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Do genérico ao gênero: as experiências masculinas como ponto de partida para o fazer teológicoEzequiel de Souza 17 August 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A presente dissertação apresenta as transformações que proporcionaram a
emergência do campo de estudos das masculinidades, resultado das
transformações ocorridas na sociedade e na academia a partir do movimento
feminista. Com o acesso das mulheres às diferentes esferas da sociedade, a
superioridade masculina foi abalada, gerando a crise do modelo de masculinidade
tradicional. As fissuras na masculinidade tradicional evidenciaram a existência de
masculinidades alternativas. Olhares sobre as masculinidades desde uma
perspectiva interdisciplinar permitem identificar três modelos de interpretação das
masculinidades. São modelos construídos a partir da perspectiva da análise e não
do conteúdo específico das pesquisas. Identificamos também três dimensões
recorrentes nas leituras. Embora sejam complementares, foram separadas a fim de
proporcionar uma visão mais detalhada sobre cada dimensão. Os estudos sobre as
masculinidades centram sua atenção nos signos sexuais da identidade masculina,
relacionando as outras dimensões ao falocentrismo e à libido dominandi. Por fim,
sistematiza o modo como a teologia tem trabalhado com as masculinidades, fim de
identificar qual o papel que a experiência ocupa no fazer teológico. / This dissertation presents the transformations which provided the rise of the study
field of manliness, result of transformations which happened in society and academy
and were started by the feminist movement. With the access of women to different
spheres of society, the masculine superiority was affected, generating the crisis of
model of traditional manliness. The fissures in traditional manliness had evidenced
the existence of alternative manliness. Glances on manliness since an
interdisciplinary perspective allow us to identify three models of interpretation of
manliness. They are models built since the analysis perspective and not since the
specific content of researches. We also identified three appealing dimensions in the
readings. Although they are complementally, they were separated in order to provide
a more detailed vision on each dimension. The studies about manliness center its
attention in sexual signs of masculine identity, relating the other dimensions to the
phallus centrism and the libido dominandi. Finally, it systematizes the way as
theology has been working with manliness, in order to identify which is the role that
the experience occupies in theological studies.
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Dracula: Demons, Victims and Heroes : A Discussion of the 21st Century Feminine Reader ResponseEasterling, Siobhan January 2012 (has links)
Dracula was written by Bram Stoker in 1897 but in this thesis I will discuss the different interpretations that can be achieved using reader response theory. More specifically how gender affects these reader responses. It is a detail analysis of how a feminine reader with a 21st century perspective can achieve different reactions to the text than that of the previous masculine and patriarchal readings that have been common in the past. This approach to Dracula has shown in more detail how the current representation of vampires in our culture has come to pass. Dracula was one of the first vampire novels, but it was by no means the last, and the current fascination with vampires is a direct result of ‘reading’ them in a feminine way. It shows how in Dracula demons, victims and heroes, with a new perspective, become tragic, misunderstood and patriarchal oppressors. Also that it is through an integration with the text itself and reading in a feminine way that we are able to see them that way.
