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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recuperação ambiental de aterros sanitarios na região metropolitana de Campinas : revegetação e uso futuro

Oliveira, Cauê Nascimento de, 1976- 28 January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Elvira Gabriela Ciacco da Silva Dias / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T11:03:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oliveira_CaueNascimentode_M.pdf: 3646130 bytes, checksum: 732105bee70d3293ec3b7068547652e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Vers un atlas morphogénétique de la vallée du Gier : caractérisation des éléments et structures matériels hérités / Towards a morphogenetic atlas of the valley of Gier : caractérisation of the material elements and structures inherited

Sodezza, Guillaume 14 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est réalisée dans le cadre d'un contrat CIFRE avec l'agence d'urbanisme del'agglomération stéphanoise, Epures.L’ambition de cette recherche est de proposer une méthode « objective » et« systématique » de lecture de l’héritage matériel d'un territoire, ce qui imposed’abandonner tous critères de sélection discriminant : l’ensemble des traces matériellesqui forme cet héritage peut être déduit de l’analyse d’unités minimales et objectives(parcellaire, bâti, réseau viaire) , dont l’apparition, la disparition et la transformation dans letemps peuvent être retracées par l’exploitation de sources spécifiques en particulier descartes anciennes disponibles. D’autres unités, linéaires, ponctuelles ou surfaciquespeuvent être mises en évidence par une confrontation directe avec le terrain.L'analyse a été réalisée sur la partie ligérienne de l'ancienne vallée industrielle du Gier.La méthode met en oeuvre un Système d'Information Géographique (SIG) historique quiautorise l’intégration, la réinterprétation et le croisement d’informations provenant desources variées : sérielles, textuelle, cartographiques ou iconographiques. Cet outil facilitele partage et la mise à jour des données produites.Les résultats obtenus offrent une lecture de l'évolution de la vallée du Gier à l'échelle desunités parcellaires et bâties depuis deux siècles. Ils proposent une nouvelle approche duterritoire et de son évolution qui permet de questionner les politiques patrimoniales oud'aménagement existantes. Etendue à l'ensemble de l'espace stéphanois ou à d'autresterritoires et régulièrement mis à jour, la méthode peut permettre de constituer unobservatoire de leur évolution. / This thesis is carried out within the context of a contract CIFRE with the agency of townplanning of the agglomeration of Saint-Etienne, Epures.The ambition of this research is to propose a method “objective” and “systematic” to readthe material heritage of a territory, which forces to give up all criteria of selectiondiscriminating: the whole of the material traces which forms this heritage can be deducedfrom the analysis of minimal units and objectify (plots, built elements, road network), ofwhich appearance, disappearance and the transformation in time can be recalled by theexploitation of specific sources in particular of the old maps available. Other units, linear,specific or surface can be highlighted by a direct confrontation with the land.The analysis was carried out on the “ligérienne” part of the old industrial valley of Gier.The method implements a Geographical Information system (GIS) historical whichauthorizes integration, the reinterpretation and the crossing of information coming fromvaried sources: serial, textual, cartographic or iconographic. This tool facilitates thedivision and the update of the produced data.The results obtained have offered a reading of the evolution of the valley of Gier on theplot scale for two centuries. They propose a new approach of the territory and its evolutionwhich makes it possible to question the patrimonial policies or of installation existing.Extended to the whole space of the agglomeration of Saint-Etienne or to other territoriesand regularly updated, the method can make it possible to constitute an observatory oftheir evolution.

