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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní úprava product placementu a jeho využití Českou televizí / Legal regulation of the product placement a its utilization by the czech television

Dráb, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The main aspects of this thesis is the analysis of the legal regulation of the product placement and its utilization by the Czech television. Czech law comes from the Directive 2007/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, therefore several chapters are dedicated to secondary law of the European Union. The last part of this thesis includes few ideas about the law de lege ferenda. The second part of this thesis consists of the application of the product placement by the Czech television and there is a comparative analysis with selected television shows from around the world. The comparison is made with the similar shows in regards to their format and style. The result is a recommendation how to apply product placement in the future and kind of mistakes could be prevented.

Risk and Responsibility in the GMO Discourse

Johansson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
<p>An application of biotechnology that has been rapidly matured under the last ten years is genetically modified food. The deliberative release of GMO faces the challenge of complying with sustainable development and implies a precautionary approach to all possible risk involved. This study purpose is to investigate the problems of risks concerning deliberative release of GMO and to define the question of responsibility. These two themes, risk and responsibility, are discussed in relation to society, citizens, corporations andscience. A more profound understanding of the relation between risk and responsibility in the GMO context could contribute to the sensitivity and deliberation in bio-politics, so it better can cope with democratic governance, public debate and risk deliberations.</p><p>Politicians and other decisions-makers have a responsibility to assure that they have sufficient knowledge and understanding for the issue at hand before taking any decision. A responsible bio-politics departs from the precautionary principle in decisions making, gaining knowledge in dialogue with concerned GMO actors and tries to correspond to sustainable development. Hence, knowledge and understanding is needed which are reached in dialogue with other parties in order to allowed values, attitudes and knowledge to be deliberate more extensively.</p>

Risk and Responsibility in the GMO Discourse

Johansson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
An application of biotechnology that has been rapidly matured under the last ten years is genetically modified food. The deliberative release of GMO faces the challenge of complying with sustainable development and implies a precautionary approach to all possible risk involved. This study purpose is to investigate the problems of risks concerning deliberative release of GMO and to define the question of responsibility. These two themes, risk and responsibility, are discussed in relation to society, citizens, corporations andscience. A more profound understanding of the relation between risk and responsibility in the GMO context could contribute to the sensitivity and deliberation in bio-politics, so it better can cope with democratic governance, public debate and risk deliberations. Politicians and other decisions-makers have a responsibility to assure that they have sufficient knowledge and understanding for the issue at hand before taking any decision. A responsible bio-politics departs from the precautionary principle in decisions making, gaining knowledge in dialogue with concerned GMO actors and tries to correspond to sustainable development. Hence, knowledge and understanding is needed which are reached in dialogue with other parties in order to allowed values, attitudes and knowledge to be deliberate more extensively.

Laisvosios ekonominės zonos ir jų steigimo Lietuvoje praktika / Free economic zones and their establishment practice in Lithuania

