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A critical enquiry into the socio-philosophical trends of Aurobindo's integral philosophy and Marx's philosophical communism.Nayagar, Pragashen. January 1988 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1988.
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Étude thermodynamique de la formation d'hydrates en absence d'eau liquide : mesures et modélisation / Thermodynamic studies of gas hydrate formation in the absence of liquid water : measurements and modellingYoussef, Ziad 12 October 2009 (has links)
Dans les applications industrielles et lors des opérations de transport du gaz naturel, la présence d'eau sous forme liquide ou en phase vapeur peut entraîner la formation d'hydrates provoquant le colmatage des unités industrielles et des lignes de conduites et il est indispensable de définir précisément les seuils de déshydratation à réaliser, afin d'éviter la formation d'hydrates. Cela est réalisé à l'aide d'un modèle thermodynamique qui prédit la stabilité des hydrates, en fonction de la température, de la pression et de la composition du gaz.Les modèles thermodynamiques classiques, développés uniquement sur la base de données expérimentales de formation d'hydrates en présence d'eau liquide, surestiment fortement la température de dissociation des hydrates en l'absence d'une phase aqueuse.Dans le but de définir un modèle thermodynamique capable de représenter convenablement les équilibres de phases vapeur-hydrate et prédire ainsi la température de dissociation des hydrates que l'on soit en présence ou en l'absence d'eau liquide, nous avons mis au point une méthodologie originale pour la détermination de la température de dissociation des hydrates de corps purs et de mélanges en l'absence d'eau liquide. Cette méthodologie, basée sur le suivi de la teneur en eau de phase vapeur, en fonction de la température par coulométrie Karl Fischer, a permis la détermination de la température de dissociation de plusieurs hydrates simples et mixtes à des teneurs en eau et pressions différentes ainsi que les quantités d'hydrates formées dans ces conditions.Sur la base de ces nouvelles données, nous avons défini un modèle thermodynamique basé sur l'utilisation de l'approche de Dharmawardhana pour le calcul de la fugacité de l'eau dans l'hydrate vide,le potentiel de Kihara pour le calcul de la constante de Langmuir et l'équation d'état CPA (Cubic Plus Association) pour la modélisation des phases fluides. Nous avons montré que l'utilisation de l'équation d'état CPA, capable de prendre en compte l'auto association de l'eau apporte une amélioration très significative.Le développement d'un flash biphasique hydrate-fluide nous a permis de calculer les quantités d'hydrates mixtes formées et de les comparer à nos données expérimentales. / In industrial applications and during natural gas transport, the presence of water under liquid form or within a vapour phase can lead to gas hydrate formation causing the blockage of industrial units and transport lines. Hence, in order to avoid such situation, it is very important to well determine its formation conditions. It is occurred by using a rigorous thermodynamic model. Due to the lack of data in the literature concerning gas hydrates formation in the absence of an aqueous phase,usual thermodynamic models predict correctly gas hydrate dissociation temperature only in the presence of aqueous water. Our purpose is to propose a thermodynamic model with hydrate phase that can predict gas hydrate dissociation temperature in both cases: with and without water liquid phase.At first, using an existing apparatus, we have developed a new experimental protocol in order tomeasure gas hydrate dissociation temperature in the absence of liquid water. It consists in measuring the water content in the vapour phase as a function of the temperature by using a Karl Fischer coulometer. We have measured the dissociation temperature of many simple and mixture hydrates.We have also developed a thermodynamic model that is able to predict correctly gas hydrate dissociation temperature, in the absence and in the presence of liquid water. This model is based onthe use of Dharmawardhana's approach for the calculation of hydrate fugacity in the empty hypothetical hydrate, Kihara potential for the calculation of the Langmuir constant and CPA EoS forfluid phases modelling. We have shown that the use of CPA EoS improves the prediction of gas hydrate dissociation temperature. We have also developed a biphasic flash (hydrate-fluid) allowing the calculation of the formed mixture hydrate amounts. The calculated amounts are in agreement with the experimental ones.
