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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'émergence du droit international des investissements : contribution des traités bilatéraux d’investissement et de la jurisprudence du CIRDI / The emergence of international investment law : contribution of bilateral investment treaties and ICSID arbitration

Danic, Olivia 28 November 2012 (has links)
La relation dialectique qui unit les traités bilatéraux d’investissement et la jurisprudence du Centre International de Règlement des Différends relatifs aux Investissements (CIRDI) a fait émerger un droit international des investissements. La rencontre de ces deux dynamiques a permis de dépasser leur caractère a priori isolé et fragmenté, pour aboutir à un véritable système juridique international, doté d’une structure, d’une logique et de principes propres. En effet, rien ne pouvait laisser envisager une telle évolution, le régime de l’investissement international se fondant sur une multitude de traités bilatéraux et sur une instance arbitrale ne faisant qu’héberger des tribunaux éphémères. Les mouvements de va-et-vient qui unissaient ces deux phénomènes ont permis de lui donner des normes quasi-universelles, mais aussi un véritable juge à la compétence extensive et surtout de lui insuffler l’unité, l’efficacité, la cohérence et la complétude, faisant de plus en plus ressembler le droit international des investissements à un véritable ordre juridique qui, même s’il relève du droit international, lui permet également d’évoluer. / The relashionship between bilateral investment treaties and the case-law of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has led to the emergence of international investment law. It seems surprising, at first, that these two distinct phenomena, being isolated and fragmented, would reach a certain degree of unity so that a real international legal order could appear, with its own structure, reasoning and principles. No one could foresee such an evolution, the regime of international investment being founded on a large number of bilateral treaties and on an international institution which only provides facilities for arbitration of international investment disputes. The unity of the system has been discovered through the back and forth movements between treaties and arbitration which gave rise to international investment law. This system has now almost universal norms, an international judge and satisfies the criteria of unity, efficiency, consistency and completeness, producing a real legal order functioning in accordance with its own logic. There is no doubt that this evolution will influence the course of international law.

Os mútuos dos sócios e acionistas na falência das sociedades limitadas e anônimas / The loans of partners and shareholders in the bankruptcy proceedings of limited liability partnerships and corporations

