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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The meat industry : a Namibian case study

Dakwa, Tinoonga 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Livestock production forms a significant part of the agricultural activities in Namibia. This study is an analysis of the red meat (beef and mutton) supply chain in the country, south of the Veterinary Cordon Fence. The supply chain from production of animals on the farms through processing to placing of meat on the market is analyzed. The red meat supply chain is split into three sectors for the purpose of the study. The three sectors are the supply sector involved in the production of animals on the farms, the processing sector involved with the slaughtering and value addition on the livestock products and the demand sector that is involved in the placing on the market of the livestock and livestock products. Each of the sectors is then analyzed as an entity. The three tools that are used to analyze the sectors are: a) The market competitiveness done using the Porter’s 5 force analysis; b) The SWOT analysis for determination of intrinsic and extrinsic environments of the respective sectors and c) Trend review of the activity in each sector for the years 2000-2005. The aim of the analysis is to create a deeper insight into the forces and the impact these forces are having on the meat supply chain. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Veeboerdery vorm ‘n vername deel van landbou-aktiwiteite in Namibië. Hierdie navorsingsverslag is ’n analise van die rooivleis (bees en skaap) leweringsketting in die land suid van die veeartsafbakeningsheining. Die studie ondersoek die leweringsketting van produksie van vee op plase tot by die plaas van vleis op die markte. Die rooivleis leweringsketting is, vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie, in drie dele verdeel. Hierdie drie dele is die lewerings-sektor wat verantwoordelik is vir die produksie van vee op die plase, die prosesserings-sektor wat verantwoordelik is vir die slag en waardetoevoeging tot die vee-produkte, en die vraag-sektor wat verantwoordelik is vir die plasing van vee en vee-produkte op die mark. Elk van hierdie sektore word ontleed as ’n entiteit. Die drie instrumente wat gebruik word om die sektore te analiseeer is: a) Die markkompeterendheid word gedoen aand die hand van Porter se 5 kragte analise; b) Die “SWOT” analise vir die bepaling van die intrinsieke en ekstrinsieke omgewings van die onderskeie sektore, en c) Tendens oorsig van die aktiwiteite in elke sektor vir die jare 2000-2005. Die doel van die analises is om dieper insig te skep van die kragte en die impak wat hierdie kragte het op die vleis leweringsketting.

Jungle Redux: Meat Industry Reform in the Progressive Era and Contemporary Applications

Davis, Molly C. 02 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Production control systems for beef processing plants

Lawrence, Albert Earle. January 1979 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1979 L39 / Master of Science

Energy comparison of hot and cold beef processing

Nason, Peggy Gilliam. January 1979 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1979 N368 / Master of Science

The ostrich as meat animal : anatomical and muscle characteristics

Mellett, F. D. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Animal Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 1985. / The domestication of ostriches and commercial ostrich breeding has a long and interesting history. Orstriches were successfully domesticated in Algeria during 1857 and also successfully bred in Italy during 1859. In South Africa the domestication of wild ostriches started in the Cape Colony with 80 tame birds during 1865. This number increased to 32 247 birds within ten years (De Mosenthal, 1877). Ostrich farming reached a peak during 1913 with 757 000 birds (De Jager, 1985, personal communication). Currently (1985) there are approximately 120 000 domesticated ostriches in South Africa. The commercial production of ostrich meat started in 1958 and the first abattoir was built in 1964. At the present moment 85 000 birds are slaughtered anually. Although the income from the carcass of a 14 month old ostrich comprise only 15% of the total income of a 14 month old bird (With the hide comprising 65% and, the first harvest feathers 20%), the subjects of carcass characteristics and meat quality has long been neglected. Very little is known about the anatomy of the skeleton and muscles of the ostrich, the post mortem reactions of these muscles and the effects of different slaughtering, chilling and deboning practices. The necessity of the above mentioned have proved very usefull in the beef, sheep, pork and poultry industries. With this present study we described the essential skeletal and muscular anatomy and included well known practices to the meat industry, such as electrical stimulation of the carcasses, post mortem pH monotoring of certain muscles, different deboning practices and vacuum packed ageing of selected cuts of ostrich meat. The obtained results are in agreement with general meat science, with expected inter-species variation, e.g. where the final pH-values of pork is relatively low at approximately 5,5; that of beef is higher at 5,7 and ostrich meat even higher at 6,0. Certain other fields of essential research are pointed out in this study, such as the growth and development of the ostrich, as well as certain basic biochemical research on the meat of the ostrich.