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La physionomie acoustique de la parole : le cas des démonstratifs latins et leurs issues en Italien / The motivation and the acoustic physiognomy of the speech : the case of the Latin demonstratives and their exits in ItalianPardo, Vincenzo 18 December 2014 (has links)
Pourquoi le locuteur italien a-t-il assimilé la structure phonique calidus comme caldo ? Quels mécanismes sont intervenus dans le processus d’apprentissage de cette phonie d’une langue à l’autre ? Notre réflexion nous a conduit sur le terrain de la nature du langage et des lois qui en règlent le psychisme de formation. Nous montrons que les mots sont des totalités phoniques composés de parties articulées générées par des voix significatives κατὰ συνθήκην (katá synthêkên), « par composition » et non pas « par convention ». Si on considère le langage comme un instrument de représentation indirecte guidant le locuteur, par les signes, jusqu’à la connaissance directe (la représentation) d’un savoir immédiat, dans un rapport direct au monde, et si on accepte le fait que nous percevons de façon gestaltique le signifiant linguistique dans un acte de parole, et non pas sa représentation phénoménique, c’est-à-dire que l’acte de parole est une structure bien organisée dont la perception procède du tout vers les parties, alors le processus de la composition devient l’instrument par lequel les mots se transforment en structures à arbitraire limité. Nous fondons notre travail sur les mécanismes guillaumiens que la pensée réalise afin de saisir elle-même et dont la langue offre une fidèle reproduction : le mouvement de généralisation et de particularisation, ou, au sens de Bühler, le mot considéré comme un visage phonique, avec sa physionomie acoustique. Devant l’impossibilité d’identifier les limitations de l’arbitraire dans un paradigme purement formel, il devient nécessaire de considérer le signe linguistique dans la réalité psychophysique des locuteurs. / Why the Italian speaker did assimilate the phonic structure calidus like caldo? Which mechanisms intervened in the process of training of this phone from one language to another? Our reflection led us on the ground of the nature of the language and the laws which regulate the psychism of formation of it. We show that the words are phonic totalities composed of articulated parts generated by significant voices κατὰ συνθήκην (katá synthêkên), “by composition” and not “by convention”. If it's considered the language as an instrument of indirect representation guiding the speaker, by the signs, until the direct knowledge (the representation) of an immediate knowledge, in a direct report in the world, and if the fact is accepted that we perceive in a gestaltic way meaning it linguistic in a his phenomenic representation and act of speech, not, i.e. the act of speech is a well organized structure whose perception proceeds of the whole towards the parts, then the process of the composition becomes the instrument by which the words change of structures with arbitrary limited. We base our work on the mechanisms guillaumiens that the thought realizes in order to seize itself and whose language offers a faithful reproduction: the movement of generalization and particularization, or, within the meaning of Bühler, the word considered as a phonic face, with its acoustic aspect. In front of impossibility of identifying the limitations of arbitrary in a purely formal paradigm, it becomes necessary to consider the linguistic sign in the psychophysical reality of the speakers.
