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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de equilíbrio geral estocástico e o mercado de trabalho brasileiro / Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model and the Brazilian labor market

Marcos da Costa Fantinatti 19 February 2016 (has links)
Os três artigos desta tese focam no mercado de trabalho. O primeiro artigo calculou a probabilidade com que um trabalhador deixa o emprego e a probabilidade com que um desempregado encontra trabalho no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi a desenvolvida por Shimer (2012). O objetivo foi determinar qual destes dois fatores seria o mais importante para explicar as flutuações da taxa de desemprego no Brasil. Os resultados mostraram que é a dinâmica da probabilidade com que um desempregado encontra emprego que explica o comportamento da taxa de desemprego. Este resultado é distinto daquele encontrado normalmente na literatura. No segundo artigo, log-linearizamos e estimados o modelo de Christiano, Eichenbaum e Trabandt (2013) para o Brasil. Este modelo difere dos modelos novos keynesianos tradicionais ao colocar uma estrutura de searching (busca) para o mercado de trabalho. A ideia foi comparar este modelo com o modelo de rigidez de preços e salários tradicional e analisar se esta estrutura para o mercado de trabalho é capaz de fazer o papel das rigidezes tradicionais, no que se refere a propagação dos choques na economia. As funções impulso resposta a um choque contracionista de política monetária mostraram que o modelo explicou o comportamento esperado para variáveis como PIB, inflação e taxa de desemprego. Ainda, a estimação do modelo mostrou, no geral, que os preços no Brasil são reajustados com uma frequência menor do que a frequência indicada pelos modelos novos keynesianos com rigidez de preços e salários. Por sua vez, ao desligar a rigidez da utilização do capital e a do working capital channel, este modelo mais completo, maior e mais detalhado para mercado de trabalho pareceu não ser capaz de dar conta do movimento inercial e persistente observado para as variáveis macroeconômicas como PIB e inflação. Por fim, no terceiro artigo, estimamos novamente o modelo Christiano, Eichenbaum e Trabandt (2013), mas agora para os Estados Unidos. Entretanto, adotamos uma estratégia de estimação diferente: optamos por primeiro log-linearizar o modelo para depois fazer a estimação, para dois períodos: até 2008, assim como no artigo original, e até 2014. O objetivo principal foi comparar os resultados da nossa estimativa com os resultados de Christiano, Eichenbaum e Trabandt (2013). Para o conjunto de dados até 2008, os resultados indicam que os valores estimados estão em linha com os encontrados na literatura e, no geral, não estão muito distantes das estimações do artigo original. Mas, os parâmetros estimados apontaram para um modelo com um pouco mais de rigidez de preços, uma maior persistência de consumo e com uma regra de política monetária um pouco menos inercial em relação à do artigo original. Entretanto, esta regra mostrou uma reação muito maior à inflação do que ao produto, assim como em Christiano, Eichenbaum e Trabandt (2013). Considerando a amostra toda, isto é, até o final de 2014, observamos que o modelo estimado continuou a ter uma maior rigidez de preço em relação ao modelo original e uma regra de política monetária menos inercial. Além disso, os dados mais recentes afetaram de modo mais expressivo os valores estimados para variáveis do mercado de trabalho. Por sua vez, as funções impulso resposta refletiram esta menor inércia da política monetária e, no geral, apresentaram as trajetórias esperadas. / The three articles of this thesis focus on the labor market. The first article calculated the probability of a worker leaving his job and the probability of an unemployed person finding a job in Brazil, using the methodology developed by Shimer (2012). The aim was to determine which of these factors was the most important to explain the unemployment rate fluctuations. The results showed that the probability of an unemployed worker finding a job is more important to explain the dynamic of the unemployment rate. Commonly, the literature has found an opposite result in Brazil. In the second article, we log linearized and estimated the model built by Christiano, Eichenbaum and Evans (2013) for Brazil. This model is different from the traditional New Keynesian models because it has a structure of searching in the labor market. The idea was to compare this model with the traditional one with sticky wage and sticky prices. Moreover, the idea was to analyze if this model with searching structure in the labor market was able to substitute some traditional rigidity when the concern is the propagation of shocks. The impulse response functions to a contractionist monetary policy shock showed that this model explains the dynamic that is normally found in GDP, inflation and unemployment rate. Furthermore, the estimation showed that, in general, the prices are readjusted less frequently than the frequency estimated by New Keynesian models with sticky wage and sticky prices. Besides, when the rigidities (capital utilization and working capital channel) are eliminated, this model did not properly explain the inertial and persistence dynamic of the macroeconomics variables, such as GDP and inflation. Finally, in the last article, we estimated the Christiano, Eichenbaum and Trabandt (2013) model for the United States, but we adopted a different estimation strategy. We log linearized the model and estimated it with Bayesian methods. Moreover, we estimated for two different periods. The aim was to compare our results with the original model. When the model was estimated with data up to 2008, the results showed that the estimations were in line with the values found in the literature and, in general, they were not too far from the values estimated in the original article. However, the parameters estimated showed a model in which the prices are more rigid, the consumption habit is higher and the monetary rule is less inertial than observed in the original model. However, the monetary authority reacted much more to inflation than GDP, as it happened in the original article. When we considered the data until 2014, we observed that the estimated model remained with more sticky prices and a more inertial monetary rule. Moreover, we noted that this more recent data affected more expressively the estimated values of the labor market. The analysis of impulse response function showed this less inertial dynamic of the monetary rule and, overall, they followed the expected dynamics

