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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laudato Si' in the United States: Constructing a Public Theology

DiLeo, Daniel Robert January 2017 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Kenneth R. Himes / This project constructs a public theology of Laudato Si' with which Catholics in the United States might shape climate change discourse, policy, and action. Chapter 1 outlines anthropogenic climate change and reviews magisterial Catholic teaching about this issue. Chapter 2 argues that the Christian church should engage with the world through both secular and faith-based language in the forms of public philosophy and public theology. Chapter 3 considers Catholic public theology in the contemporary U.S. Chapter 4 considers LS as a document of public theology and demonstrates how this document both develops Catholic public theology in the social encyclical tradition and is organized according to a modified Pastoral Circle. Chapter 5 analyzes a nationally representative public opinion survey of American adults to discern the likelihood that messages based on LS might move Americans’ climate change opinions more in line with Pope Francis’s ecological vision. Chapter 6 combines these insights with the reflections in Chapter 3 to construct an American Catholic public theology of LS that might help accordingly shape American climate change discourse, policy and action. The project thus combines theological ethics and social science to engage in applied ecological theological ethics and constructively suggest the contents of an evidence-based American Catholic public theology of LS with which the church might advance Pope Francis’s ecological vision. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2017. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Theology.


[pt] O Rio de Janeiro é uma cidade na qual a arquitetura humana e a arquitetura divina convivem lado a lado. Esta realidade se torna mais evidente no alto do Monte Corcovado, onde a natureza, criação de Deus, e a estátua do Cristo Redentor, símbolo da redenção, aparecem harmonicamente, como se o monumento pudesse ser compreendido quase como uma extensão da montanha. O Cristo do Corcovado é esteticamente belo e tão pleno de significado que se mistura àquela famosa visão da natureza pela qual se confirma o título cidade maravilhosa. Concebido originalmente no século XIX, o propósito do monumento era comunicar o cerne da mensagem cristã numa linguagem universal. Após a sua inauguração, em outubro de 1931, o monumento transcendeu o âmbito religioso, representando também a cultura brasileira para o mundo. Em outubro de 2006, o platô do Monte Corcovado foi reconhecido como santuário católico, um lugar de oração e encontro, onde as pessoas podem estar em harmonia com Deus, com a natureza e com o próximo. Esta tese tem o objetivo de traduzir o simbolismo do Santuário Cristo Redentor em linguagem teológica, à luz da encíclica Laudato Si e da ecologia integral para fecundar a cultura, rica nas suas diversas manifestações, dentre as quais se apresenta o próprio monumento do Corcovado, diante dos desafios gerados pela mentalidade globalizante, consumista e de descarte. No primeiro capítulo abordamos a Teologia da História do Santuário Cristo Redentor, buscando haurir, nos 520 anos de história da Igreja no Brasil, as luzes para compreender as origens da crise socioambiental, no período colonial, no Império e na República, chegando até os dias atuais. No segundo capítulo, apresentamos a Cristologia e a Soteriologia da encíclica Laudato Si, abordando a criação, a encarnação e a redenção de forma integral e interdependente. Finalmente, no terceiro capítulo, estudamos a ecoteologia do Santuário Cristo Redentor a partir dos seus eixos simbólicos fundamentais, a Cruz, a Ressurreição, o Sagrado Coração de Jesus, a Eucaristia e Nossa Senhora Aparecida, a fim de buscar as respostas para as nossas proposições. A ecoteologia resultante desta investigação apresenta a criação, a encarnação e a redenção numa legítima e original relação de interdependência, através do simbolismo da montanha e da estátua do Cristo Redentor, demonstrando que todo o ecossistema, e não apenas o ser humano, participa do projeto salvífico divino. / [en] Rio de Janeiro is a city in which human architecture and divine architecture live side by side. This reality becomes more evident at the top of Mount Corcovado, where nature, God s creation, and the statue of Christ the Redeemer, symbol of redemption, appear harmoniously, as if the monument could be understood almost as an extension of the mountain. The Christ of Corcovado is aesthetically beautiful and so full of meaning that it mixes with that famous view of nature by which the title wonderful city is confirmed. Originally conceived in the 19th century, the purpose of the monument was to communicate the heart of the Christian message in a universal language. After its inauguration in October 1931, the monument transcended the religious sphere, also representing the Brazilian culture to the world. In Occtober 2006, Mount Corcovado’s plateau was recognized as a Catholic sanctuary, a place of prayer and encounter, where people can be in harmony with God, with nature and with others. This thesis aims to translate the symbolism of the Sanctuary Christ the Redeemer into theological language, in the light of the encyclical letter Laudato Si and of integral ecology, to evangelize the culture, rich in its diverse manifestations, among which is presented the Corcovado monument itself, in the face of the challenges generated by the globalizing, consumerist and disposal mentality. In the first chapter we approach the Theology of the History of the Sanctuary Christ the Redeemer, seeking to draw, in the 520 years of history of the Church in Brazil, the lights to understand the origins of the social and environmental crisis, in the colonial period, in the Empire and in the Republic, reaching to the present day. In the second chapter, we present the christology and the soteriology of the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ approaching creation, incarnation and redemption in an integral and interdependent way. Finally, in the third chapter, we study the ecotheology of the Sanctuary Christ the Redeemer from its fundamental symbolism, the Cross, the Ressurrection, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Eucharist and Our Lady of Aparecida, in order to seek answers to our propositions. The resulting ecotheology from this research presents creation, incarnation and redemption in a legitimate and original interdependent relationship, through the symbolism of the mountain and of the statue of Christ the Redeemer, demonstrating that the entire ecosystem, and not just the human being, participates in the divine salvific project.

