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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Quasi-Experimental Study of Inter-rater Reliability When Awarding Exceptional Quality Points on the Texas Teacher Appraisal Instrument

Dobbs, Louann 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the inter-rater reliability of appraisers who award exceptional quality points on the Texas Teacher Appraisal Instrument. Inter-rater reliability was measured when appraisers scored exceptional quality points after viewing a videotaped lesson. Comparisons were made between appraisers when grouped according to elementary or secondary certification, sex, years of administrative experience, and type of training. A total of 707 subjects from 56 school districts participated in the study. Five research hypotheses were formulated with the .05 level of significance for acceptance. All hypotheses were tested by correlation of coefficients, multiple response procedures, frequencies, and percentages. The data measuring inter-rater reliability of the appraisers in training imply that there is very little reliability in the awarding of exceptional quality points on the Texas Teacher Appraisal Instrument. The findings of this study are that certification, sex, administrative experience, and type of training made no significant differences when scoring the instrument. Therefore, it is concluded that the scoring of exceptional quality points is a subjective, professional judgment made by each appraiser when observing a teacher. Since no significant reliability was found, the scoring of exceptional quality points cannot be supported as a reliable means of determining the quality of teaching in Texas schools. Generally, elementary certified appraisers awarded fewer exceptional quality points than secondary appraisers, males awarded slightly more points than females, appraisers indicated no noticeable trend because of years of administrative experience, and less experienced appraisers had the tendency to award more points than experienced appraisers. Therefore, inter-rater reliability in awarding exceptional quality points cannot be expected on a consistent basis. Each appraiser, regardless of certification, sex, years of administrative experience or training, will use his or her own professional judgment when scoring the instrument.

Realizace očekávaných výstupů výchovy ke zdraví ve výuce chemie na základní škole / Implementation of the expected outcomes of health education in teaching chemistry in elementary school

Hlaváčková, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is possibility how to implement Health education into the educational chemistry lessons at the primary school. Especially it deals with the different ways of implemention of chosen issues from Health education (nutrition issues - fats, saccharides and proteins) into the organic chemistry lessons in 9th grade of primary school. The main document used for this purpose is "Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education 2013". The primary aim of this thesis is to find the options and reasons of implementation of Health education into the other educational fields. The secondary aim is to find the key content connected between the field of Health education and the Chemistry. The third one is to clarify the possibility how to implement the educational discipline Health education into the field of Chemistry that is taught as a separate subject. The last and the most important aim and concurrently the output of this diploma thesis is to propose the model lessons, in which Chemistry lessons are bonded to Health education and which could be used as educational model for teaching Chemistry at the primary school. Keywords health education, chemistry, RVP ZV, integration, modeling lessons

Interaktivní nástroje ve výuce chemie - Interaktivní výuka podporovaná softwarem Mathematica / Interactive Tools for Teaching Chemistry - Interactive Teaching Supported by Wolfram Mathematica

Helceletová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Information and communication technologies (further referred to as "ICT") are increasingly influencing whole structure of the society. The integration of ICT into education together with the transition of the traditional teaching into a modern learning environment is therefore understood as one of the key factors of further development. This work examines some of the possibilities of applying electronical support for teaching chemistry at high schools. It focuses mainly on the visualisation of the subject matter, suitable positive motivation and incitement of the students. This paper describes in detail the presentation of subjects in chemistry using software applets of Wolfram Mathematica. One of the goals of this paper is to introduce the software and to present its potential application in teaching chemistry. Furthermore it shall encourage the use of particular demonstrations applets of the software Wolfram Mahematica. To achieve this goals, the author of this paper describes in detail the source codes of seven demonstrations applets called "Formulas and Structures for Some Simple Molecules", "Build Your Own Atoms", "Visualizing Atomic Orbitals", "Alkanes", "Oxidation States of Carbon", "Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory" and "Ideal Gas Law", which are available for free on...

Didaktická interakce mezi učitelkou a dítětem v přípravné plavecké výuce / Didactic interaction between teacher and child in preparatory swimming

Hubená, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
Title: Didactic interaction between teacher and child in preparatory swimming lessons. Objects: The object of this thesis was to describe and analyze the interaction profiles of two kindergarten teachers. Both teachers have many years of teaching experience of preparatory swimming lessons with children 3 to 4 years old. At the same time the aim was to contribute to the objectification of ideas about the specific didactic interaction in the physical learning in the water. Methods: The method of participant observation of two kindergarten teachers with many years of teaching experience was used at this thesis. The data collection was realized by taking a video. Processing and evaluating of the video followed using a modified analysis of didactic interaction method. The method of questioning was also used for the observed teachers. Results: According to our results the most common form of behavior of two selected teachers during the lessons was instruction. The most common of one of our selected teacher was using notification. The other teacher was using feedback and participation the most often. According to the content of didactic interaction dominated learning activities in all analyzed videos. The organization activities were evaluated by the program of modified analysis of didactic interaction as...