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Masculinity, gender, and power in a Mayan-Kaqchikel community in Sololá, GuatemalaAjcalon Choy, Rigoberto 23 September 2014 (has links)
How do self-identified heterosexual Kaqchikel men in the rural areas of Sololá
attain status and power in their relationships with women? This question is explored here
by analyzing different masculine roles in various social spaces. The complexity of
masculine identity requires a meticulous analysis to assess the extent to which the
masculine role and identity has been or not a determinant factor in the social and personal
development of both women and men in the communities. This exploration also allows us
to see the different expressions of masculine identities and evaluate their current role in
society. I learned that the Kaqchikel men I interviewed find their social power and status
in part through well-established, old ideologies and belief systems, as well as their
perception of a biological superiority, which they justify by their hard work in
agricultural activities. Based on this socially constructed beliefs and practices, men
emphasize the passivity of the women and their social absence – their subordinate status
in society. However, the authority of the men is not limited to their remarkable role as
leaders and head of the households; it also encompasses pernicious acts such as domestic
violence, which is still highly prevalent in contemporary Sololá. This project also
explores these men’s perceptions about: (1) the women living in their communities, (2)
the low level of education of these women, and (3) the justice system that is still weak
and flawed. While all of these are indeed prevailing problems in the communities,
women are challenging to an extent all the practices and beliefs associated with the
authority of the men. / text
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Influence du tabagisme et des antioxydants sur la fertilité masculineBoulanger, Karine January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Spermiogenèse et infertilité masculine : étude des transcrits du gène UBA1, codant pour l'enzyme activatrice de l'ubiquitine et évaluation génétique de deux variants dans le gène PRM1 codant pour la protamine1 / Spermiogenesis and male infertility : study of transcripts from UBA1, the gene coding the ubiquitin activating enzyme, and genetic evaluation of two variants in PRM1, the gene coding protamine1Kichine, Elsa 15 July 2010 (has links)
Les gènes du chromosomeX sont majoritairement inactivés au cours de la méiose mâle. Chez la souris, seulement 6% d’entre eux sont réactivés au cours des stades post-méiotiques. Parmi eux le gène Uba1X codant pour l’enzyme activatrice de l'ubiquitine, UBA1 qui produit trois transcrits dont deux sont ubiquitaires mais le troisième prédomine dans les cellules post¬-méiotiques : les spermatides. Nos travaux montrent que les 5’UTR, seul différence entre ces trois transcrits, déterminent la localisation et la dose relative des isoformes nucléaire et cytoplasmique de la protéine UBA1. Nous avons mis en évidence chez la souris que le transcrit spermatide-spécifique code pour l'isoforme nucléaire, exprimée fortement dans les spermatides suggérant un rôle de la protéine UBA1 dans la dégradation des histones lors du remodelage chromatinien. Nous avons détecté deux mutations dans la région spermatide-spécifique du gène : une délétion de 13pb et une transition G>A, chacune portée par un patient infertile, et non retrouvée dans notre population témoin. Les analyses ont montré que la délétion de 13pb induit un épissage anormal du transcrit spermatide-spécifique et que la transition G>A pouvait réduire le taux d’expression du transcrit spermatide-spécifique. Ces mutations pourraient induire l'infertilité des deux patients. En parallèle nous avons pu démontrer que les mutations dans le gène codant pour la protamine PRM1 décrites dans la littérature c.102G>T et c.-107G>C ne sont pas liées à l'infertilité masculine et que le variant est un polymorphisme fréquemment retrouvé dans la population congolaise. / The majority of genes on the X chromosome are repressed during meiosis and only 6% of them are expressed in post meiotic germ cells. One of these genes is Ubal, encoding the ubiquitin-activating enzyme UBA1. Ubal produces three different transcripts, two of which are ubiquitously expressed while the third is predominant in the post meiotic germ cells: the spermatids. Our study shows that the 5’UTR, which is the only difference between these transcripts, determines the localization and the relative dose of the nuclear and cytoplasmic isoform of the UBA1 protein. The spermatid-specific transcript encodes for the nuclear isoform in the spermatids in the mouse suggesting that the UBA1 protein is implicated in chromatin remodeling during spermiogenesis. We have detected two mutations in the spermatid-specific region of the UBA1 gene in two infertile men: a deletion of 13bp and a G>A transition, neither of which was found in our cohort of fertile men. The deletion of 13bp diminishes the correct splicing of the spermatid-specific transcript and that the G>A transition may reduce expression of the spermatid-specific transcript. These results show that the UBA1 gene is involved in spermiogenesis, and reactivated in spermatids by its spermatid-specific transcript and that the mutations identified may induce infertility by reducing UBA1 levels in spermatids. We have also demonstrated that two variants described in the protamine codant gene PRM1C.102G>T and c.-107G>C are clearly not associated with male infertility and that the c.-107G>C is polymorphism frequently found in the congolese population.
