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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A multiplicidade semântica em learners' dictionaries : por uma abordagem semântico-cognitiva para a organização das acepções

Oliveira, Ana Flávia Souto de January 2015 (has links)
A multiplicidade semântica, isto é, o fato de uma forma linguística apresentar mais de um significado ou nuance contextual, é um fenômeno que, apesar de não trazer grandes problemas à comunicação cotidiana, impõe diversas questões às teorias semântico-lexicais e a suas aplicações linguísticas. Neste trabalho, buscamos compreender o tratamento dispensado à multiplicidade semântica por learners’ dictionaries do inglês (dicionários monolíngues para aprendizes avançados de inglês como língua estrangeira) à luz do quadro teórico da Semântica Cognitiva Lexical. Em um primeiro momento, sistematizamos as implicações trazidas pela multiplicidade semântica para os learners’ dictionaries, principalmente no que diz respeito aos procedimentos de lumping e splitting, ao tipo de solução adotada para a divisão de verbetes para as formas lexicais (homonímica ou polissêmica) e aos critérios de organização das acepções nos verbetes. Com relação a esses aspectos, demonstramos que não há uma base teórica sólida que permita definir quantos e quais significados um item lexical apresenta, que não há consenso quanto ao tratamento das soluções nesse tipo de dicionário e que a frequência – critério utilizado pelas obras para organizar as acepções – não é tão objetivo quanto se esperaria, nem tem respaldo empírico para a utilização nesse tipo de dicionário. Assim, defendemos que, por conta do caráter interpretativo da descrição semântico lexical, evidenciada pela flexibilidade no tratamento dispensado pelas obras às questões da multiplicidade semântica, seja buscada uma abordagem distinta a essas questões. Com esse intuito, em um segundo momento, introduzimos a concepção semântico-cognitiva de estrutura semasiológica, que, ancorada em postulados da Teoria Prototípica, destaca a sobreposição e a saliência semântica como características estruturais do léxico, postulados que contemplam a flexibilidade e a instabilidade do significado lexical. Na busca por subsídios metodológicos que fundamentem uma proposta alternativa aos problemas lexicográficos, apresentamos alguns dos modelos de descrição da estrutura semântica dos itens lexicais propostos pelo paradigma cognitivo: o Modelo Radial, o Modelo Esquemático e o Modelo de Grupos em Sobreposição. Avaliamos a estrutura semasiológica do item lexical case e propomos formas alternativas para sua representação nos learners’ dictionaries que condizem tanto com os postulados semântico-cognitivos, quanto com o que se sabe sobre o tipo de dicionário em questão e as necessidades de seus usuários. Com relação às soluções homonímica e polissêmica, sugerimos quatro configurações possíveis que permitem representar a estrutura coesa da polissemia, mas cuja validação depende ainda de testes de uso. Quanto à organização das acepções, consideramos que, mesmo através do uso de uma estrutura hierárquica, é possível representar os fenômenos de sobreposição e saliência semântica que julgamos relevantes para os usuários dessas obras, por exemplo, através do uso dos próprios recursos possibilitados pela hierarquia e da redação de definições que destaquem atributos compartilhados por dois ou mais significados que não podem ser relacionados na estrutura linear do verbete. Assim, uma abordagem semântico-cognitiva parece ser útil para nortear práticas lexicográficas relativas à estruturação das informações sobre a multiplicidade semântica nos learners’ dicitionaries. / Semantic multiplicity can be defined as a case in which a single linguistic form presents more than one meaning or contextual reading. Even though this phenomenon usually does not pose serious challenges for everyday communication, it certainly brings about important issues to lexical semantic theories and its linguistic applications. The present dissertation aims at evaluating the treatment semantic multiplicity receives in English monolingual advanced learners’ dictionaries from a cognitive-semantic point of view. Therefore, the consequences of semantic multiplicity for the organization of learners’ dictionaries are presented, mainly with regard to the procedures of lumping and splitting, the solutions applied for structuring entries (homonymic or polysemous solutions), and the criteria used in arranging senses. First, it is demonstrated that there are no solid methodological bases on which to decide on how many (nor which) senses a lexical item has. Second, it is shown that there is no agreement on the solution to be applied to this type of dictionary. Third, it is advocated that the criterion used for sense arrangement (frequency) is not as objective as one would expect and it has not yet been proven to bring any advantage for the users of learners’ dictionaries. Because of the interpretative nature of lexical semantic description, which is reflected in the different treatments the dictionaries provide to these matters, a distinct approach is sought. To this end, the cognitive-semantic conception of semasiological structure is introduced. With its origins linked to Prototype Theory tenets, this notion highlights that semantic salience and overlapping are structural characteristics of the lexicon, which reflect the flexibility and instability of lexical meaning. In order to search for methods that could ground an alternative proposal for these lexicographic issues, the cognitive-semantic descriptive models of semantic structure are assessed: the radial model, the schematic model, and the overlapping sets model. The semasiological structure of the lexical item case is described and a new proposal for its organization is provided, in tune with cognitive-semantic tenets and with what is known about this type of dictionary and its users’ needs. Regarding homonymic and polysemous solutions, four different arrangements are suggested, which represent the coherent structure of polysemy. Regarding sense arrangement, it is shown that even through the use of a hierarchical structure, it is possible to represent the semantic overlapping and salience found to be useful for the users of learners’ dictionaries. By exploring the hierarchical resources themselves and by manipulating the wording of definitions, it is feasible to accentuate attributes shared by two or more senses that cannot be related in the linear structure of the dictionary entry. Thus, Cognitive Semantics presents itself as a useful approach to guide lexicographic practices related to the structuring of semantic multiplicity information in learners’ dictionaries.

