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Loss of lrrk2 impairs dopamine catabolism, cell proliferation, and neuronal regeneration in the zebrafish brainSuzzi, Stefano 15 September 2017 (has links)
Mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene are a major cause of Parkinson’s disease (PD), which is why modelling PD by replicating effects in animal models attracts great interest. However, the exact mechanisms of pathogenesis are still unclear. While a gain-of-function hypothesis generally receives consensus, there is evidence supporting an alternative loss-of-function explanation. Yet, neither overexpression of the human wild-type LRRK2 protein or its pathogenic variants, nor Lrrk2 knockout recapitulates key aspects of human PD in rodent models. Furthermore, there is conflicting evidence from morpholino knockdown studies in zebrafish regarding the extent of zygotic developmental abnormalities.
Because reliable null mutants may be useful to infer gene function, and because the zebrafish is a more tractable laboratory vertebrate system than rodents to study disease mechanisms in vivo, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein-9 nuclease (Cas9) genomic editing was used to delete the ~60-kbp-long zebrafish lrrk2 locus containing the entire open reading frame. Constitutive removal of both the maternal and the zygotic lrrk2 function (mzLrrk2 individuals) causes a pleomorphic phenotype in the larval brain at 5 days post-fertilisation (dpf), including increased cell death, delayed myelination, and reduced and morphologically abnormal microglia/leukocytes. However, the phenotype is transient, spontaneously attenuating or resolving by 10 dpf, and the mutants are viable and fertile as adults. These observations are mirrored by whole-larva transcriptome data, revealing a more than eighteen-fold drop in the number of differentially expressed genes in mzLrrk2 larvae from 5 to 10 dpf.
Additionally, analysis of spontaneous swimming activity shows hypokinesia as a predictor of Lrrk2 protein deficiency in larvae, but not in adult fish.
Because the catecholaminergic (CA) neurons are the main clinically relevant target of PD in humans, the CA system of larvae and adult fish was analysed on both cellular and metabolic level. Despite an initial developmental delay at 5 dpf, the CA system is structurally intact at 10 dpf and later on in adult fish aged 6 and 11 months. However, monoamine oxidase (Mao)-dependent degradation of biogenic amines, including dopamine, is increased in older fish, possibly suggesting impaired synaptic transmission or a leading cause of cell damage in the long term.
Furthermore, decreased mitosis rate in the larval brain was found, in the anterior portion only at 5 dpf, strongly and throughout the whole organ at 10 dpf. Conceivably, lrrk2 may have a more general role in the control of cell proliferation during early development and a more specialised one in the adult stage, possibly conditional, for example upon brain damage. Because the zebrafish can regenerate lost neurons, it represents a unique opportunity to elucidate the endogenous processes that may counteract neurodegeneration in a predisposing genetic background. To this aim, the regenerative potential of the adult telencephalon upon stab injury was tested in mzLrrk2 fish. Indeed, neuronal proliferation was reduced, suggesting that a complete understanding of Lrrk2 biology may not be fully appreciated without recreating challenging scenarios.
To summarise, the present results demonstrate that loss of lrrk2 has an early effect on zebrafish brain development that is later often compensated. Nonetheless, perturbed aminergic catabolism, and specifically increased Mao-dependent aminergic degradation, is reported for the first time in a LRRK2 knockout model. Furthermore, a link between Lrrk2 and the control of basal cell proliferation in the brain, which may become critical under challenging circumstances such as brain injury, is proposed. Future directions should aim at exploring which brain cell types are specifically affected by the mzLrrk2 hypoproliferative phenotype and the resulting consequences on a circuitry level, particularly in very old fish (i.e., over 2 years of age).
