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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Policy coordination in the EMU

Bessone Basto, Rita January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Oil and macroeconomic policies and performance in Oman

Masan, Saleh S. S. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between oil revenue and macroeconomic policies and performance in Oman. The thesis contains five empirical chapters along with introduction, literature review and conclusion. The first empirical chapter looks into the dynamic relationship between oil revenue, government spending and economic activities. The results indicate oil revenue has immediate and significant impact on both the country s GDP and the government expenditure. The government expenditure also has significant impact on the GDP. The second empirical chapter examines the validity of the Wagner s Law and the Keynesian hypothesis in regards to the relationship between the government spending and economic performance. The chapter uses both aggregated and disaggregated government expenditure where the data are divided into recurrent and capital investment. The findings show that there is a long run-relationship between the government spending and the GDP for the period covered. The causality analysis suggests that public investment causes economic growth, but the recurrent expenditure is insignificant. The third empirical chapter investigates the impact of government spending on economic performance where the government spending was decomposed into health, education and militaryexpenditure. The results of these components of the government expenditure and along with an index of openness have long-run relationship with GDP. The short-run coefficient on military spending is insignificant and that of health is negative and significant. However, the long-run coefficients are all positive and significant, except that of military. The fourth empirical chapter analyses the relationship between government expenditure and oil revenue in Oman. The disaggregated government expenditure of health, education and military are used for the analysis in order to see the response of each component to oil revenue changes. The results show that, although all the components responded positively to a positive oils revenue shock, it is the military component that has recorded highest response with more persistence. The fifth chapter investigates the relationship between the current account and the fiscal deficits in Oman. The chapter uses a threshold cointegration technique that is capable of capturing non-linearity and asymmetric adjustment between the series. The estimated results show that there is a long-run relationship between the current account and fiscal deficits in Oman and that adjustment between the series is asymmetric. It is found that upward adjustment is much faster than downward adjustment.

An Open Economy Model of Pakistan : Relative Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy

Hameed, Abid 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the relative effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy in Pakistan by utilizing an open economy framework. There is a great need for research about the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies as the knowledge of the relative importance of monetary and fiscal policy could prove useful to policymakers and help them understand the macroeconomic adjustment processes of these policy measures.

Les politiques économiques dans les pays émergents d'Europe / Economic policies in Emerging Europe Countries

Kacarevic, Ivan 03 May 2016 (has links)
Les pays émergents d’Europe PEE déclenchèrent simultanément, il y a déjà 25 ans, une transformation de leurs économies la plus grande dans l’histoire économique contemporaine. Bien que l’idée de l’économie du marché l’ait emporté sur celle de l’économie planifiée en formant des expectations élevées de la convergence rapide, les PEE toujours peinent à aller de pair avec l’environnement global plain de bouleversements économiques. Cette étude vise à éliminer partiellement une lacune théorique en matière des politiques économiques en révisant des conclusions théoriques existantes dans le cadre de l’économie de la transition. Le but de telle révision était simple : il était nécessaire de comprendre toutes les contraintes inhérentes aux ces pays qui peuvent perturber les effets des politiques économiques bien que celles-ci se soient montrées très efficaces dans les pays développés. La crise financière de 2007/08 révéla l’existence des défauts importants des PEE en mettant en défi la sagesse populaire de l’implémentation universelle des politiques favorables au marché dans différents pays. C’est la raison pour laquelle cette œuvre est désignée de mettre en relief toutes les obstacles qui empêchent des politiques macroéconomiques – politique budgétaire et politique monétaire - d’être mises en œuvre. En outre, il est montré que les politiques structurelles favorables au marché ne sont pas suffisantes de compenser ses contraintes. Cette thèse, en s’appuyant sur la théorie de la croissance économique et la théorie de la transition économique, encourage l’idée de l’inclusion des politiques industrielles en tant que le factor qui a manqué dans la stratégie de réforme dans les PEE. / Emerging Europe Countries (EEC) triggered the greatest simultaneous economic transformation in the economic history 25 years ago. Although, the idea of market economy prevailed over planned economy building expectation about the speed of convergence process, EEC are still struggling to keep pace with the turbulent global economic environment. This study aims to partially fulfil the gap in economic theory in terms of economic policies reviewing existing theoretical conclusions within economics of transition. The purpose of this overview is simple: we needed to understand every possible limitation inherent in these economies that can distort the effects of economic policies even they showed high effectiveness in developed countries. The 2007/08 financial crises shed light on the existence of important weaknesses that these economises suffer from and challenged the conventional wisdom about unified implementation of market friendly policies over diversified countries. This analysis emphasises all constraints of macroeconomic policies – fiscal and monetary – to be fully deployed in EEC as well as insufficiency of market friendly structural policies to compensate these limitations. Relaying on the theory of economic growth and the theory of economic transition this study is encouraging the idea of the consideration of industrial policies as the missing element of reform strategy of EEC.