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Distanciamento e crítica: limites e possibilidades da teoria de sistemas de Niklas Luhmann / Detachment and criticism: limits and possibilities of Niklas Luhmann\'s systems theoryBachur, João Paulo 03 April 2009 (has links)
A teoria da sociedade de Niklas Luhmann, construída como teoria de sistemas sociais, encontra freqüentes críticas voltadas contra seu pretendido distanciamento moral e político no diagnóstico da sociedade contemporânea. Pesa sobre a teoria de sistemas sociais a generalização de um juízo prematuro conforme o qual ela se reduziria a uma sociologia conservadora de tendência tecnocrata, uma herdeira radicalizada do positivismo. Contudo, e contrariamente a essa percepção geral, a teoria de sistemas sociais parece ter um potencial crítico ainda inexplorado em toda a sua extensão, e que pode ser ativado por uma leitura que permita expandir o alcance da teoria. Essa expansão pode ser promovida quando a teoria de sistemas sociais é mobilizada para fundamentar uma teoria da comunicação de matriz materialista (capítulo 1), capaz de permitir que sua categoria fundamental a autopoiese seja compreendida em estreita relação com a apresentação do capital por Karl Marx (capítulo 2) e confrontada com uma teoria do capitalismo (capítulo e 3). Na seqüência, a teoria de sistemas sociais é empregada para dar conta das múltiplas dimensões da desigualdade social (capítulo 4) e da dinâmica dos conflitos e das contradições da sociedade atual (capítulo 5). Esta tese propõe um primeiro passo na direção de uma recepção crítica da obra teórica de Niklas Luhmann. Trata-se de testar os limites e as possibilidades da teoria de sistemas sociais. / Niklas Luhmanns theory of society, built as theory of social systems, is usually met with criticisms pointed against its intended moral and political distance in diagnosing contemporary society. Weights upon the social systems theory the generalization of a premature judgement according to which, this theory would be reduced to a conservative sociology with technocratic tendencies, a radicalised heir to positivism. However, and against this usual perception, the theory of social systems seems to have a critical potential not yet developed in its full extension and which may be activated by an interpretation capable of expanding its range. This extension can be carried out when we handle social systems theory in order to ground a materialistic theory of communication (chapter 1), enabling a close connection between its main conceptual category autopoiesis and Karl Marxs presentation of the capital (chapter 2), as well as a confrontation with a theory of capitalism (chapter 3). Afterwards, social systems theory is used to explaining the manifoldness of social inequality (chapter 4) and the dynamics of contemporary conflicts and societal contradictions (chapter 5). This thesis proposes a first step in the direction of a critical reception of Niklas Luhmanns theoretical work. It is a matter of testing limits and possibilities of social systems theory
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Dialética às pressas: interação entre jornalismo e pesquisa na obra de Marx e Engels / Dialectic hastily: interaction between journalism and research in the work of Marx and EngelsNakamura, Danilo Chaves 28 August 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação realiza uma análise dos artigos jornalísticos de Karl Marx e Frie-drich Engels publicados no jornal norte-americano New York Daily Tribune, entre 1851 e 1862. Durante esse período, Marx trabalhou como correspondente europeu e era o responsável pelos assuntos militares e financeiros do jornal. Engels, como uma espécie de ghost writer, ajudou Marx na tarefa de despachar semanalmente os artigos para Nova Iorque. Dentre os diversos assuntos abordados por Marx nesses artigos, selecionamos a crise de econômica de 1857-1858 e a Guerra Civil Americana de 1861-1865 como focos de nosso trabalho A escolha desses dois temas nos permite demonstrar a interação entre os estudos de economia desenvolvidos por Marx para elaboração de sua crítica da eco-nomia política e os estudos dos acontecimentos históricos particulares. Essa interação é fundamental para pensarmos o que Marx chamou em O Capital de método de pesqui-sa e método de apresentação. Ela é fundamental também para entendermos a especi-ficidade da apresentação ou da narrativa histórica desenvolvida por Marx nos artigos jornalísticos. Dos artigos sobre a crise destacamos como, a partir da análise detalhada do sistema financeiro, em especial do banco francês Crédit Mobilier, Marx aponta para a centralidade do sistema de crédito na expansão da economia capitalista e no estouro das crises. A partir dos artigos sobre a guerra civil americana, descrevemos como Marx procurou entender a guerra como um conflito entre dois sistemas sociais a escravi-dão e o trabalho assalariado tendo em vista a necessidade expansiva do escravismo. / This dissertation makes an analysis of journalistic articles of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published in the American newspaper New York Daily Tribune between 1851 and 1862. During this period, Marx worked as European correspondent and was respon-sible for the newspapers military and financial matters. Engels, as a sort of ghostwriter, helped Marx in the task weekly dispatch the articles to New York. Among the many matters discussed by Marx in these articles, we selected the economic crisis of 1857-1858 and the American Civil War of 1861-1865 as the central focus of our analysis. The choice of these two topics allows us to demonstrate the interaction between the econom-ic studies developed by Marx to elaborate his critique of political economy and studies of particular historical events. This interaction is crucial to think what Marx called in The Capital research method and presentation method. It is also fundamental to understand the specificity of the presentation or the historical narrative developed by Marx in newspaper articles. Articles about the crisis highlight how, from the detailed analysis of the financial system, especially the French Crédit Mobilier, Marx points to the centrality of the credit system in the expansion of the capitalist economy and the bursting of the crisis. From the articles on the American Civil War, we described as Marx tried to understand the war as a conflict between two social systems the slav-ery and the free-labor having in mind the expansive necessity of slavery.
