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Métodos algébricos para a obtenção de formas gerais reversíveis-equivariantes / Algebraic methods for the computation of general reversible-equivariant mappingsOliveira, Iris de 10 March 2009 (has links)
Na análise global e local de sistemas dinâmicos assumimos, em geral, que as equações estão numa forma normal. Em presença de simetrias, as equações e o domínio do problema são invariantes pelo grupo formado por estas simetrias; neste caso, o campo de vetores é equivariante pela ação deste grupo. Quando, além das simetrias, temos também ocorrência de anti-simetrias - ou reversibilidades - as equações e o domínio do problema são ainda invariantes pelo grupo formado pelo conjunto de todas as simetrias e anti-simetrias; neste caso, o campo de vetores é reversível-equivariante. Existem muitos modelos físicos onde simetrias e anti-simetrias aparecem naturalmente e cujo efeito pode ser estudado de uma forma sistemática através de teoria de representação de grupos de Lie. O primeiro passo deste processo é colocar a aplicação que modela tal sistema numa forma normal e isto é feito com a dedução a priori da forma geral dos campos de vetores. Esta forma geral depende de dois componentes: da base de Hilbert do anel das funções invariantes e dos geradores do módulo das aplicações reversíveis-equivariantes. Neste projeto, nos concentramos principalmente na aplicação de resultados recentes da literatura para a construção de uma lista de formas gerais de aplicações reversíveisequivariantes sob a ação de diferentes grupos. Além disso, adaptamos ferramentas algébricas da literatura existentes no contexto equivariante para o estudo sistemático de acoplamento de células idênticas no contexto reversível-equivariante / In the global and local analysis of dynamical systems, we assume, in general, that the equations are in a normal form. In presence of symmetries, the equations and the problem domain are invariant under the group formed by these symmetries; in that case, the vector field is equivariant by the action of this group. When, in addition to the symmetries, we have the occurrence of anti-symmetries - or reversibility - the equations and the problem domain are still invariant by the group formed by the set of all symmetries and anti-symmetries; in this case, the vector field is reversible-equivariant. There are many physical models where both symmetries and anti-symmetries occur naturally and whose effect can be studied in a systematic way through group representation theory. The first step of this process is to put the mapping that model the system in a normal form, and this is done with the deduction of the general form of the vector field. This general form depends on two components: the Hilbert basis of the invariant function ring and also the generators of the module of the revesible-equivariants. In this work, we mainly focus on the applications of recent results of the literature to build a list of general forms of reversible-equivariant mappings under the action of different groups. We also adapt algebraic tools of the existing literature in the equivariant context to the systematic study of coupling of identical cells in the reversible-equivariant context
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Geoprocessamento nos mapeamentos de inventário dos Planos de Manejo de Unidades de Conservação paulistas: avaliação dos casos do PETAR e da APA-VRT a partir da revisão integrada da literatura / Geoprocessing in the inventory data mappings in Areas Management Plans of São Paulo protected areas: evaluation of PETAR cases and the APA-VRT from an integrated literature reviewNepomuceno, Pablo Luiz Maia 13 May 2016 (has links)
Os mapeamentos de dados de inventário nos Planos de Manejo de Unidades de Conservação consistem em uma das atividades mais importantes da elaboração destes documentos, pois deles derivam as análises de diagnóstico e as decisões que são tomadas para a gestão dessas áreas de relevante interesse ambiental para a sociedade. Desse modo, o uso de dados adequados e a escolha de opções técnicas mais eficientes são fundamentais para proporcionar a obtenção de melhores resultados nesses levantamentos, assim como a execução de procedimentos de aferição e validação dos resultados obtidos, independentemente dos métodos e técnicas envolvidos no processo de levantamento, são fundamentais para garantir a sua confiabilidade durante a realização das análises e das tomadas de decisão. Nessa perspectiva, portanto, esta pesquisa se propôs a avaliar se as opções técnicas mais eficientes de geoprocessamento atualmente disponíveis, conforme evidenciadas pela revisão integrativa da literatura, vêm sendo oportunamente e adequadamente aproveitadas nos Planos de Manejo que vêm sendo produzidos para Unidades de Conservação paulistas, contribuindo não apenas para alertar os órgãos gestores destas Unidades de Conservação sob um possível subaproveitamento dessas técnicas, como também para indicar alternativas que possam ser levadas em consideração durante a elaboração de Planos de Manejo futuros. / The inventory data mappings in Protected Areas Management Plans consist of one of the most important activities of these papers because from them derive the diagnostic analyzes and decisions that are taken to the management of these areas of relevant environmental interest to the society. Thus the use of appropriate data and the choice of more efficient technical options are critical to provide the best results in these surveys as well as the execution of calibration procedures and validate of these results, regardless of the methods and techniques involved in the survey process, are fundamental to ensure its reliability during the time of analysis and decision making. From this perspective, therefore, this research aimed to assess whether the most efficient technical options currently available geoprocessing, as evidenced by the integrative literature review, have been timely and properly utilized in Management Plans that have been produced for São Paulo protected areas, contributing not only to alert the governing bodies of these protected areas under a possible under-utilization of these techniques, but also to indicate alternatives that can be taken into account during the preparation of future Management Plans.
