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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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古昌平 Unknown Date (has links)
一、產業概況及生產聚落 台灣第三代面板生產線自1999年正式量產後,不到10年時間,台灣已居世界第一大面板製造國。2007年包括面板及關鍵零組件等產業在內的總產值,約1.3兆新台幣。 台灣主要面板業者,包括友達、奇美、群創(鴻海集團)、華映、統寶、勝華、瀚宇彩晶、元太等。其中可再區分大尺寸面板為主之友達、奇美,及中小尺寸面板為主之統寶、瀚宇彩晶等。 面板產業之發源地為美國及日本,惟自2003年起逐漸為台灣、中國之生產聚落超過,然日本目前在特定原材料及十代廠量產生產具優勢。 目前台商之面板製造,前段(Array及cell)以台灣為主,後段(LCM)以大陸為主,故兩岸分工體系明顯且配送往來頻繁。 目前面板產業在台灣之三個主要聚落為中科(友達)、南科/高雄(奇美、彩晶)、新竹/桃園(友達、群創、華映、彩晶等),已經具7.5代~8.5代量產之能力,正籌設10代廠之建置事宜。 台商在大陸之LCM廠佈局,以華東及華南為主,原則上除統寶、瀚宇彩晶中小尺寸面板廠在南京、武漢外,其餘大都在沿海都會區,分別分布於蘇州、上海、寧波、廈門、佛山、福州等地。 除大陸外,台商亦擬佈局北越,以分散過度集中於大陸LCM廠製造之風險。同時為貼近客戶及歐盟擬對面板課稅之潛在可能,面板業者至東歐設LCM廠已緊鑼密鼓進行中。 Samsung/LG是台灣面板廠最大勁敵,其垂直整合至LCD TV品牌,已直指台灣面板廠之罩門,如何突破下游應用產品品牌之發展與通路,是我國面板業者外銷重大課題之一。 二、延伸應用產品及配銷區域 在大陸/台灣生產製造的LCM面板,主要銷售當地延伸資訊產品製造業者,包括世界品牌OEM/ODM大廠及大陸當地業者。少部份銷售至歐、美、東南亞及東北亞等地。產品包括小尺寸之手機、投影機、照相機,中尺寸之NB/Monitor,最大尺寸之TV等。 隨著全球新興地區之興起,俄羅斯、巴西等,成為面板及其應用下游資訊業者之新商機主軸市場。 十代、十一代面板廠是下波各國面板廠成本競爭之所繫,46吋以上之大電視則是未來獲利來源所關注,惟因2008年3Q以來之全球不景氣,廠商無不減緩投資及調降獲利預測,前景仍舊不明。 三、產業物流現況及發展 TFT-LCD產業是我國最重要產業之一,目前已全面全球佈局,因此其全球運籌配送順暢及高效率彈性化極為重要,主要可分為二類: (1)原物料製造端物流:原物料由國內外供應商以多個生產聚落型式,送至以台灣(前段)及大陸(後段)為主之生產據點,以面板製造為目的。主要物流配送區域,包括台灣、中國、日本、及韓國,未來可能要包括北越及東歐等。 (2)半成品/成品銷售端物流(含逆物流):由台灣(10~20%)及大陸(80~90%)之前後段面板生產基地,出貨至以大陸為主之OEM/ODM等延伸資訊產品製造者手中,再由此OEM/ODM廠商,將LCD延伸資訊產品(如NB、TV)運送至全球國內外品牌/雜牌客戶之指定交貨地點,再由品牌客戶等所指定之零售/經銷通路商,販賣至終端客戶,以最終組裝及配銷為目的。主要物流儲配區域以中國、歐洲、美國為主,未來將包括巴西、俄羅斯等新興地區。且因歐、美、中等國均幅員廣大,故除海、空運外,尚需包括其內陸運輸。 由於面板產業體積較大且易損壞,故運送成本偏高,加上兩岸分工及全球佈局繁複,因此物流價值鏈偏長,因此其零組件物流運送區域及應用成品物流區域,如能有優越的物流策略與政府輔導措施,將極有可能促成TFT-LCD產業物流發展之新利基。 本產業原材料成本高及配送麻煩,加以無法相對穩定供應,因此除落實垂直整合及相互投資外,大型上、中、下游業者生產基地之群聚,乃成為趨勢,目前台灣中科、南科及竹南地區已形成三個面板產業聚落,加上國內物流業者投資氣墊車及玻璃基板包材已頗深入,故台灣國內運輸配送問題不大。 