Développement humain responsable et aménagement du territoire. : Réflexions à partir de deux réserves de biosphère périurbaines en France et au Chili / Responsible human development and land use planning : Reflections from two periurban biosphere reserves in France and Chili

Pelenc, Jérôme 09 April 2014 (has links)
En plus de vingt-cinq d’existence, le développement durable n’a pas produit les changements escomptés sur le plan structurel, institutionnel ou même scientifique. En ce qui concerne le plan scientifique, depuis la première formulation du concept en 1987, de nouveaux courants interdisciplinaires en sciences sociales ont émergé produisant de nouveaux concepts, proposant de nouvelles méthodologies et affirmant certains principes éthiques. La thèse s’intéresse tout particulièrement au courant du développement humain articulé autour des travaux d’Amartya Sen (approche par les capabilités) et de Manfred Max-Neef (approche par les besoins) et à celui de l’économie écologique duquel émerge une conception forte de la soutenabilité ainsique les concepts de fonctions et de services écosystémiques. Une articulation entre ces deux courants ainsi qu’une réflexion sur l’éthique de la responsabilité et la justice permettent de re-conceptualiser le développement durable, concept relativement mal défini et ambigu, sous la forme d’un développement humain responsable ancré dans la soutenabilité forte et la justice sociale. Cette articulation, réalisée dans une perspective transdisciplinaire, permet de proposer un nouveau cadre conceptuel qui pourrait d’une part,favoriser un aménagement responsable du territoire et, d’autre part, renforcer l’épistémologie de la géographie pour qu’elle puisse pleinement assumer son rôle d’étude des interactions Nature-Société. La réflexion théorique est mise en pratique au sein de deux réserves de biosphère périurbaines, l’une en France(Réserve de Biosphère de Fontainebleau-Gâtinais) et l’autre au Chili (Réserve de biosphère de La Campana-Peñuelas). / In twenty-five years, sustainable development has not delivered the expected outcomes in terms of structuraland institutional changes as well as scientific changes. Regarding scientific changes, since the firstintroduction of the concept of sustainable development by the Brundtland commission in 1987, newscientific fields of interdisciplinary reasearch in social sciences have emerged producing new conceptualtools, proposing new methodologies and asserting certain ethical principles. From the one hand, the thesis isinterested in the field of Human Development which is structured around the work of Amartya Sen (theCapability Approach) and Manfred Max-Neef (the Fundamental Needs approach). On the other hand, thethesis is interested in the field of Ecological Economics from which emerges a strong conception ofsustainability as well as the concepts of ecosystem functions and services. The thesis aims to establish a linkbetween these two fields of research to shift from sustainable development, a relatively ambiguous concept,to responsible human development clearly rooted in strong sustainability and social justice. This articulationis carried out in a transdisciplinary perspective. In the first place, this articulation enables to provide a soundconceptual framework that could help to strengthen the epistemology of geography for studying Nature-Society interactions. In addition, this articulation could help to promote a responsible land planning. Thisnew conceptual framework is tested in two peri-urban biosphere reserves in France (Biosphere ReserveFontainebleau -Gâtinais ) and Chile (Biosphere Reserve La Campana - Peñuelas).

Vuorovaikutteinen alueiden käytön suunnittelu:suunnittelukäytäntöjen arki pohjoissuomalaisissa kunnissa

