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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europos Sajungos valstybinio miško ukio teisinio reglamentavimo lyginamoji analizė / The Comparative Analyse of Legal Regulations, Governing National Forest Management of Member States of the European Union

Gustienė, Dovilė 22 August 2006 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate and compare the features of Legal regulations, governing National forest management of Member States of the European Union. The object of analyses was legal regulations in the following 17 countries of European Union: Ireland, Austria, Czech, Denmark, Great Britain, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, France, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden and Germany. The following methods of analyses were used in the study: document analyses, comparative analyses, historical and logical methods. The result of the study shows that, Legal regulations governing National forest are reflected in the national forest law. Legal principles, which are not exclusively stated in the basic law, are in details mentioned in legal acts related to forest. The legal principles are not at the same level explicit in all EU countries, but are the most similar between countries of the same forest management type.

Turizmo paslaugų teikimo teisinio reglamentavimo problemos / Problems of the Legal Regulation for the Provision of Tourist Services

Gliaubertienė, Giedrė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Statistikos duomenys liudija apie didėjantį turizmo paslaugų teikimo srityje atsirandančių visuomeninių santykių aktualumą. Vis aktualesnis tampa ir tinkamas šių visuomeninių santykių teisinis reglamentavimas. Šio darbo tikslas - įvertinti turizmo paslaugų teikimo teisinio reglamentavimo turinį, specifiką bei veiksmingumą Lietuvos Respublikoje. Darbe analizuojami pagrindiniai teisės norminiai aktai, reglamentuojantys turizmo paslaugų teikimą Lietuvoje, trumpai aptariant jų reglamentavimo sferą, pagrindines nuostatas, jų tikslus, tarptautinių ir Europos Sąjungos teisės norminių aktų ryšį su nacionaline teise. Daug dėmesio skiriama praktiniam turizmo paslaugas reglamentuojančių normų įgyvendinimui. Teisės aktai aptariami atskleidžiant su jais susijusias turizmo paslaugų teikimo aktualijas bei teismų praktiką šioje srityje. Lietuvos įstatymų normos lyginamos su kaimyninių Baltijos ir Skandinavijos bei Vokietijos šalių teisės norminiais aktais, vertinamas Europos Sąjungos teisės normų perkėlimas į nacionalinę teisę. Darbe nagrinėjimui pasirinkti opiausi praktikoje klausimai, svarbūs tiek turizmo paslaugų teikėjams, tiek gavėjams. Pasitaikantys teisės normų pažeidimai, skirtingas teisės normų interpretavimas, kartais pačių teisės normų netobulumas lemia ginčų tarp sutarties šalių atsiradimą. Darbas užbaigiamas turizmo paslaugų teikimą reglamentuojančių teisės normų įgyvendinimo užtikrinimo mechanizmo nagrinėjimu. Apibendrinant darbe išdėstytą medžiagą daroma išvada, kad turizmo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Statistics reflect the growth of the importance of the social relations stemming from the field of the provision of tourist services and leads to the growth of relevance of the proper legal regulation of these social relations. The main object of this study is to estimate the substance, peculiarities and effectiveness of the legal regulation of the provision of tourist services in the Republic of Lithuania. Main legal acts that regulate the provision of tourist services in Lithuania are analyzed in the study. Flied of regulation of these legal acts, most important provisions, their evolution, objects, interconnections between national, international law and law of the European Union are discussed. A lot of attention is paid to the research of practical implementation of the legal norms. Legal acts are discussed in the light of the related topicalities and decisions of the courts in the field of the provision of tourist services. Lithuanian legal norms are compared with neighbouring Baltic, Scandinavian and Germany countries legal norms, European Union legal norms transference to the national law is estimated. Topical issues from the practice of the provision of the tourist services, important both to the providers of the servines and to the consumers are chosen to examine. Contraventions, different interpretation and sometimes imperfection of the very legal norms lead to the legal disputes between the parties of the contract. The study is finished with the review of the... [to full text]

Administracinės bylos proceso atnaujinimas: samprata, reikšmė ir praktika / The reopening of administrative proceedings: conception, importance and practice

