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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theoretical Studies of Epitaxial Bain Paths of Metals

Schönecker, Stephan 12 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Epitaxial growth is an important technique for the fabrication of film structures with good crystalline quality, e.g., monoatomic overlayers, multilayers, compound materials, and ordered alloys. Such epitaxially grown films are technologically important materials with, e.g., adjustable electronic, magnetic, and optical properties. In case of coherent or pseudomorphic epitaxy, the overlayer adapts the in-plane lattice parameters of the substrate, i.e., the overlayer is strained to match the lattice parameters parallel to the substrate surface (in-plane directions). Simultaneously, a relaxation of the film dimension perpendicular to the substrate-film interface occurs (out-of-plane direction). Thus, coherent epitaxy provides a method to put phases under strain, and it can stabilise a metastable state of the film material, if the substrate lattice matches this metastable structure. Bulk-like properties in thick overlayers, which adopt the body-centred tetragonal (BCT) crystal structure and which grow coherently on a suitable substrate with quadratic surface symmetry, are modelled by the epitaxial Bain path (EBP) in this thesis. The knowledge of the EBP allows to study properties of the overlayer as function of the substrate lattice parameter. In particular, strain effects on the film material, magnetic order in the overlayer, and the existence of possible metastable states are investigated by means of density functional theory (DFT) in the local spin density approximation (LSDA), and in the singular case of uranium, employing the generalised gradient approximation (GGA). Note that a symmetry property of the BCT structure states, that it is identical to the body-centred cubic (BCC) structure or the face-centred cubic (FCC) structure for definite ratios of the tetragonal lattice parameters. Our definition of the EBP has two, previously not considered consequences for EBPs in general: an EBP can be discontinuous, and the high symmetry cubic structures (FCC and BCC) need not be points on the EBP. Both cases occurred for several elements considered in this thesis. If, however, a cubic structure is a point on the EBP, then a symmetry property guarantees that the total energy along the EBP, E(a), is stationary at this cubic structure. We computed the EBPs of all transition metals (TMs), the post TMs Zn, Cd, and Hg, the alkaline earth metals Ca, Sr, and Ba, the lanthanides La and Lu, and the actinide U (35 elements were treated in total). For each element but Zr, Hg, and U, there are exactly two structures whose energies are minima on the EBP, and which exhibit neither in-plane nor out-of-plane stresses; for Zr, Hg, and U there are three minima each. All other states on the EBP exhibit in-plane stresses because they are a strained form of the stress-free structures. The possibility of metastability of these particular, stress-free structures, i.e., stabilisation of these structures without bonding to the substrate, was investigated by stability conditions based on linear elasticity theory (except for U). We predict that ten FCC structures and three BCT structures not known from the respective phase diagrams may be metastable. We studied the properties of ferromagnetic (FM) states on the EBP for the elements Fe, Co, and Ni, and moreover predict, that Mn, Ru, Os, and U order ferromagnetically for certain states of the EBP. The latter three elements are paramagnetic in their ground states. The onset of ferromagnetism in Os and U is not accompanied by a simultaneously fulfilled Stoner criterion. According to our results, antiferromagnetic order (with moment sequences up-down or up-up-down-down on successive (001) planes) is never more stable than FM order on any EBP for any element investigated. On the basis of our comprehensive results for all TMs, we analysed trends across each of the three TM series and similarities among the three series. We demonstrate, that the type of the EBP (a classification of extrema of E(a) by symmetry into types) follows a characteristic trend across each of the three TM series. We discuss exceptions (Mn, Fe, and Zr) to this trend. Another trend, identical for the three series, is found for the BCT­-FCC structural energy difference as function of the d-band filling (evaluated for BCT structures that define extrema of E(a)), which follows a similar trend as the well studied BCC­-FCC structural energy difference. Clear similarities among the three periods of elements are also reflected in the bulk moduli and in the elastic constants of the cubic or tetragonal structures, that define the global and local minima of E(a). The mentioned similarities suggest, that many properties which are associated with the EBPs of TMs, can be attributed to the occupation of the d-band, which is the most dominant feature of the electronic structure of TMs.