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Funkční charakterizace nových komponent savčího mitochondriálního proteomu. / Functional characterisation of new components of mitochondrial proteome.Kovalčíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract It has been estimated that the mammalian mitochondrial proteome consists of ~1500 distinct proteins and approximately one quarter of them is still not fully characterized. One of these proteins is TMEM70, protein involved in the biogenesis of the eukaryotic F1Fo-ATP synthase. TMEM70 mutations cause isolated deficiency of ATP synthase often resulting in a fatal neonatal mitochondrial encephalocardiomyopathies in patients. To understand the molecular mechanism of TMEM70 action, we generated constitutive Tmem70 knockout mice, which led to embryonic lethal phenotype with disturbed ATP synthase biogenesis. Subsequently generated inducible Tmem70 mouse knockout was lethal by the week 8 post induction. It exhibited primarily impaired liver function, which contrasts with the predominantly cardiologic phenotype at disease onset in humans. Liver mitochondria revealed formation of labile ATP synthase subcomplexes lacking subunit c. Thus, in case of TMEM70 deficiency c-oligomer was not incorporated into ATP synthase, which led to critical impairment of mitochondrial energy provision, analogous to TMEM70 dysfunction in humans. In TMEM70 deficient models, the ATP synthase deficiency reached the 'threshold' for its pathologic presentation, which we quantified at 30 %. We observed compensatory increases in the...
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Der Einfluss des Tau-Proteins auf die Morphologie von Nervenzellen: Der Einfluss des Tau-Proteins auf die Morphologie von NervenzellenBarbu, Corina 01 November 2012 (has links)
Tau ist ein Mikrotubuli-assoziiertes Protein, das die Polymerisation von Tubulin fördert und die Mikrotubuli stabilisiert. Folglich wird angenommen, dass Tau essentiell für die neuronale Morphogenese ist, vor allem für die Axonenausbildung und -aufrechterhaltung. Mittels tangentieller Nissl-gefärbter Schnitte von Mäusegehirnen konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass Tau-knockout Mäuse die regelhafte thalamokortikale Barthaar-projektion („Barrel“ Konfiguration) entwickeln. Der Einfluss von Tau auf die Entstehung von Dendriten wurde anhand von Golgi-gefärbten Präparaten untersucht. Die Sholl-Analyse der gefärbten CA1-Pyramidenzellen zeigte, dass die Komplexität apikaler Dendriten durch das Fehlen von Tau reduziert wurde, während die Basaldendriten unbeeinflusst blieben. Das Tau-Protein scheint demzufolge unwesentlich für die Entstehung von axonalen Verbindungen im embryonalen Gehirn zu sein, ist aber beteiligt an der Steuerung des dendritischen Verzweigungsmusters. Ferner wurde beobachtet, dass sowohl die adulte Neurogenese, als auch die Mikrotubuli-Stabilität in den Apikal- und Basaldendriten und die Synapsen von dem Fehlen des Tau-Proteins unbeeinflusst blieben. In primären Zellkulturen aus dem Kleinhirn von Tau-knockout und Tau-wildtyp Mäusen konnten zwischen den zwei Genotypen keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Länge oder im Verzweigungsmuster der Dendriten und der Axone von Körnerzellen beobachtet werden. Die Untersuchung der Effekte einzelner Tau-Isoformen auf die Morphologie von N2A-Zellen zeigte, dass es Unterschiede sowohl zwischen Tau-defizienten und Tau-positiven Zellen, als auch zwischen Zellen mit den verschiedenen Tau-Isoformen gibt. Das Tau-Protein übt demnach in vivo einen wichtigen Einfluss auf die Morphologie der Nervenzellen und besonders der Dendriten aus, welcher in vitro weiter analysiert wurde.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis
