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Verejný ochranca práv v EU, ČR a SR / Public guardian of the rights in European Union, Czech Republic and Slovak RepublicOsadská, Katarína January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on institution of ombudsman in European Union, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. It is aimed at questions of legal regulations of this institution in the mentioned formations. Particular chapters of this thesis are structured into following 5 task parts. The first chapter describes the history of the origin of this institution, explains the term of ombudsman by using definitions, classifies existing kinds of institutes of ombudsman and specifies the field of action. The second chapter identifies the European ombudsman. It is focused especially on analysis of received complaints in practically whole period of existence this institution and evaluation of activities in 2008. In the third chapter is described the institution of ombudsman in the Czech Republic and in the fourth chapter in the Slovak Republic. The last chapter of the diploma thesis deals with comaparison of ombudsman institutions in these two countries.
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Právní úprava rozhlasového a televizního vysílání v České republice / Legal Regulation of the Radio and Television Broadcast in the Czech RepublicŠebek, Marcel January 2012 (has links)
The thesis Legal Regulation of the Radio and Television Broadcast in the Czech Republic deals with an analysis and description of relevant legal regulations applicable in the area of broadcasting and television in the Czech Republic and with a closer insight in the main legal institutes and entities. A theoretically-juridical opening is followed by an introduction of the Czech Republic and European Union legal systems. The core of the thesis is the main topic, which is the legal regulation of the radio and television broadcasting in the Czech Republic. This part is opened by a short historical abstract followed by chapters dedicated to particular legal regulations. The Broadcasting Act, the Act on Czech Television, the Czech Television Code, the Act on Czech Radio, the Czech Radio Code and the Act on Audio Visual Media Services upon Request are described in individual chapters. The closing part is dedicated to some of the legal regulations and their provisions that are more remotely related to the subject. Individual chapters describe relevant legal institutes of the Act on Advertising Regulation, the Advertising Council Code of Ethics, the Consumer Protection Act, the Commercial Code and the Civil Code.
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The thesis analyzes an expert in social (institutional) relations that constitute the organizational and institutional background of Forensic Expertise as part of forensic engineering. The work explains the terminology and definitions used, with the greatest attention is paid to the analysis of the conditions for the exercise of expert activities from different perspectives (in particular legal and economic). Is discussed in detail in particular the status of expert institutes, and in all contexts: both in terms of expertise and its guarantee, as well as in terms of responsibility processors appraisal institute. Further describes the work of existing associations and experts estimated their future development. An important part of the work is a comparison of the conditions for the exercise of expert activities (advantages and disadvantages) in selected European countries: Slovak Republic, England and Austria. Based on the findings in the final section are designed and justified by changes in the conditions and rules for the performance of expert activities and other related aspects.
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Právní režim dřevin rostoucích mimo les / Legal regime of trees and shrubs growing outside forestsBernášek, Bohumír January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract and keywords The legal regulation of wood species growing outside the forest Keywords: Wood species growing outside the forest in Czech Republic, wood species growing outside the forest in Austria, history of legal regulation of wood species in Czech Republic. Abstract: Topic of thesis is the public protection of wood species growing outside the forest in the legal order of the Czech Republic and Austria. The focus of thesis lies by Czech law. Reflected its development, current legislation and existing state of protection of wood species growing outside the forest in decision-making activities of the courts and the Ministry of Environment. Austrian legislation is viewed more as an inspiration for proposals de lege ferenda. Protection of nature and landscape in Austria is in the individual competence of each country, so it is not completely uniform. Special laws on the protection of the trees are only in Vienna and Styria, so the point of comparison is the legal order in these countries. Introductory part of the thesis defines the term wood species growing outside the forest and discusses their relevance for man and their place in the natural processes. Aesthetic and biological functions of trees forms the background the legislation. These functions created the material basis for the public...
