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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektivisering av värdeflödet på ett producerande företag : En fallstudie på Klöfver AB / More efficient value stream in a producing company : A case study at Klöfver AB

Salin Gustafsson, Martin, Lundberg, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Denna fallstudie har utfört på Klöfver AB och syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen hur ett producerande företag kan effektivisera värdeflödet inom sina produktionsprocesser. Först kartlades det nuvarande läget i produktionen på företaget. Med utgångspunkt från en värdeflödesanalys kunde sedan värdeskapande och icke värdeskapande aktivitet identifieras. De icke värdeskapande aktiviteterna kategoriserades som olika typer av slöserier. Även övriga observationer visade att företaget jobbar på ett ostrukturerat sätt och att det förekommer en stökig miljö på företaget. I studiens slut genereras förbättringsförslag som grundar sig i studiens resultat och det beskrivs hur dessa förbättringsförslag kommer att påverka företaget. Undersökningsfrågan kommer att besvaras med hjälp av generella slutsatser som studien genererat.

Värdeflödesanalys i processindustri med kontinuerlig tillverkning : Fallstudie på Billerud Korsnäs AB Skärblacka / Value stream mapping a process industry with continuous manufacturing : Case study at Billerud Korsnäs AB Skärblacka

Bygdén, Johan, Johansson, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Lean produktion är en filosofi vars förenklade syfte är att producera mer produkter och samtidigt använda färre resurser genom att eliminera slöseri i systemet. I grunden är det företag som ägnar sig åt stycktillverkningen som anammat tekniker inom lean men på senare tid har denna filosofi spridit sig även till andra branscher. Utvecklingen av lean mot processindustrin har däremot gått mycket långsammare vilket medför att den industrin fortfarande har mycket att lära när det kommer till lean. En del kritiker menar att möjligheten att använda leantekniker i processindustrin är väldigt begränsad medan andra hävdar att det bara krävs ett annorlunda angreppssätt och att de olika metoderna måste anpassas efter processindustrins förutsättningar. Då lean syftar till att eliminera olika typer av slöseri ur systemet finns det en generellt vedertagen metod som heter värdeflödesanalys. Denna metod används för att kartlägga material- och informationsflödet för att man på så vis ska kunna identifiera slöseri som existerar i systemet. Det finns väldigt begränsat med litteratur kring värdeflödesanalysens applicering i processindustrin, varpå detta examensarbete kommer in. Examensarbetet utfördes som en fallstudie på BillerudKorsnäs Skärblacka’s säkpapperstillverkning och syftet är att testa hur en värdeflödesanalys kan tillämpas på denna typ av produktion för att identifiera slöseri. Studien resulterade i en beskrivning av vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att metoden ska kunna användas med ett lyckat resultat, hur de utmärkande egenskaperna i processindustrin påverkar värdeflödesanalysen genomförande samt vilka modifieringar av metoden som bör göras. Vid kartläggningen av material- och informationsflöde på fallföretaget identifierades ett flertal problemområden där man tydligt kunde se var den största mängden slöseri uppkom. Det upptäcktes då att det största fokuset bör ligga på materialflödet och produktionsutrustningen. Dessa problemområden mynnade ut i ett antal förbättringsåtgärder som skulle kunna minska slöseri i systemet. Även rekommendationer föreslogs för hur de fortsättningsvis ska kunna arbeta iterativt med värdeflödeskartläggningar som en del i arbetet med ständiga förbättringar. Efter utförd värdeflödesanalys kunde slutsatser dras. Tillämpbarheten ansågs god då problemområden och slöseri kunde identifieras på ett överskådligt sätt. Dock var datainsamling och beräkning av parametrar väldigt tidskrävande moment. Detta på grund av att metoden utfördes för första gången på den studerade produktionen och att all data lagrades i olika system. Vid fortsatta kartläggningar kommer datainsamlingen att gå snabbare då alla formler redan är specificerade och lärdom kan tas från denna studies arbetssätt. Då radikala förändringar av layout och flödesmönster är svårt (läs omöjligt) att genomföra i de flesta processindustrier bör värdeflödesanalysens fokus vara själva kartläggningen där syftet är att identifiera befintliga problem och eliminera olika typer av slöseri. Metoden bör därmed användas som underlag för investeringar och förbättringsarbeten / Lean production is a philosophy which purpose can be simplified as: Produce more products with the usage of fewer resources by eliminating waste in the system. At the beginning it was part manufacturing companys who started using the different techniques within lean but in recent years lean has been widespread and applied in service organizations like health care for example. The development of lean against the process industries has however been slower which implies that the companys within that industry still have a lot to learn when it comes to lean. Some critics argue that the possibilities of applying lean techniques in the process industries are limited. Others claim that you just need a different approach and that the lean methods might need to be adjusted so that the conditions of the industry are considered. When the main purpose of lean is to eliminate waste from the system there is a generally accepted method called value stream mapping (VSM). The method is used in order to map the material- and information flow and hence identify the waste existing in the system. There is a limited amount of literature considering the applicability of this method in the process industry, whereupon this study comes in handy. This master thesis was carried out as a case study at BillerudKorsnäs Skärblacka’s craft paper production and the purpose is to investigate how VSM can be applied at this type of production in order to eliminate waste. The study resulted in a description of the conditions necessary for the method to be used successfully, how the distinctive characteristics of the process industry affect the implementation of the method and which modifications that needed to be done. When the material- and information flow was mapped a number of problem areas were identified where the waste in the system was revealed. It was then detected that the biggest focus should be on the material flow and the production equipment. The identified problem areas lead to a number of improvement suggestions whose purpose is to decrease the amount of waste in the system. Recommendations were also proposed, discussing how the company henceforth can work iteratively with value stream mapping as a part of a process with continuous improvements. After the method was carried out conclusions could be drawn. The applicability of the method was considered as good due to problem areas and waste was identified and presented in a lucid way. Though, the data collection and calculation of the included parameters were very time-consuming. The reasons for that were that this was the first time the method was used at the company and the fact that all the data was stored in different systems. With continued mappings of the value stream the data collection and calculation will be less time-consuming parts due to all the formulas are already specified and lessons can be learned from the performance of this study. Due to the fact that radical changes of layout or flow pattern are hard or even impossible to carry out in this kind of industry the main focus of the VSM should be the mapping where the purpose is to identify existing problems and wastes. Hence the output from this method could be foundation for future investments and improvements.

