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Factors genètics i ambientals i les seves interaccions com a determinants de l'efecte protector de la paraoxanasa1 en la malaltia cardiovascularTomás Mestres, Marta 12 February 2003 (has links)
La present tesi avalua els efectes de certs factors ambientals sobre la paraoxonasa1 (PON1), enzim antioxidant, possiblement protector enfront les malalties cardiovasculars, a través de dos estudis d'intervenció i un de transversal. En primer lloc, el tractament amb simvastatina dels pacients amb hipercolesterolèmia familiar, que presentaven una activitat paraoxonasa baixa, s'associava a un increment de l'activitat fins a valors similars als d'individus normolipèmics, independentment dels polimorfismes PON1-55 o PON1-192. En segon lloc, l'entrenament físic s'associava a un augment de l'activitat paraoxonasa en els individus QQ i una disminució de la mateixa en els portadors de l'al·lel R pel polimorfisme PON1-192. L'increment de l'activitat paraoxonasa immediatament després de l'exercici físic agut era seguit per una disminució subseqüent de l'activitat. La recuperació dels nivells basals d'activitat paraoxonasa a les 24h de l'exercici físic agut es donava en els individus QQ independentment del seu estat d'entrenament, i en els individus portadors de l'al·lel R només quan estan entrenats. En tercer lloc, el consum elevat d'àcid oleic comportava un augment de la concentració de c-HDL i de l'activitat paraoxonasa en els homes portadors dels genotips QR i RR del polimorfisme PON1-192, respectivament.Paraules claus: paraoxonasa, PON1, genotips, simvastatina, hipercolesterolèmia familiar, interacció gen-dieta, lipoproteïna d'alta densitat (HDL), exercici físic agut, entrenament físic, estrès oxidatiu, àcid oleic, oli d'oliva, peròxids lipídics, malaltia cardiovascular. / The present thesis evaluates some environmental factor effects on paraoxonase1 (PON1), an possibly protective against cardiovascular disease antioxidant enzyme, through two intervention studies and a cross-sectional one. First, treatment with simvastatin of the familial hypercholesterolemic patients, which had low paraoxonase activity, was associated with an increase in the activity to values similar to the normolipemic ones, regardless of the PON1-55 or PON1-192 polymorphisms. Second, Regular exercise was associated with an increase in PON1 activity in QQ subjects and with a decrease in R carriers. Increased PON1 activity immediately after a bout of exercise was subsequently followed by a decrease of activity. The recovery of the basal PON1 activity levels at 24 h was found in QQ subjects regardless of their training status and in trained R carriers, but not in untrained R carriers. Third, high oleic acid intake was associated with increased HDL cholesterol and PON1 activity levels only in men who were QR and RR of the PON1-192 polymorphism, respectively.
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Regulation of cholesterol intake by the corpus luteumMiranda, Leonor 04 1900 (has links)
L’approvisionnement en cholestérol est un facteur limitant la stéroïdogenèse ovarienne. Pour cette raison, la majorité du cholestérol requis pour la synthèse des stéroïdes est importé de la circulation via les récepteurs des lipoprotéines de haute (HDL) et de basse densité (LDL) nommés scavenger receptor (SR-BI) et low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr). L’ARN messager de SR-BI est exprimé dans les ovaires de porcs durant toutes les étapes de la folliculogenèse ainsi que dans le corps jaune (CL). L’expression de la protéine SR-BI a également été détectée dans les follicules de souris lors du cycle œstral. Chez les deux espèces, l’expression est concentrée dans le cytoplasme et en périphérie des cellules du follicule. Les gonadotrophines induisent l'expression de SR-BI dans les cellules de la granulosa porcines, avec une expression cytoplasmique qui augmente durant la période périovulatoire, et avec une migration aux périphéries cellulaires durant la maturation du CL. Une conformation de 82 kDa de SR-BI est fortement exprimée dans le CL porcin, avec une conformation moins abondante de 57 kDa. Les différences entre les conformations sont attribuables à la glycosylation. La culture in vitro de follicules porcins avec des gonatrophines chorioniques humaines (hCG) a induit une hausse de régulation dépendante du temps du SR-BI de 82 kDa dans les cellules du granulosa. SR-BI et LDLr ont été exprimés réciproquement, avec LDLr étant le plus élévé dans les cellules folliculaires du granulosa et diminuant précipitamment avec la formation du CL. Pour explorer plus en détail