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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of time perspective in the career choice of secondary school pupils

Pienaar, Gregory Edward 02 1900 (has links)
Due to the fact that many of the secondary school pupils who experience difficulty in choosing a career, also appear to have problems with their time perspective, an investigation into the possible link between these concepts was undertaken. A literature study was done where the major dimensions of time perspective were identified continuity/directionality and locus of control; optimism/pessimism; structure. Analyses were done on the principal factors influencing time perspective and career choice. A reliable measuring instrument was developed in order to measure the secondary school pupil's time perspective. The results of the empirical investigation indicated that time perspective does play a significant role in the career choice of secondary school pupils. Gender and intellectual potential do not appear to have a significant bearing on time perspective. The educational implications of the findings are discussed, and guidelines regarding methods of improving a child's time perspective are given to both teachers and parents. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling (Psychology of Education))

Bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke in die salutogeniese paradigma / Determining personality characteristics in the salotogenic paradigm

Breed, Marita 06 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / In hierdie navorsing is die waarde van salutogenese as paradigma in gesondheid­ sielkunde krities beskou en salutogenese as konstruk ondersoek. Antonvosky (1979) se aanspraak dat salutogenese 'n nuwe paradigma verteenwoordig, is krities teen die agtergrond van Kuhn se wetenskapsbeskouing en die metaforiese gebruik van die paradigmabegrip in die geesteswetenskappe geevalueer. Met die navorsing is bevind dat salutogenese wei as paradigma in gesondheidsielkunde funksioneer. Die verskille tussen salutogenese en patogenese in terme van aannames. metodologie, teoretiese onderbou en gedeelde waardes is om voldoende tot die slotsom te kom dat salutogenese in die vorm van 'n mini-revolusie akkumulatief tot navorsingsprestasie bydra. Daar word aanbeveel dat die paradigma eksplisiet gestel word ten einde navorsing volgens die salutogeniese beginsels te rig. Ten einde die konstruk 'salutogenese' te belig en bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke in die salutogeniese paradigma te identifiseer, is 'n steekproef van 1983 voorgraadse studente aan UNISA geselekteer, in twee groepe verdeel, naamlik Blankes en Ander, en vraelyste wat koherensiebelewing, persoonlikheidsgehardheid, potensie, aangeleerde vindingrykheid, lokus van kontrole en selfdoeltreffendheid meet, is afgeneem. Die onderliggende dimensies van die konstrukte is deur faktorontleding blootgele. Produkmomentkorrelasies is bereken en tweede- ordefaktorontledings en bevestigende faktoranalises is uitgevoer. Die empiriese resultate dui daarop dat vir die Blankes aldie persoonlikheidskenmerke tot die konstruk bygedra het, terwyl aangeleerde vindingrykheid nie by die Ander tot salutogenese bygedra het nie. In terme van bepalende persoonlikheidskenmerke is by die Blankes bevind dat salutogenese uit twee tot drie dimensies bestaan. 'n Optimistiese lewensuitkyk, aktiewe betrokkenheid by die omgewing, spesifieke gedragsvaardighede wat streshantering vergemaklik en 'n persepsie van hulpbron­ beskikbaarheid is die ge'ldentifiseerde bepalende salutogeniese kenmerke. Vir die Ander het resultate aangetoon dat salutogenese 'n eendimensionele konstruk is wat verteenwoordigend is van 'n individu wat oor 'n optimistiese lewensuitkyk beskik, stimuli as verstaanbaar en betekenisvol waarneem en op grond daarvan aktief by die leefwereld betrokke is. Salutogenese manifesteer dus verskillend by die onderskeie kultuurgroepe en die onderliggende meganismes en dinamika wat tot salutogenese lei, toon oak kulturele verskille. Bevestigende faktorontledingsresultate toon aan dat al die dimensies van salutogenese nog nie gei"dentifiseer is nie en daar word aanbeveel dat salutogenese verder binne 'n oorkoepelende persoonlikheidsteorie ondersoek meet word. In bedryfsielkundige praktyk kan salutogenese gebruik word om stres­ weerbaarheid te verhoog. / In this research salutogenesis as new paradigm in health psychology was critically evaluated and salutogenesis as construct was clarified. Antonovsky's claim that salutogenesis is a new paradigm was evaluated against the background of Kuhn's view of science and the metaphorical use of the term 'paradigm' in the social sciences. This research concludes that salutogenesis is indeed a new paradigm in health psychology. Salutogenesis and pathogenesis differ sufficiently in terms of assumptions, methodology, specific theories and shared values that salutogenesis, as a mini revolution, contributes to accumulative scientific performance. The paradigm should however be stated explicitly in order to govern research according to salutogenic values. In order to clarify salutogenesis as construct and to identify determining personality characteristics in the salutogenic paradigm, a sample of 1983 undergraduate students from Unisa was selected, divided into two groups, namely Whites and Other, and questionnaires measuring sense of coherence, hardiness, potency, learned resourcefulness, locus of control and self-efficacy were administered. Factor analysis clarified the constructs' underlying dimensions. Product moment correlations were calculated, second-order and confirmatory factor analysis performed in order to clarify the structure of salutogenesis. The results identified that for the Whites all the personality characteristics contributed while learned resourcefulness did not contribute to salutogenesis for the other group. In terms of determining personality characteristics it was found for the White group that salutogenesis is a two or three dimensional construct consisting of an optimistic outlook and active participation in life's demands, specific behavioral skills that aid stress management and a perception of resource availability. For the other group, results indicated that salutogenesis is a unidimensional construct which is respresentative of an individual that has an optimistic outlook on life, evaluates stimuli as comprehensible and is actively involved in his/her own life. Salutogenesis thus manifest differently in different cultures and the underlying mechanisms and dynamics, leading to a salutogenic orientation, show cultural differences. Confirmatory factor analysis indicate that all dimensions of salutogenesis have not been identified and it is recommended that salutogenesis be studied within a broad personality theory. Salutogenesis can be used in industrial psychology to enhance individual stress resistance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Bedryfsielkunde)