Lean i den fysiska planeringsprocessen : ”It’s not about finding the big fish, but fishing all the time”

Palmér, Gustaf January 2015 (has links)
Den svenska planprocessens effektivitet är ett problematiskt och omdiskuterat ämne. Uppsatsen behandlar effektivisering av den fysiska planeringsprocessen med leanteoretiska begrepp som utgångspunkt. På senare tid har flera alternativa lösningar för effektivisering uppkommit. En av dessa lösningar är lean, en verksamhetsstrategi med ursprung från Toyotas produktionsfilosofi. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med målet att genom intervjuer, offentliga rapporter och litteratur granska den svenska planeringsprocessen och fenomenet lean inom fysisk planering. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån syftet att studera den svenska planeringsprocessens problematik och ifall en verksamhetsfilosofi utvecklad för industriell tillverkning i Japan kan bidra till en effektivare fysisk planeringsprocess i Sverige. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån två empiriska exempel: verksamhetsutveckling av bygglovshantering inspirerat av lean i Norrtälje kommun och en övergripande verksamhetsutveckling inspirerad av lean på stadsbyggnadskontoret i Täby. Resultat tyder på att vägen till att bli lean inte är helt okomplicerad, samtidigt finns det tydliga indikationer på att effektivisering av planprocess med inspiration av Lean har gett goda resultat.