Características da força de trabalho dos cirurgiões-dentistas no Brasil / Dentist\'s workforce characteristics in Brazil

Henrique Guedes da Motta Rizzo 20 February 2018 (has links)
O Brasil concentra um quinto dos dentistas do mundo, entretanto esse dado não reflete, necessariamente, em bons indicadores de saúde bucal para população, tão pouco em uma distribuição geográfica homogênea desses profissionais, resultando em vazios assistenciais, que são reflexos do desenvolvimento desordenado e da falta de regulamentação especifica da profissão e do mercado em odontologia. A Odontologia por muito tempo evoluiu em direção a um modelo de atenção privado, com um aumento do número de profissionais especializados. Esse estudo tem o objetivo de identificar e analisar características dinâmicas da força de trabalho em saúde bucal no Brasil, no que diz respeito à: 1. Perfil sócio demográfico; 2. Característica do aparelho formador; 3. Características do estoque da força de trabalho no país. Foi realizada uma pesquisa em base de dados de órgãos oficiais do Conselho Federal de Odontologia, Ministério da Saúde, Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde - CNES, IBGE, SIGRAS/INEP/MEC. Os resultados das diferentes fontes de consulta foram organizados em planilhas do Microsoft Excel e analisados por meio de estatística descritiva, com dados absolutos e relativos. Este projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade de São Paulo, sob o protocolo nº 754.608/2014. Em junho de 2017 o Brasil registrava 286.926 profissionais ativos, a maioria jovem (entre 25 e 35 anos) e do sexo feminino. A migração foi observada em 13% do estoque e sudeste é a única região que perde profissionais mais do que recebe. A distribuição espacial dos dentistas pelo território permanece desigual, com grande concentração nas regiões Sul e Sudeste, em detrimento das regiões Norte e Nordeste e o aparelho formador acompanha a mesma tendência. O Brasil possui 230 faculdades de odontologia, a maioria delas (71%) de natureza privada. Anualmente cerca de 15.000 profissionais são disponibilizados para o mercado de trabalho. O estoque de dentistas no país continua crescendo, cerca de 1/3 do total de profissionais tem pelo menos uma especialidade, sendo a ortodontia a com maior número de profissionais.Para enfrentar as desigualdades identificadas nesse estudo, será necessário investimento do Estado, no que diz respeito à Formação, regulação de fluxo, distribuição e eficiência do estoque e regulação dos setores privado e público. O modelo conceitual aplicado neste estudo permite afirmar que para que se estabeleçam políticas de intervenção em Recursos Humanos, faz-se necessários ciclos periódicos de monitoramento e avaliação para subsidiar a tomada de decisão por parte dos gestores, portanto estudos como este precisam ser constantemente realizados para compor análise situacional e o planejamento de tais políticas. / Brazil is home to one-fifth of the world\'s dentists. However this data does not necessarily reflect good oral health indicators for the population or a homogeneous geographical distribution of these professionals. This reality leads to a lack of services as a result of the disorderly development of the profession in the face of no specific intervention regarding the regulation of the dentistry profession and market. Dentistry has for a long time evolved towards a model of private care, showing an increase in the number of specialized professionals. This study aims to identify and analyze the dynamic characteristics of the oral health workforce in Brazil, regarding: 1. Socio-demographic profile; 2. Characteristics of education sector; 3. Characteristics of the labor force in the country. This study utilized the databases of the Brazilian Federal Council of Dentistry, Ministry of Health and National Register of Health Establishments - CFO, CNES, IBGE, SIGRAS / INEP / MEC. The results of the different query sources were organized into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and analyzed using descriptive statistics, with absolute and relative data. This project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo, under protocol no. 754608/2014. In June 2017, Brazil registered 286,926 active professionals, most of whom are young (between 25 and 35 years old) and female. Migration was observed in 13% of the stock with the Southeast region demonstrating more loss of professionals than it receives. The spatial distribution of dentists across the territory remains unequal, with a great concentration in the South and Southeast regions. This is to the detriment of the North and Northeast regions. It was also noted that the concentration of dental schools follows the same trend. Brazil has 230 dental schools, most of which (71%) are private institutions. Annually about 15,000 professionals are available to the job market. The stock of dentists in the country continues to grow with about 1/3 of the total number of professionals having at least one specialty. Data shows that a majority of the specialists in Brazil are orthodontists. In order to confront the inequalities identified in this study, it will be necessary for the State to invest in training, regulation of flow, distribution and efficiency of the work force. Additionally, further regulation of the private and public sectors are vital. The conceptual model applied in this study allows us to affirm that for the establishment of intervention policies in human resources, periodic cycles of monitoring and evaluation are necessary to aid in decision making by regulators. This therefore proves that studies like this need to be constantly carried out to compose analysis and planning of such policies.