Anisotropic interactions in transition metal oxides

Bogdanov, Nikolay 16 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis covers different problems that arise due to crystal and pseudospin anisotropy present in 3d and 5d transition metal oxides. We demonstrate that the methods of computational quantum chemistry can be fruitfully used for quantitative studies of such problems. In Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 7 we show that it is possible to reliably calculate local multiplet splittings fully ab initio, and therefore help to assign peaks in experimental spectra to corresponding electronic states. In a situation of large number of peaks due to low local symmetry such assignment using semi-empirical methods can be very tedious and non-unique. Moreover, in Chapter 4 we present a computational scheme for calculating intensities as observed in the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and X-ray absorption experiments. In our scheme highly-excited core-hole states are calculated explicitly taking into account corresponding orbital relaxation and electron polarization. Computed Cu L-edge spectra for the Li2CuO2 compound reproduce all features present in experiment. Unbiased ab initio calculations allow us to unravel a delicate interplay between the distortion of the local ligand cage around the transition metal ions and the anisotropic electrostatic interactions due to second and farther coordination shells. As shown in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 this interplay can lead to the counter intuitive multiplet structure, single-ion anisotropy, and magnetic g factors. The effect is quite general and may occur in compounds with large difference between charges of metal ions that form anisotropic environment around the transition metal, like Ir 4+ in plane versus Sr 2+ out of plane in the case of Sr2IrO4. An important aspect of the presented study is the mapping of the quantum chemistry results onto simpler physical models, namely extended Heisenberg model, providing an ab initio parametrization. In Chapter 5 we employ the effective Hamiltonian technique for extracting parameters of the anisotropic Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy in the case of quenched orbital moment and second-order spin-orbit coupling. Calculated strong easy-axis anisotropy of the same order of magnitude as the symmetric exchange is consistent with experimentally-observer all-in/all-out magnetic order. In Chapter 6 we introduce new flavour of the mapping procedure applicable to systems with first-order spin-orbit coupling, such as 5d 5 iridates based on analysis of the wavefunction and interaction with magnetic field. In Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 we use this new procedure to obtain parameters of the pseudospin anisotropic Heisenberg model. We find large antisymmetric exchange leading to the canted antiferromagnetic state in Sr2IrO4 and nearly ideal one-dimensional Heisenberg behaviour of the CaIrO3, both agree very well with experimental findings.

Synthese und Charakterisierung von späten oxamat- und carboxylatstabilisierten 3d-Übergangsmetallkomplexen und deren materialwissenschaftliches Anwendungspotential

Müller, Karoline 23 February 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Darstellung von paramagnetischen diskreten mono-, di- und multinuklearen sowie polymeren Koordinationsverbindungen. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildet neben der chemischen und strukturellen Charakterisierung die magnetische Charakterisierung mittels SQUID-Magnetometrie und ESR-Spektroskopie. Für eine Reihe von Koordinationsverbindungen wurden darüber hinaus die thermischen Stabilitäten bzw. das Zersetzungsverhalten als auch die gebildeten Rückstände untersucht. Des Weiteren werden multinukleare Koordinationsverbindungen vorgestellt, die sich der Klasse der „Metallo-dendrimere“ zuordnen lassen. Im Sinne einer konvergenten Dendrimersynthese wurde an Poly(amidoamin)-Dendrimere (PAMAM) carbonsäurefunktionalisierte Bis(oxamat)-Leweis-Basen kovalent angebunden und anschließend mit CuII-Ionen komplexiert. Die so isolierten endständigen mononuklearen Einheiten konnten durch eine weitere Komplexierung mit {Cu(pmdta)}2+-Komplexfragmenten und unter Ausnutzung ihrer flexidentaten Eigenschaften in trinukleare {CuII}3-Einheiten überführt werden. Da die CuII-Ionen aller individuellen {CuII}3-Einheiten über intramolekulare magnetische Austauschwechselwirkungen verfügen, können diese Verbindungen als „Magnetodendrimere“ bezeichnet werden, wobei die magnetischen Eigenschaften sich aus der Summe der individuellen Bausteine zusammensetzen. Ein dendritischer Effekt ist in dieser Dendrimerengröße nicht erkennbar. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit war die Synthese formiatbasierender NiII-, CoII und CuII- Komplexe und deren magnetischer sowie thermischer Charakterisierung. In der Regel werden mononukleare Komplexe vorgestellt, die im festen Zustand aber auch mittels Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen 1D-, 2D- oder auch 3D-Netzwerke ausbilden. Auf die potentielle Eignung dieser Komplexe als Präkursoren zur Niedertemperaturgenerierung reiner Metalle, wie z.B. in Druck- oder Fügeprozessen, wird eingegangen. Basierend auf die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erreichten Ergebnissen zu dinukleare NiII-haltigen Formiatkomplexen, wurde ein strukturell analoger NiII- als auch CoII-haltiger Vertreter mit Ferrocenylcarboxylatdonoren synthetisiert und die magnetischen, elektrochemischen und thermischen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Als zusätzliche Weiterentwicklung der Thematik formiathaltiger Komplexverbindungen wurden die 3D-aufgebauten Übergangsmetallformiate [{MII(O2CH)2}∙2H2O] (MII = Mn, Co, Ni) unter solvothermalen Bedingungen mit dem N-Donoren Pyridin umgesetzt. Die so erhaltenen MnII- und CoII-haltigen Edukte sind 2D-aufgebaute Addukte des Typs [M(O2CH)2(py)m]n (M = Mn, m = 2; M =Co, m = 7), die via π-π-Wechselwirkungen ihrer Pyridinliganden 3D-Netzwerke ausbilden. Die Struktur dieser Komplexverbindungen sowie deren Stabilität nach Isolation ihrer Feststoffe werden diskutiert.:Bibliografische Beschreibung und Referat I Ort und Zeitraum der Durchführung III Inhaltsverzeichnis IV Selbständigkeitserklärung VI Präambel VII Abkürzungsverzeichnis VIII Kapitel A – Einleitung 1 Kapitel B – Kenntnisstand 7 1. Carboxylatoliganden als Mediatoren von magnetischen Austauschwechselwirkungen 8 2. Bis(oxamato)-Liganden als Mediatoren von magnetischen Austauschwechselwirkungen 10 3. Dendrimere und der dendritische Effekt 17 4. Der Strukturtyp [M2(O2CR)4(H2O)(LN)2] 25 5. Thermische Zersetzungsreaktionen von Formiatverbindungen und die Reduktion der Zersetzungstemperaturen derer im Allgemeinen 29 6. Motivation 34 C – Publikation: CuII bis(oxamato) end-grafted poly(amidoamine) dendrimers 36 D – Publikation: Tri- (M = CuII) and hexanuclear (M = NiII, CoII) heterometallic complexes with ferrocene monocarboxylate and chelating diamines as ligands 58 E.1 – Publikation: Nickel(II) Formate Complexes with Bi- and Tridentate Nitrogen-based Ligands: Synthesis, Solid State Structures, Thermal and Magnetic Properties 68 E.2 – Weiterführende Diskussion: Das thermische Zersetzungsverhalten von stickstoffhaltigen Metallformiat-Verbindungen 86 F.1 – Poster: Synthesis of poly- and monomeric transition metal complexes with formato and pyridine ligands. 91 F.2 – Vorbereitende Arbeiten für ein Manuskript: Darstellung und kristallografische Beschreibung von 2D-polymeren und diskreten Metall-Pyridin-Komplexen 93 Kapitel G – Zusammenfassung 106 Literaturverzeichnis 110 Danksagung 119 Lebenslauf 120

