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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatizace extrakce sulfamerazinu s využitím LOV techniky / Automation of sulfamerazine extraction using LOV technique

Kováčová, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Analytical chemistry Candidate: Lucia Kováčová Supervisor: Warunya Boonjob, Ph.D. Consultant: Doc. PharmDr. Hana Sklenářová, Ph.D. Title of diploma work: Automation of sulfamerazine extraction using LOV technique This theses deals with development of the method to determine sulfamerazine in spiked serum using the LOV methodology. The analyte was preconcentrated on sorbent Oasis- HLB. Pure methanol was used as eluent. UV spectrophotometry with wavelenght 275 nm was used as detection technique . The optimal conditions of measurement in SIA system were specified - the creation of microcolumn, the volume of analyte, the analyte aspiration and elution flowrates. The linear calibration curve was found with the correlation coeficient of 0.99950 in the concentration range of 50 - 1000 ppb. The limit of detection (LOD = 71.70 µg/L) and the limit of quantification (LOQ = 238.99 µg/L) were defined. The repeatability for concentrations of 500 ppb and 1000 ppb were measured. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) were 5.66% and 6.60%, respectively.

Lov jako téma šlechtické reprezentace a jeho zobrazení ve vybavení českých loveckých zámečků. / The hunting as a theme of a nobel representation and its display in a equipment of the Czech hinting lodges.

VALENTA, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns with issues of the hunt as a part of the nobleman representation and its image in facilities of the Czech hunting chateaus. The introductory chapters of this these describe the phenomena of hunt, its evolution and its image in fine art. These chapters are subsequently filled in iconographical drafts, which helped to form the shape of the decoration of chateaus. The core of the thesis are chapters concern with theme of the hunting architecture and artistic evaluation of the group nobleman hunting residences. Specifically, these are chateaus Svaty Hubert, Humprecht, Diana, Ohrada and Kozel. In the final chapters the author introduces an issue of nobleman representation. Into its context he situates the theme of hunt and pieces of fine arts connected with it. These chapters also contain a few examples of the aristocrats who knew how to use the hunt for their personal representation. For illustration is this thesis amended by picture attachment.

Bikten som uppföljningsmetod : En studie av hur kvalité säkerställs vid upphandlade vård- och omsorgsboenden

Jobring, Tobias January 1987 (has links)
Dagens äldreomsorg kantas av kvalitetsproblem och arbetsmiljöproblem vilket titt som tätt uppdagas i olika mediala skandaler. Sedan en tid tillbaka har äldreomsorgen i Stockholm konkurrensutsatts och idag bedrivs lite mindre än hälften av stadens vård- och omsorgsboenden av privata utförare. Samtidigt anklagas vinstdrivna bolag för att ta ut höga avkastningar istället för att satsa på kvalitén. I denna studie undersöks hur Stockholms stad följer upp och säkerställer att privata utförare tillhandahåller en god äldreomsorg. Studien visar på att kvalitén i dessa verksamheter är komplex att följa upp och kräver en relation präglad av tillit och förtroende mellan kommun och utförare, och uppföljningen har visat sig likna biktens funktion inom den katolska kyrkan.  Detta står i konflikt med hur avtalen med utförarna är utformade. Avtalen bygger på en traditionell avtalssyn vilken innebär en misstro till att utförarna kommer fullfölja sina åtaganden. Kontroll och sanktioner är byggstenar i att säkerställa avtalsefterlevnad. Att avtal och avtalsuppföljning är utformade med olika inställning till utförare innebär att det finns utrymme för vinstdrivna bolag att göra avkall på de sociala kvalitetsaspekterna av äldreomsorgen till förmån för högre avkastning. Skulle så hända har kommunen få möjligheter att sanktionera detta agerande.

Právní úprava v oblasti ochrany před škodami zvěří na lesních porostech

Šafránek, Zbyněk January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the problem of damage caused by game to forest stands. In the introductory part of the thesis there is described and quantified the harmful effect of game on forest stands based on data available for public, as well as on the author´s own research. The basic principles of hunting and game management are also described in the thesis. The Slovak, German and Polish legislation are analyzed in more detail. Based on a detailed analysis of domestic legislation and jurisprudence, possible changes are proposed. These changes should be directed to balanced relationship between users of hunting land on the one hand and users of hunting land on the other. Finally the thesis also deals with the possibilities of standardization of data collection on the plots damaged by game and suggests possible solutions.

