Spelling suggestions: "subject:"livability""
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Environmental Capacity of Local Streets with Street TreatmentsLeckie, Andrew Francis January 2012 (has links)
“I want my street to be like an extension to my driveway, where the kids can play safely and where the traffic does not bother us,” said one resident. Another said that she “likes traffic... We live in a city.” This gives an idea of the broad range of opinions and views that exist on traffic.
Traffic in local streets in a concern for residential amenity. There is always conflict between the residential amenity and traffic access functions of local streets. There is much debate on what a true local road is. The concept of environmental capacity was developed to identify a suitable maximum traffic volume on local streets, without overly adversely affecting residents. It was first introduced by Buchanan and Appleyard in separate research in the 1960s. Both men settled on thresholds of 2,000-3,000 vehicles per day. Chesterman, in 2009, carried out a study in Christchurch, surveying residents on four local streets with varying traffic volumes. He found residents living on busier streets felt that their streets were busier, noisier and less safe. There was also an increasing trend for these residents to have their houses turned away from the street and they tended to have less personal involvement with their neighbours. He found that perhaps a more suitable environmental capacity estimate was between 1,500 and 2,000 vehicles per day.
This study looked at further Christchurch streets, this time with street treatments, such as street calming and tree plantings, aiming to find an environmental capacity for these streets as well as seeing whether the street treatments affected the perceived environmental capacity. As well as reinforcing most of the conclusions found by Chesterman, a higher environmental capacity of around 2,000 vehicles per day was found for the surveyed streets. This suggests that indeed, street treatments such as those used in the surveyed streets can increase the environmental capacity, which has implications for local councils who want to maintain road traffic carrying capabilities without having unsatisfied residents.
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Liveable places : housing biographies in a Manchester neighbourhoodCole, Dawn Nicola January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores how individuals and households experience the places in which they live and examines the potential impact of those places on outcomes across a range of life careers. Residential neighbourhoods have been variously framed as sites of personal expression or alternatively as locations of multiple deprivation that limit the life chances of the local population. This thesis however, argues that the limited framework within which existing studies of housing and residential choice are developed provides only a partial account of the complex and multidimensional nature of the relationship people have with the places in which they live. It addresses this gap by drawing on a wide range of theoretical ideas and by moving away from the deficit model of housing that dominates much academic work. In doing so it opens up the subject to scrutiny from a variety of perspectives and lays bare the varied and competing influences on decisions about housing. Use of quantitative information in the form of detailed housing biographies addresses a gap in existing knowledge by placing housing decisions in the context of past experience and other life careers. The introduction of qualitative techniques to a discipline dominated to date by large scale surveys supplements this evidence with the rich, nuanced data of personal experience. Three key elements of housing practices are identified, demonstrating the extent to which they are inextricably interconnected with a range of other life careers. Despite the recent ascendency within geography of a relational sense of place at the expense of the territorial, both are seen to be important. Savage et al’s (2005) concept of elective belonging is clearly identified as residents construct a narrative of fit between self and neighbourhood. Multiple strategies of social distinction are observed, each of which serves to transform the house and the neighbourhood into a home. Secondly notions of community remain an essential element of residents’ sense of belonging to their neighbourhood. The research reveals highly focussed personal networks that serve to produce and sustain location specific capital. An un-reflexive immobility is the result, where settled households perceive little need to consider residential alternatives. Finally, the physical and social infrastructure provided by the neighbourhood is identified as an important means of mediating the demands of home, work and childrearing. As such women, as primary care-givers, show greater investment than male partners in the ‘right’ residential choice. The thesis reveals liveable place to be complex and multifaceted, difficult to reduce to a simple economic or social variable. Whilst there are constant characteristics which appeal across the social scale, it highlights divergent experiences according to class, gender and life course stage. Choices and outcomes are embedded in social structures so that the research demonstrates the on-going impact of liveable place in the accumulation of social, cultural and economic capital to those who live there. Whilst liveable place is seen to mean different things according to class, gender and age, those trapped in neighbourhoods they do not consider liveable are potentially excluded from this accumulation.