惟考量兩岸分工整合,及未來全球最大四個客戶區域市場─歐洲、美國、中國與日本之JIT/VMI送貨,則如何同時滿足兩岸生產與全球配銷之消費性電子快速D2D(Door to Door)物流運籌特性,乃成為本產業之國際經營最大考驗。 目前我國面板業者影響力大,且近年來資訊產業中之NB品牌業者、智慧型手機/Monitor品牌業者已漸成型,加之全球3C資訊產品市場中之主要品牌客戶業者較分散,因此近來我國面板及其相關產品之物流運籌主控權,已漸強大,逐漸具獨立發展之契機。 四、我國物流業者之服務現況與發展 我國物流業者除海、空運外,大多偏小且國際化不足,因此如五崧、驊洲等優良氣墊車專業服務業者,大都只限於國內經營,並未隨面板業者至大陸及其他地區服務。 兩岸間之海運(大尺寸)及空運(小尺寸)面板往返配送服務,目前並未獲得我國海、空運業者特別注重。尤其是兩岸工廠間之D2D配送,其時效考量仍未得到客製化服務。以至於奇美等面板廠,已著手自設物流公司,以貼切滿足其配送服務需求。 大陸、歐洲、美國及至巴西、俄羅斯之內部及其間物流配送,業者目前只能依賴中資、歐資、美資等當地物流業者服務。持續忍受外資價格昂貴及中資品質較劣之服務。 面板及資訊業者反應,倘台灣物流聯盟能整合提供具成本、品質及安全/彈性迅速之平價優質物流服務,將樂觀其成,且可相輔相成共同成長。 目前業者最殷切之物流需求為:(1)兩岸間快速物流運輸之改善與提供 (2)大陸VMI/JIT/JMI之儲配服務 (3)東/西歐之需求端發貨配送服務。 五、兩岸新局勢及物流新機會 海運快捷:由於空運成本為海運成本之十倍以上(面板尺寸愈大,差異倍數更高),故直航後,大部份空運貨將轉為海運快捷,如統寶、瀚宇彩晶(中小尺寸)。 海運直航後,兩岸中小船快運業務將迅速興起,陽明海運等已針對奇美(高雄-寧波)規劃大船接中小船再接陸運之一條龍配送。未來亦將針對統寶/瀚宇彩晶之南京/武漢配送,再進行內河航運或內陸運輸之Door to Door服務,使產業與物流業雙雙得利。 未來“兩岸經貿營運特區”之特區對特區生產整合與綠色通關完成後,兩岸之面板產業生產,將形成最佳之產業聚落及運籌體系,成為台灣面對日、韓競爭之秘密武器。 目前資訊業者,應立即加速著手面板業者兩岸D2D之海運快捷服務(上海1~2天,南京4~5天),並立即著手提供海、陸、空聯運服務之可能模式整合。 兩岸經貿營運特區推動在即,建議應將面板產業之兩岸生產基地視為同一關區,減免其關稅及簡化關務,建立關務之綠色通道,此對我國面板業競爭力提升有莫大助益。 六、結語與綜合建議 (一)結語 值此兩岸經貿新局及海空直航實現在即之際,產業與物流業發展物流運籌業務,當為最佳佈局時機。面對未來現況,產業與物流業如能相輔相成合作,將使雙方發展有事半功倍之效。 然而,因我國物流業者大多偏小且國際化不足,如希有效滿足資訊產業全球營運需求,應加速國內關鍵業者聯盟整合,並進而與相關國外大型物流業者、當地物流業者聯盟合作,建立跨國內外3PL之4PL公司或類似之VNC組織。 (二)綜合建議(1):面板業者(台灣/兩岸) 加速與物流業者聯盟合作,建立兩岸Door to Door海空陸聯運快速暢達之一條龍運輸配送體系,使此關鍵快捷運輸體系,成為面板業贏過日、韓“ Samsung / LG / Sharp / SONY ”之秘密武器。 建議46吋以上之LCD TV及高品質NB、智慧型手機之前期製造,能於台灣研發、製造及全球服務,使我國之高端製造業能重返台灣本土,並持續帶動及增強我國物流運籌業之發展。 (三)綜合建議(2):延伸資訊產品業者(全球) 兩大品牌NB/PC資訊業者:ACER及ASUS,如能在不排斥彼此之情境下,與堅實物流聯盟合作無間,協助第一階(OEM/ODM大廠,如冠捷/精英/志合),及第二階(面板等關鍵零組件),推動台資Base之VMI機制,並逐漸自外資(BAX等)及中資(大田、飛力等)手中,取回VMI機制服務權,則產業與物流業者將兩相得利而大大雙贏。 台灣/中國JMI機制建立後,應持續推動歐洲及其他區域之最後組裝型JMI機制。 配合政府積極推動台商回流、兩岸經貿營運特區,及建立台灣為研發中心之際,各業者回台建立發貨/運籌中心/維修中心,應宜早佈局及規劃考量。

