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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Principles of workflow support in life critical situations / Principer för arbetsflödesstöd i livskritiska situationer

Lundberg, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
The prime objective is to investigate how technology and work organization can support the workflow in handling time critical emergency calls, having the prerequisites of giving the highest priority to saving human lives and minimizing the effects of emergency situations. The challenge is to maintain and improve the quality of service (QoS) during and after a proposed technology driven organizational change. This thesis is based on empirical work including extensive ethnographical studies of emergency call handling at Swedish Emergency Service Centres, SOS centres. Today the SOS centres are basically organized as independent centres. The proposed technology enabled organization concerns the contingency of handling emergency calls nationwide, in SOS clusters. One of the desired outcomes of this reorganization is that peaks and falls in the handling of emergency calls will be levelled out. It is assumed that any operator will be able to handle the call independent of the location of the emergency situation, opening up for a more efficient handling of incoming calls. In principle, introducing new information technologies enables this reorganization of SOS centres. However, the basic claim of our investigation is that a transition to the new organization has to take into account systemic requirements, to support a non-disruptive change. The first of the three main results concerns essential aspects of technology based organizational changes. From the empirical work, we have concluded that the tasks constituting the workflows at SOS centers are conducted in parallel, and that the coordination of the tasks can be modeled using a risk-driven blackboard-based spiral model. We have also concluded that there is a rich face-to-face communication and body language situation within the centers supporting coordination of workflows. This coordination is context-dependent thus the means of creating awareness of the overall situation in the centre support the acquisition of important extra information in the specific case. The second result concerns methods and models to increase the quality of the requirement specification process. The principal approach is to specify assessments and systemic requirements. Furthermore, issues such as how to validate empirically based workflow models, as well as how to measure groupware usability and how to support the information sensitive change are considered. Suggestions concerning methods and models that could provide means to that end are presented. The third result concerns identification of relevant research and development challenges coupled with new insights about combining ethnographical approaches with system modeling. Identification and suggestion of suitable experimental platform design, enabling testing of service qualities, including a suggested role for agent technologies are presented. / Utmaningen är att säkerställa och förbättra kvalitén i hanteringen av nödsamtal vid en eventuell förändring från enskilda SOS centraler till SOS cluster.

Developer Experience of a Low-Code Platform: An exploratory study

Dahlberg, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, low-code development has become increasingly popular, enabling developers to write less code and focus on the objective. However, while proven efficient, little attention has been given to how developers experience working in these development environments. This is significant as providing unpleasant experiences could reduce the benefits of low-code platforms by leaving the developers unhappy. As such, this study aims to gain an understanding of developer experience in low-code environments. The study was conducted with an IT-company recently specialized in low-code solutions, where participants were chosen based on having prior experience with low-code development. This ensued in interviews with six low-code developers as well as a project leader. Main positive experiences found were, feeling more productive, improved customer relations, focus on the objective, shared developer understanding, and quick learnability. Key negative experiences found were, having work constrained, limited freedom and creativity, inadequate documentation, and overview, and having poor and unsafe teamwork capabilities. To the best of my knowledge this is the first study to explore developer experience in low-code development environments and stands as groundwork for future studies in low-code developer experience.

"Allt sånt där är ju språk, egentligen" : Digitala verktyg i förskolans språkutvecklande undervisning / "All that is in fact language” : Digital Technologies in preschool language development teaching

Östlund, Martina, Lundqvist, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Samhället vi lever i är i ständig förändring och utveckling. Digitala verktyg som smartphones, surfplattor och applikationer som exempelvis spel, är en stor del av barns vardag. Vi har i denna undersökning haft fokus på att undersöka hur förskollärare och barnskötare involverar digitala verktyg i förskolans språkutvecklande undervisning. Genom intervjuer, insamling av lokala arbetsplaner samt enkätundersökning, har vi tagit del av förskollärares, barnskötares samt IKT-pedagogers tankar och erfarenheter som relateras till vårt syfte och vår frågeställning. I vår analys av den insamlade empirin har vi använt oss av det teoretiska ramverket TPACK, för att analysera och diskutera den flerdimensionella och dynamiska kompetensen som förskollärare behöver för att undervisa i förskolan om och med digitala verktyg. Om man som förskollärare kan tillskriva sig TPACK, har man således en professionell digital kompetens som behövs för undervisning i förskolan (Koehler & Mishra, 2006, 2009). Vår tolkning är att TPACK och professionell digital kompetens har samma innebörd och vi kommer därför i vår undersökning att använda oss av formuleringen professionell digital kompetens. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar på att förskollärares och barnskötares förhållningssätt samt kompetenser är avgörande för hur digitala verktyg används för att nå språkutveckling hos barnen. Där förskollärare eller barnskötare visar ett intresse för digitala verktyg, skapas även en lärandemiljö där dessa också nyttjas i större utsträckning. Vidare visade vår undersökning på vikten av att förskollärare och barnskötare innehar professionell digital kompetens, där dessa kunskapsdomäner kommer till uttryck i planering och genomförande av den språkutvecklande undervisningen.