Costa, Patrícia Barbi 26 October 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe-se a analisar os mútuos como direitos creditórios dos sócios das sociedades limitadas e dos acionistas das sociedades anônimas na legislação nacional e o tratamento dado pela legislação falimentar brasileira a esses direitos de crédito, à luz dos mesmos conceitos existentes no Direito Comparado, especificamente na Alemanha e nos Estados Unidos da América. A eleição dos referidos dois países para a análise do Direito alienígena justifica-se porque: (i) a Lei de Insolvência Alemã (Insolvenzordnung InsO), de 5.10.1994, em vigor desde 1.1.1999 e editada em substituição à antiga legislação datada de 1877, que previa os institutos da falência e concordata de forma muito semelhante ao sistema falimentar brasileiro do Decreto-lei nº 7.661, de 21.6.1945 (Decreto-lei 7.661/45), veio a regulamentar os institutos da recuperação e liquidação de empresas, com objetivos também muito semelhantes aos da Lei nº 11.101, de 9.2.2005 (Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falências), tendo ainda passado por recente reforma em novembro de 2008; (ii) o Bankruptcy Code, que compõe o Título 11 do United States Code, em vigor desde a reforma inserida no sistema concursal norte-americano por meio do Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, foi utilizado como base para muitos dos dispositivos da Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falências, seja quanto ao instituto da recuperação extrajudicial, da recuperação judicial ou da falência. Para o estudo do Direito Comparado elegeu-se, assim, um país do direito continental, com legislação bastante avançada e aproximada da nossa; e um país do common law, que foi pioneiro em vários aspectos do direito falimentar, sobretudo na concepção de reorganização de empresas em crise, tendo sua legislação servido de modelo para diversos outros países, além de para o Brasil. Os tipos de sociedades eleitos - sociedades anônimas e limitadas - justificam-se por serem os tipos societários mais utilizados no Brasil e, resguardadas algumas características específicas que assumem em cada ordenamento jurídico, pode-se dizer que são os tipos societários mais utilizados mundialmente; seja sob a denominação, respectivamente, de limited liability partnership e corporation, nos Estados Unidos da América; Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) e Aktiengesellschaft (AktG), na Alemanha; e denominações diversas em outros países. O trabalho (i) busca a intersecção dos seguintes temas: direitos creditórios dos sócios das sociedades limitadas e dos acionistas das sociedades anônimas, direitos patrimoniais dos sócios das sociedades limitadas e dos acionistas das sociedades anônimas, capital social, subcapitalização e, finalmente, direitos creditórios dos sócios e acionistas na falência das sociedades limitadas e anônimas, dentre estes especialmente os contratos de mútuo entre sócios ou acionistas e a sociedade falida; e (ii) estuda os mencionados temas à luz do Direito pátrio e do Direito comparado. Com base nos conceitos acima, este trabalho pretende contribuir para a interpretação das normas que dispõem sobre os direitos creditórios dos sócios e acionistas na falência das sociedades limitas e anônimas, tendo por princípio a adequação da cifra do capital social à realização do objeto social (em oposição à subcapitalização das sociedades), e visando à concessão de crédito, sobretudo mútuos, à prestação de serviços e ao fornecimento de bens à sociedade por seus próprios sócios e acionistas, estes na qualidade de terceiros perante a sociedade, respeitando-se o princípio da separação da personalidade jurídica. / The purpose of this study is to analyze loans as credits rights of partners of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and shareholders of corporations (sociedades anônimas) under Brazilian law and the treatment granted by the Brazilian bankruptcy law to those credits rights, in view of the same concepts existing under foreign Law, specifically in Germany and in the United States of America. Both countries were chosen for the analysis of the foreign Law due to the facts that: (i) the Insolvency German Law (Insolvenzordnung InsO), as of 10.5.1994, in effect since 1.1.1999 and edited to replace the former legislation of 1877, which foresaw the bankruptcy and concordata institutes in a very similar way to the Brazilian bankruptcy system of Decree-law No. 7.661, of 6.21.1945 (Decree-law 7.661/45), came into force to regulate the institutes of business reorganization and liquidation of companies, also with similar objectives to the ones of the Law No. 11.101, of 2.9.2005 (Business Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law), having passed through a recent reform in November 2008; (ii) the Bankruptcy Code, which composes Title 11 of the United States Code, in effect since the reform brought into effect in the North-American bankruptcy system by means of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, and which has been used as basis for many rules of the Brazilian Business Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law, regarding the institutes of out-of-court business reorganization, judicial business reorganization and bankruptcy. Thus, for the study of the foreign Law, two countries were elected: one of continental right, with a very advanced legislation and very similar to ours; and the other of common law, pioneer in many aspects of the bankruptcy law, especially with regard to the concept of business reorganization of companies in financial distress, having its legislation as standard for many other countries besides Brazil. The types of companies corporations (sociedades anônimas) and limited liability partnerships (limitadas) were chosen due to the fact that they are the corporate types more used under Brazilian law and, besides some specific features that they assume under each legal system, some may say that they are the corporate types more used worldwide being nominated, respectively, as limited liability partnership and corporation, in the United States of America, or Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) and Aktiengesellschaft (AktG) in Germany; or with other nominations in other countries. This study (i) searches the intersection of the following subjects: credits rights of partners of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and shareholders of corporations (sociedades anônimas), patrimonial rights of partners of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and shareholders of corporations (sociedades anônimas), corporate capital, undercapitalization/thin-capitalization and, finally, credits rights of partners of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and shareholders of corporations (sociedades anônimas) in bankruptcy proceedings, especially with regard to loans granted by partners or shareholders to the bankrupt company; and (ii) studies the referred subjects in view of the national Law and the foreign Law. With basis on the concepts referred above, the study intends to contribute with the interpretation of the rules about credits rights of partners and shareholders in bankruptcy proceedings of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and corporations (sociedades anônimas), having as principle the adequacy of the amount of the corporate capital to the accomplishment of the corporate subject (opposed to the undercapitalization of companies), and aiming the granting of credit, the granting of services and the supply of goods to the company by its own partners or shareholders in the capacity of third parties before the company, in accordance with the principle of separation of the corporate entity from its partners or shareholders.