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Gender relations, masculinities and the Fire Service : a qualitative study of firefighters' constructions of masculinity during firefighting and in their social relations of workBaigent, Dave January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative study of firefighters, and focuses on how firefighters, a predominantly male, white and able-bodied group with popular public support, form tight knit teams on and off the fireground, and their motivations for so doing. It is also a study of gender, which aims to describe and deconstruct masculinity. In part the thesis was undertaken with a view to assisting the fire service (specifically the few women who are firefighters) with its difficulties in relation to equal opportunities. One understanding the thesis provides is that firefighters bond around a common professional ethos: to provide an efficient service to help the public. To achieve this, firefighters form informal hierarchies through which they create protocols for firefighting, thus setting the standards for what comprises a ‘good firefighter’: a label firefighters test themselves against when they ‘get in’ to fight a fire. However, before firefighters can achieve this they must first access the skills of firefighting (which experienced firefighters are pleased to hand on), but only after a newcomer ‘fits in’ with the agendas of the informal hierarchy, some of which have little to do with firefighting. However, there is a second view, and this suggests that ‘fitting in’ and ‘getting in’ to pass the test of being seen as a ‘good firefighter’ also coincides with the way firefighters form their masculinity. This then provides a second common cause amongst firefighters, and so might explain why firefighters gather so successfully under the umbrella of their union to resist their officers’ attempts to deskill and cut the fire service. Cuts would limit firefighters’ ability both to fight fires as they currently do and to pass the test of being a ‘good firefighter’. Thus blocking a third central but unacknowledged element: that of masculinity. This analysis involves a discussion of class, and recognition that antagonistic relations between officers and firefighters are not only economic, but are also about petty dividends involving power, status and gender construction. The conclusion provides a comprehensive overview to suggest that firefighters form their masculinity by acting at work in the way they subjectively judge that they are seen, by themselves, their peer group and the public. In so doing, they set themselves apart from the ‘others’ who cannot meet their expectations. It is these ‘special people’, as identified by both firefighters and others that this thesis has studied, a group of ‘special’ men and women.
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Ser homem de 45 a 55 anos na relação heterossexual: da ruptura do silêncio a reflexões de paradigmas / To be a 45- to 55-year-old man in a heterosexual relationship: From rupture of the silence to reflections on paradigms.Marrega, Maria Fernanda 16 December 2005 (has links)
MARREGA, M. F Ser homem de 45 a 55 anos na relação heterossexual: da ruptura do silêncio a reflexões de paradigmas. 2005. 319 p. Dissertação. FFCLRP- Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2005. Resumo A heterossexualidade se apresenta como padrão de sexualidade instituído como norma sexual adequada, portanto pouco investigado. A definição de homem como chefe do lar, forte, inatingível emocionalmente, consiste na oposição da idéia do conceito do que é ser mulher, considerada sensível, frágil e passiva. Esse conceito patriarcal possui como paradigma uma definição clara de papéis de gênero, sendo legitimado pela divisão social de trabalho, na qual os homens situam-se na esfera pública da sociedade, provendo materialmente a família, enquanto as mulheres são aptas à esfera privada, zelando pelo lar e pelos filhos. Entretanto, as conquistas sexuais das mulheres e sua inserção no mercado de trabalho, ocasionaram mudanças nesse cenário. Isso juntamente com as conquistas dos homossexuais e transexuais desencadeou mudanças significativas nos papéis de gênero e na estrutura familiar. Assim, essa pesquisa visa compreender como homens de meia-idade que se autodenominam heterossexuais vivenciam e significam suas experiências afetivas e sexuais, no decorrer de suas histórias. Centramos nossa atenção ao fenômeno: O que é a heterossexualidade? Entrevistamos 6 homens entre 45 e 55 anos, utilizamos a técnica de entrevista compreensiva gravada, norteada pela questão: Na sua história de vida, da infância até os dias atuais, como você foi se percebendo heterossexual e como isso tem sido?". A metodologia fenomenológica foi utilizada para a obtenção dos relatos dos colaboradores, por meio da entrevista fenomenológica compreensiva. Os depoimentos foram analisados pela perspectiva psicanalítica