Synthesis and Characterization of Multifunctional Organic/ inorganic Hybrid Materials obtained by the "wet chemistry" approach

Kammoe, Astride Lorette 01 October 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert auf die Synthese von organisch/anorganischen Hybridmaterialien mit multifunktionalen Eigenschaften unter ausschliesslicher Darstellung dieser Materialen mit Hilfe des „wet chemistry“ Zugangs. Ausgehend von der Darstellung und Charakterisierung von isomorphen bzw. isostrukturellen Hybridmaterialien der allgemeinen Zusammensetzung catena-{[Me3NH][MCl3·2H2O]}n (Mtac) (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, tac = [Me3NH]Cl3·2H2O]) speziell mittels IR und UV/vis Spektroskopie ist beschrieben, wie sich aus diesen entsprechende bi-, tri-, und auch tetra-heterometallische Koordinationspolymere der allgemeinen Zusammenseztung {MxM´ytac}n, {MxM´yM´´ztac}n, {MxM´yM´´zM´´´ttac}n (MII = M ≠ M´≠ M´´≠ M´´´≠ M´´´´ und x, y, z, t als prozentualer Metallgehalt) herstellen lassen und welche limitierende Faktoren zu berücksichtigen sind. Leifähigkeitsmessungen an Einkristallen ausgewählter Koordinationspolymere werden vorgestellt. Zusätzlich werden die durch Rekristallisation von Nitac erhaltenen zwei verschiedenen Koordinationspolymere der Formel {[Me3NH]3{NiCl4}{NiCl3}}n und {[(Me3NH]{NiCl3}}n in Bezug auf ihre ungewöhnlichen strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften vorgestellt und beschrieben. Die durch Austausch von [Me3NH]+ Kationen gegen [Et3NH]+ bzw. protonierten aromatischen N-haltigen Kationen wie [2,2’-bipyH2]2+, [4,4’-bipyH2]2+ and [1,10-phenH2]2+ erhaltenen Reaktionsprodukte aus Umsetzungen mit Hilfe des “wet chemistry” Zugangs werden im Hinblick auf ihre Festkörperstrukturen beschrieben. Die erfolgreiche Darstellung einer neuen Familie von perylentetracarboxylato-basierenden Komplexen, die teilweise hervorragende Löslichkeiten besitzen, wird beschrieben sowie die strukturellen, magnetischen und lumineszierenden Eigenschaften ausgewählter Vetreter. / The thesis presented here is focused on the synthesis of organic/ inorganic hybrid materials with multifunctional properties by means of the “wet chemistry” approach. The synthesis and characterization of hybrid materials with the general composition catena-{[Me3NH][MCl3·2H2O]}n (Mtac) (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, tac = [Me3NH]Cl3·2H2O]) is described. Due to their isomorphic and/ or isostructural character, bi-, tri-, and even tetra-heterometallic chains of the general formula {MxM´ytac}n, {MxM´yM´´ztac}n, {MxM´yM´´zM´´´ttac}n (MII = M ≠ M´≠ M´´≠ M´´´≠ M´´´´ and x, y, z, t is the percentage of each metal content) were synthesized and characterized. Limitating factors of the synthesis of these types of heterometallic coordination polymers are discussed. Furthermore, the conductive properties of selected representatives were investigated. Additionally, the products obtained from recrystallization of Nitac, two different novel 1D coordination polymers of the formula {[Me3NH]3{NiCl4}{NiCl3}}n and {[(Me3NH]{NiCl3}}n are described with respect to their structural and magnetic properties. Efforts to replace the [Me3NH]+ cations of Mtac compounds by [Et3NH]+ cations as well as by protonated aromatic amines as [2,2’-bipyH2]2+, [4,4’-bipyH2]2+ and [1,10-phenH2]2+ are reported next with respect to the structural exploration of obtained hybrid materials by the “wet chemistry” approach. Finally, the synthesis of a new family of perylene tetracarboxylate (ptc) based soluble complexes is reported. Structural, magnetic and luminescence properties of selected representatives of this new series of soluble ptc derivatives are reported.