A universidade empreendedora no Brasil : uma análise das expectativas de carreira de jovens pesquisadores / The entrepreneurial university in Brazil : an analysis of the career expectations of young researchers

Andrade, Nathalia Dayrell, 1988- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: André Luiz Sica de Campos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T11:06:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrade_NathaliaDayrell_M.pdf: 1441113 bytes, checksum: 136799c56b8608685fa3ca4bf7ae06c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A concepção da universidade empreendedora postula que o conhecimento tem um papel cada vez mais ativo no desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Nesta perspectiva, a universidade deve contribuir para a sociedade através de atividades de ensino, pesquisa e transferência de conhecimento. Os acadêmicos são ator central neste processo, ao interagir com atores externos a fim de criar desdobramentos relevantes, assim como os estudantes de pós-graduação e recém doutores, responsáveis pela execução da pesquisa. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação busca compreender como o empreendedorismo acadêmico influencia as expectativas de carreira dos jovens pesquisadores, na transição entre a conclusão de sua formação e o seu estabelecimento no mercado de trabalho acadêmico. Por um lado, o Brasil forma mais de 10 mil doutores por ano, marca alcançada em 2008, aliada a uma expansão do sistema de ensino superior. Por outro, o governo incentiva atividades empreendedoras por parte das universidades e mais investimento em inovação por parte das empresas. Tenta-se criar, assim, um ambiente propício para a emergência de projetos colaborativos, criação de empresas spin-offs e contratação de mão de obra qualificada para pesquisa. O trabalho investiga, através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, como a formação dos jovens pesquisadores é influenciada pelo empreendedorismo acadêmico e como eles constroem suas expectativas de carreira neste contexto. Foram analisados cinco grupos de pesquisa, das áreas exatas e biológicas, através de entrevistas com jovens pesquisadores e os coordenadores dos grupos. Os resultados mostram que parece não haver uma grande influência das atividades empreendedoras nas expectativas de carreira dos grupos analisados e, quando há, existem obstáculos relativos a oportunidades fora da academia. Ademais, a formação se mantém majoritariamente acadêmica, assim como as expectativas de carreira, indicando que não houve significativas mudanças no treinamento da pós-graduação e no perfil dos profissionais formados e buscados na academia / Abstract: The concept of the entrepreneurial university is based on the premise that knowledge has an ever-increasing and active role in socioeconomic development. Within this perspective, universities must contribute to society through teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities. Academics are a central agent in this process, as they interact with external institutions in order to create relevant spillovers. Postgraduate students are also relevant agents, as they are responsible for implementing relevant research in university laboratories. In this context, the present dissertation aims to understand how academic entrepreneurship influences the career expectations of young researchers during the transition between the conclusion of their training process and their establishment in the academic labour market. On the one hand, Brazil has been granting over 10 thousand PhD degrees yearly since 2008, together with an expansion of the higher education system. On the other hand, the government encourages entrepreneurial activities in universities and increases in firm level investment in innovation. Thus, it tries to create a proper environment for the emergence of collaborative research projects, creation of spin-off companies and hiring of highly qualified workforce. This study investigates, through a qualitative research, how the training of young researchers is influenced by academic entrepreneurship and how they form their career expectations in this context. Five research groups were analyzed, ranging from exact sciences to biosciences areas, through interviews with young researchers and the coordinators of each group. The results show that entrepreneurial activities seem not to have influenced substantially the career expectations of the interviewees. When it does have an influence, there are obstacles related to opportunities outside academia. The results also show that the post graduation training remains mainly academic, as well as the career expectations of young researchers, indicating that there has not been significant change in the characteristics of the post graduation or in the profile of the researchers graduated and hired in academia / Mestrado / Politica Cientifica e Tecnologica / Mestra em Política Científica e Tecnológica

