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The effects of thermal alteration on saw mark сharacteristicsBrouchoud, Jordan Elizabeth 12 March 2016 (has links)
This project examined the effects of burning on saw mark characteristics of isolated semi-fleshed white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) long bones as a substitute for human remains. Different classes of saws were examined to determine which type of saw mark characteristics are obliterated when burned and which are not. The saw mark characteristics that were examined are superficial false start scratches, false start kerfs, and completely sectioned cuts with breakaway spurs/notches. The long bones were burned at the Boston University School of Medicine using a muffle furnace, at differing temperatures and at differing time increments. The author hypothesized that the higher the temperature and the longer the duration of bone burning, the greater will be the obliterative effect on saw mark characteristics. All samples were examined using a Motic® Digital Light Microscope 12 VDC with a Nikon® MKII Fiber Optic Light attached with accompanying Motic® imaging and measuring software. Distances were measured between striations on complete cuts, false start kerf widths, and false start scratch widths using the Motic® imaging and measuring software. Images were also taken of the cross sections of the kerf floors. The striations on the kerf walls, false start kerf widths, and false start scratch widths were compared to the control samples. Measurements taken from false start scratches, false start kerfs, and complete cuts were averaged and compared to the averages from each temperature and the control samples, to assess the degree of shrinkage from thermal alteration. The false start kerf profile shapes were blindly examined and classified into Class A, B, C, or D(following the system of Symes 1992) and compared to the control samples. Kerf flare and blade drift were examined to determine if thermal alteration obliterated those saw mark characteristics. The chainsaw false start kerfs and complete cuts were examined macroscopically to determine what effects thermal alteration had on those types of marks.
All thermally altered samples were assessed for color change, heat-related fracturing, and whether or not the saw marks were still visible. The author found that all saw marks made with the mitre saw, crosscut saw, and bow saw were still visible and identifiable, even in a fractured state and, when burned up to 700°C for one hour. Most of the false start kerf samples were classified into the correct kerf profile shape as outlines in Symes (1992). False start kerfs and complete cuts made with the chainsaw were blindly examined and showed that these marks are distinct and easily identifiable when the bone is completely intact or has very minimal fracturing.
The crosscut saw false start scratch and crosscut saw complete cut samples showed signs of shrinkage. The average width of the false start scratch samples burned at 700°C for one hour was about 50% smaller than the control sample's average width. The same was true for the complete cut striation widths. Shrinkage did not appear to alter the crosscut saw false start kerf widths or the bow saw false start scratch widths. For all cuts made with the mitre saw shrinkage did appear to alter the samples. Warping did occur where some of the burned averages were larger than the control sample averages. This suggests that some warping did take place by widening the kerf, thus changing the analysis of the saw mark characteristics. Blade drift and kerf flare were seen in the samples and thus were not affected by thermal alteration.
The author's hypothesis was not rejected, because in some cases thermal alteration did modify the saw mark characteristic measurements and in some cases thermal alteration did not alter the measurements. Some of the saw marks were affected by shrinkage, while others were not. False start kerf profile shape classification was not affected by thermal alteration. The chainsaw samples were affected most by the thermal alteration, because of the obliterative effects of heat-related fracturing which progressed generally with the greater temperature.
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Imagens de sombras / Images of ShadowsPaulino, Rosana 05 May 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é construir, através de trabalhos realizados na área de poéticas visuais, uma reflexão que procure compreender como a mulher negra é vista na sociedade brasileira atual e o modo pelo qual as sombras lançadas pela escravidão sobre esta população se refletem nas negrodescendentes ainda hoje, criando e perpetuando locais simbólicos e sociais para este grupo. Este questionamento será realizado tendo como base uma investigação que transita entre diferentes manifestações artísticas, que vão da instalação à gravura, sempre procurando os meios plásticos adequados para a produção das obras que irão tratar do problema. Uma breve análise sobre os motivos que levam à opção por determinados procedimentos técnicos necessários à realização dos trabalhos, a escolha e aplicação de diferentes meios artísticos e suas adaptações ao pensamento visual também fazem parte desta investigação. É ainda intenção do trabalho pensar sobre a forma de apresentação do texto que acompanha as obras produzidas e esclarecer os motivos da eleição por uma escrita de artista para o relato apresentado em conjunto com as imagens executadas. / The goal of this thesis is to offer, through artworks in the field of visual art, a reflection that seeks to comprehend how black women are seen in current Brazilian society and the way that shadows cast by slavery over this population is still reflected in female black descendants today, creating and perpetuating social and symbolic places for that group. This issue will be tackled on the basis of a research that moves across different art forms, ranging from installations to printmaking, and always looks for suitable art materials to produce the works that will address the problem. A brief analysis of the reasons for choosing certain technical procedures necessary to create the artworks, the choice and application of different artistic media, and the adaptation of them to the visual thinking are also part of this investigation. The work is also intended to think about the text format accompanying the artworks and give grounds for plumping for an \"artist writing\" to deliver the reports associated with the images.