Electronic phase diagrams and competing ground states of complex iron pnictides and chalcogenides: A Mössbauer spectroscopy and muon spin rotation/relaxation study

Kamusella, Sirko 01 March 2017 (has links)
In this thesis the superconducting and magnetic phases of LiOH(Fe,Co)(Se,S), CuFeAs/CuFeSb, and LaFeP_1-xAs_xO - belonging to the 11, 111 and 1111 structural classes of iron-based arsenides and chalcogenides - are investigated by means of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and muon spin rotation/relaxation (μSR). Of major importance in this study is the application of high magnetic fields in Mössbauer spectroscopy to distinguish and characterize ferro- (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. A user-friendly Mössbauer data analysis program was developed to provide suitable model functions not only for high field spectra, but relaxation spectra or parameter distributions in general. In LaFeP_1-xAs_xO the reconstruction of the Fermi surface is described by the vanishing of the Γ hole pocket with decreasing x. The continuous change of the orbital character and the covalency of the d-electrons is shown by Mössbauer spectroscopy. A novel antiferromagnetic phase with small magnetic moments of ~ 0.1 μ_B state is characterized. The superconducting order parameter is proven to continuously change from a nodal to a fully gapped s-wave like Fermi surface in the superconducting regime as a function of x, partially investigated on (O,F) substituted samples. LiOHFeSe is one of the novel intercalated FeSe compounds, showing strongly increased T_C = 43 K mainly due to increased interlayer spacing and resulting two-dimensionality of the Fermi surface. The primary interest of the samples of this thesis is the simultaneously observed ferromagnetism and superconductivity. The local probe techniques prove that superconducting sample volume gets replaced by ferromagnetic volume. Ferromagnetism arises from magnetic order with T_C = 10 K of secondary iron in the interlayer. The tendency of this system to show (Li,Fe) disorder is preserved upon (Se,S) substitution. However, superconductivity gets suppressed. The results of Mössbauer spectroscopy indicate that the systems tends to a secondary structural phase, where the local iron environment observed in pure FeS is absent. Moreover, two interlayer positions of the iron are identified. The absence of enhanced superconducting T_C in LiOHFeS thus is related to a structural instability. Also, in CuFeAs the role of secondary iron at the Cu position turns out to be decisive for the observed magnetic behaviour. As in LiOHFeSe, it orders ferromagnetically at T_C ~ 11 K and superimposes with the magnetic instability of the main iron site. It is shown that a small charge doping of 0.1e/Fe, which is expected from (Cu,Fe) disorder, is sufficient to switch the system between a paramagnetic and an AFM ground state. Both magnetic orders are indistinguishable, because the magnetic order parameters are strongly coupled. This coupling was observed in the structurally identical CuFeSb, where the magnetic order parameters of both iron sites scale perfectly. The magnetically unstable CuFeAs and the ferromagnetic CuFeSb can be classified according to the theory of As height driven magnetism, predicting a change from paramagnetism to AFM and finally FM with increasing As height.:1 Acronyms and Symbols 2 Introduction 3 Iron-based arsenides and chalcogenides 3.1 