Essais sur les mésalignements de change et la politiques de change dans les pays en développement et les économies émergentes / Essays on exchange rate misalignments and exchange rate policies in developing countries and emerging economies

Grekou, Carl 06 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’apporter de nouveaux éclairages sur certaines questions liées aux mésalignements de change réels et aux régimes de change dans les pays en développement et les économies émergentes. Dans un premier axe de recherche, nous réexaminons le lien entre les mésalignements de change et la croissance, en intégrant un canal de transmission dit de "la dette en devises". Nous montrons l’existence d’un canal financier de la dette en devises à travers lequel les mésalignements de change exercent un effet opposé, par rapport au canal traditionnel de la compétitivité-prix, sur la croissance. En outre, nous mettons en lumière le rôle joué par le régime de change dans la relation mésalignements de change-croissance et l’importance de la compatibilité du régime monétaire en vigueur avec la structure de la dette extérieure libellée en devises. Dans le second axe de recherche, nous nous intéressons à l’efficacité de la politique de change dans la prévention/correction des mésalignements de change. Nous montrons tout d’abord qu’en l’état actuel des choses, il est difficile d’établir une relation robuste entre les régimes de change et les mésalignements de change en raison notamment des définitions différentes des régimes monétaires adoptées par les classifications de facto des régimes de change. En particulier, seules les classifications permettant de distinguer les régimes monétaires défectueux permettent de discriminer les performances des régimes de change en matière de mésalignements de change. Nous montrons enfin que la transmission des variations du taux de change nominal au taux de change réel n’est pas systématiquement liée à l’ampleur de l’ajustement nominal mais qu’elle dépend fortement de la distorsion initiale du taux de change réel. / The aim of this PhD thesis is to provide new insights on some key issues related to currency misalignments and exchange rate regimes in developing countries and emerging economies. The first focus explores and enlarges the issue of the transmission channels from currency misalignments to economic growth by including the foreign currency-denominated (FCD) debt channel. We first evidence the existence of this FCD debt channel through which currency misalignments affect growth. More specifically, we find that this channel attenuates the traditional impact of price competitiveness on economic growth. Second, we highlight the role played by the exchange rate regime in the currency misalignments-growth nexus as well as the importance of the compatibility between the existing monetary arrangement and the structure of the external debt denominated in foreign currencies. The second research topic focuses on the effectiveness of the exchange rate policy for the prevention/correction of currency misalignments. We first seek to better understand the impact of exchange rate regimes on the levels of currency misalignments, by relying on different de facto classifications of exchange rate regimes. The evidence appears to be mixed. We do not find a clear relationship, but, the classifications that distinguish nonfunctioning monetary regimes seem more willing to discriminate exchange rate regimes on the basis of their performances regarding currency misalignments. Finally, we show that the transmission of nominal exchange rate variations to real exchange rates is not necessarily linked to the magnitude of the nominal adjustment but rather depends on the initial distortion of the real exchange rate.