les mécanismes d’approvisionnement en cholestérol de la stéroïdogenèse ovarienne, nous avons examiné des souris soumis à un traitement de désaccouplement de l'ovulation, et des souris portant la mutation nulle du gène Scarb1 (SR-BI-/-). Les résultats ont démontré que des ovocytes enfermés dans des structures lutéinisées expriment SR-BI. Les souris SR-BI-/ - présentaient de petits CLs, et de large follicules avec des cellules de thèque hypertrophiées et des kystes folliculaires avec des cavités remplies de sang et une diminution de 50% du niveau de progestérone dans le sérum. Les souris SR-BI-/ - traitées avec une combinaison de 20 g / g de mevinoline et 100 g / g de chloroquine ont démontré une diminution de 43% du niveau de progestérone sérique chez le type sauvage et de 30% chez les souris SR-BI-/ -. L’expression protéique de l’enzyme limitant pour la synthèse du cholestérol, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR), a augmenté chez les souris SR-BI-/-. Nous avons présenté des preuves démontrant que les cellules des follicules expriment le SR-BI durant la stéroïdogenèse et que la lutéinisation augmente l’expression de SR-BI. La maturation post-transcriptionelle est caractérisée par la glycosylation. Sous des conditions normales, l’expression de LDLr est arrêtée durant la lutéinisation. Ainsi SR-BI devient le facteur principal pour l’importation du cholestérol extracellulaire. En plus, la perturbation extracellulaire du cholestérol synthétisé de novo et l’absorption par les LDLr chez les souris SR-BI-/- diminuent la fonction lutéal. L’homéostasie du cholestérol ovarien est très importante pour une lutéinisation adéquate et sa perturbation mène à une réduction, mais non à un blocage complet, de la fonction lutéal. En conclusion, l’expression de SR-BI est un facteur important, mais non essentiel, pour maintenir l’homéostasie du cholestérol ovarien et la synthèse des stéroïdes, et la lutéinisation. Un réseau de mécanismes complémentaires et compensatoires d’approvisionnement en cholestérol agit en concert pour assurer la synthèse des stéroïdes ovariens. / Abstract
Ovarian cholesterol supply is rate limiting to ovarian steroidogenesis. For this reason, the majority of cholesterol required for steroid synthesis is imported via scavenger receptor-BI (SR-BI) and the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor from circulating HDL and LDL. SR-BI mRNA is expressed in pig ovaries at all stages of folliculogenesis and in the corpus luteum (CL). SR-BI protein expression in mouse ovary during estrous cycle was also detected. In both species, expression is concentrated in cytoplasm and periphery of follicular cells. Gonadotropins induce SR-BI expression in pig granulosa cells, with cytoplasmic expression increasing through the periovulatory period, with migration to the cell periphery as the CL matured. An 82-kDa form of SR-BI is strongly expressed in the pig CL, with the less abundant 57-kDa form, differences between forms are attributable to glycosylation. In vitro culture of pig follicles with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) induced time-dependent upregulation of 82-kDa SR-BI in granulosa cells. SR-BI and LDL receptor were reciprocally expressed, with the latter highest in follicular granulosa cells, declining precipitously with CL formation. To further explore mechanisms of cholesterol supply to ovarian steroidogenesis, we examined mice treated to uncouple ovulation and mice bearing null mutation of the Scarb1 gene (SR-BI-/-). Results show entrapped oocytes in luteinized structures expressed SR-BI. SR-BI-/- mice displayed small corpora lutea, large follicles with theca cells hypertrophied, follicular cysts with blood filled cavities and 50% decreased in plasma progesterone. In SR-BI-/- mice, treatment with a combination of 20 g/g of mevinolin and 100 g/g of chloroquine (CHLORO) was employed to disturbed cholesterol sources. Serum progesterone was reduced by 43% in wild type and 30% in SR-BI-/- mice. The protein expression of the rate-limiting enzyme for cholesterol synthesis, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) increased in SR-BI-/- mice. It was concluded that follicular cells express SR-BI during follicle development and luteinization causes upregulation of SR-BI expression. Posttranslational maturation is characterized by glycosylation. Under normal conditions expression of the LDLr (low density lipoprotein recepors) is extinguished during luteinization such that SR-BI becomes the principal means of importation of extracellular cholesterol. Further, perturbation of cholesterol de novo synthesis and uptake from LDLr in SR-BI-/- mice leads to a reduction of luteal function. Ovarian cholesterol homeostasis is central to adequate luteinization, and its perturbation leads to reduction, but not to complete impairment, of luteal function. We conclude that SR-BI expression is an important but not essential factor in maintaining ovarian cholesterol homeostasis, steroid synthesis and luteinization. A network of complementary and compensatory cholesterol supply mechanisms act in concert to assure ovarian steroid synthesis. / Studies were funded by Colegio de Postgraduados, México. CONACyT, México. SRE, México. Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, University of Montreal and an Operating Grant to B.D. Murphy from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
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Characterizing the Roles of PilF and PilQ in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type IV Pilus BiogenesisKoo, Jason 12 December 2013 (has links)
Type IV pili (T4P) are bacterial biomolecular machines that mediate interactions with the environment. Bacterial pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa require T4P for virulence. Significant progress has been made in recent years towards our understanding of how the proteins in the T4P system interact and function. While over 50 different proteins are involved in T4P biogenesis, the two outer membrane components, PilF and PilQ, are the focus of the work presented in this thesis.
PilF was found to be required for assembly of PilQ into secretins, the outer membrane channels through which T4P fibers exit the cell. The functions of PilF are consistent with a family of lipoproteins called pilotins, to which the roles of secretin assembly and/or localization are attributed. Structure determination by X-ray crystallography revealed that PilF is composed of six tetratricopeptide (TPR) protein-protein interaction motifs. Functional mapping of PilF indicated that a hydrophobic groove on the first TPR is involved in secretin assembly. Secretin localization correlated directly with that of PilF. The effects of pilF mutations and the structural data led to the hypothesis that PilF and PilQ interact directly. We propose that PilF and PilQ interact at the inner membrane and are co-transported to the outer membrane by the Lol lipoprotein sorting system. PilQ multimerizes into secretins upon outer membrane insertion and aligns with inner membrane T4P proteins to form a complete molecular machine.
PilQ mutagenesis mapping showed that: the N-terminal “system specific” domain is important but not essential for secretin function; the central “multimerization” domain is critical for secretin assembly and function; and the C-terminal tail implicated in secretin-pilotin interactions is dispensable for PilQ function. Purified PilQ enabled copurification of PilF from cell lysates, providing the first evidence for their interaction. These data provide a framework for future exploration of T4P assembly in P. aeruginosa.
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NMR and Biophysical Studies of Modular Protein Structure and FunctionChitayat, Seth 28 September 2007 (has links)
Proteins modularity enhances the multi-functionality and versatility of proteins by providing such properties as multiple and various ligand-binding sites, increased ligand affinity through the avidity effect, and the juxtaposition of ligand-binding modules near catalytic domains. An NMR-based "dissect-and-build" approach to studying modular protein structure and function has proven very successful, whereby modules are initially characterized individually and then correlated with the overall function of a protein. We have used the dissect-and-build approach and NMR to study two modular protein systems.
Chapter 2 details the NMR solution structure of the weak-lysine-binding kringle IV type 8 (KIV8) module from the apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) component of lipoprotein(a) was determined and its ligand-binding properties assessed. In vitro studies have demonstrated the importance of the apo(a) KIV7 and KIV8 modules in mediating specific lysine-dependent interactions with the apolipoproteinB-100 (apoB-100) component of LDL in the initial non-covalent step of lipoprotein assembly. Notable differences identified in the lysine binding site (LBS) of the KIV8 were deemed responsible for the differential modes of apoB-100 recognition by KIV7 and KIV8. In addition, the KIV8 structure has brought to light the importance of an RGD sequence at the N-terminus of the apo(a) KIV8 module, which may mediate important apo(a)-integrin interactions.
