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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketisation of Security

Bjønness, Martine January 2018 (has links)
Entangled in a context of increased use of private military and security companies globally, this study sets out to investigate the motivation for Denmark to use private military and security companies (PMSCs) for maritime security in parilious international waters. This study examines the decision making process taking place in the Danish Parliament in 2012 prior to the passing of ​ Law 116 The amendment of the Firearms Act and the Act on Warfare, etc. that mandated the shipping industry to hire PMSCs for armed protection of their vessels. A critical discourse analysis has been applied in order to understand the discursive mechanisms present in the political debate prior to the adoption of the law. The analysis shows that a neoliberal market discourse of necessity, efficiency and competition informs the parliamentary debate on international maritime security and pirate threats. That is, the protecting of the Danish industry and trade are found to be a first priority whereas personal security of the employees, the pirates, and control over weapons are only secondary. The findings indicate that in the political discourse, security has become subjected to a marketlogic. Thus, security is referred to as security for ​the market more than for the population.The thesis argues that this change in thinking about security needs a critical public debate in order to make sure that issues of security stay within the political sphere.

Open Data for Anomaly Detection in Maritime Surveillance / Open Data for Anomaly Detection in Maritime Surveillance

Abghari, Shahrooz, Kazemi, Samira January 2012 (has links)
Context: Maritime Surveillance (MS) has received increased attention from a civilian perspective in recent years. Anomaly detection (AD) is one of the many techniques available for improving the safety and security in the MS domain. Maritime authorities utilize various confidential data sources for monitoring the maritime activities; however, a paradigm shift on the Internet has created new sources of data for MS. These newly identified data sources, which provide publicly accessible data, are the open data sources. Taking advantage of the open data sources in addition to the traditional sources of data in the AD process will increase the accuracy of the MS systems. Objectives: The goal is to investigate the potential open data as a complementary resource for AD in the MS domain. To achieve this goal, the first step is to identify the applicable open data sources for AD. Then, a framework for AD based on the integration of open and closed data sources is proposed. Finally, according to the proposed framework, an AD system with the ability of using open data sources is developed and the accuracy of the system and the validity of its results are evaluated. Methods: In order to measure the system accuracy, an experiment is performed by means of a two stage random sampling on the vessel traffic data and the number of true/false positive and negative alarms in the system is verified. To evaluate the validity of the system results, the system is used for a period of time by the subject matter experts from the Swedish Coastguard. The experts check the detected anomalies against the available data at the Coastguard in order to obtain the number of true and false alarms. Results: The experimental outcomes indicate that the accuracy of the system is 99%. In addition, the Coastguard validation results show that among the evaluated anomalies, 64.47% are true alarms, 26.32% are false and 9.21% belong to the vessels that remain unchecked due to the lack of corresponding data in the Coastguard data sources. Conclusions: This thesis concludes that using open data as a complementary resource for detecting anomalous behavior in the MS domain is not only feasible but also will improve the efficiency of the surveillance systems by increasing the accuracy and covering some unseen aspects of maritime activities. / This thesis investigated the potential open data as a complementary resource for Anomaly Detection (AD) in the Maritime Surveillance (MS) domain. A framework for AD was proposed based on the usage of open data sources along with other traditional sources of data. According to the proposed AD framework and the algorithms for implementing the expert rules, the Open Data Anomaly Detection System (ODADS) was developed. To evaluate the accuracy of the system, an experiment on the vessel traffic data was conducted and an accuracy of 99% was obtained for the system. There was a false negative case in the system results that decreased the accuracy. It was due to incorrect AIS data in a special situation that was not possible to be handled by the detection rules in the scope of this thesis. The validity of the results was investigated by the subject matter experts from the Swedish Coastguard. The validation results showed that the majority of the ODADS evaluated anomalies were true alarms. Moreover, a potential information gap in the closed data sources was observed during the validation process. Despite the high number of true alarms, the number of false alarms was also considerable that was mainly because of the inaccurate open data. This thesis provided insights into the open data as a complement to the common data sources in the MS domain and is concluded that using open data will improve the efficiency of the surveillance systems by increasing the accuracy and covering some unseen aspects of maritime activities.