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Understanding Liveability in Danish Urban Water Management & Planning: A study of implementing the principles of Water Wise Cities in Marienlyst / Att förstå “liveability” inom danskt urbant dagvattenhantering- och planering: En studie om implementeringen av principerna för Water Wise Cities i MarienlystGustavsson, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the implementation of new urban water management and planningapproaches in Denmark, with a specific focus on integrating solutions for extreme rainfallevents and enhancing livability. The study explores the Principles of Water Wise Cities as aframework for incorporating these aspects through Water Sensitive Urban Designs (WSUD).The aim is to provide a clearer understanding of the implementation of Water Wise Cities andthe role of livability in the context of urban water. In order to investigate the aim, the research employs a document analysis of two planningdocuments for Marienlyst, an urban development project in Aarhus Municipality, Denmark.The findings highlight the prevalence of Water Wise Cities through WSUD in Danish urbanwater management. However, the analysis of Marienlyst reveals fragmented integration ofWSUD solutions, lacking the multifunctionality observed in other examples, calling for aholistic and systematic approach to planning that better integrates urban water managementsolutions. The thesis emphasizes the need to expand the understanding of livability beyond recreation inMarienlyst, to encompass broader implications of enhancing livability through water. It arguesfor comprehensive integration of livability in planning processes to foster resilient and inclusiveurban and community development. The limitations of a top-down approach in conceptualizinglivability are underscored, emphasizing the importance of participatory processes thatincorporate local knowledge. The thesis also addresses the vague nature of the livabilityconcept, advocating for critical engagement and robust integration into planning processes tocreate sustainable and equitable urban environments. In conclusion, this thesis highlights the necessity of a holistic and participatory approach inurban water management, integrating innovative solutions for extreme rainfall events andenhancing livability. The findings contribute to the existing knowledge on urban watermanagement and underscore the ongoing importance of research and development for thecreation of resilient and livable cities. / Denna avhandling undersöker implementeringen av nya metoder för hantering och planeringav vatten i urbana områden i Danmark, med särskilt fokus på att integrera lösningar för extremaregnfall och skapa en bättre förståelse för konceptet ”liveability”. Studien utforskar principernaför Water Wise Cities som en ram för att inkorporera dessa aspekter genom Water SensetiveUrban Design (WSUD). Syftet är att ge en tydligare förståelse för implementeringen av WaterWise Cities och undersöka vilken roll ”liveability” erhåller inom dansk samhällsplanering. För att undersöka syftet använder forskningen en dokumentanalys av två planeringsdokumentför Marienlyst, ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt i Aarhus kommun, Danmark. Resultaten belyserförekomsten av Water Wise Cities genom diverse förslag som främjar implementeringen avWSUD i Marienlyst. Men analysen av Marienlyst avslöjar en fragmenterad integration avWSUD-lösningar som saknar den multifunktionalitet som observeras i andra exempel, vilketkräver ett holistiskt och systematiskt tillvägagångssätt för planering som bättre integrerarlösningar för stadsförvaltning av vatten. Avhandlingen betonar behovet av att utvidga förståelsen för liveability bortom rekreation iMarienlyst, för att omfatta bredare implikationer av att förbättra boendemiljön genom vatten.Den argumenterar för en omfattande integration av boendemiljön i planeringsprocesser för attfrämja en hållbar och inklusiv samhällsutveckling. Vidare problematiseras även debegränsningarna som tydliggörs med ett toppstyrt tillvägagångssätt vid främjandet avliveability konceptet, där större fokus på medborgardialog som inkorporerar lokal befolkningoch dess kunskap i processen rekommenderas. Avhandlingen problematiserar även den vagadefinitionen av liveability som begrepp och förespråkar därmed ett behov för ett kritisktperspektiv på hur vi tolkar begreppet i planeringsprocesser för att möjliggöra rättvisare urbanamiljöer. Slutligen belyser denna avhandling nödvändigheten av ett holistiskt och deltagandetillvägagångssätt inom hanteringen av vatten, genom att integrera innovativa lösningar förextrema regnfall och förbättra boendemiljön. Resultaten bidrar till den befintliga kunskapen omhanteringen av vatten och understryker den pågående betydelsen av forskning och utvecklingför skapandet av trivsamma och hållbara städer.