A matriz institucional do mercado de trabalho brasileiro (1930-1964) / The institutional matrix of the brazilian labor market (1930-1964)

Almeida, Daniel Ferrer de, 1989- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Cláudio Salvadori Dedecca / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T16:01:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Almeida_DanielFerrerde_M.pdf: 2879336 bytes, checksum: 1657da606a8ac66f53f612988b53e0a4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A presente dissertação analisa a matriz institucional do mercado de trabalho brasileiro constituída entre 1930 e 1964. Desta forma, perpassaremos pela criação do Ministério do Trabalho, Indústria e Comércio, pela Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), pelo Estatuto do Trabalhador Rural, até chegarmos à reforma trabalhista instaurada pelo regime militar. Defendemos que esta denominada matriz institucional, concebida enquanto arcabouço regulatório amplo composto por instituições, normas e relações trabalhistas, cumpriu papel fundamental na execução do projeto de acumulação industrial orientado pelo Estado, a partir da década de 1930. Sustentamos que tal institucionalidade assumiu peculiar capacidade de perpetuar sua estrutura por distintos mandatos, enquanto se amoldava à correlação de forças políticas posta em cada período. Para tanto, detalharemos a trajetória do Estado brasileiro no trato da questão trabalhista, alternante entre o corporativismo e o autoritarismo, e, nesta conjuntura, as potencialidades e limites do patronato industrial e do movimento sindical. Neste mesmo intuito, examinaremos em paralelo as transformações da estrutura produtiva brasileira e a correlata estrutura ocupacional do mercado de trabalho com base nos dados dos censos industriais e demográficos / Abstract: This dissertation analyses the institutional matrix of the Brazilian labor market between 1930 and 1964. Bearing this period in mind, we will go through the creation of the Ministry of Labor, Industry and Commerce, the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), the Rural Worker Statute and, finally, the labor reform introduced by the military regime. We argue that this so-called institutional matrix, designed as a comprehensive regulatory framework composed of institutions, norms and labor relations, exercised primary role in project execution of industrial accumulation driven by the state from the 1930s. We hold that such institutions presented a particular ability to perpetuate their structure by distinct mandates, while adapting to the political forces correlation in each period. To do so, we detail the trajectory of the Brazilian State in dealing with the labor issue, alternating between corporatism and authoritarianism, and, at this juncture, the potential and limits of industrial employers and syndicalism. In this same vein, we examined in parallel the transformations of Brazilian productive structure and related occupational structure of the labor market based on census data, industrial and demographic / Mestrado / Economia Social e do Trabalho / Mestre em Desenvolvimento Econômico

Modernização tecnológica e a questão do emprego formal do setor sucroalcooleiro = proposição de um índice sócio-econômico / The technological modernization and the formal employment issue in the sugar-alcohol sector : proposition of a socio-economic index