1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Das Mikrotubuli-assoziierte Protein Tau 1
1.2 Bedeutung des Tau-Proteins beim Menschen: Tauopathien 3
1.3 Bedeutung des Tau-Proteins beim Menschen: Mikrodeletion des MAPT-Lokus 4
1.4 Ergebnisse aus bisherigen Studien mit Tau-knockout Tieren 6
1.5 Aufgabenstellung 7
2 Material und Methoden 9
2.1 Material 9
2.1.1 Versuchstiere 9
2.1.2 Chemikalien 9
2.1.3 Häufig verwendete Lösungen 10
2.1.4 Geräte 10
2.2 Histologie 11
2.2.1 Fixierung 11
2.2.2 Golgi-Einzelschnittimprägnierung 11
2.2.3 Gefrierschnitte 11
2.2.4 Nissl-Färbung 12
2.2.5 Immunhistochemische Markierungen 13
2.3 Morphometrie 15
2.3.1 Sholl-Analyse 15
2.3.2 Volumenbestimmung 16
2.3.3 Zellzahl (Neurogenese) 17
2.3.4 Synapsenzahl 17
2.4 Proteinbiochemie 19
2.4.1 Proben 19
2.4.2 SDS-Polyacrylamid-Gelelektrophorese 19
2.4.3 Western Blot 20
2.4.4 Immundetektion am Western Blot 21
2.5 Transfektion von Nervenzellen in primärer Zellkultur 25
2.5.1 Primäre Zellkultur 25
2.5.2 Transfektion von primären Zellkulturen 25
2.5.3 Morphometrische Analyse von Körnerzellen des Kleinhirns 26
2.6 Klonierung von Tau-Protein-Isoformen 27
2.6.1 Klonierungsstrategie zur Herstellung eines pIRES-DsRed-Tau Vektors 27
2.6.2 Agarose-Gelelektrophorese 30
2.6.3 Gelextraktion der verschiedenen Tau-Isoform-Sequenzen 30
2.6.4 Herstellung chemisch kompetenter E.coli Zellen 31
2.6.5 Chemische Transformation kompetenter E. coli Zellen 32
2.6.6 Animpfen 32
2.6.7 Plasmid-DNA Purifikation aus 15ml Medium („Miniprep”) 32
2.6.8 Schneiden mit Restriktionsendonukleasen 33
2.6.9 Plasmidpräparation aus 100 ml Medium („Midiprep“) 33
2.6.10 Transfektion von N2A-Zellen mit pIRESRed-Tau 34
2.6.11 Rekonstruktion der transfizierten N2A-Zellen 35
2.7 Statistische Auswertung 36
3 Ergebnisse 37
3.1 Thalamokorticale Projektionen 37
3.2 Komplexität der Dendriten von CA1-Pyramidenzellen 37
3.3 Adulte Neurogenese im Hippocampus 41
3.4 Volumen des Hippocampus 43
3.5 Glia 45
3.6 Synapsen 46
3.7 Stabilität der Mikrotubuli 48
3.8 Mikrotubuli-assoziierte Proteine 50
3.9 Entwicklung in vitro 52
3.9.1 Primärkulturen 52
3.9.2 N2A-Zellkultur 54
4 Diskussion 58
4.1 Diskussion der Methoden 58
4.1.1 Herstellung von Tau-knockout Mäusen 58
4.1.2 Golgi-Einzelschnittimprägnierung und die dreidimensionale Zellrekonstruktion 59
4.1.3 Neurogenese 60
4.1.4 Volumenbestimmung von Hippocampus und Gyrus dentatus 61
4.1.5 Synaptische Marker 61
4.1.6 Western Blot 62
4.1.7 Transfektion von primären Zellkulturen 62
4.1.8 Transfektion von N2A-Zellen mit humanen Tau-Isoformen 63
4.2 Vergleich mit bekannten Daten aus der Forschungsliteratur 64
4.2.1 Axonogenese 64
4.2.2 Dendritogenese 64
4.2.3 Mikrotubuli-assoziierte Proteine und Mikrotubuli-Stabilität 67
4.2.4 Neurogenese 67
4.2.5 Synaptogenese 68
4.2.6 Rolle der einzelnen Isoformen 68
4.3 Bedeutung für die Medizin 71
4.4 Fazit 72
5 Zusammenfassung 73
6 Literaturverzeichnis 76
Posterpräsentationen 88
Danksagung 89
Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 90
Lebenslauf 91
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Cellular and molecular analysis of fracture healing in a neurofibromatosis type 1 conditional knockout mice modelEl-Khassawna, Thaqif 27 July 2013 (has links)