Varnaitė, Jolita 05 July 2011 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija ir įstatymai įtvirtina įsiteisėjusio teismo sprendimo galią ir nekintamumą. Tai užtikrina teismo sprendimo pagrindu atsiradusių santykių stabilumą, žmogaus teisių apsaugą. Tačiau atsiradus tam tikroms aplinkybėms įsiteisėjusio teismo sprendimo teisinė galia gali būti nutraukta, jis gali prarasti nekintamumo ir stabilumo savybes. Tokią galimybę suteikia Administracinių bylų teisenos įstatymo (Toliau – ABTĮ) IV skyriuje įtvirtintas proceso atnaujinimo institutas. Jis yra taikomas tada, kai suinteresuotas asmuo nebegali kitais būdais apginti savo pažeistas teises ir interesus, nes nebėra kitų teisinių priemonių. Magistro baigiamojo darbe teorinių ir empirinių metodų pagalba atskleidžiama administracinės bylos proceso atnaujinimo instituto samprata, išskiriami jo ypatumai, analizuojami esami teoriniai ir praktiniai reglamentavimo trūkumai bei siūlomi jų pašalinimo būdai. Taip pat kompleksiškai ir glaustai analizuojami administracinės bylos atnaujinimo instituto teoriniai pagrindai, apžvelgiama, kaip šie pagrindai taikomi teismų praktikoje. Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro įvadas, trys dėstomosios dalys, išvados ir pasiūlymai. Pirmoji dalis skirta proceso atnaujinimo svarbai ir vietai administraciniame procese nustatyti, proceso atnaujinimo sampratai suformuluoti, esamam reglamentavimui ir jo trūkumams nustatyti. Antroji dalis skirta prašymo dėl proceso atnaujinimo padavimo procedūrą reglamentuojančių normų analizei, jų ypatumų nustatymui bei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania establishe the power and stability of a final and binding decision of a court. This is to ensure human rights and stability of the relations whith arise on the grounds of such a decision. However, in case of certain circumstances, the legal effect of the decision can be dissolved, it may lose the characteristics of stability and immutability. This possibility is given by the Law on administrative proceedings, Chapter IV, which establishes the institute of the reopening of administrative proceedings. The institute is applied when an interested party has no legal means to protect its violated rights and legal interests. The thesis by the help of empiric and theoretic methods, discloses the conception of the institute of the reopening of administrative proceedings, emphasizes its peculiarities, examines existing theoretical and practical legal defects, as well as posible ways to eliminate them. The comprehensive and accurate analysis of the grounds for reopening the proceedings and case study of the application of these grounds is presented. Master's thesis consists of an introduction, three – enacting parts, conclusions and recommendations. The first part is to define the importance of the reopening of proceedings and its position in the administrative process, determine existing regulation and legal defects. The second part is to examine the legal regulations of the reopening of administrative proceedings that... [to full text]

Visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros teisinis reguliavimas įgyvendinant teisę į sveikatos apsaugą / Public health legal regulation implementing the right to health care