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Fetichismo da mercadoria e inconsciente: contribuições marxianas e psicanalíticas para uma teoria da ideologia / Commodity fetishism and unconscious: Marxian and Psychoanalytic contributions to a theory of ideologyDezan, Lúcia Cristina 16 May 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo construir um diálogo teórico entre a alienação do fetichismo da mercadoria, em Marx, e algumas categorias da psicanálise. A noção marxista clássica de ideologia, concebida como o desconhecimento e a distorção da consciência necessariamente produzidos pelas condições efetivas da realidade social, é criticada pelo filósofo esloveno Slavoj iek, ao trazer para o campo da ideologia a noção psicanalítica de fantasia. Entretanto, realizamos uma primeira problematização dessa elaboração do filósofo por dirigir a sua crítica a essa noção de ideologia, remetendo-a ao fetichismo da mercadoria. Mostramos que esse conceito de ideologia a que a sua crítica se dirige se adéqua justamente à noção de ideologia desenvolvida por Marx e Engels nA ideologia alemã, e não ao fetichismo da mercadoria, visto que o fetichismo comporta uma noção mais complexa que não se resume a um mero desconhecimento da realidade e a uma distorção socialmente necessária da consciência. Retornamos a O capital de Marx para mostrar as imbricações da fantasia no fetichismo da mercadoria e para mostrar que a sujeição que atinge os sujeitos sob a alienação fetichista é da ordem do inconsciente. No contexto da relação entre fetichismo da mercadoria e inconsciente, problematizamos também aquilo que denominamos uma generalização a que iek incorre, ao defender a tese de que a alienação fetichista teria se deslocado genericamente do saber para o fazer humano. Dessa forma, concluímos que a formulação marxiana, Não o sabem, mas o fazem, continua atual e exercendo o seu poder ideológico, dependendo das condições sócio-simbólicas em que os sujeitos se inserem e são inseridos. Para compreender o sentido da noção de fantasia no campo da ideologia, empreendemos uma breve apresentação da noção freudiana da fantasia até uma compreensão lacaniana, em sua dimensão de gozo e de objeto a, elaborada por iek. O filósofo realiza uma distinção entre sintoma e fantasia para dizer que a ideologia não se estrutura na forma do primeiro, mas sim da segunda, em que a fantasia ideológica, em sua dimensão real, estrutura a realidade social. Na direção da pista deixada por iek, seguimos rumo às operações lacanianas de alienação e separação para pensar possibilidades do sujeito fazer frente à ideologia. Apresentamos, então, um estudo dessas operações em Lacan, e elaboramos, por nossa própria conta e risco, uma articulação delas com o fetichismo da mercadoria, tentando mostrar as determinações mútuas entre fetichismo e inconsciente. Da mesma forma que a fantasia ideológica e a operação da alienação operam um fechamento imaginário da abertura possibilitada pela separação, essa operação permite uma abertura desejante entre sujeito e Outro, lugar de onde se poderia partir para uma crítica possível à ideologia / This paper aims to build a theoretical dialogue amongst the alienation of commodity fetishism in Marx, and some categories of psychoanalysis. The classical Marxist notion of ideology, conceived as the ignorance and the distortion of consciousness necessarily produced by the actual conditions of social reality, is criticized by the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj iek, in bringing to the field of ideology the psychoanalytic notion of fantasy. However, we perform an initial questioning of his elaboration, for he addresses his critique to this notion of ideology, reporting it to the commodity fetishism. We show that this concept of ideology that his criticism is addressed precisely fits in the notion of ideology developed by Marx and Engels, in The German Ideology, and not in the commodity fetishism, since the fetishism involves a more complex notion that is not summed to a mere ignorance of reality and to a socially necessary distortion of conscious. We return to Marxs Capital to show the imbrications of fantasy in commodity fetishism and to show that the subjection, which reaches the subjects under the fetishist alienation is of the order of the unconscious. In the context of the relationship between commodity fetishism and unconscious, we also problematize what we call a generalization that iek incurs in defending the thesis that fetishist alienation would have generically shifted from the human knowing to the human making. Thus, we conclude that the Marxian formulation, We are not aware of this, nevertheless we do it, is still present and exerting its ideological power, depending on the socio-symbolic conditions in which the subjects insert themselves and are inserted. To understand the meaning of the notion of fantasy in the field of ideology, we undertake a brief presentation of the Freudian notion of fantasy to a Lacanian understanding, in its dimension of enjoyment and the object little-a, elaborated by iek. The philosopher makes a distinction between symptom and fantasy to say that ideology is structured not in the form of the former, but of the latter, in which the ideological fantasy, in its real dimension, structures the social reality. Towards the clue left by iek, we turn to the Lacanian operations of alienation and separation to think of possibilities to the subject to cope with ideology. Then we present a study of these operations in Lacan, and prepare at our own risk, an articulation of these psychic operations with commodity fetishism, trying to show the mutual determinations between fetishism and unconscious. Just as the ideological fantasy and the operation of alienation carry out an imaginary closure of the opening made possible by the separation, this operation allows a desiring gap between subject and Other, a place from which one could depart for a possible critique of ideology