Automated post-simulation visualization of modular building production assembly line

Han, Sang Hyeok 11 1900 (has links)
Simulation is often used to model production processes with the aim of understanding and improving them. In many cases, however, information produced by simulation is not detailed enough and can be misinterpreted. The use of visualization in combination with simulation can provide project participants with a detailed-level model to prevent misinterpretation of information and to understand the production process. The purpose of this research is to automate the visualization process as a post-simulation tool through sharing interactive information between simulation and visualization. The proposed methodology has been applied to the production line of modular buildings with the output of lean, simulation, and visualization in the form of animation. Based on the new scheduling developed by applying lean principles, a simulation model was built and its output was extracted to an ASCII file used to build 3D visualization developed using Maxscript in 3D Studio Max for automation of visualization process. / Construction Engineering and Management

Leva med Lean : Hur involveras och motiveras medarbetare till att ständigt arbeta med förbättringar?

Halfvars, Anna, Clain, Marie January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Lean Production i den offentliga sektorn : Hur kan Lean Production påverka medarbetare att jobba med ständiga förbättringar och kundvärde?

Mårtensson, Simon, Kaur Maan, Ramnpreet January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Title: Lean Production in The Public Sectors Level: Final assignment for Master of Science in Business Administration. Authors: Simon Mårtensson and Ramnpreet Kaur Maan Supervisor: Stig Sörling and Tomas Källquist. Examiner: Lars-Johan Åge Date: 2015 – June. Aim: The use of Lean Production in the public sector is increasing and there are still opportunities for improvement that contributes to a higher customer value. According to previous research that has been done, there is a lack of research in the field of Lean production in the public sector. Thus, the aim of this study is to create an understanding of how Lean production as a concept can help to influence employees to work with continuous improvements and customer value in the public sector. Method: The study has a hermeneutic perspective as a starting point where the substance is studied from an operator approach. We have chosen to build our study with the help of deduction starting with a theoretical framework and then go into the empirical framework. The foundation is built around a case study with a qualitative approach through the semi-structural interviews. Collecting data and analysis has been done through coding to achieve the most essential of it. Result & Conclusion: The study indicates that continuous improvement and customer value are tools that the public sector largely works with. To obtain this the respondents, which represent the authorities, uses Lean meetings, Lean board and shows concrete examples of changes that have a positive impact on the company. Suggestions for future research: We believe that further research on how employees are affected by the work for continuous improvements and customer value in the private sector is of great interest. Contribution of the thesis: The study shows that it is needed to motivate employees so that they will work on continuous improvements and customer value. In connection with this, there are tools that the public sector can use to promote the motivation, which is education and feedback. Key words: Lean Production, employees, continuous improvements, customer value, the public sector.

Diretrizes para avaliação dos impactos da produção enxuta sobre as condições de trabalho

