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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

平台企業價值主張管理機制探討:以IPXI及臺灣新大陸咖啡館媒合平台為例 / A Case Study on the Value Propositions of Platform Business

林冠儀 Unknown Date (has links)
面對日益競爭的產業環境,企業一般容易落入提供自身認為最佳商品的思考窠臼中,事實上面對市場的檢驗除了須對於自身能力及優勢有一定的掌握外,所提供的服務及商品是否真能協助顧客解決問題、提升獲益將是關鍵,而價值主張便是企業確認與顧客需求一致的核心要素。 另外,隨著科技汰換演化,經營模式也隨之持續推陳出新,而若論二十世紀以來最為企業所熟知並採用者非平台模式莫屬。透過不同的使用者於平台上活動,以迅速、廣泛地資訊交換傳遞為特色,並媒介各方使用者所擁有的資源,企業除了免除負擔提供商品服務的任務,更能藉由網路病毒式的傳播短期內快速吸引顧客加入,故成為許多企業思考轉型時使用的經營模式。 綜上,平台策略並非保證成功的萬靈丹,當企業紛紛轉為平台經營的同時對自身核心的價值主張,即其對顧客的承諾事項、所凸顯企業與眾不同之處的掌握度如何?便是本文的研究重點。本文將以來自不同產業別的平台企業為研究對象,進行經營模式及價值主張內涵等兩部分的檢視,並將分析的結果與該個案後續經營的階段性成果進行對比。


Brown, Darren Jacob 01 January 2010 (has links)
Fault tolerant and distributed embedded systems are research areas that have the interest of such entities as NASA, the Department of Defense, and various other government agencies, corporations, and universities. Taking a system and designing it to work in the presence of faults is appealing to these entities as it inherently increases the reliability of the deployed system. There are a few different fault tolerant techniques that can be implemented in a system design to handle faults as they occur. One such technique is the reconfiguration of a portion of the system to a redundant resource. This is a difficult task to manage within a distributed embedded system because of the distributed, directly addressed data producer and consumer dependencies that exist in common network infrastructures. It is the goal of this thesis work to develop a novel message routing layer for the communication management of distributed embedded systems that reduces the complexity of this problem. The resulting product of this thesis provides a robust approach to the design, implementation, integration, and deployment of a distributed embedded system.

Performance modelling of a multiple threshold RED mechanism for bursty and correlated Internet traffic with MMPP arrival process

Asfand-E-Yar, Awan, Irfan U., Woodward, Mike E. January 2006 (has links)
Yes / Access to the large web content hosted all over the world by users of the Internet engage many hosts, routers/switches and faster links. They challenge the internet backbone to operate at its capacity to assure e±cient content access. This may result in congestion and raises concerns over various Quality of Service (QoS) issues like high delays, high packet loss and low throughput of the system for various Internet applications. Thus, there is a need to develop effective congestion control mechanisms in order to meet various Quality of Service (QoS) related performance parameters. In this paper, our emphasis is on the Active Queue Management (AQM) mechanisms, particularly Random Early Detection (RED). We propose a threshold based novel analytical model based on standard RED mechanism. Various numerical examples are presented for Internet traffic scenarios containing both the burstiness and correlation properties of the network traffic.

Управление инвестиционной привлекательностью проекта в атомной энергетике : магистерская диссертация / Management of investment attractiveness of the project in nuclear power engineering

