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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model dopravních situací / Traffic situations model

Krampoťák, Štefan January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with analyze of camera system in real traffic, using these system and realization of traffic situation model. Result of this work is fully functional model of traffic situation, which shows the capability of these camera systems in real traffic. It consists of two basic parts, the first is physical model of traffic with semaphore and second part is control program with algorithm for detection of traffic offences. The system contains speed measurement and red light violation. Model has capable of control the speed of cars, control semaphores and configure cameras.

Einfluss von Geschwindigkeit, Richtung und Temperatur des Plasmaflusses auf die Selektivität einer Fraktionierungsmembran während der Doppelfiltrationsplasmapherese am Großtiermodell / Influence of speed, direction and temperature of the plasma flow on the selectivity of a fractionation membrane during double filtration plasmapheresis in a large animal model

Kiefer, Niclas Leonard January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Die Doppelfiltrationsapherese stellt eine Therapieform zur extrakorporalen Entfernung von atherogenen Lipoproteinen bei Patienten mit schweren Lipidstoffwechselstörungen und konsekutiven kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen dar. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie bestand darin, optimale Behandlungsbedingungen für eine neuere synthetische Fraktionierungsmembran (FractioPESTM 200; 3M Deutschland GmbH, Neuss) für die Doppelfiltrations-Lipoproteinapherese im Rahmen eines In-vivo-Modells am Schaf zu definieren. In einer prospektiven und randomisierten "Crossover–Studie" an vier Schafen wurde hierzu die Permselektivität der Fraktionierungsmembran unter unterschiedlichen Plasmaflussraten (PF 30, 36 und 42 ml/min), umgekehrter Plasmaflussrichtung (Outside- In-Filtration) und erhöhter Plasmatemperatur untersucht. Nach definierten behandelten Plasmavolumina wurde dafür die In-vivo-Performance der Fraktionierungsmembran anhand von Reduktionsrationes und Siebkoeffizienten für die relevanten Moleküle LDL, HDL, Fibrinogen, Albumin und IgG gemessen. Entsprechend des Therapieziels war die Fraktionierungsmembran für LDL-Cholesterin während aller Behandlungseinstellungen nahezu undurchlässig, was sich an niedrigen SK und statistisch sich nicht unterscheidenden Reduktionsrationes (49,0 ± 8,9 (Outside-In) bis 60,6 ± 9,7 % (PF 36)) zeigte. Lediglich bei 600 ml behandeltem Plasmavolumen wurde unter PF 42 und Outside-In ein signifikant höherer LDL-SK (0,165 ± 0,022 bzw. 0,194 ± 0,068) im Vergleich zu PF 30 und 36 (p < 0,05) bestimmt. Eine gewünschte geringe Membrandurchlässigkeit fand sich ebenfalls für Fibrinogen, wobei signifikant höhere und damit ungünstigere SK für Outside-In nach 600 ml (0,229 ± 0,03 (p < 0,05)) gegenüber allen anderen Behandlungsmethoden und nach 900 ml (SK 0,369 ± 0,12 (p < 0,05)) im Vergleich zu PF 30 und PF 42 gemessen wurden. Bezüglich der unerwünscht entfernten Substanzen waren zwischen den Behandlungsmethoden keine Unterschiede bei HDL-Cholesterin und Albumin nachweisbar. Lediglich für IgG lag nach 900 ml ein höherer SK (1,047 ± 0,070 (p = 0,049)) bei PF 42 im Vergleich zu PF 30 (0,573 ± 0,321) vor.Grundsätzlich stiegen bei allen Behandlungsarten die SK für alle Substanzen mit zunehmendem Plasmavolumen teilweise signifikant an. Eine Ausnahme stellte der Outside-In-Modus dar, bei dem es nach 600 ml zu einem Abfall der SK kam. Bei PF 42 war die günstigste HDL/LDL-Ratio der Reduktionsrationes nachweisbar, d.h. die höchste Retention atherogenen LDL bei geringster Entfernung des vasoprotektiven HDL. Die Anwendung verschiedener Behandlungsbedingungen bei Verwendung der FractioPESTM 200-Membran führte nur zu geringen Unterschieden bei der Entfernung der Zielsubstanzen. Als günstigste Einstellung erwies sich die höchste Plasmaflussrate, PF 42 ml/min, in standardmäßiger Flussrichtung, während sich die Outside-In-Filtration nachteilig auswirkte. Der Grund dafür dürfte im asymmetrischen Wandaufbau der Fraktionierungsmembran mit den kleinsten Poren, d.h. der Separationsschicht, innen liegen, der zu Unterschieden beim Verstopfen („Clogging“) der Membranporen führt. Das Schafsmodell erwies