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Det Föränderliga Ljudlandskapet : En jämförande studie av förtätningens påverkan på stadens ljudlandskapGadman, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
Den täta staden är det stadsbyggnadskoncept som dominerar stadsplaneringen idag. Förtätning hävdas generellt bidra till mer hållbara städer med ett rikare folkliv och en högre livskvalitet. När den täta stadens fördelar och nackdelar diskuteras görs det till största delen utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv som till stor del domineras av diskussioner kring den täta stadens möjlighet att minska stadens ekologiska fotavtryck. Skapandet av den täta staden innebär en förändring inte bara av stadens fysiska struktur utan även av dess innehåll och sammansättning, vilket innebär grundläggande förändringar som påverkar stadens livsmiljö. En faktor som, enligt forskning, påverkas av dessa strukturella förändringar är stadens ljudmiljö. Forskning har visat att det finns en direkt koppling mellan hur en ljudmiljö upplevs och upplevelsen av en plats livskvalitet. Med anledning av att den täta staden ofta legitimeras av dess bidragande till en ökad livskvalitet samt att förtätning står för den typ av förändring som kan ha en påverkan på stadens ljudmiljöer och i förlängningen även den upplevda livskvaliteten, finns ett behov av att diskutera förtätningens effekter utifrån ett ljudperspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om förtätning kan innebära en förändring av stadens ljudmiljöer, och i så fall på vilket sätt, för att utifrån det kunna föra en diskussion om vilka konsekvenser förtätning kan innebära för den upplevda livskvaliteten i staden. Studien utgörs av en tvärsnittsstudie där ostrukturerade samt strukturerade observationer använts för att samla in källmaterial i täta och glesa gaturum. Utifrån detta har sedan en analys för varje plats gjorts för att förstå ljudlandskapens uppbyggnad samt en jämförande analys gjorts för att undersöka skillnaderna mellan täta och glesa gaturums ljudlandskaps uppbyggnad samt upplevelsen av dem. Studien visar att det inte finns någon direkt koppling mellan täthet och upplevelse av ljudlandskap, då både upplevelsen samt ljudlandskapet är kontextberoende och således bestäms av ett flertal faktorer, vilka kan variera beroende på plats. Det har dock visats att den täta staden är uppbyggd på principer som kan skapa ett större underlag för mer negativt värderade ljudlandskap än den glesa staden. Detta innebär att om målet är att förtäta staden enligt den täta stadens modell, blir stadens ljudlandskap en än viktigare aspekt att ta med i planeringen för att undvika att de bidrar till en försämring av den upplevda livskvaliteten i staden. Avslutningsvis visar denna studie att det inte går att förutse hur ett ljudlandskap kommer att upplevas utifrån platsens täthet. För arbete med stadens ljudmiljöer krävs således flexibla metoder och analyser som tar hänsyn till platsens kontext och ljudmiljöns komplexitet. Detta innebär att det rationella angreppssätt som idag används vid arbetet med stadens ljudmiljöer måste förändras.
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Rurální a urbánní kultura v rámci suburbanizace a trvale udržitelného rozvoje / The rural and the urban culture in the terms of suburbanisation and sustainable developmentVernerová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Zuzana Vernerová: The rural and urban culture in terms of suburbanisation and sustainable development Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Department of Cultural Studies, MA Thesis, 90 pages, 2012 This thesis deals with changes of rural and urban landscape. It examines a young generation attitude to the ideal habitation and its relation to the landscape through eponymous case study. It pursues the current young generation's ideal of housing and estimates possible development of future suburbanisation trends on the sample of 360 respondents from all regions of the Czech Republic. It is also mapping the relevance of suburbanization phenomena in respondents' opinions, their infrastructural and surrounding expectations in the view of their ideal housing. The thesis emphasizes the evolution of relation between man and the landscape and linked implications such as landscape liveability and permeability. The major theme is the suburbanisation phenomenon from its beginnings to actual trends. Key words: suburbanisation, landscape, ideal housing, landscape liveability, sustainable development
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Liveability In Urban Spaces: The Case Of Orhangazi Urban SquareYorulmaz, Hulya 01 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Urban space has transformed as a result of changing dynamics in 21th century. It has started to be
considered as a consumer-focused by physical interventions. At this point, the concept of liveability
has become significant since it approaches urban space in a holistic approach. This thesis discusses
livability of urban square as it is one of the best places where liveability of urban space can be
examined. In this study, Orhangazi Urban Square is chosen as a case study area. The aim of this study
is to reveal &bdquo / what makes an urban square liveable
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Increasing Walkability In Public Spaces Of City Centres:the Case Of Tunali Hilmi Street, AnkaraGhadimkhani, Parisa 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
M.Sc., the Department of City and Regional Planning in Urban Design
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. MÜ / GE AKKAR ERCAN
May 2011, 204 pages
Liveability and walkability have recently become one of the major policy topics in the agenda of many cities all over the world because of the negative effects of car-oriented urban developments that have impoverished physical, social, cultural, economic and environmental values of cities. In Ankara, however, the urban development policies based on the decentralization of the city centre and inner city, the impoverished public transportation services and infrastructure, the increasing car-dependent development and the neglect of pedestrians accessibility within the urban public spaces in last twenty years have decreased the walkability and therefore liveability of the city center. This thesis aims to investigate the notion of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / in urban space, specifically in urban public space, and to identify the measures of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / . By employing a case study method, it examines how far Tunali Hilmi Street (THS) - one of the major high streets and public spaces of Ankara - is a walkable street and identifies the positive and negative factors which effect its walkability capacity. The analysis on THS is carried out through six measures of the walkability: safety, orientation, attractiveness, comfort, diversity and local destination. Based on the findings of the investigation, this thesis gives recommendations which are practical and which can be implemented on the design of the case study area, as well as on the public spaces that are similar to THS in Ankara or other cities.