Курбанмагомедов, Р. С., Kurbanmagomedov, R. S. January 2019 (has links)
Атомная энергетика является одной из самых молодых и динамично развивающихся отраслей глобальной экономики. Высокий динамизм порождает необходимость повышения инвестиционной привлекательности разрабатываемых в сфере атомной энергетики проектов, что невозможно без эффективных механизмов управления формированием инвестиционного предложения. Целью магистерской диссертации является разработка и апробация механизма управления инвестиционной привлекательностью проекта в атомной энергетике. В работе рассматриваются теоретические и прикладные вопросы протекания инвестиционных процессов на предприятиях сферы атомной энергетики России. В качестве источников информации использовались нормативно-правовые акты, база публикаций Российского индекса научного цитирования, представленная на ресурсе Elibrary, данные корпоративной статистики по теме исследования, данные Федеральной службы государственной статистики и Министерства энергетики Российской Федерации и внутренние документы исследуемого предприятия. В ходе написания магистерской диссертации был разработан и апробирован механизм управления инвестиционной привлекательностью проекта в атомной энергетике, предполагающий идентификацию субъекта и объекта управления, цели управления, исходного состояния проекта, конечного результата, а также описание процесса управления, формализованного в виде алгоритма. Разработанный механизм позволяет повышать эффективность процесса формирования инвестиционной привлекательности проекта и, как следствие, повышает вероятность принятия положительного инвестиционного решения. В результате апробации разработанного механизма были предложены практические рекомендации для менеджмента предприятия, а также определены направления совершенствования разработанного механизма. / Nuclear power is one of the youngest and fastest growing sectors of the global economy. High dynamism creates the need to increase the investment attractiveness of the projects developed in the field of nuclear power, which is impossible without effective management mechanisms for the formation of the investment proposal. The purpose of the master's thesis is to develop and test the mechanism of management of project investment attractiveness in nuclear power. This paper presents conceptual and practical questions of investment processes at the enterprises of nuclear power industry in Russia. The sources of information were regulatory legal acts, the database of publications of the Russian science citation index, presented on Elibrary resource, data of corporate statistics on the research topic, data of the Federal state statistics service and the Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the enterprise under consideration. While preparing the master's thesis, the mechanism was developed and tested to manage the project investment attractiveness in nuclear power, involving the identification of the subject and object of management, management objectives, the initial state of the project, the final result, as well as a description of the management process, formalized as an algorithm. The developed mechanism allows increasing the efficiency of the process of formation of project investment attractiveness and, as a result, increases the likelihood of making a positive investment decision. As a result of testing of the developed mechanism, practical recommendations for management of the enterprise were offered, and the directions of improvement of the developed mechanism were also defined.

市場價格與管理機制關聯性之研究-以多國公司為例 / The Relationships between E2E Pricing and Managerial Mechanisms—the Case of a Multinational Corporation

陳宛平 Unknown Date (has links)
This study extends research on pricing methods of Multinational Corporation (MNC) from the financial aspect to managerial perspective, creates the term managerial mechanisms and examines theories with actual organizational changes applied by the case company, the leading IPC provider, Company A. In this research, the researcher first identifies determinants of E2E pricing (market pricing), then defines the five components (organizational structure, information sharing, coordination mechanisms, management control system, and authority delegation) and lists elements within each component to form the managerial mechanism model between HQ-Subsidiary as the reference to align with market price determinants. With the degree of centralization being the core of the model, the analysis shows that information sharing between HQ-Subsidiary is the key to a successful E2E pricing decision; to do so an MNC has to have an organizational goal in parallel with subsidiary interests, and proper authority delegation while exerting control and coordination with flexibility. This research presents that organizational changes made by Company A in coordination with E2E pricing method do follow the managerial mechanism model proposed by the researcher. Specifically, the analysis first describes the pricing method and managerial mechanisms of the case company; second, managerial issues are recognized and linked with the model developed by the researcher; finally, corresponding changes Company A made are examined by literature theories. This research also reveals that the application of proper measures is simply the initiative of organizational changes; an MNC has to anticipate internal reluctance in order to carry out the optimal result of its managerial mechanisms.

價值策略導向之調適式SOA有效事件模型建構 / A Value-Driven Architecture Strategy of Adaptive SOA and EDA

盧美蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
服務導向架構(Service-Oriented-Architecture, SOA)與事件導向架構(Event-driven Architecture, EDA)的結合應用將成為未來Real-Time Enterprise軟體應用系統架構的主流趨勢,雖然兩架構的結合可以整體提升應用系統之反應、整合與溝通的能力,但若無良好的事件管理機制及搭配提供服務的配套設計,則難以充分發揮兩架構結合的互補綜效。本研究所提出之調適式SOA有效事件模型,以事件價值觀點(Value-driven)分析事件所提供的價值對使用者的重要性與效益。由於使用者所重視的事件價值不同,因此也為各別使用者設計一調適性事件語意資訊模型(Customized Event Ontology Model),作為篩選事件的依據,另外,事件管理機制也可運用智慧型代理人(Agent)觀察使用者採用事件的行為,透過學習更新事件過濾的規則,並可建議使用者取消訂閱(subscribe)不重視的事件。本研究同時搭配設計一事件與服務對應的機制,並透過此機制連結外部環境所提供的服務。本研究所提出之調適式SOA有效事件模型,預期可提供更為健全的服務導向架構(SOA)與事件導向架構(EDA)的結合應用設計,讓使用者可以真正受惠於此種應用軟體架構結合的好處與效用。 / The combination of Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA) and Event-driven Architecture (EDA) will become the main trend of application architecture of Real-Time Enterprise in the future. Although the combination of these two architectures can enhance an application system’s capabilities in response, integration and communication as a whole, it’s hardly to extend these two architectures’ complemented advantages unless there is a sound mechanism for advanced event and service management. This paper presents a novel methodology which can analyze the importance and impacts of events’ values to users. Based on different emphases on events’ values among users, this research can also develop a Customized Event Ontology Model used as the basis for filtering events for an individual user. The event management mechanism designs an intelligent agent in order to observe the records of a user’s history events and to learn new filtering rules of events. The mechanism can also suggest the user to cancelling events which are insignificant to him. Furthermore, this study devises a mechanism to bridge the connections between events and services. The contribution of my methodology aims to provide an advanced solution of combining the architectures of SOA and EDA in order for a user to exert up-to-date information for personalized competitive advantage.

