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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of Human Resources managerial effectiveness of the public health sector of Ghana

Chebere, Margaret January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this research is to evaluate Human Resources managerial/development effectiveness (HRM/DE) of frontline managers from the perspectives of managers themselves and stakeholders in the public health sector (PHS) of Ghana. The study did this through the development of a conceptual framework which combined the use of integrated organisational and management theoretical perspectives and contextual variables. The study employed the mixed methods research methodology which combined both empiricism and post post-positivists' views with critical realism as the underpinning philosophy. A total of 18 district directors of health, from two regions were purposively sampled and interviewed utilising an in-depth open ended questionnaire through the discussion. Additionally, key policy makers were interviewed and focus group discussions held and a structured questionnaire completed by another group of employees, who assessed managers' capabilities. Discourse analysis was used for the analysis with the aid of Nvivo 7 for the qualitative material whilst quantitative data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics. Findings were triangulated using Marquart and Zercher's (2000) cross-over track analysis framework. Findings show research questions were answered. Majority of district directors lack managerial competencies; are less interested in HRM/D activities, less confident of their human resource skills and less sure of the political and representational skills required of managers. In particular, it is necessary to take account of the political structure of the PHS of Ghana; significant differences exist in power, individual or group interests, values, assumptions and expectations. However, most district directors have tried to indigenise HRM/D practices as a way of motivating and retaining staff. Core Human resources managerial competencies from the perspectives of the three sampled groups have been compiled. It is the first time such a study has been conducted in the PHS of Ghana and which has therefore made inroads in the existing literature and has contributed to HRM/D literature information in Africa particularly Ghana. It also paves the way for understanding management in the African context and perspective and specifically in health care settings. This study has gone beyond the two groups of respondents and proved that the use of multiple respondents generates rich findings and unveiled what would normally have not been possible if single respondents were used.

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vadovų kompetencijų raiška taikant informacines technologijas vadybinėje praktikoje / Competence expression of comprehensive school general managers applying information technologies in managerial practise

Dagilienė, Rima 12 July 2011 (has links)
Šiuolaikiškas pasaulis su kiekviena diena keičiasi, tobulėja, pateikia vis naujus problemų sprendimo būdus. Švietimas įsipareigoja neatsilikti nuo naujovių, priimti besikeičiančio pasaulio iššūkius. Tokia padėtis daro įtaką ne tik ugdymo procesui ir jo organizavimui, bet žinoma ir visos švietimo įstaigos valdymui. Informacinės technologijos leidžia pateikti informaciją visuomenei apie jų vadovaujamą mokyklą internete, leidžia sudominti tuos, kurie nori mokytis jų ugdymo įstaigoje. To pasekoje atsiranda galimybės modernizuoti švietimo valdymą, gerinti mokyklų bendruomenių bendravimą. Besikeičiant švietimo įstaigoms, organizacinis ir administracinis darbas turėtų taip pat tapti šiuolaikiškesnis, kuriame būtų taikomos elektronin÷s priemonės ir metodai. Švietimo įstaigų vadovai tampa pagrindiniais dalyviais, iš kurių tikimasi naujovių diegimo ir palaikymo strategijos įgyvendinimas. Kitaip tariant mokyklai tampa reikalingas toks vadovas, kuris turi įgūdžių, sugebėjimų, žinių ir supratimą, kurių reikia įgyvendinant valstybinę strategiją mokykloje ir gerinant švietimo kokybę. Taip pat atsiranda būtinybė skatinti tobulinti informacines kompetencijas mokyklos vadovą, pagrindžiant informacinių technologijų galimybes, jų įtaką švietimo sistemai. Atsižvelgiant į tai, buvo iškelta problema – kokios yra bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų vadovų IT kompetencijos, kokie jų gebėjimai taikyti jas vadybinėje praktikoje, kokie galimi šių kompetencijų tobulinimo būdai. Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti bendrojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The modern world is changing every day, improving, give the new challenge. Education must keep pace with innovation, accept the challenges of a changing world. This situation affects not only the educational process and its organization, but of course all the educational institutions and governance. Information technology enables the public to provide information on the Internet led by the school, allowing interest to those who want to learn the educational institution. As a result, allows to modernize the management of education, to improve communication between school communities. Changing educational institutions, organizational and administrative work should also become more modern with the use of electronic tools and techniques. Educational institutions are the major players, which is expected to support innovation and strategy. In other words, the school is required for such a leader who has the skills, abilities, knowledge and understanding needed to implement the state strategy for school improvement and educational quality. Also, there is a need to promote the development of information competencies Head of the School in support of information technology capabilities and their impact on the education system. In this context, it was raised - what are the general education competencies of IT managers what their managerial skills to apply them in practice, what the possible ways of improving skills. Objective of the study - to examine general education competencies of... [to full text]