Maritim säkerhet i Östersjöområdet : en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Finland

Nyström, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
The security situation in the baltic sea area has worsened following Russia’s overtaking of the Crimea peninsula. Climate change leading to higher temperatures and natural disasters is resulting in more people living exposed around the, which is expected to increase rate of crimes and terrorism at sea. These factors combined makes effectiveness of organizations involved in maritime security of great importance. This thesis aims to examine Sweden and Finland’s maritime security organizations and compare them using Graham Allisons theory on organizational effectivity. Sweden and Finland has acknowledged the worsened security situation in the baltic sea area and formed a cooperative initiative to strengthen the maritime security in the baltic sea, making them suitable objects for analysis in this thesis. Examination of the two countries’ organizations for maritime security concludes that organizational structure for maritime security differs between them. This thesis shows that Finland and Sweden’s organization for maritime security differs on a few points, giving an opportunity for the two countries to learn from each other.

An Interactive Theory of Power Projection: Naval Power Shift, The Contagion Effect, and Alignment Opportunity

Oh, Inhwan January 2024 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Robert Ross / Military balance of power and geographical proximity are two key factors that shape thelikelihood of war and peace in the realist paradigm. However, the empirical cases associated with the leading sea power and a naval challenger sometimes are not congruent to systemic anticipations of both the balance of power theory and hegemonic shift theories. Why do the leading sea power and a challenger fight a war despite naval power disparity and geographical distance? Conversely, how do these powers arrive at a strategic settlement even with naval power parity and geographical proximity? More practically, under what conditions are the U.S. and China more likely to avoid or end up in a war as China’s naval overtake looms large in the Asia-Pacific? To address these questions, I construct a mid-range theory, An Interactive Theory of Power Projection, that incorporates the geographical dimension of power projection in determining the outcome of naval power shifts. Specifically, I conduct comparative historical case studies of the two Anglo-French dyads (1856-1870/1882-1904) and the U.S.-Japan dyad (1921-1941) with a goal of developing a theory to apply to U.S.-China relations. At root, I argue that the outcome of a naval power transition is contingent upon two conditions: (1) the interactive dynamics of a challenger’s expansion and the leading sea power’s expectation about its contagion effect on the first line of maritime defense; and (2) whether alignment opportunity, shaped by third common threats and available allies in the theaters of the power transition, is open or closed. The contagion effect refers to three kinds of possibilities in the event of a challenger’s occupation: (1) an occupation will become a stepping stone on which a challenger further expands into the adjacent first line of maritime defense; (2) an occupation will produce a negative second-order effect on the other, possibly distant, first line of maritime defense; (3) an occupation will undermine or remove local allies on the first line of maritime defense. I argue that while bilateral resource-extraction capacities initiate or end a naval arms race, it is the interactive dynamics of geographical power projection as well as alignment opportunity in the theater of the naval challenge that bring a conflict to the fore and determine its outcome. These findings carry policy implications for U.S.-China relations and U.S. foreign policy. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2024. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Political Science.

Cooperative security strategy in the South Atlantic : United States internal determinants and region ressignification