In Chapters 3-6, structure-function studies of the CpGH84C X82 and the CpGH84A dockerin-containing modular pair were conducted to understand how the varying modularity unique to the C-terminal regions of the secreted multi-modular family 84 glycoside hydrolases influences the spreading of Clostridium perfringens. Identification of a CpGH84C cohesin module (X82), and the structural characterization of a dockerin-containing modular pair provides the first evidence for multi-enzyme complex formation mediated by non-cellulosomal cohesin-dockerin interactions. The formation of large hydrolytic enzyme complexes introduces a novel mechanism by which C. perfringens may enhance its role in pathogenesis. / Thesis (Ph.D, Biochemistry) -- Queen's University, 2007-09-27 11:46:38.753
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Characterizing the Roles of PilF and PilQ in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type IV Pilus BiogenesisKoo, Jason 12 December 2013 (has links)
Type IV pili (T4P) are bacterial biomolecular machines that mediate interactions with the environment. Bacterial pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa require T4P for virulence. Significant progress has been made in recent years towards our understanding of how the proteins in the T4P system interact and function. While over 50 different proteins are involved in T4P biogenesis, the two outer membrane components, PilF and PilQ, are the focus of the work presented in this thesis.
PilF was found to be required for assembly of PilQ into secretins, the outer membrane channels through which T4P fibers exit the cell. The functions of PilF are consistent with a family of lipoproteins called pilotins, to which the roles of secretin assembly and/or localization are attributed. Structure determination by X-ray crystallography revealed that PilF is composed of six tetratricopeptide (TPR) protein-protein interaction motifs. Functional mapping of PilF indicated that a hydrophobic groove on the first TPR is involved in secretin assembly. Secretin localization correlated directly with that of PilF. The effects of pilF mutations and the structural data led to the hypothesis that PilF and PilQ interact directly. We propose that PilF and PilQ interact at the inner membrane and are co-transported to the outer membrane by the Lol lipoprotein sorting system. PilQ multimerizes into secretins upon outer membrane insertion and aligns with inner membrane T4P proteins to form a complete molecular machine.
PilQ mutagenesis mapping showed that: the N-terminal “system specific” domain is important but not essential for secretin function; the central “multimerization” domain is critical for secretin assembly and function; and the C-terminal tail implicated in secretin-pilotin interactions is dispensable for PilQ function. Purified PilQ enabled copurification of PilF from cell lysates, providing the first evidence for their interaction. These data provide a framework for future exploration of T4P assembly in P. aeruginosa.
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Identifizierung des zellulären Rezeptors für das binäre Toxin von Clostridium spiroformeWilczek, Claudia 08 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Erst kürzlich wurde der Lipolyse-stimulierte Lipoproteinrezeptor (LSR, engl.
lipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor) als der zelluläre Oberflächenrezeptor
von CDT und Iota-Toxin, zweier Vertreter der Iota-Toxin-Familie der
clostridialen Aktin-ADP-ribosylierenden Toxine, identifiziert. In dieser Arbeit
sollte geprüft werden, ob CST, ein weiterer Vertreter der Iota-Toxin-Familie,
ebenfalls LSR für den Zelleintritt nutzt.
Zunächst wurden die Toxinkomponenten CSTa und CSTb erstmals
rekombinant hergestellt. Dazu wurden die für CSTa und CSTb codierenden
Genabschnitte mittels PCR amplifiziert und anschließend in einen
Expressionsvektor kloniert. Als Expressionsvektor wurde in dieser Arbeit der
pHis1522-Vektor verwendet. Zur Amplifizierung wurden die Plasmide in E. coli transformiert und anschließend aufgereinigt. Die Proteinexpression erfolgte in B. megaterium, weil dieses Bakterium sich bereits zur Expression anderer clostridialer Toxine bewährt hatte. Zur Aufreinigung der 6xHis-getaggten Proteine wurde die Nickel-Affinitätschromatographie eingesetzt.
Als nächstes wurde gezeigt, dass die rekombinant hergestellten
Toxinkomponenten CSTa und CSTb biologisch aktiv waren. Dazu wurden
CaCo2-Zellen mit CST behandelt und anschließend die Morphologie der Zellen untersucht. CaCo2-Zellen, die mit CSTa und CSTb behandelt wurden, wiesen Vergiftungserscheinungen wie eine typische Zellabrundung auf. Mit dem „Aktin-Nach-ADP-Ribosylierungs-Assay“ und der fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Untersuchung von TRITC-Phalloidin-gefärbtem Aktin wurde gezeigt, dass das rekombinant hergestellte CST Aktin-ADP-ribosylierende Eigenschaften besaß.