Ferreira, Cleber Fabrício January 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe diretrizes para a avaliação dos impactos da produção enxuta (PE) sobre as condições de trabalho de operadores de chão-de-fábrica, com ênfase no contexto da indústria da manufatura. As diretrizes foram aplicadas em um estudo de caso em uma linha de montagem de colheitadeiras de um fabricante de máquinas agrícolas que vem implementando, desde 2001, a PE como estratégia de produção em nível corporativo. Inicialmente, foi avaliado, qualitativamente, o nível de implementação das práticas enxutas (NIPE) na linha estudada. O instrumento de avaliação utilizado foi uma lista de verificação com 11 práticas de PE, subdivididas em 92 itens. A lista foi preenchida após a realização de 15 entrevistas com gerentes e supervisores de diversas áreas da empresa, observações diretas, análise de alguns padrões de trabalho e relato dos operadores. Em seguida, foram realizadas as seguintes atividades de campo para avaliar os impactos humanos da PE: a) entrevistas semi-estruturadas com seis técnicos e um engenheiro de segurança; b) coleta de dados de produção e segurança e saúde no trabalho; c) entrevistas semi-estruturadas com três grupos de dez operadores para análise da percepção destes sobre os aspectos positivos e negativos da PE, além de conduzir discussões de questões específicas desse sistema; d) aplicação de dois tipos de questionários, um para avaliar as condições atuais de trabalho (com 56 questões) e outro para avaliar as diferenças entre os sistemas antigo e novo de produção (com 42 questões), respondidos por 91 e 67 operadores, respectivamente, de um total de 122; e) retorno dos resultados dos questionários para um grupo de 65 operadores para validação da análise desses resultados. Os resultados das diversas etapas foram analisados e discutidos segundo uma estrutura de análise de dados por similaridade de assunto, denominadas de constructos. A avaliação da PE foi compilada no constructo NIPE e os impactos desta sobre as condições de trabalho foram organizados nos constructos de organização do trabalho, conteúdo do trabalho, melhoria contínua e segurança e saúde no trabalho. De forma geral, o estudo indicou que os operadores percebem de forma positiva suas condições de trabalho e que elas melhoraram em função da adoção das práticas de PE. / This study presents guidelines to evaluate the impacts of lean production (LP) on working conditions of front-line workers, emphasizing the context of manufacturing industry. The guidelines were tested in a case study carried out in the assembly line of a heavy machinery agricultural manufacturer. Since 2001 this manufacturer has been adopting LP as its manufacturing strategy at corporate level. As the first step of this study, the extent to which LP practices were adopted in the assembly line was assessed. The main assessment tool was a check-list that had 11 LP practices divided into 92 items. The check-list was filled out based on 15 interviews with managers and supervisors, direct observations, workers´ informal reports and the analysis of some work standards. Then, five activities were undertaken to assess the human impacts of LP: a) interviews with six safety specialists and one safety engineer; b) data collection on both health and safety and production performance; c) interviews with three groups formed by ten workers in order to detect their perceptions on both negative and positive impacts of LP – questions on the impacts of specific lean tools were also made; d) application of two types of questionnaires – one of them had the objective of evaluating perceptions on current working conditions (56 questions), the other aimed to evaluate perceptions on differences between the old and the current production system (42 questions); e) a feedback meeting to discuss with workers the results of the questionnaires. The results of all data collected were organized in five groups: level of implementation of LP practices; work organization, work content, continuous improvement and health and safety. Overall, the results pointed out that workers had a positive perception on their working environment and that working conditions have improved since LP was adopted.

Proposta de método para avaliação de desempenho de práticas da produção enxuta - ADPPE

Nogueira, Maria da Graça Saraiva January 2007 (has links)
Este estudo propõe um método de avaliação de desempenho de práticas típicas da produção enxuta em indústrias de manufatura. As práticas utilizadas no método proposto são práticas enxutas operacionais (por exemplo, gerenciamento visual e troca rápida de ferramentas), diferentemente de estudos anteriores que focavam principalmente em práticas enxutas gerenciais. O método foi desenvolvido e testado em um estudo de caso realizado em uma empresa fabricante de juntas homocinéticas. Essa empresa vem adotando a produção enxuta (PE) como estratégia de produção em nível corporativo desde 2002. O método é composto de oito etapas: (a) uma avaliação da sua aplicabilidade, a qual implica em verificar se os objetivos das estratégias de manufatura podem ser atingidos através da produção enxuta; (b) uma avaliação preliminar do quanto a cultura organizacional é consistente com os princípios da produção enxuta – essa avaliação é feita através da aplicação de um checklist baseado em requisitos estabelecidos pelas Normas SAE J4000 e J4001; (c) entrevistas com gerentes para verificar suas percepções sobre os pontos fortes e fracos na implementação da produção enxuta – nesse estudo de caso, sete gerentes foram entrevistados: (d) aplicação de um checklist para avaliar o desempenho de um grupo de práticas enxutas, baseado na percepção de gerentes – nesse estudo de caso, sete gerentes preencheram o checklist e a média de desempenho de cada prática enxuta foi calculada; (e) o desenvolvimento de um ranking para avaliar a importância de práticas enxutas, baseadas na percepção de alguns gerentes envolvidos na etapa anterior; (f) seleção de indicadores de desempenho que possam quantificar indiretamente o desempenho de práticas enxutas, considerando os indicadores utilizados na empresa e indicadores utilizados em estudos anteriores; (g) coleta de dados referentes aos indicadores selecionados na etapa anterior ; (h) seminário para discutir os resultados coletados em todas as etapas anteriores. Os passos (g) e (h) não foram aplicados nesse estudo de caso. De forma geral, os resultados demonstraram que práticas enxutas fortemente associadas com a estabilidade básica, tais como a padronização, apresentaram desempenho fraco. / This study presents a method for assessing the performance of typical lean production practices in manufacturing industry. The practices encompassed by the proposed method are related to operational lean practices (e.g. visual management and single minute exchange of dies and tools), differently from previous similar studies that focused mostly on managerial lean practices. The method was developed and tested in a case study undertaken in a manufacturer of automobile axiles. This company has been adopting lean production as its manufacturing strategy since 2002. The method involves eight stages: (a) an assessment of its applicability, which implies checking whether the manufacturing strategy targets might be achieved through lean production; (b) a preliminary assessment of the extent to which the organizational culture is consistent with lean production principles – this assessment is made through the application of a check-list based on the requirements established by SAE J4000 and J4001 standards; (c) interviews with managers to identify their perceptions on strenghts and weaknesses of lean production implementation – in the case study, seven managers were interviewed; (d) application of a check-list to assess the performance of a set of lean practices based on managers perceptions – in the case study, seven managers filled out the check-list and an average degree of performance for each lean practice was then calculated; (e) the development of a ranking to assess the importance of lean practices, based on the perceptions of some of the same managers involved in the previous stages; (f) selection of performance indicators that could indirectly quantify the performance of lean practices, considering both the existing indicators in the company and existing indicators proposed in previous studies; (g) data gathering concerning results of the selected indicators; (h) a seminar to discuss the data collected during all the previous stages. Stages (g) and (h) were not carried out in the case study. Overall, the results pointed out that lean practices that are closely associated with basic stability, such as standardization, performed poorly.