Development of dual view displays

Mather, Jonathan Francis January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is about ‘Dual View’ displays. These are displays that can show different images to different people. For example, the driver of a car could view a GPS map, whilst the passenger who looks at the display from a different angle, could watch a movie. This thesis describes some of the research that took the project from an idea to a refined product. Sharp’s first dual view display is prototyped, and problems such as crosstalk between the two views are seen. These problems are analysed and rectified to bring the device up to a high standard. In July 2005 Sharp used this technology to launch the world’s first dual view product. Since then a new design of dual view display has been investigated. This design is theoretically optimised and experimentally tested. The new design is shown to provide dual view with greater head freedom, greater efficiency, and lower crosstalk than the original parallax barrier design.

Creating a Portable Wireless Display

Gundala, Srivatsa 19 December 2003 (has links)
Real time computing has become a vital part in military applications. Moreover certain operations require that the soldiers carry computing devices to assist them. These devices, besides providing them with location-based information, should also be transmitting the requested data. In this thesis, we present a portable wireless display prototype, which renders the desktop of a remote computer. The prototype functions under the range of an 802.11b or Bluetooth wireless network. The Software interfacing is done with Virtual Network Computing (VNC). This thesis is a first step towards analyzing and creating head/wrist mounted displays capable of transmitting images from a remote computer. The thesis starts with an overview and proceeds with a discussion on the concepts involved behind the functioning of the prototype. It then provides a detailed description of the how the prototype was built, followed by a performance test and its analysis and concludes by summarizing the results achieved.


洪崑欽 Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業的特性為資本密集、技術密集與人才密集,產品生命週期較為短。在面臨全球化的競爭挑戰時,面對的壓力遠高於傳統產業。因此如何提昇台灣高科技產業得的水準和強化產業競爭力,實為當今台灣廠商與政府應面對的重要問題。 LCD產業相關技術發展已近成熟,加上台灣為全球筆記型電腦及PC監視器的生產重鎮,具有不得不進入LCD產業的壓力。此外,液晶顯示技術的發展也帶動其他電子產品的創新,範圍涵蓋了資訊、通訊及消費性電子商品等。LCD具有輕薄、省電、無輻射、不佔空間及可攜性等優勢,隨著多元化應用的推廣及技術的發展,產業整體市場規模將急遽成長。 高科技產業如LCD產業,對於國內相關產業的關鍵零組件自主性與促進產業升級都有重大的影響。在面對日本及韓國強烈的競爭下,台灣廠商如何在LCD產業的全世界市場領域中建立競爭優勢,找到適當定位,是一個值得討論的重要課題。 本研究以產業經濟學的產業結構-廠商行為-績效(Structure—Conduct—Performance, S-C-P)理論,為主要的分析架構,再配合Porter的五力分析架構,價值鏈分析和國家優勢競爭之鑽石模型概念分析台灣的LCD產業。希望透過研究的過程,找出一套適用於LCD產業的產業分析架構。在實務上希望能夠作為業者擬定企業競爭策略及政府擬定產業政策的參考。由於本研究有其研究的限制,本文也開列出後續研究的建議,希望提供後者更進一步的研究方向。