Nachdem gezeigt war, dass rekombinant hergestelltes CST sich wie ein
biologisch aktives, binäres Aktin-ADP-ribosylierendes Toxin verhält, konnte
mithilfe der Vergiftung von H1-HeLa(+LSR)-Zellen und nativen H1-HeLa-Zellen, die kein LSR exprimierten, nachgewiesen werden, dass die Wirkung des Toxins LSR-abhängig ist. FACS-Analysen und Kolokalisationsstudien mit Alexa488-gefärbtem CSTb und Antikörper-gefärbtem LSR erbrachten zusätzlich den Beweis, dass CSTb auf der Zelloberfläche an LSR bindet und bei der Aufnahme in die Zellen mit LSR in endozytischen Vesikeln kolokalisiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass das C. spiroforme Toxin (CST) ebenfalls LSR als Rezeptor für den Zelleintritt verwendet.
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Les bactéries exprimant AIDA-I interagissent avec l'apolipoprotéine A-I cellulaireLétourneau, Jason 08 1900 (has links)
AIDA-I (adhesin involved in diffuse adherence) est une importante adhésine autotransporteur exprimée par certaines souches de Escherichia. coli impliquée dans la colonisation des porcelets sevrés causant la diarrhée post-sevrage et la maladie de l’œdème. Une précédente étude de notre laboratoire a identifié l’apolipoprotéine AI (ApoAI) du sérum porcin, la protéine structurale des lipoprotéines à haute densité, comme récepteur cellulaire putatif de AIDA-I. L’interaction entre ces deux protéines doit être caractérisée. Ici, nous montrons par ELISA que AIDA-I purifiée est capable d’interagir avec l’ApoAI humaine, mais également avec les apolipoprotéines B et E2. L’ApoAI est rencontrée sous deux formes, soit libre ou associée aux lipides. Nous montrons que la forme libre n’interagit pas avec les bactéries AIDA-I+ mais s’associe spécifiquement à l’ApoAI membranaire de cellules épithéliales HEp-2. Afin d’étudier le rôle de l’ApoAI dans l’adhésion des bactéries, nous avons infecté des cellules HEp-2 en présence d’anticorps dirigés contre l’ApoAI, mais l’adhésion des bactéries AIDA I+ n’a jamais été réduite. De plus, l’induction de l’expression de l’ApoAI par fénofibrate et GW7647 chez les cellules Caco 2 polarisée et Hep G2, n’a pas permis l’augmentation de l’adhésion cellulaire des E. coli exprimant AIDA-I. Notre étude suggère davantage que l’interaction entre AIDA-I et ApoAI n’intervient pas dans les mécanismes d’adhésion cellulaire. / The adhesin involved in diffuse adherence (AIDA-I) is an important autotransporter adhesin expressed by some strains of Escherichia coli and is involved in the intestinal colonisation of weaned piglets, causing the postweaning diarrhea and the edema disease. A previous study from our laboratory identified the apolipoprotein AI (ApoAI) from porcine serum, the structural protein of high density lipoproteins, as a putative receptor of AIDA-I. The interaction between these two proteins must be characterized. Here, we show that purified AIDA-I, using an ELISA assay, is able to bind the human ApoAI and the apolipoprotein B and E2. The ApoAI is found under two forms, either free or bound to lipid. We show that the free form of ApoAI does not interact with AIDA-I+ bacteria but specifically interact with membrane bound ApoAI on Hep-2 epithelial cells. To study the role of ApoAI in the adhesion of bacteria, we infected Hep-2 cells preincubated with antibodies to ApoAI. The adhesion of AIDA-I+ bacteria to the cells couldn’t be reduced. Additionally, the induction of ApoAI synthesis using fenofibrate and GW7647 on polarized Caco-2 or Hep G2 cells did not increase the adhesion of AIDA-I+ bacteria. Our study suggests that the interaction between AIDA-I and ApoAI is not involved in the cellular adhesion of the bacteria.