Analyse des nouvelles formes organisationnelles hospitalières en émergence au Mali

Sanogo, Moussa 09 1900 (has links)
Au Mali, une loi hospitalière a été adoptée en 2002 pour définir le cadre institutionnel d’une réforme majeure. Cette loi a décrété des transformations substantielles de la structure interne, tant administrative que clinique des établissements publics hospitaliers notamment l’implication des populations locales dans la prise de décision de l’établissement, l’autonomie administrative et financière à travers la délégation budgétaire et l’implication des professionnels de santé à la gestion, l’intégration des services de spécialité et la participation du secteur privé au service public hospitalier. Cependant, la capacité des hôpitaux à réussir les transformations prévues a été remise en question par la majorité des acteurs internes et externes. L’objectif de cette thèse a été d’étudier de quelle manière l’hôpital malien se transforme sous la pression de la décentralisation des pouvoirs de l’État et d’étudier comment les groupes d’acteurs réagissent face à ces changements à partir de deux cadres d’analyse. Le premier cadre intègre les caractéristiques essentielles des transformations hospitalières en termes de différents types de décentralisation et le second cadre inspiré des travaux de Crozier et coll. (1977) analyse les jeux de pouvoir entre les groupes d’acteurs hospitaliers selon deux niveaux à savoir un niveau stratégique et systémique. Pour cela, nous avons conduit une étude multiple de deux cas et utilisé trois modes de collecte des données à savoir les entrevues semi-structurées auprès des informateurs clés, l’analyse documentaire, et l’observation lors de réunions. Dans un premier temps, les analyses ont révélé pour les changements intervenus dans la structure, selon l’importance des responsabilités attribuées à l’hôpital public, (1) plusieurs variantes de la décentralisation. Globalement, l’intention politique était focalisée sur une délégation puis une déconcentration et une dévolution; les mécanismes mis en place ont penché plus vers une déconcentration puis une délégation et une dévolution tandis que les transformations réellement effectuées dans les établissements publics hospitaliers ont plutôt confirmé une déconcentration en plus d’une délégation particulièrement dans le cas de l’implication des populations locales dans la gestion hospitalière. Tandis que l’hôpital public pouvait faire des recettes à partir du recouvrement partiel des coûts des soins auprès des usagers, l’État gardait une main forte sur la gestion financière et la gestion du personnel, et définissait les directives et les objectifs à poursuivre. (2) Les analyses apportent une compréhension des liens existant entre les différents éléments du processus de réforme, le type de mécanisme mis en place dans le cadre de la réforme semble déterminer le type de transformation effectué selon les fonctions que peut assurer l’hôpital public. La logique traduit le passage de la délégation vers une déconcentration qui est jugée comme étant la forme la moins poussée d’une décentralisation. Dans un deuxième temps, les résultats confirment la présence de conflit entre les normes professionnelles établies et reconnues par les professionnels de santé et les normes organisationnelles et institutionnelles mises en avant par la réforme. Elles sont défendues par la majorité des gestionnaires qui sont imputables face aux autorités alors que les normes professionnelles dominent dans les services cliniques. Les deux cas ont mis en évidence le soutien de leur direction générale, il existait une tension dans les réactions des médecins, qui a été variable selon le type de changement structurel visé, tandis que les infirmiers se sont montrés plutôt accessibles face aux nouvelles mesures introduites par la réforme. L’une des originalités de cette thèse tient au fait que très peu de travaux sur les pays en développement ont tenté d’opérationnaliser de façon multidimensionnelle les concepts de décentralisation avant d’analyser les variantes susceptibles d’exister entre eux et les stratégies développées par les groupes d’acteurs de l’hôpital. En outre, alors que la pertinence de la prise en compte des caractéristiques du contexte organisationnel dans la mise en place des réformes des systèmes de soins est au cœur des préoccupations, ce travail est l’un des premiers à analyser l’influence de l’interaction entre le processus de réforme hospitalière et les prises de position des acteurs. Les résultats de cette thèse fournissent des recommandations aux décideurs politiques et aux gestionnaires quant aux modes de changement structurel à privilégier ou en éviter dans la planification, l’exécution et la mise en œuvre du processus de réforme hospitalière en fonction des caractéristiques du contexte organisationnel sanitaire. La planification de la réforme est essentielle : Élaborer un projet d’établissement discuté et validé par l’ensemble des acteurs de l’hôpital. Ce projet doit être compatible avec les objectifs du schéma d’organisation sanitaire nationale et déterminer les moyens en personnel et en équipements, dont l’hôpital doit disposer pour réaliser ses objectifs. Concevoir un cadre budgétaire et financier hospitalier flexible (qui va alléger la chaine de prise de décision), sur lequel reposera le nouveau