Metodika výuky moderního tanečního stylu street dance / Methodology of Teaching Modern Dancing Style Street Dance

Štěpánková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
My dissertation is mainly targeted to all street dance lectors and teachers but is also for another people who are concerned about street dance education. Dissertation is writting about a street style history and is focused on creation of my own methodology proposal for an education of this style. Kids are really enjoying a lessons of street dance and the kind and level of this emjoyment is done by their age and level of performance.

"Du är ju inte din dyslexi" : Anpassningar och strategier som används i läs- och skrivundervisningen för elever med dyslexi / "You are not your dyslexia" : Adjustments and strategies used in reading and writing lessons for pupils with dyslexia

Lindman, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om vilka anpassningar och strategier specialpedagoger och speciallärare använder i undervisningssammanhang för att diskutera hur klasslärare kan stödja läs- och skrivutvecklingen för elever med dyslexi. Med studien söker jag svar på hur arbetet kring elever med dyslexi ser ut samt vilken hjälp och vilket stöd lärare kan få från specialpedagog eller speciallärare. I bakgrunden presenteras information som kan vara betydelsefull vid fortsatt läsning och för att bli mer insatt i ämnet. Studien utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv som presenteras i teoriavsnittet. Jag har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie där jag genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre specialpedagoger och två speciallärare. Studiens resultat visar på att grundorsaken till dyslexi är att eleven har en nedsatt fonologisk medvetenhet vilket ger konsekvenser på elevens stavning och avkodning. Detta kan vara betydelsefullt för klasslärare att ha kunskap om för att kunna upptäcka om eleven har dyslexi. För att veta om en elev har dyslexi genomförs en kartläggning av elevens fonologiska medvetenhet av skolans specialpedagog för att se om det finns indikationer till dyslexi. Arbetssätten ser snarlika ut för elever med dyslexi och för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Vad som oftast skiljer sig är kompenserade verktyg i form av surfplatta eller dator. Det visar sig även att elever med dyslexi kan träna på sina svårigheter men behöver hitta strategier för att utvecklas. I resultatet presenteras också att det är betydelsefullt att arbeta med Bornholmsmodellen i förskoleklass. Detta gynnar alla elever men framförallt elever med dyslexi då de tidigt får träna på den fonologiska medvetenheten med hjälp av språklekar. Trots att specialpedagogers roll i skolan är att arbeta för eleven och speciallärare med eleven är de sällan i klassrummet men de kan träffa eleven för intensiva träningsperioder och exempelvis ge klassläraren stöd i form av tips på anpassningar och insatser och utvärdera dessa. Det finns inte bara ett specifikt arbetssätt som passar alla elever med dyslexi. Alla elever är olika och undervisningen bör individanpassas efter den enskilde elevens förutsättningar. Om undervisningen individanpassas blir klassrummet inkluderande. Det ger goda förutsättningar att ha en skola för alla vilket grundskolans läroplan fastslår (Skolverket, 2016). / The purpose of the study is to provide knowledge of the adjustments and strategies special pedagogues and remedial teachers use in teaching contexts to discuss how class teachers can support reading and writing development for pupils with dyslexia in the classroom. With this study, I want to find answers about how the work around dyslexia pupils looks like and what assistance and support class teachers can receive from special pedagogues or remedial teachers. In the background, information is presented that may be of importance for the understanding of the study. The study is based on a socio-cultural perspective which is presented in the theory section. I have chosen to implement a qualitative study in which I used semi-structured interviews with three special pedagogues and two remedial teachers. The study's results indicate that the primary cause of dyslexia is that the pupil has a reduced phonological awareness, which has consequences for the pupil's spelling and word decoding. To know if a pupil is dyslectic, a pedagogical survey is conducted by the school´s special pedagogue to see if there are indications of dyslexia. The methods used in literacy teaching are similar to pupils with dyslexia and for pupils with reading and writing difficulties. What most often differ are compensatory tools in the form of iPad or computer. It also turns out that pupils with dyslexia can practice their difficulties but need to find strategies to develop them. It is also presented in the result that it is fruitful to work with the “Bornholmsmodellen” in pre-school class. This favors all pupils, but especially pupils with dyslexia, as they can train the phonological awareness early by using games about language. Although the role of special pedagogues in the school is to work for the pupil and remedial teachers with the pupil, they are rarely in the classroom but they can meet the pupil for intense training periods and, for example, giving the class teacher support in the form of tips on adjustments and interventions and evaluate these. There is not one specific way of working that fits pupils with dyslexia. All pupils are different and the teaching should be individualized according to the individual pupil's conditions. If the teaching is individualized, the classroom will be inclusive, this assume good conditions for having a school for all kind of pupils which Sweden’s elementary school's curriculum establishes (Skolverket, 2016).

Förutsättningar för applicering av agila projektprinciper inom tillverkningsindustrin : En fallstudie med fokus på ständig förbättring

Arvidsson, Andreas, Johansson, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur och vilka agila principer som kan appliceras i projekt inom tillverkningsindustrin. Studien har skett på fallföretaget KalmarGlobal och resultatet visar att det inte går att implementera agila projektmetoder rakt av, men att det däremot finns principer inom det agila som kan och bör implementeras för att få företagets projektarbete mer effektivt. Dessa är bl a enklare dokumentering, stå-upp-möten och självstyrande grupper.