Acquisition de la polysémie du verbe "prendre" par des apprenants du français L2 / Acquisition of the polysemy of the verb "prendre" by french as a second language learners

Redmond, Leslie 24 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se consacre aux enjeux de la polysémie verbale pour l’acquisition des langues secondes. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement à la polysémie du verbe prendre. Cette thèse poursuit deux objectifs complémentaires. D’une part, notre premier objectif est de décrire la polysémie du verbe prendre au moyen d’une analyse en sémantique lexicale dans une approche cognitive. D’autre part, notre second objectif est d’évaluer l’incidence de la polysémie du verbe prendre sur les connaissances qu’ont les apprenants de ce verbe et d’isoler les différentes acceptions de prendre mises au jour par notre analyse sémantique, qui s’avèrent problématiques pour les apprenants du français L2. Par ailleurs, nous cherchons également à savoir si les problèmes liés à la polysémie chez les anglophones peuvent être liés à l’influence translangagière.L’analyse sémantique du verbe prendre porte sur l’ensemble des acceptions prédicatives du verbe. Notre corpus d’analyse provient de données lexicales issues de plusieurs dictionnaires de référence. Afin de délimiter le corpus d’acceptions soumis à l’analyse sémantique, nous avons effectué une analyse syntaxique permettant de départager les différents emplois du verbe prendre : les constructions à verbe support, les locutions verbales et les acceptions prédicatives. Puis, nous proposons une analyse sémantique monosémique des acceptions prédicatives du verbe prendre qui s’articule autour d’un noyau de sens tripartite qui ne correspond à aucune des acceptions spécifiques du verbe, mais qui est présent dans l’ensemble de ces acceptions. Chacune des parties du noyau de sens peut faire l’objet d’un fenêtrage de l’attention, qui nous permet de mettre au jour les différents sens du verbe. Nous avons également émis des hypothèses sur les différences entre le verbe prendre et ses équivalents en anglais. Pour atteindre le second objectif de notre travail, nous avons mené une expérimentation auprès de 191 apprenants du français langue seconde. Tous les participants ont complété trois tâches expérimentales : un test de closure afin de mesurer leur niveau de compétence langagière en français, une tâche de production écrite et une tâche de jugement d’acceptabilité. Les résultats des analyses de régression logistique et multinomiale montrent non seulement que l’analyse sémantique que nous avons proposée permet de prédire la connaissance des différentes acceptions du verbe par les apprenants du français L2, mais aussi que les apprenants anglophones et allophones ont un comportement différent par rapport aux types d’acceptions du verbe prendre, comportement que nous avons pu expliquer par l’influence translangagière chez les participants anglophones. / The present dissertation focuses on the acquisition of highly polysemous verbs by French as a second language learners. I am particularly interested in the polysemy of the verb prendre. This dissertation has two complementary objectives. On the one hand, the first objective is to describe the polysemy of prendre through a lexical semantic analysis within a cognitive framework. On the other hand, the second objective is to evaluate the impact of this polysemy on learners' knowledge of the verb’s different senses in order to isolate those which are the most problematic for French L2 learners. Furthermore, I also investigate whether the problems associated with polysemy for Anglophone learners can be explained through cross-linguistic influence. The semantic analysis of the verb prendre describes all the predicative uses of the verb and is based on lexical data from several dictionnaires. Prior to carrying out the semantic analysis, a battery of syntactic tests was used in order to categorize the different uses of the verb prendre into the following categories: support verb constructions, idiomatic expressions and predicative uses. I propose that the verb prendre has an abstract core meaning which can be divided into three parts. While this abstract core meaning does not correspond to any of the specific senses of the verb, it is present in all of them. I use the cognitive semantic concept of the windowing of attention in order to explain how each of the parts of the core meaning can be windowed in order to obtain the different senses of the verb. Moreover, this analysis allowed me to formulated hypotheses about the differences between the verb prendre and its equivalents in English.In order to meet the second objective of this dissertation, I conducted an experiment on 191 learners of French as a second language. All participants completed three tasks: a cloze test to measure their proficiency level in French, a guided written production task and an acceptability judgement task. The results of the logistic and multinomial regression analyses show not only that the semantic analysis proposed can predict participants’ knowledge of the different senses of the verb, but also that participants whose first language is English behave differently from those whose first language is another language, confirming the presence of cross-linguistic influence for the English-speaking participants.