La « conversion » écologiste de l’Eglise catholique en France : sociologie politique de l’appropriation du référent écologiste par une institution religieuse / The ecological “conversion” of the Catholic Church in France : Political sociology of the integration of ecological concern by a religious institution

Bertina, Ludovic-Pierre 27 September 2017 (has links)
La publication de l’encyclique Laudato Si’ a contribué à la médiatisation du processus de « conversion » de l’Église catholique à l’écologie. Par l’analyse de ce mouvement dans le contexte français, nous entendons isoler les effets structurels de l’intégration du référent écologiste sur une institution religieuse. Trois niveaux d’analyse sont ici adoptés : un niveau philosophique qui traite du discours papal sur l’écologie, un niveau individuel qui s’intéresse à l’identité des militants, et un niveau institutionnel qui évalue la portée du mouvement catholique en faveur de l’écologie. À chacun de ces échelons, l’Église catholique adopte une posture d’accommodement, en mettant l’accent sur la nécessité d’une spiritualisation des enjeux écologistes, qui valorise la relation au détriment de l’individualisme. Légitimé par le Vatican, le mouvement catholique écologiste s’organise ainsi autour d’initiatives locales sous le contrôle bienveillant et souple d’une minorité épiscopale. Cette autonomie acquise par les militants n’affaiblit cependant pas la hiérarchie, certains acteurs trouvant un avantage à perpétrer l’image d’une institution susceptible de répondre aux incertitudes engendrées par nos sociétés. La « conversion » de l’Église à l’écologie génère donc un double mouvement d’individualisation de l’engagement militant et d’implication institutionnelle dans les controverses écologistes. Ce mouvement contraire favorise, assurément, l’institutionnalisation de l’écologie. Mais cette « conversion » ne sera effective que si l’Église s’inscrit dans une quête de cohérence, où le maintien d’une ligne politique sera aussi décisif que la valorisation d’une spiritualité écologiste. / The publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ contributed to the exposure of the Catholic Church’s “conversion” to ecology. By analysing this emerging movement in the French context, we want to single out the structural effects of the assimilation of environmental concern by a religious institution. Three levels of analysis will be followed: a philosophical, an individual and an institutional one. The first step will evaluate the papal line on ecology, the second will focus on the identity of Catholic ecologist activists, and the third one will assess the scope of the Church’s ecological movement. On each of these aspects, the Catholic Church reach a compromise with postmodern society, emphasizing the need for a spiritualization of ecological stakes, which values relationship at the expense of individualism. Legitimized by the Vatican, the Catholic ecological movement is organized around local initiatives under the soft control of the episcopate. However, this autonomy acquired by the activists doesn’t weaken the hierarchy of the Church, since militants find an advantage in preserving the image of an institution capable of responding to the uncertainties caused by our societies. The Church “conversion” to ecology thus generates an individualization of militant commitment along with institutional involvement in environmental controversies. These contrary motions certainly promote the institutionalization of environmental concern. Nevertheless, this “conversion” will only be effective if the Church is incorporated within the framework of a quest for greater consistency, where policy making will be as important as the value of spirituality.