Managerial competencies and skills in virtual teams of matrix organizations : A correlation analysis on virtual team performance

Makridis, Christos, Ioannidis, Alexandros January 2020 (has links)
Over the last decades, there is a constant experimentation on new organizational models and structures by many international companies aiming to overcome the difficulties of a highly competitive global market and satisfy the needs of the customers 24/7. As such, the companies have commonly adopted virtual team strategies using also the technological advancements. In order to optimally use their resources, they have also used matrix organizational structures. In such complex and demanding organizational models, the virtual managers face a lot of challenges in order to effectively lead their teams. Therefore, the required managerial competencies and skills related to an effective team performance are of great scientific interest. The objective of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, this thesis aims to examine how managerial competencies of a virtual manager in matrix organizations influence the performance of a team and what the most important skills of these competencies are. Secondly, it aims to identify the managerial skills that a virtual functional manager and a virtual project leader need in order to effectively manage their teams and compare these skillsets. This study adapts a survey strategy with the use of an online questionnaire and gathers responses from professional engineers that virtually work in matrix organizational schemes mainly based in Sweden and Switzerland. The descriptive analysis of the collected data shows that both type of virtual managers (functional and project) have similar managerial skills which are commonly found in managers working in more traditional organizational models. This is not in line with the findings of our study, since in our analysis we considered the virtuality dimension, for which our results show that it strongly affects the virtual team performance. Therefore, the required managerial competence is formed with skills that are more important in the virtual context than in other traditional models. A second finding is that a virtual functional manager requires different skills compared to the virtual project leader, which suggests that the companies should account for the management role in the hiring process of a specific type of virtual manager. A future research on virtual teams in matrix organizations taking into consideration the different levels of virtuality or broader sampling techniques or case studies per industry would be of a great interest.

Perfis comportamentais e estilos de mobilização de enfermeiros gestores de um serviço de medicina diagnóstica / Behavioral profiles and mobilization styles of managing nurses of a diagnostic medicine service