NF1 ist eine autosomal dominante Erbkrankheit, die durch inaktivierende Mutationen im Neurofibromin-Gen verursacht wird. NF1 manifestiert sich durch eine erhöhte Tumor-Inzidenz des neuralen Gewebes in der Haut (Neurofibroma). Neben diesen häufigeren klinischen Manifestationen haben rund 50% der NF1-Patienten Skelett-Anomalien. Häufiger sind Röhrenknochen betroffen, die klinischen Symptome reichen von Tibia-Krümmung über Spontanfrakturen bis hin zu Nonunions. Diese Studie analysiert den Heilungsverlauf von Femurfrakturen in Nf1Prx1- Mäusen. Der Frakturkallus von Mäusen wurde an den Tagen 7, 10, 14 und 21 durch µCT, Histologie und molekulare Analysen evaluiert. µCT und histologische Analysen haben eine beeinträchtigte Knochenheilung in Nf1Prx1-Mäusen gezeigt. Eine erhöhte periostale Knochenbildung in den frühen Stadien der Heilung war zu beobachten, sowie eine reduzierte, aber anhaltende Knorpelbildung und Bindegewebs-Akkumulation innerhalb der Fraktur. Wir konnten zeigen, dass der normalen Heilungsprozess durch dieses Bindegewebe behindert wird, welches durch alpha smooth muscle actin-positive Myofibroblasten gebildet wird, die ihrerseits aus einer bisher noch nicht identifizierten Muskelfaszie abgeleitet sind. Dieser Zusammenhang wird durch eine Microarray-Analyse der Kallus-Gewebe bestätigt, die ergab, dass durch den Knock-Out Gene reguliert wurden, die in Physiologie, Proliferation und Differenzierung von Muskelzellen involviert sind. Darüber hinaus waren extrazelluläre-Matrix-Gene in den Mutanten hoch regeuliert. Zusammenfassend konnten wir zeigen, dass eine Ähnlichkeit des Heilungsverlauf zwischen dem Nf1Prx1-Mausmodell und NF1-Patienten besteht. Folglich kann an diesem Mausmodell untersucht werden, durch welche Mechanismen die Mutationen im NF1 zu Knochenheilungsstörungen führen. Außerdem konnte in einer Pilotstudie der Effekt des Neurofibromin-Mangels auf die Knochenheilung durch Behandlung mit MEK-Inhibitoren in vitro und in vivo weitestgehend behoben werden / Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant genetic disease resulting from inactivating mutations in the gene encoding the protein neurofibromin. NF1 patients – around 50% – have abnormalities of the skeleton. Long bones are often affected, and the clinical signs range from tibial bowing to spontaneous fractures and even non-unions. Moreover, NF1 mice models could provide the understanding of the cell types involved in the resulting non-union and their behavior. This study analyzed the healing progress of femur fractures in a model of NF1 long bone dysplasia. Fracture callus was assessed at days 7, 10, 14, and 21 by µCT, histology, biomechanics, and molecular analyses. Bone healing was impaired in Nf1Prx1 mice femoral fracture. Results revealed increased periosteal bone deposition at the early stages of healing, decreased but persistent cartilage formation concomitant with fibrous tissue accumulation within the fracture site, decreased torsional stiffness, decreased bone mineral density, and increased fibrous tissue infiltration in the callus of mutant mice. This fibrous tissue accumulation hindered bone fracture healing, and was deposited by alpha smooth muscle actin-positive myofibroblasts, which were derived from a yet unidentified muscle fascia. This is further supported by the microarray analysis of callus tissues showing that genes crucial to muscle cells physiology, proliferation and differentiation were affected. In addition, extracellular matrix related genes were up-regulated in the mutants. In summary, this study shows a resemblance in the healing progression to the Nf1Prx1 mice model and NF1 patients, thereby, confirming the suitability of this mice model to explore the mechanism by which mutations in NF1 lead to non-unions. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo pilot assessments of MEK inhibitor treatment demonstrated a potential remedy for the lack of neurofibromin in bone healing.