Development of ultra-precision tools for metrology and lithography of large area photomasks and high definition displays

Ekberg, Lars Peter January 2013 (has links)
Large area flat displays are nowadays considered being a commodity. After the era of bulky CRT TV technology, LCD and OLED have taken over as the most prevalent technologies for high quality image display devices. An important factor underlying the success of these technologies has been the development of high performance photomask writers in combination with a precise photomask process. Photomask manufacturing can be regarded as an art, highly dependent on qualified and skilled workers in a few companies located in Asia. The manufacturing yield in the photomask process depends to a great extent on several steps of measurements and inspections. Metrology, which is the focus of this thesis, is the science of measurement and is a prerequisite for maintaining high quality in all manufacturing processes. The details and challenges of performing critical measurements over large area photomasks of square meter sizes will be discussed. In particular the development of methods and algorithms related to the metrology system MMS15000, the world standard for large area photomask metrology today, will be presented. The most important quality of a metrology system is repeatability. Achieving good repeatability requires a stable environment, carefully selected materials, sophisticated mechanical solutions, precise optics and capable software. Attributes of the air including humidity, CO2 level, pressure and turbulence are other factors that can impact repeatability and accuracy if not handled properly. Besides the former qualities, there is also the behavior of the photomask itself that needs to be carefully handled in order to achieve a good correspondence to the Cartesian coordinate system. An uncertainty specification below 100 nm (3σ) over an area measured in square meters cannot be fulfilled unless special care is taken to compensate for gravity-induced errors from the photomask itself when it is resting on the metrology tool stage. Calibration is therefore a considerable challenge over these large areas. A novel method for self-calibration will be presented and discussed in the thesis. This is a general method that has proven to be highly robust even in cases when the self-calibration problem is close to being underdetermined. A random sampling method based on massive averaging in the time domain will be presented as the solution for achieving precise spatial measurements of the photomask patterns. This method has been used for detection of the position of chrome or glass edges on the photomask with a repeatability of 1.5 nm (3σ), using a measurement time of 250 ms. The method has also been used for verification of large area measurement repeatability of approximately 10 nm (3σ) when measuring several hundred measurement marks covering an area of 0.8 x 0.8 m2. The measurement of linewidths, referred to in the photomask industry as critical dimension (CD) measurements, is another important task for the MMS15000 system. A threshold-based inverse convolution method will be presented that enhances resolution down to 0.5 µm without requiring a change to the numerical aperture of the system. As already mentioned, metrology is very important for maintaining high quality in a manufacturing environment. In the mask manufacturing industry in particular, the cost of poor quality (CoPQ) is extremely high. Besides the high materials cost, there are also the stringent requirements placed on CD and mask overlay, along with the need for zero defects that make the photomask industry unique. This topic is discussed further, and is shown to be a strong motivation for the development of the ultra-precision metrology built into the MMS15000 system. / <p>QC 20130515</p>

Emissions of organic compounds from technosphere articles : Measurements and modeling of mass transfer from consumer goods and building materials to air and water