Lessons Learned in the Space Sector: An Interactive Tool to Disseminate Lessons Learned to Systems Engineers

Kimberly Anne Quilang Rink (6636134) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Organizations, like individuals, are expected to learn from their mistakes. Companies that successfully rely on past knowledge to inform programmatic decisions use knowledge management tools to capture and disseminate this information, often in the form of lessons learned databases. However, past mistakes continue to happen in the aerospace industry, including NASA. Although NASA has taken measures to stress the importance of lessons learned in organizational culture, relatively little work has been done to develop the user interface of their lessons learned database. Encouraging engineers to review lessons only goes so far when the interface itself is outdated and difficult to use. We propose that an interactive network tool is an effective way to disseminate lessons learned to novice systems engineers.</p><p><br></p><p>In this thesis, I begin by developing a model to represent spacecraft anomaly narratives and applying this model to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s publicly available lessons learned database. I then create an interactive network tool and populate it with the set of modeled lessons. Then, I design an experiment to determine how novice engineers use two different knowledge management tools—the interactive network and the NASA database. I use transcripts of users’ thought processes, verbalized to me during the experiment, to create a mental model of how users with access to knowledge management tools respond to engineering scenarios. From the mental model, I identify the functional strengths and weakness of both the interactive network and the NASA database. Finally, I discuss the results of the experiment and recommend future improvements to the interactive network tool.</p><p><br></p><p>We found that the interactive network was a better resource for users to make connections between topics, and that the NASA database was a better resource for users to search for specific information. Using the interactive network over the NASA database correlated with an increase in performance for the majority of the experiment, but data we collected do not provide enough evidence for us to conclude that the interactive network is a better dissemination tool than the NASA database in all scenarios. We found that receiving lessons learned from either of the tools takes time because each tool’s functionality elicits new tasks from the user. Finally, we found that the top performers in the experiment used each of the tool’s strongest features.</p><div><br></div><p></p>

Lições da arquitetura: leituras a partir de poéticas / Lessons architecture : readings from poetry

Margotto, Luciano 26 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem origem na inquietação teórica desde a perspectiva do projeto, isto é, desde quem está na posição de, por assim dizer, produzi-lo, atendendo à cadeia de decisões e operações que lhe dão origem. Apoia-se no princípio de que estética constitui reflexão filosófica tanto quanto reflexão empírica de maneira indissociável e complementar. Investiga conceitos que giram em torno de valores, contemporâneos ou não, de estética, de arte, de literatura, e de outras áreas do conhecimento aplicados à arquitetura. Paralelamente, examina obras em sua maioria brasileira e pertencente ao que se acostumou a chamar de movimento moderno; entretanto, inclui significativas exceções ao grupo escolhido. Evitando reduzir as obras em enquadramentos, assim como as ideias em programas fechados, insiste na singularidade e na multiplicidade de cada uma delas para estabelecer uma estrutura em que os capítulos resultam entrelaçados de tal modo que as lições dialogam entre si e as análises constroem pontes entre as obras e entre arquitetos e outros profissionais, delimitando o que é e deve ser a arquitetura. Desse modo, propõe cinco lições fundadas na arquitetura, condicionadas por leituras desenvolvidas a partir de poéticas - construções de linguagens amparadas no campo do fazer -; essencialmente positivas, mas envolvidas na ideia precípua da simultaneidade, e não da linearidade; reiterando permanências, bem como sugerindo a possibilidade de novos pontos de vista para o debate contemporâneo. / This dissertation has its origins in the uneasy relationship with theory that arises in a project, that is, from the perspective of one who is in a position to produce it, so to speak, taking into account the chain of decisions and operations that give rise to it. It relies on the principle that aesthetics is as much a philosophical reflection as it is an empirical contemplation, both inseparable and complementary. It investigates concepts that revolve around the values, contemporary or not, of aesthetics, art, literature, and other fields of knowledge applied to architecture. At the same time, it examines mostly Brazilian architectural works that belong to what has come to be called the modern movement. It does, however, include some significant exceptions. Having avoided their compartmentalization, as well as the disconnection of ideas, it stresses the uniqueness and multiplicity of each work in order to establish a framework in which the chapters are weaved together, allowing the lessons to interact with each other and the analysis to build bridges between works and between architects and other professionals, as well as defining what architecture is and should be. Here are five lessons based on architecture, shaped by readings inspired by poetics - constructions of language based on doing - which are mainly positive, but still concerned with the primary idea of simultaneity, not linearity; reconfirming permanence, as well as suggesting the possibility of new points of view in contemporary debate.

Lessons Learned: Experiences Result in Curricula and Course Revisions

Kridler, Jamie Branam, Lowe, Elizabeth F., Heier, K., Webb, K. 25 March 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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