système de gestion des hôpitaux. La capacité de mobilisation et d’exécution des ressources hospitalières devrait renforcer l’autonomie de gestion. Enfin, promouvoir une culture de l’évaluation et faciliter les évaluations périodiques de la mise en œuvre de la réforme hospitalière par des organismes d’évaluation externes et indépendants. / In Mali, a hospital law was passed in 2002 to define the institutional framework of a major reform. This law decreed substantial transformation of the internal structure, both administrative and clinical public hospitals including the involvement of local people in decision making of the establishment, administrative and financial autonomy through the delegation and the budget involvement of health professionals in the management, integration services and specialty private sector participation in the public hospital. However, the ability of hospitals to achieve the planned changes has been questioned by the majority of internal and external stakeholders. The objective of this thesis was to study how the hospital in Mali have been transformed turns under the pressure of the decentralization of state powers and to study how groups of actors are responding to these changes from two analytical frameworks. The first part incorporates the essential characteristics of hospital transformations in terms of different types of decentralization and the second part inspired by the work of Crozier and al. (1977) analysis the power games between groups of actors hospital at two levels namely strategic and systemic levels. For this, we conducted a study of two cases multiple studies we used three modes of data collection ie semi-structured interviews with key informants, document analysis, and observation during meetings. Initially, the analyzes revealed for the changes in the structure, depending on the size of the assigned responsibilities to the public hospital, (1) several variants of decentralization. Overall, the intent was focused on a political delegation and deconcentration and devolution, the mechanisms put in place have swung more towards devolution and delegation and devolution while the transformations actually worked in public hospitals have tended to confirm a deconcentration and more particularly of a delegation in the case of the involvement of local people in hospital management. While the public hospital could make revenue from the partial recovery of costs of care among users, the state kept a strong hand on financial management and personnel management, and defined guidelines and objectives to be pursued. (2) They provide an understanding of the linkages between different elements of the reform process, the type of mechanism put in place as part of the reform seems to determine the type of processing performed according to the functions that can ensure the public hospital. The logic reflects a shift from the delegation to a devolution which is judged as the least advanced form of decentralization. In a second step, the results confirm the presence of conflict between professional standards and recognized by health professionals and institutional and organizational standards put forward by the reform. They are defended by the majority of managers who are facing due to the authorities while the professional standards prevailing in clinical services. Both cases have highlighted the support of their general direction, there was a tension in the reactions of doctors, which was variable depending on the type of structural change aimed at, while nurses were rather accessible face of new measures introduced by the reform. A unique feature of this thesis is that very little work on developing countries have attempted to operationalize a multidimensional concepts of decentralization before analyzing the variations that may exist between them and the strategies developed by stakeholder groups of the hospital. Furthermore, while the relevance of taking into account the characteristics of organizational context in the implementation of reforms is at the heart of care concerns, this work is one of the first to analyze the influence of the interaction between the process of hospital reform and the positions of the actors. The results of this thesis provide recommendations to policy makers and managers on the modes of structural change to favor or avoid in planning, execution and implementation of hospital reform process based on the characteristics of organizational context health. Planning reform is essential: Develop a school plan discussed and validated by all stakeholders of the hospital. This project must be compatible with the objectives of a national health organization and determine how personnel and equipment, which the hospital must have to achieve its objectives. Designing a fiscal and financial flexibility hospital (which will reduce the chain of decision making), upon which a new system of hospital management. Capacity for mobilization and execution of hospital resources should empower management. Finally, promoting a culture of evaluation and facilitate periodic evaluations of the implementation of hospital reform by agencies external and independent evaluation.

Analyse des nouvelles formes organisationnelles hospitalières en émergence au Mali

Sanogo, Moussa 09 1900 (has links)
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