Sápia, Tatiana 26 June 2009 (has links)
O mercado de trabalho para os enfermeiros vem sofrendo mudanças, constatando-se que os profissionais têm ampliado seus papéis profissionais, requerendo que desenvolvam um leque maior de competências. Nesse contexto, este estudo objetivou caracterizar demograficamente os enfermeiros gestores de um serviço de medicina diagnóstica; identificar os perfis comportamentais e estilos de mobilização dos enfermeiros gestores; relacionar os perfis comportamentais com as competências individuais dos enfermeiros gestores, conforme definidas pela empresa; e, por fim, subsidiar políticas de treinamento e desenvolvimento de enfermeiros que atuam nesse setor. A investigação caracteriza-se como pesquisa exploratória, do tipo descritiva, desenvolvida na modalidade de estudo de caso. O cenário do estudo foi uma organização privada, prestadora de serviços de saúde, com a particularidade de atuar no campo da medicina diagnóstica. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram constituídos pela totalidade dos 36 enfermeiros gestores atuantes nas unidades de atendimento, assessoria e diretoria de educação da empresa. A coleta de dados foi realizada em duas etapas, entre agosto e outubro de 2008. A primeira etapa consistiu de uma pesquisa documental. Na segunda etapa houve a aplicação de um questionário com questões norteadoras que permitissem caracterizar demograficamente os enfermeiros gestores e também foi entregue o questionário diagnóstico M.A.R.E.® das orientações motivacionais, visando identificar os perfis comportamentais e os estilos de mobilização dessas lideranças. Participaram do estudo 35 dentre os 36 gestores de enfermagem, representando 97,22% do grupo. O tratamento estatístico dos dados relacionados às respostas das questões desse instrumento permitiu apresentar os seguintes resultados: o estilo de mobilização com maior representatividade no grupo de gestores de enfermagem é o Negociador, totalizando 25,71%, o que representa nove gestores; seguido pelo Mantenedor, 17,14%, o que representa seis gestores; 14,29%, cinco gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Especialista; 14,29%, cinco gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Conquistador; 11,43%, quatro gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Realizador; 8,57%, representando três gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Competidor e, por fim, 8,57%, três gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Colaborador. Em relação às características de cada estilo, destaca-se que a competência inteligência emocional, ressaltada nos diferentes estilos de mobilização, é, e será sempre, um indicador de tendência e não algo que possa ser considerado adquirido. Considerando as características dos elementos específicos dos processos de trabalho, assistencial e gerencial, e a forte articulação que os mesmos devem ter entre si no trabalho desenvolvido pelo grupo de enfermeiros gestores, os dados do estudo revelam que os perfis de mobilização apresentados favorecem o desempenho das funções de liderança que são peculiares no serviço, bem como o atendimento de expectativas da empresa no alcance de metas. Cabe destacar que os pontos de fragilidade de cada perfil precisam continuamente de investimentos na forma de educação permanente, bem como os pontos fortes precisam de feedback constante por parte da cúpula que define metas estratégicas / The work market for the nurses is changing, confirming that the professionals have amplified their professional roles, requiring that they develop a higher gamma of competences. In this context, this study aimed to characterize demographically the managing nurses of diagnostic medicine service; identify the behavioral profiles and mobilization styles of the managing nurses; relate the behavioral profiles to the individual competences of the managing nurses; as defined by the company and, finally, finance policies of training and development of nurses, who act in this sector. The investigation is characterized as exploratory research, descriptive type, developed in the modality of case study. The setting of the study was a private organization, health services rendering company, with the particularity of acting in the diagnostic medicine field. The subjects of the research were constituted by the total of 36 managing nurses in the units of healthcare advisory and board of directors of education of the company. The data collection was performed in two steps, between August and October, 2008. The first step was constituted of documentary research. In the second step, there was an application of a questionnaire with guiding questions, which allow to characterize demographically the managing nurses and, also, was delivered the diagnostic questionnaire of the motivational guidance, aiming to identify the behavioral profiles and mobilization styles of these leaderships. Thirty-five out of 36 managing nurses participated in the study, representing 97,22% of the group. The statistical treatment of the data, related to the answers of the questions of this instrument allowed to present the following results: the mobilization style with higher representativity in the nursing managers group is the negotiator, totalizing 25,71%, which represents nine managers; followed by the supporter, 17,14%, which represents six managers; 14,29%, five managers have specialist mobilization style; 14,29%, five managers have conqueror mobilization style; 11,43%, four managers have creator mobilization style; 8,57%, representing three managers, have competitor mobilization style and, finally, 8,57%, three managers have cooperator mobilization style. Regarding to the characteristics of each style, it is highlighted that the competence emotional intelligence, underscored in the different mobilization styles is, and will always be, an indicative of trend and not something which may be deemed as acquired. Considering the specific elements characteristics of the work processes, attendance and managerial, and the strong articulation, which the same should have among themselves, in the work developed by the managing nurses group, the study data reveal that the mobilization profiles presented favor the development of the leadership functions, which are peculiar in the service, as well, the company expectations achievement, in the satisfaction of goals. It should be highlighted that the fragile points of each profile need continually of investments as permanent education, as well, the strong points need the constant feedback by the board of directors, which defines strategic goals

O processo de construção do perfil de competências gerenciais para enfermeiros coordenadores de área hospitalar / The construction process of the coordinating nurses\' managerial competences profile of hospitable area