Structural properties 3.2 Electronic properties 3.2.1 Magnetism 3.2.2 Superconductivity 3.2.3 Nematic phase 3.3 Investigated samples 4 Moessfit - a free Mössbauer fitting program 4.1 Aspects of program design 4.2 Errors 4.2.1 Uncorrelated 4.2.2 Hesse 4.2.3 MonteCarlo 4.2.4 Minos 4.3 Fitting algorithm 4.4 Maximum entropy method (MEM) 4.5 Kolmogorov-Smirnov confidence 5 Mössbauer spectroscopy 5.1 Mössbauer effect 5.2 Relativistic Doppler effect 5.3 Full static Hamiltonian 5.3.1 Quadrupole interaction 5.3.2 Isomer shift. 5.3.3 Zeeman splitting 5.3.4 Combined interaction 5.3.5 Transition probabilities 5.3.6 The magic angle 5.4 Transmission integral 5.4.1 Absorption area 5.4.2 Ideal thickness 5.4.3 Line width and line shape 5.4.4 Levelling 5.5 Applied field measurements of powder samples 5.5.1 Paramagnet, axial symmetric EFG in transverse field geometry 6 5.5.2 Uniaxial antiferromagnet, axial symmetric EFG in transverse field geometry 6 5.5.3 Paramagnet, axial symmetric EFG in longitudinal field geometry 6 5.5.4 Uniaxial ferromagnet, axial symmetric EFG in transverse field geometry 6 5.5.5 Polarised photons 5.5.6 Total absorption cross section 5.5.7 Polarised sources 5.6 Blume line shape model 6 μSR 6.1 Muon decay and detection 6.2 Magnetic order and dynamic relaxation 6.2.1 Magnetic order 6.2.2 Time dependent field distributions 6.2.3 Aspects of μSR in iron-based arsenides and chalcogenides 6.2.4 Weak transverse field (WTF) 6.3 Superconductivity - transverse field (TF) experiments 7 Intercalated FeSe 7.1 Bulk properties: XRD, susceptibility, resistivity 7.2 Structural characterization 7.3 LiOHFeSe - Mössbauer spectroscopy 7.3.1 Applied transverse field 7.4 LiOHFeSe - μSR 7.4.1 Zero field (ZF) 7.4.2 Pinning experiment 7.4.3 Transverse field (TF) 7.5 Mössbauer investigation of LiOHFe_1-yCo_ySe_1-xS_x. 7.6 Discussion 8 LaFeO(As,P) 8.1 Preliminary measurements and electronic structure calculations 8.2 Mössbauer spectroscopy 8.3 μSR 8.3.1 Magnetic characterization 8.3.2 Spin dynamics 8.3.3 Superconductivity 8.4 Discussion 9 CuFeAs and CuFeSb 9.1 Preliminary results of CuFeAs and CuFeSb 9.2 CuFeAs: Mössbauer spectroscopy 9.2.1 Zero field (ZF) 9.2.2 Longitudinal field (LF) 9.2.3 Transverse field (TF) 9.3 CuFeAs: μSR 9.3.1 Zero field (ZF) 9.3.2 Weak transverse field (WTF) 9.4 Further investigations on CuFeAs 9.4.1 Neutron scattering 9.4.2 Theoretical calculation 9.4.3 Local element analysis with EDX/WDX 9.5 CuFeSb: Mössbauer spectroscopy 9.5.1 Zero Field (ZF) 9.5.2 Transverse field (TF) 9.6 Discussion 10 Conclusion 11 Appendix 11.1 Derivation of the quadrupole interaction and isomer shift 11.2 Matrix form of the static nuclear Hamiltonian 11.3 Mössbauer line intensities 11.4 Blume line shape model 11.4.1 Special case: two states with diagonal Hamiltonians 11.5 Moessfit models 11.5.1 FeSe_1-xS_x(Li_1-zFe_zOH) ZF, standard 11.5.2 FeSe_1-xS_x(Li_1-zFe_zOH) ZF, 4 fractions 11.5.3 FeSe_1-xS_x(Li_1-zFe_zOH) Pinning 11.5.4 FeSe_1-xS_x(Li_1-zFe_zOH) TF 11.5.5 FeSe_1-xS_x(Li_1-zFe_zOH) CS-Vzz-MEM 11.5.6 LaFeP_1-xAs_x+ ferrocene, ZF 11.5.7 LaFeP_1-xAs_x+ ferrocene, LF 11.5.8 LaFeP_1-xAs_x+ iron foil, ZF 11.5.9 LaFeAsO ZF 11.5.10 LaFeAsO TF 11.5.11 CuFeAs + ferrocen, ZF 11.5.12 CuFeAs + ferrocen, ZF, high statistics 11.5.13 CuFeAs + ferrocen, LF 11.5.14 CuFeAs + ferrocen, TF 11.5.15 CuFeSb ZF 11.5.16 CuFeSb TF

Anisotropic interactions in transition metal oxides: Quantum chemistry study of strongly correlated materials

