterm newborns, mediated by skin-to-skin contact. This study\'s objective was to analyze the meanings assigned by mothers to their experience of skin-to-skin contact with their preterm children to alleviate the pain accruing from the heel prick test in a neonatal ward. The theoretical framework of this descriptive study with qualitative approach is integral, humanized and family- centered care. The study was conducted in the neonatal intermediate care unit at the University hospital at Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Data were collected through semi- structured interviews conducted with 15 mothers of preterm infants after free and informed consent forms were signed. Content analysis was used to analyze data, from which six thematic axes emerged: Mother and child skin-to-skin contact generates pleasure; Skin-to-skin reassures and calms down the baby; Maternal skin- to-skin contact alleviates pain in preterm infants; Skin-to-skin contact included the mother in the care provided to the child even during a painful procedure - redeems the maternal role; Desire to have skin-to-skin contact during other procedures with the preterm child; and Encouraging other mothers to practice skin-to-skin contact. The mothers reported positive feelings, acknowledging that skin-to-skin contact with their children promotes pain relief and that behavioral manifestations decreased during the heel prick test. The meanings assigned to this maternal experience corroborate studies that show reporting reduced biobehavioral reactiveness among preterm infants in the kangaroo position, a practice that should be widely used to alleviate pain accruing from painful procedures

Inovação social e as influências bottom-up na atenção humanizada relacionada ao Método Canguru no Hospital das Clínicas – UFPE

COSTA, Íris Calado de Almeida 08 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-18T14:34:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO (2016-JULHO-08)- Íris Calado de Almeida Costa.pdf: 2518431 bytes, checksum: 6384110bbb2517416f1c4abe33c1505b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-18T14:34:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO (2016-JULHO-08)- Íris Calado de Almeida Costa.pdf: 2518431 bytes, checksum: 6384110bbb2517416f1c4abe33c1505b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-08 / A Inovação Social (IS) vem da necessidade em apoiar a sociedade na superação de desafios e oportunidades em diversos âmbitos, gerando valor social e trazendo bem estar para ela. No âmbito da saúde, além dos avanços tecnológicos e racionais que acompanham as inovações específicas desse setor, considera-se necessário um atendimento com integralidade ao ser humano, com valores subjetivos, pautados em ética, respeito e solidariedade na atenção humanizada. Nesse sentido, a Atenção Humanizada ao Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso – Método Canguru (MC) foi proposta no Brasil pelo Ministério da Saúde, como política de governo em 1999 no Brasil para qualificar as interações sociais no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), através da mudança de valores e participação dos pais. Por meio do vínculo afetivo construído e da capacitação dos pais e familiares, todos se tornam emponderados para auxiliar nos cuidados do recém-nascido enfermo, que se beneficia desse vínculo para sua melhor recuperação. Considera-se que a Inovação Social pode emergir Top-down em que os agentes induzem a inovação externamente de “cima para baixo”, por exemplo: política de governo, empresa ou indústria; ou Bottom-up quando emergem de “baixo para cima” pela sociedade civil, indivíduos ou grupos. Assim, as influências Bottom-up podem garantir o sucesso da inovação e a sua replicação em um estágio mais avançado, dependendo do meio local onde está inserido. André e Abreu (2006) nomeiam essas questões locais por Meio Inovador que depende da Diversidade, Tolerância e Participação para se tornar mais ou menos capaz de inovar. O método canguru é alicerçado dentro da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTINeo), que é o foco desse estudo. Portanto, é necessário compreender, em um contexto histórico, as características locais do modo como esse método vêm sendo adotado na UTINeo e as influências Bottom-up do meio onde ocorre IS, considerando seus desafios e potencialidades. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, qualitativo, seccional com perspectiva longitudinal nas áreas de administração e saúde. Foi escolhido como local de estudo a UTINeo do Hospital das Clínicas, pertencente a UFPE. Como resultados, infere-se que o Método Canguru é um exemplo de inovação social focado em um processo; compreende-se que existiram e ainda existem muitos desafios a serem superados conforme elencado em todas as fases históricas, ao passo que, também existem muitas potencialidades locais. Como fatores desafiantes citam-se: a rigidez da gestão pública, a falta de preparo e de prioridade dos gestores os quais a maioria não eram especialistas em gestão hospitalar, as deficiências da rede de serviços de saúde pública e a desmotivação dos processos participativos da equipe. Como fatores potenciais, o estímulo a gestão participativa do MC, esteve associado à criatividade, sensibilidade e interação da equipe de saúde, assim como a boa aceitação de novidades externas embasadas cientificamente, a não acomodação da equipe que tende a possuir postura de risco. / The Social Innovation comes from the need to support the society in overcoming challenges and opportunities in several scopes, creating social value and bringing well-being to her. In the health area, in addition to technological advances and rational accompanying specific innovations in this sector, it is considered necessary with a call to integral human being with subjective values, guided by ethics, respect and solidarity in human attention. In this sense, Attention Humanized the Newborn Low Birth Weight - Kangaroo Mother Care was proposed by a government policy in 1999 in Brazil to qualify the social interactions in the Unified Health System, through changing values and parental participation. Through the built bonding and training of parents and relatives, all become empowered to assist the sick newborn care, which benefits from this link to your best recovery. It is considered that the Social Innovation can emerge Top-down in which agents induce innovation outside of "top-down", for example: government policy, business or industry; Bottom-up or when emerging from "the bottom up" by civil society, individuals or groups. So, the bottom-up influences can ensure the success of innovation and its replication in a more advanced stage and cyclical, depending on the local environment in which it operates. André and Abreu (2006) appoint these local issues by Environment Innovator that depends on the diversity, tolerance and participation to become more or less able to innovate. Kangaroo care is rooted in the l Intensive Care Unit which is the focus of this study. Therefore, it is necessary to understand, in a historical context, the local characteristics of how this method have been adopted in the neonatal ICU and bottom-up influences the environment where IS is considering its challenges and potential. This is a case study, qualitative, sectional with longitudinal perspective in the areas of administration and health. It was chosen as the study site to neonatal intensive care Clinical Hospital, owned by Federal University of Pernambuco. As a result, it is inferred that the Kangaroo method is social innovation in such a process; it is understood that there have been and there are still many challenges to be overcome as part listed in all historical phases, whereas there are also many local potential. How challenging factors are cited: the "rigidity” of public administration, the lack of preparation and priority of managers which most were not hospital management experts, the shortcomings of the public health service network and demotivation of participatory processes team. As potential factors cited were the participatory management stimulation of Kangaroo Care, creativity, sensitivity and interaction of the health team, as well as good acceptance of new external science-based, not the staff accommodation which tends to have risk posture.