Valores e comportamento ecológico: uma análise comparativa e evolutiva dos alunos de dois cursos de graduação da USP / Values and ecological behavior: Comparative and evolutive analysis on two groups of undergraduate students at University of São Paulo

Franco, Isamaura Krauss 18 May 2012 (has links)
O comportamento ecológico é a manifestação favorável a questões ambientais traduzidas em situações de consumo, podendo ser intencional, consciente carregada de autointeresse ou natural e introjetada. O comportamento ecológico, assim como o comportamento dos indivíduos de maneira geral, é resultado de combinações entre fatores sociais, culturais, individuais e psicológicos no ambiente em que este indivíduo se insere. Os valores interrelacionam-se com os fatores sociais, culturais, individuais e psicológicos, sendo conceituados como manifestos das visões de mundo que um indivíduo expressa através de suas atitudes e comportamentos. Definem-se ainda como crenças duradouras acerca de estados finais ideais norteadores das ações, atitudes e julgamento. Seja em termos culturais ou individuais, estes valores apresentam-se de forma hierarquizada, ao que se dá o nome de Estrutura de Valores. Os valores são apontados pela literatura como preditores de comportamentos, relação esta que é intermediada por outras variáveis como, por exemplo, a ocupação e a classe social de um indivíduo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a relação entre a estrutura de valores e o comportamento ecológico dos alunos dos cursos de Medicina e Administração da USP Ribeirão Preto, verificando o efeito que a experiência ao longo dos dois cursos exerce sobre ambos os construtos. Consistiu de uma pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa, não probabilística em que 467 alunos dentre os cursos de Administração e Medicina da referida universidade foram entrevistados e comparados quando ao comportamento ecológico e estrutura de valores. O instrumento de pesquisa foi uma combinação entre a Escala de Comportamento Ecológico de Pato (2004), a Lista de Valores de Kahle (1983) e para controle, o Critério de Classificação Econômica - Brasil. Empregaram-se técnicas não paramétricas de análise fatorial, agrupamento por conglomerados, teste Kruskall-Wallis e Mann-Whitney. Os dados encontrados revelam que a estrutura de valores dos alunos muda com o passar da graduação para os dois grupos estudados e que a estrutura de valores é diferente entre os cursos, porém, não existe relação entre a estrutura de valores e o comportamento ecológico. Além disso, descobriu-se que o comportamento ecológico não muda com o passar dos anos no curso e tampouco é diferente entre os cursos. / Ecological behavior is the manifestation in favor of environmental issues translated into consumption situations. It may be intentional, conscious, full of self-interest or natural and unconscious. Ecological behavior, as well as the behavior itself, is the result of combinations of social, cultural, personal and psychological issues presented in the environment to which someone belongs. Values interrelate with the social, cultural, and psychological individual issues, being conceptualized as manifestations of worldviews that an individual expressed through their attitudes and behaviors. They are also defined as enduring beliefs about the final stages of the ideals guiding actions, attitudes and judgment. Being cultural or individual values, they are presented in a hierarchical way - the value structure. Values are indicated by the literature as predictors of behavior. The relation between values and behavior is mediated by other variables such as, for example, occupation and social class. This study aimed to identify the relationship between the structure of values and ecologic behavior for the students of Medicine and Administration at USP Ribeirão Preto, checking the effect that the experience over the two courses has on both constructs. It was designed as a descriptive, quantitative, non-probabilistic research in which 467 students from the courses of Administration and Medicine were interviewed. The survey instrument was a combination of Pato´s (2004) Ecological Behavior Scale, the List of Values of Kahle (1983) and to control, the Economic Classification Criterion - Brazil. Nonparametric techniques were employed as factor analysis, clusters, Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test. Data reveal that the students\' structure of values changes over the graduation for the two groups and that the structure of values is different between courses, but there is no relationship between the structure of values and ecological behavior. Furthermore, it was found that the ecological behavior does not change over the years of the courses and it is not different between the courses.

Hur påverkar konkurrensutsättning kommunens ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning? : en studie av hur tillämpning av valfrihetssystem påverkar effektivitet inom kommunal hemtjänst / How does competition influence the management control in public sector? : a study of application freedom of choice system and their affects on the efficiency of municipal home help