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Nora Marks Dauenhauer, Mardi Oakley MedawarTolley, Rebecca 01 June 2007 (has links)
Book summary: Presents alphabetical entries that cover major Native American works of literature; important Native American writers; and terms, themes, genres, and movements related to Native American literature.
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A Comparative Study Between Department of Education Assigned-Marks and Accredited High Schools' Assigned-Marks in AlbertaChristensen, Douglas Harold 01 May 1979 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if there had been a significant change in the academic achievement, as measured by Grade XII grade-point averages, of Alberta's matriculation graduates since the accreditation of Alberta high schools in 1973.
The experimental population consisted of 100, 1971-72 and of 100, 1976-77 matriculation graduates who had graduated from schools in the rural school jurisdictions in Education zone 6; and of 100, 1971-72, and of 100, 1976-77 matriculation graduates who had graduated from schools in the Medicine Hat urban school jurisdiction. All of the students in the experimental population had completed their freshman year at the Medicine Hat College the year following their graduation from high school.
The variables analyzed in this study were: (1) Departmental Examination Grade XII grade-point averages, (2) Teacher-assigned Grade XII grade-point averages, (3) college freshmen grade-point averages, and (4) zones (rural and urban).
Correlation coefficients were calculated between Grade XII grade-point averages before and after the accreditation of Alberta high schools. Results indicated that the correlation coefficients ranged from .36 to 50.
The Grade XII grade-point averages which showed the highest correlations with college freshmen grade-point averages were those which had been obtained on Departmental Examinations.
The Fisher's Zr transformation statistical test indicated, at the .05 level of significance, that there was no significant difference between the zones' correlation coefficients before and after accreditation.
The two way analysis of variance test results indicated that there was no significant mean difference between Departmental Examinations Grade XII grade-point averages and teacher-assigned grades. There was, however, a significant difference at the .01 level, between the rural and urban zones' matriculation graduates' Grade XII grade-point averages. The t test showed that there was no significant mean difference between the rural and urban zone's matriculation graduates' Grades XII grade-point averages before accreditation, but after accreditation there was a significant mean difference at the .01 level.
The two-way analysis of variance statistical test results showed no significant mean difference in the Medicine Hat College's freshmen grade-point averages prior to or after accreditation.
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Do consumers value destination of origin labeling? : the case for native plants and seeds in NevadaCowee, Margaret W. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Nevada, Reno, 2005. / "December 2005." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 27-31). Online version available on the World Wide Web.
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Geographical indications and agricultural products investigating their relevance in a South African context /Grant, Cerkia. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com.)(Agricultural Economics)--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Includes summary. Includes bibliographical references. Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.
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Elevers känslor och tankar om betyg i år 9Gallegos Jr, Bruno, Nord, Linda January 2006 (has links)
Marks do not only work as an acknowledge of the effort that has been made under a long period of time, but also as a receipt for eligibility to further studies. Within the political debate, marks have often caused a big discussion among the political parties. That is due to the obvious difference between the political parties on the left, and their counterparts on the right. However, there is one thing that they all have in common. Everyone of them have plans of measure within their political agenda, regarding the use of marks. The aim of this study has been to try to understand the way pupils think about marks. We have conducted a survey and several interviews with pupils from the final classes in the 9-year compulsory school to find out their experiences of the marks and how it affects them. According to our study, marks affects pupils in several different ways, both in a positive and a negative way. Some pupils feel stress or pressure, others gets motivated, and some might feel happy or depressed when they receive their marks. Regardless of what feeling the pupils have, one thing is for sure, marks do affect them in one way or another.
