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De-Materializing the Boundary Between Architecture and ContextStephenson, Matthew Frank 02 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Satisfaction level of students enrolled in the College of Education as demonstrated by their reactions to the university environmentElzinga, Agnes L. January 1986 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1986 E49 / Master of Science / Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs
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Exposant critique des groupes de surfaces agissant sur H2 x H2 et H3 / Critical exponent of surface groups acting on H2 x H2 and H3Glorieux, Olivier 12 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne l'étude de l'exposant critique associé à un groupe de surface dans deux cas. Le premier fait l'étude de l'action diagonale par deux représentations de l'espace de Teichmüller sur le produit de plans hyperboliques. Le second correspond à l'action quasi-Fuchsienne sur l'espace hyperbolique de dimension 3. Elle contient un chapitre de préliminaires détaillées introduisant les différents outils mathématiques nécessaires à la compréhension générale des énoncés et des preuves. L'étude de l'exposant critique sur H2*H2 correspond aux chapitre 2 et 3. Dans le second on y fait l'étude approfondie de la courbe de Manhattan, telle que définie par M. Burger, et des invariants qui lui sont associés (exposant critique, exposant critique directionnel, coefficient de corrélation). Dans le troisième, on y prouve le résultat principal de la première partie, un théorème d'isolation, précisant un résultat de rigidité de Bishop-Steger. Le dernier chapitre correspond à l'étude de l'exposant critique des groupes quasi-Fuchsiens. On y prouve deux inégalités entre l'entropie volumiques des surfaces plongées et l'exposant critique. On précise les cas d'égalités ce qui permet d'obtenir deux théorèmes de rigidité de l'exposant critique. / This aim of this thesis is the study of the critical exponent associated to a surface group acting on two different spaces. First we study the diagonal action of two teichmuller representations on the product of hyperbolic planes. Then we study quasi-Fuchsian action on the hyperbolic 3-space. The first chapter is dedicated to introduce the basic notions we need to understand the different theorems and proofs in the thesis. The study of critical exponent on H2*H2 is made in chapters 2 and 3. In chapter 2 we study the Manhattan curve, as defined by M. Burger, and more or less classical invariants as critical exponent, critical exponent with given slope, correlation coefficient. In chapter 3, we survey some results on geometric Teichmüller theory, as geodesic currents and earthquakes. We conclude this Chapter by the principal theorem of this first part, that is to say, an isolation result, improving a rigidity result of Bishop-Steger. In the last chapter, we study quasi-Fuchsian representations. The main result is an inequality between critical exponent and volume entropy of embedded surfaces. Moreover we precise the equality case, which gives a theorem of rigidity for the critical exponent.
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Le factuel et le fictionnel dans "Ardor guerrero", "Sefarad" et "Ventanas de Manhattan" d'Antonio Muñoz Molina / Factual and fictional in "Warrior's rage", "Sepharad" and "Windows on Manhattan" by Antonio Muñoz Molina / Lo factual y lo ficticio en "Ardor Guerrero", Sefarad" y "Ventanas de Manhattan" de Antonio Muñoz MolinaVaquero-Nourrisson, Élodie 15 November 2012 (has links)
La présente thèse vise à interroger les rapports qu’entretiennent le factuel et le fictionnel dans "Ardor guerrero", "Sefarad" et "Ventanas de Manhattan" d’Antonio Muñoz Molina. En effet, si ces œuvres se présentent respectivement comme trois modalités d’une écriture factuelle, à savoir des mémoires, des témoignages et un récit de voyage, elles ne peuvent néanmoins être exemptes de fictionnalité. L’hybridation des faits et de la fiction au sein de ce corpus apparaît non seulement comme inéluctable mais aussi porteuse de sens dans la mesure où elle permet d’approcher d’une part la vision personnelle de l’auteur sur le monde et d’autre part les histoires de l’Autre dans toute sa vérité et son intimité. / This thesis aims to examine the relationships between the factual and the fictional in "Warrior’s Rage", "Sepharad" and "Windows on Manhattan" by Antonio Muñoz Molina. Indeed, if these works are presented respectively as three modalities of factual writing, that is to say memories, testimonies and a travelogue, they can’t nevertheless be free of fictionality. Hybridization of facts and fiction in this corpus is not only inevitable but also meaningful in that it allows approaching on the one hand the author's personal vision of the world and on the other hand the stories of the Other in all its truth and intimacy. / Esta tesis tiene como objetivo examinar las relaciones entre lo fáctico y lo ficticio en "Ardor guerrero", "Sefarad" y "Ventanas de Manhattan" de Antonio Muñoz Molina. De hecho, si estas obras se presentan respectivamente como tres modalidades de escritura fáctica, o sea como las memorias militares del autor, unos testimonios de perseguidos y un relato de viaje por Nueva York, no pueden sin embargo estar libres de ficcionalidad. La hibridación de los hechos y de la ficción en este corpus no sólo es inevitable, sino que permite también acercarse por un lado a la visión personal del autor sobre el mundo y por otro lado a las historias de los demás en toda su verdad y su intimidad.