Soudunsaari, L. (Leena) 23 August 2016 (has links)
Abstract The requirements for interactive land use planning, a statutory function of municipalities, are based on the Land Use and Building Act. The objective of land use planning is to promote a high quality living environment and ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable development. Ideally, planning consists of an interactive process in which aspects of administration, residents, economic life and policy making are interconnected. The everyday planning practices of municipalities are significant in implementing interactive planning. This thesis analyses the interactive planning practices and collaboration cultures of the municipalities, the ELY Centres, and the Regional Councils, together with the representatives of mining companies, and consultant planners. The realisation of planning practices was specifically studied within the scope of land use planning and mining due to the fact that there are several ongoing ore exploration and mining projects in the municipalities of Northern Finland. The study focuses on municipal planners’ experiences in interactive planning. The thesis is based on a mixed methods approach, integrating both qualitative and quantitative data. The main research material, which is qualitative data, is comprised of interviews with municipal planners, representatives of ELY Centres, Regional Councils, and mining companies, as well as consultant planners. The quantitative data was generated from a survey directed to municipal planners working in the Northern municipalities. The qualitative data was supplemented with workshop material collected through participatory action research, which was carried out in order to study and develop the interactive planning process. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that the municipalities in Northern Finland have generally fulfilled the statutory minimum requirements in their interactive planning practices. The results indicate that interaction based on statutory and informal municipality policies would increase the possibilities of different stakeholders’ participation in the planning process. In addition, interaction would improve municipal planning practices, and would provide continuity in policy making. The results of this thesis offer valuable insight into planning practices, and could inform and enhance the current reform process of central and regional administration. / Tiivistelmä Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki muodostaa perustan vuorovaikutteiselle alueiden käytön suunnittelulle, joka on yksi kuntien tehtävistä. Kunnilla on kokonaisvastuu suunnittelusta, jolla tavoitellaan hyvää elinympäristöä ja kestävää kehitystä. Suunnittelu perustuu lakisääteiseen vuorovaikutteiseen kaavoitusprosessiin. Ideaalitilanteessa vuorovaikutuksessa ovat hallinnon, kansalaisten, elinkeinoelämän ja poliittisen päätöksenteon näkökulmat. Kuntien suunnittelukäytännöt ovat tärkeässä asemassa vuorovaikutteisen suunnittelun toteuttamisessa. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata ja analysoida vuorovaikutteisen alueiden käytön suunnittelun käytäntöjä ja toimintakulttuuria Kainuun, Lapin ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kuntien suunnitteluorganisaatioiden, ELY-keskusten, maakunnan liittojen, kaivosyhtiöiden edustajien ja konsulttisuunnittelijoiden välisessä yhteistyössä. Käytäntöjen toteutumista tarkastellaan erityisesti alueiden käytön suunnittelun ja vaikutuksiltaan merkittävän kaivostoiminnan vuorovaikutuksessa, koska Pohjois-Suomen kunnissa on vireillä useita malminetsintä- ja kaivoshankkeita. Tutkimuksessa painotetaan kuntakaavoittajien kokemuksia vuorovaikutteisesta suunnittelusta. Väitöskirjatutkimus on lähtökohdaltaan monimenetelmällinen. Laadullinen pääaineisto muodostuu eri toimijaryhmien teemahaastatteluista. Määrällinen aineisto käsittää Kainuun, Lapin ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan kunnissa työskennelleille kaavoittajille lähetetyn kyselyn. Laadullista aineistoa täydentää toimintatutkimuksellisella otteella toteutettujen, suunnitteluprosessin vuorovaikutusta tutkineiden ja kehittäneiden työpajojen aineisto. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että pohjoissuomalaisten kuntien suunnittelukäytännöissä noudatetaan useimmiten lakisääteisiä vuorovaikutuksen minimivaatimuksia. Tulosten perusteella lakisääteisten ja kuntien omien vapaamuotoisten käytäntöjen yhdistäminen lisäisi eri osapuolten vaikutusmahdollisuuksia suunnittelussa, mikä toisi myös jatkuvuutta kunnan suunnittelukäytäntöihin ja päätöksentekoon. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan soveltaa ajankohtaisessa keskustelussa valtion ja paikallishallinnon työnjaosta sekä itsehallinnon uudistuvista muodoista.

Consommation d'énergie dans le secteur résidentiel et la politique énergétique en Arabie saoudite : le cas de la ville de Riyad / Energy consumption in the residential sector and energy policy in Saudi Arabia : Case of the city of Riyadh

