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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O uso de videoaulas para a aprendizagem de cinemática

Scheffer, Fabricio da Silva January 2014 (has links)
Nesse trabalho foi produzido um minicurso de Cinemática com ênfase em interpretação de gráficos. Foram elaboradas seis Videoaulas que abrangeram conceitos básicos da Cinemática tais como referencial, posição, deslocamento, velocidade e aceleração. Utilizou-se testes iniciais e finais de interpretação de gráficos da cinemática para verificar se houve ganho de aprendizagem por parte dos alunos após cursarem o minicurso. A aplicação desse material ocorreu em um site particular, mas pode ser adaptado a outros ambientes de ensino como o Moodle, por exemplo. Nessa aplicação, no site do minicurso de Cinemática, houve um questionário inicial no qual traçou-se um perfil dos participantes, um teste inicial sobre interpretação de gráficos, as seis Videoaulas, um teste final sobre interpretação de gráficos e um questionário final. As Videoaulas foram elaboradas à luz da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel e dos pressupostos pedagógicos e técnicos de Jack Koumi para a produção de vídeos didáticos. Ambos referenciais orientaram o processo de construção dos vídeos no que tange aos cuidados pedagógicos e técnicos de uma produção audiovisual voltada para o ensino. O resultado da aplicação mostrou-se favorável ao uso do minicurso de Cinemática, pois houve um ganho de 36% entre os testes inicial e final com o uso das Videoaulas. Entretanto, apenas uma parcela menor do total de inscritos no minicurso concluiu todas as atividades propostas. Os comentários finais do feedback mostraram que a maioria aprovou o minicurso e recomendaria aos seus colegas, mas ainda preferem aulas presenciais, pois podem sanar suas dúvidas diretamente com o professor. / In this work was produced a kinematics mini course focused on graphics interpretation. It was created six video lessons covering basics such as framework, position, velocity and acceleration. A private website was used as an application platform for the mini course. Initial and Final tests of understanding graphs in kinematics were applied to assess the learning gain achieved by the students after the teaching activities. A questionnaire, to establish the profile of the students, and a feedback questionnaire at the end of the mini course, to gather the students impressions about the video lessons, were also applied. The video lessons were construct based on the principles of the Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory and the recommendations of Koumi about technicalities of filming instructional videos. The group composed of the students that watched all the videos, and answered the initial and final tests (29 of 212 enrolled), obtained an average normalized gain of 0.36. The results of the feedback questionnaire point out for a high appreciation of the mini course by the students, however, they still prefer to meet the teacher in class for the lessons.

Goal Identification and Systematic Instruction in Private Voice Lessons

Antahades, Mary Ella 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to measure the effect upon the tone quality of singers resulting from identifying a specific goal, modeling with a cassette tape of the student's own voice, prescribing practice, and giving verbal approval. On the basis of the findings, these conclusions are drawn. (1) There is no significant difference in prescribing practice of an identified goal, utilizing a model or giving verbal approval. (2) Higher gain in pretest - posttest scores for the experimental groups while the control group showed the lowest gain suggests these teaching methods may be effective. (3) A high correlation of raters can be attained by the training method used in this study.

Hjälp till självhjälp : Marinens systematiska erfarenhetshantering som instrument för att utveckla specialistofficersutbildning i marinen

Holmberg, Anton January 2013 (has links)
Försvarsmakten verkar i en föränderlig miljö. Detta ställer krav på en flexibel organisation som lär av hur omgivningens förändrade karaktär påverkar verksamheten. Detta bör även återspeglas i hur utveckling av utbildning inom Försvarsmakten går till. Erfarenheter kan ses som en del av den speglade förändringen av den miljö som verksamheten bedrivs i. I marinen har man utvecklat Marinens systematiska erfarenhetshantering som beskriver hur dragna erfarenheter skall omsättas i förändrad verksamhet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda förekomsten av dokumenterade rutiner för hur erfarenheter från verksamheten tas till vara i utvecklingen av specialistofficersutbildningen. Syftet är också att utreda vilka förutsättningar som finns för att få de som studerar på specialistofficersutbildningen att arbeta med erfarenheter. Detta har utretts genom en kvalitativ dataanalys av de dokument som beskriver specialistofficersutbildningen och marinens systematiska erfarenhetshantering. Empirin i studien har granskats med hjälp av Peter. M Senge organisationsteori om att skapa en lärande organisation genom systemtänkande. Slutsatserna är att ett ramverk för hur erfarenheter skall omsättas i utveckling av utbildningen återfinns. Erfarenhetshantering och utbildning beskrivs i många av dokumenten som enskilda företeelser som kan härledas till bristande systemtänkande. Specialistofficersutbildningen och erfarenhetshanteringen har ett antal kontaktytor som innebär goda förutsättningar att implementera erfarenhetshantering i verksamheten.