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New encapsulation concept for robot controller cabinet / Nytt inkapslingskoncept för robotstyrskåpGuo, Siyu January 2020 (has links)
Robot controller cabinets are specified with interfaces which make it possible to connect different modules for completing numerous tasks that are chosen for the robot manipulators. Different interfaces will be utilized depend on the kind of tasks and settings that are chosen. Thus not every interface will be put into use in a controller cabinet, some are left behind. In order to fulfill the encapsulation standards of electrical enclosures, the unoccupied interfaces are covered and sealed with on-screwed cover plates and gaskets during the assembly of the cabinet. However, a new method for encapsulation hope to be investigated and introduced to improve the current solution with respect to the encapsulation requirements from ABB. The introduced new solution is a knockout concept. The detailed design is investigated with the help of finite element analysis with the explicit dynamics method used for simulating the punching processes of the knockout designs. Where three different design variables are put into consideration for finding the most optimum knockout design. The results show that, for the particular steel plate provided by ABB, a V-grooved knockout design with a grooving angle of 90 degrees and an unaffected thickness of 0.1 mm has the best performance in terms of smoothness at edges and the amount of plastic strain occurred in the material. Traditional manufacturing methods to manufacture the obtained knockout design appear to be extremely time consuming and thus not profitable for mass production. However, a type of fairly recent developed grooving machines, the so called V-grooving machine, is believed to be able to solve the manufacturing problem. / Robot styrskåp är specificerad med mängder gränssnitt vilket gör det möjligt för anslutning av olika moduler till att kunna fullborda de uppgifterna valda för robot manipulatorerna. Olika gränssnitt utnyttjas beroende på den typ av arbetsuppgift och inställningar valda just för den. Därför kommer inte alla gränssnitt att kunna tas i bruk i ett styrskåp, vissa lämnas kvar. För att kunna uppfylla inkapslingsstandarden för elektriska kapslingar är dessa obesatta gränssnitt täckt och förseglat med påskruvad täckplåtar och packningar under montering av styrskåp. En ny inkapslingsmetod hoppas att kunna utredas och introduceras till att förbättra den nuvarande lösningen med avseende på de inkapslingskraven från ABB. Den introducerade lösningen är ett knockout koncept. En detaljerad konstruktion undersöks med hjälp av finita element analys med explicit dynamik som grunden till att simulera knockout processer. Där tre olika design parametrar tas i beaktande för att hitta den mest optimala knockout konstruktionen. Resultaten visar sig att, för den här särskilda stålplåten som tillhandahålls av ABB, en V-spårad knockout konstruktion med en spårvinkel på 90 grader och en tjocklek på 0.1 mm har den mest tillfredställande prestandan med avseende på jämnhet, d.v.s. reduceringen av vassa kanter, och mängder av plastiska töjningar som inträffas i materialet efter knockout processen. Traditionella tillverkningsmetoder till att tillverka en sådan knockout konstruktion visar sig vara väldigt tidsödande och anses därför inte vara lönsamt för massproduktion. Emellertid upptäcks det en typ av relativt nyutvecklad spårmaskin, så kallad V-grooving machine, som tros att kunna lösa tillverkningsproblemet.