Le droit international général, source du droit de l'Union Européenne / General international law, source of European Union law

Coelho, Filipa 30 January 2015 (has links)
Le droit international général produit des effets à l'égard de l'ordre juridique de l'Union. Ces effets résultent du fait que l'Union est soumise à son respect en tant que sujet de droit international. Néanmoins, le droit international général n'est une source du droit de l'Union que si les conditions posées par le droit de l'Union lui-même sont vérifiées, le droit de l'Union posant un filtre à l'entrée du droit international général dans l'ordre juridique de l'Union. En tant que source formelle du droit de l'Union, le droit international général est l'objet d'une invocabilité devant la Cour de justice. Le droit international général, source du droit de l'Union, est un vecteur large d'interprétation et un vecteur limité de validité du droit de l'Union, son invocabilité connaissant des particularités au sein du système juridique de l'Union. / The European Union is a subject of international law and its externat relations are conducted within the framework of general international law. As a result, the European Union must comply with it, which necessarily have effects on its own legal order. The effects of general international law on European Union legal order depend, however, on the conditions set by the European Union law itself. lt makes a screening of general international law entering the European Union legal order so that it can become there a source of law. As a formal source of European Union law, general international law is invoked in the Court of Justice. lt is subject to a large interpretation scrutiny and a limited validity scrutiny by the Court of Justice, the justiciability of general international law having, therefore, a specific treatment.

L'ordenament jurídic aplicables a les instal·lacionsesportives d'ús públic de Catalunya. Anàlisi, (no) compliment i línies estratègiques.