Knowledge management : Improvement of knowledge feedback routines

Lerander, Malin, Stenermark, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Learning from one’s experience is crucial for success. If a companylearns to share knowledge in an effective way their mistakes will befewer and could lead to more productive ways of working, largerprofits and increased competitiveness.The purpose of this study has been to investigate formal andinformal knowledge management within a consultant firm’s projectbusiness, as well as investigating how far the various sorts ofknowledge travel through the organisation. The purpose has also beento develop an understanding for what encourages knowledge sharing inan organisation with several national offices distributed over largegeographical areas.This abductive study has been designed as a case-study at aconsultancy firm were the authors have done qualitative research byconducting both formal and informal interviews and observations, aswell as studied the company’s governing documents. The studyattempt to show to what degree the consultants follow their formalknowledge management, like the governing documents and for whatreasons do they follow or not follow their knowledge managementroutines. Factors which seems to promote or inhibit both formal andinformal knowledge sharing for the employees, as well as factors forknowledge sharing between the different regions in Sweden have beenpicked out. By doing so, potential improvements for the organisations“local” knowledge management routines have been defined. The aimhas also been to find ways to improve organisations knowledgefeedback with focus on the knowledge sharing between differentgeographic locations.Our research findings seem to both align with and oppose previousresearch. Often knowledge sharing is not done when a project istoo similar to another project, which is the opposite to previousresearch and that the common notion of “knowledge is power” doesnot seem to be a factor that hinders the knowledge shared in thestudied organisation. It is concluded that the company needs a datalibrary to be able to easily share knowledge across the regions anddevelop both institutional and organisational factors. They also need toclean up their governing documents and operation managementsystem and make sure to have both carrots and sticks when it comesto managing both formal and informal knowledge.

Formativní hodnocení metodou okamžité zpětné vazby ve výuce přírodopisu / Title: On-the-fly Formative Assessment in Biology Lessons

CIHLÁŘOVÁ, Magdaléna January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with informal formative assessment, namely one of its methods, which is "on the fly" assessment. Methods of formative assessment are frequently discussed in the current teaching conception, as their implementation into teaching leads to the development of student's learning and at the same time it provides useful information about the process of student's learning and about the quality and effectiveness of the teacher's teaching. The means for finding out this information is often the feedback in teacher-student interactions. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the use of "on the fly" assessment in biology lessons at an elementary school. The first part of the thesis presents a literary research. The second part is devoted to the presentation of the results, in particular to the analysis of the observed lessons with focus on the frequency of interactions between the students and the teacher, using the method of providing immediate feedback. In total, ten biology lessons were analysed at one selected school. All the lessons were transcribed and deeper analysed using the ESRU model. The main goal was to identify cases when the ESRU cycle was completed and included all four sub-steps on which it is based. The results have shown the most frequent use of incomplete cycles or impaired complete ESR cycles, and at the same time it has emerged that the occurrence of immediate formative feedback is not conditioned by completeness, i.e. the presence of all the steps of the ESRU cycle. It has been also found out that the ESRU model provides important information about informal formative assessment procedures, mainly it usefully distinguishes the different steps of the interaction and thus shows its flow, which goes beyond the general description of feedback.

