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Vad ska vi tro på? : Om Bisfenol A:s fara eller icke fara och osäkra testmetoder för hormonstörande ämnenEdvardsson, Angelica January 2012 (has links)
- Totalförbjud Bisfenol A helt, enligt miljöbalkens lag omförsiktighetsprincipen, säger Ulrika Dahl på Naturskyddsföreningen. På andra sidan står Europeiska myndigheten för livsmedelssäkerhet, EFSA, och pekar på tester som visar att Bisfenol A inte är skadligt förmänniskan i de mängder vi får i oss. Tester som inte är gjorda för kemikalier som Bisfenol A. Så vad ska vi tro på?
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Samprovning : temperaturkartläggning och gruppering av karossartiklarMabäcker, Per, Ågren, Martin, Östan, Carl Johan January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Samprovning : temperaturkartläggning och gruppering av karossartiklarMabäcker, Per, Ågren, Martin, Östan, Carl Johan January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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En jämförande studie av enkät- och intervjumetod för mätning av alkoholvanorBouvin, Anneli January 2006 (has links)
<p>Tidig upptäckt och intervention är av stor vikt när det gäller att komma till rätta med alkoholproblem. För att identifiera vilka som har alkoholproblem använder man sig inom vården av screeninginstrument. Dessa screeninginstrument kan distribueras på olika sätt, till exempel som enkät eller som intervju. Tidigare forskning har kommit fram till motstridiga resultat gällande vilket distributionssätt som ger den mest tillförlitliga informationen. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i svar till följd av distributionssätt. Här undersöks enkät- respektive intervjumetod. De screeninginstrument som används i studien är Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test och CAGE. Undersökningsdeltagare var 47 studenter vid Stockholms respektive Uppsala Universitet. Samtliga deltagare gjorde både enkät och intervju. Resultatet visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de båda distributionssätten avseende totalpoängen. Däremot fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan de båda distributionssätten i en enskild fråga på Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test.</p>
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En jämförande studie av enkät- och intervjumetod för mätning av alkoholvanorBouvin, Anneli January 2006 (has links)
Tidig upptäckt och intervention är av stor vikt när det gäller att komma till rätta med alkoholproblem. För att identifiera vilka som har alkoholproblem använder man sig inom vården av screeninginstrument. Dessa screeninginstrument kan distribueras på olika sätt, till exempel som enkät eller som intervju. Tidigare forskning har kommit fram till motstridiga resultat gällande vilket distributionssätt som ger den mest tillförlitliga informationen. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i svar till följd av distributionssätt. Här undersöks enkät- respektive intervjumetod. De screeninginstrument som används i studien är Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test och CAGE. Undersökningsdeltagare var 47 studenter vid Stockholms respektive Uppsala Universitet. Samtliga deltagare gjorde både enkät och intervju. Resultatet visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de båda distributionssätten avseende totalpoängen. Däremot fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan de båda distributionssätten i en enskild fråga på Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test.