Fredo, Carlos Eduardo, 1975- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sérgio Luiz Monteiro Salles-Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências. / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T04:46:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fredo_CarlosEduardo_M.pdf: 1564627 bytes, checksum: 8ac3d8ed173cc70e40322ea6f18ad9a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O avanço tecnológico sobre o setor agropecuário trouxe reestruturação para o mercado de trabalho rural, principalmente pelo papel que as máquinas utilizadas nas operações da colheita exerceram como poupadoras de mão de obra, redutoras do tempo de colheita e de custos ao produtor. O setor sucroalcooleiro paulista tem sido foco nos últimos anos da discussão destas questões sociais, principalmente após a promulgação de Lei Estadual 11.241/2002 e Protocolo Agroambiental voltados à erradicação da queima da cana e às questões ambientais. Com 59,3% das áreas cultivadas ainda colhidas manualmente (safra 2007/2008), foi de extrema relevância avaliar a evolução estrutural do mercado de trabalho deste setor por meio da elaboração de índices socieconômicos (sexo, grau de instrução, faixa etária e remuneração salarial) para as quatro categorias ocupacionais do setor (tratoristas, cortadores de cana-de-açúcar, outras ocupações agrícolas e as não agrícolas) com o intuito de analisar tendências das características dos empregos formais dentro deste sistema agroindustrial, a fim de subsidiar a formulação de políticas públicas/privadas aderentes ao setor. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que o setor não caminha para a inclusão das mulheres ; exige níveis de educação formal mais elevados sem entretanto haver reflexo disto nos níveis salariais. Há indícios de que o setor se reestrutura no perfil da mão de obra sem aumento dos gastos com pessoal. Assim, o processo de modernização vem tendo efeitos de diminuição da força de trabalho (esperado pela mecanização da colheita), aumento da qualificação e manutenção de faixas salarias, provavelmente em decorrência da eliminação de muitos postos de cortadores de cana, alguns poucos reabsorvidos como tratoristas e outras ocupações / Abstract: The technological advance in the agricultural sector restructured the rural labor market specially due to the fact that the machinery used in the harvesting play an important role as a 'labor-saver', they reduce the harvesting time and the costs to the producer. The sugar-alcohol sector in the state of São Paulo has been the focus of discussion on these issues, mainly after the enactment of a State Law 11.241/2002 and an Agri-Environment Protocol concerning the eradication of the burning of sugar cane, and environmental issues. With 59.3% of cultivated areas being manually harvested (2007/2008 crops), it is important to evaluate the structural evolution of the labor market in this sector through the elaboration of socio-economic indexes (gender, level of education, age group and salary) for the four occupational categories in the sector (tractor drivers, sugar cane harvesters, other agricultural jobs and non-agricultural jobs) so that we can analyze if the generation of formal jobs has been done with greater social equity, thus subsidizing the elaboration of public/private policies of the sector. Thus, the process of modernization has had lowering effects of the labor force (expected by the mechanization of the harvest), increased qualification and maintenance of salary tracks, probably due to the elimination of sugar cane harvesters, a few reabsorbed as tractor drivers and other occupations / Mestrado / Politica Cientifica e Tecnologica / Mestre em Política Científica e Tecnológica

Die posisionering van maatskaplike werk in die arbeidsmilieu

Lombard, Jouberto 19 May 2014 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. (Social Work) / From the onset of his involvement with social work practice in industry, candidate found himself reflecting upon the position and resulting characteristic functions of social work practitioners within an industrial context. The search for clarity in this regard led to the perusal of reading matter and the consideration of past experiences and encounters. This culminated in a desire to investigate the positioning of industrial social work in order to effect a compromise between the promotion of the objectives of industry viz. financial gain and human resource development. The main research issue or problem of the study, therefore centres around the positioning of industrial social work, and consequently the title of this dissertation is "The positioning of social work in the labour milieu". The purpose of this study is the placement of industrial social work within the context of meaningful work, work environment, influences from within industrial enterprises on man as worker, human resource activities in industrial enterprises, the course of industrial social work in industrial enterprises, the embodiment of social work in industrial enterprises and the provision of guidelines for social workers to position their profession most effectively in industrial enterprises. The study is exploratory-descriptive in nature, since the domain of study (industrial social work) is still being regarded as fairly unfamiliar and relatively less researched as compared to other branches of generic social work. Methodologically viewed, the study, the outcome of which is documented in this dissertation, was undertaken by marshalling practice experience into expertise mainly by interacting it with an eclectic literature study, a conceptual analysis of certain concepts and constructs central to the management of industrial social work, and systematising impressionistic wisdom while collecting information and gaining insight. In addition to the study of literature, information was collected by studying official documents of various industrial enterprises, consultations with various colleagues and attending seminars, courses and workshops, whilst regular consultations with my promotor took place and in the process progressing from an argumentative phase to guidelines for practice. In the study the following main conclusions were drawn: Although only partially, man's work and his work environment offer opportunities and challenges in reply to his quest for a meaningful life. An industrial enterprise co-ordinates the occupational activities of people rendering certain goods and services at specific venues. People, material, machines, means, markets and management, are utilised in the work environment as resources for the production of goods and the rendering of services to industry, its employers and the community. Man as employee is subject to influences from within industrial organisations but also reflects certain distinct characteristics. Organisationally, industrial social work is a manpower managment function, whilst industrial social services usually form part of the enterprise's manpower department. Industrial social work ensures from the corporate social responsibility of industrial enterprises. This responsibility is external (concerning the community in general) and internal (concerning employees and their families). The latter enables employees to contribute optimally to the production process and the realisation of business objectives and in compliance with their individual abilities and potential, to develop in human beings with a commitment to work. The establishing of an industrial social service usually develops from a micro to a macro level, from a peripheric to an integrated component of the enterprise. A typology of composite industrial social work models illustrates this statement in the dissertation. The general aim of industrial social work is to contribute to the realisation of corporate objectives by rendering professional services to employees. The components of the strategic planning of industrial social work are similar to those of any management planning. The study is concluded with guidelines for the positioning of industrial social work in industrial enterprises.