Manenti, Simone Alexandra 08 May 2008 (has links)
As mudanças no perfil do profissional enfermeiro se configuram historicamente em função da dinâmica que ocorre no mercado de trabalho em saúde, que por sua vez, sofre influências do contexto econômico, social e cultural. A crescente competitividade das organizações de saúde demanda a busca por profissionais cada vez mais qualificados e capacitados. A necessidade de incremento de competências assistenciais, gerenciais, de pesquisa e ensino objetivando o exercício da profissão, incorpora-se progressivamente ao perfil do profissional. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: construir o perfil de competências gerenciais, consensuado por enfermeiros coordenadores de área, para subsidiar um plano de desenvolvimento gerencial dos mesmos; identificar como os enfermeiros coordenadores de área percebem o processo de trabalho gerencial que desenvolvem na instituição hospitalar; analisar a percepção dos enfermeiros coordenadores quanto às competências necessárias para atuar no processo de trabalho gerencial e identificar as convergências e divergências entre o perfil de competências traçado pelos enfermeiros coordenadores e o perfil de competências definido pela Gerência de Enfermagem e Serviço de Educação Continuada. Caracterizado como um estudo qualitativo optou-se pela modalidade da pesquisa-ação. Esse método pressupõe a pesquisa voltada para a descrição de situações concretas e para a intervenção orientada em função da resolução de problemas efetivamente detectados na prática. O cenário da pesquisa foi um hospital filantrópico do município de São Paulo. Participaram da mesma, 13 enfermeiros coordenadores de área. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da técnica de grupo focal, com a realização de 04 encontros. A análise dos dados foi realizada com base nos referenciais teóricos relacionados a processo de trabalho e competências gerenciais. Os resultados permitiram construir um plano de desenvolvimento profissional para os enfermeiros coordenadores de área, pautado em competências que atendam as dimensões técnica, ético-política, comunicativa e de desenvolvimento da cidadania. Entre as competências essenciais, atribui-se maior ênfase às relacionadas aos papéis de mentor, coordenador e diretor. A análise do processo de trabalho gerencial dos enfermeiros coordenadores de área e o estudo das competências necessárias para um melhor desempenho no âmbito gerencial mostraram-se importantes, pois possibilitam problematizar as necessidades de aprimoramento e desenvolvimento desses profissionais de modo articulado, atendendo as demandas pessoais, profissionais e organizacionais / The changes in the professional nurse\'s profile set up historically in function of the dynamics occur in the health labor market, which then, suffer influences of the economics, social and cultural context. The increasing competitiveness of the health organizations demands the search of professional nurses more and more qualified and enabled. The necessity of development of the assistance competences, managerial, of research and teaching objectifying the exercise of the profession, it incorporates progressively to the professional\'s profile. The present study had as objectives: build the profile of managerial competences, according to coordinating nurses of area, to subsidize a plan of managerial development of the same; identify how the coordinating nurses of area realize the process of managerial working that develop in the hospitable institution; analyze the perception of the coordinating nurses regarding the necessary competences to act in the process of managerial working and identify the convergences and divergences among competences profile traced by the coordinating nurses and the competences profile defined by the Nursing and Service Management of Continued Education. Characterized as a qualitative study, was opted by the modality of the research-action. That method presupposes the research geared to the description of concrete situations and for the intervention guided regarding the problem solving indeed detected in the practice. The scenery of the research was a philanthropically hospital, in São Paulo, Municipal district. They took part in, thirteen coordinating nurses of area. The data collection occurred by means of the technique of focal group, it was made four encounters. The analysis of the data was accomplished based on theoretical references related to the working process and managerial competences. The results allowed to build a plan of professional development for the coordinating nurses of area, ruled in competences that answer the technical dimensions, ethic-politics, talkative and of development of the citizenship. Among essential competences, it assigns larger emphasis to the related to mentor, coordinator and director\'s roles. The analysis of the process of managerial working of the coordinating nurses of area and study of the necessary competences for a better performance in the managerial scope, they showed important, because they enable to create a problematic the needs to refinement and development of these coordinating nurses in an articulated manner, answering the personal, professional institutional demands

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovų vadybinės kompetencijos: Klaipėdos regiono ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų personalo bei vadovų atvejo analizė / Managerial competences of pre-school educational institutions' heads: case study of Klaipeda region pre-school educational institutions' personnel and heads