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Crop coefficient curves for corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) based on fraction of growing seasonAmos, Brigid. January 1985 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1985 A46 / Master of Science
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[pt] Redes Manhattan Street (MS) têm sido descritas como um
arranjo linear
bidimensional de nós, semelhante à configuração de ruas
avenidas de
Manhattan. O roteamento por deflexão é implementado
encaminhando os pacotes
que atingem um determinado nó a uma de suas saídas de
forma síncrona ou
assíncrona. O principal objetivo deste trabalho consiste
na simulação e análise de
redes totalmente ópticas configuradas segundo a
MS. O roteamento por
deflexão e o assincronismo são considerados, para evitar
complexidade eletrônica
e armazenamento de pacotes no domínio óptico. Serão
apresentadas as
características das redes MS, suas propriedades
estruturais e os parâmetros
utilizados para analisar seu desempenho. Uma metodologia
analítica dedicada a
obtenção teórica destes parâmetros será introduzida.
apresentados alguns
conceitos básicos sobre simulação de redes;diversas
simulações da rede proposta
utilizando os protocolos UDP e TCP; uma descrição do
software que foi utilizado
para realizar as simulações; uma comparação entre os
resultados obtidos através
da simulação e os obtidos através da metodologia
analítica; e uma análise do
efeito da latência na vazão do protocolo TCP. / [en] Manhattan Street (MS) Networks are bidimensional linear
node sets
arranged as the avenues and streets of Manhattan. The
simulation and analysis of
all-optical MS networks is the central target of this
paper. In order to avoid using
complex electronics and/or optical domain buffers, the
deflection routing and the
asynchronism are taken into account in the analysis.
Deflection routing is
performed by conveying incoming packets towards one of the
two outputs. The
characteristics of MS Networks are presented, along with
their structural
properties and the parameters used for performance
analysis. An analytical
methodology for the theoretical obtaining of these
parameters is described. Some
basic concepts on network simulation are discussed.
Several simulations of the
proposed network are presented, using both UDP and TCP
protocols, and the
software used for simulations is also described. The
obtained results are compared
and discussed with respect to the previously described
analytic methodologies.
Finally, the effect of network latency on the TCP-protocol
throughput is assessed.
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Mídia e masculinidade: o programa de televisão Manhattan Connection / Media and masculinity: the Manhattan Connection television showJustino, Agatha Arianne de Assis 12 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-01-12T12:36:17Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Agatha Arianne de Assis Justino.pdf: 1446273 bytes, checksum: 07502df55adb3d6a1962de8363b10579 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-12T12:36:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Agatha Arianne de Assis Justino.pdf: 1446273 bytes, checksum: 07502df55adb3d6a1962de8363b10579 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-12-12 / This research project analyzes the television show Manhattan Connection, currently shown on the cable channel, Globo News. The format of the program it’s centered on the debates between presenters Lucas Mendes, Caio Blinder, Diogo Mainardi, Ricardo Amorim and Pedro Andrade. Their discussions are mainly about the North American and Brazilian news. We work with the hypothesis that the crisis triggered by the September 11, episode would have repercussions on the self-perception of the American nation, reducing their male ideals, understood as imaginary attributes of the dominating hero. Inseparably from this first hypothesis, we suppose that this reduction would be seen in the fall of the quality of the debates, which tends to the dialogue of the deaf, and in the irony of the debaters about themselves. The research corpus covers programs from 1993 to 2014. The selection prioritized the debates regarding critical moments in the recent history of the United States, such as the attack on the World Trade Center, the economic crisis of 2008 and the lawsuits they chose Barack Obama President. At first, the survey offers a panorama of the Brazilian media and television culture, exploring the history of the vehicle and, especially, how manly Americanism has established itself as the basis for programs like Manhattan Connection. The theoretical basis of this project turns to an analysis of the television language, with the support of scholars like Eugênio Bucci, Muniz Sodré, Artlindo Machado and Maria Rita Kehl. The research also involves readings on the representation of virility and the values of the virile hero, in this case Pierre Bordieu, Elisabeth Badinter and Socrates Nolasco. Recent studies on American history and sociology are also explored, especially those proposed by Slavoj Zizek and Noam Chomsky. The project is relevant due to the lack of work on the program, although it has remained in the air since 1993 and to propose a Brazilian view of North American life, based on the daily and direct experience of the country by most of its journalists / O presente projeto de pesquisa visa a analisar o programa de televisão Manhattan Connection, exibido atualmente pelo canal Globo News. O formato do programa privilegia o debate e traz os apresentadores Lucas Mendes, Caio Blinder, Diogo Mainardi, Ricardo Amorim e Pedro Andrade discutindo os principais assuntos dos noticiários norte-americanos e brasileiros. Trabalhamos com a hipótese de que a crise deflagrada pelo episódio do 11 de Setembro