Establishing genetic and environmental parameters for ostrich (Struthio camelus domesticus) growth and slaughter characteristics

Engelbrecht, Anel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The ostrich industry is a predominantly quantitative industry; focused mainly on the production of large numbers of slaughter birds for maximum meat and leather yield. Competing in the international market in the current economic environment necessitates a more qualitative approach. Productivity and product quality are aspects that need to be improved in order to stay competitive and economically viable. Genetic parameters for ostrich slaughter traits are lacking, however, and breeding programs are yet to be developed. Data on quantitative and qualitative production and slaughter traits from a commercial ostrich breeding flock was consequently analysed to establish the relative importance of genetic and non-genetic influences on these traits. Genetic and environmental (co)variances as well as estimates of heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated for and among the various traits using standard software for multi-trait genetic analyses. Substantial variation, high and favourable genetic correlations as well as moderate to high heritability estimates were found among, and for distinguished body weight traits of growing ostriches. Heritability estimates of 0.14, 0.22, 0.33, 0.43 and 0.43 for 1-month, 4-month, 7-month, 10-month and 13-month-old ostrich weights were estimated in a five-trait animal model analysis. All carcass component weight traits, with the exception of the weight of the liver, showed significant genetic variation. No significant maternal permanent environmental variance was evident for these traits. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.21 (for subcutaneous fat weight) to 0.45 (for neck weight) in multi-trait analyses. The only potentially unfavourable correlation was a high genetic correlation between live weight and subcutaneous fat weight, as fat is considered as a waste product in the present system. The heritability estimates for individual muscle weights ranged from 0.14 to 0.43, while the genetic correlation between these weights and pre-slaughter live weight were all positive, ranging from 0.59 to 0.82. When meat quality traits were analysed it was evident that lightness (L*) and ultimate pH (pHu) showed significant genetic variation, with heritability estimates of 0.37 and 0.42, respectively. L* and pHu were negatively correlated (-0.65 ± 0.19). Since pH is an indicator of various meat quality parameters, it could be considered as an appropriate selection criterion for enhanced meat quality. With the exception of skin grading and crown length, all quantitative and qualitative skin traits showed significant genetic variation. Nodule traits were accordingly moderate to highly heritable. A negative, but favourable, correlation between weight and hair follicle score was ascertained, as hair follicles is a defect that should be selected against. This study demonstrated that sufficient genetic variation exists for most slaughter traits to allow sustained genetic progress for these traits, should it be desired as part of the overall selection objective. Combining some of the current economically important slaughter traits in a provisional selection index, it was clear that weight and crust skin size contributed most to monetary gain (approximately 54 and 38%, respectively). It was also demonstrated with this simple index that monetary gains in slaughter bird production should be easy to achieve at all levels of production performance and data recording. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volstruisbedryf is hoofsaaklik ‘n kwantitatiewe bedryf wat meerendeels fokus op die produksie van groot getalle slagvolstruise vir die produksie van vleis en leer. Siende dat die bedryf hoofsaaklik op uitvoere fokus, word aanvaar dat ‘n verandering in strategie na ‘n meer kwalitatiewe benadering nodig is, in ag geneem die huidige ekonomiese situasie en marktoestande. Produktiwiteit sowel as produkgehalte moet in ag geneem word vir die bedryf om lewensvatbaar te bly. Daar is egter ‘n gebrek aan genetiese parameters vir volstruisslageienskappe, terwyl doeltreffende teeltstelsels nog ontwikkel moet word. Data van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe produksie- en slageienskappe is gevolglik van ‘n kommersiële volstruis teeltkudde verkry en ontleed om die relatiewe belang van genetiese en nie-genetiese effekte op die eienskappe te kwantifiseer. Genetiese- en omgewings (ko)variansies, asook beramings van oorerflikheid sowel as genetiese en fenotipiese korrelasies, is vervolgens vir en tussen die onderskeie eienskappe beraam deur van standaard sagteware vir veelvuldige-eienskap genetiese ontledings gebruik te maak. Aansienlike variasie, hoë en meestal gunstige korrelasies, sowel as matige tot hoë oorerflikhede, is tussen en vir die onderskeie ligaamsgewigte van groeiende volstruise gevind. Oorerflikheidsberamings van 0.14, 0.22, 0.33, 0.43 en 0.43 is vir 1-maand, 4-maande, 7-maande, 10-maande en 13-maande-oue volstruise in ‘n vyf-eienskap dieremodel ontleding gekry. Alle karkaskomponentgewigte, met die uitsondering van die gewig van die lewer, het betekenisvolle genetiese variasie getoon. Oorerflikheidsberamings het tussen 0.21 (vir onderhuidse vetgewig) en 0.45 (vir nekgewig) gevarieer in veelvuldige-eienskapontledings. Die enigste moontlike ongunstige korrelasie was tussen liggaamsgewig en onderhuidse vetgewig, siende dat vet as ‘n afvalproduk gereken word in die huidige stelsel. Die oorerflikhede van die gewigte van indiwiduele spiere het van 0.14 tot 0.43 gevarieer, terwyl die genetiese korrelsies tussen hierdie gewigte en voorslaggewig deurgaans positief was, met waardes wat van 0.59 tot 0.82 gewissel het. Tydens die ontleding van vleisgehalte eienskappe was dit duidelik dat ligtheid (L*) en uiteindelike pH (pHu) genetiese variasie getoon het, met oorerflikheidsberamings van onderskeidelik 0.37 en 0.42. L* en pHu was negatief gekorreleerd op die genetiese vlak (-0.65 ± 0.19). Aangesien pH ‘n aanduiding is van verskeie vleisgehalteparameters, kan dit moontlik as ‘n indirekte seleksie-kriterium vir verbeterde vleisgehalte gesien word. Alle kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe veleienskappe het genetiese variasie getoon, met die uitsondering van velgradering en kroonlengte. Knoppie-eienskappe van die veerfollikels op die vel was ooreenstemmend matig tot hoog oorerflik. ‘n Negatiewe, maar gunstige, genetiese korrelasie is tussen liggaamsgewig en haarfollikelpunt beraam, siende dat haarfollikels ‘n defek is waarteen daar geselekteer moet word. Hierdie studie dui op voldoende genetiese variasie vir die meeste slageienskappe om voldoende genetiese vordering te verseker indien dit verlang sou word. Somminge van hierdie eienskappe wat tans van ekonomiese belang is, is vervolgens in ‘n voorlopige seleksie-indeks gekombineer. Dit was duidelik dat liggaamsgewig en velgrootte die meeste tot monetêre vordering bygedra het (onderskeidelik ongeveer 54 en 38%). Dit is vervolgens aangetoon dat monetêre vordering maklik haalbaar behoort te wees op alle vlakke van produksieprestasie en data-aantekening.