Martyšiūtė, Jolanta 03 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių teoriniai ir praktiniai ugdymo įstaigų vadovų atliekamų valdymo funkcijų aspektai; analizuota kompetencijos samprata; aiškintasi vadybinės kompetencijos sąvoką; aptartos ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovų kompetencijos. Remiantis teorine analize atliktas vadovų vadybinių kompetencijų tyrimas Klaipėdos regiono ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose. Išsamiai išanalizuotas ikimokyklinių įstaigų vadovų ir personalo požiūris į vadovų vadybines kompetencijas. Tyrimas parodė, kad apklausti personalo nariai geriau vertina savo vadovus nei patys vadovai save. Respondentai gana aukštai vertina savo vadovų vadybinį pasirengimą, asmenines savybes bei kitas vadovui būtinas kompetencijas, taigi paneigiama autorės iškelta hipotezė, kad ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovams trūksta vadybinių kompetencijų. / This master’s final paper analyses theoretical and practical works of various Lithuanian and foreign authors regarding management functions’ aspects of educational institutions heads’; analyses conception of managerial competence; discusses pre-school educational institutions heads’ competences. With reference to theoretical analysis a research of Klaipeda region pre-school educational institutions' heads was performed. During the survey personnel’s and heads’ attitude towards heads’ managerial competences was thoroughly analyzed. The research revealed that the personnel evaluated their heads better then heads themselves. Respondents gave quite high evaluations of their heads’ managerial preparation, personal characteristics and other competences which are necessary for heads, therefore a hypothesis, raised by the author, that a pre-school educational institutions’ heads lack managerial competences, was denied.

Perfis comportamentais e estilos de mobilização de enfermeiros gestores de um serviço de medicina diagnóstica / Behavioral profiles and mobilization styles of managing nurses of a diagnostic medicine service