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Métodos algébricos para a obtenção de formas gerais reversíveis-equivariantes / Algebraic methods for the computation of general reversible-equivariant mappingsIris de Oliveira 10 March 2009 (has links)
Na análise global e local de sistemas dinâmicos assumimos, em geral, que as equações estão numa forma normal. Em presença de simetrias, as equações e o domínio do problema são invariantes pelo grupo formado por estas simetrias; neste caso, o campo de vetores é equivariante pela ação deste grupo. Quando, além das simetrias, temos também ocorrência de anti-simetrias - ou reversibilidades - as equações e o domínio do problema são ainda invariantes pelo grupo formado pelo conjunto de todas as simetrias e anti-simetrias; neste caso, o campo de vetores é reversível-equivariante. Existem muitos modelos físicos onde simetrias e anti-simetrias aparecem naturalmente e cujo efeito pode ser estudado de uma forma sistemática através de teoria de representação de grupos de Lie. O primeiro passo deste processo é colocar a aplicação que modela tal sistema numa forma normal e isto é feito com a dedução a priori da forma geral dos campos de vetores. Esta forma geral depende de dois componentes: da base de Hilbert do anel das funções invariantes e dos geradores do módulo das aplicações reversíveis-equivariantes. Neste projeto, nos concentramos principalmente na aplicação de resultados recentes da literatura para a construção de uma lista de formas gerais de aplicações reversíveisequivariantes sob a ação de diferentes grupos. Além disso, adaptamos ferramentas algébricas da literatura existentes no contexto equivariante para o estudo sistemático de acoplamento de células idênticas no contexto reversível-equivariante / In the global and local analysis of dynamical systems, we assume, in general, that the equations are in a normal form. In presence of symmetries, the equations and the problem domain are invariant under the group formed by these symmetries; in that case, the vector field is equivariant by the action of this group. When, in addition to the symmetries, we have the occurrence of anti-symmetries - or reversibility - the equations and the problem domain are still invariant by the group formed by the set of all symmetries and anti-symmetries; in this case, the vector field is reversible-equivariant. There are many physical models where both symmetries and anti-symmetries occur naturally and whose effect can be studied in a systematic way through group representation theory. The first step of this process is to put the mapping that model the system in a normal form, and this is done with the deduction of the general form of the vector field. This general form depends on two components: the Hilbert basis of the invariant function ring and also the generators of the module of the revesible-equivariants. In this work, we mainly focus on the applications of recent results of the literature to build a list of general forms of reversible-equivariant mappings under the action of different groups. We also adapt algebraic tools of the existing literature in the equivariant context to the systematic study of coupling of identical cells in the reversible-equivariant context
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Bayesian Simultaneous Intervals for Small Areas: An Application to Mapping Mortality Rates in U.S. Health Service AreasErhardt, Erik Barry 05 January 2004 (has links)
It is customary when presenting a choropleth map of rates or counts to present only the estimates (mean or mode) of the parameters of interest. While this technique illustrates spatial variation, it ignores the variation inherent in the estimates. We describe an approach to present variability in choropleth maps by constructing 100(1-alpha)% simultaneous intervals. The result provides three maps (estimate with two bands). We propose two methods to construct simultaneous intervals from the optimal individual highest posterior density (HPD) intervals to ensure joint simultaneous coverage of 100(1-alpha)%. Both methods exhibit the main feature of multiplying the lower bound and dividing the upper bound of the individual HPD intervals by parameters 0
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Inférence statistique dans des modèles de comptage à inflation de zéro. Applications en économie de la santé / Statistical inference in zero-inflated counts models. Applications in economics of healthDiallo, Alpha Oumar 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les modèles de régressions à inflation de zéros constituent un outil très puissant pour l’analyse de données de comptage avec excès de zéros, émanant de divers domaines tels que l’épidémiologie, l’économie de la santé ou encore l’écologie. Cependant, l’étude théorique dans ces modèles attire encore peu d’attention. Ce manuscrit s’intéresse au problème de l’inférence dans des modèles de comptage à inflation de zéro.Dans un premier temps, nous revenons sur la question de l’estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance dans le modèle binomial à inflation de zéro. D’abord nous montrons l’existence de l’estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance des paramètres dans ce modèle. Ensuite, nous démontrons la consistance de cet estimateur, et nous établissons sa normalité asymptotique. Puis, une étude de simulation exhaustive sur des tailles finies d’échantillons est menée pour évaluer la cohérence de nos résultats. Et pour finir, une application sur des données réelles d’économie de la santé a été conduite.Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons un nouveau modèle statistique d’analyse de la consommation de soins médicaux. Ce modèle permet, entre autres, d’identifier les causes du non-recours aux soins médicaux. Nous avons étudié rigoureusement les propriétés mathématiques du modèle. Ensuite nous avons mené une étude numérique approfondie à l’aide de simulations informatiques et enfin, nous l’avons appliqué à l’analyse d’une base de données recensant la consommation de soins de plusieurs milliers de patients aux USA.Un dernier aspect de ces travaux de thèse a été de s’intéresser au problème de l’inférence dans le modèle binomial à inflation de zéro dans un contexte de données manquantes sur les covariables. Dans ce cas nous proposons la méthode de pondération par l’inverse des probabilités de sélection pour estimer les paramètres du modèle. Ensuite, nous établissons la consistance et la normalité asymptotique de l’estimateur proposé. Enfin, une étude de simulation sur plusieurs échantillons de tailles finies est conduite pour évaluer le comportement de l’estimateur. / The zero-inflated regression models are a very powerful tool for the analysis of counting data with excess zeros from various areas such as epidemiology, health economics or ecology. However, the theoretical study in these models attracts little attention. This manuscript is interested in the problem of inference in zero-inflated count models.At first, we return to the question of the maximum likelihood estimator in the zero-inflated binomial model. First we show the existence of the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters in this model. Then, we demonstrate the consistency of this estimator, and let us establish its asymptotic normality. Then, a comprehensive simulation study finite sample sizes are conducted to evaluate the consistency of our results. Finally, an application on real health economics data has been conduct.In a second time, we propose a new statistical analysis model of the consumption of medical care. This model allows, among other things, to identify the causes of the non-use of medical care. We have studied rigorously the mathematical properties of the model. Then, we carried out an exhaustive numerical study using computer simulations and finally applied to the analysis of a database on health care several thousand patients in the USA.A final aspect of this work was to focus on the problem of inference in the zero inflation binomial model in the context of missing covariate data. In this case we propose the weighting method by the inverse of the selection probabilities to estimate the parameters of the model. Then, we establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator offers. Finally, a simulation study on several samples of finite sizes is conducted to evaluate the behavior of the estimator.
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Ontology mapping: a logic-based approach with applications in selected domainsWong, Alfred Ka Yiu, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
In advent of the Semantic Web and recent standardization efforts, Ontology has quickly become a popular and core semantic technology. Ontology is seen as a solution provider to knowledge based systems. It facilitates tasks such as knowledge sharing, reuse and intelligent processing by computer agents. A key problem addressed by Ontology is the semantic interoperability problem. Interoperability in general is a common problem in different domain applications and semantic interoperability is the hardest and an ongoing research problem. It is required for systems to exchange knowledge and having the meaning of the knowledge accurately and automatically interpreted by the receiving systems. The innovation is to allow knowledge to be consumed and used accurately in a way that is not foreseen by the original creator. While Ontology promotes semantic interoperability across systems by unifying their knowledge bases through consensual understanding, common engineering and processing practices, it does not solve the semantic interoperability problem at the global level. As individuals are increasingly empowered with tools, ontologies will eventually be created more easily and rapidly at a near individual scale. Global semantic interoperability between heterogeneous ontologies created by small groups of individuals will then be required. Ontology mapping is a mechanism for providing semantic bridges between ontologies. While ontology mapping promotes semantic interoperability across ontologies, it is seen as the solution provider to the global semantic interoperability problem. However, there is no single ontology mapping solution that caters for all problem scenarios. Different applications would require different mapping techniques. In this thesis, we analyze the relations between ontology, semantic interoperability and ontology mapping, and promote an ontology-based semantic interoperability solution. We propose a novel ontology mapping approach namely, OntoMogic. It is based on first order logic and model theory. OntoMogic supports approximate mapping and produces structures (approximate entity correspondence) that represent alignment results between concepts. OntoMogic has been implemented as a coherent system and is applied in different application scenarios. We present case studies in the network configuration, security intrusion detection and IT governance & compliance management domain. The full process of ontology engineering to mapping has been demonstrated to promote ontology-based semantic interoperability.