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A proteomic analysis of the ventral and dorsal hippocampal brain areas of serotonin knockout ratsFairbairn, Lorren R. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Biomedical Sciences. Medical Physiology)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / For many centuries, scientists have engaged in a theoretical debate concerning the etiology
of mood disorders, with very few ancient scholars speculating about the importance of
genetic factors and affective temperaments as factors in the etiology of depression. Mood,
emotion and cognition have been shown to be modulated by the serotonergic midbrain
raphe system; implicated in the pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders like those of the
affective spectrum. Evidence from neuroscience, genetics, and clinical investigation
demonstrate that depression is a disorder of the brain. Brain imaging research is revealing
that in depression, neural circuits responsible for moods, thinking, sleep, appetite, and
behavior fail to function properly, and that the regulation of critical neurotransmitters is
impaired. Genetics research, including studies of twins, indicates that genes play a role in
depression. Vulnerability to depression appears to result from the influence of multiple genes
acting together with environmental factors. Other research has shown that stressful life
events, particularly in the form of loss such as the death of a close family member, may
trigger major depression in susceptible individuals. Depression and anxiety have often been
successfully treated by means of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. However, selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors do not solve all the problems inherent to the treatment of
depression, for approximately 30 % of depressed patients do not respond to treatment and
20 % experience relapses whilst on treatment. Of consideration is the fact that the majority
of drugs today are based on proteins, with 50 % of therapeutics on the market targeting cell
membrane proteins. Up to this day the precise pathophysiology of mood disorders remains
obscure, as does the neurobiology of normal mood regulation. Accordingly, there is a need
for methods to identify the structural and/or signaling components which lead to changes in
the brain, particularly the hippocampus, of subjects having mood disorders such as bipolar
depressive disorder, chronic major depressive disorder and the like. Similarly, there is a
need for the early detection, screening and diagnosis of individuals at risk for a mood
disorder. As the serotonin tranpsorter is the primary target for therapeutic intervention in the
treatment of numerous psychiatric disorders and considering the fact that at the structural
level this protein’s function as transporter in membranes remains incompletely understood,
investigating its function in psychiatric disorders are of importance . The objective of this
study was to determine the role of the serotonin transporter in wild type and serotonin
knockout rats, with regards to the hippocampus. Rat hippocampi were fractionated into
cytosolic and membrane components, which were run and further separated in two
dimensions. Firstly separation occurred by isoelectrical focusing (pI), follwed by gel
electrophoresis (molecular weight). Gels were compared to see whether protein spots have
changed between animals that have been differentially bred. Differentially expressed protein
spots, as determined by PD Quest software, were excised, digested and analyzed by means
of mass spectrometry. Our results indicated that metabolic, structural and cell signaling
proteins were differentially expressed in both the ventral and dorsal hippocampus of the
serotonin knockout rat. Futhermore, cellular stress proteins were found to be only
differentially expressed in the ventral hippocampus. The majority of proteins identified in
both hippocampal areas as well as both fractions, were assigned to energy metabolism. The
cytosolic protein profile mirrored the pattern of the membrane protein profile. In conclusion,
this proteomic study identified various protein groups that interacted with one another, thus
establishing compensation for disrupted serotonin homeostasis.
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Analyzing power and cross section distributions of the 12C (p,pα)8Be cluster knockout reaction at an incident energy of 100 MeVMabiala, Justin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The (p, pα) reaction on 12C was investigated experimentally using polarized incident protons
of 100 MeV. Coincident data, which were obtained at ten quasifree angle pairs for
proton angles ranging from 25◦ to 110◦, were analyzed in terms of the distorted-wave impulse
approximation (DWIA). Calculated energy-sharing cross section and analyzing power
distributions reproduce the data reasonably well. The observed agreement allows the extraction
of distorted momentum distributions from experimental data. These distributions
are very consistent over a wide range of angle pairs at which cross section energy-sharing
distributions vary considerably.
Since measurements of analyzing powers were made, spin-orbit distortions were included
in the DWIA calculations. The effects of spin-orbit distortions were found to be very
small near zero recoil momentum and did not destroy the validity of the factorization
approximation where the two-body p-α cross section enters as a multiplicative factor in
the three-body (p, pα) cross section expression. Spectroscopic factors derived from the
data are fairly consistent with the trend of the theoretical predictions.
Analyzing power data also follow the trend of free p-4He scattering data, and comparisons
with DWIA predictions are in reasonable agreement. The theory reproduces also very
well analyzing power angular distributions of the projectile-cluster two-body scattering at
large angular momentum of the residual nucleus. This indicates that a quasifree knockout
mechanism dominates the reaction.