Tatiana Sápia 26 June 2009 (has links)
O mercado de trabalho para os enfermeiros vem sofrendo mudanças, constatando-se que os profissionais têm ampliado seus papéis profissionais, requerendo que desenvolvam um leque maior de competências. Nesse contexto, este estudo objetivou caracterizar demograficamente os enfermeiros gestores de um serviço de medicina diagnóstica; identificar os perfis comportamentais e estilos de mobilização dos enfermeiros gestores; relacionar os perfis comportamentais com as competências individuais dos enfermeiros gestores, conforme definidas pela empresa; e, por fim, subsidiar políticas de treinamento e desenvolvimento de enfermeiros que atuam nesse setor. A investigação caracteriza-se como pesquisa exploratória, do tipo descritiva, desenvolvida na modalidade de estudo de caso. O cenário do estudo foi uma organização privada, prestadora de serviços de saúde, com a particularidade de atuar no campo da medicina diagnóstica. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram constituídos pela totalidade dos 36 enfermeiros gestores atuantes nas unidades de atendimento, assessoria e diretoria de educação da empresa. A coleta de dados foi realizada em duas etapas, entre agosto e outubro de 2008. A primeira etapa consistiu de uma pesquisa documental. Na segunda etapa houve a aplicação de um questionário com questões norteadoras que permitissem caracterizar demograficamente os enfermeiros gestores e também foi entregue o questionário diagnóstico M.A.R.E.® das orientações motivacionais, visando identificar os perfis comportamentais e os estilos de mobilização dessas lideranças. Participaram do estudo 35 dentre os 36 gestores de enfermagem, representando 97,22% do grupo. O tratamento estatístico dos dados relacionados às respostas das questões desse instrumento permitiu apresentar os seguintes resultados: o estilo de mobilização com maior representatividade no grupo de gestores de enfermagem é o Negociador, totalizando 25,71%, o que representa nove gestores; seguido pelo Mantenedor, 17,14%, o que representa seis gestores; 14,29%, cinco gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Especialista; 14,29%, cinco gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Conquistador; 11,43%, quatro gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Realizador; 8,57%, representando três gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Competidor e, por fim, 8,57%, três gestores, têm estilo de mobilização Colaborador. Em relação às características de cada estilo, destaca-se que a competência inteligência emocional, ressaltada nos diferentes estilos de mobilização, é, e será sempre, um indicador de tendência e não algo que possa ser considerado adquirido. Considerando as características dos elementos específicos dos processos de trabalho, assistencial e gerencial, e a forte articulação que os mesmos devem ter entre si no trabalho desenvolvido pelo grupo de enfermeiros gestores, os dados do estudo revelam que os perfis de mobilização apresentados favorecem o desempenho das funções de liderança que são peculiares no serviço, bem como o atendimento de expectativas da empresa no alcance de metas. Cabe destacar que os pontos de fragilidade de cada perfil precisam continuamente de investimentos na forma de educação permanente, bem como os pontos fortes precisam de feedback constante por parte da cúpula que define metas estratégicas / The work market for the nurses is changing, confirming that the professionals have amplified their professional roles, requiring that they develop a higher gamma of competences. In this context, this study aimed to characterize demographically the managing nurses of diagnostic medicine service; identify the behavioral profiles and mobilization styles of the managing nurses; relate the behavioral profiles to the individual competences of the managing nurses; as defined by the company and, finally, finance policies of training and development of nurses, who act in this sector. The investigation is characterized as exploratory research, descriptive type, developed in the modality of case study. The setting of the study was a private organization, health services rendering company, with the particularity of acting in the diagnostic medicine field. The subjects of the research were constituted by the total of 36 managing nurses in the units of healthcare advisory and board of directors of education of the company. The data collection was performed in two steps, between August and October, 2008. The first step was constituted of documentary research. In the second step, there was an application of a questionnaire with guiding questions, which allow to characterize demographically the managing nurses and, also, was delivered the diagnostic questionnaire of the motivational guidance, aiming to identify the behavioral profiles and mobilization styles of these leaderships. Thirty-five out of 36 managing nurses participated in the study, representing 97,22% of the group. The statistical treatment of the data, related to the answers of the questions of this instrument allowed to present the following results: the mobilization style with higher representativity in the nursing managers group is the negotiator, totalizing 25,71%, which represents nine managers; followed by the supporter, 17,14%, which represents six managers; 14,29%, five managers have specialist mobilization style; 14,29%, five managers have conqueror mobilization style; 11,43%, four managers have creator mobilization style; 8,57%, representing three managers, have competitor mobilization style and, finally, 8,57%, three managers have cooperator mobilization style. Regarding to the characteristics of each style, it is highlighted that the competence emotional intelligence, underscored in the different mobilization styles is, and will always be, an indicative of trend and not something which may be deemed as acquired. Considering the specific elements characteristics of the work processes, attendance and managerial, and the strong articulation, which the same should have among themselves, in the work developed by the managing nurses group, the study data reveal that the mobilization profiles presented favor the development of the leadership functions, which are peculiar in the service, as well, the company expectations achievement, in the satisfaction of goals. It should be highlighted that the fragile points of each profile need continually of investments as permanent education, as well, the strong points need the constant feedback by the board of directors, which defines strategic goals

O processo de construção do perfil de competências gerenciais para enfermeiros coordenadores de área hospitalar / The construction process of the coordinating nurses\' managerial competences profile of hospitable area