Machado, Luís Rodrigo January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo central discutir a importância do Atlântico Sul para os Estados Unidos da América, a partir da análise das suas políticas de segurança cooperativa para a parcela sul do Oceano Atlântico considerando, principalmente, seus determinantes internos e a própria ressignificação da região entre os anos de 2003 e 2014. Ela se enquadra nas Resoluções nº 114/2014 e 115/2014 da Câmara de Pós-Graduação da UFRGS e, portanto, é dividida em três capítulos, correspondendo a três partes distintas. O Primeiro Capítulo é desenvolvido em três etapas: Primeiro, relaciona o contexto da dissertação na linha de pesquisa “Segurança Internacional” do PPGEEI/UFRGS. Segundo, aborda alguns elementos das políticas externa e de segurança dos EUA, a importância do mar para a condução dessas políticas e uma breve contextualização do Atlântico Sul. Terceiro, ressalta os principais pontos analíticos e considerações desenvolvidos no capítulo seguinte. O Segundo Capítulo traz o artigo publicado na Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval que conduz, primeiro, uma breve discussão de alguns conceitos teóricos importantes para entender a postura dos Estados Unidos na condução de sua política externa e de segurança, recorrendo ao debate da influência da política interna nas suas relações internacionais. Em seguida, discute brevemente a importância do "uso do mar" para a política externa dos EUA, contextualizando o Atlântico Sul como uma região estratégica, discutindo suas fronteiras geográficas, aspectos econômicos e organizações multilaterais. Finalmente, discute alguns dos programas norte-americanos de segurança cooperativa para o Atlântico Sul e a crescente importância da região, em linha com o novo posicionamento estratégico pós-11 de setembro. O Capitulo três faz uma breve análise dos resultados do artigo e também apresenta agendas de pesquisas possíveis de serem conduzias no PPGEEI. Foi verificada a importância do artigo para trazer a discussão da segurança cooperativa, pelo viés estadunidense, no âmbito da pesquisa no PPG e também para fomentar a visibilidade deste problema nos fóruns de discussão e leitores do periódico científico de sua publicação. Assim,foram cumpridos os objetivos de discutir a importância do Atlântico Sul para os Estados Unidos da América, a partir da discussão das políticas de segurança cooperativa, dos determinantes políticos internos e da mudança da relevância da região para a grande estratégia norte-americana. Inferindo então, a pertinência do Atlântico Sul, evidenciada pela busca de iniciativas de segurança colaborativa e combate às ameaças de baixa intensidade, visando conter novas ameaças e enfrentar atores não estatais. / The present dissertation aims to discuss the importance of the South Atlantic to the United States of America, from the analysis of its cooperative security policies for the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, considering mainly its internal determinants and the re-signification of the region between the years of 2003 and 2014. It is in accordance with Resolutions 114/2014 and 115/2014 of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, and therefore comprises three chapters, corresponding to three distinct parts. Chapter One presents three steps: First, it relates the context of the dissertation in the research line "International Security" of the Post-Graduate Program in International Strategic Studies. Second, it addresses some elements of the U.S. foreign and security policy, the importance of the sea for the conduct of these policies and a brief contextualization of the South Atlantic. Third, it highlights the main analytical points and considerations that developed in the next chapter. Chapter Two brings the article published in the Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval which leads, firstly to, a brief discussion of some important theoretical concepts to understand the U.S. position in the conduct of its foreign and security policy, using the debate of the U.S. internal policy on their international relations. Then, briefly discusses the importance of "use of the sea" for U.S. foreign policy, contextualizing the South Atlantic as a strategic region, discussing its geographical boundaries, economic aspects, and multilateral organizations. Finally, discuss some North American cooperative security programs for the South Atlantic and the region's growing importance, in line with the new strategic post-9/11 position. Chapter Three brings a brief analysis of the paper's impacts and presents possibilities of investigation agendas to follow on PPGEEI. Therefore, it was possible to verify that the article was important to bring the discussion of cooperative security, by the American bias, in the African region to the scope of the research in the PGP and to promote the visibility of this problem in the discussion forums and readers of the scientific journal of its publication, fulfilling its objectives of discussing the importance of the South Atlantic to the United States of America, from the discussion of the cooperative security policies for the African West Coast, through the internal political determinants and the change of the region relevance to the global north American grand strategy. Inferring then, the relevance of the South Atlantic in this grand strategy, evidenced by the search for collaborative security initiatives and to combat low intensity threats such as piracy, aiming to contain new threats and face non-state actors.

Maritime security in the High North : Swedish and Icelandic responses to new Arctic shipping opportunities

Lárusson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to compare how the issue of new shipping opportunities in theArctic region is tackled and met by the governments of Sweden and Iceland when it comes tomaritime security regime building, and to set this into perspective by looking at the shippingindustry’s seemed aspirations and interests for Arctic shipping, the latter to see if policy and“reality” appear to be corresponding. By conducting a qualitative comparative analysisthrough studying previous research, government documents and through interviewingrepresentatives from the shipping industry; using the analytical framework of Regime Theoryfor International Relations; the following research questions have been answered:</p><p>- In what ways do the governments of Sweden and Iceland contribute to developments of Arctic maritimesecurity regimes, due to new shipping opportunities in the High North?</p><p>- Are these contributions in line with the shipping industry’s views of and aspirations for Arctic shipping?</p><p>- (How) does this differ between the countries?</p><p>- (How) does the shipping industry contribute to maritime security?</p><p>Sweden and Iceland differ in many aspects, but the general aims at environmental protectionare visible in both countries. Iceland has a larger focus on crisis response due to its locationalexposure and do moreover have a chance on economically exploiting new shipping activitiesfor the same reason. Sweden can be said to have a more general approach to Arctic maritimesecurity, whereas Iceland rather focuses on its own proximity.Both countries’ responses to Arctic shipping are currently to be seen as in line with theshipping industry’s views and aspirations for Arctic shipping.The shipping industry contributes to maritime security by developing new methods andtechnology for addressing the Arctic ice; collectively and on shipping company individualbasis. The shipping industry furthermore contributes by educating ship commanders as well assharing experiences and knowledge with each other.</p>