LIVIA PENEDO JACOB 20 September 2010 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho investiga os processos lexicais pertinentes à formação de novos itens através do não- anteposto a substantivos e adjetivos, incluindo os aspectos semânticos relevantes. Abordam-se inicialmente a derivação e a composição, na medida em que estes macro-processos de formação se colocam como hipóteses alternativas para a explicação do emprego lexical do elemento negativo não, tradicionalmente classificado apenas como advérbio. Expõe-se a visão trazida pela gramática tradicional, concluindo-se que esta não explica o fenômeno de modo satisfatório. Revisa-se a literatura produzida até o momento sobre o não ocorrendo em função diversa da de advérbio, observando-se grande divergência de abordagens. Apresentadas e analisadas as ocorrências do não- anteposto, opta-se pela derivação como explicação mais conveniente para o tópico investigado, que inclui a questão de estabelecer critérios de discriminação entre as construções que constituem novas palavras e as que devem ser excluídas do rol das novas formações. A análise é baseada em dois corpora representativos – o CORPOBRAS PUC RIO e o CORPUS NILC, que foram comparados em relação ao fenômeno investigado. A pesquisa foi parcialmente feita com base nos mecanismos e metodologias ditadas por pesquisadores da Lingüística de Corpus, tendo sido utilizadas ferramentas computacionais e o conceito de corpus definidos por estes autores. A partir da referida análise, verifica-se que nem todos os itens formados por não- seguido por nome configuram novas formações lexicais, uma vez que muitos dos exemplos estudados revelam aspectos sintáticos predominantes. Quanto à questão semântica, concluiu-se que os significados são relativamente delimitados, existindo algumas exceções. A pesquisa aponta ainda para a presença de possíveis aspectos estilísticos nestas formas. / [en] This work investigates lexical processes underlying the formation of não- X nouns and adjectives in Portuguese, taking into account both morphological and semantic aspects. We approach first the two main word formation possibilities, derivation and compounding, as they correspond to the possible alternative hypotheses for the use of não in word formation, since this lexical item is traditionally considered only as an adverb. Traditional approaches to the topic are described and considered insufficient to explain the phenomena in a satisfactory manner. More recent descriptive proposals on the subject are analyzed and their controversies commented upon. The data favor the analysis of não-X constructions in Portuguese as a case of derivation, specially in what concerns the need to establish criteria to classify não-X constructions as new words. The data were collected from two corpora – the CORPOBRAS PUC-RIO and the CORPUS NILC, which were compared as for the phenomena in question. The work is based, to a great extent, on the mechanisms and methodologies proposed by Corpus Linguistics researchers, with the use of computational tools and the conception of corpora as defined by CL authors. As a result of the analysis, it is proposed that not every não-X occurrence constitutes a new lexical item, since many of the studied examples reveal predominance of syntactic aspects. As for the semantic question, it has been observed that the meanings of the não-X constructions are partially predictable, in spite of some exceptions. The research also indicates the presence of some stylistic possibilities for the use of the não X construction.

Slovní zásoba internetové komunikace chovatelů domácích zvířat / The vocabulary of the internet communication of the domestic animals' breeders

Hrubá, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Abstact: The thesis examines the vocabulary of breeders on social networks. For a period of three months, we've been collecting specific language resources in the group of breeders and provides a word-forming and semantic analysis of the found words, including examples of use. It also brings special dictionary of breeder's slang. Based on selected lexemes, it tests the acceptability/unacceptability of specific words outside this interest group. It verifies the hypothesis that these lexemes will be assessed by the non-breeding group as less acceptable or unacceptable.

