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Rizika a opatření při rekonstrukcích dřevěných lidových staveb a konstrukčně srovnatelných novostaveb / Risks and Measures at the Renovation of Vernacular Wooden Structures and Comparable New BuildingsBeníček, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on structural progression of massive wooden structures, requirements to contemporary massive wooden structures, development of carpentry joints and connecting instruments used in constructions and reconstructions of these buildings, and analysis of risks connected with reconstructions of selected historical wooden structures. Another item of this thesis concerns on evaluation of possible risks in particular connecting instruments that are used in massive wooden structures per the FMEA method. The main content of thesis includes a description of selected historical wooden structures, options of their damages, forms of remediation and a description of possible risks and measures in reconstructions. In conclusion the thesis focuses on comparison of historical massive wooden structures and comparable new buildings.
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Attraktivitetens dynamik : studier av förändringar i arbetets attraktivitetHedlund, Ann January 2007 (has links)
This thesis takes a point of departure in the problems to recruit and retain personnel in woodworking companies. Companies, actors of society and researchers started with the ambition to create work which people, especially young ones, would like to have and where employees want to stay. The research has been carried out within the att…-project in collaboration between Dalarna University and National Institute for Working Life. The primary purpose was to create deeper understanding of characteristics of attractive work. A distinction has been made between on the one hand what makes work attractive, and on the other hand changes of the attractiveness. The empirical problem with recruitment was a starting point, followed by an interaction between theory and empiricism. The relation to practioners can be described as interactive with usefulness in focus. Questionnaires, group discussions and interviews, as well as informal conversations, have been used in five separate studies. The attractiveness of work depends on the individual’s estimation of the totality of work based upon her/his life situation. Characteristic for attractive work is that it is dynamic and comparative. Positive factors of work are related to other employments or to the idea of attractive work. A model of attractive work which represents an overall picture regarding what makes work attractive contains about 80 qualities in 22 dimensions. One finding is that changes in one dimension influences other dimensions. Another finding is that changed estimations of work depends both on changed valuation of the importance of different aspects of work, and on changed conception of the aspects. It is not enough to do a single effort aimed at retaining and recruiting personnel since the attractiveness of work is dynamic and comparisons are made with other employments. Companies must continuously do efforts for more attractive work. Existing attractive qualities that are hidden from applicants can be displayed. Other qualities can be realized and added to. Knowledge about what makes work attractive and about the dynamic of the attractiveness is valuable to create more attractive work. / QC 20100713
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Roubený penzion na Stříbrném dvoře v Jihlavě / Log Guest House on the Silver Courtyard in the JihlavaDohnal, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master´s thesis is to design a log house on a particular parcel near the city of Jihlava in locality called Silver Courtyard. There will also be designed a shooting range for shotguns and rifles with facilities for shooters on this plot. There are also designed cottages for four and eight people, which will be placed between the log house and the shooting range on the edge of the pond. The log house will include a swimming pool, a whirpool bath, restaurant and two lecture halls. Wall structure is designed from wood sandwich system from OK Pyrus. The log house has a partial basement where are garages and technical support for the operation of the building. On the ground floor are all operations. Attic is only for guests. The log house is covered with a gable roof with insulation above the rafters for the use of aesthetic perception of the supporting truss. Covering is from the folded concrete. The overall concept is based on a proposal of the smallest possible heat loss.
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Návrh vytápění rodinného srubového domu / Design of Log House HeatingBlažek, Eduard January 2015 (has links)
The thesis proposes heating the family log house. It contains a theoretical analysis of thermal insulation and thermal behavior of log house. The work on the proposed experiment termocentral box, who cares about the operation and management of the heating in the house with the possibility of control over the internet. The findings were practiced in the design of heating through termocentral box the heat source for wood, storage tank and preparation hot water.
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Adaptive reuse of the vernacular log buildingBergström, Christine January 2022 (has links)
This thesis project is an attempt to learn from vernacular building traditions when designing sustainable homes for families in a contemporary rural setting. My proposal is a multi-generational home consisting of reused old log houses, which would otherwise be torn down, joined together through a composition of local materials for new rammed earth structures. The site is located in Dalarna, a province known for its image based around traditions closely related to small-scale farming and tight knit local communities. Vernacular architecture has been, and still is, the icon of this region. Vernacular buildings in the north part of Sweden have been almost exclusively log houses. The widespread accessibility of good quality wood has enabled sturdy log structures to be built that may last for hundreds of years. The construction method of stacking logs on top of each other, held together only by their own weight and the pieces interlocking, is a flexible building method. The house can grow if needed by adding on additional logs, or taken apart completely for easy transportation. This is something that has enabled me to gather existing building from different parts of Sweden and bring them new life. This proposal consists of seven log houses, all found for sale online.