[pt] A presente dissertação sob o título de O ser humano, um ser de relação: a Ecologia Integral como caminho de reintegração e reconciliação, busca adentrar o campo da antropologia teológica tendo como inspiração maior a Encíclica Laudato Si. Nela o Papa Francisco nos apresenta os grandes impactos da crise socioambiental que atravessamos e alternativas para seu enfrentamento. Essa crise é também uma crise de humanidade, visto que a partir da modernidade com o surgimento do paradigma tecnocrático, houve uma mudança profunda na compreensão do ser humano que influenciou diretamente na forma com que ele estabelece seus vínculos. Ao se autodeclarar senhor, dominador e explorador da natureza por meio do aparato técnico, o ser humano vai pouco a pouco se distanciando da sua própria identidade e integralidade e seus relacionamentos passam a ser marcados pela superficialidade, pelo individualismo e pela falta de gratuidade. Ao colocarmos em evidência o conceito de Ecologia Integral queremos evocá-lo como um novo paradigma que substitua o tecnocrático. Um paradigma que efetive um processo de reumanização, onde o ser humano supere todo e qualquer dualismo e se reintegre enquanto pessoa. Além disso, certos de que o ser humano, é por natureza, um ser de relação, urge uma restauração de seus vínculos com Deus, com seus pares e com a natureza como uma espécie de movimento de reconciliação. Reconstruir o ser humano hoje é fundamental para pensarmos na existência futura da humanidade sobre a terra. / [en] The current dissertation under title The human being, a being of relationship: the Integral Ecology as reintegration and reconciliation path, as the objective to go into the teological antropology having as most inspiration the Laudato Si Encyclical. In the encyclical Pope Francis presents us the big impacts of socio-environmental crisis we are through and the alternatives to face it. This crisis is also a humanity crisis, seen from of the modernity with showing up of tecnocratical paradigm, there was a deep change in the human being comprehension that influenced directly on the way it is stablished its relationships. When self declaring lord, dominator and explorer of nature using technical apparatus, the human being goes litle by litle distancing of its own identity and completeness and its relationship become marked by superficiality, individualism and by lack of gratuity. When we bring the concecpt of Integral Ecology we want to evoke it as new paradigm to replace the technocratical. A paradigm that effective a rehumanization process where human being overcome all and any dualism and self reinteger as person. Besides, we are sure human being, is by nature, a being of relationship, urge its relationship restoration with God, with its pairs and with nature such as reconcialiation movement. Rebuild the human being today is fundamental for us to think future existence of humanity on earth.


CHRYSTIANO GOMES FERRAZ 09 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] A contribuição do papa Francisco para o diálogo inter-religioso, em especial na sua carta encíclica Laudato Si’ é o tema principal desta dissertação. Foi feita uma exposição sobre o tema do diálogo inter-religioso em geral, através de obras de referência para esta temática, a fim de compreender os desafios e a importância do diálogo em tempos de pluralismo religioso e crise sócio-ecológica. Assim, foi preparado o terreno para posicionarmos as contribuições do papa Francisco ao tema do diálogo inter-religioso, caracterizando sua atuação em prol do diálogo da fraternidade, na amizade e caminhada conjunta, que vai em busca do enriquecimento mútuo e bem comum, trabalhando em favor da paz, justiça social, tolerância e liberdade religiosa. Utilizou-se primeiramente como base a exortação apostólica Evangelii Gaudium, conteúdo programático de seu pontificado que prevê a prática do diálogo inter-religioso como parte da missão evangelizadora da Igreja Católica. Chegou-se ao entendimento de que o diálogo inter-religioso está dentro da prática pastoral de Francisco. Levantou-se então a pergunta-hipótese: há em Francisco uma contribuição original e singular para o tema do diálogo inter-religioso atual? Questão respondida positivamente. Através da análise da Laudato Si, constatou-se uma contribuição original de Francisco para a temática do diálogo inter-religioso, a construção de uma ecologia integral como tema de reflexão, encontro e colaboração inter-religiosas. Esta pesquisa integra-se no Projeto de Pesquisa sobre a Laudato Si coordenado pela professora orientadora. / [en] Pope Francis contribution to interreligious dialogue, especially through his encyclical letter Laudato Si, is the main theme of this dissertation. A presentation on the theme of interreligious dialogue in general was made, through reference works on this theme, in order to understand the challenges and importance of dialogue in times of religious pluralism and socio-ecological crisis. Thus, the ground was prepared to position Pope Francis contributions to the theme of interreligious dialogue, characterizing his action in favor of the dialogue of fraternity, in friendship and joint journey, which seeks the mutual enrichment and common good, working for peace, social justice, tolerance and religious freedom. The apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium was first used as a basis, the programmatic content of his pontificate which foresees the practice of interreligious dialogue as part of the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church. The understanding was reached that interreligious dialogue is within Francis s pastoral practice. The hypothesis question then arose: is there in Francis an original and singular contribution to the theme of current interreligious dialogue? Question answered positively. Through the analysis of Laudato Si, it was found an original contribution of Francis to the theme of interreligious dialogue, the construction of an integral ecology as a theme of interreligious reflection, encounter and collaboration. This research is part of the Laudato Si Research Project, coordinated by the research advisor teacher of this dissertation.


