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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charlotte Rinkefeil-Kirchner: (1902-1996), Philologin, Pädagogin, Historikerin, Chronistin und Autorin

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 03 February 2021 (has links)
Charlotte Rinkefeil-Kirchner, (* 29.7.1902 Radeberg - † 27.10.1996 Radeberg). Philologin, Pädagogin, Historikerin, Chronistin und Autorin Zusätzlich zu ihrer Arbeit als Pädagogin und Philologin hat sie unersetzlich Wertvolles für die Stadt Radeberg geschaffen, das für die Geschichte unserer Stadt von großer Bedeutung ist: „Die Chronik des Gesundheitswesens der Stadt Radeberg“. In unserer Radeberger Stadtbibliothek sind diese fünf umfangreichen Bände zu finden, in denen sie einen Einblick in die früheste Geschichte der Krankenversorgung Radebergs bis zum Jahre 1945 gewährt, ebenso in die Entwicklung des Apothekenwesens, der Badereien, die Übersicht der Ärztegenerationen mit interessanten Kurzbiografien und Fotomaterial und das Bäderwesen im Rödertal – eine Gesamtchronik nicht nur von großem Fleiß, sondern auch unschätzbarem Wert.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938): Early Female Nudes in Landscapes

Rogge, Kathryn 17 November 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines how Ernst Ludwig Kirchner reconceived the female nude within the two contexts of Expressionism and the German nudist movement. In particular, it looks to Kirchner’s early paintings, executed between 1909 and 1914, of female nudes in landscape settings to determine how Kirchner operated within and departed from the conventions of the female nude. This thesis challenges the feminist critique of Expressionist painting and Kirchner’s female nudes. It also examines how Kirchner’s female nudes in landscapes are complicated by the early twentieth-century development of German nudism. While these paintings are often categorized as bathers following nineteenth-century French precedent, they in fact are unique products of die Brücke philosophy.

Lonely Cello: A Performer's Analysis of Leon Kirchner's "For Cello Solo"

Ludwig, Aaron B 05 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine Leon Kirchner’s "For Cello Solo" for the preparation of a performance. The score, manuscripts, and recordings were analyzed to better inform the author’s interpretation of the work. Backgrounds for both the piece and the composer are included to illuminate the origins of the work. Additional information was accumulated through interviews with Carter Brey and Maria Kitsopoulos, performers of the work who collaborated with the composer. This essay aims to aid a performer’s preparation and interpretation of the composition by describing the piece’s historical and biographical context, analyzing its compositional design, and addressing specific sound and musicality issues related to the work.

The Reaction to Economic Globalization in Latin America: A Case Study of Argentina

Warner, Lisa A. 11 July 2006 (has links)
Since Washington Consensus policies became predominant in the 1980s, two sides of the economic globalization debate have developed: advocates claim that trade liberalization, deregulation, privatization and reduced state spending increase growth and therefore reduce poverty, while critics claim that levels of poverty and income disparity have worsened at the same time that social welfare and education programs have suffered budget cuts. Over the past decade, as many Latin Americans have failed to see promised results to alleviate poverty stemming from the "lost decade" of the 1980s (and beyond), they have elected "leftist" presidents that campaigned on anti-economic globalization (or anti-neoliberal) platforms in Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay and most recently, Bolivia. In order to examine whether policies pursued by these leftward-leaning presidents present a potential development alternative to the policies of economic globalization, my methodology is a case study of Argentina. The study is longitudinal; it first examines the Washington Consensus policies as Argentine President Carlos Menem applied them in the 1990s. It then investigates the policies of the current president, Néstor Kirchner, in an effort to determine if his policies constitute an alternative model of development for Argentina after the economic crash of December 2001/January 2002. The study finds that, while President Kirchner has taken a firm stance with the IMF and creditors, his polices do not represent a clear break with economic globalization. Kirchner has instituted new policies to ameliorate poverty and the effects of globalization, but he has renegotiated and paid external debt (rather than directing that money to domestic programs) and continues to work with companies privatized by Menem. President Kirchner more aptly presents a model that walks a fine line between economic globalization and national development.

Explorando el liderazgo femenino en América Latina: Lo que podemos aprender de Michelle Bachelet, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner y Dilma Rousseff

Raigoza, Claudia 01 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the leadership styles of three female presidents in Latin America: Michelle Bachelet (Chile), Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (Argentina) y Dilma Rousseff (Brazil). These three women were chosen because each has been the first generally elected female president in their respective countries. Each woman’s profile is divided into two parts: 1) an expository evaluation of the life and career of each woman, and 2) a case study of her specific leadership style based on a particular event or challenge faced during her presidency. It is important to understand the political trajectories of these women because they demonstrate how certain cultural, structural, and institutional barriers have broken over time, allowing more women to ascend to the highest political offices. On the other hand, each case serves to enrich our holistic understanding of some of the current female presidents and in what ways they have been successful leaders. In general, Bachelet has been a transformational leader, Fernández de Kirchner has been a charismatic leader, and Rousseff has been an authentic relational leader. Through these case studies, we see that there is no one “feminine” leadership style, a conclusion which coincides with the existing literature.