Investigando números racionais com o software GeoGebra

Wolffenbüttel, Reni January 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como foco o ensino dos números racionais no Ensino Fundamental. Seu objetivo é analisar as potencialidades e proposta de ensino que utiliza o computador, em particular do so fltiwmaitraeç dõee sg edoem uemtriaa dinâmica GeoGebra, e a metodologia de aulas de matemática investigativa. Essa proposta de ensino foi aplicada em turmas de 8º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública, localizada na cidade de Sapucaia do Sul/RS. Esses estudantes já traziam conhecimentos sobre números racionais e, diante disso, esse campo numérico foi retomado com a intenção de verificar e contornar possíveis déficits de aprendizagem, assim como de ampliar o conhecimento sobre esses números por meio de investigações em que pudessem ser observadas algumas de suas características. Para isso, propusemos atividades que articulavam simultaneamente diferentes representações dos números racionais. A metodologia de pesquisa empregada foi a qualitativa. A proposta de ensino apresentada no final deste texto como alternativa de trabalho para o ensino de números racionais, e para professores, diante da análise realizada, poderem refletir acerca de suas vpiostueanicsi adliod asdoefstw ea rliem GitaeçoõGese.b Drao, sq ruees uflatavdooresc oebratimdo sa,o pso daelumnooss dae sctoamcaprr eoesn rseãcou rdsooss números racionais e suas regularidades, e o cenário investigativo-tecnológico, que fez com que eles se mantivessem engajados na investigação como agentes de seu aprendizado. / This research focuses on the teaching of rational numbers in Elementary School. It's aim is to analyse The potentialities and limitations of a teaching approach which proposes the use of the computer, particularly the dynamic geometry software GeoGebra, and the methodology of investigative math classes. This teaching approach was applied to students of the 8th year of an Elementary Education public school located at Sapucaia do Sul/RS, Brazil. These students already studied rational numbers at school in previous years. Thus this numerical field has been taken into account with the intention to check and bypass possible learning deficits, as well as increase knowledge of these numbers through investigations in which it could be observed some your characteristics. For this purpose, we proposed activities that simultaneously articulated different representations of rational numbers. The research is based in a qualitative paradigm. The teaching approach is presented at the end of this text as an alternative way for teaching rational numbers and other teachers in view of the analysis can consider its potentialities and limitations. From the results, we can highlight the visuals of the GeoGebra software, which favored students the understanding of rational numbers and their regularities and the investigative - technological scenario, which caused them to remain engaged in research as their learning agents.

The Affective Value of Planetarium-Related Curricula in High-, Middle-, and Low-Achieving Secondary School Students

Griffin, James Christopher. 12 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to measure the effects of differing curricular patterns involving the use of planetarium centered activities on the affective domain of high-,middle-, and low-achieving secondary school students. Two different curricular patterns were studied. At each achievement level, one group viewed two planetarium lessons in conjunction with their classroom work in astronomy. Also, at each achievement level, two groups viewed the planetarium lessons as review activities which followed their completion of classroom work in astronomy earlier in the school year. The following conclusions were made with respect to the planetarium-related curricula studied. 1. Two exposures to planetarium lessons as a review activity caused a significant decline in the attitude toward astronomy among high-achieving students. 2. Two exposures to planetarium lessons did not significantly improve students' attitudes toward astronomy at any achievement level or with either curricular pattern studied. 3. Middle- and low-achieving students' attitudes were not significantly affected by two exposures to the planetarium lessons. Varying the manner of employing the planetarium in relation to classroom work in astronomy, in the manner studied, made no significant differences in the attitudes of students at either of these achievement levels.

The Development and Evaluation of a Series of Video-Tape Lessons to Supplement a College Course in Advanced Music Theory

Robbins, David E. (David Elden) 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to develop and evaluate a series of video-tape lessons to supplement the traditional lecture-discussion method of teaching a college course in advanced music theory. The specific problems investigated were: 1) to evaluate the effect of video-tape material on achievement in an advanced music theory course. 2) To assess the effect of the video-tape materials on the achievement in harmony, keyboard, sight singing, and ear training for students who had differential learning ability levels. 3) To assess the attitudes toward music theory and the use of the supplemental lessons. 4) To assess attitudes toward music theory and the use of the supplemental lessons and achievement for all students involved in the study. Analysis of co-variance, simple analysis of variance, t tests, and Pearson correlations produced statistical results that led to the following conclusions: 1) Students who used the video-tape supplemental lessons did not score higher on achievement tests in harmony, keyboard, sight singing, and ear training than the students who did not use those lessons. 2) Students who used the video-tape lessons had greater variance among the ability levels on the achievement tests; and for those using the lessons, students in the low beginning-ability level did not achieve at a corresponding rate with the students in the high and middle levels. 3) Attitudes toward music theory and the use of supplemental materials were less positive for the students who used the video-tape lessons. 4) Among all participants of the evaluation, a significant relationship was found between attitudes toward music theory and the use of supplemental materials and achievement in music theory.