[pt] A tese que se apresenta com o título Ecologia e tecnocracia: a ressignificação do kérigma cristão à luz do diálogo com Hans Jonas é, sobretudo, um trabalho de teologia pastoral que se inspirou na Encíclica Laudato Si do Papa Francisco, que lança uma grave preocupação cósmica e humana. Humana-cósmica porque coloca o grave problema ecológico que a humanidade enfrenta diante das catástrofes naturais e talvez diante de um fim do planeta. Pastoral porque se a Igreja prega novos céus e nova terra, então, fica impossível este anúncio diante do possível fracasso do cosmos destruído pelo sistema econômico, sustentado por uma filosofia que pretende tirar do depósito ilimitado da natureza toda sua riqueza. Como pregar um final feliz em que Deus seja tudo em todo, diante da iminencia da catástrofe final? Esta pergunta decisiva foi colocada em outra perspectiva por Hans Jonas, quem procurou oferecer uma resposta ética e teológica a partir da responsabilidade e da teopatia. A obra de Hans Jonas, que, aliás, contesta a gnose, atravessará esta tese para permitir concluir que uma escatologia cristã sem uma responsabilidade que salve o cosmos, assumindo a dor de Deus é impossível, mesmo dentro de uma visão cristã a partir de Cristo morto na cruz e ressuscitado. Essa responsabilidade é um chamado que toca à humanidade toda, a todas as religiões e aos sistemas econômicos. Isso vai permitir um diálogo frutuoso com o pensamento, com as teologias e especialmente com os pobres, principais vítimas do problema ecológico. Esse diálogo deve levar a uma mística que contemple, na alteridade, o problema de maneira antropocósmica. É um novo falar de Deus. / [en] The thesis presented with the title Ecology and technocracy: the resignification of Christian kerigma in the light of dialogue with Hans Jonas is above all a work of pastoral theology inspired by Pope Francis Encyclical Laudato Si, which casts grave concern. human and cosmic. Cosmic-human because it poses the serious ecological problem facing humanity in the face of natural disasters and perhaps an end to the planet. Pastoral because if the Church preaches new heavens and a new earth, then this announcement becomes impossible in the face of the possible failure of the cosmos destroyed by the economic system, supported by a philosophy that seeks to take from its unlimited deposit all its richness. How can we preach a happy ending in which God is all in all in the face of the imminent catastrophe? This decisive question was put in another perspective by Hans Jonas, who aimed to provide an ethical and theological answer from responsibility and theopathy. Hans Jonas s work, which incidentally contests gnosis, will cross this thesis to allow us to conclude that a Christian eschatology without a responsibility that saves the cosmos, assuming the pain of God is impossible, even within a Christian vision from Christ dead in Christ, cross and risen. This responsibility is a call that touches all humanity, all religions, and economic systems. This will allow fruitful dialogue with thought, theologies and especially the poor, who are the main victims of the ecological problem. This dialogue must lead to a mystique that contemplates the problem in anthropocosmic way in otherness. It is a new talk of God.


