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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Quantitative Analysis of the Impacts from Selected Climate Variables Upon Traffic Safety in Massachusetts

Hecimovic, Katrina M. 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Current literature predicts that climate change may increase both the occurrence and severity of heavy rainfall events and winter precipitation in the Northeast United States. A potential increase in intense precipitation events related to climate change would theoretically also cause an increase in weather-related delays, increase in overall traffic disruptions, a substantive shift in travel behavior, and presumably a negative effect on safety and maintenance operations of highways. This current research study examines the existing impacts from both an operational and behavioral perspective of how weather events currently impact overall safety along routes in Massachusetts. A secondary objective of the research effort is to evaluate the extent to which this information is captured on the crash report form for subsequent use in safety analyses. Utilizing data from Massachusetts Department of Transportation, National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and the University of Massachusetts Data Warehouse, crash statistics were examined during varied levels of weather events and compared with non-weather conditions. In addition, crash report forms were analyzed in comparison to NCDC weather data to determine the correlation between of the weather specific fields of the reports and to help determine if crashes were weather-related. The results from the investigation show how the character of precipitation events impact traffic safety including both occurrence and intensity levels and in conjunction with existing weather predictions the relationships developed in this study are useful in evaluating how changes in extreme precipitation events projected for the Northeast may impact drivers’ safety in the future.

Peace through Tourism: A Case-Study of the Balkans Peace Park Project

Hara, Satoko January 2009 (has links)
Yes / Introduction: ...The first part of this research will be carried out on the basis of a theoretical review. Having defined peace parks in the context of the issues raised, the evolution of tourism needs to be specifically connected with sustainable development and peace issues. Thirdly, the potential and limitations of the development of tourism will be analysed in three aspects - economic, social-cultural and environmental, in the process of promoting peace. The second part will be a case-study of the Balkans Peace Park Project. The impacts of the development of tourism on local people were observed for 9 weeks in Thethi National Park of Albania which is a part of the proposed Balkans Peace Park area. During the observation, a questionnaire survey (Appendix I) was conducted in order to assess local awareness of both the costs and benefits of tourism; approximately 30% of households responded. An interview with the international organization which implemented the tourism development project in the region was also organized. This research will analyse results of both these, as well as the results of observation and participation in the community. 1-3. Literature Review

Artist village in Ma Tau Kok: transformation of cattle deport and gas storage tanks

曹名瀚, Tso, Ming-hon, Chordan. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture

Urban conservation vs. mega redevelopment: implications to Hong Kong urban designer

鍾國威, Chung, Kwok-wai, Andrew. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Design / Master / Master of Urban Design

Ma On Shan Community Centre and Library

Wong, Wai-lam, William, 黃偉霖 January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture

The concept of law and justice in ancient Egypt, with specific reference to "The tale of the eloquent peasant"

Van Blerk, Nicolaas Johannes 31 March 2006 (has links)
This thesis discusses the interaction between the concepts of ”justice” (ma‛at) and ”law” (hpw) in ancient Egypt. Ma‛at, one of the earliest abstract terms in human speech, was a central principle and, although no codex of Egyptian law has been found, there is abundant evidence of written law, designed to realise ma‛at on earth. The king, as the highest legal authority, was the nexus between ma‛at and the law. Egyptologists have few sources of knowledge about law and justice in ancient Egypt because the ancient Egyptians used commonplace language in legal documents and they only had a few imprecise technical terms relating to law. For Egyptology to advance, therefore, we need to reappraise its sources. The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant has a strong legal background and should be treated as an additional source of information about how law and justice were perceived and carried out in ancient Egypt. / Classics and Modern European Languages / M.A. (Ancient Languages and Cultures)


Gitlin, Thomas, Nguyen, Diem V., Harlacher, Marc, Smarrelli, Robert 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 23-26, 2000 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) Multiple Access (MA) Return Service provides a communication path that originates at a customer platform (either a spacecraft or other type of emitter) and is routed through a geosynchronous Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) back to a customer control center or data acquisition location. Conventional operations provide Space Network (SN) customers with MA Service based on a schedule generated from user requests. The MA Service currently provides return link telemetry services to customer platforms with real-time, playback, and science data rates up to 100 kbps. This paper describes an integrated approach, using state-of-the-art technology and fault-tolerant architecture, to develop the next generation of TDRSS MA beamforming equipment. New designs will result in significant reduction in beamformer size and cost by at least an order of magnitude relative to the current MA equipment. This new equipment will provide the potential for increased usage of TDRSS MA services. The paper describes the in-development Demand Access (DA) Return Service that provides a new class of service using next generation technology.

Doctrines of the Māturīdite school with special reference to as-Sawād al-Aʻẓam of al-Ḥakīm as-Samarqandī

al-ʻOmar, Farouq ʻOma January 1974 (has links)
Al-Māturīdīyya are those who followed the teachings of Abū Mānṣūr Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Māturīdī who was in his turn a follower of the Īmān Abū Ḥanīfa. The school of al-Māturīdī, along with that of al-Ashʻarī, made a great impact on Islamic thought and together they upheld and defended Sunnism from the 4/10 century onwards. In the first part of this thesis, an endeavour will be made to get to know this scholar and other topics to be studied will include the period during which this school emerged, the position of Samarqand as the headquarters of the Māturīdītes, the teachers of al-Māturīdī and the students who studied directly under him and their contribution to Islamic thought. The second part of the thesis will be devoted to an introduction to al-Ḥakīm as-Samarqandī's work, As-Sawād al-aʻẓam. Al-Ḥakīm was the first student to study under al-Māturīdī and together they planted the first seeds of this school. In another section of this part a comparison between the teacher al-Māturīdī and the student al-Ḥakīm will be presented and this part will be ended by a translation of As-Sawād al-aʻẓam which embodies the early dogmatic thinking of the Māturīdīte school. The last part of the thesis is an appendix which deals with a mas'ala ascribed to Abū-l-Layth as-Samarqandī entitled: Is Īmān created or uncreated, Hal al-Īmām Makhlūg aw Ghayr Makhlūq?