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Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Issues of criminal liability of legal entitiesHudáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Hudáková, J. Criminal liability of legal persons Criminal liability of legal persons is a significant change to the continental European law. It is a sensible breakthrough into the core principle of an individual criminal responsibility of individuals. In connection with the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, the thesis deals with main aspects of the criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic. After defining of legal grounds of the criminal responsibility author subsequently discusses sanctioning of legal persons. At the same time, the author discusses legal regulation of moral person criminal liability in France. She outlines the principles of criminal liability of legal persons, as well as the conditions for imposing sanctions. The author tries to demonstrate, by means of the attached statistical surveys, the numerous application of this institute in the French legal practice. Finally, the author tries to compare Czech and French legislation in selected aspects.
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CHUDOBA A PŘEDLUŽENOST ČESKÝCH DOMÁCNOSTÍ / Poverty and overdebtedness of Czech householdsMastná, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
The diploma work deals with the problem of poverty following from overdebtedness of Czech households. Poverty is defined as a strong social handicap leading up to a social exclusion. Overdebtedness means such a financial situation when households are not able to fulfill their financial obligations and thus it concerns especially households with low incomes. In the Czech Republic this fact has been distinguished since the year 2000. The topic of the diploma work points at the development of overdebtedness of Czech households and its evaluation, the size of this problem and the estimation of its further development. It analyses the threat to households leading to a debt trap. It deals with economic impact of state debtedness in connection with that of Czech households. Some attention is paid to the increasing unemployment as one of the strongest causes leading to a state of poverty and consequently to undesirable debtedness showing the evident link between unemployment and overdebtedness. At the same time, the emphasis is put onto individual responsibility and lifelong education as the prevention and solution to unemployment and doubtedness. The phenomenon of overdebtedness of Czech households is understood as a warning signal of the present.
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Benefício de prestação continuada: a aplicação do artigo 34, parágrafo único, da Lei 10.741/2003 como parâmetro complementar do critério da renda per capita e os caminhos para um novo critério econômico / Benefit (Aid) of continued support: the application of Article 34, sole paragraph, of Law 10,741/2003, as a complementary parameter of the per capita income standard and the paths towards a new economic criteriaGaban, Luiz Fernando Molan 28 November 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da regulamentação legal insuficiente do direito social fundamental ao benefício de prestação continuada - BPC (artigo 203, V, da Constituição Federal de 1988), estampada na regra do artigo 20, §3º, da Lei 8.742/93 (critério da renda per capita familiar ou critério econômico de concessão). Estuda a viabilidade, sob o aspecto jurídico, da aplicação da regra do artigo 34, parágrafo único, da Lei 10.741/03, como parâmetro objetivo complementar e propõe a extensão possível de aplicação desse dispositivo legal. Indica, também, considerando como necessário o diálogo do direito com outros ramos científicos, alguns caminhos possíveis para futuros estudos que tenham como objeto a atividade de criação de um novo critério de concessão do BPC. O presente estudo se desenvolveu, preponderantemente, mediante exame bibliográfico, com prevalência do raciocínio dedutivo. Compreendeu, também, análise de decisões judiciais, a qual foi enquadrada como qualitativa documental (tida como modalidade metodologicamente mais flexível de pesquisa empírica). Partiu-se de uma abordagem metodológica que compreende a dogmática jurídica como constituída por três dimensões: analítica, empírica e normativa. / This thesis discusses the insufficient legal regulation in the context of the fundamental social right to the benefit of continued support - CBC (Article 203, V, of the Federal Constitution of 1988), set forth in the rule provided by Article 20, §3°, of Law 8,742/93 (per capita income standard or economic criteria of concession). It also seeks to study the legal aspects related to the viability of the application of the rule set forth in Article 34, sole paragraph, of Law 10,741/03, as a complementary objective parameter, as well as proposes a possible extension of the enforcement of such legal provision. In addition, and considering as necessary the dialog between law and the other scientific fields, it also indicates possible paths for future studies that target the creation of a new concession criteria for the CBC. The study was developed based on the review of bibliographic material, with prevalence of the deductive reasoning. It also comprehends the review of court precedents, which were classified as documental qualitative (considered as a more flexible methodological modality of empirical research). The methodological approach used comprehends the legal dogmatic as formed by three dimensions: analytical, empirical and normative.