LUCIOLA CRUZ PAIVA TISI 04 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta a relação entre esperança e responsabilidade. Relação que aparece como força dinamizadora atuando nos processos de libertação, criando espaços de transformação no meio ambiente e na história, já que o ser humano se encontra subjugado por processos econômicos e mercadológicos de desenvolvimento que, ao invés de gerarem vida, acabam produzindo um sistema de opressão e morte. A pesquisa segue uma metodologia bibliográfica em três partes, primeiro abordando a problemática do mundo atual e suas consequências para o futuro do planeta e da humanidade. Disserta sobre como a existência humana e toda a criação é colocada em perigo pelo descaso do próprio ser humano, esquecido de ser ele também parte da criação. Trata da relação entre o ser humano e a natureza, apontando o descaso ao priorizar a técnica e a produção, promovendo um olhar a natureza de forma utilitarista. Na segunda parte, são relacionadas a responsabilidade e a esperança, mostrando sua importância para a transformação da realidade, revelando ser a esperança responsável e força motriz na construção de um mundo novo, do Reino de Deus, projeto divino de salvação. Na terceira parte, apresenta-se como essa esperança é gerada, como pode ser caminho de discernimento para uma verdadeira transformação da realidade, gerando um mundo mais justo, solidário e humano, com a possibilidade de produzir um olhar crítico e construtivo para a realidade, despertando o desejo de criar um mundo novo, tocado pela esperança e marcado pela responsabilidade, mundo do Reino de Deus instaurado por Jesus de Nazaré. / [en] This paper aims to present the relationship between hope and responsibility. A relationship that appears to originate a driving force that can act in the liberation processes, creating spaces of transformation in our environment and history, since the human being is overwhelmed by economic and market development processes that, instead of generating life, produce a system of oppression and death. Our research follows a bibliographic method in three parts. First, we will deal with the problems of the present world and the consequences for the future of the planet and humanity. We will talk about how human existence and all creation is endangered by the neglect of the human being, forgetting that he is also part of creation. We will deal with the relationship between human beings and nature, pointing out neglect while prioritizing technique and production, given the utilitarian perception of nature. In the second part we will relate responsibility and hope showing its importance for the transformation of reality. We will present hope, the driving force in the construction of a new world, the Kingdom of God, divine project of salvation. In the third part, we will talk about how hope is generated and can be a way of discernment for a true transformation of reality, generating a more just, supportive and humane world, enabling a critical and constructive look at reality and awakening the desire to create a new world touched by hope and responsibility, a world of the Kingdom of God established by Jesus of Nazareth.