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Fritidshus 2.0 / Cottage 2.0Törnkvist, Frida, Metzler Sædén, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete gjort inom byggnadsingenjörsutbildningen, inriktning arkitektur, vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Att ha ett alternativt boende, en sommarstuga, ett fritidshus har varit en del av den svenska kulturen under lång tid. Från att bara ha varit ett privilegium för de rikaste blev fritidshus ett mer utbrett fenomen under 1900-talet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att planera ett fritidshusområde och gestalta typhus utifrån dagens behov och förutsättningar. Tidigare litteratur och statistik har studerats, en egen utförd enkätundersökning samt intervjuer har utförts vilket legat till grund för examensarbetet. Resultatet presenteras i ett idékoncept där ett naturskönt område i Södermanland planeras att bebyggas med ett fritidshusområde. Stor vikt läggs vid att skapa ett boende som ska vara långsiktigt hållbart. Platsen och boendet ska erbjuda återhämtning och rekreation i närhet till naturen. / To have a second home, a country house, a summer cottage has been a part of Swedish culture for a long period of time. This report examines the phenomenon of leisure, cottages and cottage areas in a historical pretext. From being a benefit for those who are most well-off financially it became more and more common among ordinary people during the time of the twentieth century. How relevant the division between first and second homes are today, the different rules when it comes to construction, insulation and availability is discussed. The needs of our time are investigated and results in a draft for development of a property. A place close to Stockholm is selected. The ground is used as a basis for further development to a leisure area. Roads, joint facilities and houses are being planned close to a lake in the region Södermanland. The focus lies primarily on creating an area with buildings of durability and sustainability. The territory and the living areas are meant to offer recovery and recreation close to nature.
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Anpassning av timmerhus enligt nya energikrav i BBR 29 : Glass House Villa 126 / Adaptation of log houses according to new energy requirements in BBR 29 : Glass House Villa 126Carlsson, Linus, Liljenberg, David January 2021 (has links)
Den 1 september 2020 trädde den konsoliderade versionen av Boverkets Byggregler BBR 29 i kraft. En stor del av skillnaden från föregående version var det ökade kravet på energihushållning. Det nya kravet som fastställts innebär att U-medelvärdet är sänkt från 0,4 W/m2K till 0,3 W/m2K. Detta är ett mått på hur väl en byggnad är isolerad. Företaget Kontio expanderade till Sverige från Finland för snart fyra år sedan. De säljer framförallt fritidsboende och småhus byggda av egentillverkade timmerstockar med korslimmad arktisk furu i olika dimensioner. Deras hus säljs på den finska marknaden, men i Sverige har endast vissa timmerdimensioner klarat det gamla kravet från BBR 28. Med det nya kravet måste klimatskärmen anpassas till den nya kravbilden. Tak och golv är färdigprojekterade med låga U-värden, därför finns den största möjligheten för anpassning i väggkonstruktionerna. Med hjälp av givna förutsättningar togs ett antal väggkonstruktioner fram för beräkning av U-värdet. Dessa gav upphov till olika typlösningar som varierar med, förutom väggkonstruktionen, fönstertyper och minskade fönsterareor. Framräknat U-värde för väggkonstruktion låg till grund för beräkning av U-medelvärde tillsammans med U-värde för fönster, golv och tak. Ändringar i väggkonstruktioner kan resultera i en förekomst av fuktproblem. Därför testas dessa med hjälp av en Glaser-tabell som undersöker genom stationära beräkningar huruvida det föreligger någon risk i framtagna väggkonstruktioner. Detta projekt analyserar även för- och nackdelar med timmer i furu och dess värmelagrande funktion som beror på en hög värmekapacitet. Med utgångspunkt i litteraturstudien analyseras och utreds var i konstruktionen man med störst fördel placerar den massiva timmerstrukturen i förhållande till värmeisolering. Alla väggkonstruktioner behövde göras om utom 275 där endast fönstertyp ändrades till de med lägre U-värde. Vid anpassning av väggkonstruktioner med timmerdimension 135 och 205 krävdes mer omfattande åtgärder. Genom att isolera väggarna, ändra fönstertyper och minska fönsterareor kunde kravet på U-medelvärde nås på olika sätt. Ingen av dessa vägguppbyggnader uppvisade tecken på fukttekniska problem. / On September 1, 2020, the consolidated version of the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's Building Rules BBR 29 took effect. A large part of the difference from the previous version was the increased demand for energy management. The new requirement that has been established means that the mean U-value has been reduced from 0.4 W/m2K to 0.3 W/m2K. This is a measurement of how well a building is insulated. Almost four years ago, the company Kontio expanded to Sweden from Finland. They mainly sell holiday homes and living houses built from self-made logs with cross-laminated arctic pine in various dimensions. Their houses are sold on the Finnish market, but in Sweden only certain timber dimensions have met the old requirement from BBR 28. With the new BBR 29, the building shell must be adapted to the new requirement. Ceilings and floors are pre-designed with low U-values and for this reason further improvements are best made in the wall construction. Using the given conditions, a number of wall constructions were developed for calculating the U-value. These gave rise to different type solutions that vary with, in addition to the wall construction, window types and reduced window areas. Calculated U-value for wall construction was the basis for calculating the mean U-value together with the U-value for windows, floors and ceilings. Changes in wall constructions can result in the occurrence of moisture problems, therefore these walls are tested using a Glaser-table which examines, by stationary calculations, whether there is any risk in the adapted constructions. This project also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of pine timber and its heat storage function due to its high heat capacity. Based on the literature study, it is analyzed and investigated where in the construction the massive timber structure is placed with the greatest advantage in relation to the thermal insulation. All wall constructions needed to be adapted except 275 where only the window type was changed to those with a lower U-value. When adapting wall constructions with timber dimensions 135 and 205, more extensive measures were required. By insulating the walls, changing window types and reducing window areas, the requirement for the mean U-value could be achieved in various ways. None of these wall constructions showed signs of moisture technical problems.