Seguí Urbaneja, Jordi 19 April 2013 (has links)
Aquesta tesi pretén: a) conèixer, definir i limitar el concepte d’instal•lació esportiva d’ús públic de Catalunya, b) identificar, estructurar i ordenar l’ordenament jurídic aplicable a les instal•lacions esportives d’ús públic de Catalunya, c) analitzar el (no) compliment de l’ordenament jurídic i d) en cas d’incompliment: 1) identificar quines normes no es compleixen, 2) identificar (algunes) de la/les possible/es causa/es que l’expliquen i 3) proposar mesures (adequades) per corregir aquest incompliment. Metodològicament la investigació s’estructura en dos blocs. El primer, mitjançant la investigació documental i l’anàlisi de contingut, defineix l’ordenament jurídic aplicable a les instal•lacions esportives d’ús públic de Catalunya. El segon, mitjançant l’anàlisi de contingut i l’anàlisi estadístic d’una enquesta online, respon a la pregunta si es compleix l’ordenament jurídic aplicable a les instal•lacions esportives d’ús públic de Catalunya. Els resultats constaten que cinquanta-cinc, dels seixanta-sis preceptes analitzats, s’incompleixen. Algunes de les causes que poden explicar l’incompliment són: a) quant major és la població on s’ubica la instal•lació esportiva major és el compliment de la norma, b) quant major és el nivell d’estudis del director/a major és el compliment de la norma i c) experiències de gestió de la instal•lació entre 1 i 3 anys compleixen més normes que experiències inferiors a l’any o superiors als 3 anys. Aquesta situació podria millorar-se actualitzant la regulació, facilitant mitjans informatius i d’assessorament específic i oferint formació especialitzada continuada, entre altres. / Esta tesis pretende: a) conocer, definir y limitar el concepto de instalación deportiva de uso público de Cataluña, b) identificar, estructurar y ordenar el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable a las instalaciones deportivas de uso público de Cataluña, c) analizar el (no) cumplimiento del ordenamiento jurídico y d) en caso de incumplimiento: 1) identificar qué normas no se cumplen, 2) identificar (algunas) de la/las posible/es causa/as que lo explican y 3) proponer medidas (adecuadas) para corregir el incumplimiento. Metodológicamente la investigación se estructura en dos bloques. El primero, mediante la investigación documental y el análisis de contenido, define, el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable a las instalaciones deportivas de uso público de Cataluña. El segundo, mediante el análisis de contenido y el análisis estadístico de una encuesta online, responde a la pregunta (no) se cumple el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable a las instalaciones deportivas de uso público de Cataluña. Los resultados constatan que cincuenta y cinco, de los sesenta y seis preceptos normativos analizados, se incumplen. Algunas de las causas que pueden explicar dicha situación son: a) cuan mayor es la población donde se ubica la instalación deportiva mayor es el cumplimiento de la norma y b) cuan mayor es el nivel de estudios del director/a mayor es el cumplimiento de la norma. Esta situación se podría mejorar actualizando la regulación normativa, facilitando medios informativos y de asesoramiento específico y ofrecer formación especializada continuada, entre otras. / The aims of this thesis are: a) to understand and to define the concept of Catalonia public sport facility, b) to identify and to organize the legal order covering Catalonia public sports facilities, c) to analyze the (non) compliance of the legal order, and if this does not occur d) to identify: 1) which regulations are not compliance, 2) the (some) reasons for such incompliance and 3) to design appropriate mechanisms by which to ensure that regulations are obeyed. From a methodological point of view, this research is divided into two different sections. The first section, through desk research and content analysis defines the legal order covering public sports facilities in Catalonia. The second section, through content analysis and statistical analysis of an online survey answers the question whether or not the legal order covering public sports facilities in Catalonia is compliance. The results show that fifty-five, of the sixty-six regulations analyzed, are incompliance. Several interesting implications to be highlighted: 1. The bigger the village, which houses the sport facility, is the more compliance of the regulation. 2. The higher the level of education, of the director, is the more compliance of the regulation. 3. Management experiences between 1 and 3

Vývoj přirozeného zákona a jeho možná aplikace v českém soudnictví / Application of natural law in the Czech jurisdiction

PANUŠ, Marek January 2012 (has links)
This work deals with the development and possible application of natural law in the Czech judiciary. The first part of this work deals with relationship between natural and positive law, historical development of natural law and legal positivism. The second part investigates the current legal order of the Czech Republic and the practice of Constitutional Court, which should give judgements that are conformable with natural-law core of Constitution of the Czech Republic. The work reflects that there is some difficulty in application of natural rights in practice of Constitutional Court. On that account the work solves how is the natural law applied. However, the work finds out that there obviously aren?t any sources which would be treated about mentioned application. The third part of this work is engaged in possible proposal of natural law as a potential solution of difficulties that are connected with practice of Constitutional Court.

Les conflits de normes dans les relations de travail : contribution à l'étude des organisations / Conflicts of norms : contribution to the study of organizations