The two-body interaction response between the projectile and the α cluster was found to
resemble the scattering of protons from a free α particle to a remarkable degree, the present
results strongly imply the existence of preformed α clusters in 12C. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die (p, pα) reaksie op 12C is eksperimenteel ondersoek deur middel van gepolariseerde
protone met n invalsenergie van 100 MeV. Ko¨ınsidensie data, wat verkry is by tien kwasievrye
hoekpare, met proton hoeke tussen 25◦ en 110◦, is geanaliseer in terme van die
vervormde-golf-impuls-benadering (DWIA). Die berekende energie-verdeelde kansvlak en
analiseervermo¨e verspreidings reproduseer die data redelik goed. Die waargenome ooreenstemming
maak dit moontlik om vervormde momentumverdelings uit die eksperimentele
data te verkry.
Aangesien analiseervermo¨e metings gedoen is, is spin-baan wisselwerking by die DWIA
berekenige ingesluit. Die bydra as gevolg van spin-baan wisselwerking blyk baie klein te
wees naby nul terugslag momentum en het nie die geldigheid van die faktoriseringsbenadering,
waartydens die twee-deeltjie, p-α kansvlak as ’n vermenigvuldigingsfaktor in die
uitdrukking vir die drie-deeltjie (p, pα) kansvlak verskyn, vernietig nie. Spektroskopiese
faktore wat uit die data herlei is, is redelik konsistent met die verloop van die teoretiese
Analiseervermo¨e data volg ook die verloop van die vrye p-4He verstrooiings-data en vergelyk
redelik goed met DWIA voorspellings. Die teorie reproduseer ook die hoekverdelings
in die analiseervermo¨e van die twee-deeltjie projektiel-bondel verstrooiing by groot hoekmomentum
waardes vir die oorblywende kern baie goed. Dit dui daarop dat ’n kwasie-vrye
uitslaanmeganisme die reaksie domineer.
Die twee-deeltjie wisselwerkingsgedrag tussen die projektiel en die α-bondel toon sterk
ooreenkomste met die verstrooiing van protone vanaf ’n vrye α-deeltjie. Die huidige resultate
lewer sterk bewyse vir die bestaan van voorafgevormde α-bondels in 12C.
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The protection of Rosuvastatin and Ramipril against the development of nitrate tolerance in the rat and mouse aorta./ La protection de la Rosuvastatine et du Ramipril vis-à-vis du développement de la tolérance à la nitroglycérine dans l'aorte de rats et de souris.Otto, Anne 27 June 2006 (has links)
Organic nitrates, such as nitroglycerine (NTG), are widely used for their potent vasodilator capacity in the management of coronary artery disease and heart failure. Unfortunately, their beneficial effect is rapidly lost due to the development of nitrate tolerance, which is translated by an impaired vasorelaxation to NTG and an increased oxidative stress production. Although the mechanisms of the development of nitrate tolerance are still not fully elucidated, much interest has been focused in treating nitrate-receiving patients together with other drugs in order to overcome the development of nitrate tolerance. The Nitric Oxide generating enzyme, eNOS, and the superoxide anion generating enzyme, NAD(P)H oxidase, have been suggested to play a role in the development of nitrate tolerance. The aim of this study was to analyse the underlying mechanism by which ramipril, an ACE inhibitor and rosuvastatin, a new molecule of the statin class, are able to protect against the development of nitrate tolerance in the aortas isolated from rats, wild-type (wt) and eNOS-/- mice.