Framtidens konsumtion av digitala tjänster : En studie kring bruk av digitala tjänster på mobila enheter, baserat på ett Smart City-perspektiv. / The future consumption of digital services

Augustsson, Jens, Holm, Alexis January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att med hjälp av två vetenskapliga metoder, kvalitativa intervjuer och användardagböcker ta reda på hur användares mobila brukarvanor ser ut och vilka typer av tjänster kan de ligga till grund för baserat på ett Smart city-perspektiv. Arbetet kommer även att analysera och utveckla metodiken för fortsatta studier inom ämnet. Mobilen har under de senaste åren utvecklats till att bli en enhet där dess ursprungliga telefonfunktioner blivit sekundära egenskaper. Dess främsta ändamål är fortfarande för att kommunicera med andra, men i första hand genom andra typer av tjänster. Man kan idag även se hur utvecklingen går från ett bruk av digitala tjänster där varje enhet har specifika syften, till ett bruk där enheter samarbetar och delar ett gemensamt syfte. I och med att vårt bruk, och våra vanor, av dessa enheter förändras, så förändras även naturen hos tjänsterna de tillhandahåller. Man kan se en utveckling mot, och en efterfrågan för, tjänster som genom att utnyttja ny teknologi kan beskrivas bryta gränsen mellan det digitala och den fysiska verkligheten. Vilket ur ett Smart City-perspektiv kan ha stor potential inom flera områden av samhälls- och verksamhetsutveckling. Det går även att se att synen på hur vi konsumerar digitala tjänster förändras. Från att ha haft en väldigt enhetsfokuserad syn, där varje enhet har specifika ändamål, går vi mot ett bruk av tjänster där enheten i sig inte är viktig. Många tjänster finns idag på flera enheter, och enheterna fungerar mer som ett samarbetande ekosystem än enskilda enheter med egna syften. Enheterna delar snarare ett gemensamt syfte, att agera fönster mot internet. / The purpose of this study is to find out how mobile user habits can provide a basis for applications and services based on a Smart City perspective, this by using two scientific methods, interviews and user diaries. The study will also analyze and develop the method for further studies in this subject. The cell phone has in recent years evolved into a unit where the original phone functions and features have become secondary. Even though its main purpose is still to communicate with others, it’s now done primarily through other types of services. Today the development goes from a use of digital services where each unit has a specific purpose, to a practise where they work together and share a common purpose. As a result of the fact that our use and our habits of these devices are changing, the nature of the services provided by these devices are also changing. Due to this, there is an ongoing evolution towards, and a demand for, new services that can take advantage of new technologies to dissolve the border between the digital and the physical reality. Which, from a Smart City perspective, could have great potential in several areas of social and organizational development. One can also se that the way we consume digital services is changing. We have gone from having a device centerd focus, were every unit has a specific purpose to a serviced centerd focus, were the units work as a collaborative ecosystem. These units share a collective pupose, to act as a window towards the internet.

Counteracting Availability: Giving Control Back to Players Within Online Gambling

Simon, Nordsvan January 2020 (has links)
Gambling has become ever more available and begun to employ more techniques, such as gamification, in order to engage their players. Today, Gambling with the use of your computer or smartphone is not deemed very different from playing any other kind of game. This shortens the availability cascade, or chain of events, that in the context of Gambling can ultimately lead to severe economical or social consequences for the players. This thesis seeks to find out how the increased availability can be counteracted by giving control back to the players through the use of personal informatics as well as if, and if so how, the social aspect of Gambling affects responsibility and the perceived experience. By conducting in-depth interviews with 20 participants I gained insights into what would assist them in maintaining control as well as their perception of Gambling. In order to evaluate these findings they were, in conjunction with related research, translated into a design concept. The results of the evaluations of this design suggest that many of the same techniques used to increase engagement with Gambling can also be utilized to counteract the increased availability. The prospects for future research are outlined.