Key words: Liveability, sustainability, walkability, public space, urban design, Ankara, Tunali Hilmi Street
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Participatory processes and outdoor design initiatives in a student dormitories : Proposals for new public space in GrønjordskollegietBarbir, Zvonimir January 2022 (has links)
As urban planning demands an active role of public participation, it is important to accommodate participatory methods to the specific urban settings. This research develops community-based planning practices and analyses the needs of residents in student dormitory through the use of experimental workshops and observations conducted while experiencing and addressing the current spatial problems of outdoor areas of Grønjordskollegiet in Copenhagen, which serves as a case study. This paper uses the existing literature and theories that build on the benefits of inclusive public space, participation, social sustainability and liveability in relation to the data that derived from the use of qualitative methods. This research shows that students, as an important citizen group, have unique ways of living and experiencing the city. Thus, this research indicates the need for changes of the participation methods to gather better and more holistic data in such unique urban setting. In addition, while being a participant in external workshops and conducting methods that contain observations and reflections, this paper provides supplementary knowledge to further develop the students’ participation. Data from interviews and focus group discussion is used to address and suggest changes to the current spatial problems of the case study. As a result, community-based planning processes in student dormitories, if applied correctly, can benefit the social interactions and well-being of all groups of citizens.
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Understanding children's perceptions and use of the neighbourhood: a participatory method : A Malmö case study focused on aspects of liveability / Att förstå barns uppfattning och användning av sitt närområde: en delaktighetsmetod : En fallstudie i Malmö med fokus på aspekter av livskvalitetVan der Auweraert, Saida, Ahmadi, Amelia January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to develop a participatory method with children that allows them to organically share their experiences of the built environment, for urban planning bodies to utilise and integrate children’s localised knowledge and expertise in their work. The method development was conducted for Malmö’s Planning Office (SBK), who highlight a lack of qualitative data on children’s use of space and experiences of their built environment, preventing the proper fulfilment of children’s needs in their planning work. Using SBK’s requirements, three framing principles based on existing literature on children’s participation in planning - namely accountability and transparency, agency and sustainability - , Third-Generation CPTED’s liveability principle and existing best practice examples and case studies, a tangible participatory method consisting of two techniques was developed. The method, which was tested twice, starts with a mental mapping technique to gain an initial understanding of children’s use of space and which locations in the neighbourhood are important to them. From the locations included in the children’s mental maps, a limited number are selected to conduct a Gåtur, i.e. a walk through the neighbourhood during which the children answer a set questionnaire at each location. With the data collected from the mental mapping and the Gåtur, the children can design a malmöinitaitiv or make a formal complaint to impact their neighbourhood. Hereby, the method not only allows planning practitioners to gain a detailed understanding of children’s local knowledge that can be directly utilised in their work, but it also develops the democratic capabilities of the children as they are taught to advocate for themselves through existing channels of participation. It also demonstrates that including children in planning does not have to be complex, highlighting the importance of adapting existing planning processes to children’s communication culture, capabilities and agency in order to lower the threshold for participation.