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Ontology mapping: a logic-based approach with applications in selected domainsWong, Alfred Ka Yiu, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
In advent of the Semantic Web and recent standardization efforts, Ontology has quickly become a popular and core semantic technology. Ontology is seen as a solution provider to knowledge based systems. It facilitates tasks such as knowledge sharing, reuse and intelligent processing by computer agents. A key problem addressed by Ontology is the semantic interoperability problem. Interoperability in general is a common problem in different domain applications and semantic interoperability is the hardest and an ongoing research problem. It is required for systems to exchange knowledge and having the meaning of the knowledge accurately and automatically interpreted by the receiving systems. The innovation is to allow knowledge to be consumed and used accurately in a way that is not foreseen by the original creator. While Ontology promotes semantic interoperability across systems by unifying their knowledge bases through consensual understanding, common engineering and processing practices, it does not solve the semantic interoperability problem at the global level. As individuals are increasingly empowered with tools, ontologies will eventually be created more easily and rapidly at a near individual scale. Global semantic interoperability between heterogeneous ontologies created by small groups of individuals will then be required. Ontology mapping is a mechanism for providing semantic bridges between ontologies. While ontology mapping promotes semantic interoperability across ontologies, it is seen as the solution provider to the global semantic interoperability problem. However, there is no single ontology mapping solution that caters for all problem scenarios. Different applications would require different mapping techniques. In this thesis, we analyze the relations between ontology, semantic interoperability and ontology mapping, and promote an ontology-based semantic interoperability solution. We propose a novel ontology mapping approach namely, OntoMogic. It is based on first order logic and model theory. OntoMogic supports approximate mapping and produces structures (approximate entity correspondence) that represent alignment results between concepts. OntoMogic has been implemented as a coherent system and is applied in different application scenarios. We present case studies in the network configuration, security intrusion detection and IT governance & compliance management domain. The full process of ontology engineering to mapping has been demonstrated to promote ontology-based semantic interoperability.
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A multidimensional sketching interface for visual interaction with corpus-based concatenative sound synthesisTsiros, Augoustinos January 2016 (has links)
The present research sought to investigate the correspondence between auditory and visual feature dimensions and to utilise this knowledge in order to inform the design of audio-visual mappings for visual control of sound synthesis. The first stage of the research involved the design and implementation of Morpheme, a novel interface for interaction with corpus-based concatenative synthesis. Morpheme uses sketching as a model for interaction between the user and the computer. The purpose of the system is to facilitate the expression of sound design ideas by describing the qualities of the sound to be synthesised in visual terms, using a set of perceptually meaningful audio-visual feature associations. The second stage of the research involved the preparation of two multidimensional mappings for the association between auditory and visual dimensions. The third stage of this research involved the evaluation of the Audio-Visual (A/V) mappings and of Morpheme's user interface. The evaluation comprised two controlled experiments, an online study and a user study. Our findings suggest that the strength of the perceived correspondence between the A/V associations prevails over the timbre characteristics of the sounds used to render the complementary polar features. Hence, the empirical evidence gathered by previous research is generalizable/ applicable to different contexts and the overall dimensionality of the sound used to render should not have a very significant effect on the comprehensibility and usability of an A/V mapping. However, the findings of the present research also show that there is a non-linear interaction between the harmonicity of the corpus and the perceived correspondence of the audio-visual associations. For example, strongly correlated cross-modal cues such as size-loudness or vertical position-pitch are affected less by the harmonicity of the audio corpus in comparison to weaker correlated dimensions (e.g. texture granularity-sound dissonance). No significant differences were revealed as a result of musical/audio training. The third study consisted of an evaluation of Morpheme's user interface were participants were asked to use the system to design a sound for a given video footage. The usability of the system was found to be satisfactory. An interface for drawing visual queries was developed for high level control of the retrieval and signal processing algorithms of concatenative sound synthesis. This thesis elaborates on previous research findings and proposes two methods for empirically driven validation of audio-visual mappings for sound synthesis. These methods could be applied to a wide range of contexts in order to inform the design of cognitively useful multi-modal interfaces and representation and rendering of multimodal data. Moreover this research contributes to the broader understanding of multimodal perception by gathering empirical evidence about the correspondence between auditory and visual feature dimensions and by investigating which factors affect the perceived congruency between aural and visual structures.