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Relativa betyg : några empiriska studier och en teoretisk genomgång i ett historiskt perspektiv / Group-referenced marks : some empirical studies and a theoretical survey from a historical point of viewAndersson, Håkan January 1991 (has links)
Denna avhandling, som i huvudsak är resultatet av ett projekt finansierat av Skolöverstyrelsen, består av fem delstudier (I-V) utförda under åren 1977-1991 samt en sammanfattande analysdel (VI). Avhandlingens syfte är att studera det unika svenska relativa betygssystemet, som infördes på försök i folkskolan i början av 1940-talet för att senare permanentas och även införas i enhets- och grundskolan samt slutligen även i gymnasiet. Det relativa betygssystemet beskrivs enligt följande indelning: framväxt och avveckling (V), funktioner (I), effekter och sidoeffekter (III) samt användning och behov (II och IV). I de empiriska studierna har elever, lärare, arbetsgivare och arbetstagare fått ge sina synpunkter på de relativa betygen. I delstudie V analyseras utvecklingen av det relativa betygssystemet med hjälp av offentliga utredningar, remissvar från elev-, lärar-, aibetsgivar- och arbetstagarorganisationer samt också via riksdagstryck.De relativa betygen beskrivs som starkt knutna till urvalet till högre studier och som ett försök att tillskapa ett urvalsinstrument med möjlighet till jämförbarhet och större rättvisa. Betygen har visat sig spela liten roll vid urvalet till olika arbeten. Betygen fyller en "körkortsfunktion" genom att ange inriktning och linje. I övrigt speglar betygen i huvudsak förmåga att tillgodogöra sig teoretiskt stoff. Vid urvalet till olika arbeten beskrivs en utveckling från formella till informella meriter i form av vissa personlighetsegenskaper, t ex samarbetsförmåga, flexibilitet och utåtriktad läggning. Arbetslivserfarenhet, referenser och personlighetsegenskaper betyder mer vid anställningar än skolbetygen.I avhandlingen anges såväl mättekniska, informationstekniska som socialpsykologiska förklaringar till att det relativa betygssystemet är på väg att avvecklas. Betänkligheter riktas mot ett eventuellt införande av målrelaterade betyg p g a styrningsriskerna för elever och lärare, samt också mot riskerna för en ökad kontroll och ett ökat beroende av avnämarna. I avhandlingen noteras skillnader mellan praktiska och teoretiska linjer när det gäller synen på betyg. Som tänkbara förklaringar anges användningen och behovet av betyg liksom också närheten och kopplingen till näringslivet. Betygens officiella funktioner som informations-, motivations- och urvalsinstrument har gradvis minskat. Tidigare har frågor om styrning och kontroll kommit i bakgrunden i förhållande till de officiella funktionerna. Om målrelaterade betyg införs och om betygens roll som urvalsinstrument försvinner, torde betygens styrnings- och kontrollfunktioner behöva diskuteras och motiveringar till att över huvud taget ha kvar betyg i skolan lyftas fram. / This dissertation, which is mainly the result of a project financed by the National Board of Education, consists of five substudies (I-V) carried out between 1977 and 1991, and a summary analysis (VI). The aim of the dissertation is to study group-referenced marks which are unique for Sweden. In the 1940s they were introduced on trial into elementary school, where they were later permanent, and they were also introduced into comprehensive school, nine-year compulsory school and finally also into upper secondary school. The description of group-referenced marks is divided into the following substudies: development and phase-out (V), functions (I), effects and side-effects (III), and use and requirements (II and IV). In the empirical studies, students, teachers, employers and employees have been asked to give their opinions of group-referenced marks. Substudy V analyses the development of group-referenced marks through official reports, through reactions to these reports from student, teacher, employers' and employees' organizations, and also through official parliamentary publications.Group-referenced marks are described as closely connected with the selection to higher education and as an attempt to construct an instrument of selection offering possibilities of comparability and greater justice. Marks have proved to be of little consequence for employment. They function as a "driving licence" by indicating direction and course programme. Marks reflect, above all, the ability to assimilate theoretical subject-matter. The selection to various employments manifests a development from formal to informal merits in the form of certain qualities, e. g. the ability to co-operate, flexibility and extrovert behaviour. Work experience, references and personal qualities are more important than marks for employmentThe dissertation indicates measurement technological, information technological and socio-psychological explanations of withdrawing group-referenced marks. The dissertation also expresses apprehensions about the potential introduction of criterion-referenced marks owing to the steering effects for pupils and teachers, as well as about the risks of increasing control and dependence on potential employers. Differences between practical and theoretical course programmes regarding attitudes to marks can also be observed. These differences can perhaps be explained by the use and needs of marks as well as by the nearness and connection to industry and commerce. The importance of the official functions of marks as information, motivation and selection instruments has gradually been reduced. Problems of steering and control used to be subordinate to the official functions. If criterion-referenced marks are introduced and if marks lose their selection function, the steering and control functions of marks should be discussed and the motives for preserving marks in school should be presented. / digitalisering@umu