Laronze, Fleur 30 November 2010 (has links)
Les conflits de normes ont fait l'objet d'analyses spécifiques dans le cadre du droit international privé, du droit transitoire ou encore de la logique juridique. Ils n'ont pas pour autant été systématisés afin d'extraire les conditions de leur émergence au sein des disciplines juridiques, plus particulièrement le droit du travail et le droit des affaires, et les effets de leur solution sur les situations appréhendées par le droit. Une perspective interdisciplinaire peut, en outre, être retenue. L'étude des conflits de normes envisagée sous l'angle d'une conception pluraliste du droit élargit le problème qu'ils posent traditionnellement et tente de trouver, dans le contexte actuel de la mondialisation, la voie d'une redéfinition de l'articulation des normes et d'un renouvellement du droit. Elle enrichit l'approche du droit déclinée sous forme d'organisations. Ces dernières sont fondées sur des mécanismes et des intérêts et produisent du droit, conformément à la théorie d'Hauriou et de Romano. Dès lors, compte tenu de l'hétérogénéité des intérêts surgissant de toute part sur la scène internationale, les organisations étatiques, privées, européennes, internationales, générant leur propre ordre juridique se confrontent. L'interaction entre les ordres juridiques se matérialise par des conflits de normes qui fragilisent leur autonomie intrinsèque. Leur revendication d'indépendance fait obstacle à l'interdépendance qui caractérise originellement leur relation. Néanmoins, la restauration de l'autonomie et le renforcement de l'interdépendance des organisations sont essentiels afin de garantir l'équilibre entre les intérêts économiques et sociaux, général et particuliers. Ils permettent de maîtriser le conflit de normes qui n'est plus subi mais choisi, ou de le faire disparaître. / Conflicts of norms made the object of specific analysis as part of private international law, as transitional law or else as legal logic. They were not systematized therefore to extract the conditions of their emergence within legal disciplines, more particularly labour law and company law, and the effects of their resolution on situations caught by law. An interdisciplinary perspective can, besides, be kept. And the study of conflicts of norms considered from the angle of a pluralist conception of law enlarges the problem which they put down traditionally and try to find, in the present situation of globalization, the way of a redefining of the articulation of norms and of a renewal of law. It enriches the approach of law declined in form of organizations. These last are founded on mechanisms and interests and produce law, in accordance with the theory of Hauriou and Romano. Since then, considering the heterogeneity of interests coming into sight on the international stage from everywhere, the international, european, private, state organizations, generating their own legal order are confronted. The correlation between legal orders materializes by conflicts of norms which weaken their intrinsic autonomy. Their claim of independence stands in the way of the interrelationship which characterizes their relation originally. However, the restoration of the autonomy and the strengthening of the interrelationship of organizations are essential to guarantee balance between economic and social interests, general and individual interests. They allow to control the conflict of norms which is not undergone any more but chosen, or to remove it.

Os mútuos dos sócios e acionistas na falência das sociedades limitadas e anônimas / The loans of partners and shareholders in the bankruptcy proceedings of limited liability partnerships and corporations