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Mätmetoder och nyckeltal : en kvalitativ studie om hur bibliotekschefer mäter bibliotek / Performance measurements and indicators : a qualitative study of how library managers measure their librariesBodelsson, Cecilia, Jacobsson, Catarina January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine how managers in some public libraries are using performance measurements and to what extent decision making is based on the results. The main questions posed are:•What performance measurements and indicators are used in the libraries examined?•What is the attitude towards performance measurements among library managers?•How and to what extent are performance measurements and indicators used in the process of decision making?•What improvement would library managers wish regarding the development of performance measurements in public libraries?The theory is based on a model of evaluation of the public sector in addition to general steps of evaluation of quality and performance measurement results. The investigation is based on qualitative interviews with seven managers of public libraries in Sweden. The analysis has shown that even though the managers consider performance measurements important, they find them problematic to apply. Setting clearly definable goals is difficult. The mission of the library consists of a number of goals that have to be adhered to. Major goals are often vague. Favouring one goal might mean neglecting another. Relevant measures cannot be applied without defined goals, and without measures quality and performance assessment becomes impossible. Consequently, abstract goals have to be split and transformed into manageable goals, and the goals transformed into measurable ones. The measures used by the managers in this study could largely be categorized as measures of input and output, but no measure of outcome is used. To assess to what extent the library contributes to user need and community goals, outcome measurements could be an important and useful tool. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Statistik, nyckeltal och mätmetoder : Vad ger de för bild av bibliotekens verksamhet? / Statistics, performance measurements and indicators : What do they tell us about libraries?Bergman, Meta January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to investigate how library statistics, performance measurement and indicators represent the modern public library activity. During the last decades the public library has gone through a lot of changes. Information overall has increased and new technology has been introduced into the library. This new development has had effects on the library users. The statistics reported to the Statens kulturråd (National Arts Council) has not changed in the same way. My aim is to find out if the performance measurement and indicators are up to date, and to what extent. Through qualitative interviews with two library managers and a small study of documents my aim is to answer the main questions of this thesis: • What performance measurement and indicators are used in the libraries examined?• To what extent do performance measurement and indicators relate to development and decision making? • How useful do library managers think that performance measurement and indicators are? The theoretical framework consists of Library and Information science literature address performance measurement and evaluation in public libraries. The analysis has shown that it is difficult to evaluate the public library purpose and goals, due to the difficult task of setting clearly definable goals in public libraries. Result shows that present library statistics collected by the Statens kulturråd (National Arts Council) is not up to date. Present library statistics do not represent the modern public library activity.
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Utvärdering av metoder för att mäta mental arbetsbelastning hos skotarförare - vid delautomatiserat och konventionellt kranarbete i simulatormiljö / Evaluation of methods for measurement of mental workload on forwarder operators during semiautonomous crane work and conventional crane work.Andersson, Helena W. January 2016 (has links)
Forward operators are subjected to both physical and mental workload in their work and a way to reduce mental workload and increase productivity is to automating the crane movement. To enable study the impact of automation you need methods to estimate the forwarder operators mental workload in conventional crane work and with semi automation. This study evaluated the psychophysiological parameters; trapezius muscle activity, heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, skin conductance and finger temperature. To ensure the validity and methodology reliability one need to perform more extensive studies. As for future studies this work propose additional studies of forward operator mental workload in the simulator environment regarding heart rate, heart rate variability and respiration. / Skogsmaskinförarens arbete innebär en hög belastning såväl fysiskt som mentalt. Dels för att det innefattar moment av statiskt och repetitvt arbete och dels för att en stor mängd information bearbetas och många beslut fattas på kort tid. Mental belastning är ett begrepp för olika former av belastning som påverkar människans förmåga att bearbeta information. Det finns ingen enskild faktor som kan utgöra ett mått på mental belastning. Såväl prestation som subjektiva bedömningar och psykofysiologiska mätmetoder används för att mäta mental belastning. Exempel på psykofysiologiska mätmetoder är muskelaktivitet, hjärtfrekvens, hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet, andningsfrekvens, hudkonduktans och fingertemperatur. Ett sätt att försöka minska belastningen för skotarföraren är att automatisera vissa moment i kranens arbete. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utvärdera psykofysiologiska mätmetoder lämpliga för att beöma skillnaden i mental belastning hos skotarförare vid arbete med konventionellt- och delautomatiserat kranarbete i simulatormiljö. Resultatet visar på en potential hos analyserna hjärtfrekvens, hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet och andning för fortsatta studier. Muskelaktiviteten i form av trapezius-EMG och hudkonduktans var analyser behäftade med höga brusnivåer och artefakter i studien. Arbetet ger även en bild av komplexiteten i studier där teknik och människa interagerar. Den tekniska kapaciteten på skogsmaskiner är idag så avancerad att maskinföraren bedöms vara den begränsande faktorn för prestationen. För att öka produktiviteten i skogsbruket är det av stor vikt att den tekniska utvecklingen samspelar med interaktionen mellan människa och maskin för att främja ett hållbart skogsbruk för såväl maskinförare som för skog och miljö.