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Lietuvos šilumos ūkio kainodaros reglamentavimas ir jo įtaka šio sektoriaus įmonių pelningumui / Regulations of the Lithuanian heating sector's pricing and its impact on the profitability of the related enterprisesTutkutė, Auksė 06 February 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame Teisės ir valdymo neakivaizdinių magistratūros studijų programos darbe analizuojama Lietuvos šilumos ūkio kainodaros reglamentavimas ir jo įtaka šio sektoriaus įmonių pelningumui, centralizuotai tiekiamos šilumos kainų nustatymo valstybinis ekonominis modelis, valstybės reguliuojamų šilumos kainų nustatymo principai ir jų raida. Darbe apibrėžiama nacionalinio ir regioninių centralizuotai tiekiamos šilumos kainų reguliavimo institucijų kompetencija ir su tuo susijusios problemos, šilumos ūkio ir jo rinkos specifika, centralizuoto šilumos tiekimo – kaip viešąjį interesą atitinkančios paslaugos – samprata, šilumos tiekimo sektoriaus rinkos kainų teisinio reguliavimo institucinė struktūra, aptariamos Lietuvos centralizuotai tiekiamos šilumos sektoriaus raida bei jai įtaką darančios pasaulinės energetikos sektoriaus teisinio reguliavimo plėtros tendencijos ir darnios energetikos idėjos, analizuojami nesuderinti Lietuvos energetikos kainodaros principai ir jų įtaka šilumos kainų didėjimui.
Darbe atlikta šilumos tiekimo sektoriaus teisinio reglamentavimo bei šio sektoriaus veiklos pelningumo analizė patvirtino iškeltą hipotezę, kad Lietuvos šilumos ūkio kainodaros teisinis reglamentavimas sudaro galimybes šilumos tiekimo įmonėms gauti pajamas, viršijančias valstybės normuojamas būtinąsias pajamas, ir dėl to didesnį pelną vartotojų sąskaita iš šilumos tiekimo vartotojams veiklos. Remiantis šios analizės rezultatais, atlikti siūlymai dėl teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The final master paper of the extramural Law and Management studies explores the pricing regulations of the Lithuanian heating sector and its impact on profitability of the sector's enterprises, the price identification state-economic model on the centralized heating supply, the state regulated heating price identification principles and their development, the national and regional price regulation institution competence on centralized heating supply and its related issues, heat sector and its market particularities, centralized heating supply – as the public interest corresponding service – conception, heating supply sector's market price legal regulating structure, the Lithuanian centralized heating supply sector's development, world energy sector's legal regulations development tendencies and sustainable energy ideas, uncoordinated Lithuanian energy pricing principles and their impact on the heating price increase. The analysis on the heat supply sector's legal regulations and its activity profitability produced in this paper has approved the raised hypothesis that the Lithuanian heating sector pricing legal regulations provide possibility to the heating supply companies to gain not always economically based excess profit from the heating supply activity on the account of the heat customers. With reference to the analysis results the proposal on the legal acts regulating changes in the heating sector's activity and pricing improvement have been done.