Edvinsson, Gunilla, Östlund, Fanny January 2011 (has links)
Med en ökad äldre befolkning förväntas åldersstrukturen i det svenska samhället förändras. Som en följd därav ökar behovet av service, vård och omsorg varpå kommuner ställs inför utmaningen att tillhandahålla de äldres behov utifrån ett bättre resursutnyttjande. Till det kommer att den nya lagen om valfrihetssystem (LOV) möjliggör och förtydligar konkurrensutsättning av hemtjänst. Kan konkurrens enligt LOV leda till ett ökat resursutnyttjande och ökad effektivitet i den kommunala hemtjänstverksamheten? Syftet med denna uppsats är således att förklara hur konkurrensutsättning av hemtjänstverksamhet enligt valfrihetssystem påverkar kommuners effektivitet. Vi vill även förklara hur ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning i kommunen påverkar effektivitet vid ett införande av valfrihetssystem.I fråga om metod har vi utgått från en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi, en deduktiv forskningsansats, ett förklarande syfte och ett kvantitativt metodval. Då valfrihetssystem är ett relativt outforskat område har vår utformning av hypoteser utgått från tidigare forskning om konkurrensförhållanden inom primärvård. Grundstommen för vår uppsats är två teoretiska modeller som vi väljer att utgå ifrån för att påvisa olika samband. Den konstruktion av hypoteser vi valt att göra har vi därmed baserat på den befintliga forskning som finns om effekterna av att konkurrensutsätta verksamhet inom offentlig sektor.Vår empiriska undersökning bygger på en enkätstudie där vi gjort en totalundersökning på de 82 kommuner som har valfrihetssystem i drift. Slutsats därav blir således att konkurrensutsättning av hemtjänstverksamhet enligt LOV leder till ökad effektivitet. På samma sätt drar vi slutsatsen att en prestationsbaserad ersättning leder till att effektiviteten ökar. Likaså drar vi slutsatsen att en förtydligad och framgångsrik styrning leder till ökad effektivitet vid ett införande av valfrihetssystem. / With a growing elderly population the age structure of the Swedish society is expected to change. Consequently, the need for service and elderly care has increased and municipalities are faced with the challenge with providing for the needs of elderly people based on better utilization of resources. The new law about freedom of choice system (LOV) allows for competition in the home help sector. Can competition according to LOV lead to an increased utilization of resources and greater efficiency in the municipal home care business? The aim of this paper is, therefore, to explain how the competition in the home care sector, according to freedom of choice, affects municipal efficiency. We also aim to explain how management control in the municipality affects the efficiency of the introduction of the choice system.This study has a positivist research philosophy, a deductive research approach, an explanatory purpose and a quantitative method. Although the freedom of choice system is a relatively unexplored area, the hypotheses are based on previous research on competitive conditions in primary care. The foundation of the study is two theoretical models used to demonstrate different contexts. Therefore, the construction of the hypotheses was based on the existing research on the effects of exposure the business in public sector to competition.The empirical study is based on a comprehensive survey made on the 82 municipalities with freedom of choice system running. The conclusion is that competition of home care activities according to LOV leads to increased efficiency. In the same way performance-based compensation leads to increased efficiency. In addition a clearer and more successful management control leads to increased efficiency when introducing the freedom of choice system.

Valores e comportamento ecológico: uma análise comparativa e evolutiva dos alunos de dois cursos de graduação da USP / Values and ecological behavior: Comparative and evolutive analysis on two groups of undergraduate students at University of São Paulo

Isamaura Krauss Franco 18 May 2012 (has links)
O comportamento ecológico é a manifestação favorável a questões ambientais traduzidas em situações de consumo, podendo ser intencional, consciente carregada de autointeresse ou natural e introjetada. O comportamento ecológico, assim como o comportamento dos indivíduos de maneira geral, é resultado de combinações entre fatores sociais, culturais, individuais e psicológicos no ambiente em que este indivíduo se insere. Os valores interrelacionam-se com os fatores sociais, culturais, individuais e psicológicos, sendo conceituados como manifestos das visões de mundo que um indivíduo expressa através de suas atitudes e comportamentos. Definem-se ainda como crenças duradouras acerca de estados finais ideais norteadores das ações, atitudes e julgamento. Seja em termos culturais ou individuais, estes valores apresentam-se de forma hierarquizada, ao que se dá o nome de Estrutura de Valores. Os valores são apontados pela literatura como preditores de comportamentos, relação esta que é intermediada por outras variáveis como, por exemplo, a ocupação e a classe social de um indivíduo. Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar a relação entre a estrutura de valores e o comportamento ecológico dos alunos dos cursos de Medicina e Administração da USP Ribeirão Preto, verificando o efeito que a experiência ao longo dos dois cursos exerce sobre ambos os construtos. Consistiu de uma pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa, não probabilística em que 467 alunos dentre os cursos de Administração e Medicina da referida universidade foram entrevistados e comparados quando ao comportamento ecológico e estrutura de valores. O instrumento de pesquisa foi uma combinação entre a Escala de Comportamento Ecológico de Pato (2004), a Lista de Valores de Kahle (1983) e para controle, o Critério de Classificação Econômica - Brasil. Empregaram-se técnicas não paramétricas de análise fatorial, agrupamento por conglomerados, teste Kruskall-Wallis e Mann-Whitney. Os dados encontrados revelam que a estrutura de valores dos alunos muda com o passar da graduação para os dois grupos estudados e que a estrutura de valores é diferente entre os cursos, porém, não existe relação entre a estrutura de valores e o comportamento ecológico. Além disso, descobriu-se que o comportamento ecológico não muda com o passar dos anos no curso e tampouco é diferente entre os cursos. / Ecological behavior is the manifestation in favor of environmental issues translated into consumption situations. It may be intentional, conscious, full of self-interest or natural and unconscious. Ecological behavior, as well as the behavior itself, is the result of combinations of social, cultural, personal and psychological issues presented in the environment to which someone belongs. Values interrelate with the social, cultural, and psychological individual issues, being conceptualized as manifestations of worldviews that an individual expressed through their attitudes and behaviors. They are also defined as enduring beliefs about the final stages of the ideals guiding actions, attitudes and judgment. Being cultural or individual values, they are presented in a hierarchical way - the value structure. Values are indicated by the literature as predictors of behavior. The relation between values and behavior is mediated by other variables such as, for example, occupation and social class. This study aimed to identify the relationship between the structure of values and ecologic behavior for the students of Medicine and Administration at USP Ribeirão Preto, checking the effect that the experience over the two courses has on both constructs. It was designed as a descriptive, quantitative, non-probabilistic research in which 467 students from the courses of Administration and Medicine were interviewed. The survey instrument was a combination of Pato´s (2004) Ecological Behavior Scale, the List of Values of Kahle (1983) and to control, the Economic Classification Criterion - Brazil. Nonparametric techniques were employed as factor analysis, clusters, Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test. Data reveal that the students\' structure of values changes over the graduation for the two groups and that the structure of values is different between courses, but there is no relationship between the structure of values and ecological behavior. Furthermore, it was found that the ecological behavior does not change over the years of the courses and it is not different between the courses.