sich erneut als zuverlässiges und auf die klinische Doppelfiltrations-Lipoproteinapherese übertragbares In-vivo-Experiment. / Double filtration apheresis is a form of therapy for the extracorporeal removal of atherogenic lipoproteins in patients with severe lipid metabolism disorders and consecutive cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to define optimal treatment conditions for a newer synthetic fractionation membrane (FractioPESTM 200; 3M Germany GmbH, Neuss) for double filtration plasmapheresis within a setting of an in-vivo model on a sheep. In a prospective and randomized "crossover study" on four sheeps, the permselectivity of the fractionation membrane was investigated during different plasma flow rates (PF 30, 36 and 42 ml/min), reverse plasma flow direction (outside-in filtration) and increased plasma temperature. After defined treated plasma volumes, the in-vivo performance of the fractionation membrane was measured based on reduction rations and sieving coefficients for relevant molecules LDL, HDL, fibrinogen, albumin and IgG. Accordingly the therapy goal, the fractionation membrane was nearly impermeable to LDL-cholesterol during all treatment settings, evidenced by low SK and statistically indistinguishable reduction rations (49.0 ± 8.9 (outside-in) to 60.6 ± 9.7% (PF 36)). Only at 600 ml treated plasma a significantly higher LDL-SK (0.165 ± 0.022 and 0.194 ± 0.068) during PF 42 and outside-in compared to PF 30 and 36 (p < 0.05) was determined. A desired low membrane permeability was also found for fibrinogen, shown by the significantly higher and thus less favorable SK for outside-in after 600 ml (0.229 ± 0.03 (p < 0.05)) compared to all other treatment methods and after 900 ml (SK 0.369 ± 0.12 (p<0.05)) compared to PF 30 and PF 42. Regarding the undesirably removed substances, no differences in HDL-cholesterol and albumin could be detected between the treatment methods. Only for IgG there was a higher SK (1.047 ± 0.070 (p = 0.049)) at PF 42 compared to PF 30 (0.573 ± 0.321) after 900 ml. Basically, with all types of treatment, the SK for all substances increased, partially significant, with increasing plasma volume. The outside-in mode was an exception, in which there was a decrease in the SK after 600 ml. At PF 42, the most favorable HDL/LDL ratio of the reduction ration was detectable, i.e. the highest retention of atherogenic LDL with the lowest removal of the vasoprotective HDL. The application of different treatment conditions when using the FractioPESTM 200 membrane resulted in only minor differences in the removal of the target substances. The best setting proved to be the highest plasma flow rate, PF 42 mL/min, in the standard flow direction, while outside-in filtration had a disadvantageous effect. The reason for this may be the asymmetrical wall structure of the fractionation membrane and the small pores, i.e. a separation layer lying inside, which leads to differences in clogging of the membrane pores. The sheep model again proved to be a reliable in-vivo experiment transferable to clinical double filtration lipoprotein apheresis.

"Métodos de pontos interiores aplicados ao problema de regressão pela norma Lp"

Cantane, Daniela Renata 19 March 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho a família de métodos de pontos interiores barreira logarítmica é desenvolvida para o problema de regressão pela norma Lp e a estrutura matricial resultante é explorada objetivando uma implementação eficiente. Apresentamos alguns conceitos sobre métodos de pontos interiores necessários para o desenvolvimento do método e descrevemos um método de convergência quadrática previamente conhecido. Uma implementação em Matlab dos métodos de pontos interiores desenvolvidos é comparada com uma implementação do método quadrático existente, obtendo desempenho computacional superior. / In this work the family of logarithmic barrier interior point methods is developed for the norm Lp fitting problem and the resultant matrix structure is exploited in order to have an efficient implementation. We introduce some concepts about interior point methods necessary for the development of the method and describe a previously known quadratic convergent problem. An implementation in Matlab of the interior point methods developed is compared with an implementation of the known quadratic method obtaining better computational performance.