teria repercussão sobre a autopercepção da nação norte-americana, abatendo-lhe os ideais “viris”, entendidos como atributos imaginários do herói dominador. Inseparavelmente da primeira hipótese, supomos ainda que esse abatimento se deixaria ver na queda da qualidade dos debates, que tende ao diálogo de surdos, e na autoironia dos debatedores. O corpus da pesquisa abrange nove programas exibidos entre 1993 e 2014. A seleção priorizou os debates referentes a momentos críticos da história recente dos Estados Unidos, como o atentado ao World Trade Center, a crise econômica de 2008 e os pleitos que elegeram Barack Obama presidente. Em um primeiro momento, a pesquisa oferece um panorama da mídia e cultura televisiva no Brasil, explorando a história do veículo e, principalmente, como o americanismo viril se estabeleceu como base para programas como Manhattan Connection. A base teórica deste projeto se volta a uma análise da linguagem televisiva, com o apoio de estudiosos como Eugênio Bucci, Muniz Sodré, Artlindo Machado e Maria Rita Kehl. A pesquisa envolve ainda leituras sobre a representação da virilidade e dos valores do herói viril, neste caso com Pierre Bordieu, Elisabeth Badinter e Sócrates Nolasco. Também são explorados estudos recentes sobre a história e a sociologia americana, especialmente aqueles propostos por Slavoj Žižek e Noam Chomsky. O projeto é relevante pela inexistência de trabalhos sobre o programa, apesar de se manter no ar desde 1993 e de propor uma visão brasileira da vida norte-americana, a partir da experiência direta e cotidiana do país pela maioria de seus jornalistas
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A brief history of the origin and development of certain Bible colleges of the Christian Churches/Churches of ChristStone, Jeffrey Allen, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary, 1993. / Includes abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-113).
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Nukleární společnost Spojené státy v letech 1945-1964 / Nuclear Society - United States of America 1945 - 1964Ulvr, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Michal Ulvr Abstract It was the near-end of the Second World War, which defined the popular reception of the Atomic bomb for upcoming decade. In the first year of the nuclear monopoly, the feeling of uncertainty and fear of death in the nuclear war was not yet present in strength. The mood of relative safety dominated the American society till the fall of the monopoly in 1949. Since the first atomic explosion occurred in the USSR, the atmosphere of fear, that never faded back and was latent since August and September 1945, made an exuberant appearance in press and other media. Suddenly, the American government made (after years of neglect) a great effort to calm down the uncertainty of the public. A Federal Civil Defense Administration was established at the end of 1950 and provided more or less useful information, propaganda, material and logistical support for a war with the Soviet Union, which was expected to come sooner or later. Plenty of educational and propaganda pamphlets, books and training films were produced in determination to make it clear, that survival under nuclear attack was possible. And indeed, at that time, there was even a good chance, that keeping some basic survival rules in mind an individual could come out of a nuclear attack relatively unscathed. Administration even tried to...
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Playground utilization: a study on urban, community and neighborhood park playgrounds in Manhattan, KansasYao, Kanglin January 1900 (has links)
Master of Regional and Community Planning / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Hyung Jin Kim / Children’s play is partially satisfied through provision of public playgrounds with manufactured playground equipment in urban settings in the U.S., however, manufactured playground equipment is often criticized for its monotonous play equipment and is considered to be the primary cause of low playground utilization and dissatisfaction by many researchers (Hart, 2002; Beckwith, 2000; Cunningham & Jones, 1999; Davies, 1996; Masters, 2011). This study selected an urban park playground, a community playground, and a neighborhood park playground with manufactured equipment in the city of Manhattan as study sites. The purpose of this study is to examine utilization of the current playground areas and equipment—specifically by examining playground satisfaction levels and utilization frequency, and playground equipment satisfaction and utilization frequency to reveal playground utilization issues. A playground field audit and an on-site visitor survey were used to collect data. This study found (a) study playgrounds are underutilized among 6-to-10 and 11-to-15 age groups, (b) correlations exist between play equipment utilization frequencies and satisfaction ratings for most play equipment, and (c) no correlation exists between playground utilization frequency and playground satisfaction ratings. Results also revealed that (d) rare and occasional playground visitors are more likely to be attracted to play equipment with moving parts, higher physical challenges, and creative designs. Playground utilization rates are at current levels partially due to the rigid demand for playground use and play equipment. Although this study showed that 57% of survey participants were satisfied with the manufactured play equipment overall, play equipment should still be carefully selected and installed in consideration of different age groups, and visitors’ needs and characteristics; and more creative and cutting-edge play equipment should be considered for future playground improvements.
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