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A geographical interpretation of the interplay between urban development, conservation, and sense of place of urban greenspace in Rietvlei Nature Reserve, Tshwane, South AfricaDe Jager, Anna Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / In an increasingly changing world, the attributes of human and physical
environments are critical in assessing human quality of life (HQoL). The research
sources consulted for this thesis point to specific relationships between urban
change, ecosystem services and the HQoL. A variety of models have been
developed in the global North to assist urban planners to manage the benefits and
stressors related to urban shrinkage, ecosystems and HQoL. In the global South
the trend is urban growth rather than shrinkage and few models are available for
this context.
Based on a mixed-method case-study approach, the Rietvlei Nature Reserve,
located in the rapidly-growing urban peripheral zone between the Tshwane and
Ekurhuleni metropolitan areas in the Gauteng province of South Africa, was
selected to assess the benefits and stressors of localised urban development,
conservation and sense of place. The purpose of the assessment was to develop
a Greenspace Stress Model of Urban Impact (GSMUI) that would be of value to
local authorities in managing the interplay of the varied functions of a nature
reserve as a greenspace in the global South. Land-use changes were analysed
using remote-sensing images. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with
purposively-selected key informants to evaluate the functions of the Reserve and
the objectives of the Ecological Management Plan for the Reserve. The benefits
and risks to the Reserve, as well as the sense-of-place aspects, were identified
through semi-structured interviews with 18 purposively-selected key informants,
181 on-site face-to-face semi-structured interviews with visitors to the Reserve,
group discussions with interest groups and electronic surveys involving 365
respondents. Data were also collected through the researcher’s own observations
and her participation in activities at the Reserve. The empirical results of the
research were verified by 14 purposively-selected key specialist informants, who
evaluated and ranked the identified benefits and stressors. Benefits and stressors
were not ranked the same from different perspectives.
Using the results of the empirical research, the researcher was able to merge and
adapt a number of models developed for the management of greenspaces in the
global North in order to develop the GSMUI specifically for the Rietvlei Reserve.
Guidelines were also developed for the application of the GSMUI in geographically
similar greenspaces in the global South. / In ‘n toenemend veranderende wêreld, is die eienskappe van menslike en fisiese
omgewings krities vir die evaluering van menslike lewenskwaliteit (HQoL). Die
navorsing wat geraadpleeg is, het spesifieke verwantskappe tussen stedelike
verandering, ekosisteemdienste en HQoL aangedui ‘n Verskeidenheid modelle is
in die globale Noorde ontwikkel om stedelike beplanners te help om die voordele
en stressors verwant aan ontwikkeling (stedelike inkrimping), ekosisteme en
menslike lewenskwaliteit, te bestuur. Onvoldoende modelle is nog ontwikkel vir die
om die teenoorgestelde neigings in die globale Suide te bestuur.
’n Gemengdemetodes-gevallestudie-benadering is gevolg om die voordele en
stressors van stedelike ontwikkeling, bewaring en sin vir plek in die Rietvlei
Natuurreservaat (geleë in die snelgroeiende stedelike randgebiedsone tussen die
Tshwane en Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse gebiede in die Gauteng Provinsie van
Suid-Afrika) te ondersoek. Verandering in grondgebruik is deur
afstandwaarnemingsbeelde ontleed. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met
doelbewus-geselekteerde sleutelinformante gevoer om die funksies van die
Reservaat, sowel as die doelwitte van die Reservaat se ekologiese bestuursplan,
te evalueer. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met 18 doelbewus-geselekteerde
sleutelinformante, 181 semi-gestruktureerde persoonlike onderhoude met
besoekers aan die Reservaat en groepbesprekings is met ereveldwagters en
belangegroepe gevoer, en 365 elektroniese vraelyste is ontleed ten einde die
voordele en risiko’s vir die Reservaat en ook die pleksin te identifiseer. Data is ook
deur middel van waarneming en deelname aan aktiwiteite in die Reservaat
ingesamel. Die empiriese resultate van die navorsing is geverifieer deur 14
doelbewus-geselekteerde sleutelinformante wat die geïdentifiseerde voordele en
stressors geëvalueer en geklassifiseer het. Voordele en stressors is verskillend
evalueer uit verskillende oogpunte.