LUIZ FERNANDO LIMA RANGEL 25 March 2024 (has links)
[pt] O tema da Senhora Pobreza, abraçado por São Francisco, e o tema da Sobriedade Feliz, indicado na encíclica do Papa Francisco, Laudato Si , são estudados na espiritualidade franciscana, com origens na história medieval, na Regra Franciscana e um conjunto de documentos papais, junto da Laudato Si . Esses temas são importantes não só para o bem da Igreja, mas também para o mundo contemporâneo e para as gerações futuras. O objetivo principal é destacar o importante legado deixado por São Francisco, a sua compreensão da pobreza evangélica e apreciar sua relevância. Deste estudo, destacam-se os seguintes pontos: a pobreza evangélica se reflete na questão da aquisição de bens e na pastoral desenvolvida em diferentes lugares do mundo onde a presença franciscana é vista em ação; a relação entre a pobreza evangélica vivida por São Francisco e os ensinamentos do Papa Francisco. A metodologia implementada incluiu uma seleção de obras pertinentes ao tema, a análise desses textos, a comparação dos principais pontos relativos à espiritualidade e à pastoral, a constatação de eventuais continuidades e a compreensão de como a espiritualidade franciscana reacende e pode ajudar na busca por valores ou pode ser sustentada com o papado de Francisco. Os vários documentos e mensagens publicados pelo papa refletem a sua direção para uma Igreja pobre e preocupada com os mais necessitados, seguindo o projeto que vem de Jesus Cristo. Este projeto encontra-se no documento Laudato Si, e fala das preocupações socioambientais e da resposta do ser humano que pode alcançar vivendo uma vida de sobriedade feliz. A tese também contribui para apresentar uma melhor compreensão da Senhora Pobreza. A pobreza evangélica, seguida por São Francisco de Assis, é analisada e se baseia em diversos textos do Antigo e do Novo Testamento. A pesquisa inclui comentários de vários franciscanos que propiciam uma melhor compreensão sobre o tema e permitem entender o legado da pobreza, servindo como tecitura entre as ideias de São Francisco e do Papa Francisco. Concluindo, este estudo deduz que há uma continuidade entre a pobreza da Igreja evangélica, abraçada por São Francisco de Assis – a Senhora Pobreza –, e a Laudato Si na conversão de valores para uma vida de sobriedade feliz. O estudo aprofundado confirma que os temas considerados são importantes hoje em relação ao evangelho, especialmente para os jovens, em termos de busca de uma vida melhor, que em essência seria uma vida com sobriedade feliz / [en] The theme of Lady Poverty, embraced by Saint Francis, and the theme of Happy Sobriety, indicated in Pope Francis encyclical, Laudato Si, are studied through the Franciscan spirituality, with origins in medieval history, the Franciscan Rule, and a set of papal documents, alongside Laudato Si. These themes are important not only for the good of the Church but also for the contemporary world and for future generations. The primary objective is to highlight the important legacy left by Saint Francis, his understanding of evangelical poverty and to appreciate its relevance. From this study, the following points are relevant for consideration: evangelical poverty is reflected in the matter of acquiring goods and in the pastoral care developed in different places around the world where the Franciscan presence is seen at work; the relationship between evangelical poverty experienced by Saint Francis and the teachings of Pope. The methodology implemented included a selection of works relevant to the topic, the analyzation of these texts, the comparison of the main points regarding spirituality and pastoral care, the noting of any continuities and the understanding of how Franciscan spirituality rekindles and can help in the search for values or can be sustained with the papacy of Pope Francis. During his pontificate, Pope Francis released several documents and messages that reflect his direction of a poor Church that is concerned about those in most need. It follows the project that comes from Jesus Christ. This project is found in the document Laudato Si, and speaks of socio-environmental concerns, and the response of human beings living a life of happy sobriety. Moreover, the thesis also contributes to presenting a better understanding of Lady Poverty. In addition, evangelical poverty, followed by St. Francis of Assisi, is analyzed, and is based on several texts from the Old Testament and the New Testament. The thesis includes commentaries from several Franciscans that help us understand the developed legacy of poverty and serves as a legacy of continuity between the idea of Saint Francis and Pope Francis and texts from Pope Francis that serve as pathways for young people. In conclusion, this study deduces that there is a continuity between evangelical church poverty, embraced by Saint Francis of Assisi – Lady Poverty –and Laudato Si and the conversion of values with a life of happy sobriety. The indepth study confirms that the themes considered are important today in relation to the gospel, particularly for young people, in terms of searching for a better life, which in an essence would be a life with happy sobriety.

Becoming One in the Paschal Mystery: Christ, Spirituality, and Theology in Hugh of St. Victor

Stringer, Clifton January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Boyd Taylor Coolman / This dissertation offers a new systematic interpretation and retrieval of the theology and spirituality of the 12th century master Hugh of St. Victor, an interpretation centered on the Triune LORD’s unifying and reforming work in history in the three days of Jesus Christ’s dying, burial, and rising. Seen from the vantage of Hugh’s treatise On the Three Days, these ‘three days’ of Jesus Christ’s ‘Passover’ are, for Hugh, the plenary revelation of the Trinity in history – and so an eschatological disclosure – and are at once the soteriological and spiritual center of his theology. The work of the dissertation is, in part one, to explore the objective polarity of the LORD’s work in the three days. This entails an in-depth treatment of Hugh’s christology, including the currently contested and historically misconstrued territory of Hugh’s doctrine of the hypostatic union. Moreover, the project brings out the integral connections between Hugh’s doctrine of the hypostatic union and his soteriology of the re-formation of all of history in the three days. This triadic soteriological scheme in turn correlates to three degrees of theological language and of Triune self-revelation in history. The task of part two of the dissertation is to study the subjective polarity of Spirit-enabled human participation in Christ’s dying, burial, and rising. Hugh’s spirituality and practice of theology are explored as means of human re-formation unto wonder, wisdom, and charity – in short, unto mystical and ultimately eschatological union with God – through participation in the paschal mystery. These chapters thus systematize and explore aspects of Hugh’s thought as diverse as the communal formation at the Abbey of St. Victor, humility, study of the liberal arts and memorization of Scripture, theological meditation, allegorical and tropological biblical interpretation, works of charity, and the responsive eros of Hugh’s contemplative mysticism, all as means of sharing, by turns, in Christ’s dying, burial, and rising. The third and final part of the dissertation attempts a contemporary practice of Hugonian theology. It places the Hugonian theology retrieved in parts one and two in the context of the reception of Laudato Si’ in order to offer a christological and mystical companion to Pope Francis’ encyclical. It argues that the ‘ecological conversion’ for which Pope Francis calls, as a subjective participation in Christ, implicitly depends upon a robust enough objective christology to make the summons to particularly ‘ecological’ conversion coherent and compelling. Hence the contemporary eco-christologies of Sallie McFague and Celia Deane-Drummond are studied and adjudicated. Finally, on the basis of the gains accrued in the course of those eco-christological engagements, a renewed Hugonian christology and soteriology is proposed as a framework for and aid to the spiritual and moral implementation of Laudato Si’. Ecological conversion is itself, most properly, a process of human re-formation in the three days of Jesus Christ’s Passover, and hence practical efforts to teach and implement Laudato Si’ benefit from a Hugonian theological and spiritual approach. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Theology.