Recém-nascidos prematuros assistidos pelo método canguru: seguimento de uma coorte do nascimento aos seis meses / Preterm newborns at Kangaroo Mother Care: following a cohort from birth to 6 months

Menezes, Maria Alexsandra da Silva 19 April 2013 (has links)
Premature birth is a frequent occurrence even in developed countries. Technological advances have increased survival rates even for very premature. Prematurity is a risk factor for much morbidity, including developmental delay, deficits in somatic growth and difficulty of affectionate bonds with family. The Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) has emerged as an alternative treatment of low birth weight infants, being part of the national policy of humanization in health, aiming higher attachment, breastfeeding promotion, improved development and security, including how to handle the baby and family relationships. This research aimed to evaluate the evolution of premature assisted by KMC from birth to six months of age, including weight gain, frequency of breastfeeding, duration of hospitalization and development at six months. This is an observational and prospective cohort study of preterm babies at KMC, born between July 2011 and January 2012 in a terciary public maternity with birth weight less than 1750 g and in clinical conditions required for application of the method. The sample consisted of 137 newborns, with a mean birth weight of 1.365±283 g, mean gestational age of 32±3 weeks and 26,2% adequate for gestacional age. They were admitted to the Kangaroo Ward at 19±18 days, weighing 1.430±167g on average, and at this time 57.7% were underweight. They were discharged after 36.8±21.8 days, weighing 1.780±165g and 67.9% were underweight. Those who had apnea in the neonatal intensive care unit, who used vasoactive agents or third-line antibiotics and diagnosed with bronchopulmonary dysplasia had a greater length of stay in hospital (p <0.001). At 6 months (n = 76) had an average weight of 5.954±971g and 68.4% were with weight percentiles between 3 and 97. Denver Developmental Screening Test II was considered suspect at 17.1% of them. The variables strongly associated with this outcome were: peri-intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and weight below the 3rd percentile at six months of age. Exclusive breastfeeding rate at discharge was 56.2% and at 6 months was 14.4%. Conclusions: In this sample, children assisted by KMC had adequated weight recovery in the first six months of life, as well as low frequency of developmental delay. At six months, the exclusive breastfeeding rate was low. / O nascimento prematuro é uma ocorrência frequente, mesmo em países desenvolvidos. Os avanços tecnológicos têm proporcionado taxas de sobrevivência cada vez maiores, mesmo para os muito prematuros. A prematuridade é um fator de risco para várias morbidades, dentre elas atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, déficit no crescimento somático e dificuldade de vinculação afetiva com a família. O Método Canguru (MC) surgiu como alternativa de assistência ao recém-nascido de baixo peso como parte da política nacional de humanização na saúde, objetivando maior apego, incentivo ao aleitamento materno, melhor desenvolvimento e segurança, inclusive quanto ao manuseio do bebê e ao relacionamento familiar. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a evolução dos prematuros assistidos pelo MC, do nascimento aos seis meses de idade, incluindo evolução ponderal, frequência de aleitamento materno, tempo de hospitalização e desenvolvimento. Trata-se de um estudo observacional e descritivo de uma coorte de bebês prematuros assistidos pelo MC, nascidos entre julho de 2011 e janeiro de 2012 em uma maternidade pública de nível terciário, com peso ao nascer igual ou menor que 1750 g e em condições clínicas necessárias para aplicação do método. A amostra foi constituída por 137 recém-nascidos, com média de peso ao nascer de 1,365±283 g, idade gestacional média de 32±3 semanas, sendo 26,2% com peso ao nascer adequado à idade gestacional. Foram admitidos na Enfermaria Canguru com 19±18 dias de vida, pesando 1.430±167g em média, sendo que, nesse momento 57,7% da amostra tinham baixo peso para a idade cronológica (BP). Tiveram alta hospitalar com 36,8±21,8 dias, pesando 1.780±165g e 67,9% tinham BP. Aqueles que tiveram apneia na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal, que usaram drogas vasoativas ou antibióticos de terceira linha e os com diagnóstico de displasia broncopulmonar tiveram maior tempo de hospitalização (p< 0,001). Aos seis meses (n=76), tinham peso médio de 5.954±971g, sendo que 68,4% estavam com o peso entre os percentis 3 e 97. Tiveram resultado do Teste de Triagem de Desenvolvimento de Denver II considerado como suspeito 17,1% deles. As variáveis que estiveram fortemente associadas a este resultado foram: hemorragia peri-intraventricular, displasia broncopulmonar e peso abaixo do percentil 3 aos seis meses de idade. A frequência de aleitamento materno exclusivo na alta foi 56,2% e aos 6 meses foi 14,4%. Conclusões: Na amostra estudada as crianças assistidas pelo Método Canguru tiveram recuperação ponderal adequada nos primeiros seis meses de vida, bem como baixa frequência de alteração no desenvolvimento. A frequência de aleitamento exclusivo aos seis meses foi baixa.