Bogdanov, Nikolay 06 April 2018 (has links)
This thesis covers different problems that arise due to crystal and pseudospin anisotropy present in 3d and 5d transition metal oxides. We demonstrate that the methods of computational quantum chemistry can be fruitfully used for quantitative studies of such problems. In Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 7 we show that it is possible to reliably calculate local multiplet splittings fully ab initio, and therefore help to assign peaks in experimental spectra to corresponding electronic states. In a situation of large number of peaks due to low local symmetry such assignment using semi-empirical methods can be very tedious and non-unique. Moreover, in Chapter 4 we present a computational scheme for calculating intensities as observed in the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and X-ray absorption experiments. In our scheme highly-excited core-hole states are calculated explicitly taking into account corresponding orbital relaxation and electron polarization. Computed Cu L-edge spectra for the Li2CuO2 compound reproduce all features present in experiment. Unbiased ab initio calculations allow us to unravel a delicate interplay between the distortion of the local ligand cage around the transition metal ions and the anisotropic electrostatic interactions due to second and farther coordination shells. As shown in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 this interplay can lead to the counter intuitive multiplet structure, single-ion anisotropy, and magnetic g factors. The effect is quite general and may occur in compounds with large difference between charges of metal ions that form anisotropic environment around the transition metal, like Ir 4+ in plane versus Sr 2+ out of plane in the case of Sr2IrO4. An important aspect of the presented study is the mapping of the quantum chemistry results onto simpler physical models, namely extended Heisenberg model, providing an ab initio parametrization. In Chapter 5 we employ the effective Hamiltonian technique for extracting parameters of the anisotropic Heisenberg model with single-ion anisotropy in the case of quenched orbital moment and second-order spin-orbit coupling. Calculated strong easy-axis anisotropy of the same order of magnitude as the symmetric exchange is consistent with experimentally-observer all-in/all-out magnetic order. In Chapter 6 we introduce new flavour of the mapping procedure applicable to systems with first-order spin-orbit coupling, such as 5d 5 iridates based on analysis of the wavefunction and interaction with magnetic field. In Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 we use this new procedure to obtain parameters of the pseudospin anisotropic Heisenberg model. We find large antisymmetric exchange leading to the canted antiferromagnetic state in Sr2IrO4 and nearly ideal one-dimensional Heisenberg behaviour of the CaIrO3, both agree very well with experimental findings.

Density functional study of the electronic and magnetic properties of selected transition metal complexes

Martin, Claudia 29 November 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Promotionsarbeit “Density functional study of the electronic and magnetic properties of selected transition metal complexes” beschäftigt sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen strukturellen Merkmalen sowie elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von Einzelmolekül-Magneten. Im Wesentlichen konnte dabei gezeigt werden, dass die magnetischen Eigenschaften sowohl von strukturellen Merkmalen als auch von den elektronischen Eigenschaften bestimmt werden. Des Weiteren ergab sich, dass verschiedene Kenngrößen der magnetischen Eigenschaften (im speziellen der magnetische Grundzustand S sowie die magnetische Anisotropie D) miteinander korreliert sind. Dies ist im Besonderen für eine mögliche Anwendung von Einzelmolekül-Magneten im Bereich der Datenspeicherung von Bedeutung.

Coordination compounds with fused oxamato/oxamidato ligands: A new approach to strengthen and tailor magnetic exchange interactions

Weheabby, Saddam 20 June 2019 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the synthesis and characterization of mono- and binuclear Cu(II)- and Ni(II)-containing bis(oxamato) and bis(oxamidato) complexes and their use as building blocks to produce tri- and tetranuclear complexes via the “complex-as-ligand/complex-as-metal strategy”. The magnetic and electrochemical properties of the respective bis(oxamato)/bis(oxamidato) complexes are described. This work focuses on the enhancement of the intramolecular magnetic exchange coupling J of multinuclear complexes by making use of oxamato/oxamidato fused ligands to alter the coordination sphere around the Cu II ions systematically. Furthermore, variation of the central N,N'-bridges of the fused oxamato/oxamidato ligands and applying different donor-atom sets, as well as the incorporation of different transition metal ions, have been performed in order to investigate to which extent the steric and electronic nature of the ligands influence the electrochemical behavior of the corresponding complexes. A linear correlation between the magnetic exchange couplings J and/ or the redox potential with optical properties of the new series of binuclear transition metal complexes were observed and discussed. In addition, the synthesis of large cyclic polyoxamides (24-mer H8L2 and 36-mer H12L3) is discussed. Their use as potentially multidentate macrocycles for coordination of transition metal ions is reported. The binding properties of H8L2 towards selected inorganic salts are discussed. / Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von mono- und zweikernige Cu(II)- und Ni(II) bis(oxamato) und bis(oxamidato) Komplexen, sowie ihrer Nutzung als Baueinheiten zur Herstellung von tri- und tetranuklearen Komplexen via der 'Komplex-als-Ligand/Komplex-als-Metall Strategie'. Zusätzlich erfolgt eine Beschreibung des magnetischen und elektrochemischen Verhaltens dieser Komplexe. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt in der Verstärkung der intramolekularen magnetischen Austauschkopplung J der multinuklearen Komplexe durch die Verwendung einer neuartigen Fusion von Oxamato- und Oxamidato-Ligandeneinheiten, sowie einer systematischen Variation der Koordinationssphäre des Cu II-Ions. Weiterhin erfolgte die Vx^ariation zentrierter N,N'-Brücken, und unterschiedlicher Donoratome der Liganden als auch eingebetteter ÜbergangsmetallIonen zur Untersuchung des Einflusses räumliche und elektronische Eigenschaften der vorangehenden Struktureinheiten auf die elektrochemische Charakteristika. Ein linearer Zusammenhang zwischen der magnetischen Austauschkopplung J bzw. dem Redoxpotential sowie den optischen Eigenschaften der zweikernige Übergangsmetallkomplexe wird diskutiert. Die Synthese von zyklischen Polyoxamiden (24-mer H 8 L 2 und 36-mer H 12 L 3 ) und deren Verwendung als neuartige und potentiell multidentate Liganden für die Koordinationschemie sind vorgestellt. Untersuchung der Bindungseigenschaften von H 8 L 2 bezüglich unterschiedlicher anorganische Salze wird diskutiert.