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The limits of capitalists reform in South AfricaUniversity of the Western Cape January 1900 (has links)
Until a few years ago, it was widely held that, ‘apartheid cannot be reformed, it can only be destroyed’. Today, all participants in the negotiation process are agreed that one fundamental characteristic of the social order must be preserved: the new South Africa is to be a capitalist society; the productive wealth of the country will be the private property of a small number of capitalists, and the vast majority will try to sell their labour for a wage to capitalists who will buy it only when that labour can contribute to their profits. There is still disagreement about how small or large the number of capitalists will be; about the colour of their skins; about who they will appoint to manage their mines, banks, factories and farms for them; about the rules that will govern disputes over wages; and above all about the use that the state will make of the taxes paid from their profits. There is also disagreement about the extent to which capitalism can afford to meet popular needs. But all of these disagreements take place within the framework of a common belief that the future is capitalist. The aim of this seminar series, held by the Marxist Theory Seminar at the University of the Western Cape in April/May 1993, was to pose the question: What are the limits of social reform in a capitalist South Africa? Can the fundamental needs and aspirations of the vast majority of South Africans be met within a capitalist framework? Very often these questions are brushed aside with the argument that, given the present balance of local and international forces, there is no alternative to capitalism in SA today. Even if this argument is correct, it still remains necessary to ask what can be achieved within the framework of the capitalist society to which there is no alternative. If that question is not posed in the most rigorous way, all kinds of illusions will be created about what the future holds in store for us. The question of the limits of capitalist reform in SA is posed as it concerns five different areas; democracy, education, economic growth and employment, land and the oppression of women. What will democracy mean in a new SA which depends on foreign investment and capitalist profitability? Can the education crisis be resolved while meeting the needs of capitalist growth? Will economic growth take place in a capitalist SA, and will this lead to the creation of jobs and a higher standard of living for the majority? Can land be restored to the dispossessed, the virtual slavery of millions of farm workers ended, and land used in a way that produces food for all? What are the prospects of ending the oppression of women in a capitalist South Africa? MTS does not believe that there are simple answers to these questions. Certainly, these questions cannot be answered by a general condemnation of the inequality and inhumanity of capitalism. In each case, it is necessary to give clear answers to such questions as: Has capitalism served historically to support the struggle for democracy or to oppose it? How has it affected education in SA? What are the present interests of the capitalists in solving the land question, or giving women control of their lives? To what extent can capitalism be forced to make concessions - to provide jobs, for example - by the struggles of the oppressed? In the past, capitalism has shown itself to be much more flexible than its critics have supposed. That does not mean that capitalism can do anything it likes, nor that the working class can force it to meet whatever demands it has. One of the indispensable insights of Marxism is that processes of social change are not determined by the intentions or integrity of political leaders, but rather by the fundamental relationships of society and the ability of the major classes to pursue their interests created by these relationships. We hope that the publication of this seminar series contributes to making this insight available to a wider audience. / Marxist theory seminar
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An Inquiry On Bourgeois Conception Of Social Housing Program For Working-class: Karl Marx Hof In ViennaSudas, Ilknur 01 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the architectural production of Red Vienna in 1920s to examine the bourgeois conception of social housing program in a governmental socialist understanding of housing. Having a structural transformation through the First World War, Vienna became the enclave of Socialist Democrat Party and thereafter underwent radical housing and cultural transformative programs. Within these programs, it was intended to give the working-class the accurate social position by means of provided accessibility to their own private and public spheres.