The Effects of Kangaroo Care on the Neurodevelopment of Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Sarg, Tiffany 01 January 2016 (has links)
Preterm birth disrupts the development of the brain and other critical organs of the infant body. Since the brain is one of the last organs to finish developing during pregnancy, the risk for substantial neurological deficits increases as the gestational age decreases. One way to combat these deficits is to reconnect the preterm infant with the mother via skin-to-skin contact, also known as kangaroo care (KC). This intimate touch helps to replicate aspects of the environment that the preterm infant experienced in utero. The purpose of this literature review was to analyze the current literature to better understand the effects that KC may have on facilitating neurodevelopment of preterm infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). Emphasis was placed on neurophysiologic functioning, autonomic functioning, and neurobehavioral functioning. A database search of CINAHL Plus with Full Text, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition was conducted, and a total of six articles were reviewed based on their relevance and application towards this thesis. KC is a low-cost, relatively easy intervention to initiate that can have positive impacts on many aspects of preterm infant growth and maturation. There is limited research regarding the use of KC as an intervention to support neurodevelopment, especially with regards to long-term effects. Existing research supports the use of KC as an intervention to facilitate neurodevelopment in preterm infants in the NICU.

High achiever! Always a high achiever? : A comparison of student achievements on mathematical tests with different aims and goals

Mellroth, Elisabet January 2014 (has links)
This study explored changes in relative achievement over time. It also investigated differences in how two groups of students activate mathematical competencies. The aim of the study was to investigate students’ relative achievement in mathematics over time, and how mathematical competencies can be used to explore differences between groups of students on a non-curriculum based test in mathematics. The study was divided in two parts. Study 1 compared students’ (n=568) relative achievement in two national tests in mathematics (years 3 and 6). Study 1 explored changes in relative achievement between the two national tests as well as differences in relative achievement between the national test in year 6 and the mathematical kangaroo in year 7 (age 13). The study identified, from a sample (n=264) of study 1, two groups of students with high achievements in only one of the tests, the national test in year 6 or the mathematical kangaroo. Study 2 explored how differences between those students relative achievement on the mathematical kangaroo could be explained through activation of mathematical competencies. The results in study 1 show that students undergo large changes, both increases and decreases, in relative achievement between the national tests in years 3 and 6. Study 2 shows how the two identified groups activate the mathematical competencies differently on the mathematical kangaroo. 9% of the students achieve highly in the mathematical kangaroo although they do not in the national test. The study implicates the importance of using non-curriculum bounded tests to identify strength in mathematical competencies among students that not are able to show them through the national test.

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