Estratégias corporativas da indústria de frangos: Um estudo exploratório / Corporate strategies in poultry meat industry: an explorer study

Paulo Roberto Maia 30 April 2008 (has links)
A indústria de frangos brasileira, representa um importante gerador de divisas e empregos, e tem-se destacado no cenário internacional altamente competitivo, e com fortes barreiras de entrada, sejam elas de natureza econômica, sanitárias, ou econômicas disfarçadas por uma justificativa sanitária. O excelente desempenho do setor, justifica-se pelos diversos fatores, sejam eles de natureza econômica, geográfica, e pela competência das principais empresas do setor. Neste sentido, é que o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as principais estratégias adotadas pelas duas maiores empresas brasileiras exportadoras de carne de frango, líderes no setor. Após análise de diversos relatórios setoriais, materiais institucionais das próprias empresas, e consultas à diversos artigos sobre o setor, realizou-se um breve questionário com o objetivo de identificar as principais estratégias destas empresas, além de possíveis ferramentas de análise estratégica utilizadas. Verificou-se que as estratégias gerais das empresas baseiam-se na diversificação de produtos para atender a novos mercados. Para isso torna-se necessário o investimento em inovação, como objetivo de desenvolvimento de produtos de maior valor agregado. Além disso somente uma das empresas analisadas utiliza-se de ferramentas formais de análise estratégica, mais conhecidas pela literatura acadêmica. / The Brazilian poultry meat industry represents an important exchange value and employments maker, and has been detached it in the international market, high competitive, and with strong entry barriers, being them from economics nature, sanitary, or economics disguised by one sanitary justification. The sector excellent performance, justifies it for the different factors being from economic nature, geographic nature, and for the competence of mayor industry companies. In this sense, the present study has the objective to analysis the main strategies adopted by the big two poultry meat Brazilian exporters companies, leaders in industry. After to analysis various industry reports, institutional material of the companies, and consulting different articles about the industry, a brief questioner was prepared, with the intend to identify the main strategies of this companies, besides possible strategies analysis tools used. Find out that the companies general strategies, relies in the products diversification to attend new markets. For that, it makes necessary investment in innovation, with the objective to develop products with high aggregate value. Besides, only one of the companies analyzed, uses strategic analysis formal tools, most known in the academic literature.