Impacts of Former Military Dictatorships on the Female Presidents of Brazil and Argentina

Hall, Theodore 01 January 2016 (has links)
In this paper I compare two female presidents in Latin America, Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner and Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff. Both have had major policy actions they have taken during their time in office that have meet with resistance from the elite members of society who were either happy under the military dictatorships that recently ruled that nations, or are unhappy that their Presidents are trying to change the way thing are. I look at two examples in particular, the first is Media Law 25.552 in Argentina which sought to break up the media conglomerates that held a monopoly on the media, the second, the scandal involving the state-run oil company of Brazil, and subsequent protests and how the elites are using those protests to call for President Rousseff’s resignation, due to their dislike of her social programs to help the poor. For both presidents, they face many difficulties in getting their legislation through and this paper examines the difficulties that exist due to the former military regimes in each nation.

Fenomén peronismu v Argentině - politické, ekonomické a sociální aspekty / Phenomenon of Peronism in Argentina - politic, economic and social aspects

Trsková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with socio-economic aspects of Peronism in Argentina. It focuses on the changes and development of Peronism since the first government of Juan Doming Perón till now. The main purpose of this thesis is to map, describe and compare individual periods of Peronism and to define why is Peronism in Argentina still so popular among multitudes. The thesis is divided into eight parts. First chapter is seeking for the right definition of Peronism from different points of view. The next four chapters refer to the three governments of Perón. Sixth and seventh chapter deals with the first and second presidency of Carlos Menem and economic and political situation of the Argentine state. Eight chapter is dedicated to the last peronist governemt of the presidential couple of Kirchner.

Apresentação do discurso das ex-presidentas Dilma e Cristina: Uma análise descritiva em corpus jornalístico paralelo bidirecional português e espanhol / El discurso referido de las ex presidentas Dilma y Cristina: Una análisis descriptiva en corpus periodístico paralelo y bidireccional portugués y español

Freitas, Thamara Luciana Borges. 31 January 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa de mestrado foi desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Linguísticos (PPGEL) do Instituto de Letras e Linguísticas (ILEEL) da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), vinculada à linha de pesquisa: Teoria, descrição e análise linguística, sob a orientação do professor doutor Ariel Novodvorski. Está embasada nas teorias dos Estudos descritivos (PERINI, 2008; 2010), da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2004; 2014), da Apresentação do discurso (LEECH; SHORT, 1981; 2007; SEMINO; SHORT, 2004) e dos Estudos da tradução (HURTADO ALBIR, 2008). Propõe-se a analisar: 1) a apresentação da fala, da escrita e do pensamento da expresidenta do Brasil, Dilma Rousseff, no jornal Folha de São Paulo; 2) a apresentação da fala, da escrita e do pensamento da ex-presidenta da Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, no jornal Clarín; e 3) contrastar os resultados a partir de um corpus jornalístico paralelo e bidirecional de conteúdo político, contendo textos compreendidos entre os anos 2013 e 2015. Para isso, utilizamos, também, a Linguística de Corpus (LC) (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004; 2009; PARODI, 2010), como abordagem metodológica para coleta, armazenamento e preparação do corpus de estudo a ser processado por meio das ferramentas do programa computacional WordSmith Tools versão 6,0 (SCOTT, 2012). / Esta investigación de maestría fue desarrollada en el programa de posgrado en estudios lingüísticos (PPGEL) del Instituto de Letras y Lingüísticas (ILEEL) de la Universidad Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), vinculada a la línea de pesquisa: Teoría, descripción y análisis lingüística, orientada por el profesor doctor Ariel Novodvorski. Está embazada en las teorías de los Estudios descriptivos (PERINI, 2008; 2010), de la Lingüística Sistémico-Funcional (HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2004; 2014), del Discurso Referido (LEECH; SHORT, 1981; 2007; SEMINO; SHORT, 2004) y de los Estudios en traducción (HURTADO ALBIR, 2008). Se propone analizar: 1) la presentación del habla, de la escrita y del pensamiento de la expresidenta de Brasil Dilma Rousseff en el periódico Folha de São Paulo; 2) la presentación del habla, de la escrita y del pensamiento de la expresidenta de Argentina Cristina Kirchner en el periódico Clarín; y 3) contrastar los resultados a partir de un corpus periodístico paralelo y bidireccional de contenido político, compuesto por textos originales y traducidos entre los años 2013 y 2015. En ese sentido, nuestro corpus de estudio es paralelo y bidireccional, permitiendo análisis contrastivos entre originales y sus respectivas traducciones e, incluso, entre los textos originales y entre los traducidos, en cada una de las lenguas. Para eso, utilizaremos, también, la Linguística de Corpus (LC) (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004; 2009; PARODI, 2010) como abordaje metodológico, para el compilado, almacenado y preparación del corpus de estudio a ser procesado por medio de las herramientas del programa computacional WordSmith Tools versión 6.0 (SCOTT, 2012). / Dissertação (Mestrado)

La Senora Presidenta : Feminist policy-making by female Latin-American presidents?