Inflation dynamics and its effects on monetary policy rules

Moleka, Elvis Musango January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines dynamic relationships between inflation and monetary policy in a sample of African economies using quarterly data over the period 1980:01 to 2012:04. The literature on inflation dynamics and monetary policy focuses on developed economies, with little attention devoted to the African economies, which is potentially explained by the fact that in the past monetary policy played second fiddle because of fiscal policy dominance following episodes of high inflation and stabilization policies that occurred in the 1980's. This thesis fills an important gap in assessing African's monetary policy. The thesis predominantly uses the Vector-Autoregression (VAR) framework to examine the monetary policy frameworks of the African economies. The thesis finds that an interest rate shock on average explain a more significant proportion of the variance in the output gap and inflation than the exchange rate, in terms of analysing the decomposition of shocks to the economy. This shows a shift in the monetary policy focus away from exchange rate management to interest rate targeting as the African economies have become more market oriented. The monetary policy reveal strong asymmetric responses with respect to the macroeconomic variables when inflation exceeds its threshold value. The analysis suggests that monetary policy in the African economies is regime-dependent, propagated through the inflation thresholds, such that the authorities strongly implement policy changes when inflation goes beyond a certain threshold. The thesis reveals that by taking into account the prior belief of the monetary authorities, it helps produce better estimates of the performance of the monetary policy transmission mechanism, as it combines prior information with the sampling information which is contained in the data. The overall novelty of the thesis is that some African economies are adopting inflation targeting policies instead of exchange rate management. It is imperative that the subsequent inflation targeting frameworks will achieve monetary policy objectives for the African economies and the use of interest rate management should be continued.

Les avancées et les limites de l’essai néodéveloppementaliste au Brésil : le projet socio-économique des gouvernements petistas (2003-2015)

Djaia Oliveira e Souza, Julia 10 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire problématise les tenants et les aboutissants de la stratégie de développement adoptée au Brésil par le Parti des travailleurs entre 2003 et 2015, appelée néodéveloppement, compte tenu de la position périphérique qu’occupe le pays dans le système international. Elle cherche à démontrer que les gouvernements du Parti des travailleurs, même en ayant assuré la protection sociale prévue par la Constitution de 1988 et réalisé des avancées sociales significatives, n’ont pas pu rompre avec la logique néolibérale, hégémonique dans le pays depuis les années 1980. À cette fin, nous reprenons la discussion sur le développement brésilien au 20e siècle, depuis l’ère Vargas (1930) jusqu’à la fin de la dictature militaire (1985). Nous discutons ensuite de la période néolibérale — qui débute au milieu des années 1980, mais se consolide dans les années 1990 — et de ses conséquences, ainsi que de la montée au pouvoir du Parti des travailleurs et de sa tentative de reprendre le développement national. Enfin, nous aborderons l’incapacité du néodéveloppementalisme à générer des changements réels par rapport au néolibéralisme, car non seulement il cherche à se réconcilier avec la logique hégémonique actuelle, mais la renforce. / This dissertation problematizes the ins and outs of the development strategy adopted in Brazil by the Workers' Party between 2003 and 2015, called neo developmentalism, considering the country's peripheral position in the international system. It seeks to demonstrate that the Workers' Party governments, even though they have provided the social protection guaranteed by the 1988 Constitution and have made significant social advances, have not been able to break with the neoliberal logic that has been hegemonic in the country since the 1980s. To this end, we return to the discussion of Brazilian development in the 20th century, from the Vargas era (1930) to the end of the military dictatorship (1985). We then discuss the neo-liberal period - which began in the mid-1980s but was consolidated in the 1990s – and its consequences, as well as the rise to power of the Workers' Party and its attempt to resume national development. Finally, we discuss the impossibility of neo developmentalism being able to generate real changes with respect to neoliberalism, since it not only seeks to reconcile itself with the current hegemonic logic, but also reinforces it. / Esta dissertação visa discutir os avanços e limites da estratégia de desenvolvimento adotada no Brasil pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores entre 2003 e 2015, chamada neodesenvolvimentismo, considerando a posição periférica que o país ocupa no Sistema internacional. Procura-se demonstrar que os governos petistas, embora tenham assegurado a proteção social prevista na Constituição de 1988 e feito avanços sociais significativos, não conseguiram romper com a lógica neoliberal que tem sido hegemônica no país desde os anos 1980. Para isso, retomamos a discussão sobre desenvolvimento brasileiro no século XX, entre a Era Vargas (1930) e o fim da ditadura militar (1985). Discutimos então o período neoliberal no país – iniciado em meados dos anos 1980, mas consolidado nos anos 1990 – e suas consequências, bem como a ascensão ao poder do Partido dos Trabalhadores e sua tentativa de retomar o desenvolvimento nacional. Finalmente, discutimos sobre a impossibilidade de o desenvolvimentismo ser capaz de gerar mudanças reais em relação ao neoliberalismo, uma vez que ele não só procura conciliar-se com a lógica hegemônica atual, mas também a reforça.