金鶴俊, JIN, HE-JUN Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究主旨,在於透過一位變法思想家馬建忠的研究,了解中國近代知識分子在中 國近代化運動中的表現和其在中國近代史上的地位。 本論文所採取的文獻資料,就一手資料而言,除了馬建忠本身的文集『適可齋記言記 行』外,還包括清代檔案、奏摺、各家文集以及日記等。在二手資料方面,則利用與 本文有關的中、日、韓以及英文等各種資料。研究方法,則以史學方法來收集、考證 資料,經歸納、分析和綜合後,再組合敘述馬建忠整個維新主張的內容。 本文共計十萬餘字,分為五章。 第一章緒論,說明研究動機與目的,概述馬建忠所處的時代背景,介紹前人對馬建忠 的研究成果。 第二章敘述馬建忠的生平和經歷,以了解他的維新主張的形成背景和其實踐。 第三章根據馬建忠的著作分析馬建忠對於外交、教育文化方面的改革意見。 第四章對以「富民說」為主的經濟方面和以海軍建設為主的軍事方面等相關改革主張 ,加以探討。 第五章結論,探討馬建忠維新主張的特色,並評價其在中國近代史上的地位。 透過本研究,有助於了解在國家危亂中的知識分子的角色,進一步了解清末整個近代 化運動。


李時銘, Li, Shi-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
馬驌生當晚明空疏 與乾嘉考據之間,自其著述所存者〔左傳事緯〕與〔繹史〕觀之,馬氏之為學也以深植跟基為本,以博稽紹籍為務,故其所長在史料之蒐集考定與夫編撰之獨創也.方虛談之際能務實學,先考信之興而辨載記,由是之馬氏之難能也.第以其性內歛而少發揚,其著作長於編纂而少議論,故易為人所用而不名,此不能不為之太息也. 觀其一生,不尚虛文而重實學,其出仕也以民生疾苦為念,其治學也,唯編整故籍是務.自朱明以來,學者多侈談心性,廢書不觀,即或讀書,亦不脫舉業二字;而先生獨致力於載籍之編纂,顧亭林、閻百詩嘗撐道之.然風氣寖假,後世多以著作為高,視考索為小道,先生之業,遂末而不彰.夫讀書根基不立,徒以成一家言是尚,躐等以來,其可乎哉?善乎高亨之言曰:「今人多勤於著述而懶於讀書,樂於譚虛而苦於索貫」,博學務貫,蓋馬氏之所事,發潛德之幽光,此本論文之所由作也. 本文計分七章:一.生平事蹟,探討馬驌之身世親族、科第官績及交游等,並附行年表;二.著述,討論馬驌之著述包括〔左傳事緯〕、〔繹史〕、〔鄒平縣志〕、〔十三代瑰書〕等之撰作經過與刊刻存佚,並敘述現存之版本,其著錄有誤者且為釐正;三.經學,分就〔詩〕、〔書〕、〔禮〕、〔春秋〕四部份觀察馬驌在經學方面之特識與成績;四、史學料,依據〔繹史〕引述書目及徵採情況討論馬驌在史料蒐集考辨評價上之功力;五、歷史編纂學,就〔左傳事緯〕與〔繹史〕之編輯,肯定馬驌之成就;六、歷史批評,輯錄馬驌關於知人論世之文字,以見其史識;七、結論,就馬驌著作本身之成就與其後承襲其體製、論據之情形,評估馬驌在學術史上之地位.文末並附主要參考書目. 關於馬驌生平資料,頗為缺乏.最早為康熙十二年施閏章所撰之〔靈璧縣知縣馬公墓志銘〕,論其著作,則有王士禎〔分甘餘話〕關於〔繹史〕板入內府者一則,〔四庫提要〕二則(〔左傳事緯〕、〔繹史〕).其後有關著作,多不脫此範圍,如〔國朝耆獻類徵初篇〕卷二一八、〔國朝先生事略〕卷三二、〔清史稿〕卷四八七、〔清史略傳〕卷六八(語甚簡略)等.本文以〔墓志銘〕為基礎,復收採方志所載,參以時人文集筆記,撰成生平事略一章,大致有關馬氏之生平者,已盡萃於斯矣.其所以不厭其詳,多事援引者,益無徵不信也.因或証或考,資料繁瑣,為便徵引參稽,故此章特採用綱目體,以清端緒;其所不知,益付闕如,亦聞疑傳疑,聞信傳信之義也. 由於資料之缺軼,故年譜無所依憑而作,僅能就其可考徵者作為行年表,庶乎聞旋歌而知雅意耳. 對於馬驌學術之討論,主要依據〔左傳事緯〕與〔繹史〕,就其所徵引史料與考定編纂,分別義例,條析縷舉,以見馬氏之非率意作者.凡所徵引,〔事緯〕據光緒四年潘霨刻本,〔繹史〕據光緒十五年金匱氏刻本,以其通行且亦尚稱可用,其有疑義,並分別以原刊本參校.

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