Al Kabbani, Fahad 03 May 2017 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, il est essentiel de tenir compte des impacts de l'environnement tant au niveau de l'utilisation de l'énergie que de la protection des populations. Il faut donc mettre en œuvre de nouvelles pratiques en faveur d'une approche durable de l'aménagement du territoire. D'autre part, ce sont des espaces propices à l'expérimentation de nouvelles formes urbaines dans les domaines de l'habitat, des transports, du foncier agricole. Sur le long terme, le développement à adopter dépend du développement actuel puisqu'il dépend de la disponibilité à long terme de sources d'énergies fiables et non polluantes. L'Arabie Saoudite doit faire face à plusieurs défis : économique, lié à l'exportation des hydrocarbures qui sont des ressources épuisables et dont les prix sont instables; énergétique, puisque l'Arabie Saoudite a besoin de diversifier son économie; secteur résidentiel, puisqu'il y a augmentation de la démographie et donc des besoins de logements, production industrielle, transport de marchandises. L’habitat, quant à lui, reflète une grande partie de la consommation totale de l’énergie du Royaume. Alors, il est évident de mettre en œuvre des nouvelles méthodes pour une meilleure gestion de consommation de l’énergie dans les bâtiments afin de minimiser la quantité d’énergie perdue. / Nowadays, it is essential to take into account the impacts of the environment, both in terms of energy use and the protection of populations. We need to enforce new practices in favor of a sustainable approach to land-use planning. On the other hand, these are spaces conducive to the experimentation of new urban forms in the fields of housing, transport, agricultural land. On the long term, the development to be adopted depends on the current development since it depends on the long-term availability of reliable and non-polluting sources of energy. Saudi Arabia faces several challenges: economic, linked to the export of hydrocarbons which are exhaustible resources and whose prices are unstable; energy, since Saudi Arabia needs to diversify its economy; residential sector, as there is an increase in demography and hence housing needs, industrial production, and freight transport. The housing environment, as it is reflects a big part of consumption of the energy in the Kingdom. So, it is needed to operate new methods for better ways of consuming the energy in buildings to reduce the quantity of lost energy.

Impacts of light pollution on bat spatiotemporal dynamics in France : implications for outdoor lighting planning / Impacts de la pollution lumineuse et de ses mesures de réductions sur les dynamiques spatiotemporelles des chiroptères en France