Policy determinants for FDIs in South Africa

Aregbeshola, Rafiu Adewale 31 October 2008 (has links)
The effectiveness of South Africa's policy framework towards attracting FDI has been questionable. Determined to redress the instabilities created by the apartheid regime, the Government of National Unity (GNU) commissioned the Macroeconomic and Research Group (MERG), and charged it to devise appropriate policy reforms and intervention mechanism to address the shortcomings. This research critically interrogates the effectiveness of government's policy reforms towards attracting FDI, especially the impacts of the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) initiative and the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa (ASGISA). This research concludes that the policy determinants for inflow FDI have been self-defeating. Also, it was found that necessary reforms would have to be conducted to correct some of the shortcomings of the macroeconomic policies, as a way of creating an environment that is capable of attracting greenfield investments (FDI) to South Africa. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Hétérogénéités régionales et politiques macroéconomiques dans une zone monétaire le cas de l'UEMOA / Regional heterogeneities and macroeconomic policies in a monetary area the case of the WAEMU

Diallo, Hamidou 18 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse tire les enseignements de la zone Euro qui représente la phase la plus avancée de l’intégration économique au sein de l’Union Européenne. Cependant, force est de constater que la zone euro affiche des lacunes en termes de mécanismes d’ajustement alternatifs. Ainsi malgré les avancées considérables, cette intégration économique et institutionnelle semble insuffisante pour absorber les chocs asymétriques sur les États. Nous avons utilisé diverses approches (baromètres de convergence, classification par arbre de décision et modèle de Merton) pour évaluer l’efficacité des politiques économiques au sein de l’UEMOA. Nous avons étudié, à partir de données empiriques allant de 1994 à 2015, l’hétérogénéité des principaux agrégats macroéconomiques entre les pays de la zone et leurs évolutions dans le temps. Contrairement aux attentes, des différences existent encore entre les pays. Selon l’objectif de politique macroéconomique mesuré (croissance économique, inflation, chômage), nos résultats révèlent que les changements dans les performances des groupes constitués sont expliqués soit par des migrations entre les groupes, soit par les changements à l’intérieur des groupes. Finalement, nos investigations montrent que l’élargissement à la CEDEAO amplifie ces divergences. Nos résultats montrent enfin une bonne performance de la règle de Taylor comparativement à l’inflation cible depuis 2003. Cette règle serait une "conduite de base" adaptable à la politique de la future banque centrale après avoir levé la difficulté à déterminer les valeurs de référence de l’équation dans ces espaces économiques hétérogènes. / This paper draws lessons from the Eurozone which represents the most advanced stage of economic integration in the European Union. However the alternative adjustment mechanisms in place there prove to be insufficient to absorb asymmetric shocks endured by member states. We used various methods such as convergence barometers, decision tree classification, and Merton model in order to assess the effectiveness of the economic policies in place within the WAEMU . We studied, through empirical data from 1994 to 2015, the heterogeneity of the main macroeconomic aggregates between the countries of the area and it’s evolution over time. Contrary to expectations, discrepancies still exist between countries. In accordance with the goal of macroeconomic policy measured, our results reveal that either the effects of migration between groups, or the changes in performance within groups give an account of the changes in performance inside groups. Our investigations eventually brings to light that the expansion to the ECOWAS amplifies the divergences.Lastly, our results show that the Taylor rule has been well put to use in comparison to targeted inflation since 2003. This rule can be regarded as a "basic rule" adaptable to the policy of the future central bank after having lifted the difficulty in determining the reference values in these heterogeneous economic areas.

Policy determinants for FDIs in South Africa

Aregbeshola, Rafiu Adewale 31 October 2008 (has links)
The effectiveness of South Africa's policy framework towards attracting FDI has been questionable. Determined to redress the instabilities created by the apartheid regime, the Government of National Unity (GNU) commissioned the Macroeconomic and Research Group (MERG), and charged it to devise appropriate policy reforms and intervention mechanism to address the shortcomings. This research critically interrogates the effectiveness of government's policy reforms towards attracting FDI, especially the impacts of the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP), the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) initiative and the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative of South Africa (ASGISA). This research concludes that the policy determinants for inflow FDI have been self-defeating. Also, it was found that necessary reforms would have to be conducted to correct some of the shortcomings of the macroeconomic policies, as a way of creating an environment that is capable of attracting greenfield investments (FDI) to South Africa. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

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