Compaixão no pensamento do Papa Francisco: a compaixão como chave de leitura da Laudato Si’ / Compassion in the thought of Pope Francis: compassion as a key to reading Laudato Si'

Caraseni, Rita de Cassia Goulart 29 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-12-12T11:31:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cassia Goulart Caraseni.pdf: 1273719 bytes, checksum: 6cf2f6ad710fcbf99ecc0abee66423b8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-12T11:31:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cassia Goulart Caraseni.pdf: 1273719 bytes, checksum: 6cf2f6ad710fcbf99ecc0abee66423b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Fundação São Paulo - FUNDASP / This research had as a general objective, to elaborate a study on the compassion category and how it presents itself in the thought of Pope Francisco, especially in the Encyclical Laudato Si'. We had as specific objectives: to characterize the category by relating it to elements identified in the encyclical, investigate and discuss how the category is present in the thought of Francisco and identifying the main meanings of the category in the Encyclical Laudato Si'. The theme of this dissertation arose from the desire to carry out research that treated compassion as a principle to be studied for its relevance in the process of maturing the human being in its relations. As a hypothesis of the research, we consider that the compassion category is expressed in an underlying way throughout the text of the Encyclical, through the use of elements of the category present in the text and also in the interlinkages of the main meanings of the category: anthropological, ecological and theological. The methodological approach used to compose this study was based on bibliographical and documentary research. We looked for authors who representing the state of the art about what was being researched and who presenting a discussion model that was closer to our intention of placing the compassion category in a social and global context, using it as a key to reading. As a result of the research, we note that through compassion, the human being is recognized within life, since this principle is capable of eliminating boundaries, creating bonds of brotherhood and building bridges of accessibility / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral, elaborar um estudo sobre a categoria compaixão e como ela se apresenta no pensamento do Papa Francisco, especialmente na encíclica Laudato Si’. Tivemos como objetivos específicos: caracterizar a categoria relacionando-a com elementos identificados na encíclica, investigar e debater como a categoria se faz presente no pensamento de Francisco e identificar os principais significados da categoria na encíclica Laudato Si’. O tema dessa dissertação surgiu da vontade de realizar uma pesquisa que tratasse a compaixão como um princípio a ser estudado por sua relevância no processo de amadurecimento do ser humano em suas relações. Como hipótese da pesquisa, consideramos que a categoria compaixão vem expressa de forma subjacente ao longo de todo o texto da encíclica, através do uso de elementos da categoria presentes no texto e também nas interligações dos principais significados da categoria: antropológico, ecológico e teológico. O enfoque metodológico utilizado para compor esse estudo, partiu de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Buscamos autores que representassem o estado da arte e que apresentassem um modelo de discussão que mais se aproximasse da nossa intenção de colocar a categoria compaixão em um contexto social e global, utilizando-a como chave de leitura. Como resultado da pesquisa, observamos que através da compaixão, o ser humano se reconhece dentro da vida, uma vez que esse princípio é capaz de eliminar fronteiras, criar laços de irmandade e erguer pontes de acessibilidade

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