Rigidité et non-rigidité d'actions de groupes sur les espaces Lp non-commutatifs / Rigidity and non-rigidity of group actions on non-commutative Lp spaces

Olivier, Baptiste 21 May 2013 (has links)
Nous étudions des propriétés de rigidité et des propriétés de non-rigidité forte d'actions de groupes sur des espaces Lp non-commutatifs. Récemment, des variantes de la propriété (T) de Kazhdan et de la propriété de point fixe (FH) ont été introduites, appelées respectivement propriété (TB) et propriété (FB), et énoncées en termes de représentations orthogonales sur un espace de Banach B. Nous nous intéressons au cas où B est un espace Lp non-commutatif Lp(M), associé à une algèbre de von Neumann M. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons qu'un groupe possédant la propriété (T) possède la propriété (TLp(M)) pour toute algèbre de von Neumann M. On en déduit que les groupes de rang supérieur ont la propriété (FLp(M)). Nous montrons que pour certaines algèbres, comme par exemple M=B(H), les propriétés (T) et (TLp(M) sont équivalentes. A l'opposé, nous caractérisons les groupes possédant la propriété (Tlp), et montrons que cette classe de groupes est strictement plus grande que celle avec la propriété (T). Dans un second temps, nous introduisons des variantes de la propriété (H) de Haagerup, les propriétés (HLp(M)) et l' a-FLp(M)-menabilité, définies en termes d'actions sur l'espace Lp(M). Nous décrivons les liens entre la propriété (H) et sa variante (HLp(M)) suivant l'algèbre M considérée. Nous montrons que les groupes possédant (H) sont a-FLp(M)-menables pour certaines algèbres M, comme par exemple le facteur II infini hyperfini. / We studied rigidity properties and strong non-rigidity properties for group actions on non-commutative Lp spaces. Recently, variants of Kazhdan's property (T) and fixed-point property (FH) were introduced, respectively called property (TB) and property (FB), and described in terms of orthogonal representations on a Banach space B. We are interested in the case where B is a non-commutative Lp space Lp(M), associated to a von Neumann algebra M. In a first part, we show that if a group has property (T), then it has property (TLp(M)) for any von Neumann algebra M. We deduce that higher rank groups have property (FLp(M)). We show that for some algebras, such as M=B(H), properties (T) and (TLp(M)) are equivalent. By contrast, we characterize groups with property (Tlp), and show that this class of groups is larger than the one with property (T). In a second part, we introduce variants of the Haagerup property (H), namely properties (HLp(M)) and a-FLp(M)-menability, defined in terms of actions on the space Lp(M). We describe relationships between property (H) and its variant (HLp(M)) for different algebras M. We show that groups with property (H) are a-FLp(M)-menable for some algebras M, such as the hyperfinite II infinite factor.

Δρομολόγηση και ανάθεση μήκους κύματος σε οπτικά δίκτυα βασισμένη στα φυσικά χαρακτηριστικά του δικτύου