e pela análise histórico sociológica. A heterossexualidade é descrita pela maioria dos colaboradores como sendo algo que brota do íntimo de forma natural e que se confirma por meio da intensa atividade sexual com as mulheres, assim como define-se também por oposição à identificação com o feminino e à possível inclinação homossexual. Esse modelo patriarcal do homem de verdade", gera fortes características narcísicas na estrutura da identidade masculina, que se expressam intensamente na adolescência, dificultando a relação de troca afetiva na vida adulta. Sexo e afetividade são vividos de modo cindido, visto que o primeiro é vivido com mulheres com quem não se deve viver envolvimento e compromisso. O compromisso amoroso deve ser assumido com mulheres de família. As relações adultas são marcadas, assim, pelos esteriótipos dos papéis de gênero. Esse formato de relacionamento amoroso é questionado e refletido por alguns dos colaboradores na meia-idade, visto que dificulta a satisfação e a sensação de autenticidade na relação amorosa. Os padrões onipotentes e viris da ideologia patriarcal heterossexual são questionados pela maioria dos colaboradores, uma vez que não satisfazem mais a necessidade afetiva e sexual desses homens na meia-idade. Alguns colaboradores, entretanto realizam uma adaptação desses valores em um novo formato para se adequar às mudanças que o tempo impôs em seus relacionamentos. A busca por uma maior autenticidade na relação amorosa ocasionou na história de alguns colaboradores o abandono dos esteriótipos ligados aos papéis de gênero, assim como em relação ao formato burguês da família moderna, constituindo relacionamentos e grupos familiares diferentes do padrão da sociedade Moderna. Outros colaboradores permaneceram inseridos nesse padrão tradicional. Essa heterogeneidade, caracterizada pela mescla entre a pluralidade de modelos e o tradicional nos relacionamentos, configura o contexto da hipermodernidade, no qual essas vivências estão inseridas. Palavras Chave: heterossexualidade, masculino, Fenomenologia, Psicanálise / MARREGA, M. F To be a 45- to 55-year-old man in a heterosexual relationship: From rupture of the silence to reflections on paradigms. 2005. 319 p. Dissertação Mestrado - FFCLRP- Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2005. Abstract Heterosexuality is presented as a pattern of sexuality established as the sexual norm however, it has been studied little. The definition of the man as the head of the household, strong, emotionally unaffected, consists of the opposing concept of being a woman, considered sensitive, fragile and passive. This patriarchal concept has as a paradigm a clear definition of the roles of gender, which has been legitimized by the social division of work, in which men place themselves in the public sphere of society, materially providing for the family, whilst the women are apt for the private sphere, taking care of the home and the children. However, the sexual achievements of women and their inclusion in the labor market, has caused changes in this scenario. This, together with the conquests of homosexuals and transsexuals triggered significant changes in the roles of gender and the familial structure. Thus, this research aims at understanding how middle-aged men who consider themselves heterosexual, experienced and denoted their affective and sexual experiences over their lives. We focused our attention on the phenomenon: What is heterosexuality? Six men between the ages of 45 and 55 were interviewed utilizing the technique of recorded comprehensive interviews directed by the question: In your life story, from childhood to nowadays, how did you perceive you were heterosexual and how has this been?" The phenomenologic methodology was utilized to obtain the reports of the collaborators, by comprehensive phenomenologic interviews. The interviews were analyzed from the psychoanalytical point of view and by analyzing the sociological history. Heterosexuality is described by most of the collaborators as being something that naturally emerges from the within and which is confirmed by intense sexual activity with women, thus it is also defined as opposed to the identification with femininity and the possible homosexual inclination. This patriarchal model of a true man" creates strong narcissist characteristics in the structure of the masculine identity, which are intensely expressed in the adolescence, making the relationship of affective exchange difficult in the adulthood. Sex and affectivity are lived independently, as the first is lived with women with whom you should not become involved and compromised. Loving involvement should be adopted by women of families. Adult relationships are thus, marked by stereotypes of roles of gender. This format of loving relationships is questioned and reflected upon by some of the middle-aged collaborators, as it makes satisfaction and the sensation of authenticity in the