A internacionalização das empresas brasileiras: o BNDES e o incentivo aos grupos JBS e MARFRIG / The internationalization of brazilian companies: BNDES and the incentive to JBS and MARFRIG groups

Oliveira, Alessandro Francisco Trindade de 20 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:30:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Alessandro_Oliveira.pdf: 2368243 bytes, checksum: d997bc9cd7960c4c255bffe22e718e4b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the 2000s we observed that Brazilian investments abroad had a substantial increase in relation to other periods, and happen by several reasons that allowed a favorable condition both internally and externally. The Geograph in its genesis is concerned to analyze some of the spaces transformation factors, so our concern was also focused on the discussion of how Brazilian companies established abroad would be part of a change in the economic o and political order in the period. Seeking to preliminary information respecting national companies investing abroad, we find that the meat industry was highlighted with two large multinationals in the industry: JBS and Marfrig Group. From this we understand what strategies these groups looking for international expansion. We found that in addition to entrepreneurship, both had broad access to public funding from the BNDES and internal and external conditions favorable. Thus we see that the formation of large Brazilian multinationals is still an ongoing process, but already represents a small change to the national business dynamics, acting similarly to other countries, especially when we analyze the current processes in other emerging and developed nations. / Nos anos 2000 observamos que os Investimentos Brasileiros no Exterior tiveram um aumento substancial em relação à outros períodos, e isso se deu por vários motivos que permitiram uma condição favorável tanto internamente quanto externamente. A Geografia desde sua gênese tem a preocupação de analisar alguns fatores de transformação dos espaços, logo, nossa preocupação também está centrada na discussão de como as empresas brasileiras instaladas no exterior fariam parte de uma alteração da ordem econômica e política vigente no período. Buscando informações preliminares à respeito das empresas nacionais que investem no exterior, verificamos que o setor frigorífico tinha destaque com duas grandes multinacionais no ramo: o grupo JBS e o Marfrig. A partir disso buscamos compreender quais estratégias esses grupos buscavam para a expansão internacional. Verificamos que além da capacidade empreendedora, ambos tiveram amplo acesso à financiamentos públicos, junto ao BNDES e condições internas e externas favoráveis. Assim percebemos que a formação de grandes multinacionais brasileiras ainda é um processo em curso, mas que já representa uma pequena alteração em relação à dinâmica empresarial nacional, atuando de forma semelhante à outros países, principalmente quando analisamos os processos correntes nas demais nações emergentes e desenvolvidas.

An investigation into the Australian duck industry with particular reference to the energy and amino acid requirements of commercially farmed Australian pekin ducks (Anas Platyrhynchos)

Sell, Cameron W., University of Western Sydney, College of Science, Technology and Environment, School of Environment and Agriculture January 2003 (has links)
Limited published data exists on the Australian duck industry, particularly in relation to the nutritional requirements of the commercial duck (Anas Platyrhynchos). A series of seven experiments was designed to determine whether current nutritional recommendations for energy, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan were sufficient to optimise growth, feed efficiency, and carcass characteristics of the duck. The ability of the duck to perform diet self selection was then examined for its potential use in the Australian industry. The outcome of the diet self selection experiments showed that ducks sometimes self select diets when offered choices from four diets differing in nutrient density. A key outcome of this research was the development of a revised set of nutrient specifications designed to maximise the performance of the Australian commercially grown duck. These proposed specifications could be economically beneficial to the expanding Australian duck industry / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The availability of energy in meat and bone meal and poultry by-product meal in poultry rations /

Robbins, David Howard. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2003. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 59-78). Also available on the Internet.

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