Slovní zásoba internetové komunikace chovatelů domácích zvířat / The vocabulary of the internet communication of the domestic animals' breeders

Hrubá, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Abstact: The thesis examines the vocabulary of breeders on social networks. For a period of three months, we've been collecting specific language resources in the group of breeders and provides a word-forming and semantic analysis of the found words, including examples of use. It also brings special dictionary of breeder's slang. Based on selected lexemes, it tests the acceptability/unacceptability of specific words outside this interest group. It verifies the hypothesis that these lexemes will be assessed by the non-breeding group as less acceptable or unacceptable.


[pt] Este trabalho estuda o prefixo co(N)- na Língua Portuguesa, entendido como um prefixo único que se manifesta sob as formas com, con e co. Na presente pesquisa, tais formas são estudadas a partir das construções lexicais em que podem ser reconhecidas, o que permite vislumbrar a variação de significados do prefixo na língua portuguesa. Os dados primários da análise foram coletados no Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa. Para realizar tal estudo, foi aplicado um conjunto de conceitos operacionais e de procedimentos analítico-descritivos apresentados na Gramática Cognitiva de Ronald Langacker. Assume-se, portanto, que a estrutura fonológica co(N) evoca uma dada estrutura semântica – que se configura como tal devido à aplicação de um conjunto de operações de perspectivização sob o substrato conceptual obtido a partir do contexto em que são usadas as construções lexicais com tal prefixo. Por sua vez, as operações de perspectivização possibilitaram notar não só que, em distintas construções lexicais, bem como nos distintos contextos em que elas são usadas, o referido prefixo assume valores semânticos convencionais distintos; como também que esses sentidos, embora distintos, encontram-se relacionados mutuamente. O reconhecimento dessa relação mútua decorre do estabelecimento de um desses significados como prototípico, ou primário, sendo os demais considerados como sentidos derivados, sobretudo pelo fenômeno de atenuação conceptual. Essa abordagem propiciou o delineamento de uma rede polissêmica entre os valores semânticos convencionais apresentados pelo prefixo co(N)-, em convergência com a abordagem teórica da Gramática Cognitiva, baseada no modelo de rede, em que os vários significados assumidos por uma determinada unidade simbólica formam uma teia de relações entre si. / [en] This work is concerned with the Portuguese prefix co(n)-, understood as a single prefix which, however, can occur in the different forms com, con and co . In the research, the forms studied were extracted from the lexical constructions where they can be recognized, which leads to a better vision of the range of meanings of the prefix in Portuguese. The primary data of the analysis were collected from the Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa. In the investigation, we applied a set of operational concepts and analytical procedures of description from Langacker s Cognitive Grammar. It is assumed, therefore, that the phonological structure corresponding to co(N) evokes a given semantic structure arrived at by means of a set of construal operations under the conceptual substract presented by the context in which lexical constructions with the prefix were used. In turn, the construal makes clear that this prefix not only can have different conventional semantic values, in different lexical constructions as well as in different contexts of use, but also that the different senses are mutually related. The recognition of this mutual relationship is possible once we take one of these meanings as prototypical, or primary, from which other meanings derive, especially by conceptual attenuation factors. This approach allowed us to outline a semantic network that permeates conventional semantic values of the prefix, thus converging with GC s theoretical approach based on a network model, in the sense that the various meanings assumed by certain symbolic unity form a web of relationships among themselves.