Patrícia Barbi Costa 26 October 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe-se a analisar os mútuos como direitos creditórios dos sócios das sociedades limitadas e dos acionistas das sociedades anônimas na legislação nacional e o tratamento dado pela legislação falimentar brasileira a esses direitos de crédito, à luz dos mesmos conceitos existentes no Direito Comparado, especificamente na Alemanha e nos Estados Unidos da América. A eleição dos referidos dois países para a análise do Direito alienígena justifica-se porque: (i) a Lei de Insolvência Alemã (Insolvenzordnung InsO), de 5.10.1994, em vigor desde 1.1.1999 e editada em substituição à antiga legislação datada de 1877, que previa os institutos da falência e concordata de forma muito semelhante ao sistema falimentar brasileiro do Decreto-lei nº 7.661, de 21.6.1945 (Decreto-lei 7.661/45), veio a regulamentar os institutos da recuperação e liquidação de empresas, com objetivos também muito semelhantes aos da Lei nº 11.101, de 9.2.2005 (Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falências), tendo ainda passado por recente reforma em novembro de 2008; (ii) o Bankruptcy Code, que compõe o Título 11 do United States Code, em vigor desde a reforma inserida no sistema concursal norte-americano por meio do Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, foi utilizado como base para muitos dos dispositivos da Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falências, seja quanto ao instituto da recuperação extrajudicial, da recuperação judicial ou da falência. Para o estudo do Direito Comparado elegeu-se, assim, um país do direito continental, com legislação bastante avançada e aproximada da nossa; e um país do common law, que foi pioneiro em vários aspectos do direito falimentar, sobretudo na concepção de reorganização de empresas em crise, tendo sua legislação servido de modelo para diversos outros países, além de para o Brasil. Os tipos de sociedades eleitos - sociedades anônimas e limitadas - justificam-se por serem os tipos societários mais utilizados no Brasil e, resguardadas algumas características específicas que assumem em cada ordenamento jurídico, pode-se dizer que são os tipos societários mais utilizados mundialmente; seja sob a denominação, respectivamente, de limited liability partnership e corporation, nos Estados Unidos da América; Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) e Aktiengesellschaft (AktG), na Alemanha; e denominações diversas em outros países. O trabalho (i) busca a intersecção dos seguintes temas: direitos creditórios dos sócios das sociedades limitadas e dos acionistas das sociedades anônimas, direitos patrimoniais dos sócios das sociedades limitadas e dos acionistas das sociedades anônimas, capital social, subcapitalização e, finalmente, direitos creditórios dos sócios e acionistas na falência das sociedades limitadas e anônimas, dentre estes especialmente os contratos de mútuo entre sócios ou acionistas e a sociedade falida; e (ii) estuda os mencionados temas à luz do Direito pátrio e do Direito comparado. Com base nos conceitos acima, este trabalho pretende contribuir para a interpretação das normas que dispõem sobre os direitos creditórios dos sócios e acionistas na falência das sociedades limitas e anônimas, tendo por princípio a adequação da cifra do capital social à realização do objeto social (em oposição à subcapitalização das sociedades), e visando à concessão de crédito, sobretudo mútuos, à prestação de serviços e ao fornecimento de bens à sociedade por seus próprios sócios e acionistas, estes na qualidade de terceiros perante a sociedade, respeitando-se o princípio da separação da personalidade jurídica. / The purpose of this study is to analyze loans as credits rights of partners of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and shareholders of corporations (sociedades anônimas) under Brazilian law and the treatment granted by the Brazilian bankruptcy law to those credits rights, in view of the same concepts existing under foreign Law, specifically in Germany and in the United States of America. Both countries were chosen for the analysis of the foreign Law due to the facts that: (i) the Insolvency German Law (Insolvenzordnung InsO), as of 10.5.1994, in effect since 1.1.1999 and edited to replace the former legislation of 1877, which foresaw the bankruptcy and concordata institutes in a very similar way to the Brazilian bankruptcy system of Decree-law No. 7.661, of 6.21.1945 (Decree-law 7.661/45), came into force to regulate the institutes of business reorganization and liquidation of companies, also with similar objectives to the ones of the Law No. 11.101, of 2.9.2005 (Business Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law), having passed through a recent reform in November 2008; (ii) the Bankruptcy Code, which composes Title 11 of the United States Code, in effect since the reform brought into effect in the North-American bankruptcy system by means of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, and which has been used as basis for many rules of the Brazilian Business Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law, regarding the institutes of out-of-court business reorganization, judicial business reorganization and bankruptcy. Thus, for the study of the foreign Law, two countries were elected: one of continental right, with a very advanced legislation and very similar to ours; and the other of common law, pioneer in many aspects of the bankruptcy law, especially with regard to the concept of business reorganization of companies in financial distress, having its legislation as standard for many other countries besides Brazil. The types of companies corporations (sociedades anônimas) and limited liability partnerships (limitadas) were chosen due to the fact that they are the corporate types more used under Brazilian law and, besides some specific features that they assume under each legal system, some may say that they are the corporate types more used worldwide being nominated, respectively, as limited liability partnership and corporation, in the United States of America, or Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) and Aktiengesellschaft (AktG) in Germany; or with other nominations in other countries. This study (i) searches the intersection of the following subjects: credits rights of partners of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and shareholders of corporations (sociedades anônimas), patrimonial rights of partners of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and shareholders of corporations (sociedades anônimas), corporate capital, undercapitalization/thin-capitalization and, finally, credits rights of partners of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and shareholders of corporations (sociedades anônimas) in bankruptcy proceedings, especially with regard to loans granted by partners or shareholders to the bankrupt company; and (ii) studies the referred subjects in view of the national Law and the foreign Law. With basis on the concepts referred above, the study intends to contribute with the interpretation of the rules about credits rights of partners and shareholders in bankruptcy proceedings of limited liability partnerships (sociedades limitadas) and corporations (sociedades anônimas), having as principle the adequacy of the amount of the corporate capital to the accomplishment of the corporate subject (opposed to the undercapitalization of companies), and aiming the granting of credit, the granting of services and the supply of goods to the company by its own partners or shareholders in the capacity of third parties before the company, in accordance with the principle of separation of the corporate entity from its partners or shareholders.