Theoretical Studies of Epitaxial Bain Paths of Metals

Schönecker, Stephan 23 August 2011 (has links)
Epitaxial growth is an important technique for the fabrication of film structures with good crystalline quality, e.g., monoatomic overlayers, multilayers, compound materials, and ordered alloys. Such epitaxially grown films are technologically important materials with, e.g., adjustable electronic, magnetic, and optical properties. In case of coherent or pseudomorphic epitaxy, the overlayer adapts the in-plane lattice parameters of the substrate, i.e., the overlayer is strained to match the lattice parameters parallel to the substrate surface (in-plane directions). Simultaneously, a relaxation of the film dimension perpendicular to the substrate-film interface occurs (out-of-plane direction). Thus, coherent epitaxy provides a method to put phases under strain, and it can stabilise a metastable state of the film material, if the substrate lattice matches this metastable structure. Bulk-like properties in thick overlayers, which adopt the body-centred tetragonal (BCT) crystal structure and which grow coherently on a suitable substrate with quadratic surface symmetry, are modelled by the epitaxial Bain path (EBP) in this thesis. The knowledge of the EBP allows to study properties of the overlayer as function of the substrate lattice parameter. In particular, strain effects on the film material, magnetic order in the overlayer, and the existence of possible metastable states are investigated by means of density functional theory (DFT) in the local spin density approximation (LSDA), and in the singular case of uranium, employing the generalised gradient approximation (GGA). Note that a symmetry property of the BCT structure states, that it is identical to the body-centred cubic (BCC) structure or the face-centred cubic (FCC) structure for definite ratios of the tetragonal lattice parameters. Our definition of the EBP has two, previously not considered consequences for EBPs in general: an EBP can be discontinuous, and the high symmetry cubic structures (FCC and BCC) need not be points on the EBP. Both cases occurred for several elements considered in this thesis. If, however, a cubic structure is a point on the EBP, then a symmetry property guarantees that the total energy along the EBP, E(a), is stationary at this cubic structure. We computed the EBPs of all transition metals (TMs), the post TMs Zn, Cd, and Hg, the alkaline earth metals Ca, Sr, and Ba, the lanthanides La and Lu, and the actinide U (35 elements were treated in total). For each element but Zr, Hg, and U, there are exactly two structures whose energies are minima on the EBP, and which exhibit neither in-plane nor out-of-plane stresses; for Zr, Hg, and U there are three minima each. All other states on the EBP exhibit in-plane stresses because they are a strained form of the stress-free structures. The possibility of metastability of these particular, stress-free structures, i.e., stabilisation of these structures without bonding to the substrate, was investigated by stability conditions based on linear elasticity theory (except for U). We predict that ten FCC structures and three BCT structures not known from the respective phase diagrams may be metastable. We studied the properties of ferromagnetic (FM) states on the EBP for the elements Fe, Co, and Ni, and moreover predict, that Mn, Ru, Os, and U order ferromagnetically for certain states of the EBP. The latter three elements are paramagnetic in their ground states. The onset of ferromagnetism in Os and U is not accompanied by a simultaneously fulfilled Stoner criterion. According to our results, antiferromagnetic order (with moment sequences up-down or up-up-down-down on successive (001) planes) is never more stable than FM order on any EBP for any element investigated. On the basis of our comprehensive results for all TMs, we analysed trends across each of the three TM series and similarities among the three series. We demonstrate, that the type of the EBP (a classification of extrema of E(a) by symmetry into types) follows a characteristic trend across each of the three TM series. We discuss exceptions (Mn, Fe, and Zr) to this trend. Another trend, identical for the three series, is found for the BCT­-FCC structural energy difference as function of the d-band filling (evaluated for BCT structures that define extrema of E(a)), which follows a similar trend as the well studied BCC­-FCC structural energy difference. Clear similarities among the three periods of elements are also reflected in the bulk moduli and in the elastic constants of the cubic or tetragonal structures, that define the global and local minima of E(a). The mentioned similarities suggest, that many properties which are associated with the EBPs of TMs, can be attributed to the occupation of the d-band, which is the most dominant feature of the electronic structure of TMs.