O uso de videoaulas para a aprendizagem de cinemática

Scheffer, Fabricio da Silva January 2014 (has links)
Nesse trabalho foi produzido um minicurso de Cinemática com ênfase em interpretação de gráficos. Foram elaboradas seis Videoaulas que abrangeram conceitos básicos da Cinemática tais como referencial, posição, deslocamento, velocidade e aceleração. Utilizou-se testes iniciais e finais de interpretação de gráficos da cinemática para verificar se houve ganho de aprendizagem por parte dos alunos após cursarem o minicurso. A aplicação desse material ocorreu em um site particular, mas pode ser adaptado a outros ambientes de ensino como o Moodle, por exemplo. Nessa aplicação, no site do minicurso de Cinemática, houve um questionário inicial no qual traçou-se um perfil dos participantes, um teste inicial sobre interpretação de gráficos, as seis Videoaulas, um teste final sobre interpretação de gráficos e um questionário final. As Videoaulas foram elaboradas à luz da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel e dos pressupostos pedagógicos e técnicos de Jack Koumi para a produção de vídeos didáticos. Ambos referenciais orientaram o processo de construção dos vídeos no que tange aos cuidados pedagógicos e técnicos de uma produção audiovisual voltada para o ensino. O resultado da aplicação mostrou-se favorável ao uso do minicurso de Cinemática, pois houve um ganho de 36% entre os testes inicial e final com o uso das Videoaulas. Entretanto, apenas uma parcela menor do total de inscritos no minicurso concluiu todas as atividades propostas. Os comentários finais do feedback mostraram que a maioria aprovou o minicurso e recomendaria aos seus colegas, mas ainda preferem aulas presenciais, pois podem sanar suas dúvidas diretamente com o professor. / In this work was produced a kinematics mini course focused on graphics interpretation. It was created six video lessons covering basics such as framework, position, velocity and acceleration. A private website was used as an application platform for the mini course. Initial and Final tests of understanding graphs in kinematics were applied to assess the learning gain achieved by the students after the teaching activities. A questionnaire, to establish the profile of the students, and a feedback questionnaire at the end of the mini course, to gather the students impressions about the video lessons, were also applied. The video lessons were construct based on the principles of the Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory and the recommendations of Koumi about technicalities of filming instructional videos. The group composed of the students that watched all the videos, and answered the initial and final tests (29 of 212 enrolled), obtained an average normalized gain of 0.36. The results of the feedback questionnaire point out for a high appreciation of the mini course by the students, however, they still prefer to meet the teacher in class for the lessons.

TRHOVOSVINENSKO - VYUŽITÍ MULTIMEDIÁLNÍCH POMŮCEK PRO REGIONÁLNÍ VÝCHOVU NA 1. STUPNI ZŠ / Trhovosvinensko - Utilisation of multimedia instruments in regional lessons in the 4th Grade in primary school

SALCEROVÁ, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The thesis entitled ?Trhovosvinensko - Utilisation of multimedia instruments in regional lessons in the 4th Grade in primary school? consists of two sections, the theoretical part and the practical part. In the theoretical, scientific part, information is processed about the Trhovosvinensko microregion in the light of its physical geography and socioeconomics. The practical part, which is derived from the theoretical part, is a tutorial for teaching regional lessons in the 4th Grade in primary school. This is an interactive tool. It is created in the Smart Notebook program, which facilitates the curriculum being practised in an entertaining way on the interactive Smart board. The practical part is accompanied by a Teacher?s Handbook which guides teachers through this tutorial, simplifying its use.

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