Simone Alexandra Manenti 08 May 2008 (has links)
As mudanças no perfil do profissional enfermeiro se configuram historicamente em função da dinâmica que ocorre no mercado de trabalho em saúde, que por sua vez, sofre influências do contexto econômico, social e cultural. A crescente competitividade das organizações de saúde demanda a busca por profissionais cada vez mais qualificados e capacitados. A necessidade de incremento de competências assistenciais, gerenciais, de pesquisa e ensino objetivando o exercício da profissão, incorpora-se progressivamente ao perfil do profissional. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: construir o perfil de competências gerenciais, consensuado por enfermeiros coordenadores de área, para subsidiar um plano de desenvolvimento gerencial dos mesmos; identificar como os enfermeiros coordenadores de área percebem o processo de trabalho gerencial que desenvolvem na instituição hospitalar; analisar a percepção dos enfermeiros coordenadores quanto às competências necessárias para atuar no processo de trabalho gerencial e identificar as convergências e divergências entre o perfil de competências traçado pelos enfermeiros coordenadores e o perfil de competências definido pela Gerência de Enfermagem e Serviço de Educação Continuada. Caracterizado como um estudo qualitativo optou-se pela modalidade da pesquisa-ação. Esse método pressupõe a pesquisa voltada para a descrição de situações concretas e para a intervenção orientada em função da resolução de problemas efetivamente detectados na prática. O cenário da pesquisa foi um hospital filantrópico do município de São Paulo. Participaram da mesma, 13 enfermeiros coordenadores de área. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da técnica de grupo focal, com a realização de 04 encontros. A análise dos dados foi realizada com base nos referenciais teóricos relacionados a processo de trabalho e competências gerenciais. Os resultados permitiram construir um plano de desenvolvimento profissional para os enfermeiros coordenadores de área, pautado em competências que atendam as dimensões técnica, ético-política, comunicativa e de desenvolvimento da cidadania. Entre as competências essenciais, atribui-se maior ênfase às relacionadas aos papéis de mentor, coordenador e diretor. A análise do processo de trabalho gerencial dos enfermeiros coordenadores de área e o estudo das competências necessárias para um melhor desempenho no âmbito gerencial mostraram-se importantes, pois possibilitam problematizar as necessidades de aprimoramento e desenvolvimento desses profissionais de modo articulado, atendendo as demandas pessoais, profissionais e organizacionais / The changes in the professional nurse\'s profile set up historically in function of the dynamics occur in the health labor market, which then, suffer influences of the economics, social and cultural context. The increasing competitiveness of the health organizations demands the search of professional nurses more and more qualified and enabled. The necessity of development of the assistance competences, managerial, of research and teaching objectifying the exercise of the profession, it incorporates progressively to the professional\'s profile. The present study had as objectives: build the profile of managerial competences, according to coordinating nurses of area, to subsidize a plan of managerial development of the same; identify how the coordinating nurses of area realize the process of managerial working that develop in the hospitable institution; analyze the perception of the coordinating nurses regarding the necessary competences to act in the process of managerial working and identify the convergences and divergences among competences profile traced by the coordinating nurses and the competences profile defined by the Nursing and Service Management of Continued Education. Characterized as a qualitative study, was opted by the modality of the research-action. That method presupposes the research geared to the description of concrete situations and for the intervention guided regarding the problem solving indeed detected in the practice. The scenery of the research was a philanthropically hospital, in São Paulo, Municipal district. They took part in, thirteen coordinating nurses of area. The data collection occurred by means of the technique of focal group, it was made four encounters. The analysis of the data was accomplished based on theoretical references related to the working process and managerial competences. The results allowed to build a plan of professional development for the coordinating nurses of area, ruled in competences that answer the technical dimensions, ethic-politics, talkative and of development of the citizenship. Among essential competences, it assigns larger emphasis to the related to mentor, coordinator and director\'s roles. The analysis of the process of managerial working of the coordinating nurses of area and study of the necessary competences for a better performance in the managerial scope, they showed important, because they enable to create a problematic the needs to refinement and development of these coordinating nurses in an articulated manner, answering the personal, professional institutional demands

Problematika získávání a výběru zaměstnanců v systému řízení podle kompetencí. / The issues of the recruitment process in the competency based management system.

Raisová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation thesis: THE ISSUES OF THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS IN THE COMPETENCY BASED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Mgr. Tereza Raisová ABSTRACT The dissertation thesis focuses on the topic of competences, the Competency Based Management and especially the method of the Competency Based Interview. The thesis aim is the underestanding of the competences in the pedagogical, andragogical and human resource management meanings. The thesis focuses primarily on the professional competences of the high performance, their identification, development, and the possibility of their usage in the recruitment, training and evaluation system, respective in the Human Resources Management system. The main thesis objective is the contribution to the development of science by the survay realisation in the area of the Competency Based Interview efficiency and the encouragement of a further investigation of this method. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part and it is structured into five chapters. The first chapter contains the theoretical bases of the competence issue, it suggests the emergence of the concept of competences as key characteristics for success at a certain position, it deals with the competence within the meaning of the pedagogical and andragogical category, it distinguishes key competences and...