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Développements récents en analyse multivoque : prédérivées et optimisation multivoque / Récent developments in set-valued analysis : préderivatives and set optimizationMarcelin, Yvesner 22 June 2016 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur les prédérivées d'applications multivoques et la théorie de l'optimisation. Dans un premier temps, nous établissons des résultats d'existence de différents types de prédérivées pour certaines classes d'applications. Spécialement, pour des applications multivoques possédant certaines propriétés de convexité. Par la suite, nous appliquons ces résultats dans le cadre de la théorie de l'optimisation multivoque en établissant des conditions nécessaires et des conditions suffisantes d'optimalité. Sous des hypothèses de convexité, nous établissons des résultats naturels propres aux minimiseurs en optimisation convexe. Ensuite, nous appliquons quelques uns de nos résultats théoriques à un modèle de l'économie du bien-être en établissant notamment une équivalence entre les allocations optimales faibles de Pareto du modèle économique et les minimiseurs faibles d'un problème d'optimisation multivoque associé. D'autre part, en utilisant certaines notions d'intérieur généralisé existant dans la littérature, nous discutons dans un cadre unifié divers concepts de minimiseurs relaxés. En vue d'étudier leur stabilité, nous introduisons une topologie sur des espaces vectoriels ordonnés dont découle une notion de convergence nous permettant de définir deux concepts de convergence variationnelle qui sont ensuite utilisés pour établir la stabilité supérieure et la stabilité inférieure des ensembles de minimiseurs relaxés considérés dans ce travail. / This work is devoted to the study of prederivatives of set-valued maps and the theory of optimization. First, we establish results regarding the existence of several kinds of prederivatives for some classes set-valued maps. Specially for set-valued maps enjoying convexity properties. Subsequently, we apply our results in the framework of set optimization by establishing both necessary and sufficient optimality conditions, involving such prederivatives, for set optimization problems. Under convexity assumptions, we prove some natural results fitting the paradigm of minimizers in convex optimization. Then, we apply some of our theoretical results to a model of welfare economics by establishing in particular an equivalence between the weak Pareto optimal allocations of the model and the weak minimizes of a set optimization problem associated. Taking adventadge of several generalized interiority notions existing in the literature, we discuss in a unified way corresponding notions of relaxed minimizers In order to establish stability results, we introduce a topology on vector ordered spaces from which we derive a concept of convergence that we use to define two concepts of variational convergence that allow us to study both the upper and the lower stability of sets of relaxed minimizers we consider.
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Mapeamento do ensino de língua inglesa para alunos surdos em Pato Branco - PR / Mapping of english language teaching for deaf students in Pato Branco - PRKühl, Yohanna Hemilly Katleen 19 December 2017 (has links)
No Brasil, a inclusão na educação é uma temática de extrema importância a ser discutida, principalmente quando o cenário trata do ensino de língua estrangeira para alunos surdos que não reconhecem o português como sua primeira língua. Considerando tal questão, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo principal realizar um mapeamento do ensino de língua inglesa para alunos surdos, nos Ensinos Fundamental II e Médio da rede pública estadual no município de Pato Branco-PR. Especificamente, intentou-se investigar as relações teórico-práticas na implementação das políticas educacionais inclusivas na educação regular nos Ensinos Fundamental II e Médio de Pato Branco, bem como investigar algumas práticas pedagógicas que poderiam, na opinião dos alunos surdos, ajudar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem na sala de aula de inglês. O desenvolvimento do trabalho baseou-se na exploração de documentos oficiais (BRASIL, 1998; e PARANÁ, 2008; entre outros) e leis (Lei nº 10.436/2002, Decreto º 5.626, Decreto 4.176 e outros), além de princípios teóricos relacionados ao ensino de língua Inglesa (BARCELOS, 2007; LIMA, 2009), inclusão (CAMPBELL, 2016; MITLER, 2003; STAINBACK, 1999; entre outros), identidade (BHABHA, 1998; HALL, 2001, 2005; MARTINS, 2004; PERLIN, 1998), desenvolvimento