Μανουσάκης, Κωνσταντίνος 26 October 2007 (has links)
Ο πιο σύγχρονος και περισσότερα υποσχόμενος τύπος οπτικών δικτύων, είναι τα οπτικά δίκτυα πολυπλεξίας διαίρεσης μήκους κύματος (Wavelength Division Multiplexing – WDM). Τα δίκτυα αυτά διαθέτουν τεράστια χωρητικότητα και αναμένεται να αποτελέσουν τα μελλοντικά δίκτυα κορμού για τη μεταφορά μεγάλου όγκου δεδομένων. Η πλήρης αξιοποίηση της χωρητικότητας των WDM δικτύων, όμως, απαιτεί την επίλυση ειδικών θεμάτων που σχετίζονται µε τις ιδιαιτερότητες και τη φύση των WDM οπτικών δικτύων. Το σημαντικότερο ίσως από αυτά είναι το πρόβλημα της δρομολόγησης και ανάθεσης μήκους κύματος (Routing and Wavelength Assignment – RWA), πάνω στο οποίο έχει αναπτυχθεί έντονη ερευνητική δραστηριότητα τα τελευταία χρόνια, το οποίο είναι NP-πλήρες. Ένα άλλο θέμα που χρήζει ιδιαίτερης προσοχής είναι οι εξασθενήσεις που υφίσταται ένα σήμα μέσα στο οπτικό δίκτυο. Όταν λοιπόν κάποιο σήμα διαδίδεται κατά μήκος ενός οπτικού μονοπατιού πέφτει η ποιότητα του εξαιτίας των φυσικών επιδράσεων που δέχεται. Οι φυσικές επιδράσεις κατά κανόνα μειώνουν τον λόγο σήματος προς θόρυβο (SNR), με αποτέλεσμα να αυξηθεί σημαντικά και η συχνότητα εμφάνισης λαθών (BER) στον κόμβο προορισμού. Αν η παραπάνω συχνότητα εμφάνισης λαθών είναι μεγαλύτερη από ένα καθορισμένο όριο, τότε το αίτημα δρομολόγησης θα πρέπει να απορριφθεί. Επομένως κατά την επίλυση του RWA προβλήματος θα πρέπει να ληφθούν υπόψη οι επιδράσεις που προκαλούνται στο σήμα λόγω των φυσικών χαρακτηριστικών του δικτύου. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία έχει υλοποιηθεί ένας αλγόριθμος για την επίλυση του στατικού RWA, που βασίζεται στην μοντελοποίηση ενός γραμμικού προβλήματος (Linear Programming – LP). Κατά την μοντελοποίηση λαμβάνονται υπόψη οι πιο σημαντικές επιδράσεις, όπως η χρωματική διασπορά (Chromatic Dispersion – CD), η διασπορά τρόπου πόλωσης (Polarization Mode Dispersion – PMD), η ενισχυμένη αυθόρμητη εκπομπή (Amplifier Spontaneous Emission – ASE) και η αλληλεπίδραση γειτονικών καναλιών (crosstalk). Η επίδραση των τριών πρώτων παραμέτρων εξαρτάται αποκλειστικά από τα χαρακτηριστικά των συνδέσμων και μοντελοποιούνται σύμφωνα με αναλυτικούς τύπους, ενώ η επίδραση του crosstalk εξαρτάται από τον αριθμό των οπτικών μονοπατιών που διατρέχουν ένα σύνδεσμο. Προτείνεται επίσης μία συνάρτηση βελτιστοποίησης ώστε να προκύπτουν ακέραιες λύσεις με πολύ μεγάλη πιθανότητα από την επίλυση του LP (Linear Program) προβλήματος. Αυτός ο αλγόριθμος εφαρμόζεται σε ένα μητροπολιτικό δίκτυο και λαμβάνονται συγκριτικά αποτελέσματα για διάφορες παραμέτρους των φυσικών στοιχείων του δικτύου. / Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is a promising technology for faster and more reliable data communication networks. In a WDM network several optical signals are sent on the same fiber using different wavelength channels. Multiple WDM channels from different end users may be multiplexed on the same fiber. Traditionally only a small fraction of the fiber capacity is in use, but by using WDM it is possible to exploit this huge capacity more efficiently. Under WDM, the optical transmission spectrum is curved up into a number of non-overlapping wavelength bands, with each wavelength supporting a single communication channel operating at whatever rate one desires. WDM technology has been recognized as one of the key components of the future networks. Routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) is a crucial issue for WDM optical network designers. In wavelength routed WDM optical networks connections between terminal stations are established through the use of lightpaths. Given a WDM optical topology and a set of connection requests between pairs of source-destination terminal nodes, the problem of how to route all the lightpaths simultaneously, one per connection, and which wavelength should be assigned to each one of them, subject to minimizing network resources or maximizing traffic characteristics, arises; this is known as the Routing and Wavelength Assignment problem RWA. In transparent networks, the signal quality is subject to a variety of physical impairments, such as polarization mode dispersion (PMD), amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and chromatic dispersion (CD) and crosstalk. These impairments are linearly modeled and handled effectively by a set of analytical formulas as additional constraints on RWA. We apply our algorithm to perform impairment-constraint based RWA, in order to obtain comparative results of a typical metropolitan network's performance under various network and impairment parameters, such as bit rate, amplifier gain and type, modulation format used, etc.