Azam, Clémentine 12 December 2016 (has links)
La pollution lumineuse, induite par l’utilisation massive d’éclairage artificiel la nuit, est un changement global qui affecte une partie importante des écosystèmes terrestres et marins, et qui soulève de nombreuses inquiétudes quant à son influence sur la biodiversité et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes. En effet, la pollution lumineuse induit de nombreux impacts sur les rythmes circadiens et saisonniers des organismes, et affecte leurs mouvements et leurs distributions spatiales. L’accumulation de ces impacts dans le temps et dans l’espace sur les différentes espèces peut ainsi entrainer des perturbations en cascade sur les dynamiques spatiotemporelles des communautés et sur les écosystèmes.Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser les impacts de l’éclairage artificiel sur les activités de chauves-souris (ordre: chiroptère) à de multiples échelles spatiales afin d’élaborer des mesures de gestion de l’éclairage public qui limitent ses impacts négatifs sur la biodiversité. Nous avons utilisé les chauves-souris comme modèle d’étude car elles sont nocturnes et directement exposées à la pollution lumineuse, et sont considérées comme des espèces bio indicatrices de la réponse des espèces aux pressions anthropiques.Dans un premier temps, nous avons caractérisé l’impact relatif de la pollution lumineuse à l’échelle du paysage par rapport aux autres pressions de changements d’usage des sols en utilisant une base de données nationale de sciences participatives. Nous avons trouvé que la pollution lumineuse avait un impact négatif sur l’activité et la probabilité de présence des espèces de chiroptères les plus communes en France, et que cet impact était significativement plus fort que celui de l’artificialisation des sols, mais moins important que celui de l’agriculture intensive. Ces résultats confirment l’importance de prendre en compte l’éclairage public dans les stratégies d’aménagement du territoire pour restaurer efficacement de l’obscurité dans les paysages anthropisés.Ainsi, nous avons élaboré une expérience in situ pour déterminer si i) restaurer de l’obscurité dans le temps en éteignant les lampadaires pour une partie de la nuit (extinction nocturne), ou ii) limiter l’étendue spatiale de l’éclairage à proximité d’éléments naturels pouvaient être des mesures efficaces pour créer des zones corridors et des zones de refuges obscurs dans les paysages anthropisés. Nos résultats ont montré que les mesures actuelles d’extinction ne limitaient pas efficacement l’impact de l’éclairage sur les espèces de chiroptères sensibles à la lumière. Par contre, nous avons déterminé que les lampadaires devraient être séparés d’au moins 50 m des corridors écologiques, et que l’intrusion de lumière dans la végétation autour des zones éclairées ne devrait pas dépasser 0.1 lux pour permettre l’utilisation de ces espaces par les espèces sensibles à la lumière.En conclusion, cette thèse a mis en lumière l’importance de traiter la question de la pollution lumineuse à de multiples échelles spatiales pour bien caractériser ses impacts sur la biodiversité. Elle a par ailleurs permis de souligner l’importance de la prise en compte de cette pollution dans l’aménagement du territoire, et de proposer des critères écologiques qui pourraient être intégrés dans les futur normes et standards européens pour l’éclairage public. / Light pollution induced by the widespread use of nighttime artificial lighting is a global change affecting substantial part of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. As a result, major concerns have been raised about its hidden impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Light pollution has major impacts on the circadian and seasonal cycles of organisms, and on their movements and spatial distributions. As a whole, light pollution likely disrupts the spatiotemporal dynamics of biological communities and ecosystems. In this context, the aim of this PhD was to characterize the impacts of nighttime artificial lighting on bat activity (order: chiroptera) at multiple spatial scales in order to propose reduction measures that can effectively limit the adverse impacts of light pollution on biodiversity. We used bats as model species as they are nocturnal and directly exposed to light pollution and they are considered to be good indicators of the response of biodiversity to anthropogenic pressure.We first intended to characterize the extent of effect of light pollution at a landscape scale relative to major land-use pressures that are threatening biodiversity worldwide. Using a French national-scale citizen science database, we found that landscape-scale level of light pollution negatively affected common bat species, and that this effect was significantly stronger than the effect of impervious surfaces but weaker than the effect of intensive agriculture. This highlighted the crucial need to account for outdoor lighting in land-use planning in order to restore darkness in human-inhabited landscapes.Thus, through an in situ experiment, we investigated whether i) restoring darkness in a landscape for a part of the night through part-night lighting schemes, or ii) restraining the spatial extent of lighting at the vicinity of natural elements were effective options to enhance dark ecological corridors in human-inhabited landscapes. We found that part-night lighting schemes were unlikely to effectively mitigate the impacts of artificial lighting on light-sensitive species. However, we revealed that streetlights should be separated from ecological corridors by at least 50 m, and that the light trespass should be lower than 0.1 lux to allow their effective use by light-sensitive species.Overall, this PhD thesis revealed the major importance of addressing light pollution issues at multiple spatial scales to characterize its impacts on biodiversity. It also exposed the crucial importance of integrating outdoor lighting in land-use planning strategies and proposed to implement ecological criteria in future European standards for outdoor lighting.

Le bien-être habitant, élément intrant et extrant d'une politique d'aménagement numérique du territoire : le cas des Yvelines / Living welfare as an input and output element of a digital spatial development policy : The Yvelines case