loving relationship difficult. The omnipotent and viripotent patterns of the heterosexual patriarchal ideology are questioned by the majority of the collaborators, as they do not satisfy the affective and sexual necessities of these middle-aged men anymore. Some collaborators however, manage to transform these values into another format to adapt to the changes that time has imposed on their relationships. The pursuit of a greater authenticity in the loving relationship caused some collaborators to abandon the stereotypes linked to the roles of gender, as well as the bourgeois format of the modern family, constituting relationships and family groups different to the norms of the modern society. Other collaborators remain part of this traditional pattern. This heterogeneity, characterized by a plurality of models including the traditional in relationships, configures the context of hypermodernity in which these existences are inserted. Key words: heterosexuality, masculine, phenomenology, psychoanalysis
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He-God, the Punisher: Masculine Images of God as the Strongest Religious Predictor of PunitivenessBaker, Joseph O., Whitehead, Andrew 27 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Une Analyse de la Vertu dans Trois Tragédies Historiques de Pierre CorneilleSaad-Delgado, Mariela 01 November 2018 (has links)
Theologians, philosophers, moralists, artists, men and women of letters of the seventeenth century were interested in the notion of "virtue" and the place it should occupy in the education of children and in the life of adults. Because of this interest, literary genres of this period, and more specifically plays, provide us with many references of the word "virtue".
This concept is presented as one of the essential characteristics to be found in a hero and a heroine. However, "virtue" is not a constant concept, for its meaning is determined by the socio-political context, the author's philosophy, and the gender of the person to whom it is attributed. Thus, through the lens of the moral discourse and in a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective we will analyze the different nuances of "virtue" in three plays by Pierre Corneille: Horace, Cinna and Polyeucte. The selection of these three historical pieces was based on the attention paid to the subject of "virtue" by Pierre Corneille. Through this analysis we will highlight the various interpretations of the concept of virtue with regard to the gender of the character in question. In addition, we will identify the advances made (voluntarily or not) by Pierre Corneille regarding the virtue of the woman and its approximation to that of the man.
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A comparative study of young and mid-life males' experiences and perceptions of a dominant model of masculinityCrawford, David, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Teaching and Educational Studies January 2001 (has links)
Academic sociology identifies a dominant form of masculinity said to be the measure by which all men are judged. Called hegemonic or patriachal masculinity, it is seen as a form of masculinity with personal and social dimensions. In similar fashion, popular writings identify the traditional male heroic image as the cultural model of masculinity. This study explores the impact of such a dominant model of masculinity as factors in how boys and young males learn to be a man. The research looks at the lives of 13 males aged in their early 20s and around 40 years of age, utilising life-course theory and a social-psychological perspective. It compares and contrasts the experiences and perceptions of these young and mid-life males, with regard to the dominant social model of masculinity. The study seeks to assess the significance of the dominant cultural model of masculinity, as a model for what it means to be a man, for males at different stages of their life course. The dominant model of masculinity appears as a rather one dimensional model, a mainly tough, brave and physical image. During adolescence popular culture was the major influence upon their ideas and perceptions of masculinity. This influence came via their interest and participation in sport, the masculine cultural ideal enforced by their peers, and popular media images. the traditional model of masculinity can be seen to be a heroic form of masculinity with emphasis upon power, competition, success and glory. Traditional or patriarchal masculinity, called more simply heroic masculinity, emerges as a potent influence for both the young and mid-life males in terms of values, behaviours and practice. Traditional masculinity emerges as an influence they barely recognise; and possibly a factor in the limited emotional repertoire and guardedness that mid-life males exhibit. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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