Reformeringen av Arbetsförmedlingen : En kvalitativ studie om marknadisering av offentlig verksamhet / The reform of the Swedish Public Employment Service : A qualitative study about marketisation of a government controlled business

Tomasson, Hannes January 2020 (has links)
Marketisation reforms has for a long time been a recurring and debated phenomena, which has recently blossomed by the reform proposal of the Swedish Public Employment Service presented in the so-called “January-agreement”. The aim of this qualitative study is therefor to examine the reform proposal of the Swedish Public Employment Service presented in the “January-agreement” and relate this to marketisation. This will in this study be done by theory consuming of first George Sörensen theory about the impact of globalization on the welfare state, to give a broad view of the cause of marketisation. Then Patrik Halls definition of marketisation within NPM, to explain the meaning and effects of marketisation. And finally, Bo Rothsteins description of the market-equal model, to examine how the creation of legitimacy can be seen as a motive for the reform. The conclusions show that marketisation can describe the reform proposal presented in the January-agreement, which can be seen as a creation of public constructed market with a distinct client focus. Further, the market-equal model shows how the low public confidence for the Swedish Public Employment Service can be seen as a strong motive for some type of marketisation in other to create an increased legitimacy. / Marknadisering har länge varit ett återkommande debatterat ämne, som nyligen blommat upp genom reformförslaget av Arbetsförmedlingen i det så kallade Januariavtalet. Målet med denna kvalitativa studie är därför att förklara och analysera reformförslaget i Januariavtalet och relatera det till marknadisering. Det görs i uppsatsen genom en teorikonsumering av först George Sörensens teori om globaliseringens påverkan på välfärdsstaten, som används för att ge en bredare syn av orsaken till marknadisering. Sedan kommer Patrik Halls definition av marknadisering inom NPM användas för att förklara innebörden och effekterna av marknadisering. Till sist används Bo Rothsteins förklaring av den marknadslika modellen, för att förkalkar hur reformförslaget kan motiveras utifrån en legitimitetsaspekt. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga slutsatser är att marknadisering kan förklara reformförslaget i Januariavtalet, som kan ses som ett skapande av en offentlig marknad med tydligt kundfokus. Utifrån den marknadslika modellen kan Arbetsförmedlingens låga förtroende ses som ett strakt motiv för någon form av marknadisering för att skapa legitimitet.

Valfrihet skapar fungerande marknader inom vård och social service

Fontander, Sol-Britt January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Chov srnčí a černé zvěře v honitbě Drahotěšice-Radonice / Breeding of roe deer and wild boar in hunting Drahotěšice-Radonice

CHODIL, Josef January 2015 (has links)
This work deals with the evaluation of game management with roe deer and wild boar in hunting Drahotěšice-Radonice in the years 1993-2014. As a material for this work are used data from the records of hunting manager. It evaluates the annual evolution of aggregated states, the amount of hunting and implementation for hunting of roe deer. It is also evaluated catch weight and date of capture of roe deer and wild boars. On the ground of results are set recommendations for the managemet of roe deer and wild boar in hunting.

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