Die gebruik van die empiriese navorsing het die navorser in staat gestel om ’n
aantal modelle aan te pas wat vir die bestuur van groenruimtes in die globale
Noorde ontwikkel is en te integreer ten einde die GSMUI te skep. Die CSMUI is
spesifiek op die bestuur van die Rietvlei Natuurreservaat gemik. Die navorsing bied
ook ‘n generiese GSMUI met implementeringsriglyne vir geografies-gelyksoortige
groenruimtes in die globale Suide. / Kumhlaba oguquka njalo, isimo sabantu nesemvelo kubalulekile ekuhloleni iqophelo
lempilo yabantu i-Human quality of life (HQoL). Ucwaningo oluhloliwe lukhombise ukuthi
kukhona ubudlelwane obuthile phakathi kokuncipha/ukwanda, inkonzo yobudlelwane
babantu nemvelo kanye ne HqoL. Lokhu kuxhumana kwehlukile kancane ezindaweni
zaseNyakatho nomhlaba (ukungcipha kwedolobha) nezindawo zaseNingizimu nomhlaba
lapho ukwanda kwamadolobha kugqame khona. Kwakhiwe amamodeli ahlukahlukile
khona eNyakatho nomhlaba ukusiza abahleli bamadolobha ukuphatha izinzuzo
nokuhluphayo okuhambisana nentuthuko (ukuncipha kwedolobha), kanye nesimo
sendawo kanye neHQol. Awekho amamodeli awenziweyo ukusiza ukuphatha isimo
esehlukile eNingizimi yomhlaba.
Ngokusebenzisa inqubo exubile, inqubo ye-case study, iRietvlei Nature Reserve
(etholakala lapho kwanda khona ngokushesha amadolobha phakathi kweTshwane neEKurhuleni kwiprovinsi laseGauteng eNingizima Afrika), yakhethwa ukuhlola izinzuzo
nezingcindezi zokuthuthuka kwamadolobha, nokugcina isimo semvelo kanye nobunjalo
obuthile bendawo. Injongo yalolu hlolo bekuwukwenza indawo ebizwa iGreenspace Stress
Model of Urban Impact (GSMUI) ezosiza iziphathimandla zendawo ukuphatha
ukuxhumana okukhona phakathi kwezinhloso ezihlukahlukene zeReserve njengendawo
eluhlaza kwiNingizimu neAfrika yomhlaba. Kwahlaziywa indlela eguqukayo
yokusetshenziswa komhlaba ngokusebenzisa imifanekiso ebheka ikude etholakala kuma
mepi akhombisa indikimba (thematic map). Kwenziwa ama-semi-structured interviews
nababambiqhaza bolwazi ababalulekile ukuhlola ukusebenza kweReserve kanye
nezinhloso zohlelo olubizwa i-Ecological Management Plan for the Reserve. Izinzuzo
nezingcindezi zale-Reserve, kanye nobunjalo obuthile bendawo, kwaphawulwa,
ngokwenza ama-semi-structured interview nabathile ababalulekile abakhethwa abayi 18
ukuxoxa nabo, futhi kwenziwa nama-semi-structured interview ngokubhekana ubuso
nobuso nezivakashi ze-Reserve ezingama 181, kanye nezingxoxo nabaqaphi abathile
besiqiwi (rangers) kanye namanye amaqembu athintekayo. Ulwazi lwaqokelelwa futhi
ngokuthi abacwaningi babheke lokho okwenzekayo kanye nokubamba iqhaza
kwimisebenzi ye-Reserve. Imiphumela yobufakazi bocwaningo yaqinisekiswa ngosolwazi
ababalulekile bobuchwepheshe abangu 14 ababekhethelwe le nhloso, abahlola babuya
babeka ngamazinga izinzuzo nezingcindezi ukwenzela ukuthi abacwaningi babuye
baphinde bakwazi ukwenza enye i-GSMUI.
Ngokusebenzisa imiphumela yobufakazi bocwaningo, umcwaningi wakwazi ukuhlela
kabusha amamodeli amaningana athile enziwe ukuphatha izindawo eziluhlaza eNyakatho
lomhlaba, ukuze enze GSMUI eqondene nokuphatha iReserve laseRietvlei. Ucwaningo
lubuye lwahlinzeka futhi i-GSMUI enabile engasetshenziswa njengemikhombandlela
yezinye izindawo eziluhlaza ezifana nalezi khona eNingizimu yomhlaba. / Geography / Ph.D. (Geography)
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