Confirmatory factor analysis on the measurement of six salutogenetic constructs

Baloyi, Joyce 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to establish the factor structure of six salutogenic constructs. The six constructs are conceptualised form the salutogenic paradigm - namely sense of coherence, hardiness, self-efficacy, learned resourcefulness, locus of control and potency. A personality profile of the salutogenic functioning person as well as relevant international and South African research are presented. Measurements for the six constructs and biographical data are administered to a representative sample of 100 administrative officers. The instruments were found to be reliable in this study. Pearson product moment correlations indicated that salutogenesis does not differentiate between gender, race or qualification, and that coping ability increases with age. Factor analysis indicated a distinct three factor structure consisting of sense of coherence, hardiness and a combination of self-efficacy and potency (self-control). Confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit confirming the literature on and personality profile of the salutogenic functioning individual. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Admin. (Industrial Psychology)

Relationship of Internal-External Locus of Control and Performance in a Weight-Control Program

Thomas, Bruce M. 08 1900 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between internal-external locus of control and some characteristics of overweight subjects in a weight-control program in the summer and fall of 1973. Only white, female, over-weight, and obese subjects were used. From this study, it appears that Rotter's I-E concept applies to weight loss. This one significant finding lends support to research that internals control their impulses better than externals and that internals seem to learn and retain relevant information better than externals.

Experiences of individuals who have been guided by diviners

Schluep, Nicole 03 1900 (has links)
In this qualitative study the researcher explores the experiences and locus of control orientation of five individuals who have been guided by diviners. It also determines whether any traits or demographic variables characterise individuals consulting with diviners. This study is underpinned by three assumptions, namely, that multiple accounts of reality exist (postmodern philosophy), that knowledge cannot be void of subjectivity (constructivist epistemology) and that ‘meaning’ is influenced by dominant discourses (social constructionist paradigm). Individuals’ experiences with diviners are documented using thematic network analysis. Comparative analysis of the participants’ global themes revealed that ‘control’ and ‘self insight’ and ’self expression’ were common themes. Levenson’s Locus of Control Questionnaire was applied and established that an internal locus of control orientation predominated amongst participants. This finding contradicted existing literature. Professionals in the field of humanities and lay persons interested in divination would appreciate this study. Focal areas for future research and clinical practice are highlighted. / Psychology / (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))

L'intention d'achat des produits biologiques dans un marché en voie de développement : le cas du Liban. / The intention of purchase of organic products in a developing market : the case of the Lebanon

Wolley, Farah 05 October 2015 (has links)
Notre travail de thèse s'intéresse à la consommation de produits biologiques, et plus particulièrement, à I'identification des variables déterminantes à I'intention d'achat. Si de nombreuses études se sont penchées sur ce sujet, il reste néanmoins des zones d'ombre que I'on se donne comme objectif d'éclaircir. Tout d'abord, il apparait qu'il existe des différences notables en terme de motivation d'achat des produits biologiques selon le degré de maturité du marché. Ensuite, le cadre rationnel de la théorie du comportement planifié, souvent utilisé dans les recherches précédentes, a maintes fois été critiqué. En effet, I'absence de prise en compte des émotions ainsi que du désir réduisent son pouvoir prédictif. Nous choisissons donc comme cadre théorique de notre étude le modèle d'implémentation des buts de Bagozzi et Perugini, que nous étudions dans le cadre de la consommation de produits biologiques au Liban, marché en voie de développement. Les résultats obtenus confirment une distinction de motivations d'achat entre marchés développés et marchés en voie de développement. Par ailleurs, les résultats démontrent le rôle du désir et des émotions dans la consommation de produits biologiques. D'autres variables spécifiques au contexte d'études sont identifiées et leur rôle avéré: le health Locus of Control et I'authenticité perçue des produits. / Our thesis focuses on the consumption of organic products, and more particularly, in the dentification of the variables that influence purchase intention. lf numerous studies dealt with this subject, there are nevertheless shadow zones which we give as objective to clear up. First of all, it seems that there are notable differences in term of motivation of purchase of organic products according to the degree of maturity of the market. Then, the rational frame of the theory of planned behavior, often used in previous researches, was criticized many a time. lndeed, the absence of consideration of variables such as emotions and desire reduces its predictive power. We thus choose as theoretical framework of our study the model of goal directed model (Bagozzi and Perugini, 2001, 2004) to study organic products purchase intention in Lebanon, a developing market. The obtained results confirm a distinction of motivations of purchase between developed and developing markets. Besides, the results prove the role of desire and emotions in the purchase intention of organic products. Other variables specific to our context of studies are identified and their role proven: the health Locus of Control and the perceived authenticity of organic products.