These results show that ramipril as well as rosuvastatin are able to protect against the development of nitrate tolerance in the wt and eNOS-/- mice aortas suggesting that eNOS is not necessary for their protective effect. The aortas from nitrate tolerant rats and mice showed a significant increase in the NAD(P)H oxidase activation compared to the aortas from the control and from the co-treated ramipril+NTG or rosuvastatin+NTG animals. In line with these findings were the results obtained by RT-PCR analysis: the mRNA expression of the different subunits of the NAD(P)H oxidase, such as gp91phox, p22phox, were significantly decreased after rosuvastatin or ramipril treatment in wt and eNOS-/- mice aortas. Apocynin, the NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor was also able to inhibit the development of nitrate tolerance in the rat and mouse aortas.
In conclusion, these results suggest that rosuvastatin and ramipril are able to protect against the development of nitrate tolerance by counteracting the nitrate-induced oxidative stress. The mechanism of protection involves a direct interaction with the NAD(P)H oxidase pathway and seems to be completely independent of the eNOS pathway.
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Structural biology of Vibrio cholerae pathogenicity factorsSheikh, Md. Arif January 2009 (has links)
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that 30,000 children under the age of five die each day worldwide. Around a quarter of these die from diarrheal disease caused by microbial infection. In addition to this high mortality rate, there are data emerging on the morbidity effects of diarrheal disease, for example a few episodes of diarrhea in the first two years of life can remove 10 IQ points and lead to growth deficiency. Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the diarrheal disease cholera, is a serious problem in third world countries, where sanitary and hygiene infrastructure is very poor, and claims several thousand lives every year. In order to better understand the pathogenicity regulation in V. cholerae, structural and functional investigations of a hypothetical protein family present in pathogenicity islands and a transcriptional regulator protein for DNA-binding were investigated. Two adjacent genes, vc1804 and vc1805, encode hypothetical proteins within the Vibrio pathogenicity island-2 (VPI-2) of Vibrio cholerae, and are part of a cluster of genes only present in pathogenic strains of the bacterium. Paralogous adjacent genes, vc0508 and vc0509, are also present within a second pathogenicity island, the Vibrio seventh pandemic island-2 (VSP-2), of V. cholerae O1 El Tor and O139 serogroup isolates. Sequence similarity suggests that the VC0508, VC0509, VC1804 and VC1805 proteins will share a similar fold. The crystal structures of VC0508, VC0509 and VC1805 have been determined to a resolution of 1.9, 2.4 and 2.1 Å, respectively. Several recombinant constructs of vc1804 were made, but no soluble proteins were expressed. This hypothetical protein family reveals structural homology to human mitochondrial protein p32. Human p32 is a promiscuous protein known to bind to a variety of partners including the globular head component of C1q. We have shown that VC1805 binds to C1q. One possibility is that VC1805 is involved in adherence of the bacterium to membrane-bound C1q in the gut. To explore the roles of VC0508, VC0509, VC1804 and VC1805 in vivo, gene knockout and animal model studies of those proteins are underway. The ferric uptake regulator (Fur), a metal-dependent DNA-binding protein, acts as both a repressor and activator of numerous genes involved in maintaining iron homeostasis in bacteria. It has also been demonstrated in Vibrio cholerae that Fur plays an additional role in pathogenesis, and this opens up the potential of Fur as a drug target for cholera. The first crystal structure of a Fur protein, from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, revealed a dimeric molecule with each monomer containing a dimerization domain, a helical DNA-binding domain and two metal binding sites: Zn1 is proposed to be a regulatory Fe-binding site, and Zn2 is proposed to be a structural Zn-binding site. Here we present the crystal structure of V. cholerae Fur (VcFur) that reveals a very different orientation of the DNA-binding domains. Accompanying these structural changes are alterations in the amino acids coordinating the zinc at the Zn2 site, and this lends support to this being the site regulated by iron. There is no evidence of metal binding to the cysteines that are conserved in many Fur homologues, including the much-studied E. coli Fur. An analysis of the metal binding properties shows that like other Fur proteins, VcFur can be activated by a range of divalent metals. EPR spectroscopy measurements of the movements of the DNA-binding domain, in the presence of DNA and different metals, are underway.
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Analysis of the function of the IGF1R during the development and therapy of colorectal cancerOberthür, Rabea 18 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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