Srovnání právní úpravy správy společného jmění manželů dle zák.č.40/1964 Sb. a zák.č.89/2012 Sb. / Comparison of legal order of holding of community property of spouses according to the statute number 40/1964 Sb. and statute number 89/2012 Sb.

Tůma, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a comparison of two civil codes. Statute number 40/1964 Sb. and statute number 89/2012 Sb. The law science speaks generally in connection with passing of statute number 89/2012 Sb. about recodification of private law. The term of recodification does not mean only adjustment of legal text in more elegant and especially more systematic way, but also removing of some problems in the legal order. The civil code from 1964 was created in another social circumstances and therefore the legal public hoped with passing of statute number 89/2012 Sb. for removing of some defects in civil law. These defects were caused by the selected method, the law should have adapted through this method to new social circumstances. This diploma thesis compares family law (as institute) according to legal order, which was in force before and after the day of 1. January 2014. The conception of family law before this date, so according to the civil code from 1964, arose at the time of intellectual peak of socialism and the task of this thesis is to find, where the family law was moved by the new civil code. From the reason that the whole family law would be too extensive topic for research within one diploma thesis, this diploma thesis deals only with research of one small part of family law, that...

L’accès de la société civile à la justice internationale économique

El-Hosseny, Farouk 12 1900 (has links)
La fin de la guerre froide amorça une nouvelle ère de privatisation, de libéralisation et de dérégulation sans précédent. L’internet et les nombreuses autres avancées technologiques ont rapproché les citoyens du monde à un degré impressionnant. Le monde au XXIème siècle semble être plus interdépendant que jamais. De nombreuses problématiques contemporaines dépassent largement les contrôles et les frontières étatiques, des problématiques reliées par exemple aux investissements étrangers directs, aux droits de l’homme, à l’environnement, à la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, etc. La globalisation des marchés marque par ailleurs le recul de l’État face aux acteurs non étatiques. La société civile et les multinationales surgissent dès lors en tant que véritables partenaires dans l’ordre juridique international. Cela est illustré notamment par l’accès accordé aux multinationales/investisseurs à la justice internationale économique. Ces derniers ont la capacité de poursuivre un État qui violerait leurs droits marchands découlant d’un TBI devant une juridiction arbitrale internationale. Qu’en est-il par contre des droits non marchands violés par les investisseurs ? Cette étude explore les motifs militant pour un accès de la société civile à la justice internationale économique. Le but d’un tel accès serait d’opposer les droits non marchands, suscités par des problématiques inhérentes à la globalisation des marchés, à la fois à l’égard des États et à l’égard des multinationales, et auxquelles aucune réponse étatique unilatérale ou interétatique ne peut remédier adéquatement. / The end of the cold war marked an unprecedented new era of privatisation, liberalisation, and deregulation. Internet and the numerous technological advancements have brought citizens of this world closer at an astonishing degree. The world in the XXIst century seems more interdependent than ever before. A number of contemporary problematic issues significantly bypass State controls and borders. They are for instance related to foreign direct investment, human rights, the environment, corporate social responsibility, etc. Globalisation marks the State’s retreat in favour of non-state actors. In this light, civil society and multinationals appear as significant partners in the international legal order. This is in part reflected in the access given to multinationals/investors to international trade law justice. They have the capacity to file claims against states in front of international arbitration jurisdictions for violations of their trade rights as provided under BITs. However, what about the non-trade rights that may have been violated by investors? The present study explores the motives that would justify civil society’s access to international trade law justice. The purpose of such access would be to stand for non-trade rights, raised by problematic issues inherent to globalization, against States and multinationals, and that cannot be remedied solely through unilateral nor interstate efforts.