Holmgren, Tomas January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of a generic model for predicting the emissions of organic compounds from materials used in the manufacture of various goods and products. Many products contain organic substances that are not bound to the matrix formed by their constituent materials and are thus able to dissociate from the material and become transferred into the surrounding environment. A wide range of materials and products are used in modern societies, and many compounds deriving from these materials are regarded as emerging pollutants in both indoor and outdoor environments. The model uses three components to describe the transfer of compounds from materials to the surrounding environment: partitioning of the compound between the material and its surroundings based on linear free energy relationships, diffusion within the material based on the Piringer equation, and convective mass transfer in air or water based on an empirical flat surface model. The model’s predictive capacity was tested against three experimental case studies: emissions of plasticizers from vinyl flooring and triphenyl phosphate from LCD screens into the air, and leaching of organophosphates from concrete into water. The rates of emission from vinyl flooring were clearly affected by the number of layers comprising the material. Triphenyl phosphate was found in the front surface of all tested flat screens and its rates of emission were related to the nature of the screen and its operating temperature. The model accurately predicted emissions into the air and leaching from concrete into water once modified to include modules that describe dissolution from surfaces and diffusion in water-filled pores. The model was then used to investigate emissions on the national scale. It was found that the rates of emission from vinyl flooring are not changing over time, and that the total mass of emitted material is dependent on annual sales volumes and the expected life span of the vinyl flooring. Moreover, the additive used has a large effect on the emitted mass. Emissions from flat screen displays depend strongly on their operating temperatures: displays with high working temperatures that are active for extended periods of time produce more emissions. The model was also used to study the release of organophosphates from the concrete used to make a bridge, which depended on the flow of water under the bridge, the temperature, the porosity of the concrete, and the additive’s water solubility. Data on annual sales volumes and the total surface area of sold goods are essential when studying emissions on a national scale. National retailers’ organizations are valuable sources of such information. When adequate data are not available, it is necessary to perform uncertainty analyses to determine the impact of uncertainty in the modeling of different stages of the emissions process in different scenarios.


謝榮明 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇主要是研究大型TFT-LCD產業的研發活動進行效率分析的論文,本研究採取二階段的方法來對大型TFT-LCD產業進行分析,研究期間為2001~2003年,第一階段採用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis;DEA),其產出項為專利件數,其投入項為研發人力,研發資本,一般研究TFT-LCD的經營績效都以研發費用當作投入,而本研究以研發效率為為討論對象,研發資本當作投入,為其特殊之處。 第二階段以Tobit回歸分析找出可能影響研發活動的影響因子,發現影響大型TFT-LCD研發的因子有碩士以上研發人員(R&D)占研發人員比例、研發人員年約收入高低、研發人員平均年資、專利累積數量、專利數量變化量不同會影響技術效率。 實驗結果發現友達的整體相對效率、研發績效、規模效率皆為1為最有效率的廠商,這也印證友達能在世界TFT-LCD占據第三名的地位;友達是連續三年總體及技術效率被評估為最有效率廠商;廣輝在技術相對效率是相當好且穩定的公司,而在營收表現也逐年進步;瀚宇彩晶在整體效率、技術效率、及規模效率是逐年下滑的,而營收表現也不佳;華映則是整體相對效率、技術效率逐年改善。 研究也發現公司規模、技術移轉費用的多寡並不影響研發效率,因此並不是買技術就可提昇研發能力,最根本還是要從資源妥善運用及管理。 關鍵字:研發資本、研發人力、資料包絡分析法、TFT-LCD

Classification and Analysis of Management and Marketing Data / Klassifizierung und Analyse der Management-und Marketing-Daten

Facca, Tina Marie 20 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

LCD-OpenPACS: sistema integrado de telerradiologia com aux?lio ao diagn?stico de n?dulos pulmonares em exames de tomografia computadorizada