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Detección de marcas mediante técnicas de medida de distancia basadas en láser y de imagen basadas en intensidades de colorTeixidó Cairol, Mercè 25 January 2013 (has links)
En aquesta memòria es presenten diversos treballs d'investigació per a la detecció de marques de referència mitjançant l'anàlisi de la informació de l'entorn obtinguda amb imatges en color i amb sistemes de mesura de distància làser. L'ús de sensors LIDAR i càmeres permet definir estratègies per detectar marques de referència que poden ser utilitzades en multitud d'aplicacions. En aquesta memòria es presenten els resultats obtinguts. En primer lloc es proposa una aplicació en què s'utilitza un LIDAR extern per detectar un marcador cilíndric per estimar externament la posició del robot mòbil. En la mateixa línia de treball es proposa una segona aplicació en què les marques a detectar són les cames d'una persona caminant per mesurar la forma de caminar d'una persona el que en un futur pot permetre avaluar la influència de factors externs com malalties i la ingesta d'alcohol en la forma de caminar. En tercer lloc es proposa una aplicació en què s'utilitza una càmera externa per detectar marcadors d'un color determinat. En quart lloc s'ha proposat el desenvolupament d'un nou sistema compacte amb capacitats d'adquisició i processat d'imatges amb l'objectiu de facilitar la detecció visual de marques. / En esta memoria se presentan diversos trabajos de investigación para la detección de marcas de referencia mediante el análisis de la información del entorno obtenida con imágenes en color y con sistemas de medida de distancia láser. El uso de sensores LIDAR y cámaras permite definir estrategias para detectar marcas de referencia que pueden ser utilizadas en multitud de aplicaciones. En esta memoria se presentan los resultados obtenidos. En primer lugar se propone una aplicación en la que se utiliza un LIDAR externo para detectar un marcador cilíndrico y estimar externamente la posición del robot móvil. En la misma línea de trabajo se propone una segunda aplicación en la que las marcas a detectar son las piernas de una persona caminando para medir la forma de andar de una persona lo que en un futuro puede permitir evaluar la influencia de factores externos como enfermedades y la ingesta de alcohol en la forma de andar. En tercer lugar se propone una aplicación en la que se utiliza una cámara externa para detectar marcadores de un color determinado. En cuarto lugar se ha propuesto el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema compacto con capacidades de adquisición y procesado de imágenes con el objetivo de facilitar la detección visual de marcas. / This memory introduces several research works developed to detect reference marks by analyzing environmental information obtained with colour images and laser distance measurement systems. LIDAR sensors and cameras are used to detect reference marks by defining different strategies in a wide range of applications. This memory presents the results obtained. Firstly, an application is proposed to detect external LIDAR cylindrical markers to estimate the position of a mobile robot. The second application proposed is focused on detecting the legs of a person while walking to estimate gait and trajectory parameters and to evaluate the influence of illness and moderate alcohol ingestion on gait parameters. Thirdly, an application using an external camera is proposed to detect markers of specific colours. The last application involves the development of an embedded real-time system with image acquisition and image processing capabilities to facilitate the visual detection of marks.
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Traditional Apologetics in a Postconciliar Church: From Scholasticism to Combinationalism and BeyondSiniscalchi, Glenn B. 16 April 2015 (has links)
Recognizing that Christians cannot adequately understand the mysteries of faith from a single vantage point, Catholic theologians have been keen on emphasizing the multidimensional nature of theological understanding since Vatican II. The advantage of such a method has helped believers to understand the rich, in-depth quality of Catholic faith.<br>One of the fields of theology which has not been discussed in the models approach, however, is apologetics&hibar;which includes as one of its aspects the art and science of defending the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. When all of the relevant passages in the documents of Vatican II are taken into consideration, a unique apologetical approach emerges that incorporates key advances as they emerged historically from the Church's apologists. Each of the individual apologetic systems from the past will be shown to have its own particular strengths and weaknesses. By way of contrast, I will argue that the best way to "make a defense for" the Gospel in a postconciliar church is to advance the integrated model of the Council. This integrated model of Catholic defense is called combinationalism. The interests and views of the apologists are proven to be complementary rather than competing.<br>This integrated model helps apologists and evangelists to recognize that although one approach might be needed in a certain context, it would be an egregious mistake to take that one system and use it as the exclusive means to reach persons situated within different circumstances and cultural contexts. This essay will not only exploit the different apologetic models in the post-Vatican II period, it will also serve as a serious work of apologetics in its own right by focusing on certain challenges as test cases to highlight the pertinence and livelihood of each model. / McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts; / Theology / PhD; / Dissertation;
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