Living your life through technology : A qualitative study about technology usage during a global pandemic

Säljedal, Klara, Danielsson, Johannes January 2020 (has links)
Social isolation is one of the main challenges for distance students. In the situation of covid- 19, on-campus university students in Sweden are faced with the same challenge, since they have been required to study elsewhere as Universities are closed for students. We asked in what way students use technology during covid-19, and which role technology has for university students. The answers to these questions are important to be able to design and implement better technology for communication and collaboration across distances. To study this, we conducted qualitative interviews and a questionnaire with university students normally studying at campus. Our findings show that university students use a variety of technologies during covid-19 to socialize, work and study, and entertain themselves. We contribute with information about which online services, functions, and hardware are seen as most important. Finally, we provide information about technology's role for university students during covid-19, such as something used to maintain your social life, studies, for entertainment and to combat boredom.

Identifying Causes of Burden in Ecological Momentary Assessment Studies

Fadahunsi, Simeon, O'Donnell, Grace January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Digital vägledning efter coronapandemin : En kvalitativ studie om studie- och yrkesvägledares förhållningssätt till digital vägledning efter coronapandemin / Digital guidance after the corona pandemic : A qualitative study of student counselors approach to digital guidance after the coronapandemic

Möcklö, Daniel, Hebro, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Från och med 1 april 2022 klassas inte längre Covid-19 som en allmänfarlig- eller samhällsfarlig sjukdom och restriktionerna som tidigare tvingade fram digital vägledning i skolor gäller inte längre.Studiens syfte och frågeställning är att undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledare förhåller sig till digital vägledning efter covid-19 pandemin och vilka fördelar- samt nackdelar de upplevt med digital vägledning.I denna kvalitativa studie intervjuades sex studie- och yrkesvägledare där alla informanterna var verksamma på olika grundskolor. Intervjuerna har gjorts med utgångspunkt i en semistrukturerad intervjuguide.Genom att analysera intervjuerna med hjälp av Malténs kommunikationsteori och Egans The Skilled Helper Model har vi besvarat vårt syfte och frågeställning. Egan och Maltén beskriver bland annat att icke-verbal kommunikation är en viktig komponent i kommunikation då denna utgör en stor del av samtal.Resultaten i denna studie visar att digital vägledning missar en del av den icke-verbala kommunikationen då parterna till viss del inte kan se varandras kroppsspråk.Det framkommer även att samtliga informanter har uppfattningen att den digitala vägledningen aldrig kan ersätta det fysiska mötet face-to-face men att det finns fler fördelar än nackdelar med digital vägledning.I studien lyfts också att vissa särskilda grupper, till exempel elever med NPF-diagnos och hemmasittare gynnas av digital vägledning.

Länge leve butiken! : En kvalitativ undersökning av generation Z:s konsumentbeteende och den fysiska butikens framtida roll / Long live the store! : A qualitative study of Generation Z's consumer behavior and the future role of the physical store

Danell Karlberg, Filippa, Johdet, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Due to the increased level of digitization in society the retail sector must adapt and follow the digital footprint to survive on the market. As a result of the digital development, e-commerce has become a major part of the retail industry. The purpose of  this study is to understand and contribute knowledge of how the consumers attitude and expectations towards the in-store retail has changed and how it will affect the function of the physical store in the future.  In this study we will focus on generation  Z since they constitute the majority of the retail consumers and will have a significant impact on the future of retail. To explore this field, we used a qualitative approach, and the data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with consumers from generation Z. Additionally we initiated the study with a survey to get an essential understanding of the behaviors of generation Z as consumers. The primary findings of this study are the correlation between the consumers general attitude towards the digitization of society and their expectations on the integration of digital innovations in in-store retail. The characteristics of generation Z are demands on a seamless and convenient shopping experience which we can see differentiate depending on the type of product the consumer aims to purchase. Finally, as the study shows that generation Z has a generally positive attitude towards new technology and is adaptable, we mean that the stores’ focus should not be on what type of technology they integrate but how the technology can satisfy the consumers' needs and expectations.

Influential Observation : How Observers Can Influence Activities With Gaze, and How This Impacts Social Presence Perception

Derlow, Max January 2022 (has links)
There is a distinction between participants and observers; the former performs an activity, whereas the latter spectates. The idea of observers who can influence activities is largely unexplored and could contain potential use-cases for eye-trackers and improve social presence in digital settings. This thesis adds to existing research by investigating whether higher degrees of observer influence correspond to increased social presence perception in digital co-located settings. It also provides designers with a tool that helps design and evaluate interactions accounting for observers' influences. The thesis presents five gaze implementations across two games that allow observers to influence them to investigate the hypothesised link between social presence perception and an observer's degree of influence. The results indicate that the link exists, although more tests are necessary to determine whether there is a noticeable difference between observers who impact activities directly and indirectly.

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