Sequences of Functions : Different Notions of Convergence and How They Are Related

Sätterqvist, Erik January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis we examine different types of convergence for sequences of functions and how these are related. The functions considered are real valued Lebesgue measurablefunctions defined on a subset of R. We also devote a chapter to explore when continuity of a sequence of functions is preserved under pointwise convergence, and see that this happens precisely when the convergence is quasi uniform. / I denna uppsats utforskar vi olika typer av konvergens för funktionsföljder för att se hur de är besläktade. Funktionerna i fråga är reellvärda Lebesguemätbara funktioner definierade på delmängder av R. Vi ägnar också ett kapitel åt att undersöka när kontinuitet hos en följd av funktioner bevaras under punktvis konvergens och ser att detta händer precis då konvergensen är kvasilikformig.

"Métodos de pontos interiores aplicados ao problema de regressão pela norma Lp"

Daniela Renata Cantane 19 March 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho a família de métodos de pontos interiores barreira logarítmica é desenvolvida para o problema de regressão pela norma Lp e a estrutura matricial resultante é explorada objetivando uma implementação eficiente. Apresentamos alguns conceitos sobre métodos de pontos interiores necessários para o desenvolvimento do método e descrevemos um método de convergência quadrática previamente conhecido. Uma implementação em Matlab dos métodos de pontos interiores desenvolvidos é comparada com uma implementação do método quadrático existente, obtendo desempenho computacional superior. / In this work the family of logarithmic barrier interior point methods is developed for the norm Lp fitting problem and the resultant matrix structure is exploited in order to have an efficient implementation. We introduce some concepts about interior point methods necessary for the development of the method and describe a previously known quadratic convergent problem. An implementation in Matlab of the interior point methods developed is compared with an implementation of the known quadratic method obtaining better computational performance.

Some problems in harmonic analysis on quantum groups / Quelques problèmes en analyse harmonique sur les groupes quantiques