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Ypatingosios teisenos esmės problematika / The issue of essence of the particular proceedingKalvinskienė, Gitana 09 July 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe “Ypatingosios teisenos esmės problematika” siekiama išanalizuoti ypatingosios teisenos esmę Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio proceso kodekse, ginčo ir ypatingosios teisenos tarpusavio sąveiką, dabartiniame Civilinio proceso kodekse nustatytą ypatingosios teisenos ir ginčo teisenos reglamentavimą, atskleisti jo turinį ir pagrįsti nuostatų įtvirtinimo būtinumą Lietuvos civilinio proceso teisėje. Įsigaliojus dabartiniam Civilinio proceso kodeksui, buvo iš esmės reformuotas ypatingosios teisenos procesas pasirinkus germaniškąją ypatingosios teisenos koncepciją. Atsisakius ginčo dėl teisės kaip pagrindinio teisenas atribojančio kriterijaus, Civilinio proceso kodekse įtvirtinta nuostata, draudžianti perduoti ypatingosios teisenos bylą išnagrinėti ginčo teisenos tvarka, jei joje kyla ginčas dėl teisės. Pagrindinis kriterijus, kuriuo remiantis Lietuvos civilinio proceso teisėje atribojama ginčo ir ypatingoji teisena, yra tikslingumas bei viešojo intereso egzistavimas civiliniuose teisiniuose santykiuose. Įtvirtintas inkvizicinis ypatingosios teisenos proceso modelis su jam būdingais oficialumo, imperatyvumo, riboto viešumo bei žodiškumo principais. Įtvirtintas aktyvus teisėjo statusas nustatant objektyvią tiesą ypatingosios teisenos byloje. Darbe stengiamasi įvertinti šią įstatymo leidėjo poziciją, remiantis egzistuojančia teismų praktika ypatingosios teisenos bylose. Aptariamos kylančios problemos juridinę reikšmę turinčių faktų nustatymo, santuokos nutraukimo bei kai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the master’s thesis titled "The issue of essence of the particular proceeding” is being tried to analyse the main features of the particular proceeding in Lithuanian Republic Civil Process Code, the interaction between disputes and particular proceeding, the interaction between those both proceedings, the innovation in the present Civil Process Code, which are related with the regulation of dispute and particular proceeding, to analyze innovation in detail, to exhibit its purport and to give a proof of the fixation of the attitudes in the Lithuanian Civil Process Law. While the present Civil Process Code took effect, the particular proceeding process was reformatted with the choice of the Germanic particular proceeding conception. Having rejected the dispute for law as the main criteria, which deliminates proceeding, in Civil Process Code the attitude is fixed, which prohibits to transfer particular proceeding case to a judge by the dispute proceeding method if the dispute for law (right) arises in it. The main criteria, as the ground of which in Lithuanian Civil Process Law the dispute and particular proceedings are deliminated and the public interest and expediency exist in civil legal regulation. There is consolidated inquisitorial model of particular proceeding with the official, inperative principles, also with the principles of limited publicity and of literal character, which are characteristic to this model. There is also consolidated judge’s active statute... [to full text]
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Europos Sąjungos aplinkos apsaugos politika ir jos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / European Union environmental policy and its implementation in LithuaniaZdanavičiūtė, Ieva 02 January 2007 (has links)
Basic concepts: environmental protection, legal regulation, sustainable development, protection of water and air quality, waste management, financing of environmental protection, transposition and implementation of legislation.
The aim of the thesis is to determine and look into the influence of the EU environmental policy on the formation of Lithuania’s environmental policy. To this end, the analysis of EU environmental policy documents and directives has been carried out, and their transposition and implementation in Lithuania’s environmental policy have been considered. Focus has also been placed on the financing of the EU environmental policy and absorption of EU assistance in Lithuania. An expert survey has been carried out to attain this objective.
The object of the thesis is the process of implementation of the EU environmental policy and its legal norms in Lithuania.
The thesis raises a hypothesis that the implementation of the EU environmental policy in Lithuania depends on the competence of Lithuania’s management authorities and EU financial assistance, as the failure to absorb it indicates an inadequate level of development and efficiency of Lithuania’s environmental policy. The research performed in the thesis has supported the hypothesis.
The present master’s thesis consists of three sections. The first section of the thesis analyses EU environmental programmes and their impact on the development of the EU environmental policy and presents the legal regulation of... [to full text]
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