Language, immigration, and cities

Li, Qiang 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the complex relationships between language, immigration, and labor and housing market outcomes. First, I model the urban labor market as segmented by language barriers. The prediction of this segmentation theory is confirmed by Canadian Census data, which allow me to identify a worker's labor market segment by her work language. Second, I explore whether the housing market reflects people's willingness to pay for higher quality social-ethnic interactions. By combining housing transaction data and Census information, I am able to test such a relationship with positive results. Finally, I ask what properties housing price series have if some people have better knowledge of the future immigration/migration flows to a city. Under this setup, the price series become serially correlated and the price volatility varies over time. The model also explains the long-standing price-volume relationship in housing transaction data. / Business, Sauder School of / Graduate

Regional earnings and unemployment differences

Dettmer, Sandra Pia Lioba January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

An economic evaluation of South Africa's labour policies since 1994

Flower, Alan 23 May 2008 (has links)
Since its transition to a free and democratic society in 1994 South Africa has increasingly become part of the global community. South African goods and services flow freely across borders to other markets and likewise goods and services from outside South Africa flow into the country. The South African economy is judged according to how it competes in the global economy placing increasing pressure on South African businesses and the economy generally to be competitive. Government needs to create the economic environment in South Africa which allows businesses to be in a position to compete, by introducing appropriate economic and monetary policies. Recent policy decisions have tended to focus on price control and stability and stimulating economic growth. These policies, it is hoped, would lead to sustained economic growth and the creation of employment. One particular area of concern is government’s lack of adequate focus on unemployment in South Africa. The unemployment rate has increased since 1994 and specific labour market policies, aimed at stimulating employment creation, are required. The South African labour market is characterised by a high level of institutional regulation through labour legislation which, while protecting the rights of workers, tends to create barriers to employment creation. The issue is whether South African labour legislation is inflexible and whether that inflexibility is a hindrance to the creation of employment and the reduction of unemployment. This study seeks to explain and evaluate the role of South African labour legislation and the effect it has on employment creation and the high rate of unemployment in South Africa. / Prof. S. Chetty

Evaluating the Public Employment Services, administered by the Department of Labour in Mthatha

Mntuyedwa, Ntandokazi Miranda January 2011 (has links)
The Public Employment Service of South Africa (PES-SA) registers unemployed work seekers and placement opportunities to enable the Department of Labour (DoL) to place as many of these work seekers as possible in work. The aim of the present study is to identify challenges in the implementation of PES-SA, and to identify and make recommendations on areas for improvement and strengthening. The study is restricted to two of the six main PES-SA service offerings: (a) Registration Services and (b) Recruitment and Selection Services. The study was partially a process evaluation and partially an impact evaluation. The process evaluation assessed the quality of PES-SA‟s systems, structures, capacity, management and strategic focus. The purpose of the impact evaluation was to understand the challenges and gaps in delivery and implementation, the reasons behind the low matching success, and the extent of uptake by users. The evaluation therefore had a technical data-evaluation component and a component which assessed the reasons behind statistical and other quantitative data patterns. The study was conducted in Mthatha Department of Labour, Eastern Cape. The sample of the study was drawn from workseekers that are in the database and the Researcher drawn 40 respondents and the use of quantitative method was done. A questionnaire was developed and issued out to respondents. The Public Employment Service staff in Mthatha, Department of Labour was also interviewed. All five Employment Service Practitioners and a Career Counsellor were interviewed. A qualitative study was used for these respondents. In the responses of both teams it was deduced that the intention of the service is good but up to this far it has not proven any impact on the reduction of unemployment. Reasons behind the failure of the service were outlined to be the reluctance of the employers to utilise the service and the IT systems that is failing. The staff also mentioned that they were never trained on the service and therefore finds it difficult to render some of the services. Another challenge that was picked up from staff members is that the service is not yet legislated.

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