Rudling, Adriana January 2009 (has links)
<p>The following thesis is dedicated to the investigation of the comparative gender discourse of two of the current South American female Presidents: Michelle Bachelet, the first woman elected President in Chile for a four year term, in 2006 and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the first woman elected President in Argentina also for a four year term, but in 2007. Using secondary sources and critical discourse analysis, the study attempts to characterize their agenda on gender both before and after their election campaigns. Recognizing that a candidate must balance between many actors, as one of the principles of social constructivism runs, the essay presents a short history of the feminist movement in both countries and the current state that the movement finds itself in, either institutionalized or absorbed and fragmented by party politics. The conclusions that the study arrives to are that, of the two subjects, the one who has presented a more concrete and convincing stand on gender thanks to her political views, the space created for feminism by her coalition and the climate of her country, is Michelle Bachelet.</p>

La pratique discursive post-péroniste, au fondement d'une nouvelle identité partisane ou nationale. Les cas de Carlos Menem (1989-1995) et de Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007) / Post-peronist discursive practice at the foundations of the new partisan or national identity. The cases of Carlos Menem (1989-1995) and Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007)

Donot, Morgan 28 November 2014 (has links)
Le péronisme reste la première force politique de l’Argentine. Ce mouvement politique, qui se caractérise par l’absence d’une idéologie propre et une faible institutionnalisation, ne peut se comprendre, s’analyser qu’au regard des trajectoires des leaders qui l’ont incarné au cours du temps, chacun le transformant et le personnalisant de telle sorte que chaque courant qui a représenté le Parti justicialiste est aujourd’hui caractérisé par le nom de son leader du moment ; ainsi en est-il du péronisme, du ménémisme, du duhaldisme, du kirchnérisme et dorénavant du cristinisme. L’objectif de ce travail est de dresser un portrait des deux post-péronistes qui se sont succédé depuis la transition à la démocratie en 1983, à travers une comparaison de l’usage de la parole politique par ses principales figures représentatives que sont Carlos Menem (1989-1995) et Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007). Les thématiques clés des discours de ces deux hommes politiques, ainsi que leurs formes spécifiques de mise en discours, doivent être étudiées conjointement, afin de pouvoir comprendre le processus de légitimation énonciative qui leur a permis de se positionner en tant que leader, dans une certaine conjoncture, de la scène politique argentine. Ainsi, l’objet de cette recherche correspond à une analyse des discours de Carlos Menem et de Néstor Kirchner en tant que discours antagonistes en lutte pour la définition d’un même objet, d’une même réalité : la nation argentine. Quelles sont les valeurs de l’argentinité que ces deux figures politiques ont cherché à incarner ? Quels sont les modèles et les projets de société qu’ils ont proposés et tenté de construire discursivement afin de consolider leur légitimité et de fonder une identité, proprement ménémiste ou kirchnériste ? Quelles sont les valeurs qu’ils ont prônées et qu’ils ont réussi à instituer comme garantes et représentatives d’un nouvel ordre politique ? En se basant sur des antagonismes fondateurs, ces deux présidents ont donné naissance à de nouveaux imaginaires qui sont aujourd’hui liés et investis du sens qui leur a été attribué lors de leur émergence dans l’espace discursif post-péroniste et dont les multiples significations ne peuvent être abordées en dehors d’une analyse approfondie de la parole politique de ces deux leaders. Le discours de Carlos Menem et le discours de Néstor Kirchner se présentent donc comme des espaces énonciatifs concurrents, en lutte pour le sens de la réalité et de l’histoire argentines. / The Peronism remains the first political force in Argentina. Characterised by a lack of a proper ideology and a weak institutionalisation, this political movement can only be understood and analysed in the light of the political trajectory of its leaders. Each of its leaders transformed and personalised it in such a way that each mainstream within the Justicialist Party is today characterised by the name of the then-leader: Peronism, Menemism, Duhaldism, Kirchnerisms and henceforth Cristinism. The goal of this work is to produce a clear picture of the two post-peronists, who succeeded since the democratic transition in 1983, by comparing the use of political speech of its main leading figures: Carlos Menem (1989-1995) and Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007). The main themes as well as the specific structure of the speeches of both politicians need to be examined jointly in order to understand the enunciative legitimation process that allowed them to position themselves as leaders on the political scene in Argentina. Therefore, the objective of this research corresponds to a discourse analysis of the speeches of Carlos Menem and Néstor Kirchner as antagonistic ones struggling for a definition of the same object, the same reality: the Argentinian nation. What were the values of the Argentinian nation those two politicians were seeking to incarnate? What are the models and projects of society they proposed and tried to construct through their speeches in order to consolidate their legitimacy and create a menemist or kirchnerist identity? What are the values they praised and they succeeded in establishing as pillars and representatives of a new political order? Starting from the founding antagonisms, those two presidents gave rise to new collective imaginations which are nowadays linked and filled with the sense they were given during their emergence in the post-peronist discursive space. Their multiple meanings can only be addressed in a sound analysis of the political speech of these two leaders. The discourse of Carlos Menem and the one of Néstor Kirchner thus come across as competing enunciative spaces struggling for the sense of reality and of the Argentinian history.

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