Čelkis, Paulius 03 January 2012 (has links)
Disertacinio darbo tyrimo objektas yra visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros teisinis reguliavimas ir jo įvertinimas teisės į sveikatos apsaugą įgyvendinimo požiūriu. Darbe nagrinėjama visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros samprata, išskiriami visuomenės sveikatos priežiūrai keliami tikslai ir aptariamos sritys (priemonės), kuriomis tikslai įgyvendinami. Taip pat atskleidžiama teisės į sveikatos apsaugą samprata, kas leidžia apibrėžti pastarosios turinį, kuris lems sveikatos priežiūros teisinio reglamentavimo apimtį. Nacionalinis visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros teisinis reguliavimas vertinamas teisės į sveikatos apsaugą įgyvendinimo aspektu: ar esamas teisinis reguliavimas sudaro prielaidas įgyvendinti teisės į sveikatos apsaugą kiekybinius ir kokybinius turinio parametrus ir ar tai lemia, kad asmeniui sudaromos saugios gyvenimo, darbo ir laisvalaikio sąlygos, ar valstybėje funkcionuoja sveikatos stiprinimo ir stebėsenos sistemos, ar valstybės sukurti mechanizmai apsaugo sveikatą esant ligų protrūkiams. Šie ir kiti klausimai analizuojami sistemiškai, siekiant ne tik atskleisti nacionalinio visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumus, bet ir pateikti siūlymus, kaip jį tobulinti. Įvertintas visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros teisinis reguliavimas teisės į sveikatos apsaugą įgyvendinimo požiūriu leido apibrėžti pastarojo galimybes ir ribas, nustatyti teisinio reguliavimo tobulinimo gaires. / The dissertation research object is public health legal regulation and its evaluation in regards to the implementing the right to health care. Paper explores the understanding of public health, separating the goals and discussed spheres (methods) of public health, with which the goals are realized. It also reveals the understanding of the right to health care, allowing definition of the latter’s content, which determines the extent of health care legal regulation. National public health legal regulation is evaluated in the aspect of the right to health care implementation: does the present legal regulation create preconditions to implement the right to health care content’s quantity and quality parameters and whether this determines if safe life, work and leisure conditions are provided for the individual, if the nation has functioning systems of health promotion and monitoring, if the nation-created mechanisms protect health in the case of a disease outbreak. These and other questions are analyzed systematically, aiming not only to reveal national public health legal regulation singularities, but also to provide proposals on how to improve it. Evaluated public health legal regulation right’s to health care implementation outlook, allowed to define the latter’s possibilities and limits, to ascertain the legal regulation improvement guidelines.

Atliekų panaudojimo teisinio reguliavimo probleminiai aspektai / Problemical aspects in waste reuse legal regulation

Poškaitė, Imantė 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama atliekų panaudojimo teisinio reguliavimo problema ir jos aspektai, jame taikant dokumentų analizės, istorinį bei lyginamąjį metodus išsiaiškinta ES atliekų tvarkymo teisinių ir strateginių priemonių įtaka Lietuvos vykdomai atliekų panaudojimo politikai, atskleista ,,atliekų panaudojimo“ samprata, atskleistos kylančios problemos Lietuvoje, įgyvendinant atliekų tvarkymo ir panaudojimo teisinį reguliavimą, taip pat atskleistas atliekų tvarkymo ir panaudojimo modelis Danijoje. Magistro baigiamajame darbe, įvertinus Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos teises aktus, teismų praktiką, padarytos tokios išvados: Lietuvoje esantis atliekų panaudojimo teisinis reguliavimas tik iš dalies atitinka Europos Sąjungos teisinį reguliavimą, probleminių aspektų yra pakankamai daug, ir juos reikia spręsti, Danijos pavyzdys atliekų tvarkymo ir panaudojimo teisinio reguliavimo prasme yra sektinas. / This Master‘s thesis focuses on problemical aspects in waste reuse legal regulation. Invoking analysis of documents, historical and comparative methods the impact of EU waste management implements in law and strategic implements towards waste management in Lithuania was found out, therefore the conception of ,,waste reuse“ was disclosed, furthermore were shown waste reuse legal regulation problems in Lithuania and was revealed Danish model on waste legal regulation. Conclusions were made: the waste legal regulation model corresponds to EU model only partly, there are too many problemical aspects in this area, which need to be resolved, Danish example is the one to strive to.

Právní úprava ochrany ovzduší před znečišťováním / Legal regulation of air protection against pollution

Mrověc, Martin January 2015 (has links)
in english The aim of this thesis is to provide a systematic insight into the regulation of air protection from pollution produced by so called "enumerated stationary sources", which means from sources enumerated in annex no. 2 of Act no. 201/2012 Coll., focused on the on air protection. The work is divided into two sub-parts when the first part focuses on the proposed legislation in the field of air protection from pollution, its historical development, and legislation at all levels - expressly international law, law of European union and national legislation. Subsequently, the thesis describes the basic objectives of current legislation with regard to all sources of air pollution. The second part of the thesis concerns only on legislation that adjusts enumerated stationary sources and presents a list of various legal instruments of control in a systematic division of conceptual, administrative and economic tools, which is always given to the appropriate section. These particular tools are discussed with regard to the specifics applied to these enumerated stationary sources. The conclusion is a separate chapter devoted to liability for infringement of operators that run the enumerated stationary sources.