Wang, Simeng 22 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie quelques problèmes d’analyse harmonique sur les groupes quantiques compacts. Elle consiste en trois parties. La première partie présente la théorie Lp élémentaire des transformées de Fourier, les convolutions et les multiplicateurs sur les groupes quantiques compacts, y compris la théorie de Hausdorff-Young et les inégalités de Young.Dans la seconde partie, nous caractérisons les opérateurs de convolution positifs sur un groupe quantique fini qui envoient Lp dans L2, et donnons aussi quelques constructions sur les groupes quantiques compacts infinis. La méthode pour étudier les états non-dégénérés fournit une formule générale pour calculer les états idempotents associés aux images deHopf, qui généralise un travail de Banica, Franz et Skalski. La troisième partie est consacrée à l’étude des ensembles de Sidon, des ensembles _(p) et des notions associées pour les groupes quantiques compacts. Nous établissons différentes caractérisations des ensembles de Sidon, et en particulier nous démontrons que tout ensemble de Sidon est un ensemble de Sidon fort au sens de Picardello. Nous donnons quelques liens entre les ensembles de Sidon, les ensembles _(p) et les lacunarités pour les multiplicateurs de Fourier sur Lp, généralisant un travail de Blendek et Michali˘cek. Nous démontrons aussi l’existence des ensembles de type _(p) pour les systèmes orthogonaux dans les espaces Lp non commutatifs, et déduisons les propriétés correspondantes pour les groupes quantiques compacts. Nous considérons aussi les ensembles de Sidon centraux, et nous prouvons que les groupes quantiques compacts ayant les mêmes règles de fusion et les mêmes fonctions de dimension ont des ensemble de Sidon centraux identiques. Quelques exemples sont aussi étudiés dans cette thèse. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse se basent sur deux articles de l’auteur. Le premier s’intitule “Lp-improving convolution operators on finite quantum groups” et a été accepté pour publication dans Indiana University Mathematics Journal, et le deuxième est un travail intitulé “Lacunary Fourier series for compact quantum groups” et a été publié en ligne dans Communications in Mathematical Physics. / This thesis studies some problems in the theory of harmonic analysis on compact quantum groups. It consists of three parts. The first part presents some elementary Lp theory of Fourier transforms, convolutions and multipliers on compact quantum groups, including the Hausdorff-Young theory and Young’s inequalities. In the second part, we characterize positive convolution operators on a finite quantum group G which are Lp-improving, and also give some constructions on infinite compact quantum groups. The methods for ondegeneratestates yield a general formula for computing idempotent states associated to Hopf images, which generalizes earlier work of Banica, Franz and Skalski. The third part is devoted to the study of Sidon sets, _(p)-sets and some related notions for compact quantum groups. We establish several different characterizations of Sidon sets, and in particular prove that any Sidon set in a discrete group is a strong Sidon set in the sense of Picardello. We give several relations between Sidon sets, _(p)-sets and lacunarities for Lp-Fourier multipliers, generalizing a previous work by Blendek and Michali˘cek. We also prove the existence of _(p)-sets for orthogonal systems in noncommutative Lp-spaces, and deduce the corresponding properties for compact quantum groups. Central Sidon sets are also discussed, and it turns out that the compact quantum groups with the same fusion rules and the same dimension functions have identical central Sidon sets. Several examples are also included. The thesis is principally based on two works by the author, entitled “Lp-improvingconvolution operators on finite quantum groups” and “Lacunary Fourier series for compact quantum groups”, which have been accepted for publication in Indiana University Mathematics Journal and Communications in Mathematical Physics respectively.

Generalizações do teorema de representação de Riesz / Generalizations of the Riesz Representation Theorem

Batista, Cesar Adriano 19 June 2009 (has links)
Dados um espaço de medida (X;A;m) e números reais p,q>1 com 1/p+1/q=1, o Teorema de Representação de Riesz afirma que Lq(X;A;m) é o dual topológico de Lp(X;A;m) e que Loo(X;A; m) é o dual topológico de L1(X;A;m) se o espaço (X;A;m) for sigma-finito. Observamos que a sigma-finitude de (X;A;m) é condição suficiente mas não necessária para que Loo(X;A;m) seja o dual de L1(X;A;m). Os contra-exemplos tipicamente apresentados para essa última identificação são \"triviais\", no sentido de que desaparecem se \"consertarmos\" a medida , transformando-a numa medida perfeita. Neste trabalho apresentamos condições sufcientes mais fracas que sigma-finitude a fim de que Loo(X;A;m) e o dual de L1(X;A;m) possam ser isometricamente identificados. Além disso, introduzimos um invariante cardinal para espaços de medida que chamaremos a dimensão do espaço e mostramos que se o espaço (X;A;m) for de medida perfeita e tiver dimensão menor ou igual à cardinalidade do continuum então uma condição necessária e suficiente para Loo(X;A;m) seja o dual de L1(X;A;m) é que X admita uma decomposição. / Given a measure space (X;A;m) and real numbers p,q>1 with 1/p+1/q=1, the Riesz Representation Theorem states that Lq(X;A;m) is the topological dual space of Lp(X;A;m) and that Loo(X;A; m) is the topological dual space of L1(X;A;m) if (X;A; m) is sigma-finite. We observe that the sigma-finiteness of (X;A;m) is a suficient but not necessary condition for Loo(X;A;m) to be the dual of L1(X;A;m). The counter-examples that are typically presented for Loo(X;A;m) = L1(X;A;m)* are \"trivial\", in the sense that they vanish if we fix the measure , making it into a perfect measure. In this work we present suficient conditions weaker than sigma-finiteness in order that Loo(X;A; m) and L1(X;A;m)* can be isometrically identified. Moreover, we introduce a cardinal invariant for measure spaces which we call the dimension of the space and we show that if the space (X;A;m) has perfect measure and dimension less than or equal to the cardinal of the continuum then a necessary and suficient condition for Loo(X;A;m) = L1(X;A;m)* is that X admits a decomposition.