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Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) and its mRNA : influence of genetic polymorphisms, a fat load and statin therapyPocathikorn, Anothai January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), a member of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene family is involved in numerous biological processes including lipoprotein metabolism. This thesis concerns investigations into some aspects of LRP metabolism/regulation and possible roles in coronary artery disease (CAD). Specific aims were: to investigate the association between polymorphisms in the LRP gene and in its associated protein, the lipoprotein receptor-associated protein (RAP), with the risk of CAD; to extensively examine the influence of the LRP exon 22 C200T polymorphism on lipid metabolism; to develop and characterise assays for the mRNA expression of LRP and 2 other genes relevant to lipid metabolism, the LDL receptor (LDLR), and HMG CoA reductase (HMGCR); and finally, to apply the latter techniques to studies on the influence of genetic variation in LRP, and dietary and drug interventions, on LRP, LDLR and HMGCR mRNA expression in nucleated blood cells from healthy human subjects. Six hundred CAD subjects and 700 similarly aged controls were genotyped for 8 LRP gene polymorphisms as well as for the RAP V311M polymorphism. ... In the final phase of my studies, I examined the influence of 4 weeks therapy with a cholesterol lowering drug, an HMGCR inhibitor, atorvastatin (20mg daily), on the mRNA expression of LDLR, LRP and HMGCR in human nucleated blood cells. Twelve normal Caucasian male subjects aged 49 ? 5 (SD) years were studied. Plasma total cholesterol and LDL-C decreased by averages of 29 % and 41 % after the 4 week period. This was accompanied by an elevation in LDLR mRNA expression by approximately 30 35 %. In contrast, there was no significant effect on LRP and HMGCR mRNA expression. In conclusion, the original findings in this thesis included: demonstration of a strong influence of the LRP exon 22 C200T polymorphism on coronary artery disease and LDLR expression, but without a clear effect on fasting or postprandial lipid levels; data on the biological variation in LDLR and LRP gene expression in nucleated blood cells from normal subjects; the influence of an oral fat load on the expression viii of these genes, finding that LDLR was significantly depressed; and finally, the observation that statin therapy upregulated LDLR in nucleated blood cells.
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Efeito da administração in bolus de heparina sódica no remodelamento de partículas lipoproteicas associado ao transporte reverso do colesterolGóes, Julliana Stolze Conceição January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2016-02-15T14:03:58Z
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, BA, Brasil / Introdução: as doenças cardiovasculares acometem milhares de pessoas no
mundo. Destas, a doença arterosclerótica está entre as de maior
morbimortalidade. Para a avaliação da necessidade de intervenções
hemodinâmicas e/ou revascularização miocárdica, há a necessidade da
realização do cateterismo (CATE), procedimento de imagem indicado para
evidenciar pontos de obstrução e determinar a melhor estratégia cirúrgica. Para
a realização do CATE utiliza-se heparina sódica (5000 UI) in bolus. Atualmente,
sabe-se que a heparina interfere no remodelamento de partículas lipoproteicas
por liberação da lipoproteína lipase (LPL) e da lipase hepática (LH), essa ação
pode alterar o transporte reverso do colesterol (TRC), em função de
modificações no metabolismo das lipoproteínas. Métodos: foram selecionados
por conveniência 20 pacientes, 10 do sexo masculino e 10 do sexo feminino,
ambos os sexos, entre 45 e 73 anos, admitidos no Hospital Ana Neri,
submetidos à cineangiocoronariografia (CATE). Todas as determinações
laboratoriais foram realizadas antes e depois do CATE. Resultados: houve
aumento significativo da atividade da lipase e diminuição da concentração dos
triglicérides depois do CATE na análise geral e estratificada pelo sexo (p<0,05;
Teste t pareado). A razão HDL-C/apoA aumentou significativamente depois do
CATE, já a razão LDL-C/apoB não aumentou, nem diminuiu nas análises geral
e estratificada por sexo. Enquanto a razão de risco cardiovascular TG/HDL-C
diminuiu significativamente, a ApoB/apoA aumentou significativamente na
análise geral e estratificada por sexo depois do CATE. As análises de
correlações tiveram comportamentos diferentes, sendo a significância
estatística encontrada dependente do grupo analisado (geral, masculino e
feminino). A concentração do não-HDL-C, semelhante à determinação da
haptoglobina, tiveram diminuição significativa na análise geral e no sexo
masculino depois do CATE (p<0,05; Teste t pareado), o grupo feminino não
mostrou significância. As taxas de incorporação de colesterol livre e fosfolípides
não foram significativas depois do CATE. Conclusão: A administração in bolus
de heparina sódica interfere no remodelamento de partículas lipoproteicas,
sendo este fato evidenciado pelas variações das razões de risco, tais como,
HDL-C/apoA, TG/HDL-C. O percentual de incorporação dos fosfolípides e
colesterol livre na HDL mostrou-se influenciado em relação ao sexo, o que o
torna relevante dado aos resultados encontrados. A utilização de razões de
risco e ainda suas correlações mostraram-se melhores indicadores de
desfecho sugestivo de doença cardiovascular nessa casuística do que quando
avaliados apenas os marcadores séricos do perfil lipídico isoladamente. / Introduction: cardiovascular diseases affect thousands of people worldwide.