Automatically Acquiring A Semantic Network Of Related Concepts

Szumlanski, Sean 01 January 2013 (has links)
We describe the automatic acquisition of a semantic network in which over 7,500 of the most frequently occurring nouns in the English language are linked to their semantically related concepts in the WordNet noun ontology. Relatedness between nouns is discovered automatically from lexical co-occurrence in Wikipedia texts using a novel adaptation of an information theoretic inspired measure. Our algorithm then capitalizes on salient sense clustering among these semantic associates to automatically disambiguate them to their corresponding WordNet noun senses (i.e., concepts). The resultant concept-to-concept associations, stemming from 7,593 target nouns, with 17,104 distinct senses among them, constitute a large-scale semantic network with 208,832 undirected edges between related concepts. Our work can thus be conceived of as augmenting the WordNet noun ontology with RelatedTo links. The network, which we refer to as the Szumlanski-Gomez Network (SGN), has been subjected to a variety of evaluative measures, including manual inspection by human judges and quantitative comparison to gold standard data for semantic relatedness measurements. We have also evaluated the network’s performance in an applied setting on a word sense disambiguation (WSD) task in which the network served as a knowledge source for established graph-based spreading activation algorithms, and have shown: a) the network is competitive with WordNet when used as a stand-alone knowledge source for WSD, b) combining our network with WordNet achieves disambiguation results that exceed the performance of either resource individually, and c) our network outperforms a similar resource, WordNet++ (Ponzetto & Navigli, 2010), that has been automatically derived from annotations in the Wikipedia corpus. iii Finally, we present a study on human perceptions of relatedness. In our study, we elicited quantitative evaluations of semantic relatedness from human subjects using a variation of the classical methodology that Rubenstein and Goodenough (1965) employed to investigate human perceptions of semantic similarity. Judgments from individual subjects in our study exhibit high average correlation to the elicited relatedness means using leave-one-out sampling (r = 0.77, σ = 0.09, N = 73), although not as high as average human correlation in previous studies of similarity judgments, for which Resnik (1995) established an upper bound of r = 0.90 (σ = 0.07, N = 10). These results suggest that human perceptions of relatedness are less strictly constrained than evaluations of similarity, and establish a clearer expectation for what constitutes human-like performance by a computational measure of semantic relatedness. We also contrast the performance of a variety of similarity and relatedness measures on our dataset to their performance on similarity norms and introduce our own dataset as a supplementary evaluative standard for relatedness measures.

Слова с корнем добр- в словаре и речи : магистерская диссертация / Words with a root of good- in the dictionary and speech

Ян, В., Yan, V. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена описанию группы слов с корнем добр- в словаре и речи. В работе выявляются теоретические основания интерпретации категории «добро» в гуманитарных исследованиях; описываются системно-языковые (парадигматические, синтагматические и эпидигматические) связи слов с корнем добр- в опоре на различные словари русского языка; на материале содержащих в своем составе слов с корнем добр- пословиц и поговорок, а также высказываний из Национального корпуса русского языка показана специфика функционирования и культурная значимость этих слов для носителей национально-культурного сообщества. Полученные результаты позволили выявить сегменты русской языковой картины мира, остающиеся константными, несмотря на социальные изменения в обществе, и сегменты, подвергающиеся трансформации. / Magister dissertation devoted to the description of a group of words with a root of good in the dictionary and speech. The work reveals the theoretical foundations of the theoretical interpretation jf the category of “good” in humanitarian studies; describes the system-linguistic (paradigmatic, syntagmatic and epigmatic) connections of words with a root of good based of varios dictionaries of the Russian language; based on the material, containing words with a root of good – proverbs and saying as well as statements of the National Corpus of the Russian language, the specific of functioning and cultural significance of these words for the speakers of national-cultural community are shown. The results obtained made it possible to identify segments of the Russian linguistic picture of the world, that remained constant, despite social changes in society and segments that are undergoing transformation.

The Preverb <i>Eis-</i> and Koine Greek Aktionsart

Shain, Rachel M. 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Righteous and Wicked in the Psalms: The Poetic Functions of the Contrast Between קידִּ צַ and עשָׁרָ in Biblical Hebrew Psalmody

Foth, Kevin 11 1900 (has links)
This study examines the figures of theיקדִּ צַ and עשָׁ רָ in psalms. Drawing on both semantics and poetics, this study argues that the contrast between the figures represented by these terms is part of the conventions of Hebrew psalmody and, as such, can serve various discursive functions within an individual psalm. Using insights from the field of lexical semantics, the study clarifies the possible uses of the words Justand עשָׁ רָ, emphasizing a wider range of uses than is typically offered within a broad behavioral domain for these terms. The study summarizes ways that various books in the Hebrew Bible use the contrast of these figures to develop a description of the literary features related to their presentations. The analysis of 18 psalms that include both figures utilizes insights from narratological theories of character to explore the functions of the contrast between קידִּ צַ and עשָׁ רָ as literary figures within the overall discourse of the psalm. Focusing on the setting of an individual psalm and embracing the possibility of variation reveals that קידִּ צַ and עשָׁ רָ are not only, or even usually, employed to describe the “prototypically good” or “prototypically bad” person in psalms. Rather, the עשָׁ רָ is often a designation for an antagonist, and the קידִּ צַ is often understood as one who is innocently wronged. As such, the literary pattern of their contrast does not focus on the moral character of these figures but on the fairness or justice of God to eventually elevate the position of the קידִּ צַ and destroy the עשָׁ רָ.

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