Rodinná politika v České republice a služby péče o děti předškolního věku / Family policy in the Czech Republic and services of care about children in the pre-school age

Sláma, Vladimír January 2011 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Family policy in the Czech Republic and services of childcare for children of pre-school age This master's degree thesis deals with family policy, in particular with the institutional provisions of childcare services for children of pre-school age, their legislative framework and potential future development. The goal is to find out whether the current legislation of childcare services sufficiently reflects the needs of parents, given demographic developments and the existing socio-cultural and economic context. The first chapter characterizes the current context of family policy in the Czech Republic: We are experiencing rising fertility rates, while people realize parenthood at later stages of their lives. In addition, opinion polls show that 50% of families desire an egalitarian family model with an equal distribution of childcare responsibilities between both parents, thus allowing for the professional development of each. In reality, however, women usually lower their professional ambitions and stay at home taking care of the children. The second chapter suggests that the discrepancy between the desired and the actually practiced family model is a result of existing family policies in the Czech Republic, which prefer the model of the father as the breadwinner and the mother...

Právní úprava činnosti pojišťovacích zprostředkovatelů / Legal regulation of activities of insurance intermediaries

Bastl, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Legal regulation of activities of insurance intermediaries Main part of this diploma thesis is aimed at the analysis and evaluation of new national regulation of insurance intermediaries included in the Act no. 170/2018 on distribution of insurance and reinsurance which is the result of implementation of Directive 2016/97 on insurance distribution into the national legislation. This thesis is divided into three chapters The first chapter is dedicated to the introduction of insurance industry as its own and specific economic segment. In this chapter I am discussing insurance industry from both historic and contemporary point of view. I try to briefly define insurance and insurance industry both from legal and economic aspects and then describe development of insurance and insurance industry through the history. At the end of this chapter, I discuss different distribution channels in insurance industry as one of those channels are insurance intermediaries. The second chapter starts with summary of historical regulation of insurance intermediaries since the creation of independent Czech Republic to present day. Main part of this chapter is dedicated to the current regulation of insurance intermediaries. At first, I am discussing different categories of insurance intermediaries and then I am describing...

Analýza hedgeových fondů se zaměřením na právní úpravu / Hedge Funds Analysis Focused on Legal Regulation

Dirhan, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This Thesis aims at hedge funds analysis focused on legal regulation. Hedge funds are not very well-known in our country, they represent a specific kind of investment funds. A term which describes these funds most closely within our legal environment is "Funds of qalified investors". The first part of this Thesis is focused predominantely on general descsription of hedge funds, their histroy and specific features. The second part of the Thesis deals with strategy, legislation and some other aspects of hedge funds.

Poškozený v trestním řízení a jeho ochrana / Injured party in criminal proceedings

Uriková, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
An injured party in criminal proceedings and his/her protection Abstract This Master's thesis is devoted to the analysis of the procedural rights and protection afforded to the injured party in criminal proceedings. This Master's thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter focuses on the analysis of the historical developments of the status of the injured party in criminal proceedings in the Czech law. The analysis commences with the Austro-Hungarian criminal procedural code no. 119/1873 Coll., the Czech Criminal code of 1950, its subsequent novelization in 1956 and the current Czech criminal code no. 141/1961 Coll., all the cited laws had a significant impact on the status of the injured party in criminal proceedings. The second chapter is dedicated to defining the term injured party, both via a negative and positive definition. Furthermore emphasis is placed on the distinction between the definition of the injured party from the perspective of Article 43 of the criminal procedural code, as such an injured party has the right to claim damages against the accused defendant and thus such an injured party might concurrently have the status of a subject in adhesion proceedings, and the injured party which does not have a right to claim damages. The third chapter is focused on defining the term...

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