Augustinaitė, Eglė 24 February 2010 (has links)
Teisės magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje sumažėjo tiesioginių užsienio investicijų. Nemažą įtaką tam galėjo turėti 2008 metų pasaulinės ekonominės krizės padariniai, tačiau nereikia atmesti prielaidos, jog Lietuva ne viską padarė, kad taptų patrauklia užsienio investuotojams. Laisvoji ekonominė zona, kaip viena iš verslo vystymo formų, forma jau yra suradusi platų pritaikymą skirtingų savo išsivystymu, dydžiu ir tradicijomis šalių ekonomikose. Sekant įvairių išsivysčiusių pasaulio šalių patirtimi, Lietuvoje taip pat buvo pradėtas laisvųjų ekonominių zonų (LEZ) steigimas. Nuo pirmojo Lietuvos LEZ įsteigimo prabėgus eilei metų, vis dar Lietuva negali pasigirti efektyvia šių zonų veikla, nors pastoviai yra ieškoma naujų investicijų pritraukimo būdų ir strategijų. Šio darbo tema buvo pasirinkta siekiant išsiaiškinti, kodėl Lietuva, būdama panašaus dydžio ir sudėties šalimi kaip Airija, nesugeba atkartoti Airijos ekonominio išsivystymo šuolio. Darbe keliama hipotezė - LEZ Lietuvoje veikia neefektyviai. Darbo tikslas: išnagrinėti Lietuvos laisvųjų ekonominių zonų steigimosi praktiką teisiniu aspektu. Tyrimo problema: Lietuvoje nepritaikomas sėkmingas Airijos LEZ vystymosi modelis. Darbo uždaviniai: aprašyti istorinius LEZ kūrimosi aspektus; išnagrinėti įvairių šalių LEZ modelius, palyginant juos su Lietuvos LEZ modeliu; išanalizuoti LEZ veiklą reglamentuojančius teisinius aktus; išnagrinėti teisinius LEZ mokestinių lengvatų taikymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master thesis subject is relevant, because the direct foreign investments diminished in Lithuania of late years. The fair influence was made by 2008 world economic crisis, but also there could be an assumption, that Lithuania was at the pains to become fascinating for foreign investors. Free economic zone, as one form of the trade development, made the wide practice in economies of countries, different by their development, size and traditions. Tagging along the practice of developed countries, the establishment of free economic zones (FEZ) were started in Lithuania. After some years from the first FEZ establishment, Lithuania still can not brag with effective zones activity, even if there are seeking of new ways and strategies to attract investments. The subject of this paper was chosen for the detection for what reasons Lithuania can not repeat the bound of economic development in Ireland, even if Lithuania is similar to Ireland by country size and addition. The raised hypothesis: the activity of FEZ is ineffective in Lithuania. Work purpose: to research by legal aspect the establishment practice of free economic zones. Research problem: the successful model of FEZ development in Ireland is not fitted to Lithuania. Work tasks: to describe the historic aspects of FEZ creation, to research the models of different countries‘ FEZ and to compare with Lithuania‘s model, to analyse the legal documents, regulating the activity of FEZ, to explore the principles of taxing... [to full text]

Vaiko apsaugos nuo fizinio smurto teisinis reguliavimas / Legal regulation of child protection from physical violence

Ivanauskaitė-Vindašiuvienė, Indrė 28 January 2008 (has links)
Lietuvoje kasmet daugėja vaikų, nukentėjusių nuo nusikalstamų veikų. Apie 15 proc. užregistruotų atvejų sudaro tėvų ar artimų giminaičių smurtas prieš vaikus. Žiniasklaidoje vis dažniau pasirodo pranešimai apie tėvų sunkiai sužalotus ar net nužudytus vaikus, smurtą mokykloje. Susiklosčiusi situacija reikalauja skubaus ir efektyvaus sprendimo. Darbe „Vaiko apsaugos nuo fizinio smurto teisinis reguliavimas“ koncentruotai ir susistemintai pateikiama bei analizuojama tiek sociologinė, psichologinė, tiek ir teisinė fizinio smurto prieš vaiką pusės. Analizuojama ne tik teorinė literatūra bei teisės aktai, bet ir pateikiama autorės atlikto tyrimo duomenų analizė. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje autorė apžvelgia pagrindines sampratas: atskleidžiama vaiko bei vaikystės samprata; analizuojamos smurto bei fizinio smurto sąvokos, šių reiškinių priežastys bei pasekmės vaikui; aptariami vaiko teisinės apsaugos principai bei smurto prevencijos samprata. Tarptautiniu lygmeniu vaiko teises garantuojančios ir ginančios normos įtvirtinamos deklaracijose ir konvencijose. Taip pat daug svarbių nuostatų yra pateikiama valstybėms rekomendacijų forma. Ratifikuotų tarptautinių dokumentų nuostatos turi būti perkeliamos į nacionalinius įstatymus. Antrojoje darbo dalyje autorė apžvelgia šiuos teisės aktus, analizuoja pagrindines jų nuostatas, susijusias su smurto prieš vaikus užkardymu. Taip pat pateikiama ir Lietuvoje egzistuojančios vaiko teises ginančių institucijų sistemos analizė. Trečioji darbo dalis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every year in Lithuania there is a growing number of victimized children. Around 15% of registered cases are about parents’ or other close relatives’ physical violence against children. Mass media more and more often announces about children seriously injured or killed by their parents, about violence at school. The situation demands a quick and effective solution. The thesis “Legal regulation of child protection from physical violence” contains a concentrated and systemized analysis of sociologic, psychological and legal sides of child’s physical abuse. Not only legal acts and theoretical literature is analyzed, but also the analysis of children’s, parents’ and teachers’ research data is presented. In the first part of thesis author presents the main conceptions: the concept of child and childhood; analysis of violence, physical violence, the reasons of this phenomenon and consequences for a child; the principles of legal protection and prevention of violence. In the international level the rights of the child are established in various declarations and conventions, many important provisions are put in the form of recommendations. The provisions of ratified international documents must be implemented into national law. In the second part of thesis author presents these main legal acts and analyzes the main provisions concerning prevention of violence against children. Also the analysis of existing institutional system is presented. Third part of thesis is dedicated to... [to full text]

Pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje administracinio teisinio reguliavimo veiksmingumas / Efficiency of administrative legal regulatory for integration of refugees in Lithuania

Zakarauskaitė, Jorūnė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Teisės ir valdymo magistro tema yra aktuali, nes Lietuvos pabėgėlių teisinį statusą ir jų integraciją reglamentuojanti teisinė bazė buvo ir yra nuolat keičiama, todėl iškyla būtinybė išsiaiškinti ar Lietuvos teisės aktai užtikrina pabėgėlių integraciją į Lietuvos visuomenę. Pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje klausimus įvairiais aspektais nagrinėjo mokslininkai: Jakulevičienė L. (anksčiau Vysockienė), Biekša L., Tamutienė I., Šuopytė E., Zaleskienė I., Banevičienė J., Užkurienė O. ir kiti, tačiau pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje administracinio teisinio reguliavimo veiksmingumas, nagrinėtas nepakankamai. Tyrimo problema yra susijusi su tuo, kad būtina išsiaiškinti ar pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje administracinis teisinis reguliavimas įgyvendinant jį praktikoje yra pakankamai veiksmingas? Tyrimo objektas – pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje administracinis teisinis reguliavimas. Magistro darbo tikslas – atkleisti pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje administracinio teisinio reguliavimo veiksmingumą, išsiaiškinant integracijos metu kylančias problemas, integracijos gerąją praktiką ir aptariant integracijos gerinimo galimybes. Tyrimo metu: išsiaiškintos pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje ir jos administracinio teisinio reguliavimo veiksmingumo sampratos; atskleisti pabėgėlių integracijos teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumai Lietuvoje ir aptarti pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje teisinės aplinkos veiksmingumo vertinimo principai; išnagrinėti pabėgėlių integracijos Lietuvoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Law and Management Master's theme is relevant, as Lithuania's legal status of refugees and their integration into the legislative framework has been and is continuously changed, so there is a need to ascertain whether the Lithuanian legislation ensures the integration of refugees into the Lithuanian society. Integration of refugees in Lithuania questions dealt with various aspects of the scientists: Jakulevičienė No. (Formerly Vysockienė) Biekša L. Tamutienė, I., E. Šuopytė, Zaleskienė I., Banevičienė J. O. Užkurienė and others, but the integration of refugees in Lithuania the legal regulation of administrative efficiency, insufficiently studied. The research problem is related to the fact that it is necessary to determine whether the integration of refugees in Lithuania in implementing the legal regulation of administrative practice, it is effective enough? Research object - integration of refugees in Lithuania administrative legal regulation. Master's goal - discovery of the administrative integration of refugees in Lithuania regulatory effectiveness by examining the challenges of integration, integration of best practices and discuss options for improving integration. The study: integration of refugees understood in Lithuania and its administrative and legal concept of regulatory efficiency, integration of refugees to reveal the peculiarities of legal regulation in Lithuania and Lithuania to discuss the integration of refugees in the legal environment for assessing... [to full text]

Process And Participation In The Legal Regulation Of Urban Regeneration: The Case Of Zeytinburnu, Istanbul