Le droit québécois du travail et la mise en oeuvre du principe d'égalité dans les milieux de travail syndiqués

Lapierre, Jean Marcel 10 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une démarche de recherche des principes et mesures permettant de mettre en œuvre efficacement le principe d’égalité en milieu de travail syndiqué au Québec. Adoptant comme guide la sociologie des ordres juridiques complétée et accompagnée par le systémisme luhmannien, nous avons accompli une étude des ordres juridiques qui agissent en ce qui a trait aux aspects juridiques des relations du travail avant de procéder à l’évaluation de la politique publique relative à l’égalité. L’étude est divisée en trois parties. La première est consacrée à une exploration du pluralisme juridique, à la sociologie des ordres juridiques et à la présentation des ordres juridiques du travail. La seconde adopte une perspective historique de l’action syndicale, du droit du travail et de la politique publique relative à l’égalité. La troisième comprend une démarche d’évaluation de cette politique publique et une démarche de construction normative relative aux principes et mesures permettant la mise en œuvre efficace du principe d’égalité. Sur le plan de l’évaluation, nous recourons d’abord à une étude empirique et juridique d’un important dossier de plaintes à la Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse : le dossier du gel d’échelon salarial dans la convention collective du personnel enseignant des commissions scolaires; nous accomplissons ensuite une revue de la littérature en ce qui a trait à la politique publique relative à l’égalité; nous accomplissons enfin une analyse de ce qu’offrent aux milieux syndiqués les deux principales voies de mise en œuvre de l’égalité, d’une part, le grief et l’arbitrage et d’autre part, la plainte à la Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse et, le cas échéant, le recours devant le Tribunal des droits de la personne. Sur le plan de la construction normative, nous nous basons sur l’analyse sociologique, historique et évaluative accomplie pour concevoir les éléments de politique nécessaires pour atteindre l’objectif recherché. / This thesis follows on from research into the principles and measures that can be used to apply the principle of equality effectively in unionized workplaces in Québec. Guided by the sociology of legal orders, completed and supported by Luhmann’s systems theory, we carried out a study of the legal orders governing the legal aspects of labour relations, and then assessed public policies concerning equality. The study is divided into three sections. The first section explores legal pluralism and the sociology of legal orders, and presents the legal orders applicable to workplace issues. The second section considers the history of union action, labour law and public policies relating to equality, while the third assesses those public policies and takes a normative construction approach to the principles and measures that can be used to implement the principle of equality effectively. With respect to assessment, we began with an empirical legal study of a major complaint submitted to Québec’s Human Rights Commission, namely the freeze on pay scales in the collective agreement of school board teachers. We then reviewed the literature dealing with public policies relating to equality, and analyzed the benefits for unionized workplaces offered by the two main methods of implementing equality, namely grievances and arbitration on the one hand, and complaints to the Human Rights Commission on the other (with, in the latter case, recourse to the Human Rights Tribunal where necessary). With respect to normative construction, we used a sociological, historical and evaluative analysis as a basis for designing the policy elements required to achieve the goals.

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