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Leveransprecisionsmätning : en företagsstudie på Sanmina-SCIPetersson, Helen, Blomdahl, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
Performance measurements have become very important tools for companies because of ever increasing global competition in today’s market. Delivery dependability is one of the three most important performance measurements for companies to focus on and that makes this analysis, of the dependability, both very interesting and up to contemporary. In this rapport different aspects of delivery dependability will be dealt with, and a weight will be on what to measure and how to measure it together with how to present the outcome of the measurements. A discussion has also been held regarding what goal the company should have on its dependability. The aspects that have been handled in this paper are based on the fact that Sanmina-SCI experiences its dependability measurement as a time costing task and at the same time it is important to understand the meaning of the result. To get the answer to our questions a theory study was made to get an understanding on needs to be measured and how to measure it. A thorough examination on the present situation at Sanmina-SCI was necessary to get the information on what problems the company is faced with and with these facts a result was made. The examination of the company was made with interviews together with our own observations and assessments of today’s measures and reports. The result from the examinations shows that the measurements that are made manually at Sanmina-SCI can be made automatically instead. The preparation will then be at a minimum. At the same time as common report for the presentation of the delivery dependability has been created to make the reporting to the headquarter easier for all departments. The layout on the common report, that will be created with a macro, is well thought through and some parts of the report are totally new for Sanmina-SCI for example delivery dependability by product line. It has come to light that it’s very important that all employees that are in contact with the dependability result understand what it shows. Based on that fact the common report was made with an explanation added. A significant conclusion that has been drawn is that the result for the deliveries, that is measured against, what has been promised and what has been requested from the customer, not can be compared because of the differences in input. From this conclusions a proposal on a new way of measure has been created. The result of the analysis of Sanmina-SCIs goals of dependability shows that they are on a very high level but the company has not fully analysed the meaning of high goals compared to costs. An analysis of measurements is something that is valuable for all companies and organisations, which makes this report relevant to read independent in which industries the company or organisation are in. A performance measurement are technical very easy to measure but in practice it’s much harder. Problem with performance, definition of data, analysis and reporting is common.
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Leveransprecisionsmätning : en företagsstudie på Sanmina-SCIPetersson, Helen, Blomdahl, Lisa January 2006 (has links)
<p>Performance measurements have become very important tools for companies because of ever increasing global competition in today’s market. Delivery dependability is one of the three most important performance measurements for companies to focus on and that makes this analysis, of the dependability, both very interesting and up to contemporary. In this rapport different aspects of delivery dependability will be dealt with, and a weight will be on what to measure and how to measure it together with how to present the outcome of the measurements. A discussion has also been held regarding what goal the company should have on its dependability. The aspects that have been handled in this paper are based on the fact that Sanmina-SCI experiences its dependability measurement as a time costing task and at the same time it is important to understand the meaning of the result. To get the answer to our questions a theory study was made to get an understanding on needs to be measured and how to measure it. A thorough examination on the present situation at Sanmina-SCI was necessary to get the information on what problems the company is faced with and with these facts a result was made. The examination of the company was made with interviews together with our own observations and assessments of today’s measures and reports.</p><p>The result from the examinations shows that the measurements that are made manually at Sanmina-SCI can be made automatically instead. The preparation will then be at a minimum. At the same time as common report for the presentation of the delivery dependability has been created to make the reporting to the headquarter easier for all departments. The layout on the common report, that will be created with a macro, is well thought through and some parts of the report are totally new for Sanmina-SCI for example delivery dependability by product line. It has come to light that it’s very important that all employees that are in contact with the dependability result understand what it shows. Based on that fact the common report was made with an explanation added. A significant conclusion that has been drawn is that the result for the deliveries, that is measured against, what has been promised and what has been requested from the customer, not can be compared because of the differences in input. From this conclusions a proposal on a new way of measure has been created. The result of the analysis of Sanmina-SCIs goals of dependability shows that they are on a very high level but the company has not fully analysed the meaning of high goals compared to costs.</p><p>An analysis of measurements is something that is valuable for all companies and organisations, which makes this report relevant to read independent in which industries the company or organisation are in. A performance measurement are technical very easy to measure but in practice it’s much harder. Problem with performance, definition of data, analysis and reporting is common.</p>
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