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Nio trähus ifrån 1200-talet - Hur har de kunnat bevaras?Johansson, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
The oldest profane log timber houses in Sweden dates back to the 13th century. This study investigates 9 of them. All of the houses are built with interlocking joints and the chosen timber are pine or fir. They are rather modest in size. Two are storage houses on church grounds, the others have had different functions on rural farms. Several of them are still in use as none heated storage space. Originally, they often had the important function of storing the next year’s seed. They were well built with great craftmanship and was meant to be used over several generations. Additional features on the houses that have been beneficial for their longevity are their detachability. They can be moved to find new use, and also being sold away to new owners. Furthermore, they were one of the first generations of houses with a stone foundation. A local adaption in the Middle Sweden were foundation on stilts, another way to avoid contact with the humidity of the soil. Six of the houses are situated in the County of Dalarna and are an important part of the County heritage. With help of the archaeological record, it is possible to follow the development of the house building technology from the traditional Viking age long houses, to the emergence of the first surviving timber houses. This study investigates nine of the houses with the different factors that have contributed to their longevity. Important features have been the solid log timber construction with interlocking joints, together with the foundations which protected the timber from the humidity of the soil. The outer roof lining has been wood shavings or a layer of birch bark together with timber. These building components had developed to maturity in the early 13th century and combined they formed a sustainable house format. The houses have been useful for their owners over the centuries, hence been well maintained. The study also discusses the authenticity of the houses. / De äldsta bevarade profana trähusen i Sverige härrör ifrån 1200-talet och de är samtliga förhållandevis små förrådsbodar eller hus. Studien undersöker nio av dem. Åtta av dem finns i de tre mellansvenska landskapen; Dalarna, Hälsingland och Jämtland. Där kallas de ofta för härbren. En kyrkbod finns i Småland. De är alla knuttimrade hus byggda av virke ifrån furu eller gran. Fem står på en hel stengrund, medan tre står på stolpunderreden, som är en mellansvensk variant av husunderrede för bodar. Ytterligare ett står på stenplintar. Alla dessa typer av grunder har skyddat husen ifrån markfukt. Två är kyrkbodar och har inledningsvis fungerat som så kallade tiondebodar, de andra har haft olika uppgifter på allmogens gårdar som ouppvärmda förrådshus. En viktig uppgift var ofta att lagra nästa års utsäde. De är byggda med stor hantverksskicklighet och omsorg, då de var menade att stå i flera släktled. Som knuttimrade hus har de kunnat monteras ned för underhåll, eller flytt till en annan plats där de behövts bättre. De har också kunnat säljas. I Mellansverige ses de många medeltida bodarna som en viktig del av landskapens kulturarv. Den småländska kyrkboden i Ingatorp anses vara speciellt väl bevarad ifrån medeltiden och har nyligen genomgått en varsam restaurering. Dessa trähus ifrån 1200-talet lyfter frågan om hur husbyggnadstraditionen utvecklades ifrån de tidigare långhusen, som inte blivit bevarade, fram till dessa våra äldsta bevarade trähus. Man kan följa utvecklingen i det arkeologiska fyndmaterialet. Uppsatsen undersöker husen med frågeställningen om vad som bidragit till husens långa levnadstid, samt hur deras autenticitet påverkats genom åren. Bland flera närvarande förhållanden finns den stabila takbärande konstruktionen med knuttimrade timmerväggar, samt att husen har varit skyddade emot markfukt genom de isolerande grunder som valts. De två typerna av takytterskikt som använts är träspån samt näver/takved. Dessa byggnadskomponenter för väggar, grund och tak var vid tiden förhållandevis nya. I början av 1200-talet hade de på var sitt håll mognat teknisk. När de kombinerades bildade de ett hållbart husformat. Vidare har husen fyllt en funktion för ägarna genom århundradena och därför fått underhåll. Studien har gjorts genom litteratur- och fältstudier samt personlig kommunikation.
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