Diretrizes para avaliação dos impactos da produção enxuta sobre as condições de trabalho

Ferreira, Cleber Fabrício January 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe diretrizes para a avaliação dos impactos da produção enxuta (PE) sobre as condições de trabalho de operadores de chão-de-fábrica, com ênfase no contexto da indústria da manufatura. As diretrizes foram aplicadas em um estudo de caso em uma linha de montagem de colheitadeiras de um fabricante de máquinas agrícolas que vem implementando, desde 2001, a PE como estratégia de produção em nível corporativo. Inicialmente, foi avaliado, qualitativamente, o nível de implementação das práticas enxutas (NIPE) na linha estudada. O instrumento de avaliação utilizado foi uma lista de verificação com 11 práticas de PE, subdivididas em 92 itens. A lista foi preenchida após a realização de 15 entrevistas com gerentes e supervisores de diversas áreas da empresa, observações diretas, análise de alguns padrões de trabalho e relato dos operadores. Em seguida, foram realizadas as seguintes atividades de campo para avaliar os impactos humanos da PE: a) entrevistas semi-estruturadas com seis técnicos e um engenheiro de segurança; b) coleta de dados de produção e segurança e saúde no trabalho; c) entrevistas semi-estruturadas com três grupos de dez operadores para análise da percepção destes sobre os aspectos positivos e negativos da PE, além de conduzir discussões de questões específicas desse sistema; d) aplicação de dois tipos de questionários, um para avaliar as condições atuais de trabalho (com 56 questões) e outro para avaliar as diferenças entre os sistemas antigo e novo de produção (com 42 questões), respondidos por 91 e 67 operadores, respectivamente, de um total de 122; e) retorno dos resultados dos questionários para um grupo de 65 operadores para validação da análise desses resultados. Os resultados das diversas etapas foram analisados e discutidos segundo uma estrutura de análise de dados por similaridade de assunto, denominadas de constructos. A avaliação da PE foi compilada no constructo NIPE e os impactos desta sobre as condições de trabalho foram organizados nos constructos de organização do trabalho, conteúdo do trabalho, melhoria contínua e segurança e saúde no trabalho. De forma geral, o estudo indicou que os operadores percebem de forma positiva suas condições de trabalho e que elas melhoraram em função da adoção das práticas de PE. / This study presents guidelines to evaluate the impacts of lean production (LP) on working conditions of front-line workers, emphasizing the context of manufacturing industry. The guidelines were tested in a case study carried out in the assembly line of a heavy machinery agricultural manufacturer. Since 2001 this manufacturer has been adopting LP as its manufacturing strategy at corporate level. As the first step of this study, the extent to which LP practices were adopted in the assembly line was assessed. The main assessment tool was a check-list that had 11 LP practices divided into 92 items. The check-list was filled out based on 15 interviews with managers and supervisors, direct observations, workers´ informal reports and the analysis of some work standards. Then, five activities were undertaken to assess the human impacts of LP: a) interviews with six safety specialists and one safety engineer; b) data collection on both health and safety and production performance; c) interviews with three groups formed by ten workers in order to detect their perceptions on both negative and positive impacts of LP – questions on the impacts of specific lean tools were also made; d) application of two types of questionnaires – one of them had the objective of evaluating perceptions on current working conditions (56 questions), the other aimed to evaluate perceptions on differences between the old and the current production system (42 questions); e) a feedback meeting to discuss with workers the results of the questionnaires. The results of all data collected were organized in five groups: level of implementation of LP practices; work organization, work content, continuous improvement and health and safety. Overall, the results pointed out that workers had a positive perception on their working environment and that working conditions have improved since LP was adopted.