Of these, the atherosclerotic disease is one of the most morbidity and mortality.
To evaluate the need for hemodynamic interventions and / or CABG, the
catheterization (CATE) is performed, an imaging procedure to evidence
obstruction and to determine the best surgical strategy. To perform CATE, is
necessary to use in bolus sodium heparin (5000 IU). Currently, it is known that
heparin interferes with the remodeling of the lipoprotein particles by releasing
lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic lipase (HL), this action may alter the
reverse cholesterol transport (TRC), by changes in lipoprotein metabolism.
Methods: were selected by convenience 20 patients, 10 male and 10 female,
both gender, between 45 and 73 years old, admitted to the Hospital Ana Neri,
who underwent coronary angiography (CATE). All laboratory measurements
were performed before and after CATE. Results: were significant increase in
lipase activity and decreased concentration of triglycerides after CATE, in the
overall analysis and stratified by sex (p<0.05, paired t test). The HDL-C/apoA
ratio increased significantly after CATE, since the LDL-C/apoB ratio has not
increased or decreased in the general analysis, and stratified by gender. While
TG/HDL-C cardiovascular risk ratio decreased significantly, ApoB/apoA
increased significantly in the overall analysis, and stratified by sex after CATE.
The correlation analysis had different behaviors, and the statistic significance
found, were dependent of the group analyzed (generally male and female). The
concentration of non-HDL-C, similar to the determination of haptoglobin, had a
significant decrease in the overall analysis and in males after CATE (p<0.05,
paired t-test), the female group do not show significance. The free cholesterol
and phospholipids incorporation rates were not significant after the CATE.
Conclusion: The administration of in bolus sodium heparin interferes in
lipoprotein particles remodeling, by evidences from risk ratios variations, such
as HDL-C/apoA, and TG/HDL-C. The percentage of phospholipids and free
cholesterol incorporation in HDL shows sex influences, which makes it relevant
to the obtained results. The use of hazard ratios and their correlations were
better surrogate markers at these casuistic of cardiovascular disease than when
serum markers of lipid profile were evaluated alone.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by the accumulation of lipids and fibrous elements in the intima layer of arteries of medium and large caliber. The cardiovascular diseases resulting from atherosclerosis, among them acute myocardial infarction and stroke are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Oxidative stress and oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL) have an important role in the development of this disease and so the inclusion of antioxidants in the diet may prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. The carotenoid norbixin (NBX), which is found in annatto seeds, have excellent antioxidant activity as demonstrated in several models of oxidative damage. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiatherogenic potential of NBX in a model of atherosclerosis in rabbits. Male New Zealand rabbits received regular chow (control) or an atherogenic diet (0.5% cholesterol) alone or supplemented with NBX (10, 30 or 100 mg/kg) for 60 days. The antioxidant enzyme activities, lipid profiles, oxidative stress and inflammatory markers and histopathological status were evaluated in the serum or aortic tissue. The atherogenic diet increased serum lipids, oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDLox) levels and oxidized low-density lipoprotein antibody (LDLoxAB) levels, in addition to inducing lipid and protein oxidation in the aortic tissue. Supplementation with NBX caused 35% reduction in the levels of LDLoxAB, 69% in the levels of LDLox, 27% in the levels of TBARS and 46% in the levels of protein carbonyl induced by the atherogenic diet, besides increasing up to 88% the HDL levels. In atherosclerotic rabbits, the non-protein thiol group content and enzymatic activity of the antioxidants superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase were increased in aortic tissue, whereas paraoxonase activity was reduced in serum. Supplementation with NBX restored up to 41% the increased levels of NPSH, 37% SOD activity, 45% CAT activity, 66% GR activity, 50% TrxR-1 activity induced by the atherogenic diet. NBX also restored 15% of PON1 activity inhibited by the atherogenic diet. The atherogenic diet also increased the serum levels of inflammatory markers and the ratio of the intima area to the media area in the aortic arch; these changes were not prevented by NBX. Thus, NBX supplementation improved the lipid profile, decreased oxidative stress and prevented changes in paraoxonase activity and in the antioxidant system in hypercholesterolemic rabbits, but did not prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. These results support a beneficial role of NBX in the treatment of atherosclerosis by preventing oxidative events and by restoring antioxidant enzyme activity and paraoxonase activity. / A aterosclerose é uma doença inflamatória crônica caracterizada pelo acúmulo de lipídeos e elementos fibrosos na túnica intima das artérias de médio e grande calibre. As doenças cardiovasculares decorrentes da aterosclerose, dentre elas o infarto agudo do miocárdio e o acidente vascular cerebral são a principal causa de mortalidade e morbidade mundial. O estresse oxidativo e a modificação oxidativa da lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL) possuem um papel importante no desenvolvimento dessa doença. Por este motivo a inclusão de antioxidantes na dieta poderia impedir a progressão da aterosclerose. O carotenóide norbixina (NBX), presente nas sementes de urucum, possui excelente atividade antioxidante já demonstrada em diversos modelos de dano oxidativo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial antioxidante, anti-inflamatório e antiaterogênico da NBX em um modelo de aterosclerose em coelhos. Coelhos Nova Zelândia machos receberam ração regular (controle) ou uma dieta aterogênica (0,5% de colesterol) sozinha ou suplementada com NBX (10, 30 ou 100 mg/kg) por 60 dias. A atividade das enzimas antioxidantes, o perfil lipídico, os marcadores de estresse oxidativo e inflamação e as alterações histopatológicas foram avaliados no soro ou tecido aórtico dos coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos. A dieta aterogênica aumentou os níveis séricos de lipídios, de lipoproteína de baixa densidade oxidada (LDLox) e de anticorpos contra lipoproteína de baixa densidade oxidada (LDLoxAB), além de induzir a oxidação de lipídios e proteína no tecido aórtico. A suplementação com NBX reduziu em até 35% o aumento dos níveis de LDLoxAB, 69% dos níveis de LDLox, 27% dos níveis de TBARS e 46% dos níveis de proteínas carboniladas induzidos pela dieta aterogênica, além de aumentar em até 88% os níveis de HDL. Nos coelhos ateroscleróticos ocorreu uma elevação no conteúdo de grupos tiólicos não-protéicos (NPSH) e na atividade das enzimas antioxidantes superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutationa redutase (GR) e tioredoxina redutase (TrxR-1) no tecido aórtico, enquanto a atividade da enzima paraoxonase (PON1) foi reduzida no soro. A suplementação com NBX reduziu em até 41% o aumento dos níveis de NPSH, 37% da atividade da SOD, 45% da atividade da CAT, 66% da atividade da GR e 50% da atividade da TrxR-1 induzidos pela dieta aterogênica. A NBX também restaurou em 15% a atividade da PON1 inibida pela dieta aterogênica. A dieta aterogênica também aumentou os níveis séricos de marcadores inflamatórios e a relação entre a área da íntima e da média no arco aórtico e essas mudanças não foram prevenidas pela NBX. Assim, a suplementação com NBX melhorou o perfil lipídico, diminuiu o estresse oxidativo e impediu mudanças na atividade da paraoxonase e no sistema antioxidante em coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos, mas não impediu a formação de placas ateroscleróticas. Esses resultados indicam um papel benéfico da NBX no tratamento de aterosclerose, impedindo eventos oxidativo e restaurando a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes e da enzima paraoxonase.
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