Synthesis and Characterization of Multifunctional Organic/ inorganic Hybrid Materials obtained by the "wet chemistry" approach

Kammoe, Astride Lorette 01 October 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert auf die Synthese von organisch/anorganischen Hybridmaterialien mit multifunktionalen Eigenschaften unter ausschliesslicher Darstellung dieser Materialen mit Hilfe des „wet chemistry“ Zugangs. Ausgehend von der Darstellung und Charakterisierung von isomorphen bzw. isostrukturellen Hybridmaterialien der allgemeinen Zusammensetzung catena-{[Me3NH][MCl3·2H2O]}n (Mtac) (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, tac = [Me3NH]Cl3·2H2O]) speziell mittels IR und UV/vis Spektroskopie ist beschrieben, wie sich aus diesen entsprechende bi-, tri-, und auch tetra-heterometallische Koordinationspolymere der allgemeinen Zusammenseztung {MxM´ytac}n, {MxM´yM´´ztac}n, {MxM´yM´´zM´´´ttac}n (MII = M ≠ M´≠ M´´≠ M´´´≠ M´´´´ und x, y, z, t als prozentualer Metallgehalt) herstellen lassen und welche limitierende Faktoren zu berücksichtigen sind. Leifähigkeitsmessungen an Einkristallen ausgewählter Koordinationspolymere werden vorgestellt. Zusätzlich werden die durch Rekristallisation von Nitac erhaltenen zwei verschiedenen Koordinationspolymere der Formel {[Me3NH]3{NiCl4}{NiCl3}}n und {[(Me3NH]{NiCl3}}n in Bezug auf ihre ungewöhnlichen strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften vorgestellt und beschrieben. Die durch Austausch von [Me3NH]+ Kationen gegen [Et3NH]+ bzw. protonierten aromatischen N-haltigen Kationen wie [2,2’-bipyH2]2+, [4,4’-bipyH2]2+ and [1,10-phenH2]2+ erhaltenen Reaktionsprodukte aus Umsetzungen mit Hilfe des “wet chemistry” Zugangs werden im Hinblick auf ihre Festkörperstrukturen beschrieben. Die erfolgreiche Darstellung einer neuen Familie von perylentetracarboxylato-basierenden Komplexen, die teilweise hervorragende Löslichkeiten besitzen, wird beschrieben sowie die strukturellen, magnetischen und lumineszierenden Eigenschaften ausgewählter Vetreter. / The thesis presented here is focused on the synthesis of organic/ inorganic hybrid materials with multifunctional properties by means of the “wet chemistry” approach. The synthesis and characterization of hybrid materials with the general composition catena-{[Me3NH][MCl3·2H2O]}n (Mtac) (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, tac = [Me3NH]Cl3·2H2O]) is described. Due to their isomorphic and/ or isostructural character, bi-, tri-, and even tetra-heterometallic chains of the general formula {MxM´ytac}n, {MxM´yM´´ztac}n, {MxM´yM´´zM´´´ttac}n (MII = M ≠ M´≠ M´´≠ M´´´≠ M´´´´ and x, y, z, t is the percentage of each metal content) were synthesized and characterized. Limitating factors of the synthesis of these types of heterometallic coordination polymers are discussed. Furthermore, the conductive properties of selected representatives were investigated. Additionally, the products obtained from recrystallization of Nitac, two different novel 1D coordination polymers of the formula {[Me3NH]3{NiCl4}{NiCl3}}n and {[(Me3NH]{NiCl3}}n are described with respect to their structural and magnetic properties. Efforts to replace the [Me3NH]+ cations of Mtac compounds by [Et3NH]+ cations as well as by protonated aromatic amines as [2,2’-bipyH2]2+, [4,4’-bipyH2]2+ and [1,10-phenH2]2+ are reported next with respect to the structural exploration of obtained hybrid materials by the “wet chemistry” approach. Finally, the synthesis of a new family of perylene tetracarboxylate (ptc) based soluble complexes is reported. Structural, magnetic and luminescence properties of selected representatives of this new series of soluble ptc derivatives are reported.

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