Cooperative security strategy in the South Atlantic : United States internal determinants and region ressignification

Machado, Luís Rodrigo January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo central discutir a importância do Atlântico Sul para os Estados Unidos da América, a partir da análise das suas políticas de segurança cooperativa para a parcela sul do Oceano Atlântico considerando, principalmente, seus determinantes internos e a própria ressignificação da região entre os anos de 2003 e 2014. Ela se enquadra nas Resoluções nº 114/2014 e 115/2014 da Câmara de Pós-Graduação da UFRGS e, portanto, é dividida em três capítulos, correspondendo a três partes distintas. O Primeiro Capítulo é desenvolvido em três etapas: Primeiro, relaciona o contexto da dissertação na linha de pesquisa “Segurança Internacional” do PPGEEI/UFRGS. Segundo, aborda alguns elementos das políticas externa e de segurança dos EUA, a importância do mar para a condução dessas políticas e uma breve contextualização do Atlântico Sul. Terceiro, ressalta os principais pontos analíticos e considerações desenvolvidos no capítulo seguinte. O Segundo Capítulo traz o artigo publicado na Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval que conduz, primeiro, uma breve discussão de alguns conceitos teóricos importantes para entender a postura dos Estados Unidos na condução de sua política externa e de segurança, recorrendo ao debate da influência da política interna nas suas relações internacionais. Em seguida, discute brevemente a importância do "uso do mar" para a política externa dos EUA, contextualizando o Atlântico Sul como uma região estratégica, discutindo suas fronteiras geográficas, aspectos econômicos e organizações multilaterais. Finalmente, discute alguns dos programas norte-americanos de segurança cooperativa para o Atlântico Sul e a crescente importância da região, em linha com o novo posicionamento estratégico pós-11 de setembro. O Capitulo três faz uma breve análise dos resultados do artigo e também apresenta agendas de pesquisas possíveis de serem conduzias no PPGEEI. Foi verificada a importância do artigo para trazer a discussão da segurança cooperativa, pelo viés estadunidense, no âmbito da pesquisa no PPG e também para fomentar a visibilidade deste problema nos fóruns de discussão e leitores do periódico científico de sua publicação. Assim,foram cumpridos os objetivos de discutir a importância do Atlântico Sul para os Estados Unidos da América, a partir da discussão das políticas de segurança cooperativa, dos determinantes políticos internos e da mudança da relevância da região para a grande estratégia norte-americana. Inferindo então, a pertinência do Atlântico Sul, evidenciada pela busca de iniciativas de segurança colaborativa e combate às ameaças de baixa intensidade, visando conter novas ameaças e enfrentar atores não estatais. / The present dissertation aims to discuss the importance of the South Atlantic to the United States of America, from the analysis of its cooperative security policies for the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, considering mainly its internal determinants and the re-signification of the region between the years of 2003 and 2014. It is in accordance with Resolutions 114/2014 and 115/2014 of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, and therefore comprises three chapters, corresponding to three distinct parts. Chapter One presents three steps: First, it relates the context of the dissertation in the research line "International Security" of the Post-Graduate Program in International Strategic Studies. Second, it addresses some elements of the U.S. foreign and security policy, the importance of the sea for the conduct of these policies and a brief contextualization of the South Atlantic. Third, it highlights the main analytical points and considerations that developed in the next chapter. Chapter Two brings the article published in the Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval which leads, firstly to, a brief discussion of some important theoretical concepts to understand the U.S. position in the conduct of its foreign and security policy, using the debate of the U.S. internal policy on their international relations. Then, briefly discusses the importance of "use of the sea" for U.S. foreign policy, contextualizing the South Atlantic as a strategic region, discussing its geographical boundaries, economic aspects, and multilateral organizations. Finally, discuss some North American cooperative security programs for the South Atlantic and the region's growing importance, in line with the new strategic post-9/11 position. Chapter Three brings a brief analysis of the paper's impacts and presents possibilities of investigation agendas to follow on PPGEEI. Therefore, it was possible to verify that the article was important to bring the discussion of cooperative security, by the American bias, in the African region to the scope of the research in the PGP and to promote the visibility of this problem in the discussion forums and readers of the scientific journal of its publication, fulfilling its objectives of discussing the importance of the South Atlantic to the United States of America, from the discussion of the cooperative security policies for the African West Coast, through the internal political determinants and the change of the region relevance to the global north American grand strategy. Inferring then, the relevance of the South Atlantic in this grand strategy, evidenced by the search for collaborative security initiatives and to combat low intensity threats such as piracy, aiming to contain new threats and face non-state actors.