humano/aprendizagem e a linguagem (BAKHTIN, 2010, 2016; BENVENISTE, 1988; SAUSSURE, 1999;VIGOTSKY, 1991, 1993, 1998, 2001; VOLÓCHINOV, 2017) e pressupostos teóricos que envolvem a surdez (GESSER, 2009; LOPES, 2007; QUADROS, 2007; SANTANA, 2007, SKILIAR 2010, entre outros). A pesquisa configurou-se como qualitativa etnográfica interpretativa (CLARETO 2003; MAANES, 1979; MOITA LOPES, 1994; MOREIRA, 2008), sob a perspectiva teórico-metodológica do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 2006, 2012). Os instrumentos de coleta e geração de dados foram levantamento de bibliografias relacionadas ao tema, observação de vinte e nove horas-aula de inglês e questionário aplicado aos participantes da pesquisa. Cinco alunos surdos matriculados na rede estadual de ensino (Ensino Fundamental II e Ensino Médio), em 2017, do município supracitado foram os participantes da pesquisa. Os dados foram tratados pela análise de conteúdo, nas categorias de vozes, índice de pessoa e modalizações. Os resultados da investigação permitiram identificar que: a) há lacunas entre a legislação e a sua aplicação prática; e b) há vários fatores que comprometem o ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa para surdos, dentre os quais a necessidade de adaptar recursos didáticos que envolvam mais o campo visual, já que, por falta da audição, uma das características sensoriais bastante desenvolvidas pelos surdos é a sensibilidade perceptiva visual. Por fim, acreditamos que as práticas-pedagógicas sugeridas pelo estudo, somadas a outras existentes oriundas de outros estudos, podem contribuir significativamente para o avanço da qualidade da inclusão no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa para alunos surdos. / In Brazil, the issue of inclusion in education is a matter of extreme importance to be discussed, mainly when it refers to the teaching of some foreign languages to deaf students who don't recognized Portuguese as their first language. Considering this issue, the main objective of this work was to carry out a mapping of English language teaching to deaf students of Elementary School II and High School, in the public state education network in the city of Pato Branco-PR. Specifically, it intended to investigate the theoretical and practical relation in the implementation of inclusive educational politics in regular education of Elementary School II and High School in Pato Branco, as well as to investigate the pedagogical practices that could, in the view of the deaf students, help in the English teaching-learning process in the classroom. The development of the work was based on the study of official documents ((BRASIL, 1998; e PARANÁ, 2008;PDC, among others) and laws (Law n. 10.436/2002, Decree º 5.626, Decree 4.176 and others), besides theoretical principles related to the teaching of the English Language (BARCELOS, 2017; LIMA, 2009), inclusion (CAMPBELL, 2016; MITLER, 2003; STAINBACK, 1999; among others), identity (BHABHA, 1998; HALL, 2001, 2005; MARTINS, 2004; PERLIN, 1998), language development (BAKHTIN, 2010, 2016; BENVENISTE, 1988; SAUSSURE, 1999;VIGOTSKY, 1991, 1993, 1998, 2001; VOLÓCHINOV, 2017) and deafness (GESSER, 2009; LOPES, 2007; QUADROS, 2007; SANTANA, 2007, SKILIAR 2010, among others). It is a qualitative interpretive ethnographical research (CLARETO 2003; MAANES, 1979; MOITA LOPES, 1994; MOREIRA, 2008), which follows Sociodiscursive Interactionsim theoretical and methodological perspective (BRONCKART, 2006, 2012). Data collection and generation was carried out by means of a review of literature related to the theme, twenty-nine hours of classroom observation and a questionnaire applied to research participants. Participants were five deaf students enrolled within the State network (Elementary School II and High School), in 2017, of the municipality already mentioned. Data was treated by means of the content analysis framework, including voices, person index and modalizations. Analysis results allowed us to know that: a) there are some gaps between inclusive official laws and its practical implementation; and b) there are many factors that undermine the English teaching and learning process to deaf people, among them the need to adapt didactic materials, since by the lack of listening, one of deaf people‘s sensorial characteristics is the visual sensitivity. By the end, we believe that the pedagogical practices suggested by this study, added to others already existed and from other studies, can meaningfully contribute to the inclusive qualitative advancement of the English teaching-learning process to deaf people.
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