Cicek, Huseyin 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
High risks imposed by natural hazards, and changes in economic, socio-cultural and technological conditions compel Turkey to transform its cities rather than promote growth. In this respect, urban regeneration became a significant concern demanding a comprehensive and integrated vision and action. Turkey will have to focus on regenerating the built environment in the near feature, rather than follow conventional trends of city-extension development. As scope and methods of urban regeneration planning differ from that of development-planning, a special legal framework and process for urban regeneration is required. The development of comprehensive urban regeneration policies to coordinate physical, social and environmental issues, together with relevant procedural steps, all accommodated within a legal framework are today the most challenging problem in urban planning. To identify the needs in detail, procedural and legal aspects of Zeytinburnu Urban Regeneration Project one of the current urban regeneration projects, related laws and draft laws, and experience abroad are comparatively reviewed here. The main finding is that the procedural steps and legal arrangements of recent regulations represent single-minded understandings of the scope of urban regeneration. There are tendencies of centralizing the powers of implementation, relying only on physical regeneration as a linear process, discouraging all forms of participation. The recent regulatory attempts in special laws concerning regeneration, as well as in laws of &amp / #8216 / development&amp / #8217 / , &amp / #8216 / local administrations&amp / #8217 / and &amp / #8216 / municipalities&amp / #8217 / need to be modified in their procedural and legal provisions. Local authorities can be charged to designate regeneration areas at 1/5000 city master plans which could be coordinated by changing an article within Development Law (3194). Tasks and responsibilities for comprehensive regeneration could be provided with the Law of Municipalities (5272), and the Law of Provincial Administration (5302). These laws could also equip local authorities with prerogatives of implementing regeneration projects. A second procedural requirement concerns the preparation of plans. This demands steps for participatory interventions as well as a versatile structure to allow feedback and returns to former stages of planning. This could be introduced by means of a regulation regarding preparation of regeneration projects. This resembles the regulation on technical specifications for the preparation of development plans of Law 3194. This can enforce the participation of local citizens and stakeholders to the process. Changing the article 13 of the Municipality Law would suffice for the realization of participation processes. The article (24n) of the Greatercity Municipalities Law that enable partnerships between public, private bodies and NGOs can be further introduced to the Municipality Law for the very necessary synergies in regeneration projects.

Stav ovzduší v Moravskoslezském kraji z právního pohledu. / The air quality in the Moravian-Silesian region from the legal point of view.

Kubicová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is to provide basic insight into the long-term unfavourable environment of the Moravian-Silesian region and to outline the possible human rights issues in solving this problem. The initial chapter presents the topic of work and its further systematics. The following chapter deals with the historical development from a general point of view and with special regard to the Moravian-Silesian Region. The third chapter contains an overview of the selected pollutants with a description of their impacts on human health and also focuses on the conclusions of the research project The Czech Academy of Sciences - Ostrava Program. The following, fourth chapter, briefly describes the current legislation on air protection in the Czech Republic, along with its basic concepts. The fifth chapter is dedicated to the individual legal instruments of air protection in the Czech Republic. The sixth chapter deals with the issue of court rulings on the issue in domestic courts and the subsequent part concerns the current and future potential development of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. At the end of the thesis the prior text is summarized and evaluated.

Euthanasie (z hlediska některých evropských zemí - srovnání) / Euthanasia (in terms of some European countries - comparison)

Matuchová, Helena January 2011 (has links)
Résumé Euthanasia is and always will be a hot topic of very heated debate among both non specialists and experts. The purpose of my thesis is to provide the reader with information about euthanasia and a list of rules dealing with the issue of euthanasia in selected countries. The introduction outlines the problems of euthanasia. The second chapter is devoted to clarifying the content of the notion of euthanasia, which comes from the Greek word for the phrase, "eu" meaning good and "thanatos" meaning death, a "good death", sometimes we can also meet the looser translation of euthanasia as a beautiful death. The content of the notion of euthanasia in the course of history changed. Today we see euthanasia as an act which one person intentionally ends the life of another person's own request with the intent to end her suffering. In the chapter are identified and defined forms of euthanasia, especially active and passive. The third chapter deals with the European Union's attitude to euthanasia. No law of the European Union explicitly addressed the euthanasia. Health policy in principle falls within the competence of national governments. And every Member State has its own position on the issue of euthanasia. In this chapter, I mention the idea and recommendations of the Council of Europe, though it isn't the...

Všeobecné zásady reklamní praxe a ochrana spotřebitele / General principles of advertising practices and consumer protection

Slánská, Martina January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis provides an overview of legal and ethical regulation of advertising, defines the basic concepts in advertising, summarizes the functions and objectives of advertising and characterized various forms of advertising by the communication media. Through the questionnaire survey detects and analyzes the general attitudes towards advertising as specific views on ethically problematic advertisements.

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