Firmino Filho, Jos? Mac?do 04 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-06-21T19:35:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseMacedoFirminoFilho_TESE.pdf: 7600566 bytes, checksum: 3fb49e1b33edf4c9a3905abebf0e5309 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-22T22:09:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseMacedoFirminoFilho_TESE.pdf: 7600566 bytes, checksum: 3fb49e1b33edf4c9a3905abebf0e5309 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-22T22:09:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseMacedoFirminoFilho_TESE.pdf: 7600566 bytes, checksum: 3fb49e1b33edf4c9a3905abebf0e5309 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-04 / O c?ncer de pulm?o ? uma das principais causas de morte no mundo. A sua alta taxa de mortalidade est? relacionada com detec??o da patologia em est?gios avan?ados. De acordo com a literatura, a tomografia computadorizada (TC) ? a modalidade de imagem mais indicada para a detec??o precoce de n?dulos pulmonares. No entanto, ela impacta diretamente na carga de trabalho dos radiologistas. Pesquisadores propuseram v?rios sistemas automatizados para auxiliar os radiologistas na detec??o do c?ncer de pulm?o. Entretanto, a utiliza??o desses sistemas necessitava de altera??es no fluxo de trabalho cl?nico e altos custos de implanta??o. Visando solucionar estas barreiras, o presente trabalho prop?e uma nova abordagem para detec??o de n?dulos pulmonares, em exames de tomografia computadorizada (TC), baseado no descritor Histograma do Gradiente Orientada (HoG) e M?quina de Vetor de Suporte (SVM). Al?m disso, ? proposto uma aplica??o desta abordagem num sistema de telerradiologia, chamado LCD-OpenPACS, gratuito e c?digo fonte aberto. Este sistema ? uma extens?o do sistema OpenPACS que ? um sistema de comunica??o e arquivamento de imagens m?dicas que possui c?digo fonte aberto e multiplataforma desenvolvido pelo Laborat?rio de Inova??o Tecnol?gica em Sa?de (LAIS) do Hospital Universit?rio Onofre Lopes (HUOL). O m?todo proposto ? formado por cinco etapas: aquisi??o das imagens, segmenta??o, detec??o de n?dulos suspeitos, extra??o das caracter?sticas e classifica??o (elimina??o de falsos positivos). O m?todo proposto foi validado com 100 n?dulos (identificados por, pelo menos, dois radiologistas) e 101 n?o n?dulos (por exemplo, tecido, vasos sangu?neos e outras estruturas que n?o representavam n?dulos cancer?genos) e apresentou uma sensibilidade de 98,03% com 9,6 falso positivo por caso em 0,18 s. O sistema detectou n?dulos pulmonares cancer?genos (solit?rios, opacidade em vidro fosco e n?dulos justavascular) entre 3 mm e 30 mm. Entretanto, a etapa de segmenta??o do sistema ainda n?o est? apresentando resultados satisfat?rios na presen?a de n?dulos justapleurais e outras patologias graves que alteram a opacidade dos contornos pulmonares. As principais contribui??es do presente trabalho foram o desenvolvimento do novo m?todo de detec??o de n?dulos pulmonares e a proposta do sistema de telerradiologia que minimiza as altera??es do fluxo de trabalho cl?nico e o custo de implanta??o, podendo ser utilizado pelo sistema de sa?de brasileiro (SUS). Ainda s?o necess?rias mais pesquisas para aperfei?oar o sistema proposto, principalmente melhorar o processo de segmenta??o das imagens pulmonares. Como trabalhos futuros, propomos mensurar caracter?sticas dos n?dulos (por exemplo, malignidade e volume), avaliar a evolu??o do tratamento oncol?gico e seu poss?vel progn?stico. / Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and has the highest mortality rate. Patient survival is highly correlated with early detection. Computed Tomography technology services the early detection of lung cancer tremendously by offering aminimally invasive medical diagnostic tool. However, the large amount of data per examination makes the interpretation difficult. This leads to omission of nodules by human radiologist. This thesis presents a development of a computer-aided diagnosis system (CADe) tool for the detection of lung nodules in Computed Tomography study. The system, called LCD-OpenPACS (Lung Cancer Detection - OpenPACS) should be integrated into the OpenPACS system and have all the requirements for use in the workflow of health facilities belonging to the SUS (Brazilian health system). The LCD-OpenPACS made use of image processing techniques (Region Growing and Watershed), feature extraction (Histogram of Gradient Oriented), dimensionality reduction (Principal Component Analysis) and classifier (Support Vector Machine). System was tested on 220 cases, totaling 296 pulmonary nodules, with sensitivity of 94.4% and 7.04 false positives per case. The total time for processing was approximately 10 minutes per case. The system has detected pulmonary nodules (solitary, juxtavascular, ground-glass opacity and juxtapleural) between 3 mm and 30 mm.

Měřič kvality elektrické energie / Meter of powerline quality

Samek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The subject of graduation thesis is a design of line analyser according to standard EN61000-4-30 class A. The analyser is determine to be used for quality control of supplied electric power which is, during electric power transmission, affected by several disturbances. Power line analyser should measure single-phase and three-phase network parameters in LV and HV systems. Measured parameters can be shown on the full colour TFT display, stored in the device memory or sent to other devices such as PC. For communication between the device and PC the USB, Ethernet or RS485 interface are used.

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