Inre kontrollfokus – påverkar det upplevelserna av möjlighet till återhämtning och delaktighet? : En kvantitativ socialpsykologisk studie, av psykosocial arbetsmiljö för kommunalanställda / Internal locus of control – does it affect the experience of abilitiy to recover and direct participation? : A quantitative social psychological study, of psychosocial work environment within municipal employment

Hultman, Jesper, Karlsson, Joakim January 2012 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i det moderna arbetslivet och de krav som detta medför på dagens medarbetare har den aktuella studien valt att inrikta sig på den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Studien utgår ifrån Julian Rotters teori om locus of control. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur inre och yttre kontrollfokus påverkar upplevelserna av möjligheten till återhämtning och delaktighet. Studien är kvantitativ, och har genomförts på uppdrag av en medelstor kommun i Västsverige. Webbaserad enkät har använts. Resultatet visar att inre kontrollfokus har en signifikant positiv påverkan på både den upplevda möjligheten till återhämtning och den upplevda delaktigheten. Inre kontrollfokus är dessutom av större betydelse för den upplevda möjligheten till återhämtning och den upplevda delaktigheten hos medarbetarna i kommunen, jämfört med de som är chefer med budget- och/eller personalansvar. Således anses inre kontrollfokus kunna påverka den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i positiv riktning.

Construct validity of a measure of emotional intelligence: a wellness perspective

Stone, Kevin (Kevin Walter), 1979- 30 November 2004 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate the construct validity of the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) from a wellness perspective. The conceptualisation and measurement of emotional intelligence has recently received much attention due to its applicability to various workplace variables. The theoretical component of this study covers the definition and measurement of emotional intelligence, and integrates this with the concepts of salutogenesis and psychological well-being. The empirical study investigates the relationship between emotional intelligence and three wellness-related constructs. Measures of these constructs were administered to a non-random sample of 118 employees at a South African software development organisation. Statistical analysis confirmed the relationship between emotional intelligence and sense of coherence, locus of control and three of the five emotion-focused coping strategies measured. / Industtrial and Organisation Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Verband tussen verskeie positiewe sielkundekonstrukte by onderwysers

Scholtz, Michiel Johannes 30 June 2008 (has links)
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between several positive psychological constructs for 178 teachers. The reliability of the measuring instruments, the relationship to each other and the wellness of the teachers were determined. The following measuring instruments were used: sense of coherence (Antonovsky), locus of control (Schepers), coping (Carver), personal meaning (Wong), life regard (Battista and Almond), engagement (Schaufeli) and burnout (Maslach). The empirical survey showed that the constructs correlate significantly The regression analysis indicated that some of the constructs are good predictors of each other. The factor analysis between the dimensions was determined with the use of varimax factor rotation. The dimensions were divided into five factors which in practice correlated significantly with each other. / Industrial and Orgarnisation Psychology / (M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))

The relationship between salutogenic constructs and interpersonal style

Woxholt, Alan 06 1900 (has links)
This study aimed at investigating the relationship between Salutogenic constructs (Sense of Coherence, Locus of Control and Self-Efficacy) and Interpersonal Styles. In addition it sets out to examine whether there are any differences between both aforementioned variables and selected individual and organisational variables, specifically, gender, race, age and tenure. A significant positive relationship was found to exist between Salutogenic constructs and Interpersonal Styles classified as Friendly, while significant negative relationships were found between Salutogenic constructs and Interpersonal Styles classified as Hostile and Hostile-Submissive. Salutogenic constructs were found to have no significant relationships with the remaining five Interpersonal Styles namely Dominant, Dominant-Friendly, FriendlySubmissive, Submissive and Hostile-Dominant. Salutogenic constructs showed no significant differences with regards gender and race, but significant differences with regards age and tenure. Interpersonal Style showed significant differences with regard to race, age and tenure, but not with gender with the exception of the Hostile-Submissive, Hostile and Friendly styles / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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