Forêt, Jean-Luc 13 September 2017 (has links)
La position hétérodoxe que nous défendons dans cette thèse est de dire qu'une des conditions majeures de succès d'une politique d'aménagement ou de développement numérique du territoire n'est pas directement liée au déploiement d'une infrastructure technique. Celle-ci en est pourtant la partie la plus coûteuse, la plus visible et la plus facile à mesurer. Elle est aussi au centre d'un nombre infini de débats et de publications au sein de la société civile et de l'arène politique. Le facteur-clé de succès auquel nous pensons est le « bien-être habitant » dont nous observons depuis presque dix ans qu’'il est de plus en plus couramment invité dans les pages des médias, dans le discours des élus, dans les travaux de chercheurs en économie, en sociologie et en politologie notamment. Mais il n'a probablement pas encore trouvé sa juste place comme outil de géographie, comme moyen de lecture ou d'analyse du territoire, d’'évaluation d'une pratique spatiale, d’'appréciation de la légitimité et de la qualité d'une politique publique. Nous inspirant du référentiel Spiral du Conseil de l’'Europe, nous avons préparé et conduit deux consultations sur le territoire des Yvelines en collaboration avec plusieurs communes et une association d'habitants. Les données des 2200 réponses collectées ont été croisées à celles d’'une enquête de l'INSEE (2014), d’'une étude du CREDOC (2012) et d 'un sondage réalisé par la société Harris Interactive (2015). Leur examen semble corroborer notre hypothèse de départ : le bien-être habitant est un descripteur et discriminant pertinent de la relation de l’'homme au territoire. / We defend the heterodox position that one of the key conditions for the success of a digital planning policy is not related to the implementation of its technical infrastructure. However the latter is the most expensive, visible and concrete part of such a policy. It is also at the centre of an infinite number of debates and publications within the civil society and politicians. The key factor that we have in mind is the « inhabitant welfare », which has been more and more invoked for almost a decade in the media, in the speeches of elected officials, and particularly in the works of researchers in economics, sociology and political sciences. But this welfare has not yet found its place as a tool for the geography, a way of reading or analysing the territory, of measuring spatial practices, of assessing the legitimacy and the quality of a public policy. Inspired by the referential Spiral of the Council of Europe, we set up and led two surveys on the Yvelines territory in collaboration with several local councils and an association of residents. The data from 2200 answers collected are cross-analysed with a survey by INSEE (2014), a CREDOC study (2012) and a poll by Harris Interactive (2015).Our analysis of these data seems to support our original hypothesis : the inhabitant welfare is a relevant description and discriminant for the relationship between the human beings and their territory.

Comprehensive community planning within B.C. Indian communities : a case study

Pecarski, Randall George January 1987 (has links)
This thesis investigates the role and nature of comprehensive community planning (CCP) within B.C. Indian communities, and analyzes the outcomes of a specific CCP experience where an outside consultant and an Indian community concentrated on planning the nature, rather than the product, of the process. The approach used is a literature review of CCP in B.C. Indian communities and theoretical concepts relevant to this type of planning. The thesis develops a normative definition of CCP which proposes use of five process characteristics that should enhance Indian planning capabilities. These are: a comprehensive scope and approach; a formal/systematic method; a developmental approach; a participatory application; and mutuality of insider/outsider relationships. A case study method is applied to the Similkameen Indian Bands' Comprehensive Community Plan. Analysis of the case uses the CCP definition to identify the nature and outcomes of the process. Indian experiences and perspectives of community planning indicate control over the process, learning from the process, and communicating in the process are difficult to achieve when outsiders are involved. This thesis argues this is due to a lack of attention to planning the nature of the process itself. For Indian communities preparing for self-government CCP may be an important developmental tool if it: improves their planning process skills and self-management capabilities; and, uses outsiders to facilitate this capacity-building without loss of control over the process. The Similkameen experience indicates that application of the proposed normative characteristics of CCP is possible. The outcomes of this case suggest that increased attention to the planning process, by insiders and outsiders, improves the nature of the process as well as producing substantive outputs. Improvements to the nature of the process include extensive community participation by involving community members in 'planning for planning'. An intensive effort was made to fully engage community members in the planning process before determining specific directions for substantive planning. Community participation allowed formal/systematic planning methods to be applied with sensitivity to Indian culture. Developmental outcomes of this participatory process include improvements in the community's planning process skills and self-management competency. 'Planning for planning' also resulted in a mutuality of insider/outsider relations to develop. This relationship placed insiders and outsiders on equal terms which contributed to mutual learning and provided opportunities for the community to direct outsiders' work in ways that best served their needs. A community plan was produced in the Similkameen case that addressed a comprehensive scope of substantive planning areas such as: Band organization and administration; social development; recreation and culture; economic development; infrastructure; and, land use. This a significant outcome given the low completion rate among other B.C. Bands for this type of plan, and the importance of CCP's in guiding overall community development. Self-direction in the full range of community functions is at the heart of self-government. Use of a -comprehensive approach enabled the community to consider inter-relations between proposed substantive actions and to consciously develop priorities for implementation. Several instances of implementation of the Similkameen Plan were observed and expressed by community members which indicate it is being used to direct action in substantive areas. Case-specific opportunities and constraints faced in preparing the Similkameen Plan are also identified. Constraints included political and organizational complexity, loss of key participants, cultural differences within the community, potential for dependency on the consultant, and time. Opportunities included ease of communication, the Band's desire to improve self-management capabilities, Indian culture, insider/outsider trust, and access to Band planning funds. Implications of this study for similar communities are identified and areas for future research are suggested. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate

Collaborative planning and tourism: a case study of the Robson Valley land & resource management planning process

Watchorn, Elizabeth Mary 11 1900 (has links)
At a general level, the intent of this thesis is to make a contribution to the increasing body of research on tourism planning as well as collaboration in natural resource management. At a more specific level this thesis looks at the level of tourism collaboration occurring within British Columbia's Land and Resource Management Planning Processes. Because of its great beauty and natural diversity, tourism and outdoor recreation have emerged as two of BC's fastest growing industries (Tourism BC 1996). However, tourism is only one of many competing forms of large scale development that are placing ever-increasing pressure on BC's lands and resources. In response to this pressure and resultant conflicts, the BC government has developed a strategy for shared decision making processes (SDM). A key element of the strategy is to encourage and support public participation in land use planning processes. This is to occur through collaboration and shared decision-making processes that bring together government and stakeholders to negotiate consensus agreements on land and resource management issues. Adherence to the SDM processes should therefore lead to more meaningful and effective participation by tourism (Williams et. al. 1998). This thesis analyzes the degree of collaboration within one of these SDM processes, specifically the Robson Valley Land and Resource Management Planning Process, from a tourism perspective. Based on theory and practical examples of community tourism collaboration, a case study interview questionnaire was designed and administered to nine public and one government participant from the Robson Valley LRMP process. The study of the Robson Valley case highlights linkages between the practical realities of a public land use planning process that is explicitly based upon the concepts of collaboration and the theoretical elements of collaborative planning for tourism. The results of the research indicate that while there are many opportunities for collaboration in an LRMP, institutional and situational obstacles can hinder it. These obstacles, include; imbalances of power at the table, lack of resources and government support for participation, and lack of recognition by powerful and controlling sectors of their interdependencies with other land use interests. They can be significant enough for tourism to be dis-satisfied with the outcomes of the process and to lose trust with the government over its control of the process. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), School of / Graduate

Before the Flood Washes it Away: The Road Connecting Urban & Regional Planning and Emergency Management Planning

Cyr, Ian 15 July 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis examines the relationship between emergency management planning and comprehensive land use planning. The incorporation of emergency management practices into the comprehensive planning process allows for a better understanding of the impact of development, zoning, building code, and economic development on the mitigation of hazards that face the community. Academic curricula may provide a brief introduction of the relationship between hazard mitigation and land use; however, a more detailed exploration of how emergency management planning and regional or urban planning are interrelated is needed. The impact of weather-related events, natural disasters, or other human-caused shock or disruption can dramatically impact the physical, social, and psychological structures of a community. This research provides regional planners with the history of emergency management planning in the United States. It examines how cross-sharing of information and process between both planning disciplines can contribute to more robust community development and disaster plans. A case study illustrates the impact of urban development on natural hazard mitigation and the subsequent risks to public safety, which resulted from the planning decisions. Place identity, place dependence, and public participation concerning hazard mitigation and disaster management are explored to provide planners and emergency managers with a context of the psychological influences which may impact a community member’s decisions when faced with significant disruption of place. Best practices that guide the integration of regional planning and emergency management planning are provided to increase the understanding of both planning processes to increase the capacity of a community to absorb and rebound from a natural disaster or sudden shock.

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