Among a wide range of housing examples built during the governance of the party, Karl Marx Hof, one of the largest projects, has been chosen to examine the reflections of bourgeois conception of culture. Based on the contradictory discourse and practices in political, architectural and cultural realms, the aim of the research is to redefine the privacy of the dwellings and the public qualities of the common spaces and thereafter to situate the proletarian housing in relation to bourgeois spatial values within the history of domestic space in Vienna.
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Vorsehung und Verheissung Gottes vier theologische Modelle (Calvin, Schleiermacher, Barth, Sölle) und ein systematischer Versuch /Saxer, Ernst. January 1900 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift--Bern, 1977. / Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-162).
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Att hålla folket på gott humör : Informationsspridning, krigspropaganda och mobilisering i Sverige 1655-1680 / Keeping the People in a Good Mood : Dissemination of Information, War Propaganda and Mobilisation in Sweden, 1655–1680Forssberg, Anna Maria January 2005 (has links)
Starting around 1500 a period of state formation changed the European map. The scattered medieval principalities were replaced with more centralised and better organised states with permanent armies. Sweden was quite successful in competing with these states and experienced a period of expansion. The means for warfare were drawn, to a large extent, from the peasantry, which meant that a great number of Swedes were sent to the front line and were never to return. This thesis investigates the dissemination of information, war propaganda and mobilisation in Sweden, 1655–1680. This period is interesting since it includes both offensive wars (under the reign of Karl X Gustav), a period of peace (under the regency) and defensive warfare(under Karl XI). A basic assumption has been that information is an important power resource. In the study both the dissemination and the content of the propaganda are examined. The most important sources have been the minutes and correspondence of the kings, the regency and the council of the realm, along with the sources from the diet and the provincial meetings. In particular, the prayer days and thanksgiving days, in both manuscript and printed sources, have been studied. To investigate the actual dissemination of information, the sources in the regional archives of the counties of Uppsala and Kopparberg and the archives of several episcopates have been examined. There existed developed media for the dissemination of information, namely, “the system of information”. Information was disseminated from the pulpits, at the diet and provincial meetings, by county governors and bailiffs, and by printed texts. In this thesis it is shown that the rulers were anxious to explain and justify the wars to the people and that they deliberately used the dissemination of information as a power tool. To keep the people in a good mood was vital for the war effort. War propaganda was spread both in times of war and peace, and its main messages remained the same during Sweden’s Age of Greatness. The main message of the long-term propaganda was that the wars were a divine punishment: it was because of the sinful people that wars broke out. According to the propaganda, the world was populated with evil enemies that were striving to destroy Sweden. The best protection against the enemies (next to God) was a good regent. It was also stated that, in the event of war, it was the duty of the subjects to contribute. The direct propaganda was conducted in four different phases. The first phase was about explaining the outbreak of war, the second phase was about mobilisation, the third phase was about disseminating information in order to uphold the morals and the fourth and last phase was about explaining the peace. The messages of the long-term propaganda had their equivalents in the direct propaganda. These arguments, however, were not always sufficient. The state representatives also highlighted the great perils threatening the country and used a patriotic rhetoric. The war propaganda depoliticised the wars, and made it possible to mobilise great resources from the population in times of war. The frequently used picture of threatening wars contributed to the legitimacy not only of a permanent army and offensive warfare, but also of the power of the king and the social order at large.
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