Competências gerenciais dos coordenadores e orientadores do curso de graduação em administração de empresas : um estudo de caso na Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Silva, Maria Gorete Rodrigues da January 2002 (has links)
Entende-se que a profissionalização da gestão, através da identificação e desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais, é uma das formas de fazer frente às necessidades de mudanças nas instituições de ensino superior para que as mesmas consigam cumprir a missão institucional de produzir conhecimento e tomá-lo acessível, alcançando uma vantagem competitiva duradoura. O presente estudo realizado na Universidade de Caxias do Sul, instituição comunitária e regional, busca identificar as competências gerenciais dos coordenadores e orientadores do curso de Administração de Empresas, levando em consideração a importância do curso de graduação como uma das formas de tomar o conhecimento acessível ao corpo social. A identificação das competências gerenciais foi feita a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os coordenadores e orientadores no exercício da função e stakeholders: diretores de unidades de ensino, chefia de departamento e pró-reitoria de graduação e focus group, entrevista em grupo com alunos e professores. A investigação é exploratória, de natureza qualitativa. A estratégia de pesquisa usada foi estudo de caso. Fez-se uso da análise de conteúdo para a interpretação dos dados. Neste estudo foi avaliado o nível de preparo, considerando experiência, formação em gestão universitária e treinamento para o exercício da função, assim como o levantamento das principais atividades realizadas e os papéis assumidos na desempenho da função. Os papéis mais relevantes assumidos, conforme depoimentos, foram o papel de coach, na relação com o aluno e de articulador e aglutinador na operacionalização e atualização do projeto pedagógico. Identificaram-se também, os principais recursos de competências, incorporados ao indivíduo (conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes) e recursos do ambiente necessários para a atuação gerencial do coordenador/orientador. E a partir dos depoimentos construíram-se as macro-competências gerenciais contextualizadas com a estratégia organizacional e foi proposto diretrizes para um plano de desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais. As macro-competências gerenciais expressam os dois eixos básicos de atuação do coordenador/orientador: a interface com o aluno na integralização dos seus estudos e a operacionalização e atualização do projeto pedagógico. E uma terceira macro-competência trouxe a necessidade da atuação ser continuamente uma aprendizagem, de sensibilidade ao meio ambiente interno e externo para sentir, perceber e agir a partir das oportunidades, tomando o coordenador/orientador um gestor de oportunidades, em um contexto de mudanças permanentes. / It's understood that the professionalization of management, through the identification and development of managerial competences, is a way of facing the needs of change in university education so that it can accomplish the institutional mission of producing knowledge and make it accessible, reaching a lasting competitive advantage. This study, developed at Universidade de Caxias do Sul, a regional and community institution, searches for identifying the managerial competences of Business Administration Course coordinators and counselors, taking into consideration the importance of the graduating course as a way to make knowledge accessible to the social body. The identification of the managerial competences was done through semi structured interviews with coordinators, counselors and stakeholders: teaching unit directors, heads of departments, graduation deans and focos groups, which are interviews with groups of students and professors. The investigation is exploratory and qualitative in nature. The research strategy used was case study. Content analysis was used for data interpretation. The following were evaluated in this study: levei of readiness considering experience, university management background, training, main activities performed as well as roles undertaken in function performance. Most relevant roles undertaken, as stated, were those related to coaching students as well as articulating and agglutinating the pedagogic project operationalization and updating. The individual main competence (knowledge, abilities and attitudes) and environment resources needed for coordinator/ counselor managerial performance were also identified. From statements, the managerial macro-competences were built contextualized with an organizational strategy and a managerial competence development plan line was proposed. The managerial macro-competences express the two basic axes of coordinator/ counselor performance: the interface with the student in his study integralization and the updating and operationalization of pedagogic project. And a third macro- competence brought up the need of a continually leaming performance, of sensitivity to intemal and externai environment to perceive and act from opportunities, making the coordinator/counselor an opportunity manager in an ever evolving context.

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