Avaliação de riscos em processos de implantação de produção enxuta

Marodin, Giuliano Almeida January 2013 (has links)
Empresas em todo o mundo têm atingido um melhor desempenho operacional com a implantação da Produção Enxuta (IPE), apesar de que os resultados são frequentemente aquém do esperado, demorados a alcançar ou difíceis de sustentar em longo prazo. Tais fatos indicam a necessidade de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as dificuldades no processo de IPE. Nesta pesquisa, as dificuldades na IPE são reinterpretadas e investigadas sob a perspectiva da Gestão de Riscos (GR), uma vez que isso induz à gestão sistemática dos mesmos sob a lógica PDCA e um amplo entendimento do contexto onde elas ocorrem. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi desenvolver um método para avaliação dos riscos na IPE. A estrutura da pesquisa foi dividida em cinco artigos, com os seguintes métodos e propósitos: 1) uma revisão sistemática da literatura para identificar o estado da arte sobre a IPE e propor uma agenda para pesquisas futuras; 2) uma survey e um estudo de caso para identificar e validar a lista dos principais riscos presentes na IPE e a existência de relações entre os riscos; 3) uma revisão bibliográfica para criar uma sistemática para a GR na IPE com o objetivo de desenvolver procedimentos para as etapas de descrição do contexto e avaliação dos riscos; 4) aplicar em um estudo de caso as etapas de descrição do contexto e análise dos riscos, sendo que estas fazem parte da avaliação dos riscos; 5) um estudo de caso enfatizando as etapas de análise e modelagem das relações entre os riscos. As principais contribuições da tese consistem em desenvolver e testar um método para a avaliação de riscos na IPE, identificar e descrever as características dos principais riscos na IPE e criar procedimentos para a análise e modelagem das relações entre os riscos. / Companies worldwide have improved operational performance by lean production implementation (LPI), although the results are often lesser than expected, long reach or difficult to sustain in the long term. These facts indicate a need to increase knowledge of the difficulties in the LPI process. In this research, the difficulties in LPI are reinterpreted and investigated with the risk management (RM) perspective, since it leads to systematic management under the PDCA logic and a broad understanding of the context. The main objective of this thesis was to develop a method for risk assessment in LPI. The structure of the research was divided into five articles, with the following methods and purposes: 1) a systematic literature review to identify the state of the art on the LPI and propose an agenda for future research; 2) a survey and a case study to identify and validate the list of major risks present in the LPI and the existence of relationships between risks; 3) a literature review to create a framework of RM on the LPI in order to develop procedures for the steps of the context description and assessment of risks; 4) apply in a case study the steps of description of the context and risk analysis, as part of the risk assessment; 5) a case study highlighting the steps of risk analysis and risk evaluations by modeling of the relationships between risks. The main contributions of the thesis are to develop and test a method for risk assessment in LPI, identify and describe the characteristics of the main risks in LPI and create procedures for risk identification, analysis and evaluation, the three steps of risk assessment.

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