Klang – Farbe – Geschlecht – Sexualität. Diskursive Metaphorik nationaler Identität / Alterität in der Rezeptionsgeschichte der musikalischen Moderne am Beispiel des Komponisten Franz Schreker

Bujara, Karsten 19 December 2017 (has links)
Der österreichische Komponist Franz Schreker (1878 – 1934) zählte in der Weimarer Republik für kurze Zeit zu den erfolgreichsten Opernkomponisten deutscher Sprache. Bei genauerer Betrachtung der zeitgenössischen Aufführungs- und Kompositionskritiken über Schrekers Opernwerk zeigt sich, dass viele Kommentatoren den Komponisten auf der symbolhaften Ebene über nationsspezifische Geschlechterzuschreibungen zu einem ›undeutschen‹ bzw. ›effeminierten‹ Komponisten konstruierten. Schreker galt somit als Verkörperung eines inneren Anderen der deutschen Nation, der nicht nur ›feminisiert‹, sondern mit anderen Attributen der Devianz (Sexsismen, Rassismen, Pathologien) marginalisiert werden sollte. Anknüpfend an postmoderne Identitäts- und Nationalismustheorien untersucht diese Arbeit anhand eines diskursanalytischen Verfahrens am Beispiel der Schreker-Rezeption, welche Rolle die Kategorie Geschlecht auf dem Gebiet der Musik für die Stiftung der deutschen Nation im 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts gespielt hat. Sie leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis historischer Konstruktionsprozesse nationaler Identität bzw. Alterität sowie den damit verbundenen diskursiven Imaginationen von ›Männlichkeit‹ versus ›Weiblichkeit‹ im deutschen Musikdiskurs. Dabei geht die Untersuchung zugleich auf (Dis-)Kontinuitäten dieser Rezeptionsgeschichte nach 1945 sowohl in der BRD als auch in DDR ein. Schließlich belegt die Arbeit, auf welche Weise Schreker selbst in seinem Spätwerk, namentlich im Christophorus, künstlerisch auf die ihm zugeschriebenen Bilder eines ›effeminierten‹ Komponisten reagiert, diese in die Vorstellung devianter ›Männlichkeit‹ positiv umdeutet und in seine eigenes konstitutives Selbstbild integriert. Somit lässt sich Schrekers später ästhetischer Stil als eine Form der Selbstermächtigung verstehen, mit welcher der Komponist auf der Ebene der Kunst eine subversive Gegenposition zu dem normativen Identitätsbegriff des Deutschen in der Musik entwickelt. / In the early 20th century, the Austrian composer Franz Schreker (1878-1934) ranked among the most renowned opera composers in German-speaking countries. Upon closer consideration however, contemporary reviews of his works and of their performances illustrate how numerous critics constructed Schreker, on a symbolic level, as a “Non-German” and “effeminate” composer through attributions of gender and national bias. Thus Schreker – who, in the eyes of his critics, epitomized an inner “other” of the German nation – has seen himself not only effiminated but also marginalized through attributions of deviance (sexisms, racisms, pathologies) imposed on him. Building on postmodern theories of nation and identity while using the example of the reception of Schreker, the present study examines by means of discourse analysis the role of gender in 19th- and 20th-century music in light of the founding of a single German nation. Designed as a scientific contribution to understanding historical construction processes of national identity and alterity as well as discursive imaginations of “masculinity” and “femininity” related to them, it is not limited to critical reviews during the composer’s lifetime but does encompass the analysis of subsequent (dis-)continuities in post-war reception history both in the Federal Republic of Germany and in the German Democratic Republic. Essentially taking recourse to Christophorus, the study furthermore demonstrates how Schreker himself did not simply react to these attributions but positively redefined such imaginations of deviant masculinity and integrated them in his later work in an astoundingly creative way. The present thesis concludes with the finding that Schrekers later aesthetic style can be meticulously construed as a pattern of self-empowerment enabling the composer to develop a subversive counter-position to a normative notion of identity and Germanness in 20th-century music.

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