Cooperative security strategy in the South Atlantic : United States internal determinants and region ressignification

Machado, Luís Rodrigo January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo central discutir a importância do Atlântico Sul para os Estados Unidos da América, a partir da análise das suas políticas de segurança cooperativa para a parcela sul do Oceano Atlântico considerando, principalmente, seus determinantes internos e a própria ressignificação da região entre os anos de 2003 e 2014. Ela se enquadra nas Resoluções nº 114/2014 e 115/2014 da Câmara de Pós-Graduação da UFRGS e, portanto, é dividida em três capítulos, correspondendo a três partes distintas. O Primeiro Capítulo é desenvolvido em três etapas: Primeiro, relaciona o contexto da dissertação na linha de pesquisa “Segurança Internacional” do PPGEEI/UFRGS. Segundo, aborda alguns elementos das políticas externa e de segurança dos EUA, a importância do mar para a condução dessas políticas e uma breve contextualização do Atlântico Sul. Terceiro, ressalta os principais pontos analíticos e considerações desenvolvidos no capítulo seguinte. O Segundo Capítulo traz o artigo publicado na Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval que conduz, primeiro, uma breve discussão de alguns conceitos teóricos importantes para entender a postura dos Estados Unidos na condução de sua política externa e de segurança, recorrendo ao debate da influência da política interna nas suas relações internacionais. Em seguida, discute brevemente a importância do "uso do mar" para a política externa dos EUA, contextualizando o Atlântico Sul como uma região estratégica, discutindo suas fronteiras geográficas, aspectos econômicos e organizações multilaterais. Finalmente, discute alguns dos programas norte-americanos de segurança cooperativa para o Atlântico Sul e a crescente importância da região, em linha com o novo posicionamento estratégico pós-11 de setembro. O Capitulo três faz uma breve análise dos resultados do artigo e também apresenta agendas de pesquisas possíveis de serem conduzias no PPGEEI. Foi verificada a importância do artigo para trazer a discussão da segurança cooperativa, pelo viés estadunidense, no âmbito da pesquisa no PPG e também para fomentar a visibilidade deste problema nos fóruns de discussão e leitores do periódico científico de sua publicação. Assim,foram cumpridos os objetivos de discutir a importância do Atlântico Sul para os Estados Unidos da América, a partir da discussão das políticas de segurança cooperativa, dos determinantes políticos internos e da mudança da relevância da região para a grande estratégia norte-americana. Inferindo então, a pertinência do Atlântico Sul, evidenciada pela busca de iniciativas de segurança colaborativa e combate às ameaças de baixa intensidade, visando conter novas ameaças e enfrentar atores não estatais. / The present dissertation aims to discuss the importance of the South Atlantic to the United States of America, from the analysis of its cooperative security policies for the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, considering mainly its internal determinants and the re-signification of the region between the years of 2003 and 2014. It is in accordance with Resolutions 114/2014 and 115/2014 of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, and therefore comprises three chapters, corresponding to three distinct parts. Chapter One presents three steps: First, it relates the context of the dissertation in the research line "International Security" of the Post-Graduate Program in International Strategic Studies. Second, it addresses some elements of the U.S. foreign and security policy, the importance of the sea for the conduct of these policies and a brief contextualization of the South Atlantic. Third, it highlights the main analytical points and considerations that developed in the next chapter. Chapter Two brings the article published in the Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval which leads, firstly to, a brief discussion of some important theoretical concepts to understand the U.S. position in the conduct of its foreign and security policy, using the debate of the U.S. internal policy on their international relations. Then, briefly discusses the importance of "use of the sea" for U.S. foreign policy, contextualizing the South Atlantic as a strategic region, discussing its geographical boundaries, economic aspects, and multilateral organizations. Finally, discuss some North American cooperative security programs for the South Atlantic and the region's growing importance, in line with the new strategic post-9/11 position. Chapter Three brings a brief analysis of the paper's impacts and presents possibilities of investigation agendas to follow on PPGEEI. Therefore, it was possible to verify that the article was important to bring the discussion of cooperative security, by the American bias, in the African region to the scope of the research in the PGP and to promote the visibility of this problem in the discussion forums and readers of the scientific journal of its publication, fulfilling its objectives of discussing the importance of the South Atlantic to the United States of America, from the discussion of the cooperative security policies for the African West Coast, through the internal political determinants and the change of the region relevance to the global north American grand strategy. Inferring then, the relevance of the South Atlantic in this grand strategy, evidenced by the search for collaborative security initiatives and to combat low intensity threats such as piracy, aiming to contain new threats and face non-state actors.

Le facteur humain dans la mise en oeuvre de la sécurité et de la sûreté maritimes : analyse de l'inscription de la Tunisie dans l'ordonnancement juridique international / The human factor in maritime safety and security implementation : analysis of the inscription of Tunisia in the international legal order

Ismaili, Syrine 06 April 2012 (has links)
La fréquence des accidents en mer et l'ampleur des dégâts de certains d'entre eux permettent de s'interroger sur l'efficacité des mesures de sécurité et de sûreté maritimes. En parallèle, l'importante participation du facteur humain dans la survenance de ces accidents devient une réalité de plus en plus acceptée. Les conditions de vie et de travail des marins à bord des navires, l'effectif, la durée de travail... sont autant d'éléments déterminants dans la survenance de l'erreur humaine. Ce sont, par conséquent, autant d'éléments à considérer dans la prévention des accidents, sans pour autant les dissocier du système organisationnel global. Pourtant, à travers le monde, les mesures législatives prenant en considération ces éléments sont rares et souffrent d'une application partielle et d'un manque considérable de contrôle à l'occasion des différentes inspections maritimes. Même si cette constatation varie d'un État maritime à un autre, la Tunisie n'y déroge pas. Des lacunes en la matière existent aussi bien au niveau de l'adoption des lois, que de leur application effective ou du contrôle leur étant réservé. Il conviendra d'en déceler les causes et d'essayer de les combler / The frequency of maritime accidents and the extent of the damage some of them cause, can cast doubt on the effectiveness of maritime safety and security measures. At the same time, the ever increasing rôle played by man in such occurrences has been steadily recognized. Sailors' living and working conditions on board, crew size and working hours are just a few ofthe significant factors wich have contributed to human error. As a result, such factors, should not be excluded from the global organizational system when considering accident prevention. Nevertheless, throughout the word, legislative measures including these elements are either few and far between, only partially applied or immensely difficult to enforce during maritime inspections. Even if this observation varies from one maritime state to another, Tunisia is no exception. Shortcomings in the field range from, flaws in the adoption of laws, to ineffective law implementation, without forgetting the level of control they are granted. This paper will detect the causes behind this situation and go some way in attempting to remedy the failings

Námořní bezpečnost Spojených států amerických: aplikované strategie a opatření / U. S. Maritime Security - Strategies and Measures Applied

Herout, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
National security of the United States of America is dependent on secure use of the world's oceans. U. S. security interests are bound to international trade which is carried out primarily by ships (80 percent of world trade by volume of which 20 percent is bound to U. S. maritime trade). Vastness of maritime domain brings about many security issues which threaten interests of the United States. Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 9/11 caused rapid intensification of security measures. These measures have been implemented to deal with maritime related threats such as terrorism, piracy, drug smuggling, human trafficking, arms trade, computer criminality or natural disasters. This work proceeds from widened concept of security pioneered by authors representing the Copenhagen school.

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